Euro Risk-Free Interest Rates: the Transition from EONIA to €STR

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Euro Risk-Free Interest Rates: the Transition from EONIA to €STR Euro risk-free interest rates: the transition from EONIA to €STR Inmaculada Álvarez López and Pablo Lago Perezagua (*) (*) Inmaculada Álvarez López and Pablo Lago Perezagua are specialist and head, respectively, in the Monetary Policy Desk and Liquidity Management unit of the Banco de España. EURO RISK-FREE INTEREST RATES: THE TRANSITION FROm EONIA TO €STR Abstract The decline in the trading volume of unsecured transactions following the financial crisis led to a loss in EONIA’s representativeness.1 Moreover, the manipulation of some of the main benchmark rates, such as LIBOR, and the sanctions imposed by the authorities, resulted in a large number of institutions stopping their voluntary contributions to these and other benchmarks, such as EONIA. In this situation, the need for appropriate and reliable benchmark rates became clear. This article describes the key features of the new euro risk-free interest rate, known as the euro short-term rate (€STR), and why it was created. In addition, the article gives an account of the progress made by the working group on euro risk-free rates and the transition required to gradually replace EONIA, which has until now served as the benchmark for many money market contracts and as an indicator for monetary policy decisions in the Eurosystem. 1 Introduction The worldwide scandals caused by the manipulation of major benchmark rates such as LIBOR, and the sanctions imposed on a number of financial institutions, led to a sharp fall in the number of institutions contributing voluntarily to these benchmarks, thus making them less representative. In Europe, in addition to the manipulation detected in LIBOR rates, the fall in voluntary contributions had an impact both on EURIBOR and EONIA, compounded by the very significant decline in money market activity as a result of the subprime crisis. The fragile nature of indices based on voluntary contributions from credit institutions and, in the case of EURIBOR, on quotes and not on actual transactions, revealed the need for a uniform set of rules and a more rigorous, mandatory methodology largely based on actual transactions. Until then, EONIA had served as an implicit benchmark for the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB), allowing to gauge the impact of Governing Council decisions on changes in key ECB interest rates. The importance of this rate also stemmed from its use as a benchmark in a large volume of financial contracts. To address the decline in the volume and in the number of institutions contributing to EONIA, the ECB decided to provide the market with a new benchmark rate to support the short-term euro money market. To this end, in September 2017 it announced the creation of the €STR, taking on the role of its administrator. 1 EONIA: euro overnight index average. BANCO DE ESPAÑA 125 FINANCIAL STABILITY REVIEW, ISSUE 38 At the same time, a number of European organisations set up a working group to identify and recommend risk-free rates for the euro area that could serve as an alternative to the benchmarks used until then in a variety of financial instruments and contracts. In turn, the group was tasked with developing a plan for the transition of new and legacy contracts to risk-free rates. The group recommended that the €STR be used as the risk-free rate for the euro area and has since focused its efforts on planning for a smooth transition from EONIA to the €STR and on creating the conditions for a liquid derivatives market based on risk-free rates. The group’s objectives also include ensuring that stakeholders coordinate and communicate well with each other. This article focuses on the progress made since the ECB announced that it would create a new index until it was published for the first time in October 2019. The authors give a detailed account of the stages of the transition from EONIA to the €STR and underline the main challenges ahead to successfully complete the transition by January 2022, when EONIA will cease to be published. 2 Market context: Manipulation of benchmarks and financial crisis Between 2013 and 2016, the European Commission imposed fines totalling more than €2,000 million on nine financial institutions, following an investigation by the EU competition authorities into the alleged manipulation of EURIBOR (the euro interbank market benchmark rate2) by some of the institutions making up the panel of over 40 contributing banks.3 According to the Commission, the sanctioned institutions had infringed Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,4 which regulates the rules on competition applying to EU undertakings. EURIBOR was calculated as the average of the interest rates published daily by a panel of banks responsible for offering the quoted rates for different maturities in the unsecured segment. The resulting rates for each maturity in the euro money market were the average of the quoted rates, following elimination of the highest and lowest 15% of quotes. In the case of EURIBOR, the highest and lowest 25% of daily quotes were eliminated and, consequently, only 50% of the information reported was used to calculate the benchmark. The lack of objectivity in the calculation of the benchmark, which was not based on actual transactions but on the voluntary contributions of credit institutions, which submitted the rate at which they would be prepared to lend to other financial institutions, along with the absence of effective controls, meant that some participants 2 EURIBOR has now been reformed to encompass a broader segment of the money market and is no longer limited to the interbank market. See EURIBOR reform. 3 See EURIBOR panel banks. 4 See Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. BANCO DE ESPAÑA 126 FINANCIAL STABILITY REVIEW, ISSUE 38 were able to manipulate prices to their own benefit. The mechanism was straightforward, since agents from the different panel banks agreed on the quote submissions, thus changing the value of EURIBOR at their convenience. The manipulation of benchmarks was not limited to EURIBOR or the EU, but was preceded by similar cases in other jurisdictions. In 2012, Barclays reached an agreement with the UK and US authorities, namely, the Financial Stability Authority (FSA) and the Federal Reserve System (FED), to pay a fine of USD 450 million for having rigged LIBOR information between 2005 and 2009, for its own benefit. This marked the first in a series of investigations over the next few years which led to sanctions being imposed on a number of financial institutions for manipulating LIBOR for different currencies. As a result, many of the banks which voluntarily contributed to these rates stopped doing so, thus drastically reducing the number of EURIBOR and EONIA panel banks. At present, a total of 18 banks remain on the EURIBOR panel, after 26 banks stopped contributing, mostly between 2012 and 2016. On 9 August 2007, BNP Paribas Investment Partners announced the suspension of redemptions and share subscriptions in three of its investment funds, since it had become impossible to calculate their net asset value owing to the absence of market prices and the loss of liquidity of the assets in its portfolios. These funds invested in instruments referencing the US mortgage market. This episode marked the beginning of the great financial crisis and set the stage for the collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers and the start of a long period of distrust among financial institutions, which would lead to a diminished interbank market. The subprime mortgage crisis affected the solvency of many financial institutions, leading to a loss of confidence among them, reflected in the diminished volume of the unsecured interbank market (see Chart 1). From then on, collateralised loans would become the norm and their terms would be shortened. This had a direct impact on interbank market benchmark rates which, faced with a declining number of actual transactions as the crisis worsened, began to rely increasingly on the subjective assessment of agents who contributed daily to their calculation, submitting quotes for different maturities, for a market with an ever-lower number of transactions. The financial crisis, which began in 2007 in the United States and would culminate in the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, led to the sovereign debt crisis, as the lack of confidence in banks’ solvency had also spread to other sovereign states. Against this background, and given the doubts raised about the integrity of the benchmark rates, the G20 commissioned the Financial Stability Board (hereafter, FSB) to undertake a review and a reform of the main benchmarks, to ensure that they were robust and reliable, and thus avoid cases of manipulation in the future. BANCO DE ESPAÑA 127 FINANCIAL STABILITY REVIEW, ISSUE 38 Chart 1 TRADING IN THE UNSECURED AND SECURED SEGMENTS (Index: Q2 2003 = 100) UNSECURED SECURED SOURCE: European Central Bank. Euro Money Market Study 2018. NOTE: Data to 2015 drawn from the Euro Money Market Survey and data from mid-2016 on (shown in light blue), from Money Market Statistical Reporting. A sample of 38 banks was used. The FSB set up a high-level working group made up of regulators and central banks, known as the Official Sector Steering Group (hereafter, OSSG), and tasked it with coordinating the reviews of existing interest rate benchmarks, ensuring their consistency, and studying the feasibility of introducing new benchmarks. The FSB decided that the OSSG’s initial review would focus on the most widely used benchmarks in the market, LIBOR, EURIBOR and TIBOR, because of their importance for financial stability. In turn, the OSSG formed a group of market participants, with a view to involving the private sector, which would study the feasibility of implementing new indices and analyse the implications of a transition to these new benchmarks.
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