HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, December 14, 1979 the House Met at 9 A.M
December 14, 1979 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 36171 the Superior Court of the District of Colum IN THE COAST GUARD Coast Guard nominations beginning Wil bia for a term of 15 years. Coast Guard nominations beginning Law liam F. Nettel, to be lieutenant commander, and ending William J. Wilkinson, III, to be Frank Ernest Schwelb, of the District of rence M. Schilling, to be commander; and ending Henry D. Jacoby, to be commander, lieutenant commander, which nominations Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the which nominations were received by the were received by the Senate and appeared Superior Court of the District of Columbia Senate and appeared in the CoNGRESSIONAL in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on Novem for a term of 15 years. RECORD on November 28, 1979. ber 28, 1979. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, December 14, 1979 The House met at 9 a.m. Duncan, Tenn. LaFalce Rodino Cheney Hagedorn Nedzi Early Lagomarsino Roe Chisholm Hall, Ohio Nelson The Chaplain, Rev. James David Eckhardt Leach, Iowa Rose Clausen Hall, Tex. Nichols Ford, D.D., offered the following prayer: Edgar Leach, La. Rosenthal Clay Hanley O'Brien Edwards, Ala. Leath, Tex. Roth Coelho Harris Ottinger Eternal God, we praise You for Your Emery Lederer Roybal Collins, lll. Harsha Patten goodness, we testify to Your love and English Lee Royer Colllns, Tex. Hawkins Patterson In Erdahl Leland Runnels Conyers Heckler Pepper we magnify Your holy name. antici Evans, Ind. Lent Satterfield Cotter Hinson Price pation of those holy days, help us to Fary Levitas Sawyer Crane, Daniel Holland Pursell remember Your good deeds to us, how Fenwick Lewis Scheuer Crane, Philip Holien beck Quayle You have supported and sustained us.
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