It looks like Locke has performed an unsuccessful Caesarian on the goose that laid the golden egg. , . lie always im- MAKING pressed us as b?iii£ loo canny a gentle- man to make the blunders lhat has got him blacklisted by Ihe PGA of America. . . He probably has a story to tell in his own behalf but It h;id better be good. After preceding was written I telephoned SWING S Bobby at Dublin during (be Irish Open and got fur Chicago Sun-Times detailed state- ment from him. . . He dnuhts American PGA right to bar him. pointing out he is not a member and subject to their ruling. By • . That, he stated, was set Med by PGA re- HERB GRAFFIS fusing to allow him In 1943 PGA champion- ship. . . Further, he ipiestioned calling tournaments on the PGA circuit "open" THE GOLF NEWS IN BRIEF tournaments unless they actually were <>pen. He said Inverness and Western GA had been advised of alteration of his plans dictated by his business connections FOA certainly hail no alternative to It* in England. action In barring Bobby Lorke from toor- muncnls in which the pro association Locke further stated Associated Press accepts responsibility as en-sponsors. . . in London promised to advise "Dutch" Locke's failure to keep exhibit Inn anil Harrison of alteration of Locke's plans for tournament commitments In the IL S. exhibitions with Harrison. . Stars at St, made |irinr to Ills winning of the British Paul recited instances of Open was in flagrant violation of a Locke taking run-outs on exhibition dates policy the PGA must enforce or sacrifice they had arranged after verbal but definite .status with sponsors which has accounted agreements with him. . . They claimed he fur eon ski era tile money in 1 he pockets of passed up exhibition dates after OKing Locke and other pros. them, when he later made connections with tournament appearance guarantees. The PGA has been blasted by sponsors for inability to produce a complete array Exhibition dates, rather than tourna- of gallery magnets. . . Inasmuch as It ment absences. Seemed to he hotlcsl spot doesn't pay any salaries to guarantee ap- of the Locke argument. . . Snead substi- pearances of stars, other than some tuted for Locke as Met/' partner al Inver- guarantees for pre-tournament clinic per- ness. . . Snead -Metfinished third. . . Gal- formances. PGA has a delicate problem lery revenue sure didn't slump with Snead in assuring presence of all of the all-stars, plneh-hitting for Locke. . . Western Open gate at St. Paul seems likely to have by far Locke didn't help his public relations biggest gate in the event's history. . Ap- any by passing up Inverness and the parently the customers weren't being Western Open while announcing his in- driven away by Locke's non-appearance. tent bin to compete in George S. May's $05,000 Gold Rush. , . "How hungry can The Locke-out definitely indicates need he gel?" was American golfing pubilc re- of revision in PGA tournament player con- action. . . May. bound hy contract with tract. , . Now, when a star doesn't appear PGA Tournament bureau, couldn't admit at a tournament, contract calls for sus- Locke to Tam O'Shanter competition. pending him from following tournament or tournaments.. . That, in effect, may punish Locke's failure to make good his com- at the gate, promoters of the following mitment to appear in Western Open at tournaments for a case in which they were St, Paul, celebrating WGA's 50th anni- not involved. . . There could be stiffening of versary, was particularly puzzling. . . the exhibition deals which now are too Locke had expressed to M. G. (Scotty) casually regarded by some of the boys. . . Fessenden most cordial endorsement of Exhibition sponsors in Indiana and Ohio Western's operation of its Open for bene- are burning at Locke after they advertised fit of Evans caddy scholarship foundation. him, made arrangements and sold tickets. . . Fessenden, Western president and chmn.. PGA Advisory hoard, had fre- Some pros are wondering what the Locke quently and effectively championed Locke case may do to relations between PGA of when the South African had been criti- America and British PGA. . . Locke sus- cized as being the world's fastest man pension by PGA of America probably after a buck and had been the repeated, won't be of king duration, . . PGA hasn't generous and warmly considerate host announced term of suspension or how the during Bobby's American visits. PGA and Ixwke can gel together and sing "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." . . . Locke said in Dublln-St. l'aul conversation that "AGRICO-FED GREENS all he knew about his suspension was what he read in the papers. . . He claimed to have received no official word from f'GA of Really Stand Up" America. , . lie said he had asked Omdr. Roe, British F(r. Cary MiddleeoB for H.vder Cup team has PGA national ami L sectional officials Hi In king of careful re- ROBERT W SMITH, Assistant Greenkeeper, consideration of pro association's mem- Country Club of Maryland, Towson, Md, bership basis. , . Open champion was 1th in prize money last "T GAVE our greens a liberal feeding of year with $16,821.25 and through July IB, 1 AGRICO COUNTRY CLUB Fertilizer 1949, was second with $20,024.57. In the fall to insure good winter carry- over," writes Robert W. Smith, assistant greenkeeper, Country Club of Maryland, Towson, Md. "In the spring I found that Agrico gave rat the deep, well-placed root system I have been trying to secure for the <"** AT *vW last few years. This shows the carry-over effect of Agrlco In producing dense, healthy turf and In providing resistance T6f- to fungi attack. Agrlco gives my greens the sturdy growth to stand up under hard play and hot weather."

Order Agrico now—it's America's premier Golf Course Fertilizer. Ask your regular sup- plier, phone neorest A.A.C. Sales Office, or write toThe AMER- ICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL Co., 50 Church Street, New York 7, N. Y. ' KM?** AGRICO COUNTRY CLUB FERTILIZER H.7! •t your golf Itipplr d«

Stable in lolution, ALTA-CO can be test, ed quickly and accurately for proper strength with the rneipentive ALTA-CO TESTER. Dolge can alio supply you with itordy, fleiible rubber foot tubs, with non- slip, non-skid safety features, on ALTA-CO POWDER lemiee terms.

Write tor our 36-page illustrated booklet. "Athlete't foot — A Public. Health Problem." Want Facts about Fence? • You know that fence protection of per- sons and property is good judgment. To Alta-Co know what to do about it, write us lor illustrated facta. Note the several styles of Page Chain Link Fence. Then talk with our nearest membet—an experienced, reliable local fence specialist who will The C. B. DOLGE CO. help you pick the right fence and erect Westport, Connecticut it expertly. We will send you his name. PAG! FENCE ASSOCIATION • M.».s»., Pa. young- professionals, could be wisely modernized. "Hamlet without the Prince of Hen- mark I It would be unthinkable. A Ryder Cup team without the champion golfer. Again it sounds Impossible unless illness intervened," says Golf Illustrated of Lon- don about Miildlecoff missing from lhe II. S. team. Larry Montes. Filipino pro star who's played in U. S,, Britain, France and Aus- tralia, says Japanese courses are tops for all-around excellence In upkeep. , . And Larry has no reason for unduly praising the Japs. . . Nor has Tino Tugot, who beat Von Nida and Montes in winning this year's Far East Open. . . Japs blew Tugot into the sea, then when he made shore batted him around for not "talk- ing." A hig difference between KAA and I'SGA amateur-pro class ideations now is that the BAA doesn't rate as a golf pro one whose duties include Instruction In games In a recognized educational estab- lishment while USGA definition says pro "includes faculty members or other em- ployees of Institutions of learning, re- NEW gardless of how incidental (he giving of golf instruction may he." PGA annual meeting to be held at Mid FREE BOOK Pines, Southern Pines, N.C.. Nov. 28 thru AND Dec, 1. Z^lllin (j Chart TELL HOW PHILLIPS my woods and irons are accurately de signed lor you to til your natural swing. Thirty years of successful custom club GOLF {SPIKES making for over fifty thousand top ama- teurs, Pros, Hollywood stars, and other particular golfers all over the world. FITS SIZE PROS: Write for this new book Regular 1 " Diameter Recepfotle and also handy order blank for

SHOP The Swing Is to the SUPPLIES LA III; Ell IS AH E • WILL NOT TILT or Breolt Through Salt • KEEPS THE SPIKE ERECT. • PREVENTS OUTER SOLE from Rolling. Kenneth SmitK • WEATHER TIGHT —RUST PROOF. GIL QUIDS (White Plated or Block Fi tilth) feantl ib jitrlf&u^WIL L NOT TURN ST THE THREADS BOX 41, KANSAS CITY 10, MO F. C. PHILLIPS, INC.

CUSTOM CtUBMAKER FOR 30 YEARS STOUGHTON, MASS. . . Pinehurst and Southern Pines busi- nessmen raised $1000 to cover additional r > expense of bringing the delegates to the Some Day Shipment! Sandhill region, . . North and South Open will be played at Pinehurst Nov. 1, 2, and 3, with a qualifying round Oct. 31. Robert T. (Bob) Bamett, 52, long pro GRASS SEED at Washington's Chevy Chase CC and In- dian Creek CC, Miami Beach, Ha. in win- ter, died 24 hours after being stricken of "Known Quality" hy a heart attack in Ihe Chevy Chase clubhouse, July- . . Itarnelt was widely Tested for Purity and Germination known as a fine instructor and gracious personality. . . lie had much to do iu For Better Golf Turf earlier years of the POA in establishing the organization on a flourishing hasis. Victory of Harvie Ward in 52d Na- All turf grasses tried and proven golf tional Intercollegiate Identities the North mixtures. Special formulas blended Carolina youngster as about due for National Amateur title, , . He's been to your own specifications. coming along fast against hot competi- tion. . . Edward Lee Burke, candidate for 1970 National Open title, arrives al Write for new fall price list on seeds, Woodbridge, Conn, where Pappy Ed is pro fertilizers, and golf course supplies. at the Country club, . . Edward Lee's first seore card showed 6 lbs. 2 oz. Major league baseball players' partici- pation In public playground and parks baseball instruction program for kids tips off pro golf thai a lot more pro tourna- ment star player activity should he lied 132 Church St. Dept. & New York S. N, T. up with junior golf promotion program.

TURFtfatS&nAAfa* Year After Year — for 20 Years THE SEA LION CLUB, in Georgia Has Used MILORGANITE TURF FERTILIZER ta pnxtuce unusually good turf on gfrcnf, farr- wayj. and iki. Turf excellence is • tribute to the maintenance skill ot Mr. T. M. Haumgard- ner. Golfers jay it ii Inn to play the course—in winter or in summer—because the rur( is always good, and the H'unt is an interesting one. Golf clubs in the United States and (.anadi uie more MiJorjtaniie than any other feniliier. The MILWAUKEE SEWERAGE Mllwouk**, Wisconsin "No other go If facility costing . . The kids are great hero worshippers. . . Fatty Berg and Louise Suggs are far so little has meant so much ahead of men pro stars in working in kid to our players as our Ederer programs. , . Can't hlanie the men stars though w hile so few boys' golf instruction practice net." classes are conducted at public courses. Marvin I Bud) Ward leaves amateur ranks to become pro at Meadowlark CC, Great Falls, Mont. . . . National Amateur winner In 1939 and 1911 and winner of EDERER Western Amateur in 1940, 1941 and 1947, Ward made a fine comeback In competi- tive golf after rugged war service. . . If GOLF NETS he hadn't had 5s on all the par 3 holes of the National Open in 1939 he would For instruction, practice and loosemng-up have been easy winner. . .. As it wns he before the round Ederer golf nets are busy finished one shot back of tie for first from dawn to duslt (and many at night un- place. der lights) malting better golfers at clubs Ken Horaa's been In Southern Cali- everywhere. fornia walking around a few holes and swinging a club bill unable to play goll. , . Ills legs still are In had condition from bus collision last winter. . . Chances of his return to competitive golf now seem dim. . . No word yet on what's to lie done about suit against bus company. . , Driver of bus was fined in Texas court, . . Ilogun plans to go to England with his wife as visitor to Ryder Cup matches. Jack Ryerson, Cooperstown, N.Y., who used to be one of the star amateurs, has played 777 different golf courses, . . He GtJf'i standard turi tin |ol( net lor Indocr Instruction ind predict. Hundreds ol clubs and urns have fritinrl the "Its. Inc J til on* ol Ihtlr most papular and ,r;tKtb . ttlturis la dpvnluplng tvtlar and bapplsr players.


On* tool for ivory jt>b around pro shop and club, houie, Initiating clubs— smooth nicltl out of Ironj —laces ot wood clubs and refrnrihing operations. Tilt Handee It dlwtyt raady with smooth, steady power to grind, drill, pol- lih, rout, *ngrev*. cut, carve, und, etc. Hand** doti aII this* operation! on all kinds of mettrial, HANDEE TOOL m»tol, alloy. piastre, OF 1001 USIS Tliti It the natt wrtlbli »•! !tnt tiai *nn turh wood, etc. popularity for id tasy ,d bill!; for practlr, In limit. 1 ed IBI» ('/, (I. high with Id rt. .lug leraad — haadtas &et a Hand**, tint tool of its kind — tod a* 1 ftnut full ring. o( gull greet I to shots, Fclda Int. g Kmptet and bt till* of ruggadnass. d*p.ndabillty, long lift and • It 3 rt. i «'/, (I, i J in. Wilghi only 23 Ibi with It. cool running. AC or DC 35,000 r p.m. W.lghs only II 1»rg-t bachdrop. Oil Easy to terry and un. Balanctd for perfect per- For mane*. Write for folder and price list Handee only, with 7 Accessories $20.50. Complete Hende* Kit with « ecc*Mori*s, (27.50. Ord*r To- day. Stnt po it pa Id. Sat M action R.J. EDERER COMPANY Guaranteed!

CHICAGO WHHl&MFG. CO. HOMt OFFICE; 140 OKHANi IT. . CHICAGO HOI W. Monro* St., D*pt. &. CHICAGO T, HL intends to run the count past 1000. . . Jimmy Thompson playing a lot of exhibi- tions and school clinic dates, , , Frederick (Okta.l GC sells 52 acres to finance club- house. . . Austin (Tex.l CC breaks ground on its $500,000 clubhouse and pool. . . Construction begins on new clubhouse for Leavenworth (Ks.) CC. . . Beloit (Ks I CC in new clubhouse. ^uf/tonre Kass Inn GC, near Walton. N.Y., opened. . . Louis Fed u I la Is pro. . . Iloh Tucker now pro at San Angelo (Tex.) CC. • • Golf Bags Boston gels one of Its infrequent looks at top tournament golf when Ryder Cup team plays team of star pro challenger* headed by at Belmont CC, Aug. 27-28. . . Originally it was intended to have Kyder Cup team warm up against team of star American amateurs who'd get some training for Walker Cup match- • II. ti 1 fust SI II. r es. . , Idea did not receive CSGA cordial — the model L-525, endorsement due to possibility of amateur canvas with leather travel expense. . . Net proceeds of that trim, to retail at $1,5. match were to he split for helping to de- Each Tufhorse model Tray expenses of C. S. Walker and Ryder gives full value in Cup teams. style, craftsmanship Pete Robbing, who's now working with mid convenience for his Pappy. Meat-cutting Tom Robbins, out your customers. of MaeGregor's New York office, gradu- tend your order to ated from University of Wisconsin with MacGregor Golf, Inc. high honors. . . Pete gets his scholastic brilliance from his mother's side of the Cincinnati, Ohio

Pros., Managers...Here's a Fast Profit Item!


SNAPS ON BAG OR BELT # Keftps Hands C|l)bs Bq,| Dry and C|ean

• Always On Hand—Ready for use

• Sells and Resells—Fast!

• Attractively Packaged In Cello-Wrapped Threesome

Retail Price 3 for $1.00 Geo. McArthur & Sons, Inc. YOUR PROFIT $1.75 on 4 Packs Sambas, Wisconsin Send me doten Sports.Cloths (Packed 3 TEE TOWEL$—Also Available Send me more information ( ) per Pack) Price (5, IS per dot en Full t8" x 20" she hemmed for extra strength Send me dovee Tee tewrli. end with large grommet in one corner. Order by name—TEE TOWEL—only $2.75 par doi. Ma me Club

Geo. McArthur & Sons, Inc. Address Bnraboo, Wis "Fine Textiles Since 1885" City State family. , That's what all of Tom's pals say, anyway. . . Some more pleasant family news is in report of Mrs. L. B. Icely's continued progress in recoverinc from a serious illness. . . She's home now and convalescing satisfactorily. . Kittv used to star on radio. . . She acted a great role In winning the decision over her sickness.

Southeastern PGA In be played at East Lake CC. Atlanta, Ga., Harold Sargent pro, Sept. *J9-Oct. >. . . 1950 Southeastern PGA invited to Black Rock CC, Atlanta IM HO \Y where George Thomas is pro. Byron Nel- son's till in exhibition al Santa l£»siv S'/mhol ot finlf Club Excellence (Calif.) OC shows the form hand still r sin whack em around, even though Ids emv- JOCK Hurrnisos' MD BETTY HICKS PRE CIS ION-BUILT C.OLF CLUBS haro grip didn't do so well for him in GRADUATED GOOSE-NECK IKONS the National Open. LAMINATED AND PERSIMMON WOODS COMPLETELY NEW Willie Hunter by plane back and forth anil to see the folks in Bonnie Scotland and DISTINCTIVELY STYLED to bat in the British Open for old time's for MEN and WOMEN GOLFERS sake. . . It s great to see how pros' bovs and girls have made high school and olio college golf teams and won sectional .Makers of the New events this year. . , Team of Johnny DUBOW H. C. - SUPER 803 COVER Revolta, Sr. and Jr, won Midlothian CC I Chicago dist, I pater-ttlius this year GOLF BALI This 46th event is oldest annual father- The finest (iolf Ball thnt can be made write for descriptive folder and price Hat son tournament in the country Boh J A. DUBOW SPORTING GOODS CORP. Hope (Oid Niblic Nose) flew to St ' Paul 1905-1.1 Milwaukee Ave. Chit ago 4, III. to put on a broadcast ballyhooing West- ern Open,


immsznEsm J^HHJSl - V ; Sjrn | WESTLAKE NORTH SEATTLTIEE •9 ?. ,WASWAS H Ml ;r pii i • ""Mmg t%" " « ' far IhSESBrlfflM'ilTiflEJi liJt B tr+ahn*r\t wWcfc w in, V K *s I• S.XJ' 'fei Ta m Bee Bindery, Int., S6 S. Throop St., Chicago, scoring with its binding custom- ers with a booklet "Easy Cures for Your Ailing

Drought in northeast has been serious in effect on golf rourse maintenance. . . . Courses using town water have been re- stricted to watering greens S times weekly. . . . Watering job further toughened by breakdowns in old water systems, lower water tables which Is requiring deeper "We fiove run our Grinder 9 years wells. . . One course equipment dealer re- ports he's sold 2'/i times more course hose without a repair port" says a fa- so far this year than all during 15)48. . . mous Club. Only mildly favorable phase of drought re- ported Is that it shows up weeds In dry CARPENTER fairways and rough and makes practical 2,4-1) spot treatment, LAWN MOWER GRINDER Gus Cucclnello now pro at Island Hills grinds both reels and bed knives CC, Say ville, N. Y. . . Jake Nowlln named li Its 18th teatort tervlng the nation't leading golf elubt. gr., new Athex ITex.) CC. . . Bill Kozak. (ha Carpenter Grinder la a marvel of pretHfon, simplicity former Ontario amateur, named pro at Ni- and tpaedy worH. Study thete faaluret NO OTHER 6RIN0CR OFFERS SUCH A DESIRABLE COMBJNA* agara Frontier CC, Niagara Falls, N. Y. , , TION OF ADVANTAGES. Sunnyaide CC in $100,000 clubhouse and 1. Mathlnt Ti complete without accaMorlat. no holat or new pool program.. . Lake Herman Itecre- auxiliary holding device rtoeded 2. Tha an* cradle hold* either reel or bad Itnlfe* ]. AccnmmodatM alt tlxti ot mowers including the largest tractor drawn unite. 4. Grind* ta any desired b«vil. following manufacturer's grind. ATTENTION 9. Entire tatting and eperation it without tool*. I. No mechanical training or grinding experience needed GREENKEEPERS! to oitarata with 100% reeultt. 7. Mechanically RIGHT, eitremaiy rugged. Wa hava plenty Al last — a 100% soluble liquid fer- •f Ifi-yaar old grlndart In uea today, tilizer thai will help you keep those BED KNIFE GRINDER greens and fairways in better shape, with less work, the year around. Yes sir. "Na-Churs" Liquid Fertilizer is based on a recommended formula as developed by The Ohio State Uni- versity. and it contains the proper nutrients necessary for producing and maintaining greener, thicker, healthier turf. "Na-Churs" is easy to apply; saves time, money and labor, and can be applied with your present equipment. Leading golf courses, the country over, are using this proven liquid For b»»y production, ute tiila mochina for bod lcniv*i fertilizer. Write Dept. E today for full ond eonewfttrott your Corpan+or Grinder on rool work. information and introductory offer. Request "BULLETIN No. 43" "NA-CHURS" PLANT rOOD COMPANY Marion, Ohio GRAHAM MFG. atlon Assn., Madison, S. Dak., completing course and clubhouse rehabilitation. . . . Club succeeds old Madison GC. W. A. (Lefty) Stackhouse who contrib- WIS utes good laughs and good business ideas % to pro golf, now is at Cara Itlanca CC, La- redo, Tex. , . Laugh was turned onto Lefty GRASS SEED hy a member, »r, Tangora, who'd laken Davis grass seed will give your greens, tees and lessons from Lefty then shot a one-over fairways that needed lift after a hot scorching par 73. . . The Doc assembled u Mexican summer sun. string band which serenaded Lefty at 1:30 Let us take care of your fall seeding require- A.M. following Ilrrc's historic round. . . . ments. We also have a complete line of supplied Cara Blaitca club has 1100 acres. . , It's and equipment. building a tine course, putting in two pro shops for Lefty and building a lake 7 x 1 " j miles in area. . , The club is part of a plan to make Laredo main gateway for business and tourist travel to Mexico. . . Lefty will be an asset in that campaign. , . Iu ids 22 years in pro golf he's demonstrated Texas hospitality is good business as well as fun. El Golflata Mexlcano, July issue, dedi- cated to . . . Edmundo Salas is doing a great job of golf education and promotion in Mexico with his publication . . The going must be tough for the ambi- tious young man conducting his pioneer- ing venture, . , Agua Caliente course just over the California border, to put 0 holes back into play. . . That was site of one of the first big purse tournaments . Sarazen won first money.

TI he heaviest play in the whole history of are obtainable from any other source. golf makes a sprayer the most necessary Hardie spray guns and booms for liquid equipment unit owned by any golf or fertilizer, weed co.itrol, and sprays of all country club today. Itinds enable you to do every different job Hardie builds specialized golf course spray- with the same Hardie Sprayer. Write for ers In more different sizes and models than the Hardie catalog.

The Hardie Mfg. Co., Hudson. Mich. Lot Angeles II. Calif., Portland 9, Oregon, Eiport Dept. Detroit 26, Canadian Office Clarence W. Lewis & Son, Ltd., Grimsby, Ont. Lot of talk mining pros about possible market for kitl beginners' spts of a wood between brassie antl spoon, 2 and 5 iron, For a wedge for approaches and traps, and a putter. . . Many believe tltey could sell Velvety Greens plenty such sets for smaller but fast grow- ing school kids. .. Pros now cut down clubs and for class instruction for smaller kids.

Plans for course and clubhouse of Vir- Smooth, Firm ginia Beach G&CC, Norfolk, Va„ com- pleted. . , Proposed plant to cost about Fairways $185,000, . . P. J. Jeffery, head of agricul- ture dept.. Sydney (NSW) Technical col- lege, inquiring about U.S. course main- tenance and turf research to apply to New South Wales courses. . . National"Assn. of Lefthanded Golfers, sec.-lreas. Robt. Rom- berger, 2555 Berdan Ave., Toledo, O., wants used lefthanded clubs to pass along to fel- lows in veterans' hospitals. i p ™

Honor Caddy Day, Aug. 15, sees 15 top caddies of each Chicago district club get- ting passes for Cuh-Curdlnal ball game. . . Charles McMurray succeeds bis brother John as Panama National Amateur cham- pion. . . Charles, who learned his golf in Panama, defeated .Jack Hutclilngs. 1 up in 36 hole final ai Brazos Brook CC.. . Huteh- ings Is pres.. Summit Hills CC. . . Golf Is booming al lhe isthmus.

George S. May in Tam O'Shanter CC News, next issue after reporting members'


Good turf, more thon onything else, draws golfers to your course. Peter Henderson has had years of invaluable experience in lhe developmenl of special formulos lo gel the best possible results under all conditions. We offer these mixtures os lhe finest available.

fairway Mixture Tee Mixture Putting Green Mixture Rough Mixture •oNt-piice lunlitr Mixture PUTTING ™Sr COLO* CUPS FLAGS Spetlal Mixture! made to your own formula Writ* fpi Bulletin "4a" •tinvtnf Oi* mmplele in1 Write tor our special totolog today tulU enxrintwd SttnrHH Line.

STANDARD MFC. CO. CUTS-TRUt Peter Henderson & Co. Be I G„ Cedar Falls, la HOLE 65 Henderson Bldg, CUTTERS 35 CORTLANDT ST. NEW YORK 7, N. Y. infraction of rules detailed complaints he had investigated and found valid. , . Some of them were "The Shirt's" own com- plaints. . . Ardmore (Okla.l Optimist club takes over operation of Sunset Hill course. . . Nevada (Mo.) CC opens new clubhouse. Howard Reese, for 10 years asst. to Paul Scott at Los Angeles muny courses com- mended for handling his new job at Iowa State College course, Ames, la., during National Collegiate. . . Caracas (Vene- zuela) CC joins Western GA as member farthest south. , . Reggie Myles, Jr., son of FALL IS THE BEST TIME veteran pro, wins Michigan Junior cham- pionship. ,09€t Sce&L Red Kuti GC probahle host to 1950 . . . Hob Lyon, Iturbank golf CHAMPIONSHIP TURF writer, engaged to handle publicity for Year after year Nature proves that Southern California l*GA. . . Southern Fall is the best seeding season . . . and California section says National Credit Scotts Seed alto has a reputation for Bureau states this section has best credit producing thick, velvety turf which rating of all POA sections. . . As usual, players enjoy most. Write today for year book of Westmoreland CC (Chicago prices on your turf improvement re- dist.) is one of handiest and most complete quirements, *TM REG. any member of any cluh could desire. . . Mgr. Tom Beam who compiled the book is O. M. Scott 8. SONS CO. entitled to plaudits for the joh. 20 Park Avertua MarytvlHe, Ohio •Iu PALO ALTO. Callltrnta USGA after Its first experiment with gallery stands at a National Open says the experiment at Medinah probably will not be repeated. . . Too much interference with play. . . USGA found at Medinah that re-

ywie (tct (Kiiny a IRoy&i


ate co4tc*u^ to* VPtfuAf

Hand screening methods of preparing top Gasoline pQw.itd dressing are slow and inefficient. With a Mods] CIR-G Hoyar Compost Machine Royer Compost Machine you can prepare shown here at Ulica N. Y. Goll Cams*. four to eight times as much with the same This modal (the small- labor . . . and get perfectly biended, finely est) qiariuiaies and mijros up to 3 cu- yards granulated mixtures you can use directly per hour. on any green. Many size models to choose from. Write for Bulletin 46. pairing ball shut holes on greens AFTER each pairing had completed putting "seem* justified." . . . Previously the I SCiA al- lowed repairs prior to pulling. START Irrigation Selwyu Orcutt, director of Monroe iN.C.) Recreation dept. which is conduct- Plans HERE... ing a junior golf program at Monroe CC, claims his 2 year old son Alan is "National Diaper champion." . . . When Alan was 21 months old he hit a golf bail 75 ft. and connected with the ball nine out of 10 swings, . Joe Dud ad of Buffalo who cad- C»i< died for Ben Hogan when Ben won the head* first and lav. — 1948 Western Open, recently won a West- tfceir ifj.cifleoHoni dir.ct- ern GA Evans scholarship. . . Joe, a Brook- ly off eat pipe ond plumb- field CC caddy, starts in pre-medic study at ing equipment needed. Niagara U. this fall. . , Western GA will have nearly 50 on Evans scholarship at 18 universities next semester, • Courses all over the country have ' chosen RAIN BIRD Sprinkler Heads E. W. (Pop) Harbert comes out of re- —-available in a wide range of models tirement to become pro at Bobby Jones that lets you choose exactly the irri- GC. Sarasota. I'la.. . . Jenny Iteema'n. mgr., gation needed. By choosing the right Shut lie Meadow CC, New Britain. Conn., RAIN BIRD heads firtt,yo u may save on European vacation. . . John Duncan a great deal of money on piping. Dunn writing some fine Instruction stuff in Write for catalog. Lm Angeles Athletic club magazine, .Mer- cury. . . The lively veteran Is Instructing al the cluh. . . Willie Hunter, pro at I.AC's L. R. Nelson Mfg. Co., Inc. Riviera CC, writing "Riviera Re-Views" in PEORIA, ILLINOIS saute magazine. . . Willie says of Middle- Manufacturers of t^twn and Goll Count coft! "Me Is a finished player and at the Sprinkling Equipment • Over bra J Irritation best golfing age of 28 should be out stand- * Since 1911 ing for many years." K. J

keep your mowers rolling —their bed knives razor-sharp

with a

Clubs, Parks, Cemeteries I Whether or not you do your own grinding, you con avoid delays ond increose the service life of every mower with lhe Model 50 Bench Cinder. Reels can be lopped In severol limes between complete grinding >obi when the bed knives are kept properly ground on the Model 50. The price? Hord to believe . . , bvl true I Never hos a machine like the Model 50 come anywhere near Ihii tow cost. Perfect companion to lhe famous PEERLESS MOWER SHARPENER. Write today lor descriptive bulletin.

MODEL 50, ABOVE . . . SUS.OO F.O.B. Plymouth, Ohio


DEPT. D-t PLYMOUTH, OHIO Texas team of all-star amateurs beats FOR TOP EFFICIENCY OF Texas all-star pro team, 10 and 8 In annual match. . . Pros were shy Nelson, Hogan and Ray Hill. . . Amateurs also were shy a couple of their stars, Martin and Mc- WATER Creary. . . Northwest Pacific Coast golfers beat Southern California amateurs f) and FOR GOLF Courses 3 in Morse Cup matches at Seattle GC. , , Veterans Jack West)and and Harry Givan of the Northwest squad scored upset over afceeifo, a

m I 1 mower SHARPENER • Increase Productivity • Speed-up Maintenance DELIVERY NOW!

general purpose 12 reoiont why THE MYERS SPRAYER MODERN LAWN MOWER SHARPENER !• being uied New! Packs a lot of performance! at standard equipment at lead- ing clubs. You'll find uses aplenty for this new Myers Sprayer — weed and Insect control; spraying all foliage; applying liquid fertilizer; stand- Check thete irarurrv 1, Sharpen! all reel type power by Ore protection: whitewashing, etc. Adjust- and hand mower* in from ten to twenty minute* with, able pressures from 30 to WO pounds make out dismantling. 2. Sharpen* to extreme ends of both it n truly all-purpose sprayer. Famous Myers left and ripht twist reel blade}. 3. 5-inch edger to Bulldozer Pump assures positive, thorough •nth power mower capacity, i Handle, whcrl!, roller performance. Rust-resistant steel tank Is and minor remain in place when sharpening is in pro. easily cleaned for use with any liquid Spray. feu. J. lied knile is sharpened in same brackets that Wide range of wheel and skid type models. hold mower tn grinding position. 6. No extra attach- Many other quality-built sprayers In Myers ments required 7. One lever ptns mower or bed knife complete line. Ma 11 in grindrng position. K. 100% sreet con it ruction, coupon today. y. Grinding head rides on five aealed ball bearing races. 10. Small, compact. ti?y ro operate. II, Sburnem wood chiseli. joiner knife and planer blades without extra attachments. 12 The Modern Lawn Mower THi F. I. MYERS t HO. CO., tl*pl. N117, Aihland. 0. Sharpener payi for itself m a matter of month! Send naw Pawt' Sprayer co'alog to PRICE $241.50 (leu motor! 1/3 H,P. MOTORS—40 CYCif — $21 .SO Send for Free SutttHn No. 164