GCA’s Role Expanded by New Legislation

Trash Bash: Cleaning -Area Shorelines

Odessa South Facility Expands to Accommodate Increased Demand FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER

The Gulf Coast Waste Disposal while conserving potable water Authority’s (GCA) importance to for human use. We are primarily the state in protecting its waters looking for opportunities under was highlighted last year by the new law to provide industry passage of a new bill expanding with reliable water supplies the scope of GCA’s purview from underutilized sources such to include other types of water as brackish groundwater and systems. A driving force behind effluent reuse. that legislation was recognition that the continuing drought In the first issue of Clarifier, is applying extreme pressure we augment the reporting on to aquifers and other facilities and operations with water sources. The situation articles that put our role in is complicated by the state’s perspective: What are some of rapidly increasing population and the current water issues affecting demands placed on water by our state; and how GCA and our hydraulic fracturing. dedicated employees are working to implement ongoing water The bill permits GCA to build solutions for Texas. and operate a variety of water systems that promote reuse and treatment solutions for industry,

Ricky Clifton General Manager FROM THE CHAIRMAN

These are trying times for Texas solutions is genuine and water resources. We are honored essential to the success of our that the Texas Legislature and mission. Governor Perry have placed their trust and confidence in GCA by We’re fortunate to live in a state broadening the range of water where government, business, systems we may serve. Upon industry and private citizens the invitation of local private all work together to promote and public sector leaders, we’re a strong, vibrant economy in willing to go anywhere in the concert with preserving and state to help develop regional protecting our rich environment. water management solutions. This can-do, pull-together spirit is what makes Texas the envy J.M. “Mark” Schultz Chairman of the Board, All of us on the Board of of the nation and a magnet for Chambers County Directors are proud of the work people wishing to build a GCA is doing every day to protect better life. the waters of the State of Texas. We’re also very proud of the At GCA, we are doing our part industries and municipalities to fulfill the Texas dream. with which we partner; their commitment to regional water


It’s dry throughout Texas. Bone acre-feet from year-earlier levels. The good news is our economy dry. In early April, The Houston Another news story by KENS- continues to be the envy of the Chronicle reported that drought TV in a month later nation. And we have an indus- conditions are affecting two-thirds revealed that dozens of Texas trial base that recognizes that of the state. A quarter of the state communities had less than 90 water shortage issues must be is said to be suffering “extreme” days of water supply. addressed. That’s why GCA or “worse” drought conditions, the industrial customers were propo- newspaper reported. The drought has come at a time nents of the 2013 legislation that when the state’s population— expanded the Authority’s operat- Reservoirs are running low. The second-fastest growing in the ing scope. Water shortages hurt Texas Water Development Board United States—is expected to everyone. And GCA is a vital part reported water storage levels boom further. And at the same of the solution. in March were down 472,740 time, hydraulic fracturing, which is making America energy independent, is placing increased demand on water supply as Texas oil and gas companies expand onshore operations. GCA’S ROLE EXPANDED BY NEW LEGISLATION

June 14, 2013, marked a signifi- Sen. Rodney Ellis (Houston) “The new legislation doesn’t put cant milestone for the Gulf Coast and Rep. Wayne Smith (Bay- GCA in the position of compet- Waste Disposal Authority—and town) championed the legislation ing with local and state water for the State of Texas. On that proposed by GCA in response resource agencies,” said GCA day, Gov. Rick Perry signed leg- to industrial customer concerns General Manager Ricky Clifton. islation that expands GCA’s role that the prolonged Texas drought “Rather, it provides us the legal beyond municipal and industrial might result in the curtailment authority to work with existing wastewater treatment to enable of water resources for industrial governmental water providers the Authority to build, own and use. The idea was to conserve to offer regional solutions, con- operate other types of water drinking water for human use sistent with regional needs. Our systems including pipelines, con- statewide by providing industries business development group is duits, canals, pumping stations, access to non-potable “reuse” looking into areas around the force mains, plants, storage and water from treatment facilities. It state where GCA may be of other facilities used for the treat- was passed by both houses of service.” ment, collection or distribution the Texas Legislature without a of water disposal systems and dissenting vote. treatment facilities for brackish, reuse and non-potable surface or saline water.


GCA’s Board of Directors issued proclamations in September 2013 thanking Texas State Sen. Rodney Ellis (Houston), State Rep. Wayne Smith (Baytown) and their staff for sponsoring and working diligently for the successful passage of House Bill 3871, which expanded GCA’s powers and duties to include water system facilities. State Rep. Wayne Smith receives “Both legislators have been long-time friends of the Gulf Coast Waste the GCA Board proclamation from Disposal Authority. In fact, Rep. Smith is himself a former GCA board chairman Mark Schultz member, and we wanted to formally express our appreciation,” said GCA Board Chairman Mark Schultz.

“Water resource issues are of vital concern, especially in times of drought, and we are fortunate to have such legislators who understand the role GCA plays in protecting state waters while promoting economic growth through industrial development,” Schultz said.

In February 2014, GCA execu- GCA VISITS TEXAS DELEGATION tives and board members par- ticipated in a “Legislative Fly-In” TO U.S. CONGRESS TO PROMOTE visit to members of the Texas delegation to the U.S. Congress FUNDING TO FIX NATION’S in support of proposed legislation to make more funds available to AGING WATER/WASTEWATER improve the nation’s aging water and wastewater infrastructure. INFRASTRUCTURE GCA General Manager Ricky Clifton and Manager of Facility Services Gordon Pederson joined board members Frank Jones and Dr. Irvin Osborn-Lee on the trip to tion seeking to remove volume “Drought conditions are particu- Washington, where they met with caps on tax exempt bonds used larly acute in Texas,” said Clifton, staff at nine Texas congressional to finance water and wastewater “but the entire nation would ben- offices, including U.S. Rep. Ran- projects. The goal is to help fund efit from this proposed legislation. dy Weber of Galveston. At issue $635 billion in needed repairs to GCA is doing its part to provide is a bill proposed by the Sustain- America’s water and wastewater solutions to our state’s water able Water Infrastructure Coali- infrastructure. shortage.”


GCA Operations • Infrastructure financed by Bayport Industrial GCA preserves municipalities’ Wastewater Treatment GCA’s current operations include: capacity to issue bonds for Facility four regional industrial waste- other purposes. water treatment facilities serving Location: Bayport Industrial over 80 industrial customers in Industrial District, Pasadena, the Houston - Gulf Coast area TX and in the City of Odessa; a • GCA is responsible for permits Process: Activated sludge with regional municipal wastewater and dealing with regulators; atmospheric and pure treatment facility serving the City • Favorable economies of scale oxygen diffusion of Friendswood, a small part save money and improve of Houston, and two Municipal efficiency; Bayport is GCA’s largest facility, Utility Districts; the Cedar Bayou • Industries avoid the cost of serving 65 industrial customers Park Utility District treatment installing and operating exten- and two municipalities via a 2.25- facility; a receiving station for sive pretreatment systems; mile BioSan pipeline for process trucked-in wastewater; a landfill • GCA can provide financing for wastewater and contaminated for non-hazardous industrial solid pipelines and solid waste; storm water runoff and a parallel waste; and a Central Laboratory • GCA staff are experts in waste- “Clean Stream” concrete chan- accredited by the National Envi- water treatment and industrial nel for streams that require solids ronmental Laboratory Accredita- solid waste management; treatment only, such as cooling tion Program (NELAP) that tests • Allows industry to focus on tower blow-down water. The incoming wastewater, treated core business. original plant was built by water before discharge and Friendswood Development samples from outside customers. Many of the same advantages Company, then owned by Exxon, of working with GCA to provide as part of its Bayport Industrial Why communities regional municipal and industrial Complex. GCA acquired the and industries contract wastewater treatment solutions facility in 1974 and has expanded with GCA also apply to water systems and improved it since. under the Authority’s expanded GCA offers significant advan- scope granted by the Texas With customers ranging from tages for municipal and industrial Legislature in 2013. petrochemical plants, warehous- customers: es and transportation cleaning facilities to the City of LaPorte Municipal and the City of Shore Acres, Bayport treats one of the most • GCA is responsible for permits diverse wastewater streams in and dealing with regulators; the GCA system. • Favorable economies of scale save money and improve efficiency; GCA 2014 SPRING/SUMMER FACILITIES REPORT

Blackhawk Regional Blackhawk personnel also oper- into the Texas City ship turning Wastewater Treatment ate a small wastewater treatment basin. Facility plant near the City of Baytown for the Cedar Bayou Park Utility Personnel from 40-Acre also op- Location: Friendswood, TX District. erate the nearby Campbell Bayou Process: Activated sludge with landfill for non-hazardous indus- atmospheric aeration 40-Acre Industrial trial solid waste such as con- Wastewater Treatment struction debris from petrochemi- While GCA’s other facilities pri- Facility & Campbell cal plants operating in the Texas marily treat industrial wastewater, Bayou Landfill City Industrial Complex. Landfills Blackhawk is solely dedicated are no longer permitted within to regional treatment of munici- Location: Texas City, TX 75 miles of coastal areas, so the pal sewage, serving the City of Process: Oxygen-activated grandfathered facility occupies a Friendswood, Harris County Mu- sludge. Non-hazard- strategic position for serving this nicipal Utility District (MUD) 55, ous solid waste important industrial area. Baybrook Municipal Utility District industrial landfill Space at the landfill is available 1, and extreme southern portions by contract only. of the City of Houston. The 40-Acre Facility commenced operations in 1974 and today Odessa South Industrial Blackhawk came on line in 1979 provides regional wastewater Wastewater Treatment after the City of Friendswood treatment services for two petro- Facility invited GCA to create a regional chemical plants and a marine ter- facility to treat its and other enti- minal operation. The facility also Location: TXOdessa, ties’ wastewater more efficiently treats storm water and carriage Process: Activated sludge with and economically. Blackhawk’s water from the 40-Acre landfarm, atmospheric aeration capacity was more than tripled which receives sludge from the during the 1990s to accommo- wastewater treatment facility. The In the late 1990s, Odessa had a date customer growth. Wastewa- storm water and non-hazardous problem. Economic development ter is transported by pipeline to leachate from GCA’s nearby was constrained by the city’s the facility, where it undergoes Campbell Bayou landfill are also inability under changing environ- primary, secondary and ad- treated at the 40-Acre Facility. mental regulations to combine vanced treatment, including filter- municipal wastewater with indus- ing through sand and charcoal, Wastewater is transported to the trial streams that had not under- and disinfection by ultraviolet facility by pipeline, treated with gone pretreatment. GCA was (UV) light prior to discharge into sludge activated by pure oxygen invited to provide a regional solu- Clear Creek. infusion and polished in a series tion—the Odessa South Industri- of retention ponds before the al Wastewater Treatment Facility. treated water is discharged into GCA rebuilt and refurbished the the Hurricane Canal, which feeds city’s old municipal plant, com- mencing operations in 1997.

7 SPRING/SUMMER 2014 Today, the facility provides treat- Washburn Tunnel Vince Bayou receives waste ment services for municipal and Wastewater Treatment material from portable chemical industrial wastewater transported Facility & Vince Bayou toilets, septic tanks, equipment/ by pipeline from the City of Receiving Station parking lot wash-down streams Odessa and a number of indus- and some industrial non-hazard- tries. Under its permit, Odessa Location: Pasadena, TX, on ous wastewater. South also receives trucked-in the Houston Ship wastewater from municipal septic Channel Central Laboratory systems and portable toilets as Process: Activated sludge with well as non-hazardous industrial atmospheric and Location: Bayport Industrial wastewater. pure oxygen infusion District, Pasadena, (Washburn Tunnel) TX In 2013, the Odessa South Operation: Full-service NELAP- Facility received the necessary Acquired in 1973 from Champion accredited testing approvals to move ahead with Paper Co. and immediately modi- laboratory supplying 2 million gallons per fied and improved, Washburn day of effluent to a local oil and Tunnel was the first facility to be GCA’s individual facility labo- gas company for use in frack- operated by GCA, providing an ratories were consolidated into ing operations. Reuse of effluent early demonstration of the effec- a single Central Laboratory in from wastewater treatment facili- tiveness and viability of wastewa- 1991. While the facilities still ties will help promote conserva- ter treatment on a regional scale. perform some basic analysis, tion during the current drought the heavy lifting is accomplished and into the future. Washburn Tunnel serves re- at the Central Laboratory, which fineries, petrochemical plants, processes 400 samples daily. bulk storage facilities and other Test results are normally avail- local industries located along able the same day, versus a the . The one-week turnaround for most facility also treats approximately commercial facilities. a million gallons per day of mu- nicipal wastewater from the City The Central Laboratory tests all of Pasadena as well as volumes GCA streams daily for pH bal- from GCA’s nearby Vince Bayou ance, total organic carbons, Receiving Station. total suspended solids, metals, chemicals and other materials to GCA created the Vince Bayou ensure that incoming wastewater Receiving Station at the request may be processed effectively of the City of Houston and the and is monitored for compliance State of Texas to offload non- reporting. The state-of-the-art hazardous wastewater trans- facility employs spectrometry, ported by truck for treatment at mass spectrometry, electron cap- Washburn Tunnel. ture detection, flame ionization, atomic absorption and inductively coupling plasma equipment, much of it automated, to perform its mission. The lab employs a web-based provides analytical services to Laboratory Information Manage- external municipal and industrial ment System that enables GCA organizations. The lab is ac- facilities to rapidly access test credited by the National Environ- status and results and performs mental Laboratory Accreditation automated quality assurance for Program (NELAP) and the Texas sample analysis. Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). In addition to its work for GCA facilities, the Central Laboratory


Lori Traweek, GCA Manager of Operations, her husband Don and Liz Van Orstrand at the Trash Bash Site.

Protecting the waters of the State of Texas is GCA’s job, it’s true, but the commitment of the organization’s employees and leadership is much broader than wastewater treatment—it’s part of the culture. Perhaps the most visible example of that cultural commitment is GCA’s annual sponsorship and participa- tion in the River, Lakes, Bays ‘N Bayous Trash Bash®, a massive cleanup of miles of waterways stretch- ing from all the way south almost to the Gulf of Mexico.

GCA is a Platinum Sponsor of the yearly half-day cleanup effort and has been in- volved in the event every year since its inception in 1994. The Authority coordinates two cleanup sites—Sims Bayou and Virginia Point—where GCA employees at every level of the organization join scores of other volunteers to collect and remove litter, old automobile tires and other refuse from the local waterways and shorelines—tons and tons of trash. GCA Operations Manager Lori Traweek is also president of the Texas Conservation Fund, which organizes Trash Bash, and Executive Secretary Linda Norton serves as the Fund’s treasurer.

Trash Bash 2014 was held on Saturday, March 29th, at 16 sites ranging from Lake Conroe to . GCA facility managers Terri Strachan (40-Acre and Campbell Bayou) and Kelly Nidini (Washburn Tunnel and Vince Bayou) led the cleanup for Virginia Point and Sims Bayou, respectively. They were joined by GCA’S COMMITMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT EXTENDS BEYOND WORKPLACE

First-place Envirothon winners Team “Alligator” from the Academy of Science and Technology, The Woodlands, TX.

many other GCA employees and other volunteers. Throughout the Houston area, 4,622 volunteers policed 157 miles of shoreline, picking up and disposing of 37.6 tons of refuse, including 369 automobile tires.

GCA also sponsors the Texas Envirothon, an academic, extra-curricular environmental and natural resource education program and competition designed for high school students. The program is coordinated locally by the Environmental Institute of Houston at University of Houston – campus. Teams composed of five students answer questions focusing on five areas of study: aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife, and a current environmental issue. In addition to the field experience, students also participate in an oral com- ponent focusing on a real-world environmental problem.

Twenty-one teams from 13 schools participated in the 2014 competition: The Academy of Science and Technology, The Woodlands; The John Cooper School, The Woodlands; The Woodlands College Park High School, The Woodlands; Richardson High School, Richardson; South Grand Prairie High School, Grand Prairie; Harlingen South High School, Harlingen; Carroll Senior High School, Southlake; J Frank Dobie High School, Houston; Georgetown 4-H, Georgetown; St Thomas High School, Houston; Sam Houston High School, Arlington; Science Academy of , Mercedes; and Rio Hondo High School, Rio Hondo.

The winning group in 2014 was Team “Alligator” of the Academy of Science and Technology. We congratulate them for their achievement.

11 SPRING/SUMMER 2014 GCA also is a regular sponsor of the Galveston Bay Foun- dation’s (GBF) annual Bay Day and Marsh Mania events. Bay Day is a one-day celebra- tion presented by GBF and its community partners. This family event is a fun way to educate participants about Galveston Bay and includes interactive exhibits, demonstrations and other activi- ties that emphasize the beauty and value of a healthy bay. Marsh Mania is a nationally recognized, annual wetlands restoration project that involves community volunteers. Over the past 16 years, Marsh Mania has brought together more than 7,000 volun- teers who have helped restore and replant more than 200 acres of vital salt marsh habitat at 74 sites around Galveston Bay.


The Galveston Bay Foundation’s (GBF) Marsh Mania is the nationally recognized, signature community-based wetlands restoration and education event of the . The goal of Marsh Mania is to involve local citizens in hands-on wetlands restoration activities while increasing their awareness and appreciation of wetland habitats and functions. The first Marsh Mania was held in 1999, that year known as “Marsh Bash.” This one-day event set a national record when 1,500 volunteers planted nearly 70,000 stems of smooth cordgrass to create 14.5 acres of new habitat at eight sites around the bay. In its 16 years, Marsh Mania has involved more than 7,000 community volunteers in the restoration of over 200 acres of vital salt marsh habitat at 74 sites around Galveston Bay. GCA is a longtime sponsor of this event.


Bay Day is a one-day celebration presented by the Galveston Bay Foundation and numerous community partners. It is a fun event for families and adults that allows attendees to experience and learn more about Galveston Bay, the largest bay in Texas and one of the most productive estuaries in the country. Bay Day highlights include hands-on, interactive exhibits, activities and demonstrations that emphasize the beauty and value of Galveston Bay. GCA partners with other sponsors to support GBF’s efforts to share information on the value of Galveston Bay.

More than 5,000 people from all over joined GBF staff, exhibitors, and volunteers to celebrate Galveston Bay at the annual Bay Day Festival on April 26 at the Kemah Boardwalk. Attendees visited the interactive exhibits and learned about the importance of Galveston Bay and its diverse resources. A new and popular feature this year was the Water Wonders Coner, which focused on activities to teach participants about water-quality- related issues in Galveston Bay. GCA CONTRACTS WITH OIL & GAS COMPANY TO PROVIDE WATER FOR DRILLING AND COMPLETION OPERATIONS

Ongoing drought conditions in The agreement calls for sup- Texas, coupled with an increase plying up to 2 million gallons of in water demand to service effluent per day from the Odessa fracking and other oilfield drilling South Facility to Kerr Energy and completion operations, have starting in the first quarter of created opportunities for GCA 2014. This marks the first time to help conserve drinking water GCA has engaged in treated by providing treated effluent to water reuse for industry. industry. RDX Technologies is in the “In times of drought, scarce water process of acquiring Kerr Energy supplies are allocated to people and plans to continue the water first,” said GCA Manager of Facil- reuse project with GCA. RDX has ity Services Gordon Pederson. a contract with COG Operating, “But industry needs water, too. Inc., a subsidiary of Midland’s By providing non-potable treated Concho Resources, to provide water from our facilities, we can more than 45,000 barrels per day help keep the economy growing of treated water for a total of 13 while freeing up drinking water material into shale and other years, divided into three terms. for human use.” “tight rock” formations to crack and then prop open fissures that The treated water will be trans- GCA has entered a contract to allow the oil and gas to flow more ported by pipeline from GCA’s supply treated water from the freely. The technique, combined Odessa South Facility to a field Odessa South Facility to Kerr with horizontal drilling, has distribution center. RDX is se- Energy for use in its Permian proven to be a major boost for curing pipeline right-of-ways. Basin drilling and completion U.S. energy supplies and a boon RDX CEO Dennis Danzik has operations, including hydraulic to the economies of communities described the project as a first- fracturing. Fracturing, or fracking, located near shale plays. of-its-kind approach for supplying involves pumping water, chemi- water for shale oil production. cals and sand or other coarse


GCA is upgrading the Wash- the improvements is estimated burn Tunnel facility to improve to occur during the first quarter the wastewater effluent disin- of 2016. Extensive technical fection process. The project planning and coordination with will employ peracetic acid customers and the regulatory as the disinfection medium. community has positioned Eliminating elevated bacte- GCA to continue to be the rial counts in wastewater dis- premier provider of industrial charges to state waters helps wastewater treatment services ensure the availability of clean, in Texas. sustainable water for future generations. In line with GCA’s Core Values and Key Business Perfor- The scope of the project mance Areas, this investment includes the design and con- will pay dividends in the form struction of a large disinfection of safety and environmental contact basin, underground compliance, reliability, long- piping modifications, instru- term sustainable growth and mentation, chemical feed customer satisfaction. system controls and continu- ous outfall monitoring to en- sure the facility sustains the highest quality wastewater discharge. Commissioning of BAYPORT FACILITY’S $27.5 MILLION IN CAPITAL PROJECTS SLATED TO MEET GROWING CUSTOMER DEMAND

The Bayport Facility has conveys wastewater from the compliant and reliable quality seen tremendous growth and facility’s first-step treatment of wastewater treatment ser- change since its inception in tanks to the second-step tanks vice that our users expect. 1974 and will continue to see and clarifiers. The old pipeline more during the next three had capacity constraints and GCA is charged with the task years. Reliability is a core was near the end of its service of protecting the waters of the value of the service that GCA life. state of Texas, and through provides to our customers and reliability, planning, teamwork in order to meet these expec- During 2014 feedstock prices and continuous improvement, tations Bayport has started have remained low and the the Bayport Facility continues design and construction on Bayport Industrial Complex to meet these goals. three major projects. is seeing tremendous growth through expansions and new Aging infrastructure at the facilities. This customer growth facility along with continued challenges the Bayport Facility growth has driven the need to be proactive in expanding to for $27.5 million in capital meet increased demand. GCA projects. The first undertaking recognizes the important func- is to upgrade Bayport’s main tion it serves in providing re- lift station and replace the gional wastewater treatment to pipeline that transports water the Bayport Industrial Complex from the main lift station to the and continues to maintain the first-step treatment tanks. The old pipeline is nearing the end of its service life and additional capacity is needed to facilitate future needs of our customers.

The second project involves relocation of Bayport’s disin- fection system and construc- tion of an additional clarifier. Completion of this project will help the facility meet future permitting requirements and provide redundancy for con- ducting more comprehensive maintenance on Bayport’s existing clarifiers.

The third and final project will replace the pipeline that


The Permian Basin has seen decreased for waste carriers and Odessa South was established tremendous economic growth wastewater volumes delivered in 1997 after city officials invited due to the increase in oil and to the plant for treatment and GCA to offer a regional solution gas exploration activities in the disposal have increased. Odessa to wastewater management is- area in recent years. One side South currently receives more sues that were constraining eco- effect of this growth has been than 2 million gallons of trucked- nomic growth in the community. increased demand for disposal in wastewater per month and that options for wastewater generated amount is on the rise. This is an- by drilling and production person- other good example of how GCA nel and operations. This demand continues to pursue opportunities comes at a time when existing to provide solutions that support Permian wastewater treatment environmentally responsible eco- plants were already finding their nomic growth in Texas. capacities under stress.

GCA’s Odessa South Facility ad- dressed this problem by tripling the number of unloading bays at its receiving station. As a result, wait times have significantly BLACKHAWK FACILITY UV DISINFECTION IMPROVED

In late 2013, GCA began work system also can increase or As part of the UV system up- to upgrade the Blackhawk Re- decrease the power output of the grade, two of Blackhawk’s five gional Treatment Plant’s disin- UV lamps depending on the flow dual-media sand filters also were fection system. The facility has rate and quality of the effluent. rehabilitated. The filter media and used ultraviolet (UV) light as the This ensures high-quality, effi- components were removed and primary disinfection system for cient disinfection. replaced with all new compo- more than 20 years but due to nents and media. regulatory changes to treatment requirements and improvements in technology, the upgrade was determined necessary to main- tain reliability.

The new system went live on April 4, 2014. It’s designed to disinfect the final wastewater at the facility up to a flow rate of 27.75 million gallons per day with a light transmittance of 50 per- cent, which measures the ability for the UV light to travel through the treated water to disinfect any pathogens still remaining.

The system is fully automated and can turn UV lights on and off as needed as well as open- ing and closing the facility’s weir gates to permit flow to any one of the three water channels. The


The Permian Basin in West and, possibly, water recovered • Additional capacity for Texas is a major producing area from salt water disposal well saltwater disposal; and for oil and gas, accounting for 14 fields. GCA would treat and blend • Reduction in truck traffic on percent of total annual petroleum water from these sources to area roadways. production in the United States. provide water with a quality suit- able for industrial use—including GCA is currently working with the GCA is exploring the possibility fracking and waterflooding—and Odessa Development Corpora- of establishing regional water then redistribute the reclaimed tion and the City of Odessa to recycling infrastructure to provide waters to industrial users. Trans- fund the study. Representatives water for industrial use—includ- portation of water to the treat- from local energy, petrochemical, ing oil and gas exploration and ment facility and then on to the power and salt water disposal production—in the Permian. The location of reuse would be by companies, in addition to mu- conceptual approach is to build pipeline. nicipal partners, also have been one or more facilities that would asked to participate. receive non-potable water from The potential benefits of such a various sources, such as flow- system include: back water from fracking, pro- duced water from waterflooding • Additional water supply in a of oil wells, brackish groundwa- water-short area; ter, treated municipal wastewater • Reduction of industrial demand on water suitable for potable use; Board of Directors

J.M. “Mark” Schultz Rita E. Standridge Chris Peden Dr. Irvin Osborne-Lee Franklin D.R. Jones, Jr. Chairman of the Board, Vice Chair, Member, Treasurer, Secretary, Chambers County Chambers County Galveston County Harris County Harris County

Stanley Cromartie Ron Crowder Lamont Meaux Gloria Milian Matt Member, Member, Member, Member, Galveston County Galveston County Chambers County Harris County

Senior Managers

Ricky Clifton Lori Traweek Amanda Eaves Gordon Pederson General Manager Manager of Operations Financial Services Manager Manager of Facility Services

SPRING/SUMMER 2014 Protecting the waters of the State of Texas through environmentally sound and economically feasible regional waste management practices

Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority 910 Bay Area Blvd. • Houston, Texas 77058 Phone: 281.488.4115 www.gcwda.com