Happy to Read. Read to be Happy 4 EKSMO

Eksmo, one of the largest publishing houses in Europe, was founded in 1991. Currently Eksmo is the No. 1 publisher in Russia. The company operates in all segments of the book market.

Eksmo today is: • 30% of the Russian book market; • the largest portfolio of authors in Russia, with over 8,000 names; • the absolute leader for the number of copies printed (16,400,000 copies per year); • leader in the market of fi ction, non-fi ction and children’s books.

Eksmo Non Fiction being a part of the leading book in Russia is published by Eksmo. Eksmo Non Publishing Group in Russia is recognized for high Fiction implements the brightest book and media standard content that comes in a variety of forms projects, promotes successful international brands across non-fi ction. We offer extensive range in the market and discovers new authors. of titles in well-being, esoterics, fashion and style, Eksmo Non Fiction introduces the best psychology, medicine, parenting, cookery, religion, national and foreign non-fi ction books to the art and many more from the most prominent and Russian readers and pays huge attention to the emerging Russian authors. Some of our authors integration of the book business in different types are well-known worldwide. Every third non-fi ction of content and to its maximum universalization.

Our values: • Quality • Innovation • Unique design

When books change lives... 2016 5


Mind, Body, Spirit ...... 6 Memoirs ...... 10 History ...... 11 Military ...... 12 Myths, Legends, Secrets ...... 13 Medicine ...... 14 Parenting ...... 25 Pregnancy & Babycare ...... 28 Children’s ...... 30 Psychology ...... 34 Beauty & Style ...... 36 Arts, Crafts & Creativity ...... 38 Cooking ...... 46 Back List ...... 48 Notes ...... 51 6 MIND, BODY, SPIRIT EKSMO

Vadim Zeland Apocryphal Transurfi ng

The author prefers to stay in the shade, and just a few facts from his biography are known: in his youth Vadim Zeland studied quantum physics and computer technologies. He did not invent the teachings of Transur½ ng, but he calls himself a transmitter of the knowledge. He created Transur½ ng training center.

Transurfi ng is your new system of environment perception. The reality surrounding us is multilayered. You can choose, create and control your own reality. The new reality surrounding us is far from being human friendly and natural. We are no longer free and independent human beings, but rather encrypted elements of the matrix. To make your decisive move from the technogenic system of the matrix you should start from self-ecology, healthy eating and gaining physical power and strength. These all will wake your mind up and set you free from the imposed living standards. You will be able to create your own reality.

2 volume edition, 320 pages, 130X200 mm 2011, soft cover Rights sold: Lithuania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Continental China, Latvia, Italy, , France, Poland, Slovenia

Also by the author:

Translated into 20 languages Total print-run over 3 000 000 copies

Key selling points: • A unique concept of healthy living and self-ecology leading to CLIP-Transurfi ng: cLIEBE. End Live Transurfi ng Live Cuisine. Reality Control of “Gregarious Revitalising a new perception of life 640 pages, 2010 Principles Safety” Illusion Transurfi ng • The book teaches you how to choose your own life scenario 336 pages, 2013, 320 pages, 2013 312 pages, 2010 • Practical advice on how to set yourself free of the imposed Rights sold: Lithuania, society standards Estonia 2016 MIND, BODY, SPIRIT 7

Lilia Gabo A Big Book of Mandalas Read, Color, Think! More than 100 000 copies sold!

You are already on the way to happy changes! There’s just one step you need to take. This luxurious gift edition will be equally enjoyed by novices who have just discovered the meditative practices “at the tip of the pencil” and those who have been drawing and coloring mandalas for a long time. The collection of 111 mandalas, yantras and positive practices comes with texts written by a professional psychologist. This will be your personal space of love and beauty, welfare and health, wealth and good luck.

256 pages, 140x236 mm 2015, hard cover

Also 48-page books in the series:

Wish Fulfi lling Mandalas of Mandalas. Mandalas Mandalas Health and Well A New Way to Quit Attracting Love Being Smoking 48 pages, 2015 48 pages, 2015 48 pages, 2015 48 pages, 2015

Key selling points: • Individual algorithms for happy changes • Mandalas and yantras for coloring • Description of mandalas’ secrets, psychological texts to get the reader in the right mood • A luxurious gift edition 8 MIND, BODY, SPIRIT EKSMO

Elena Leontyeva An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Your Guide to Buddhism

Elena Leontyeva, Ph.D. (Hist.), an internationally known historian. Graduated from the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute in New Delhi, and defended her Ph.D. dissertation on the history of the medieval Tibet. Dr. Leontyeva lectures on the history of buddhism worldwide.

This book is a new and unique guide around the world of Buddhism. It contains rare photos, beautiful works of art, maps, parables, legends, philosophical and moral instructions, symbols, biographies of holy people and heroes, and much more.

256 pages, 162x235 mm Full color illustrations 2015, hard cover

Key selling points: • Easy-to-read and deep study of an ancient religion • Excellent for the ½ rst Buddhist experience • Over 400 color illustrations, exclusive photos and maps 2016 MIND, BODY, SPIRIT 9

Anna Marianis Vladimir Chepovoy. Anna Yasnaya Vanga. The Fiery Bible Crossroads

There are a lot of books about Baba Vanga and her predictions: “Life is full of crossroads”- claims Vladimir Chepovoy, a Ukrainian prophecies and predictions, recipes and advice, collections … businessman, happy family man and father of three children. He came to In this fl ow of information the very main prediction that Baba Vanga this conclusion at one point when he lost his business and had to rethink had made about the world and Russia was almost lost. his life. “There’s an ancient teaching of the White Brotherhood. It will spread “Crossroads’ is a philosophical tale comprised of 8 chapters. Each across the world. New books will be printed about it, and they will be chapter talks about universal human values, such as Love, Happiness, read all over the Earth. This will be the Fiery Bible. It will cover the earth Kindness, Faith. Klim, the protagonist, learns about his deadly diagnosis with a white veil, and help save people. The new teaching will come from of cancer, and starts on a mystic journey of crossroads in his life, Russia. This country will be cleansed fi rst. The White Brotherhood will rethinking his decisions and values. The author masterfully combines spread across Russia and then the world.” reality and mysticism, for which he has been rightfully compared with What is this Brotherhood? What is the Fiery Bible? What does Russia Paulo Coelho. “Crossroads,” a philosophical tale, has become a bestseller have to do with it? in Russia and , making readers think about their life, their actions and how to live further.

Key selling points: Key selling points: • A legendary personality 320 pages, 130x200 mm • The author has been compared to Paulo • Lost prophecies of Vanga Black and white illustrations Coelho • Secrets of a Bulgarian clairvoyant 2010, hard cover • The philosophical tale with Rights sold: Bulgaria, a breathtaking plot will help you adopt 320 pages, 125x177 mm Estonia just the right decisions 2012, hard cover 10 MEMOIRS EKSMO

Lyubov Orlova Evgeny Dzhugashvili About Stalin With Love My Grandfather Joseph Forbidden Memoirs Stalin — He is a Saint Lyubov Orlova (January 29, 1902 – January 26, 1975), was the ½ rst recognized star of Soviet cinema, famous theatre actress, a gifted singer and dancer. The only of eight grandchildren of , Evgeny Dzhugashvili is the spiritual successor of his great grandfather and his adherent. This The icon of Soviet cinema, Lyubov Orlova was the face of the great book is not simply a sensational collection of memories that bring to light era and Stalin’s favorite actress. There even were rumors of a romance secrets of the Kremlin and some of Stalin’s family stories. between her and Stalin... This book responds fearlessly to the most forbidden and dangerous In this book she confi rms that those were not just rumors. Lyubov questions. Orlova decided to write about her relationship with Stalin after his body was removed from the Mausoleum. Her goal was to do justice and tell the truth about a man she loved... Lyubov Orlova’s memoirs were fi nally published only after her death. This is a confession of a loving woman. This is a true story of Stalin and his era.

Key selling points: Key selling points: • Sensational memoirs of the favorite Russians’ • Unveils sensational Kremlin secrets and tells actress stories about Stalin’s family • The book provides details about the personal • Memoirs of one of the eight grandchildren of life of Joseph Stalin 272 pages, 170ŏ215 mm Joseph Stalin, his spiritual successor and his 288 pages, 170ŏ215 mm 2015, hard cover staunch adherent 2015, hard cover 2016 HISTORY 11

Anton Pervushin 108 Minutes 55 Anniversary of Yury Gagarin’s fl ight to space

Anton Pervushin is a writer, a journalist, a literary critic, a researcher of space exploration history and sci-½ literature.

The book is the fi rst publication ever to give a truthful description of the fi rst human fl ight to space. Made by Yury Gagarin himself, it is a historically precise record of the fl ight with the explanation of all the events. Read this book to learn: • how a stray dog from the streets conquered space and performed better than specially trained dogs; • how Yury Gagarin had to lie and dodge diffi cult questions from foreign journalists (it was partly a secret mission); • how the inscription “CCCP” (USSR) was added onto the cosmonaut’s helmet right before the start; • why Yury Gagarin asked to stop the bus en route to the launch pad. And a billion other unknown facts.

528 pages, 145ŏ215 mm 2011, hard cover Rights sold: China Key selling points: • A detailed study of how the ½ rst human ¾ ight to space was prepared • A truthful description of the ¾ ight • Unknown details of the famous event unveiled 12 MILITARY EKSMO

Vyacheslav Likso. Andrey Galchuk. Dmitry Alexeev Modern Military Machinery and Equipment

Modern Military Machinery and Equipment is a beautifully illustrated book, which showcases cutting-edge military equipment from all over the world. Inside there are the best examples of modern military equipment, including detailed professional descriptions, bright and colorful illustrations. Modern Military Machinery and Equipment will be a great gift for anyone who is interested in the history and the contemporary state of affairs in the world of ammunition.

256 pages, 263x263 mm Full color illustrations 2015, hard cover

Key selling points: • Beautifully illustrated book • Great pictures • Precise information 2016 MYTHS, LEGENDS, SECRETS 13

Alexander Ilikaev Myths of Ancient Slavs

Doctor of Political Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and History, Bashkir State University, specialist in folklore

A multifaceted and bright Slavic culture is inconceivable without the Slavic mythology. Myths of ancient Slavs are a collection of prehistoric millennia- old beliefs, faiths and customs. The author of the book has done extensive research on the topic of the Slavic pantheon, and presents the fi rst-ever comprehensive report on the entire variety of archetypal images. Read this book to learn about the fi ghting Svarog, the powerful Perun and the ominous Morana, get immersed into the world of magic.

96 pages, 205ŏ290 mm Full color illustrations 2014, hard cover

Key selling points: • Magni½ cent gift book • Full information about the entire Slavic pantheon • Unique academic research 14 MEDICINE EKSMO

Svetlana Bronnikova Mindful Eating 15 000 copies sold!

Svetlana Bronnikova, a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, has many years of experience in weight management. For several years she was the head of a large weight management clinic in the Netherlands.

No diets! Eat what you want, but only when you really feel light hunger. Stop eating when you are ¾ full. This is so simple to understand, but so hard to implement. Challenging and interesting tasks of practical experimentarium will help you follow the principles of mindful eating: 1. Listen… Explore, why and how you overeat 2. Feel… Synchronize your mind and body 3. Eat… Physical hunger is the only reason for eating

432 pages, 170x215 mm Black and white illustrations 2015, hard cover

Key selling points: • Diets demysti½ ed by a recognized expert • System of psychological exercises to lead you to your own healthy diet and your ideal weight • Not a diet book, not a nutrition plan, not a set of recommended products. This is all in your head 2016 MEDICINE 15

Julia Kirillova Say “NO” To Sleepless Nights How To Have a Good Night’s Rest and Feel Refreshed All Day Long

Sleep signifi cantly infl uences our physical and psychological well-being. A minimum loss of sleep can affect our disposition, working capacity and health. If you want to meet every new day with a smile, be active and well-rested, you need to sleep soundly at night. This book contains the most interesting historical facts about sleep, gives advice on how to cure insomnia, which drugs do not help etc.; gymnastics, yoga and other “non-pharmaceutical” methods to cure insomnia; and also advice on how to organize your bedroom and on the best clothes to wear for sleep. You will also fi nd the main rules and recommendations for a sound, healthy sleep, and learn many things about the nature of sleep, its phases, anomalities related to lack of sleep, common standards and their effect on the quality of life. Moreover, the book pays particular attention to comfort during sleep: organizing the bedroom, bed sheets, choice of matrass, pillows and clothes. We wish you pleasant dreams and a sound, healthy sleep!

288 pages, 135ŏ210 mm Includes illustrations 2015, soft cover Rights sold: Bulgaria

Key selling points: • Complete information about sleep • Over three weeks in best-sellers list • Profound research 16 MEDICINE EKSMO

Alexander Myasnikov The Vector of Fear How to Stop Worrying about Cancer 30 000 copies sold!

MD, Russian doctor with international experience in USA, France and South Africa.

Don’t hide your head in the sand! Forewarned is forearmed. It’s time to get rid of the mystic fear of cancer. Modern medicine is transferring cancer from terminal diseases to chronic ones. Like diabetes. Almost 80% of oncological diseases can be predicted and successfully treated. Open the book and fi nd out: • Where does it come from • Early detection — scrinning. Yes or No • Thyroid tumors are not all the same • 8 of 10 women are at risk of … • A dangerous way to man’s heart • What to do immediately, being diagnosed with cancer.

176 pages, 207x134 mm 2015, hard cover Rights sold: Poland

Also by the author:uthor:

Key selling points: • Simple words about serious medical issues • An open and straightforward talk about cancer Health. The Vital Friend or Foe. Rust. What to Do • You will stop worrying when you know what to do 272 pages, 2015 How To Survive to Have a Healthy 100 000 copies sold! New Infection War Heart 272 pages, 2015 224 pages, 2015 30 000 copies sold! 60 000 copies sold! 2016 MEDICINE 17

Olga Myasnikova How to Remain a Woman Until You Are 100 Years Old

Over 25 000 copies sold!

Olga Myasnikova, M.D., Ph.D. (Med.) is a cardiologist and gerontologist.

She is now 88 years old, but she is still living a full life and working with her patients. Who else is there to believe and trust, if not someone who is living her life according to the principles she teaches? Open the book to learn how to eat well, love your life and not be afraid of falling in love; how not to feel sorry for ourselves and stop complaining; and also 5 BEST exercises for the health of our hip joints. The author proves that 80 can be only the beginning for you! Although the book is intended for older people, it would be necessary reading for anyone. Indeed, you must get ready to getting older.

176 pages, 130ŏ200 mm 2015, hard cover

Key selling points: • Do not be afraid of getting old • A motivation tool for those over 50 • Practical everyday advice from a doctor to someone who wants to stay healthy and ½ t 18 MEDICINE EKSMO

Valentin Dikul Life Without Backpain Total print-run of books by Valentin Dikul exceeds 270 000 copies!

In 1962 14-year-old aerial gymnast Valentin Dikul fell from a great height during a show. He was diagnosed with a spinal fracture and was condemned to spend all his life on a wheelchair. Dikul did not give up, and he invented a special training method which allowed him to return to the circus already in 1970-s as a heavy weight juggler. Today Valentin Dikul is the founder of a chain of rehabilitation clinics for people with spine problems, Doctor of Biological Sciences. Academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul is a recognized authority in the sphere of back and spine pain treatment. Thousands of recoveries worldwide are the result of using his treatment method.

This book gives you an opportunity to get a personal consultation of Academician Dikul wherever you live. In the book you will fi nd 12 sets of 171 exercises in total to treat all widespread spinal diseases in children and adults. Academician Dikul himself presents every technique step by step with the help of large photos and detailed instructions.

272 pages, 170x240 mm Black and white illustrations 2010, hard cover Rights sold: Lithuania

Also by the author:

Key selling points: • A unique method that has helped more than 150 000 people • Simple exercises that you can do at home • 56 000 copies sold in Russia Treating Joint Healthy Feet Up Your Healthy Sit on Computer Pains To 100 Years Old Spine Without Backpains 272 pages, 2012 192 pages, 2012 688 pages, 2011 122 pages, 2011 2016 MEDICINE 19

Nikolay Danikov The Healing Power of Soda The author’s books sold more than 200 000 copies!

In this book Nikolay Danikov, a famous herbalist and specialist in natural medicines, describes in detail the healing properties of baking soda. How can you use this well-known product to treat and prevent more than 120 different diseases with maximum effi ciency and no side effects? You will learn how to: • clean your blood vessel walls • normalize your blood pressure • restore your immunity • strengthen your teeth and gums, and much more This book is for those who favor alternative medicine and natural health management methods. This is a book for someone who believes in the potential of human body and the healing power of natural remedies.

288 pages, 125x200 mm 2013, hard cover Rights sold: Poland

Also by the author:

The Healing The Healing The Healing The Healing The Healing Power Power Power Power Power of Ginger of Lemon of Salt of Honey of Spices Key selling points: 224 pages, 2014 224 pages, 2014 288 pages, 2016 256 pages, 2014 288 pages, 2015 • A book by an experienced and best-selling herbalist • Treatment and prevention of more than 120 diseases • Accessible information for anyone • More than 50 000 copies sold! 20 MEDICINE EKSMO

Anton Rodionov How to Live Without Heart Attack and Stroke The author’s books sold more than 110 000 copies!

Anton Rodionov is a cardiologist, Ph.D in medicine, lecturer at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, member of the Russian Association of Cardiologists and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Author of more than 50 publications in the Russian and foreign press, regular participant of health TV programs.

The author of this book is an established doctor, Ph.D. in medicine, and his goal is to add many healthy years to your life. Dr. Rodionov clearly explains your personal risk at the age of 35, 45, 55, 65, the factors it depends on, the reasons and the symptoms of heart attacks and strokes, how they can be avoided and how to fi nd a good doctor in case of necessity. This book, the fi rst in the series “Dr. Rodionov’s Academy”, will give you the basis of medical knowledge.New and advanced prevention methods presented to a general reader in simple words for a healthy and long life!

160 pages, 207ŏ132 mm Includes illustrations 2014, hard cover Rights sold: Slovakia, Czech Republic

Also by the author:

Key selling points: • Cardio-vascular diseases — acute problem of modern mankind • Essential medical book for any family • Personal risk assessment tools Health of the What Your ECG • Clear and simple language leads to the entire understanding Heart and Vessels Tells You of the problem and the ways to prevent it or treat it. 160 pages, 2014 160 pages, 2015 • 42 000 copies sold in Russia 20 000 copies sold! 15 000 copies sold! 2016 MEDICINE 21

Andrey Zvonkov While Waiting for Ambulance More than 10 000 copies sold!

Andrey Zvonkov is a physician, emergency doctor for more than 10 years, Russian writer.

What to do if you see someone is asphyxiating or fainting? What if you have scalded or have drunk a chemical? Call the emergency! What else? Andrey Zvonkov explains in a fi ction-like, narrative manner what one should do in an emergency case when waiting for the paramedics. The book is a perfect combination of fi ction and non-fi ction. The readers will meet a couple of young doctors, follow their relationship and wait for a happy end, while some emergency cases are shown and explained…

368 pages, 210x140 mm Includes black and white illustrations 2015, soft cover

Key selling points: • True to life stories and advice on emergency situations • Fiction-like reading 22 MEDICINE EKSMO

Alyona Rossoshinskaya Get Rid of Dewlap and Restore Facial Contours

Alyona Rossoshinskaya is a graduated osteopath, face ½ tness coach who teaches in many cities in Europe, America and Middle East. In 2013 she received a certi½ cate from Carole Maggio enabling her to teach face ½ tness exercises.

The system developed by Alyona Rossoshinskaya is: • The art of beautiful face expression in any situation — she works with your mimics along with your emotional status. • Rejuvenating exercises for your neck and your posture as well as a set of special exercises and practices to improve the balance and tone of facial muscles. • Lymph drainage, self-massage, relaxation practices. • Different kinds of massage (with toothbrushes, rubber gloves). You will look and feel 10–15 years younger with no expensive creams, cosmetologist’s or plastic surgeon’s services.

128 pages, 168ŏ216 mm Includes illustrations 2014, hard cover

Key selling points: • A unique program by a certi½ ed specialist Also by the author: • Work with the muscles of the face and the mimic expressions Get Rid of Wrinkles • Anti-aging exercises and Other Signs of Aging 144 pages, 170x215 mm Full color illustrations 2013, hard cover 2016 MEDICINE 23

Marina Korpan How to Make Your Belly Flat Unique patented systems of exercises based on BodyFlex and Oxysize breathing techniques for losing weight fast and easy The author’s books sold more than 200 000 copies!

Marina Korpan is the only Russian certi½ ed expert in breathing techniques BodyFlex and OxySize for weight loss and correction.

BodyFlex and Oxysize are methods based on aerobic diaphragmal breathing in combination with exercises to fl ex groups of muscles. How does BodyFlex work? When you stop breathing for eight to nine seconds, carbon dioxide accumulates in your body. Arteries expand and cells begin absorbing oxygen more effectively. It is this additional oxygen that helps fi ght excess weight, improves your health and restores your energy levels. How does Oxysize work? During the full cycle of diaphragmal breathing, you do not stop inhaling, and cells of your body get an increased amount of oxygen. This switches on the oxidizing mode that helps burn fats and expedites your metabolism.

64 pages, 163ŏ210 mm Includes illustrations Key selling points: • Breathe and get ½ t, regain your health, and become stress proof 2014, soft cover • 20 minutes a day at home • Unique patented method helped over 150 000 people Also by the author: • Small books — perfect results

How to Get Rid of “Love How to Shape Beautiful Slender Legs Without Handles”, “Ears” and Arms, Chest and Cleavage Cellulite and Varicose “Breeches” 64 pages, 2014 64 pages, 2015 64 pages, 2014 24 MEDICINE EKSMO

Gabriel Bilich Popular Atlas of Human Anatomy

Gabriel Bilich is Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of International Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor. Author of over 200 scienti½ c works, textbooks, atlases.

Why should you choose this atlas? “Popular Atlas of Human Anatomy” combines science with clear and accessible presentation. As a science publication, the atlas is reliable, precise in the use of terminology and detailed. It is also simple and easy to use. If you want to know how you body functions, placing a large volume on your shelf is not a good choice. Large illustrations with short captions, thematic arrangement, an easy-to-use index and a glossary of this atlas are what you need. You don’t need to get a degree in medicine to know enough about anatomy, answer your children’s questions or understand your doctor. All you need is this atlas.

144 pages, 210x280 mm Full color illustrations 2015, hard cover

Also by the author:

Gabriel Bilich, Valery Kryzhanovsky Human Anatomy Key selling points: 224 pages, 2012 • Scienti½ cally precise and easy to understand • Author is recognized scientist • Must-have on your book shelf 2016 PARENTING 25

Alexander Chernitsky. Viktor Biryukov Parenting from 0 to 3 Advice from experienced fathers More than 10 000 copies sold!

Alexander Chernitsky and Viktor Biryukov are not professional psychologists, teachers or children’s doctors. Alexander and Viktor are fathers. One has three children and two grandchildren, and the other — one grandchild but four children. Both authors understand very well the number of questions young fathers have, and offer simple and easy-to- understand answers to all those questions about dealing with children.

Every mother and father would like their child to be healthy, smart, intelligent, successful and happy. And almost every parent would like to know how to achieve this without causing any harm to the child or the parent. Not every dad is ready to read a thick volume on education. Not even thin booklets. This is a very short book full of short and useful pieces of advice on how to bring up kids aged 0 to 3. In the book you will fi nd many answers to all kinds of questions: from “what to feed them with” to “how to make them smart.”

224 pages, 120x185 mm 2013, soft cover

Also by the authors:

Key selling points: • Advice from experienced fathers to new fathers • A short book • Easy to read style Kindergarten and My Child Goes • Full of humor Getting Ready to School to School 224 pages, 2013 192 pages, 2013 26 PARENTING EKSMO

Olga Makhovskaya 100 Faults in Bringing-up a Child. How to Avoid Them The author’s books sold more than 55 000 copies!

Olga Makhovskaya is a popular psychologist, writer, Ph.D., a fellow worker at the Institute of Psychology in the Russian Academy of Sciences. She is the Content Director at “Sesame Street in Russia” TV Project for Children and a fellow of many international scienti½ c programs. For two years the author has been working in Paris and Seattle.

This book gives a most detailed description of parents’ mistakes, suggests ways to avoid and prevent them. The author studies the most common mistakes which parents have either committed or are afraid to commit. You will learn how to be friends with your child without losing their respect; how to communicate with your child without repeating the mistakes of your parents; how to react to a capricious or disobedient child; how to meet your child’s need for affection without spoiling him or her; how to teach your child the right approach to being happy and successful. The book contains many examples and useful tips.

288 pages, 145ŏ200 mm 2015, hard cover Key selling points: Rights sold: Vietnam • A unique and ef½ cient on-the-contrary approach to parenting • A detailed review of mistakes people make in upbringing, with examples and conclusions Also by the author: • The book will tell the adults how to solve their inner problems American Kids Enjoy the Game, French themselves and how to help their children Kids Respect the Rules and Russian Kids • The book will help improve relations in the family Prefer to Win • Useful things to learn from parenting experiences in other 272 pages, 2015 countries How to Raise a Life-Adapted Child and Keep Calm 352 pages, 2010 Rights sold: Bulgaria 2016 PARENTING 27

Yulia Vasilkina Faber & Mazlish a la Russe

Yulia Vasilkina, mom of three children, is a practicing child and family psychologist since 1999. She is a contributing author for Russian magazines: Nasha Psihologiya (Our Psychology), Moy Rebenok (My Child), Vse Dlya Zhenschiny (Everything for the Woman). She also published some books for parents.

The book is based on the principles described by American authors A. Faber and E. Mazlish. It does not, however, copy or repeat any of their titles. Some of the topics are reminiscent of the original, others are new. Lists of tips that were the cornerstone of the American authors’ work have been retained and expanded, and new lists of tips have been created for the new chapters. The book summarizes the author’s experience of implementing Faber and Mazlish’s principles, and her work with groups of parents. The parents read the books, described their experiences, shared their doubts and their victories, described inspiring examples of successes, as well as examples of failures. The book would be useful for parents who try to understand their children and create a good relationship with them.

Fall 2016, soft cover Black and white illustrations Key selling points: • Tips + Comics: the Faber and Mazlish approach that many readers enjoy • The book discusses new topics, not mentioned in the books of American authors • An illustrated edition • The author is a family and child psychologist 28 PREGNANCY & BABYCARE EKSMO

My Family and Me My First 5 Years

These albums will let you record all moments of your baby’s life: lovely mishaps, touching stories, achievements, funny antics. Putting down all memorable events in to this album and attaching the most important photos you will be able to fondly remember and relive all these happy moments after many years! The album will also be an ideal present for all loving parents: every child is unique, and it is important to keep the precious moments of the beginning of his/her life.

96 pages, 205x260 mm 2015, hard cover

Also in this series:

Key selling points: • Available in two variants: for baby-girl and for baby-boy • Perfect present for loving parents • Unique design

It’s Me! The Album for Our Baby-Boy 48 pages, 205x240 mm 2014, hard cover 2016 PREGNANCY & BABYCARE 29

My First Year Baby Memory Book. How I’m Growing Up

110 000 copies sold!

Your long-expected baby is fi nally born! Together you have already been through many experiences during the 9 months of pregnancy, but ahead of you there is a whole life full of important, funny and touching stories. If you do not want to forget them, so that one day you will be able to tell your child about his/her fi rst days, antics and achievements, write everything down in this album and attach the photos of the most memorable events, which you will fondly remember.

48 pages, 205x240 mm 2011, hard cover, wire-o-binding

Key selling points: • This is not a standard album where you can only stick the child’s photos and write a date, this is your child’s history from his/her birth • Many pop-ups, envelopes and niceties to record memorable events 30 CHILDREN’S EKSMO

Science Experiments For Kids and Teens

Available Subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, experiments in the kitchen, experiments at the country-side, indoor experiments, experiments on vacation, experiments with water; Age Ranges: 4–6, 5–8, 5–12, 8–12, 9–12, 11–15 Available formats: encyclopedias (256 pp., 280 pp., 288 pp.), 80-page books, 96-page books, 128-page books

The Big Book of Science Experiments for Kids and Adults 280 pages, 2012

Also 80-page books in this series:

Physics. Biology. Physics. Science Indoor Science Key selling points: Fun Science Fun Science Experiments for Experiments Experiments for Experiments for High Schoolers • Thoughtful description of each experiment 96 pages, 2014 Kids and Adults Kids and Adults • List of necessary materials 128 pages, 2015 80 pages, 2012 80 pages, 2012 • Execution algorithms • Description and explanation of the test results • Bright illustrations 2016 CHILDREN’S 31

Tom Tit’s Experiments

A collection of funny and educational science experiments by the famous French writer Arthur Good, aka Tom Tit. His experiments have been enjoyed by children from all around the world for more than 100 years. Tom Tim quite reasonably believed that the more time children will spend on learning the essence of the phenomena while playing, the easier and more entertaining their introduction to science will be.

104 pages, 210x280 mm Includes full color illustrations 2014, hard cover Rights sold: China

Also in this series:

Tom Tit’s Experiments. Tom Tit’s Experiments. Key selling points: Tricks and Games Amazing Light • Thoughtful description of each experiment 104 pages, 2014 104 pages, 2013 • List of necessary materials Rights sold: China Rights sold: China • Execution algorithms • Description and explanation test results • Bright illustrations 32 CHILDREN’S EKSMO

Children’s Incredible Adventures in Toothland Easy Dental Care for Kids

This book invites kids to have a look at a wonderful and an exciting world of teeth — Toothland. Lots of interesting facts, fun exercises, games and labyrinths, breathtaking comics, exciting research and experiments will not let your children get bored! This book will make every kid a real specialist at dental care! Parents will never have to remind their lovely ones to brush teeth and persuade them to visit dentist twice a year.

128 pages, 210ŏ280 mm Full color illustrations 2015, hard cover Rights sold: Bulgaria

Also in the series:

Key selling points: • Interactive reading • Edutainment • Lovely illustrations Hygiene Rules Eye Health for Kids for Kids 128 pages, 2016 128 pages, 2016 2016 CHILDREN’S 33

Olga Kamozina Solfeggio in Fairy Tales

Olga Kamozina is a top-class educator with 40 years of teaching experience, author of books on music education of children, creator of original game teaching methods that can help teach theory of music to children of 3 years of age and older. The success of Olga Kamozina’s teaching methods is proven by the fact that many of her former students are now studying to become professional musicians in prestigious European schools.

The author has chosen a game format for her story because every little child loves fairy tales. The section for parents will help them learn more about studying with their children. The unforgettable adventures of citizens of Major and Minor towns will help children learn the theory of music through fun and games, as well as teach them not to fear, and even come to love the diffi cult subject of solfeggio. The stories with bright illustrations, cards and stickers will fi t ideally to teach children of 3 years of age and older, and will become an invaluable aid to their parents.

88 pages, 210ŏ280 mm Includes full color illustrations, cards and stickers 2015, soft cover

Key selling points: • A unique method of teaching theory of music to children aged 3+ years • An entertaining presentation • Unique illustrations, cards with games and stickers to make learning easy and fun 34 PSYCHOLOGY EKSMO

Isaac Pintosevich Take Action! 10 Commandments of Success The author’s books sold more than 400 000 copies!

Isaac Pintosevich, a bronze medalist of World Athletic Championship and a successful businessman, is an expert in the systematic development of personality and business. He is ơ2 on the rating of the International Association for Personal Development and the ơ1 personal success trainer in Russia. His clients include: Procter & Gamble, Avon, Master Card, Deloitte, many famous politicians, businessmen and show business stars. Isaac Pintosevich Systems Facebook page has over 80,000 subscribers.

His program is a synthesis of the latest discoveries in the fi elds of psychology, management, personal growth, Olympic athletes training secrets and the creation laws from the Kabbalah. His books are written for those who cannot dedicate more than 30 minutes a day to their development, and instead of advice it offers a ready program of actions.

288 pages, 170ŏ215 mm 2011, hard cover

Also by the author: • Get Rich! 4 Basic Rules and 1 Main Secret, 256 pages, 2014 • Be Ef½ cient! Ef½ ciency from A to Z, 208 pages, 2014 • Speak Up! Con½ dence and the Art of Oratory in 30 Days, 192 pages, 2013 • Live it Up! Principles of Energy and Health, 240 pages, 2012 Key sales points: • Total Control! New Generation Time Management in 30 Days, 192 pages, 2013 • Author’s original method • Sell It! Secrets of Sales for Every Situation, 224 pages, 2014 • Internet access to the training materials based on the book • Many exercises and assignments • Create! Good Habits in 30 Days, 144 pages, 2013 • Light, slightly ironical text with jokes, caricatures and famous • Set Your Goals! Find Your Goal and Achieve It in 1 Year, 192 pages, 2013 people’s quotes • Learn Business! Easy Way to Achieve Success in Business, 144 pages, 2014 2016 PSYCHOLOGY 35

Sergey Kuzin On the Firing Line

Sergey Kuzin, Ph.D. (Psych.), business coach, member of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD), professional speaker. Clients include: SAP, Alcatel-Lucent, PwC, KPMG, Raiffeisen Bank, Deutsche Bank, Fitch Ratings, Nycomed, Polpharma, Merck, Mars, JTI, TNK-BP, Ford, Jaguar LandRover, and many others.

Each of us has to deal with some diffi cult questions to answer. Having read this book, you will learn to: • Understand what the person asking the challenging question really wants to know; • Answer public interview, debate or face-to-face communication questions effectively; • Use time-tested response techniques; • Discourage heckling and neutralize diffi cult people in the audience; • Avoid typical response mistakes; • Discharge the atmosphere at the right time, and manage communication fl ow effectively; • Counter any attack without losing your face or identity.

432 pages, 162x210 mm Black and white illustrations March 2016, hard cover

Key selling points: • An interactive training book with many assignments • The book contains dozens of examples of best and worst answers to provocative questions — from Joan of Arc and Galileo to Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin • This book is not only for professional speakers, PR experts and managers but also for those who would like to learn to communicate with dif½ cult people easily and effectively 36 BEAUTY&STYLE EKSMO

Ruslan Tatyanin Best Hairdos for Every Occasion More than 50 000 copies sold!

Ruslan Tatyanin is an internationally recognized stylist who is a regular participant of the Moscow Haute Couture Week. He works with such publications as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Hello!, Hair’s how, and Dolores. He can be frequently seen on television. Ruslan Tatyanin creates images for stars of Russian ½ lm and stage. He has his own hairdressing school and holds regular workshops. www.ruslantatyanin.ru

This beautiful book is an excellent gift for women. The author shares secrets of making beautiful long hair hairdos for every occasion: wedding, party, prom, and everyday situations. Following step-by-step instructions of this professional, you will be able to create stylish hairdos on your own.

240 pages, 197ŏ255 mm Full color illustrations 2010, hard cover

Also by the author:

Key selling points: • Book for advanced amateurs and professionals • Step-by-step hairdo instructions come with magni½ cent illustrations

Your Child Braids. Curls at a Party 240 pages, 2013 224 pages, 2011 2016 BEAUTY&STYLE 37

The ABCs of Beauty Total 380 000 copies sold in this series!

Each book offers 30–35 casual and holiday hairstyles. Moms, dads and daughters will love this series for its concise step-by-step do-it-yourself instructions and photos for each hairstyle.

64 pages, 170x215 mm Includes full color illustrations 2012, soft cover 7 books in the series

Also in this series:

Braids Daddy Do’s Braids for Braids from Braids for Every for Girls Medium-length Celebrities Occasion Hair 64 pages, 2014 64 pages, 2014 64 pages, 2015 64 pages, 2014

Key selling points: • Well-chosen content • Small format • Handy layout • Trendy subject 38 ARTS, CRAFTS & CREATIVITY EKSMO

Valerio Libralato. Tatyana Lapteva Watercolor School

Valerio Libralato is a famous Italian watercolor artis, member of the Italian Watercolor Society. Winner of many awards at art competitions and festivals. Valerio has been offering lessons at his own school of painting in Italy. Over this period he has developed teaching techniques of his own, which make painting available to everybody, no matter the age or previous experience. Tatyana Lapteva is a Russian designer, artist, decorator, who has had several solo exhibitions. Member of the International Art Foundation, arts and crafts coach, and a regular contributor to books and magazines about decorative arts and handicraft.

In this book series Valerio Libralato reveals a miraculous world of fi ne, ethereal and sensual watercolor. His unique author’s teaching method has already gained renown in Italy where many beginning artists were able to master watercolor techniques at his famous Watercolor School.

96 pages, 205ŏ260 mm 2012, hard cover Rights sold: Taiwan

Also in this series:

Key selling points: • Detailed descriptions • Many illustrative examples • Step-by-step “let’s do it together” tasks • Concise practical tips and hints Watercolor Watercolor Watercolor Watercolor School. Flowers School. Landsapes School. Decorative School. Still Life Techniques 96 pages, 2012 104 pages, 2012 96 pages, 2013 Rights sold: Taiwan Rights sold: Taiwan 112 pages, 2013 Rights sold: Taiwan Rights sold: Taiwan 2016 ARTS, CRAFTS & CREATIVITY 39

Julia Tarasova Paint Like Claude Monet in 3 Hours

Julia Tarasova is not only creative director of Eksmo Non Fiction, but also a lecturer at Moscow State University for Printing Arts, a Member of Moscow Artists Union, an artist and illustrator. For many years Julia is holding workshops based on a unique, self-developed method, which allows each and every person, who has no idea of oil paint, to paint within 3 hours a masterpiece of any legendary artist.

3000 enthusiastical feedbacks of workshop visitors from 5 to 80 years old inspired Julia to write this book The book will teach you: • How to choose the materials you need to paint the selected masterpiece. Main principle: Don’t waste your money, buy what you need! • How to organize your space to create a masterpiece • How to mix colors • How to paint in the same way as Claude Monet. You will need 3 hours and only 4 main steps!

96 pages, 197x255 mm Fullcolor illustrations 2016, hard cover

Also in the series: Key selling points: PaintP Like Van • Detailed step-by-step instructions and videos (followed by QR GoghG in 3 hours codes) 969 pages, 2016 • A lot of advice, most common mistakes, secrets of oil painting and myths are collected under one cover • Based on practical experience at the workshops 40 ARTS, CRAFTS & CREATIVITY EKSMO

Kim Seller Crazy Book Fans equal Crazy Book to Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith!

An unusual art album for people who can’t imagine their life without creative activities! Fun creative assignments, brightly colored pages, many great ideas for self-expression! Create collages, collect herbaria, paste photos, draw, let your imagination take a fl ight! Turn “Crazy Book” into your very own creative album!

144 pages, 162x235 mm Fullcolor illustrations 2016, hard cover

Another cover design:

Key selling points: • Helps develop creativity • A notebook for the same audience as Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith • Uses modern gadgets and programs: smartphones, photo cameras, Instagram, social networks • Interactive assignments 2016 ARTS, CRAFTS & CREATIVITY 41

Masha Orlova Museum Vault Mysteries

These books were written by an 11-year-old girl! When she was 5, Masha Orlova started creating scripts for cartoons. In time, her ideas were put together in a book.

The “Museum Vault Mysteries” series is a collection of exciting stories about different pieces of art accompanied by creative tasks and games. The protagonist, Winks the Mouse, will introduce young readers to the works of famous artists and their biographies. Children will enjoy bright pictures, fairy tales, games and creative tasks that will help them develop their taste in art. The series is ideal for joint creative endeavors of parents and children, and will give parents an exciting opportunity to talk to children about great masterpieces of art. “Vincent Van Gogh. Sunfl owers” is a kind fairy tale about the most recognizable artist in the world and his masterpiece.

24 pages, 210x280 mm Fullcolor illustrations 2016, soft cover

Also in the series:

Key selling points: • Interactive reading • Edutainment Renoir. Julie • Fun presentation Manet with Cat • Coloring book elements 24 pages, 2016 42 ARTS, CRAFTS & CREATIVITY EKSMO

Sketchbooks Sketchbooks Original The Art of Traveler’s Notes

Sketchbook is a really good catch for creative people. It is a combination The sketchbooks are created for those who like to travel and draw. of a drawing textbook, a notebook and an album. There are exercises for The book can be a guidebook that you can color, take your notes in it, beginners and empty pages for creative endeavors of true masters. write down your impressions, stories, telephone numbers, and addresses!

144 pages, 155x210 mm 144 pages, 206x133 mm 2013, hard cover, wire-o-binding, elastic band 2015, hard cover, elastic band

Landscape Drawing People Express Course Animals Paris London Saint-Petersburg Rome

Key selling points: Key selling points: • A sketchbook and a textbook with detailed step by step exercises in one • The historical background of the sights and attractions • Free space for drawing and exercises to develop drawing skills • A handy size sketchbook that can easily ½ t in a handbag • Due to a soft spine covered with plastic material, the books are 360º • A special holder for a pencil attached to the book openable • Detailed step by step exercises • Most popular drawing topics 2016 ARTS, CRAFTS & CREATIVITY 43


Doodling is a free way of drawing, incidental or even meaningless, without any concrete tasks or aims. It is known that doodling is a way to analyze incoming information; it is an expression of your personality, as well as a good way to relieve stress. DoodleBook will teach you how to create a masterpiece of ordinary doodles.

DoodleBook 10 simple steps towards the art of visualization 160 pages, 150x200 mm Black and white illustrations 2016, hard cover, elastic band

Key selling points: • Due to a soft spine covered with plastic material, the books are 360º openable • Detailed step-by-step exercises • A special holder for a pencil attached to the book

Also in the series:

Fall 2016 DoodleBook. Ok, Doodle! Zentagle, doodles, sketches 44 ARTS, CRAFTS & CREATIVITY EKSMO

Ekaterina Ioltukhovskaya Journey in a Dream. Zendoodles for Every Day

Ekaterina Ioltukhovskaya is a designer, artist and decorator. Her works have been acquired by private collectors in Sweden, France, Italy and Estonia.

A unique 3-in-1 system by Ekaterina Ioltukhovskaya helps you to create true masterpieces, even if you are far from being an artist. Open the book and draw inside the contour, using the author’s drawings for inspiration. Various patterns on the same page will give you suggestions as to what you can do. You will be surprised at the results! Create your own collection of zendoodle patterns! Cut them out, paste them into notebooks, add your own ideas, share and exchange your work! Most importantly, do at least one zendoodle a day, and you will forget about stress and anxiety. Bring some fun and harmony into your life! Make it more relaxed and bright!

64 pages, 195x250 mm 2016, soft cover

Also by the author: Book of Wishes Come True 64 pages, 2016

Key selling points: • A popular topic of intuitive drawing • Collecting elements • A trendy coloring topic • Unique style • Hand drawings 2016 ARTS, CRAFTS & CREATIVITY 45

Notebooks for Creative People Notebooks with creative concepts and ideas

1 2 3 4 Notebooks. Racoons 1 10 000 copies sold! Notebooks with the trendiest creatures of the Internet – raccoons! Color the raccoons and your life as bright as you can.

4 designs, 160 pages, 112x165 mm Black and white illustrations, soft cover

2 3 Fivaries 1 2 3 4 More than 70 000 copies sold! A unique trend in diary-writing! Fivaries are fi ve-year diaries with Notebooks. Owls by Inga Paltser different questions that will help you see how you and your life are 14 000 copies sold! changing. You can start at any date. Just fi nd the date for today and write Bright and funny notebooks with unique author’s illustrations. down 3 or 4 lines every day. When the year ends, start the new year from the fi rst page.

2 interior designs and 20 cover designs 128 pages, 120x170 mm / 162x210 mm 368 pages, 112ŏ175 mm Fullcolor illustration, soft cover 2013, hard cover 46 COOKING EKSMO

Magic Cakes in Your Microwave Oven

All you need is an ordinary cup and a microwave! Three minutes to prepare, two minutes to bake, and a delicious cake is ready to be served. Try apple, chocolate and banana cakes, cakes with fi llers, cream, and more. Baking is no longer a problem! Cook and amaze your guests!

64 pages, 170x215 mm 2015, soft cover Fullcolor illustrations

Also in the series:

Sweet and Full Cakes from your Microwave Oven 64 pages, 2015 KeyKey sellingselling popoints:ints: • Cupcakes — a new culinary trend, popular all over the world • Superfast to bake: 5 minutes to prepare, and 2 minutes to bake in the microwave • The cup is the only thing to wash after eating them 2016 COOKING 47

Young Chef

A series of books for boys and girls aged 7–12, and their parents. Interesting and easy-to-follow recipes, step-by-step instructions.

Treats for the Entire Family “Treats for the Entire Family” is a collection of recipes that will allow you and your child to cook a tasty and varied meal. All the recipes come with the description of the necessary quantities of ingredients, step-by-step illustrations and notes on the history and peculiar features of each dish. The book is brightly illustrated and written in the simple language children will understand. The recipes popular the world over will make this book an ideal choice for a beginning chef!

64 pages, 205x260 mm 2016, hard cover Fullcolor illustrations

AlsoAlso iinn ththee sseries:eries:

Key selling points: • For boys and girls aged 7–12 and their parents Cakes anandd Muffi nnss Most Delicious DessertsDesserts anandd Most Salads for Super • Attractive layout, designed especially for children CookiesCookies in the DeliciousDelicious Foods Heroes 64 pages, 2016 WorldWorld • Step-by-step illustrations 64 pages, 20201616 64 pages, 2016 64 pages, 2016 • Precise lists of ingredients • Easy-to-understand language 48 BACK LIST EKSMO

List of titles:

Ksenia Krivosheina Aleksander Myasnikov Yuri Tavrovsky Andrey Galchuk Irina Shlionskaya Alexey Kovalkov Mother Maria (Skobtsova) Pulse of Russia Xí Jìnpíng Surprising Russia Mysteries and Secrets Drop Your Dress Size of Moscow 696 pages, 170x240 mm 496 pages, 241ŏ169 mm 272 pages, 170x240 mm 252 pages, 255ŏ255 mm 464 pages, 170ŏ240mm Includes illustrations 2010, hard cover Full color photographs Full color illustrations 272pages, 205ŏ260 mm Includes illustrations 2015, hard cover 2015, hard cover 2013, hard cover Full color illustrations 2015, hard cover 2011, hard cover

Oleg Feig O. Kinyakina. Anime and Fantasy Style Russian Cuisine Dishes A Calendar for Traveling Games on the Road with Children Nicola Tesla T. Zakharova. P. Lem. 220 pages, 206x265 mm 144 pages, 164x103 mm Includes full color illustrations 256 pages, 205x260 mm 256 pages, 205ŏ290 mm O. Ovchinnikova Includes illustrations 2012, hard cover Full color illustrations Full color illustrations 2015, soft cover 2014, hard cover 2013, hard cover 100 % Brain 848 pages, 170ŏ240 mm 2011, hard cover 2016 BACK LIST 49

List of Series: They Changed the World

193x275 mm Full color illustrations Hard cover

Women Who Were People Who Overcame Muses Who Inspired the Businessmen Who Women Who Inspired the Worshiped The Limits World Changed the World Geniuses Rights sold: Mongolia Rights sold: Mongolia

The Style Bible Rushel Blavo

256 pages 185x240 mm Includes full color illustrations 130ŏ200 mm Hard cover Soft cover Natalia Naidenskaya. Natalia Naidenskaya. Tune in to Wealth Art of Thinking Inessa Trubetskova Inessa Trubetskova in Your Sleep Healthy Successful Man’s Successful Woman’s Dress-code Dress-code

Quick Knowledge Encyclopedia Series

128 pages 125ŏ200 mm Soft cover Astronomy Psychology Art at a Glance Philosophy Architecture at a Glance at a Glance at a Glance at a Glance 50 BACK LIST EKSMO

The Tikhoplavs

128 pages 107x165 mm Soft cover

Kryon. Revelations: Kryon.Astrus: Astrus: What Do We Know About What Do We Know About The Forerunner, or New the Universe Human Beings? Data About the Universes

Etiquette by Elena Vos

256 pages 186x136 mm Full color illustrations 2012, hard cover

Real Lady Young Lady Real Gentleman Business Etiquette

Psychology Made Simple

128 pages 107x165 mm Soft cover Eve Berger Oksana Sergeeva Oksana Sergeeva Oksana Sergeeva Eugene Tarasov 49 Simple Rules. 50 Simple Rules. 49 Simple Rules. 49 Simple Rules. 25 Rules and Tests. How How to Get Everything How to Boost Your Your Guide to Reading Body Language. to Boost Your Self-Esteem You Want with NLP Confi dence People’s Mind How to Read People and Achieve Success 2016 NOTES 51



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