CPT-94jP.3106 Mannheimer Manuskripte 181 November 1994 A generalized Lichnerowicz formula, the Wodzicki Residue anti Gravity I \ Thomas Ackermann 1 and Jürgen \Tolksdorf2 * 1 Fakultät für Mathematik & Informatik, uJrersität Mannheim D-68159 Mannheim, F.R.G 2 Centre de Physique Theorique, CNRS :u.,uminy, Case 907 F-13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France Abstract. We prove a generalized version of the well-known Lichnerowicz formula for the square of_the most general Dirac operator D on hn even-dimensional spin manifold associated to a met~c connection V. We use \thiS form~a to compute 2 the subleading term <I>1(x,x,D2) of the heat-kernel expfl'nsion of D . The trace of this term plays a key-röle in the definitio,n of a (euclidian) gravity action in the context of non-commutative geometry. We show that tlLs gravity action can be interpreted as defining a modified euclidian Einstein-Cattan theory. Keywords: non-commuiaiive geomeiry, Lichnerowicz formula, Dirae operaior, heai-kernel- expansion, Wodzicki residue, graviiy 1 e-mail:
[email protected] 2 e-mail:
[email protected] ERB 401GT 930224 * Supported by the European Community, contract .~~. Zugangsnummer: ~ S~ \ ~ ~ Signatur: UNIVEnS!T/"T ~./i/J..NNHEIM BibI. cL rsi~.f. Mathematik u. Informatik 1. Introduction . \ When attempting to quantize the electron in 1928, Dirac introduced a first-order operator the square of which is the so-called wav~-operator (d' Alembertian oper- ator). Lateron, in the hands of mathematicians keneralizations of this operator, called 'Dirac operators' - evolved into an importaht tool of modern mathematics, occuring for example in index theory, gauge theodl' geometric quantisation etc.