
2020 PERSIAN—GENERAL Fourth Paper Full Marks : 100 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.


Group-A Answer any two questions. 30×2=60

1. Narrate the progress of Persian poetry under the Samanids. 2. Give in brief the life of Samarqandi and discuss the salient features of his poetry.

3. Write briefly the literary and historical importance of the Shahnama.

4. Give an estimate of Sultan Mahmud as a patron of . 5. Give a sketch of the life of Maulana and comment upon his persian poetry.

6. Give an estimate of Hafiz and comment upon his poerty.

7. Discuss Imam Ghazali as a Persian prose writer.


8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10×2=20 (a)   (b)  

Please Turn over P(III)–Persian–G–4/Set–2 ( 2 )

(c)   (d)    (e)   (f)   Group-C

9. Answer any ten questions: 2×10=20

(a) Who was Behram Gur?

(b) Name two great Rubai writers in Persian.

(c) Quote any verse of Khwajah Hafiz.

(d) was associated with the court of which king ?

(e) Quote any verse from the Shahnama of Firdausi.

(f) Who was Zaheer Faryabi?

(g) Who translated the Rubaiyat of Umar Khayyam into English for the

first time?

(h) Who was Nizamu'l -Mulk Tusi?

(i) Where was Imam Ghazali bron at?

(j) Who was the spiritual guide of Maulana Rumi?

(k) What is the theme of the ?

(l) Where is Maulana Rumi's tomb situated at?

(m) Why was Daqiqi killed and by whom? (n) Who is called  ? (o) Write the names of two eminent Persian poets who flourished in Indian.