Solutions to Exercises from Kenneth Brown's Cohomology of Groups Christopher A. Gerig, Cornell University (College of Engineering) August 2008 - May 2009 I appreciate emails concerning any errors/corrections:
[email protected]. Any errors would be due to solely myself, or at least the undergraduate-version of myself when I last looked over this. Remark made on 1/28/14. 1 major: Applied & Engineering Physics year: Sophomore Undergraduate Hey Ken, thanks for taking me under your wing. 2 Contents 0 Errata to Cohomology of Groups 4 1 Chapter I: Some Homological Algebra 5 2 Chapter II: The Homology of a Group 12 3 Chapter III: Homology and Cohomology with Coefficients 21 4 Chapter IV: Low-Dimensional Cohomology and Group Extensions 31 5 Chapter V: Products 41 6 Chapter VI: Cohomology Theory of Finite Groups 47 7 Chapter VII: Equivariant Homology and Spectral Sequences 55 8 Chapter VIII: Finiteness Conditions 58 9 Chapter IX: Euler Characteristics 59 10 Additional Exercises 61 11 References 76 3 0 Errata to Cohomology of Groups pg62, line 11 missing a paranthesis ) at the end. pg67, line 15 from bottom missing word, should say \as an abelian group". pg71, last line of Exercise 4 hint should be on a new line (for whole exercise). P −1 pg85, line 9 from bottom incorrect function, should be g2C=H g ⊗ gm. pg114, first line of Exercise 4 misspelled endomorphism with an extra r. pg115, line 5 from bottom missing word, should say \4.4 is a chain map". ∗ pg141, line 4 from bottom missing a hat b on the last H .