Choosing Parenthood: ART, Adoption and the Single Parent
EH 1:3:2020 Choosing Parenthood: ART, Adoption and the Single Parent by Rabbi Susan Grossman Approved on May 13, 2020, by a vote of 24-0-1. Voting in favor: Rabbis Aaron Alexander, Jaymee Alpert, Pamela Barmash, David Booth, Suzanne Brody, Nate Crane, Elliot Dorff, David Fine, Susan Grossman, Judith Hauptman, Joshua Heller, David Hoffman, Jeremy Kalmanofsky, Steven Kane, Amy Levin, Daniel Nevins, Micah Peltz, Avram Reisner, Robert Scheinberg, David Schuck, Deborah Silver, Ariel Stofenmacher, Iscah Waldman, and Ellen Wolintz-Fields. Voting Against: none. Abstaining: Rabbi Jan Kaufman. Sheilah: May a single, unmarried, individual who wants to choose to become a parent through adoption and/or the use of artificial reproductive technologies (ART) do so under Jewish law? Teshuvah: Introduction: About fifteen years ago, a congregant approached me to perform a baby naming for her newborn daughter. I knew the woman. She had grown up in the congregation. She was single, had despaired of ever getting married, and had chosen to utilize ART to have a child of her own and raise that child on her own. She wanted to welcome her child into the covenant within her congregational home. The next Sabbath, with the proud grandparents in attendance, the woman carried her daughter up to the bimah for her aliyah, following which I blessed her and her child and announced the child’s name. After services, I was approached by several older members who were distressed that the congregation had “legitimized” a child born “out of wedlock.” It was irrelevant to them that they knew the woman since she had been a child and were otherwise sympathetic to her.
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