Mitochondrial regulate nuclear expression through metabolites COMMENTARY Jessica L. Fettermana,b and Scott W. Ballingerc,1

Mitochondria contain multiple copies of mitochondrial (αKG) levels. For example, Kopinski et al. find that, under DNA (mtDNA), which essential for conditions of high (A3243G), acetyl-CoA cellular bioenergetics. When more than one type of levels decrease, which associates with decreased his- mtDNA exists within the , or be- tone H4 (Fig. 1). Overall, they find that tween mitochondria, a condition termed heteroplasmy mitochondrial-derived metabolites correlate with occurs. In this respect, it has been long observed that histone posttranslational modifications, which differ differences in mtDNA heteroplasmy involving path- across the different levels of heteroplasmy. Cybrids ogenic mtDNA generate a broad range with 70 to 100% A3243G heteroplasmy have lower of clinical phenotypes. For instance, it is known levels of acetyl-CoA that is associated with lower his- that increasing levels of the transfer RNA leucine tone H4 acetylation, and additionally generate less [tRNALeu(UUR)] 3243A > G mutant “result successively acetyl-CoA from glucose, instead producing higher in diabetes, neuromuscular degenerative disease, amounts of lactate, a phenotype recapitulated by and perinatal lethality” (1); however, the specific mo- inhibiting mitochondrial synthesis with chlor- lecular mechanisms driving these diverse clinical phe- amphenicol or complex I inhibition with rotenone. notypes have been not clearly understood. In PNAS, Additionally, cybrids with 30 to 70% A3243G have Kopinski et al. (1) advance our understanding of higher levels of αKG/succinate, which is associated this mystery by manipulating the levels of mtDNA with lower levels of histone 3 (Fig. 1), likely containing either a normal (3243A) or pathogenic due to αKG-dependent Jumonji C histone demethy- + (3243G) mtDNA tRNALeu(UUR) in a human lases. Interestingly, the NAD /NADH ratio is elevated bone osteosarcoma cybrid model. For these studies, in cybrids with 60 to 70% A3243G, which correlates with + they generated lines that had either 100% normal an up-regulation of NAD synthesis and mitochondrial (3243A) or 100% pathogenic (3243G) mtDNA homo- oxidative genes—suggestive of a po- plasmies, in addition to a series of cybrids harboring tential compensatory mechanism in response to declin- different percentages of normal and pathogenic ing mitochondrial function. Hence, the percent 3243A > 3243A > G mtDNA heteroplasmies. Using these cell G heteroplasmy impacts the metabolites generated lines, they performed various measures of metabolism, through mitochondrial metabolic pathways, and these including metabolic tracing and NAD+/NADH ratios, changes alter epigenetic pathways that account for the and, importantly, examined transcriptional and epige- differential nuclear genome expression associated with netic changes in the nuclear genome. Another key fea- heteroplasmy. ture of this work is that all cell lines (homoplasmic and While the basic concept of mitochondrial−nuclear heteroplasmic) shared the same nuclear genome, communication is not new, these results provide an meaning that any observed metabolic and epigenetic expansive viewpoint regarding the role of the mito- changes were solely attributed to differences in mitochon- chondrion, its related genetics, and overall impact drial genetics. This report provides direct evidence that upon cell function and response. Classically, signal- changing levels of tRNALeu(UUR) 3243A > Gheteroplasmy ing from the mitochondrion to the nucleus has been on the same nuclear background changes aspects of mi- termed retrograde signaling—this type of signaling tochondrial function (as anticipated), but, perhaps more has largely focused on the role of mitochondrial oxi- importantly, also causes changes in nuclear gene expres- dant generation to convey mitochondrial dysfunction sion via histone modifications modulated by levels of mito- to the nucleus (2, 3). Mitochondrial oxidants are in- chondrially generated acetyl-CoA and α-ketoglutarate creasingly recognized as key activators of JNK and

aEvans Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02118; bWhitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02118; and cDepartment of Pathology, Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL 35294 Author contributions: J.L.F. and S.W.B. wrote the paper; J.L.F. provided coauthor commentary; and S.W.B. provided commentary. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). See companion article 10.1073/pnas.1906896116. 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected]. PNAS Latest Articles | 1of3 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 % mtDNA 3243A Heteroplasmy 3243G (pathogenic) 100


Acetyl CoA α-Ketoglutarate/Succinate Acetyl CoA

Histone H4 Acetylaon Methylaon Acetylaon

Transcriponal Alteraons

Disnct Clinical Phenotype Fig. 1. Influence of mtDNA heteroplasmy on clinical phenotype via changes on metabolic programming that impact the epigenome and nuclear . As shown in Kopinski et al. (1), different levels of heteroplasmic tRNALeu(UUR) m.3243 A > G mutation change levels of acetyl- CoA available for histone acetylation (histone H4). Decreased and increased levels of m.3243G heteroplasmy are linked with greater and lower levels of acetyl-CoA, respectively, which change levels of histone acetylation. Interestingly, intermediate levels of m.3243G heteroplasmy were associated with increased levels of αKG/succinate ratios and decreased histone (histone H3) methylation. Collectively, these epigenetic changes influence nuclear gene expression (transcriptional alterations) that conveys the distinct clinical phenotypes associated with heteroplasmic tRNALeu(UUR) m.3243 A > G mtDNA mutations.

ERK1/2 pathways, which activate either apoptosis or oxidant de- by mitochondrial haplotype, suggesting that environmental exposures toxification pathways, depending on the strength of the stimu- impact mitochondrial signaling responses differently based upon the lus. The reverse, or signaling from nucleus to mitochondrion, has mitochondrial haplotype (7). Similarly, a series of studies utilizing been typically referred to as anterograde signaling, which has mitochondrial−nuclear exchange models, wherein different mtDNA been well studied as it pertains to mitochondrial biogenesis (2, genetic backgrounds were paired with the same nuclear genetic + 3); ADP/ATP and NAD /NADH ratios are also known to regulate background, have directly shown that disease susceptibility, bioener- AMPK and sirtuin pathways, respectively, and collectively con- getic function, oxidant production, and, importantly, gene expression verge to coordinate mitochondrial biogenesis (2). Interestingly, are significantly changed in vivo (8–10). Importantly, the findings of while these types of mitochondrial−nuclear communication Kopinski et al. (1) provide a likely explanation for these observed have been known for some time, they have generally been differences in that they link mtDNA genetics with nuclear epigenomic thought of as a means for affecting cell response to acute stres- modulation via changes in metabolic intermediates—further provid- sors from a pathway perspective. The concept of mitochondrial− ing evidence of systemic molecular mechanisms that are defined by nuclear communication via changes in mtDNA genetics (e.g., mtDNA genetics, which modulate transcriptional control of the heteroplasmy) as a basic means for controlling nuclear gene nuclear genome. expression from a metabolic homeostatic systems perspective, In this respect, the findings of Kopinski et al. (1) have even a however, is likely more appropriate, and the findings of Kopinski more global and lasting impact on our understanding of eukary- et al. (1) raise and confirm this possibility, revealing that mito- otic genetics. Despite the fact that 1) the ancestral mtDNA ge- chondrial−nuclear communication is genetically influenced and nome transferred the majority of its genes to the nucleus (thus is a continuous process that is not governed exclusively by making many of the genes in the nucleus of mitochondrial genetic acute events. origins) and 2) mitochondrial and nuclear have Studies examining nuclear gene expression relative to mtDNA coevolved for the past 1.5 billion years of eukaryotic genetic evo- copy number or haplogroup have shown that depletion of mtDNA lution, the idea of a continuous dialogue between the 2 genomes in breast and osteosarcoma cells altered the methylation is only just emerging, and the concept that mitochondrial status of CpG islands, and restoration of mtDNA levels to baseline metabolites regulate nuclear gene expression has been limited. partially restored some of the genomic methylation patterns, sug- Moreover, that a genetic connection exists between nuclear gene gesting that the mtDNA serves as a proxy of mitochondrial function expression and the mitochondrial genome via its programming of in regulating epigenomic pathways (4). The mtDNA haplotype in cellular metabolism has not been seriously considered—likely due murine embryonic stem cell lines is also associated with patterns of to the challenging question of how a mtDNA mutant can have genomic methylation, suggesting that mitochondrial genetic vari- such broad effects upon what is heretofore thought of as “non- ants may play a role in epigenomic regulation of gene expression mitochondrial” functions. Kopinski et al.’s work demonstrates how (5). Further, in human cybrids with mitochondrial haplogroup J, this can occur, which directly couples mtDNA genetics → mito- higher levels of genomic methylation were found relative to cybrids chondrial metabolism → nuclear gene expression. From this with other European haplogroups (6). In Drosophila melanogaster, mito-Mendelian perspective, variants within mitochondrial genes exposure to hypoxia induced gene expression changes that differed in both genomes, nuclear and mitochondrial, likely modify the

2of3 | Fetterman and Ballinger Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 responses of the mitochondrion to stimuli such as endogenous or include a mito-Mendelian perspective. Our understanding of the exogenous factors (e.g., cytokines or environmental factors, respec- intersections of bigenomic communication in response to envi- tively), and therefore represent an area that, as of yet, remains ronmental exposures and in the presence of pathology will ad- largely unexplored. Further, these studies and others (8–10) vance as large datasets with multiple omics measures become strongly suggest the need for greater contemplation of how to in- more readily available. Additional studies such as those reported terpret results from experiments utilizing genetic models having by Kopinski et al. are needed in order for us to gain a greater different mtDNA backgrounds. In fact, mitochondrial genetic diver- mechanistic understanding of the intersections of mitochondrial sity may be a key missing link in our understanding of how genetic– genetic determinants of epigenetic regulation in the setting of environmental interactions impact disease risk, in that it would now human diseases.

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