Arxiv:2010.00369V6 [Math.KT] 29 Jun 2021 H Uco Faeinzto Se[8 H II, Derived Simplicial Ch
ON HOMOLOGY OF LIE ALGEBRAS OVER COMMUTATIVE RINGS SERGEI O. IVANOV, FEDOR PAVUTNITSKIY, VLADISLAV ROMANOVSKII, AND ANATOLII ZAIKOVSKII Abstract. We study five different types of the homology of a Lie algebra over a commutative ring which are naturally isomorphic over fields. We show that they are not isomorphic over commutative rings, even over Z, and study connections between them. In particular, we show that they are naturally isomorphic in the case of a Lie algebra which is flat as a module. As an auxiliary result we prove that the Koszul complex of a module M over a principal ideal domain that connects the exterior and the symmetric powers n n−1 n−1 n 0 → Λ M → M ⊗ Λ M → ⋅⋅⋅ → S M ⊗ M → S M → 0 is purely acyclic. Introduction There are several equivalent purely algebraic definitions of group homology of a group G. Namely one can define it using Tor functor over the group ring; or the relative Tor functor; or in the simplicial manner, as a simplicial derived functor of the functor of abelianization (see [28, Ch. II, §5]). For Lie algebras over a field we can also define homology in several equivalent ways, including the homology of the Chevalley–Eilenberg complex. Moreover, for a Lie algebra g over a commutative ring k, which is free as a k-module we also have several equivalent definitions (see [7, Ch. XIII]). However, in general, even in the case k = Z, these definitions are not equivalent. For example, if we consider g = Z 2 as an abelian Lie algebra over Z, the / Ug Z Z higher homology of the Chevalley–Eilenberg complex vanishes but Tor2n+1 , = Z 2 for any n ≥ 0.
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