THE MONETARY CIRCUIT APPROACH: A STOCK-FLOW CONSISTENT MODEL* Paper for the 9th workshop of the R.N.A.M.P.: “Macroeconomics and Macroeconomics Policies. Alternatives to the Orthodoxy” October 28-29, 2005, Berlin, Germany Jean-Vincent ACCOCE
[email protected] Tarik MOUAKIL
[email protected] Université Montesquieu Bordeaux 4 (France) INTRODUCTION In 1999, Marc Lavoie, Professor at the University of Ottawa and author of Foundations of Post-Keynesian Economic Analysis (1992), invited Wynne Godley, former Director of the Department of Applied Economics at Cambridge University (1970-1994)1, to present in Canada’s capital what Godley considered to be his most important and radical work to date. Godley had finally managed to represent his macroeconomic theory in a stock-flow consistent accounting framework linking stocks and flows together and integrating money in the best Cambridge post-Keynesian tradition (Godley, 1996, 1999)2. For his part, Lavoie was trying to build a post-Keynesian (PK from now on) growth model incorporating money and equities but didn’t know exactly how to do it especially for representing choices in the composition of portfolios. He found with Godley’s work the method he was missing and Wynne found in him the heterodox economist that would help to make his work more pedagogical, linking it to the rest of post-Keynesian theory. In 2001, Paul Davidson’s Journal of Post Keynesian Economics published Lavoie and Godley’s first paper in which they present their “model of growth in a coherent monetary framework” (Lavoie and Godley, 2001-2). The interest aroused by this article3 encouraged them to continue their collaboration and, on top of writing a common book (Lavoie and * The authors are grateful to Marc Lavoie and Frédéric Poulon for their helpful comments.