Francesca Libbon [email protected] | 315-944-8344 | Rochester, NY

Objective Seeking a co-op or internship in game design, programming, or technical art. Available May 2012 - September 2012.

Education Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Rochester, NY Bachelor of Science: Game Design and Development (Expected: May 2014) Liberal Arts Concentration: Psychology GPA: 3.5/4 Major GPA: 3.6/4

Skills Programming Languages: # (with XNA), ActionScript 3.0, , SQL Familiar with: C++, Python, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery Development Tools: Unity, 2008/2010, jGrasp, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop CS3-CS5 Extended, CS3-CS5.5, Autodesk Maya 2012, Autodesk Mudbox 2012

Select Projects The Floor Is Lava (December 2011): C# (with XNA) Worked as a member of a four-person team to brainstorm and develop a game in under 48 hours and won 2nd place for the Microsoft-sponsored ImagineCup 2011 RIT Game Jam. Designed the aesthetics of the game, created all art assets, and assisted in debugging. The player is a child pretending the floor is lava, using furniture as platforms as well as creating and placing platforms in the form of couch cushions.

Lazor Snakes (November 2011): ActionScript 3.0 Designed and developed a game using Adobe Flash CS5. Created solo. A twist on the classic game Snake, in which the player collects food and shoots enemies that randomly appear to gain points.

Bull Shift (March 2011-May 2011): C# (with XNA) Created a game on a team of four people with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Designed and implemented all art assets, programmed menu systems, and assisted in debugging. The player is a bull perpetually running in a loop that must place blocks in a strategic way to keep from crashing into them on the next loop.

Volunteer Work RIT First-Year Enrichment Peer Mentor (Fall 2011-Present) Teaching Assistant at The Center of Ballet and Dance Arts (2007-2010)

Awards RIT Dean's List (Fall 2010-Present) RIT Presidential Scholarship Recipient (Fall 2010-Present) 2nd place in the Microsoft-sponsored ImagineCup 2011 RIT Game Jam