Final Report Main Report-1 Road Network Development
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT & JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATION AGENCY SULTANATE OF OMAN FINALFINAL REPORTREPORT MAINMAIN RREPORT-1EPORT-1 ROADROAD NETWORKNETWORK DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT PLANPLAN MARCHMARCH 20052005 PREFACE In response to a request from the Sultanate State of Oman, the Government of Japan decided to conduct the Study on Road Network Development and entrusted the project to Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). JICA selected and dispatched a study team headed by Dr. Hani Abdel-Halim at Katahira & Engineers International from January 2004 to February 2005. The team held discussions with the engineers at Directorate General of Roads, Ministry of Transport and Communications, as well as other officials concerned, and conducted field surveys, data analysis, Master Plan formulation and Feasibility Study. Upon returning to Japan, the team prepared this final report to summarize the result of the study. I hope that this report will contribute to the enhancement of friendly relationship between our two countries. Finally, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the officials concerned of the Sultanate State of Oman for their close cooperation extended to the study. March 2005 Kazuhisa MATSUOKA, Vice President Japan International Cooperation Agency Mr. Kazuhisa MATSUOKA Vice President Japan International Cooperation Agency March 2005 Letter of Transmittal Dear Sir, We are pleased to submit herewith the Final Report of “The Study on Road Network Development in the Sultanate of Oman”. The report includes the advices and suggestions of the authorities concerned of the Government of Japan and your agency as well as the comments made by the Ministry of Transport & Communications and other authorities concerned in the Sultanate of Oman.
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