Troop 243 Honors Two Departing Leaders
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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2013 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Troop 243 honors two departing leaders BY ERIN PLUMMER Last Wednesday eve- an adult leader in scout- [email protected] ning, past and present ing for 43 years; serving They have given a com- members of Troop 243 gath- 32 years in Troop 243, 28 of bined 69 years to the ser- ered at the Gilford Com- which has been spent as a vice of Scouting, and now munity Church for a Court scoutmaster. Carl Gebhardt and Gary of Honor. The troop then Gebhardt received his Doucette are stepping down honored Scoutmaster Carl Eagle Scout Award in 1956 from their leadership po- Gebhardt and Adult Lead- in a troop in Washington, sitions at Boy Scout Troop er Gary Doucette, both of N.J. From 1970 to 1975, he 243. whom will step down from served as a scoutmaster for The two were recently their positions after a com- a troop in Doniphan, Mis- given surprise recognitions bined 69 combined years of souri, in 1976 he became an from the troop during what service to scouting put in active member as a parent they thought would be a between the two of them. in a troop in Cadillac, Mich. standard Court of Honor. Carl Gebhardt has been He first joined Troop 243 in 1981 and served as an Assistant Scoutmaster. In Holiday makes for 1985, he began his service as scoutmaster. Gary Doucette has been early deadlines an adult leader in scouting for 26 years, 19 of which he MEREDITH — The of- noon. has spent in Gilford. fices of the Gilford Steam- Requests for display He received his Eagle ERIN PLUMMER er, located at 5 Water advertising in the B Scout Award in 1965 in Departing scout leaders Gary Doucette and Carl Gebhardt receive honors from Troop 243 adult leaders St. in Meredith, will be section of the Steamer Troop 145 in Franklin. Bill Klubben and Brian Roper. closed Thursday, Nov. 28 (Sports and Classifieds) Starting in 1987, he served in observance of Thanks- are welcome by phone as the adult leader for Cub duties. Gebhardt have sons who said incoming Scoutmaster giving. at 279-4516, ext. 120 until Scout Pack 243. Since 1994, During Gebhardt’s time have achieved the rank of Kurt Webber. In order to give our this afternoon (Thurs- he has been an adult lead- as scoutmaster, the troop as Eagle Scout. Both Doucette and Geb- staff an opportunity to day, Nov. 21) at 3 p.m. er in Troop 243, acting as produced 30 Eagle Scouts; “It’s going to be a real hardt were given their own spend the holiday with Requests for display ads Troop Committee Chair, during Doucette’s time the sea change in the next few prints of Boy Scout-themed their families, next in the A section should Treasurer, Training Coor- troop has produced 23 Ea- months when Carl and paintings done by Norman week’s edition of the be submitted by Friday, dinator, and many other gle Scouts. Doucette and Gary aren’t here anymore,” SEE TROOP PAGE A10 Steamer will be pub- Nov. 22 at 3 p.m. lished a day earlier than The submission dead- usual, on Wednesday, line for any press releas- Nov. 27. es, letters to the editor, Committee engaged in annual budget review To ensure that the pub- and obituaries intended BY ERIN PLUMMER posed 2014 budget to the lars also has a seven cent will come from the surplus lication of next week’s for publication in next [email protected] Budget Committee. The increase on the tax rate. fund balance and not from edition runs smoothly week’s edition of the The preliminary bud- overall gross budget was The budget includes a taxation. despite the change in our Steamer will be Friday, get process is underway in proposed at $13,099,643, an three percent merit pay in- One article will approve usual schedule, all dead- Nov. 22 at 4 p.m. Any sub- Gilford as the Budget Com- increase of $253,829, or 2.5 crease for all town employ- the raising and appropriat- lines for advertising and missions not of an urgent mittee reviews the town’s percent, over last year. ees, including department ing of $266,500 for the pur- editorial content have nature received after 4 proposed budget of over $13 Hayes said the town managers. chase of a dump truck and been moved up 24 hours p.m. tomorrow afternoon million. valuation increased by Assessing will be up a heavy-duty pickup truck from where they would will be held for publica- The Budget Committee’s 0.75 percent. Another fac- $16,000 for a state mandat- for the DPW. ordinarily fall. tion on Dec. 5. discussions kicked off on tor was that capital outlay ed mini reevaluation in the Another will put $50,000 The submission dead- The staff of the Gilford Oct. 3 with a presentation spending had to be funded coming year. There will toward the rehabilitation line for classified ads, Steamer would like to of the overall town budget. with surplus fund balance also be a moderate increase of the fire department’s which can be placed by wish our readers a very During the Oct. 3 meet- authorized at town meet- in Mainstay Technology’s Engine 2, a job that will be calling 1-877-766-6891, safe and happy Thanks- ing, Selectman Kevin ing. Every $100,000 to be contract and a recommen- done through the DPW. will be Friday, Nov. 22 at giving. Hayes presented the pro- appropriated from tax dol- dation for digitizing soft- “I think the DPW did a ware. wonderful job on Engine 4; Based on estimates, in- I’m very happy that their surance is anticipated to planning on using the DPW Gilford School budget increase six percent. garage in the off season for The Department of Pub- this as well,” said commit- lic Works will reestablish tee member Kevin Lean- has projected 2.8 percent increase the operations manager. dro. This will be done in antic- The purchase of a new BY ERIN PLUMMER Hemingway released his $23,558,379, an increase of will see the first year of a ipation of the retirement ambulance will be on the [email protected] proposed budget at the $566,304, or 2.47 percent, three year contract with of Public Works Director warrant in an article to The Gilford School end of October. The school from last year. the Gilford Education Asso- Sheldon Morgan. raise and appropriate Board has moved for- board accepted the pro- Both the Federal Proj- ciation costing the district There are also a pro- $59,000 for that purpose. ward a proposed budget of posed budget for the 2014- ects Fund and the Food Ser- $111,798 in the first year. posed $1,213,000 in im- The total estimated cost for $24,774,008, an increase of 2015 school year during its vice Fund are projected for This takes the overall provements to the police the ambulance is $220,000; around 2.8 percent mostly meeting on Nov. 4. decreases of $1,722 and $542 total of the Superinten- department, which will the remaining $161,000 will due to repair needs. The proposed gener- respectively. dent’s proposed budget to be bonded. The bond pay- come from the Ambulance Superintendent Kent al fund school budget is In addition, the district $24,774008, an increase of ment will be approximate- Service Revolving Fund. $675,636, or 2.81 percent, ly $90,000, however the There is also an article from last year. debt payments for the Vil- for $50,000 for improve- Hemingway said the fig- lage Sewer Project and the ments to the fire station. ures include a number of Lakes Business Park will The articles include put- maintenance projects that retire this year. As a result, ting aside money into var- will need to be addressed the new bond for the police ious capital reserve funds. this year. Hemingway em- department will likely have These include $58,000 to the phasized that the district no tax impact. The police Lakes Business Park cap- has had a budget below a department will also pur- ital reserve fund, $50,000 zero percent increase for sue Homeland Security into the Fire Equipment the past two years. This grants. The police depart- fund, $20,000 for the Build- year the district has some ment improvements will be ing Repair fund, and $10,000 capital items that cannot a separate warrant article. each for the Glendale Boat be held off for much longer. During the committee’s and Launch Ramp, Water The highest priority is meeting on Thiursday, Lt. Supply Maintenance, Sew- installing a new telephone James Leach said he could er Maintenance, and Facili- system at a cost of $200,000. arrange tours through the ties Maintenance funds. A number of maintenance police space for budget A capital reserve fund projects have also been pro- committee members. He will be established for the posed for all three schools said a presentation on the purposes of constructing a as well as a $5,000 door pan- project will also be made sand pile cover at the pub- el project at the Meadows during the deliberative ses- lic works department, the property. All of the pro- sion. The matter will be dis- article also calls for the posed projects carry a price cussed again by the Budget raising and appropriation tag of $478,806. Committee on Jan. 9. of $20,000 to be placed in ERIN PLUMMER The budget will also in- The police department this fund.