Information Classification: CONTROLLED Cornish National Minority Working Group Agenda Date: Tuesday 20 October 2020 Time: 14.00-16:00 hrs Location: Virtual meeting Chair: Cllr Dick Cole Membership: Cllr Stephen Barnes, Cllr Bert Biscoe, Cllr Malcom Brown, Cllr Dick Cole, Cllr Martin Eddy, Cllr Jesse Foot, Cllr Julian German, Cllr John Pollard, Cllr Jordan Rowse, Mary-Ann Bloomfield, Will Coleman, Ian Saltern In attendance: Matt Barton, Rebecca Cohen, Jane Cox, Paula Ruskin, Tamzyn Smith, Mark Trevethan 1. Welcome and apologies (Cllr Cole) 14:00 2. Minutes and matters arising from previous meeting – 30 June 2020 14:05 (Cllr Cole) Minutes and matters arising from Extraordinary meeting – 12 August 2020 (Cllr Cole) 3. MHCLG Funding (Cllrs Cole / German) 14:15 • Leader’s letter to Minister for Housing, Communities & Local Government and Ministerial response 4. Parliamentary Constituencies Bill (Cllr Cole) 14:25 5. Data audit / evidence base (Cllr Cole) 14:40 6. Action Plan update (Cllr Cole/Jane Cox) 14:50 7. Cornish Minority Engagement Forum (Cllr Cole/Jane Cox) 15:00 8. Census 2021 Engagement (Rebecca Cohen) 15:10 9. Correspondence (Cllr Cole) 15:25 • Cornish Minority email inbox • Bewnans Kernow email 10. Council of Europe monitoring report for the European Charter for 15:35 Regional and Minority Languages (Mark Trevethan) 11. Any other Business 15:50 • Future meetings schedule (Cllr Cole) • Kernow Creative Manifesto (Cllr Cole) Date of next meeting: 08 December 2020 For further information on this agenda please contact: Paula Ruskin
[email protected] Page 1 Information Classification: PUBLIC AGENDA ITEM 2.1 Cornish National Minority Working Group Minutes Date: Tuesday, 30 June 2020 Time: 14.00-16:00 hrs Location: Virtual meeting Present: Cllr Dick Cole (Chair), Cllr Stephen Barnes, Cllr Bert Biscoe, Cllr Malcom Brown, Cllr Martin Eddy, Cllr Julian German, Cllr John Pollard, Cllr Jordan Rowse, Will Coleman, Ian Saltern.