The Changes Which Have Been Occured in The

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The Changes Which Have Been Occured in The УПРАВЛЕНИЕ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION TOMV (1) 2009 VOL. V (1) 2009 THE DETERMINATION OF THE STRATEGIES WHICH CAN BE EFFECTIVE FOR MARKETING OF THE TRADITIONAL TURKISH BATHS (HAMAMS): AN INVESTIGATION WITH RUSSIAN TOURISTS Düriye Bozok, Özlem Köroğlu ОПРЕДЕЛЯНЕ НА ЕФЕКТИВНАТА СТРАТЕГИЯ ЗА МАРКЕТИНГ НА ТРАДИЦИОННАТА ТУРСКА БАНЯ (HAMAMS): ПРОУЧВАНЕ СРЕД РУСКИТЕ ТУРИСТИ Дюрийе Бозок, Йозлем Кьоролу ABSTRACT: The changes that have occured in the technology, economic, social and cultural area have caused to change the desires, needs and expectations and to seek different products and services of the custom- ers. The changes which have occured in the profile and tendency of the customers, force the tourism sector inevi- tably to improve the products according to the demand’s needs. In order to meet the needs and expectations of the customers and changed features of the demands, it is necessary to improve new tourism types in the different fields. Interesting tourism products and services are showed as the alternative of the mass tourism and reflect the whole tendencies which have improved to satisfy different and special interest beyond the interest which have improved around sea, sun and sand. So, improving interesting tourism products and services become very im- portant. One of the interesting tourism products and services (especially for the cultural tourism) is the tradi- tional Turkish Bath (Turkish Hamam) which have been to be transferred from the past to the present. The tradi- tional Turkish Bath (Hamam) is the variant of a steam bath, which can be categorized as a wet relative of the sauna. The Turkish Baths have played an important role in cultures of the Turkey, serving as places of social gathering, ritual cleansing, and as architectural structures, institutions, and (later) elements with special cus- toms attached to them. The traditional Turkish Baths one of the fairly colourful part of the Turkish national culture, keep on their existence, although they have been partly changed. The traditional Turkish Baths which are serve as a product, attract attention and demand as a unit in thermal hotels, health and beauty centers and the the other hospitality enterprises in addition to today’s decreasing number of the original Turkish Baths. Turkey offers a great variety of opportunities for the traditional Turkish Baths in cultural tourism services, how- ever, there are also marketing problems in turning the traditional Turkish Baths into a competitive tourism product. The purpose of the study is to determine the strategies which can be effective for marketing of the traditional Turkish Bath as a competitive tourism product. In this purpose, a survey has been carried out on Russian tour- ists to determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents and some specific research questions such as what are the reasons to use the Turkish Bath? What are the effective tools to use the Turkish Bath? What services the respondents benefit from the Turkish Bath? And what are the attractive features of the Turkish Baths? Taking into account the survey results, the different strategies have been recommended in marketing of the Turkish Baths. This study could be useful for the enterprises which serve the Turkish Bath as a tourism prod- uct in creating different marketing strategies. Key Words: Traditional Turkish Baths, Tourism, Effective Marketing Strategies, Russian Tourists. Introduction pleasure has become an accepted and even nec- essary part of life [9]. The World Travel and World tourism activity has demonstrated sub- Tourism Council claims that tourism has become stantial growth in the past century, clearly mark- the world’s largest Industry [20]. According to ing tourism as one of the most remarkable eco- the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), nomic and social phenomena [16]. Today, tour- international tourism receipts grew to US$ 856 ism may take on an “existential” flavor. It has billion (€ 625 billion), international tourist arri- become a search for meaning and unification in a vals reached 903 million in 2007, and 1.6 billion fragmented world [7]. With technological ad- international tourist arrivals are forecast world- vances in transportation and increased standards wide by 2020. Tourism is one of the largest and of living in the developed world, travelling for fastest growing global industries, creating sig- 89 nificant employment and economic development, development strategies and techniques to meet particularly in many developing countries like the expectations of their customers for creating Turkey. Turkey, as a tourist receiving country, competitive tourism products and services [11]. has demonstrated a spectacular growth in tourism However a number of factors have intensified the in the last few decades and entertains a large need for tourism businesses and enterprises to number of holiday makers each year. Turkey was adopt a competitive perspective in the marketing the 11th most visited country in the 2007, attract- tourism products and services. These factors are ing about 24 million visitors [23]. listed below [21]. In an increasingly competitive market place, • Firstly, the nature of tourism consumption tourism products require an effective marketing has undergone a significant transformation, strategy (for example, word of mouth) in order manifested not only in the arguable emergence of for a tourism product to reach its target custom- the so-called ‘new’ customer seeking alternatives ers. Developing an effective marketing system in to the traditional sun-sea-sand, passive pleasure such a market requires carefully assessing differ- seeking holiday, but certainly also in the in- ent factors to evaluate the expectations, percep- creasing demands on the part of customers for tions and attitudes of the customers and to create quality and value for money. A person chooses a competitive tourism products and services [12]. product that gives him or her most satisfaction, Competitiveness can be defined here as the en- the product that has a value. Product is often terprise’s ability to create and integrate value- chosen after comparing the benefits for the price. added products or services that sustain its re- For a customer value means the perceived bene- sources while maintaining market position rela- fits provided to meet the needs and wants, qual- tive to competitors [11]. ity of service received and the value for money Researches indicate that the influence of fac- delivered assessed against the competition [15]. tors such as technology, demographics and life- As customers have become more experienced style patterns will dramatically alter the expecta- and sophisticated, they are no longer willing ‘to tions, perceptions and attitudes of the customers compromise themselves to a mediocre service’. and tourism industry. Socio-demographic • Secondly, and related, customers are more changes and a higher spending power have also aware of their rights as customers and, as a re- created a change in customers’ values and ex- sult, are more confident in claiming compensa- pectations [13]. Customers engage in a variety of tion for the less and poor quality than commit- behaviors or customer’s roles, and their needs, ment quality to them in the marketing process. requirements, and expectations vary considerably • Thirdly, in an increasingly competitive en- [9]. According to Pearce (1988), the future trends vironment, tourism enterprises are ‘striving to for tourism seem to suggest that customers will move towards a new model based on competitive be especially concerned with not just being advantage based on marketing the tourism “there”, but with participating, learning and ex- pruducts and services. A global perspective to periencing the place they visit [13]. If a cus- understand key determinants of marketing com- tomer’s expectation is met or exceeded by the petitiveness is critical for the tourism industry to enterprises’s performance, the customer will be sustain its growth and vitality. satisfied. But, if a customer’s expectation is not The success of the enterprises in the tourism met disconfirmation will occur. To create differ- industry very much depends on differentiating ent experiences that matches or exceeds cus- the tourism product and service. Since the tour- tomer’s expectation therefore drives satisfaction ism industry is a mature competitive market, it is [26]. In an increasingly competitive market, the more difficult to differentiate the tourism product issues of creating different products and services significantly, but the key to differentiation may have grown in significance for tourism industry be to create effective marketing strategies for and destinations alike [21]. competitive tourism products and services such The competitiveness of the marketplace and as cultural products [2]. Cultural products that the increased expectations of customers have are specific to a place can provide a competitive made tourism enterprises recognize the impor- advantage and competitive tourism products for a tance of creating competitive tourism products destination or a country [16]. Therefore effective and services for future repeat and referral busi- marketing strategies are key factors in differenti- ness [2]. So, major countries, destinations, enter- ating cultural products as competitive tourism prises or tour operators are seeking preservation products from its competitors and there is a for future generations and exploring sustainable 90 growing recognition that differentiation is a
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