2010-11 annual report PHOTOS BY JIM STROUP

2 message from the president 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT under abudget thatis$10millionlessthan in2007. and delivering high-impactprograms—all whileoperating before refocusing itsefforts onlisteningtostakeholders asked bytheGeneral Assembly for a restructuring plan been improving for communities almost a century, was it didin2003. Cooperative Extension, whichhas cating 2,200morestudentsfromthecommonwealth than funding,despite thelossinstate isnow edu We’ve found ways to deliver more with less. For example, the piecesarestillmissing. puzzle,pieces tothisparticular and atthispointsomeof model,business ifyouwill. There aremany ure outevolving revenue solutions—a new This realityhasforced Virginia Tech tofig culties areimminent. budgetdiffi state thatfurther little doubt 2011-12, butasofthiswritingthereseems added $3millionbacktoourcoffers for General Assembly approved increasesthat recommendedandthe McDonnell Robert We were quite appreciative inspring2011whenGov. $9,501 toabout$4,300, adjustedfor inflation. 28 percent, perstudenthasfallenfrom support andstate Tech hasfallenfrom58.2percentto fundedbythestate In thesametimespan, theshareofeducationcostsat percent dropinbuyingpower whenadjustedfor inflation. 2000-01 to$131millionin2011-12, representinga49.6 faded. At Virginia Tech, it’s fallenfrom$182.2millionin for highereducation institutionshas from thestate public It’s well known thatduringthepastdecade, revenue W.Charles Steger President Message from

problems. funding requests. And concerns, meetings, and projects, constituency jugglingmyriad constantly a largeuniversity is that thepresidentof in VirginiaTechMagazine Earlier thisyear Iwrote - - it didin2003. commonwealth than students fromthe educating 2,200more Tech isnow state funding, Virginia Despite thelossin - production, promoteuniversity-based researchtostimu increase Virginia undergraduateenrollmentanddegree mitment from the General Assembly and the governor to commonly referred toas “TJ 21,” aseriouscom marked The Virginia HigherEducationOpportunity Act of2011, Higher EducationCouncil’s Grow byDegreesprogram. by thesion and ideas first advanced Virginia Business resulted fromtheGovernor’s HigherEducationCommis development major wassweepingOne legislationthat are workingonotheroptions. years issimplyunsustainable. The andthestate parentsandstudentshavesort hadtoshoulderinrecent program, butwe know thatcontinuingincreasesofthe aid financial university has beenbolsteringitsneed-based from thestate.total As youwillreadinthisreport, the studenttuition surpassed the Division from out-of-state and in 2010-11 theamountof revenue for the University fees,students now pay$10,506intuitionandmandatory raise tuitionalmostannuallyfor thepastdecade. In-state The Virginia Tech Boardof hasbeenforced to private partnerships arekey to itsdeveloping revenue partnerships private Virginia Tech hasknown for years now that those public- ment officials, andeducational experts. the scientific community, and local govern relevant state sectors, andprivate from the public withrepresentation schools.public The effort willconsistofleaders from both collaboration betweenand private highereducation and attempt toencouragegreatercoordination, innovation, of strengthfor ouruniversity. willalso This partnership ogy, engineering, mathematics,areas andmedicine—all in thehigh-demand, high-impactfields ofscience, technol an institution’s six-year plan. To encourage Virginia under andconsequences appropriate benefits for incentives in stitutions through the new funding policy, and determining criteria for incentives offered measuringfinancial toin low- andmiddle-incomefamilies, outliningperformance a definition Goals of the legislation include establishing for for highereducation. late theeconomy, fundingpolicy andprovide asustained to develop aplantoproducemoredegrees partnership TJ 21createsapublic-private be awarded duringthenext15years, and 100,000collegedegreesto an additional quality oflife, thegovernor hascalledfor To improve economicdevelopment and tion for Virginia students. will incorporateaper-student appropria graduate enrollment, thefundingmodel ------opened a research center in Northern a research center in Northern opened Virginia and started increase therevenue streamfromresearch. Virginia Tech to spreaditsdiscoveries for ofsocietyandto thebenefit In theresearcharena, theuniversity expanded itsefforts for theuniversity, aswell. result ineconomicbenefits for communities, and, frankly, morecooperative ventures thatdoorwill volved inmany As youwillreadlaterinthisreport, Virginia Tech isin Petersburg andaJetPropulsionLabhereinBlacksburg. Commonwealth Centerfor Manufacturingnear Advanced tion withRollsRoyce, theuniversities aredeveloping the first U.S. factory. component aircraft engine Inconjunc it electedtoinvest $170millionin Virginia tobuildits and theUniversity of Virginia asdecision-drivers when example, at RollsRoycecitedtheintellectualcapital Tech growth essentialtotheburgeoningtechsector. Inanother thousands of jobs outside of itsown employees, andthe and New River valleys, Tech isresponsiblefor creating model. arejobengines. IntheRoanoke campus. park adjacenttothemain the secondphaseofitsresearch andstarted aresearchcenter in opened research. VirginiaTechfrom to increasetherevenue stream for ofsocietyand the benefit efforts tospreaditsdiscoveries heuniversity expanded its T Theatre 101 - - cessful fundraisingeffort ever, The Campaignfor Virginia Finally, ofcourse, theuniversity finisheditsmostsuc Tech andResearchInstitute. CarilionSchoolofMedicine collaborated withCarilionClinictolaunchthe Virginia Research Corp. large contract projects and to manage the VirginiaTechformedApplied university campus. The the second phase of its research park adjacent to the main nation, andtheworld. foropportunities thefutureto thecommonwealth, the continues tooffer high-quality, educational high-value assured thatwesure arealsomaking Virginia Tech fit allofthefundingpuzzlepiecestogether, youcan be more damaging. Nonetheless, aswe workever harderto economic development andgrowth, theimpactiseven educate tomorrow’s andspur leadersandentrepreneurs way, institutionsthat butwhenthesqueezehitsvery insome The recentrecessionhastouchedeverybody the entire Virginia Tech benefits. community result, isdevoted ofthisreport todemonstratinghow part or more—andnotjustattempting, butsucceeding. As a attempting to raise$1billion universities inthenation Tech: Invent theFuture. In2010, Tech ofjust36 wasone R component factory.component its first U.S. aircraftengine million in Virginia tobuild it electedtoinvest $170 as decision-drivers when and theUniversity of Virginia at intellectual capital Tech ollsRoycecitedthe - 3 Message from the president 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 4 Building the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT tangible proofoftheeffort’s impact. and momentumgenerated by thecampaignoffer and new researchspurred inpartby theresources new scholarships, new professorships, new majors, these areas. Inthe2010-11year alone, new buildings, started witnessingthebenefits ofthecampaignin members, alumni, andcitizensofthecommonwealth Long before thecountingstopped, students, faculty community, andthe President’s Discovery Fund. experience, researchfacilities, Virginia Tech andthe Future: academicexcellence, theundergraduate ties for theCampaignfor Virginia Tech: Invent the University leadersidentifiedfive funding priori economic times. raising $1.11billiondespiteexceedingly trying the campaignhadbeenanunprecedentedtriumph, past fiscal year, the Virginia Tech leadershipknew the task—equalandthensome. Bytheendofthis community toachieve thegoal proved itselfequalto of theeffort, however, thedesireofuniversity million initspriorcampaign. Duringthecourse of ambitionfor aninstitutionthathadraised$337 $1 billion. The dollar figurerepresentedanew level whether theuniversity couldreachtheloftygoal of campaign. In2003, thereweresomewhodoubted and moreimportant, especiallyduringtheeight-year institutions justafew decadesago—became more a smallresourcefor mostpublic higher Private funds—asourceofrevenue thatwasjust its alumni, friends, andindustry. institution, itwould needincreasinggenerosityfrom commonwealth atthelevel expected ofaland-grant fields of excellence whilecontinuingtoserve the clear thatiftheuniversity wasgoing to expand its Campaign for Virginia Tech: Invent theFuture, itwas Before Virginia Tech startedthequiet phase ofthe Building thefuture andUndergraduate Admissions Center - ’72), of andthereceiptof$17millionfromestate alumnus Michael J. ’71, Quillen (civil engineering M.S. ect from theQuillenfamily of , ledby oftheproj Steger alsoannounced$3millioninsupport ofPricesForkcorner Street. RoadandStanger four-story, 155,000-square-foot the buildingwillrisenear anonymous.gift fromadonorwhowishedtoremain The the facilityandStegerannouncedarecord$25million approvedality whenthestate fundingfor of itsportion Virginia Tech’s constructionplan, capital becameare Building, Engineering The Signature the top priority in recreation, dining, housing, andmore. him. The gains have come in space for teaching, research, presidentbeforesquare footage thanwasaddedbyany W. Steger’s tenure, theuniversity willhave addedmore formed from ideas into action. During President Charles the growth willcontinueasessentialprojectsaretrans shape,become a common sight as new facilities take and At Virginia Tech, and construction equipment have cranes changes acampuscanbeseenbylookingattheskyline. fundraisingcampaign The mostvisiblewaythatamajor arts program and arts facilities to match theprogram. facilitiestomatch program andarts arts vironment. Top universities, he said, have a comprehensive inpreparingstudentstolive andworkinaglobalen arts ofthatgoal, ofthe As part healsostressed theimportance his desirefor Tech tobecomeatop-tierresearch university. for the Arts. When Stegerbecamepresident, heexpressed for the university andfor atlarge, the community theCenter projects Schultz Hall, ofthemostimportant workingonone oncampusatthe momentisadjacentto crane The tallest centerontherise Arts State.” afterGeorgia undergraduate engineers Tech andPenn college. “We’re thenation’s third-largestproducerof for this kind of space,” said Richard Benson, dean of the we have alotmorestudents, andwe have anurgentneed “We have largerfacultythanwe amuch didinthe1990s, from VirginiaTech. degreesissuedinthecommonwealthengineering come dergraduates, thenewbuildingisessential. Halfofthe If thecollegeistoadmitmorestudents, particularlyun Virginia,” Stegersaid. raise thebareven higherfor education in engineering life ofourcampaign, arehelpingourlargestcollegeto fundsprovidedand facultyassistance bydonorsover the “This newbuilding, newscholarships aswell asthemany departments. gineering M.S. ofthemechanical andchemicalen ’50)insupport E.the lateRobert HordJr. ’49, (mechanicalengineering ------studies. Mostaghimi, associate deanfor researchandgraduate ogy, andnanotechnology, amongotherareas,” said Saied analysis, bioenergy, renewable materials, systems biol food packagingandprocessing, quality environmental space, whichwillhouseresearchprograms onfood safety, fromthe “Our researcherswillgreatlybenefit expanded prior to World War IIandwouldbetoocostly torenovate. ginia Tech’s life-sciences researchspace wasconstructed ofFoodDepartment Scienceand Technology. Muchof Vir andthe ofBiological SystemsEngineering Department HABBI willprovide researchandoffice space for the theCollege of to support Agriculture andLife Sciences. ofDuckPondner Drive and Streetdesigned 400,000 squarefeet ofnewresearchfacilitiesatthecor of four facilitiesthatwillform theBiosciencesPrecinct, Biosciences BuildingI(HABBI). The structureisthefirst tion is the 92,300-square-foot and Human Agricultural buildingthatmoved closertoconstruc Another important Agriculture andanimals they wanttobeinvolved.” tive directorofthecenter. “They wanttoknow more, and tiatives hereat Virginia Tech,” saidRuth Waalkes, execu have ini heardaboutthecenterandburgeoningarts who have“I already around the country calls from artists graduate education. ofpre-Kthrough12thgrade,support undergraduate, and researchin transdisciplinary the instituteistofacilitate tute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology. The missionof laboratories,plinary mediafacilities, andthenewInsti seat performance hall, gallery, avisualarts multidisci —is scheduledtoopenin2013. Itwillincludea1,260- contributionsanduniversity resources funded byprivate (including SchultzHall), the$94millioncenter—partly Composed ofacomplex ofnewandrenovated buildings Arts. atlarge,community theCenterfor the projects for theuniversity andfor the ofthemostimportant working onone moment isadjacenttoSchultzHall, oncampusatthe crane hetallest T ------and researchprograms. college continuestopreparefor growth initsinstructional College of Regional Veterinary Medicine, as the were comingtolife in2010-11atthe already Virginia- Next doortoHABBI’s futurehome, twonewbuildings style welcome center onSouthgateDrive. prospective students visit instead of the small, residential- Inn at Virginia Tech is now thefirstfacilityvisitorsand graduate Admissions CenteronPricesFork Road bythe The two-story, 18,155-square-foot Visitor andUnder changed theway Tech welcomes atlarge. thecommunity In addition, during2010-11has abuildingthatopened problems.” health andhuman practical applicationtorealanimal “This isthemissinglinkbetween basicresearchandits said Dr. GerhardtSchurig, college. deanoftheveterinary ment, health,” andhuman animal andresearchtobenefit expand use ofnew approaches in training, clinical treat “The Translational Building would allow Medicine us to of Agriculture andLife SciencesandCollegeofScience. college is developing jointly veterinary with the College future isthe Translational Building, Medicine whichthe research. for medicine accelerate translational Ontap the spaceto building willincludelaboratoriesandsupport search Facility. The $10.5million, 16,000-square-foot Also underconstructionwastheInfectious DiseaseRe lege buildings: HokieStone. col key visualelementpreviously missinginveterinary entrancetothecollege andshowcaseserve asamain a conference areas.and small Additionally, the space will will alsoprovide facultyoffices, space, studentseminar and clinical techniques laboratory for art a state-of-the Instruction cine Addition will provide space instructional The $14.1million, 30,000-square-foot Veterinary Medi - - - - - 5 Building the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 6 discovering the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT together and in close proximity with private industry and together and in closeproximity industry withprivate told thecrowd at the ribbon-cuttingceremony. “Working in Northern roof,”Virginia under one President Steger ofour researchers tohousemany ing ustheopportunity stepinresearchbyafford thatnextimportant us totake search presenceinNorthern Virginia, thisfacilityallows “While Virginia Tech haslonghadateachingandre organizations. andprivate-sector public- ties andcloseproximity togovernment agenciesandother for with corporate research enti opportunity partnerships Research Center—Arlington inaregionthatoffers great portfolio the insummer2011whenitopened Virginia Tech The university took a huge step to expanding its research Virginia Making animpressioninNorthern across abroaderspectrumofsociety. ways tospreadthedividendsofthatresearch In addition, Tech isworking hardtofindbetter scattered acrosscampusandeven acrossregions. together thewidearrayofmultidisciplinarygroups those structuresmustbeflexible enoughtobring research facilitiestoincubateinnovation, and recognize theneedfor modern, well-equipped they sometimescreatenew ones. University leaders and theresultsdon’t justansweroldquestions— most successfulresearchefforts arecollaborative, sential partofwhatdrives theuniversity. Today, the enormous changeandcontinuestoevolve asanes most recentnumberavailable), isundergoing Foundation expenditures for fiscal year 2009(the ranked 44thinthenationNationalScience The researchprocessat Virginia Tech, whichwas future Discovering the

- - - - Research; Centerfor GeospatialInformation Technology; Research Institute; Arlington Innovation Center: Health 144,000-square-foot facility. These includethe Advanced the Northern Virginia areamoved totheseven-floor, centers andinstitutespreviously locatedthroughout established A numberof already Virginia Tech research performance computing-basedresearch. centerforand thebuildingincludesasecuredata high- in New York, , Seattle, Los Angeles, andFlorida, free electronic traffic exchange points to international universities.to othermajor providesThe network access to Virginia Tech’s campusinBlacksburg, main aswell as High-performance linksthisresearchcenter connectivity LambdaRail, 2, Internet federal networks. andmultiple capabilitieswithdirectfiberaccesstoNational ternet world. In The buildingincorporatesnext-generation researchfacilitiesinthe most technologicallyadvanced the building’s and ofthebest-connected asone status for is researchersandbusiness Particularly important most complex problemsofthe21stcentury.” newresearchandsolutionstothe catalyze further federal agencies, wethatwill willcreatenewsynergies cyber andIT, security, national health, andenergy. of ournation’s mostcriticalchallengesinintelligence, will leverage Virginia Tech researchtoward solvingsome world-class researchinstitution,” Stegersaid. “VT-ARC feature in tion asanimportant Virginia Tech’s riseasa “We created the Virginia Tech Applied Research Corpora research projects. large-contract research anddevelopment andtomanage ated with Tech, VT-ARC to foster was established applied Arlington facility. nonprofitcorporationaffili A private new inBlacksburg andwithofficesinthe headquartered Virginia Tech Applied ResearchCorporation (VT-ARC), groundbreaking researchwiththeformation ofthe 2010-11 toexpandof its theinfluenceandbenefits wasthestep Equally important Virginia Tech tookin Applying researchonalargerscale ResearchInstitute.Advanced search anddiscovery,” saidSaifurRahman, directorofthe we applicationsofourre candemonstrateadvanced sponsors, showing that we provide a local resource where Regionbuildscredibilityamongour Capital National researchbuildingfor“A signature Virginia Tech inthe Research Institute. ginia Bioinformatics Institute; and Virginia Tech Carilion Institute for Critical Technology and Applied ; Vir for Science, Culture, andEnvironment; HumeCenter; al BioinformaticsLaboratory; andBio-imaging Institute Center for Technology, Security, andPolicy; Computation ------more than $7 million per year to support theirresearch. more than$7millionperyear tosupport at grantsvalued brought withthemfederal andprivate and . attractedor These luminaries College ofMedicine, InstitutesofHealth, theNational Medical School,as Harvard BrandeisUniversity, Baylor who have cometoRoanokefromsuchleadinginstitutions more than60people, including25doctoral-level scientists cardiac development, andcancer. The instituteemploys cognition, childhooddevelopment, braininjury, traumatic medical scientistsinaddiction, andhuman brainimaging recognizedbio recruited internationally Executive DirectorMichaelFriedlander has inSeptember2010.ficially opened Founding Tech CarilionResearchInstitute, whichof Another rapidlygrowing entityisthe their own researchintotheuniversity. and thatalsofeed morethan$1millionof panies thatemploymorethan2,200people size. The CRCishometo morethan140com will allow in theparktomorethandouble ofroadsandutilitiesthat $4 millionworth entered a second phase by embarking on construction of conceptand successful 25-year build-outoftheoriginal Association ofUniversity ResearchParks, completedits ResearchParkbythe the2010Outstanding was named Virginia Tech CorporateResearchCenter(CRC), which provides jobs is expanding inotherareas, aswell. The Virginia Tech-affiliated researchthathelpssocietyand Expansion attheCRCandinRoanoke agreements. tractual timeandmaterials working according to con experienced project managers research fundedbyclients, carriedoutbyteamswith by faculty members.managed VT-ARC’s focus is applied with theresearchembeddedinacademicmissionand The university’s researchisfundedbygrants traditional September 2010. in which officiallyopened Carilion ResearchInstitute, the VirginiaTechis entity notherrapidlygrowing A Virginia - - - $1 millionoftheir feed morethan 2,200 peopleand employ morethan companies that to morethan140 The CRCishome the university. own researchinto - will use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) imaging resonance magnetic will usefunctional abuse. depressionandsubstance She Scientists tostudy Health Biobehavioral Research Award for Innovative New tute, InstituteofMental received a$1.1millionNational For instance, premier biomedicalresearchenvironments.” are developing ofthenation’s whatshould becomeone ginia Tech-Carilion partnership,” saidFriedlander. “We medical education, andstrengthenthe andsustain Vir leading biomedicalscientists, discovery-based facilitate and disease, of contributetotrainingthenextgeneration health processesofhuman addressing thefundamental and transformative inunderstanding scientificadvances “The Virginia Tech Carilion ResearchInstitutewillmake sciences. the growth of Virginia Tech’s research focused onthe life Division. support willfurther The expanded partnership authorized theuniversity tocreateaHealthScience and CarilionClinic, the Virginia Tech Boardof Visitors To firmupresearchcollaborationbetween theuniversity abuse. tion andsubstance conditions likeautism, disorders, personality andaddic decisions aswell ashow suchfunctionsareaffected by

creates and utilizes social cogni human er in the use of fMRI to investigate how the Baylor CollegeofMedicine, istheworld lead Read Montague, who cameto Tech fromthe difficulties.motivation the conditionsasdisordersonacontinuumof abuse occurtogethersooften, andtoquantify to investigate whydepressionandsubstance into the normal human brain’s human into thenormal abilitytomake and mathematics, hasprovided uniqueinsights tion. Hiswork, stronglybasedincomputation Pearl Chiu, professor withtheinsti assistant - - - - - 7 discovering the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 8 discovering the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT in 2010-11 includes: in 2010-11 A smallsamplingofresearch project. scienceandmechanicsaleaderofthe engineering disease,” saidMarkStremler, associateprofessor of metastasis, andcontrollingthespreadofpollution fordrug delivery body, thehuman preventing cancercell problemsintargeted biologicalandenvironmental tant processes, suchasfluidmotion, arekeytosolvingimpor “Understanding, predicting, andcontrollingtransport growth oftheglobaleconomy. and health of organisms, the viability of ecosystems, and port, suchasfluidmotion, thataffect thedevelopment educate graduatestudentsonissuesofbiologicaltrans to different academic departments of expertsfromnine cadre MultiSTEPS bringstogetheraninterdisciplinary by IGERT, NSF’s flagshiptraininggrant. programat interdisciplinary Virginia Tech tobesupported Traineeship (IGERT)program. MultiSTEPSisthefifth NSF’s Integrative GraduateEducationandResearch ological Systems(MultiSTEPS)projectisfundedby The Multi-Scale Transport andPhysi inEnvironmental and biologicalsciences. emerging challengesattheintersectionofengineering program aimed at preparing future researchers to solve using a$3milliongrantfromtheNSFtolaunchPh.D. neering, Science, and Agriculture and Life Sciences are different disciplines, the Virginia Tech collegesofEngi ment. effort Inone totrainresearchersfor understanding quires, learntoworkinthatenviron scientistsstillmust type of collaborative work that research excellence re While Tech is building facilities that are ableto house the tocollaborate Learning  agriculture experts, Virginia Tech will lead the five-year four American universities aswell aswithSenegalese cation atthecollegelevel with inSenegal. Partnering Development $28milliontoimprove agriculturaledu Research,the OfficeofInternational Education, and The U.S. Agency forDevelopment awarded International race for cars. sports beforeracing landmark theannual24-hourendurance person drove trackofthe ofthevehicles ontheinner one TORC Technologies. debut, ofthepublic As part ablind FederationNational oftheBlind, andBlacksburg-based lenge, acollaborative effort between Tech, thenonprofit Ford oftheongoingchal EscapeHybridSUVsarepart Associate Professor DennisHong, themodified 2010 to drive. UndertheleadershipofCollegeEngineering ation Blind Driver Challenge vehicles that allow the blind Speedway’stional Rolex 24racetodebutsecond-gener Engineering Engineering students traveled to the Daytona Interna students traveled totheDaytona


of thegut. systemrespondstoinfection bypathogens immune man howics Instituteandcollaboratorstodetermine thehu million granttoresearchersatthe Virginia Bioinformat InstitutesofHealth, oftheNational part awarded a$10.6 operations. ofmostmilitary injury become thesignature gate blast-inducedbraintrauma; suchoccurrenceshave models, andcomputational researcherswillinvesti tal experimen personnel. Using and eye injuriesinmilitary formand the second phase of a project focusing onbrain by theU.S. MedicalResearchandMaterielCom Army Biomechanics was awardedjury a $2.8 million contract model. today’s needs. The projectwillemploytheU.S. land-grant egal’s universities, theprogramsmorerelevant to making program torestructuretheagriculturecurriculaatSen when comparedtooldermodels. used in most helmets have reduced the risk of concussions test results. positive isthatnewtechnologies being One researchers have provided withcomparative thepublic onfootball study helmetsrepresentsthefirsttime data reduce theriskofconcussions. This biomechanical impact rating systemofadultfootball to helmetsthatisdesigned The National Instituteof The National Allergy andInfectious Diseases, The Virginia Tech-Wake Forest University Centerfor In The College of Engineering released results of a new releasedresultsofanew The CollegeofEngineering ulty members. In2008, setout theresearchconsortium turkey, totheefforts thanksinpart of Virginia Tech fac ofthegenomesequencedomesticated the majority ducers andconsumers. and, ultimately, a better qualityproduct for turkey pro sequence, for which promises new data avian researchers U.S. of Department Agriculture tocompletethegenome received atwo-year,Minnesota $900,000grantfromthe The following year, Virginia Tech andtheUniversity of blueprintfor thegenetic to map thedomesticatedturkey. An international of researchers completed ofresearcherscompleted consortium An international worldwide. affecting morethan5millionpeople illness autoimmune is occurring in people who have lupus, machinery tory an breakdown inthe body’s molecularregula lymphocyte lege of likelyuncoveredVeterinary Medicine wherethe Researchers atthe Col Regional Virginia-Maryland “Breakthrough Innovator.” istry research team, ledbyprofessors KarenBrewer in most currenttherapies. Popular the Mechanicsnamed ofthesideeffects of destroy cancercellswithoutmany that, bylaserlight, whenactivated have theabilityto College of Science developed molecular compounds early promise in pre-clinical trials. Researchers in the A newmethodfor treatingbreastcancerisshowing andBrenda Winkel in biological sciences chem , a , a ------of Palo Alto, Calif., ofthefive largest one whomade Paula Robichaud(healthandphysicaleducation’77), higher than those of the 2009-10 scholarship recipients. their highschoolgradepointaverages andSAT scoreswere recipients arethefirstintheirfamiliestogocollegeand the programin2010-11. Nearly 75percentofthe2010-11 students—representing 12countiesand10cities—joined going to49membersoftheClass2013. Fifty additional in2009withthefirst scholarships The initiative started wealth toattend Virginia Tech atnocost. expanded to allow 97 low-income residents of the common Presidential ScholarshipInitiative, whichinthefallof2010 programaidedduringthecampaignwas the important One Virginia Tech. created 563new scholarshipendowments at university education. Duringthecampaign, donors gap betweentuitionandtheactualcostofa Financial aidofallkindsisneededtobridgethe and affordability oftheundergraduateexperience. Vitally important toanyuniversity isthequality future Educating forthe Branhall Gilbert MeritoriousScholarship. Branhall Gilbert ofthefirststudentstoreceive theHarry one iologicalsciencesmajor Ying Chenis B - want tohelppeople,” Chensaid. I wasalittlegirl thatwhatever profession Ididtake, Iwould younger brothertodoctorappointments. “I kneweven when serving asatranslatorfor herparentswhenever theytookher ents. asayounggirl Shebecameinterestedinmedicine while Chen, a biological sciences major, of the first recipi was one awarded $5,000apieceannually. Aspiring pediatrician Ying Schooldivisionwillbe graduates fromtheChesapeakePublic Meritorious Scholarship. Bramhall Gilbert Dozensof Harry Meanwhile, anendowment of$1.29millioncreatedthe fund even moreoftheinitiative. renewals), areexpected donations toeventually andprivate scholarship tored annually(49ofthefirst50studentsearned program isfullyimplemented. Successoftheprogramismoni undergraduates eachyear, forof200whenthe amaximum The university planstooffer upto50scholarshipsincoming besparked.”creativity orgeniusmay a castle,” saidRobichaud. never knows“One how orwhere fine, inquisitive mindcanbeborninacave orcanbebornin nificant supporter scholarship-fund giftstotheuniversity infiscal2010, education by engaging with peers and faculty members inside education byengagingwithpeersandfacultymembersinside environment, intheir wherestudentscanactively participate The tworesidentialcollegeswillprovide anewtypeofhousing 800 spacesfor discipline. interestedstudentsfromany open as a for fall 2012 with another renovated duringthe2011-12academicyear, willalsore- residential college. West Ambler Johnston, whichisbeing versity Honors With there-openingofEast Ambler Johnston, 325U ate experience beyondtheobvious upgradesincomfort. halls isleadingtomoreimprovements intheundergradu Virginia Tech’s gradual modernizationofolderresidence Residential colleges students were set to establish studentswere settoestablish Tech’s first oftheinitiative. “I reallythinkthatabright, is asig ni - - - - - 9 educating for the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 10 academics for the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT dean for . can onlybefound here,” said Daniel Wubah, vicepresidentand provide ourstudents withuniquelearningexperiences which graduate educationat Virginia Tech anew, distinctive face, and “This classandothersfollowing thismodelwillgive under ing classroomexperience. images, andanaudienceresponsesystemprovide astimulat ronment. Regularandguestlectures, high-qualitymovies, still technologies, andassessmentcreated a modellearningenvi Arav design, andateamofexpertsfrominstructional learning or physics.” of students and does not require a strong background in math collisions,” Arav said. “It’s consumer-friendly for abroadbase topics, suchasNASAspacemissionsandasteroid “In this class, we explore thesolar system and discuss current physics, chemistry, biology, history, andphilosophy. context usingconceptsfrom in anintegratedmultidisciplinary science andplanetary astronomy offered thechancetostudy disciplines. were Approximately 600studentsfromallmajors a uniquelearningenvironmentthatintegratesbroadbaseof as the university’s first “undergraduate signature experience,” universe. HisIntroductionto coursewaslaunched Astronomy dream: tointroducestudentsthebeautyandwondersof tion experience, physicsProfessor Nahum Arava isfulfilling toenhancetheundergraduateeduca In anotherfirstdesigned Signature experience provide guidanceintheacademicaspectsofstudentlife. roleinthecultureofresidentialcollegeand instrumental groups ofstudents. The residentfacultymemberswillplayan area whereresidentfacultycansharemealsandentertain bedrooms, 2.5bathrooms, andalargelivingroom-kitchen apartments, ineachresidencehall. one Eachfeatures three staff, offices for faculty, andtwo2,300-square-foot faculty fortial collegesalsofeature apartments live-in studentaffairs and graduatestudentslive underthesameroof. The residen arrangement wherefreshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, freshmen, theresidentialcollegemodelemphasizes a living for areprimarily living-learningcommunities While many personnel.” themselves, in collaboration with faculty and student affairs plative life. Itgives studentsaspacewheretheycangovern affairs. “It touches intellectual life, social life, andcontem ing,” saidFrank Shushok, associatevicepresidentfor student “The residentialcollegereflects allaspectsofstudentlearn the state. Tech, which serves the largest full-time student populationin will provide for newopportunities learningengagementat andIvyLeagueinstitutions,liberal arts residentialcolleges the residence hall. at smaller well-established While already ------and professorshipsatlevels thatwillallow Tech to focused oncreatingandsustainingendowed chairs takes manyforms. Partofthefundraisingcampaign which isattheheartofalluniversity does, Strengthening andpursuingacademicexcellence, future Academics forthe programs that keep up with today’s global innovations and alsobolster,The university must alter, orcreateacademic teach Drugs, Germs, andEntrepreneurship. spring, when SantosandProfessor JosephFalkinham co- of Business.theprogram’s One first steps willcomethis by Virginia Tech’s CollegeofScienceandPamplin programbeingorganized a science-basedentrepreneurial to use, BringingScience toMarket, Santosishelpingstart In keeping with his goal of creating treatments that are put reality,” Santossaid. knowledge chemistry tosolve problemsinmedicine—in HIV/AIDS andcancer. organic “I wanttobeableusemy pounds abletodisrupttheprogressionofdiseasessuch as Santos heads a research group seeking to develop com Professor Assistant Webster Santos. of Midlothian, Va., andfirst awarded in2010tochemistry ’73) and Willis administration’72)Blackwood (business Faculty Fellowship, (psychology createdin2006byMary Among thoseendowments wastheBlackwoodJunior facultyawards.established or fellowships, typesofresearch, particular supported or members. These fundsprovided for professorships named Sixty-two new funds are helping or will be helping faculty innovative classroomandresearchtechniques. the intellectualbreathingroomthey needtodevelop private sectoraswell. Fellowships alsogive educators attention oftheworld’s brightestminds, but withthe compete notonlywithotheruniversities for the - port of the scieneering program will take us to thenextlevel.” programwill take ofthe scieneering port cess to]researchexperiences. That hasbeensuccessful, butsup administration to increasethe number of students who [have ac careers,” said Vice President Wubah. “It hasbeenagoalofthe prepare them for the challengesthey willfacein their future “The ideaistodosomething innovative for thestudentsto program. engineering undergraduatebiomedical developing theinterdisciplinary program is The scieneering Virginia Tech’s firststeptoward discipline. outsidetheirmajor search projectinalaboratory re They willalsoberequiredtocompletetheircapstone ploring topics at the intersection of science and engineering. ex inseminars andparticipate ments outsidetheirmajor coursesindepart Students whopursuetheminorwilltake eering” minorthatwilluniteallscienceswithengineering. Under theleadershipof Wubah, Tech isdeveloping a “scien program. from HHMI, willhelpwithyet anothernewacademic $1.4 millionaward, theuniversity’s firsteducation award undergraduate studentsaboutscienceandresearch. The university facultytodevelop newwaystoteachandinspire the Howard HughesMedicalInstitute(HHMI)toencourage Undergraduate Science Education Program award from toreceiveuniversities aPrecollegeand nationwide In 2010-11, Virginia Tech wasamong50topresearch in students Encouraging scientificexcellence and water.” programs onthecriticalissuesofsustainability, climate, arena,ral resourcesandenvironmental we arefocusing our world andtoprepareourstudents tobeleadersinthenatu Dean Paul Winistorfer said. “To oftoday’s meettheneeds on intheCollegeofNaturalResourcesandEnvironment,” broaderchangegoing ofamuch “The newprogramispart ents. consulting firmsthatservicegovernment cli andindustry government agencies, contractors, defense industry and centrated in Virginia becauseoftheprevalence offederal of theU.S. economy. Careersinthefield areheavily con information technology, the thirdfastest-growing sector weather forecasting withasignificant focus ongeospatial ment, willpreparestudentsfor careers inmeteorology and of NaturalResourcesandEnvironment’s geographydepart The meteorologydegree, whichwillresideintheCollege are intheworks. cal engineering, nanoscience, biology andcomputational kind in Virginia. Inaddition, inrealestate, majors biomedi bachelor ofscienceinmeteorology, theonlydegreeofits Virginia Tech Boardof Visitors moved anew toestablish shifts in the job markets. For instance, in 2010-11, the

------ence, Aristoff, was published inthemagazineSci ogy; andPrincetonUniversity’s Jeffrey M. at theMassachusettsInstituteof Technol Virginia Tech; Pedro ReisandRomanStocker sor ofengineering scienceandmechanicsat by Sunghwan “Sunny” Jung, assistantprofes “How catslap: Water uptakeby unique researchcangenerate. demonstrated thepublic interestapieceof nouncement ofthatdiscovery infall2010also in medicineandbioengineering, but thean to lapupfluidshas potential applications Discovering theactualmechanicsacatuses dogs. engineers tolookintothelappingtraitsof Jung now wantstocollaborate with other Tech on theirown weight. they also instinctively adjustthespeed based to getthemaximumamountofwater, andthat cats automaticallylapatjusttherightspeed national SpaceStation. They discovered that machine thatwasoriginally built for theInter raphy andthentestedtheirfindingsusinga The engineers firstusedhigh-speedphotog moves ataspeedofonemeterper second. eye toseeanythingbut ablur—and itstongue four timesasecond—toofastfor thehuman cat closesitsmouthandswallows. The catlaps water andstartstopullthecolumndown, the that gravity finally overcomes therushof pull liquidintoitsmouth. Just atthemoment to exploit fluidinertiatodefeatgravity and a columnofwaterbehindit. Thus, acatisable is thenpulledupwardathighspeed, drawing rests onthesurfaceofliquid. The tongue tongue out, andthetipofuppersideonly liquid surface, thecatelegantlydartsits mouth withitstongueby penetratingthe While adog noisilyscoopswater intoits and videosproliferatedontheInternet. publicity purr-fect leads to Research but thenewsquicklycircledglobe

Felis catus Felis - - ,” ,” - - - - 11 Academics for the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 12 Reaching out for the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT all ofourstudents.” forits impact will add value all of ouracademicunits and strategic planfor bringsmorethannewbuildings; thearts Mark McNamee, senior vice president and . “The oftheacademicprogramat tial part Virginia Tech,” said engageandinspireallofus;“The arts theyareanessen to educatethemselves beyondworkandafterwork.” Steger said. “We owe andmeans studentstheopportunity owe studentsmorethanapreparationfor life atwork,” the StrategicPlanfor the totheboardofvisitors. “WeArts ofthatconceptwhenPresident Stegerpresented portance person. The university tookahugestrideinstressingtheim ineducatingthewhole becauseofitsimportance the arts earlier,As mentioned anotheracademicfocus for Tech is Planning forthearts Virginia Tech andhealthorganizationsagencies. structional, research, between andoutreachpartnerships The programisalsoexpectedanumberofin to generate Dr. Cynda Ann Johnson, deanoftheschoolmedicine. disease orhave heath]degrees themselves,” [public said laboration withphysicianswhospecializeininfectious cal schoolandtheuniversity closertogetherthroughcol health] program draws of public “The [master themedi more closelythanever health.” inordertoprotectpublic ians, worktogether must andotherhealthprofessionals board of directors.of Medicine “Physicians, veterinar college andamemberofthe Virginia Tech CarilionSchool force,” saidDr. GerhardtSchurig, deanoftheveterinary healthwork tojointhepublic and expertisenecessary a cohesive programthatwillprovide skills theadvanced sity andfromthenewmedicalschool, we have putinplace “Working together with colleaguesfromacrosstheuniver health. andanimal outreach initiatives relatedtohuman healthprogramandengagesinresearch the public the program. organizes and administers The department with the Virginia Tech on CarilionSchoolofMedicine College of Veterinary Medicine, whichiscollaborating Health Scienceswithinthe Regional Virginia-Maryland ofPopulationapproved theDepartment establishing To complement that program, the board of visitors also tunities attheuniversity. integrates andsignificantlyhealthoppor expands public healtheducationandinfectious disease,trations inpublic health professionals. The program, whichoffers concen public oftrained region dealwithacriticalshortage andthegreater program tohelpthecountry Appalachian health ofpublic The university alsolaunchedamaster Mastering publichealth ------

always madevitalacademic, cultural, andeconomic munity. As aland-grantuniversity, Virginia Tech has cellence, itmustalsoseektoserve thelargercom must makeitshomebaseawelcomingplaceofex While every greatinstitutionofhigher education future Reaching outforthe said President Charles W. Steger. “We believe thatthis partnership,”nificant roleinthisinnovative public-private “We proudthat are very Virginia Tech canplayasig Raceway inHalifaxCounty,International Va. faculty. The centerwillbelocatedadjacent to Virginia fornew researchandteachingopportunities Virginia Tech ing andresearchwithinfive years andoffer substantial morethan$12millionintest The NTRCwillgenerate Commission. $14million. Fundingtotaled RelationsRevitalization Indemnification andCommunity LearningandResearch,vanced andthe Virginia Tobacco ment of Mechanical Engineering, the Institute for Ad Institute,portation MotorsCo., General the Tech Depart between the facility isapartnership Virginia Tech Trans will createupto183newjobsinSouthside Virginia. The (NTRC), tireresearchandtestfacilitythat anadvanced Tech theNational established Tire Research Center community. This pastyear brimswithexamples. jobs, a or expertise and training thatwillhelprevitalize is through programs that provide economic development, waytheuniversity serves major thelargerpopulace One university tosociety. the transferofknowledge andexpertise fromthe initiatives willstrengthen Tech’s leadingrolein the nation, andtheworld. Aggressive outreach for thesurroundingregion, thecommonwealth, stands readytofurtherenhancethequalityoflife contributions toitsmanyconstituencies. Today, it ------that. Morris is part of a team of industry andacademicre that. of a team of industry Morris is part operative Extensionagent Morrishopestochange Wythe player inthe Virginia agriculturescene, but Virginia Co industry,Compared tothewine amajor broccoliisn’t the property’s locationtoappropriategrapevarieties. andmatch forevaluate theirproperty suitability vineyard interactive geographicinformation systemthatletsthem even beinvolved byallowing userstoaccessa Web-based The more than$362millionperyear. economicimpactof hasatotal industry grape andwine grape production, in wine nationally ranks fifth andits on acost-competitive basis,” said Wolf. Virginia currently of consistentlyhighquality, beproduced andtheymust States, including Virginia, be must grapesandwines wine salesintheeasternUnited “In ordertoincreasewine intheregion. try drivers toachievemarket indus arobustgrapeandwine that integrate research-based recommendations with key productionpractices adoption ofgrapeandwine industry culture and project director, the effort seeks to encourage United States. According to Tony Wolf, professor of viti improveto further qualityintheeastern grapeandwine Life Sciencestoleadamulti-state, effort multi-university million toresearchersintheCollegeof Agriculture and Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) awarded $3.8 The U.S. of Department Agriculture’s (USDA)National andbroccoliindustries. tempt tobolsterthewine outreachprojectswillat Other university-community Wine andbroccoli motorists aroundtheworld.” products thatcansave andimprove energy thesafety of activity inSouthside Virginia. Itwillalsodevelop new of automotive researchandcreatetremendouseconomic researchcenterwillenhanceandexpand areas national Center for GeospatialInformation Technology will - - - - - guide theregion’s 8,000-worker-strong inthe industry In addition, facultymemberswill CollegeofEngineering clustertogrow andcreatejobs.Virginia transportation thatallowsnical assistance companiesintheSouthwest ofCommerce,Department willprovide thekindoftech Yet anothergrant, for thisone $1.67millionfromtheU.S. universities, and11companies. University,by Cornell includes Virginia Tech, six other companies.tributions fromparticipating The team, led USDA, con $1.7millioninmatching withanadditional The effort is backed by a $3.2 million grant from the save waterinthewestern UnitedStates.” trucks,carbon dioxide emissionsfromcross-country and couldreducefuelcosts, aneasternindustry tablishing cut shipped fromCalifornia andMexico,” Morrissaid. “Es as90percentofbroccolisoldintheEastis “As much Carroll andPatrickcounties. tion areas. The model for is in thosenetworks Virginia’s 10 years bybuildinggrower inseveral networks produc ontheEastCoastovermillion broccoliindustry thenext searchers whohave launchedaneffort todevelop a$100 technology, engineering, and mathematics.” topursuecareersinscience,inspire futuregenerations research locallyand, byworkingwiththemuseum, to vost. “It will allow us to showcase the university’s exciting reach outtothecommunity,” saidMcNamee, Tech’s pro “Virginia Tech as a new way to sees this partnership and willbuilduponthatfoundation.” ginia. The additionof Virginia Tech’s andexpertise talent teachers, schools, and familiesthroughoutwestern Vir dren in scientific exploration and serves asaresource for Western ofengaging chil Virginia hasa40-year history the museum’s boardoftrustees. “The ScienceMuseum of to betterserve the community,” saidSamEnglish, chairof bothorganizations willenable “This strategicpartnership events curiosityandencourageexploration. thatstimulate laboration will include the development of programs and forliving laboratory informal scienceeducation. The col downtown asa toreinvent themuseum Roanokemuseum fromthe faculty andstudentswillcollaboratewithstaff scienceeducation.enhance community-based University of Western Virginia formed toexpand and apartnership In amoreacademiceffort, Tech andtheScienceMuseum Science exploration nology. the project, hasbeenaleaderinintroducinggreentech Volvo, whichprovided a$175,000contributiontoward integration of green technology into plants and products. ------13 Reaching out for the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 14 excellence in the classroom 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT that develops technologiestoproducecleansolid, liquid, Separation Technologies, ofuniversities aconsortium Yoon alsoserves asdirectoroftheCenterfor Advanced lurgy, andExploration. times by theSocietyforhonored multiple Mining, Metal ber oftheNational andhasbeen ofEngineering than 55studentstotheirgraduatedegrees. Heisamem million for theuniversity. Hehashelped shepherdmore Yoon’s morethan$40 researchfundinghasgenerated processing.”technology ofmineral made tothescienceand significant contributionshehas named Yoon aUniversity DistinguishedProfessor “for the department,gineering the Virginia Tech Boardof Visitors en years afterjoiningtheminingandminerals Thirty-one still lives inme,” hesays. from clothes. Yoon washooked. “A teenager’s fascination board drawings toexplain how detergentsremove dirt class in Yoon’s SouthKorea, native ateacherusedchalk technology. During a mid- high school chemistry productive 35-plus-year career ofresearchingcleancoal started detergent bubbles Laundry Two becomedistinguished professors university’s educatorswhowon acclaimin2010-11. agencies. The following arejustasamplingofthe are fetedeitherby theuniversity orby outside and service. Sometimesthoseexceptional abilities internationally recognizedteaching, exploration, and researchersrenowned for theirnationallyand Virginia Tech pridesitselfinitsfacultymembers laboratory classroom and Excellence inthe Roe-Hoan Yoon on a - - - - away withanunderstanding.” complex problems, breakthingsdown, andbeabletowalk thinking. Ifeel Inow have thepatiencetostrugglethrough studentwrote,One meanewwayof “His classtaught and chairoftheEnglishdepartment. as theynever have before,” notedCarolynRude, professor teachesstudentstoreadandthinkaboutpoetry rial. “He more thancoveris that hedoes much of mate a body from hisstudents. A commonthemeincourse evaluations since 1982, rave hasconsistentlyearned Gardner reviews an Alumni Distinguished Professor. A faculty member Tom Gardne coalsludge. 1 billiontonsofuntapped water-soaked coal, ultrafine aprocessthatmightrecover developing themostofdiscarded stillmoreways tomake around the globe.tion industry Now, Yoon has moved on to basic concepthassincebecomewidelyusedintheflota discardedinwasteponds. fines the coalparticles Yoon’s toproducecleancoalfrom airbubbles that usessmall 1980, Yoon andaresearchteamdeveloped atechnology manner. acceptable an efficientandenvironmentally In resourcesin and gaseousfuelsfromdomesticenergy between and the liberalarts,” engineering said Ellsworth “Downey hasbridgedadauntinggapinhigher education women’s andgenderstudies, andsociology. education,is alsoan affiliated professor inengineering studies, field calledengineering interdisciplinary Downey asfoundingRecognized internationally leaderofaunique Virginia (SCHEV). bestowed CouncilofHigherEducationfor bytheState Both awards are Scientist Virginia Outstanding Award. science andmechanics,sor ofengineering received the FacultyOutstanding Award, and and Technology inSociety, washonoredwiththe Virginia Downe Gary with topawards State recognizesDowney, Batra university awards multiple garnered for teaching. Endowment for the fellowshipArts inpoetry. Hehasalso Faculty Award, aGuggenheimFellowship, andaNational his academiccareer, includingthe Virginia Outstanding as well asaplaywright. awards Hehaswonvarious in Besides his acclaimed critical writings, is a poet Gardner as “the so-called ‘Bible’ field.” ofmy “Encyclopedia ofPoetry andPoetics,” whichherefers to on write theentry “Close Reading” for thenew Princeton inthinkingaboutworld issues.poetry Hewasaskedto Gardner’s own scholarshipteachesstudentshow touse y r , ofEnglish, oftheDepartment wasnamed , Alumni Distinguished Professor ofScience Romesh C. Batra

, profes - - - brain tumorin humans. tiforme the destruction of special tumors called reversible electroporationprocedurescanbeadapted for or radiation. Davalos willlookspecificallyatwhether ir treat cancerwithandwithout chemotherapeuticagents research ontheabilityofirreversible electroporationto will usehis$450,000award tocontinuehistrailblazing of its2011CAREERrecipients. Heandhiscollaborators Wake Forest SchoolofBiomedicalEngineering, asone The NSFalsonamed biomass. production ofethanolfromwoody feedstocks forwhich areexpected tobeimportant the aspenandeasterncottonwood,United States—trembling intworelatedspeciesthatarewidespreadthe tation adap climatic willbeusedtohelpunderstand analysis change.nomic scaleasaresultofclimate The genomic gain insightintohow treepopulationsadaptatthege Environment, isusinghis$1.5millionCAREERgrantto biotechnology in theCollege ofNaturalResourcesand Jason Hollida swallowhelp thosewhocan’t and breatheproperly. others whohave losttheabilitytotalk, even andmaybe lation totheparalyzedvocalfolds ofstrokepatientsor device electricalstimu small thatcouldapplyfunctional isdeveloping a tospeak. Leonessa those whoareunable Development (CAREER)award toseekawayhelp ScienceFoundationNational (NSF)Faculty Early Career intheCollegeofEngineering,gineering wona$480,000 Alexander Leonessa CAREERawardsThree earn thatmonitortheirownmaterials vibrations. systems thatopenupairbagsinacarcrashandsmart vice blast. He hasalso studied micro-electro-mechanical to protectvehicles againstanimprovised explosive de armors, suchasbulletproofvests, walls, tank andshields has ledteamsintheimproved designofdifferent typesof ing numerousnewdesignsandproducts. For example, he Working withhisstudents, Batrahasassistedindevelop Faculty Award. In 2010, hereceived theSCHEV Virginia Outstanding duetoextreme ofthefailurematerials loads.standing in 1992for workindeveloping hispioneering anunder including theprestigious Alexander vonHumboldt Award efforts havematerials. His himnumerousawards, earned sorship, is world-renowned for his work on the strength of Batra, whoholds Virginia Tech’s CliftonC. GarvinProfes the award-winning course, Cultures. Engineering nology inSociety. Downey’s researchledhimtodevelop Fuhrman, ofScienceand chairoftheDepartment Tech , themost commonandaggressive typeofprimary y , professor offorest assistant and genetics , professor ofmechanicalen assistant Rafael Davalos , of the VirginiaTech–of , glioblastoma mul glioblastoma ------Janine Hille Janine forestsand native inChile. andcarbonsequestrationintreeplantations bon dynamics for Changeonaresearchprojecttocomparecar Climate worked withcolleaguesattheChileanuniversity’s Center ficia Universidad CatolicadeChileinSantiago, Chile. Fox bright scholarshipfor researchandteachingatthePonti Natural ResourcesandEnvironment, wasawarded aFul R.Thomas Fox 1977, fundingsecuredbyLeeexceeds $87million. total Since of 80 master’stotal level and69Ph.D. students. powercourses tosupport electronicswhilesupervisinga Over theyears, lectureandlaboratory Leehaspioneered commercial applications. for heatpumps, airconditioners, andotherindustrial ing computersandtelecommunications, andmotordrives ofpowerin themanufacturing electronicsproducts, includ some threedecades, Lee’s workhasledtoaparadigmshift For to theNational for ofEngineering Academy 2011. of power electronics, of 68 new members elected was one Fred Lee received thePSAEarly Achievement Award for Research. low, the highest honor that the association bestows. Dalloul ence Association (PSA). RuszlerwaselectedaPSAFel ture andLife Sciences, were honoredbythePoultry Sci of andPoultry SciencesintheCollegeof Animal Agricul Professor Rami Dalloul,Assistant bothoftheDepartment Paul Ruszle Science. and Applied ergy, of part Virginia Tech’s Institutefor Critical Technology also serves asa directoroftheCenterfor CleanCoalEn intheCollegeof Engineering,neering asaFellow. Ekkad Ekkad Srinath The named American SocietyofMechanical Engineers organization’s secondclassofFellows. tobehonoredinthe distinguished scientistsinthestate American ChemicalSociety. ofonlythree Riffle wasone ing Ph.D. education program, a Fellow was named of the scienceandengineer macromolecular interdisciplinary Judy S. Riffle the areaofelectronichealthrecordsystems. andhealthrightsin proaches tobalancingpatientprivacy while comparingSwedish, EuropeanUnion, andU.S. ap ate programsandfacultygraduate-studentseminars RightsLaw.Human There, inundergradu sheparticipated University’s Raoul Wallenberg InstituteofInternational Law. Public tional Shespentfall2010inSweden atLund and theFulbright-LundDistinguishedChairofInterna lege ofBusiness, alsoreceived aFulbrightScholargrant , recognizedleaderinthefield aninternationally r r , law professor ofbusiness inthePamplinCol , and director of professor of chemistry Tech’s , specialist emeritus, Extension poultry and , anassociateprofessor ofmechanicalengi , professor offorestry intheCollegeof ------15 excellence in the classroom 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 16 excellence in the classroom 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT mance computing community,mance alsoincludedFeng in2004. prised ofindividualswhoare influentialinthehigh-perfor magazine’s “People to Watch List” for 2011. The list, com trical and computerengineering, toHPCWire was named Wu Feng researchcontributionsinfluidmechanics.standing last given in2003. The medalrecognizes Aref’s out Science,from theSocietyofEngineering anaward G.I. ence andmechanics, receivedTaylor the Medal The late erative Extension’s 4-H Youth Development Program. with formatics Institute in partnership Virginia Coop University, aprogramdeveloped at the Virginia Bioin younger studentsatKids’ alsotaught Carvalho Tech Ann Johnson, founding deanofthemedicalschool. groupsessions,” duringsmall facilitator saidDr. Cynda environments—from giving lectures to serving as a apositive impactinourlearning hasmade “Helena ing Sectionofthe American PhysiologicalSociety. the 2011 Young Investigator Award fromthe Teach Tech CarilionSchoolofMedicine, recentlyreceived Carvalho Helena of theinstitute. health,” saidMichaelFriedlander, executive director areaofresearchfor areaofpublic amajor important of Dr. Craddockfor hisworkandrecognitioninthis andwe are extremelycompetitive nationally proud at theinstitute. NARSADawards arehighly “These LaConte and Pearl Chiu, both new faculty members depression. Stephen Heworkswithneuroscientists Craddock’s research focus for the award is unipolar the NARSADBrainandBehavior ResearchFund. ceived aprestigious Young Investigator grantfrom the Virginia Tech CarilionResearchInstitute, re Cameron Craddock in neurotoxicology. systems for mechanisticstudiesandsafety assessment ies atthecollege, intheuseofin-vitro isapioneer forco-director oftheLaboratory Neurotoxicity Stud Award for ResearchExcellence. Ehrich, whoserves as Medicine erinary ogy atthe Marion Ehrich and morethan25adjunctfacultymembers. has responsibilityfor morethan145master’s students Foresters. While teachinggraduatecourses, Mortimer gion, waselectedaFellow oftheSociety American Re Capital sources andEnvironmentintheNational graduate programsfor theCollegeofNaturalRe Michael J. Mortimer , associate professor of and elec Hassan Are Virginia-Maryland Regional Collegeof Regional Virginia-Maryland Vet , andtoxicol professor ofpharmacology , professor at the assistant Virginia , wasawarded theprestigiousPfizer , apostdoctoralresearcherwith f of Alexandria, Va., directorof , sci professor of engineering ------ous accomplishmentsin2010-11. sample ofthestudentswhowere recognizedfor vari results.students whoproduceoutstanding Here’s a attractspecial Challenging academicstandards Students risetothetop among thetop25academicinstitutionsinthisfield. Ethics that ranked of Business Virginia Tech 15th ethics,in business intheJournal accordingtoastudy areamongthemostproductive researchersBusiness ing Professor Professor Management Scientific Achievement IUFRO Award. Conservation,and Environmental withthe2010 valapati zations (IUFRO)honoredProfessor UnionofForestThe International ResearchOrgani New York in1933before theCorleones’ risetopower. based onanunproducedscreenplaybyPuzoandsetin inJune2012,publication “The Family Corleone,” is prequel toMarioPuzo’s “The Godfather.” Slatedfor Virginia Tech English Professor and the only one from and theonly one Virginia, to receive theUdall of80studentsfrom61collegesanduniversities,one resourcesmanagement. Dodsonwas to environmental anddistribution beforeon watersanitation switching ginia Tech concentrating major asacivilengineering Committee. careerat Shebeganhereducational Vir andSustainability ontheUniversity Energy sentative Tech Coalition anda student repre Environmental Udall Foundation. Dodsonispresidentofthe Virginia Scholarship fromtheMorrisK. UdallandStewartL. and Environment(CNRE), received a2011Udall inthe CollegeofNaturalResources agement major Kara Dodson come auniversity professor. conduct researchintheoreticalbiophysics, andbe Baker’s career goalistoearnaPh.D. inbiophysics, spring 2012. the required number of credits before graduating in average (ona4.0scale)andwillearnalmosttwice biophysics. He has a 3.94 grade pointcomputational across thecountry. Baker’s areaofspecializationis from colleges and universitiesstudents nominated of morethan1,000science, engineering, andmath year. of 275 scholars selected from a field He was one M.a Barry Goldwaterscholarshipfor the2011-12 theCollegeofScience,mathematics in wasawarded inphysics,triple majoring biologicalsciences, and Charles “Casey”Bake , ofForest headoftheDepartment Resources , resources man a junior environmental Joseph Sirgy Richard Wokutch r , ajuniorhonorsstudent inthePamplinCollegeof Ed Falco Janaki R.R. Ala Janaki andmarket wrote a ------planet. to anear-Earthasteroidand returnthemsafely tothe effective oftwoastronauts systemtosendaminimum Competition for comingupwith areliableandcost- (AIAA) nautics Team Space Transportation Design the 2010 American Instituteof Aerospace and Aero Andrew Lyford topher Walbert majors Aerospace engineering pect toreturnHaiti. After completingamaster’s degree, thestudents ex the earthquake, andtheESIHbuilding wasdestroyed. ESIHprofessor and13studentswereOne killedin Katrina.along theGulfCoastaffected byHurricane a serviceprojecttohelpbuildhomesincommunities time oftheJan. 12, 2010, earthquake, twoofthemon program. attheAll students were in theUnitedStates Prince tostrengthentheschool’s computerscience Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti (ESIH) in Port-au- ofComputerScience,the Department andtheEcole Research,International Education, andDevelopment, between theOfficeof 2008 throughapartnership and Sherley Codio thanks toGoogle, the Web company. searchengine computer sciencegraduatedegreesat Virginia Tech Four studentsfromHaitigotthechancetopursue Stinson Cheryl team included their secondconsecutive first-placewin. This year’s the team—known astheFighting Gobblers—earned Singapore. With avideotheypreparedfor thecontest, Symposiumon3-Duserinterfaces,gineers heldin the 2011InstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEn first placeinthe3DUIGrandPrizecompetitionat and Centerfor Interactionwon Human-Computer lege ofEngineering’s A groupofdoctoralstudentsinthe Virginia Tech Col Sarah Webste Baker ACC UndergraduateResearchScholarswere ambitious anduniqueresearch projects. The 2010-11 undergraduate students who are pursuing talented sion ofUndergraduateEducation, recognizeshighly Scholarship program, by coordinated Tech’s Divi Research Scholars. The ACC UndergraduateResearch 11 Atlantic CoastConference (ACC)Undergraduate Five Virginia Tech studentswere selectedtobe2010- said Paul Winistorfer, CNREdean. awardstional accomplishmentbyKara,” andamajor Scholarship. oftheprestigiousna “The Udallisone Mario Calixte , Ritesh KC r , . . , and , Fabrice Marcelin Felipe Bacim Eric Buckenmeye , cameto Virginia Tech in April Bryan Murray Bryan Katie Rybacki

computer sciencedepartment , Josh Eggleston Bireswar Laha , , won first place in Jennifer François r Ryan Prest , Umair Surani Umair Charles , , and , and Kris ------, ,

$1,000 scholarships. Fields, ajunior, were eachinthetop10andreceived and a$4,000scholarship. Van Nuys, also asenior, and the competition. Shipe, asenior, wonsecond place Fields member. tion tobeinga Youth Service America Youth Council board for theCampusCoalitionof YMCAs inaddi in serviceactivities. Sheischairoftheexecutive wasrecognizedfor Kiernan herleadershipnationally campuses’ effortsneeds. toaddresslocalcommunity significant,making innovative contributions to their of34collegestudentswhoreceived theawardone for Impact Studentfifth Community Award. was Kiernan ences, CampusCompact’s Carolina received theNorth tion intheCollegeofLiberal Sci andHuman Arts Melanie C. Kiernan annual conference. kind held by the AABP, of the association’s was part the day-longevent. The competition, thefirstofits collegesin from23otherveterinary representatives Brauning quiz bowl competitionin Albuquerque, N.M. (AABP)national sociation ofBovine Practitioners inthe answered their way to victory American As College of clicked,Veterinary Medicine buzzed, and Three studentsfromthe Regional Virginia-Maryland Resource Management chose Resource Management of faculty fromtheDepartment Apparel, Housing, and Competition. Basedonthestudents’ designdrawings, Electric (NKBA/GE) Charette Association/General KitchenandBathversity competitors intheNational landed theminthetop10outof401collegeanduni parel, housing, students and resourcemanagement Innovative kitchendesignsbythree Virginia Tech ap disciplines. students whoexcel asteachersintheagricultural Teaching Award recognizes and rewards graduate dent Teaching Award. The NACTA GraduateStudent and Poultry Sciences, withthe2011GraduateStu master’s of degreestudentintheDepartment Animal riculture (NACTA) recognized The North American Collegesand Teachers of Ag assignment.a one-year committeefor ofacongressional gress oronthestaff in theofficesofeitheranindividualmemberCon plished scientists, engineers, andotherprofessionals fellowship programplaceshighlyqualified, accom ship bythe American GeophysicalUnion(AGU). The ences, was awarded ScienceFellow a Congressional Rebecca French , and , Anne DewaAnne Alexandra Van Nuys Alexandra Van , whocompletedherPh.D. ingeosci , in communica a senior majoring r , and Jenny Miller Jenny Katelyn Shipe torepresent Tech at Allison C. Echols defeated , Sarah Kevin , a , a ------17 excellence in the classroom 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 18 rankings 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT received the2011 Alumni DistinguishedService Award. Professor ofMedicine Carolina North Senator Virginia State 2001. merce’s Regional Technology Firm ofthe Year award in 2010, 2004, and2000; andtheU.S. ofCom Department Administration’s Administrator Award ofExcellencein in 2011;cal Entrepreneurship theU.S. Business Small are theNew Mexico EthicsinBusiness Award for Ethi awardsAmong themany bestowed onChaoor Westech at Tech.program fore Ph.D. entering the industrial and systems engineering and master’s degreesfromtheUniversity ofMichiganbe when shewasinthethirdgrade. bachelor’s Sheearned of A native Taiwan, Chao moved with her family to the U.S. $30 millionandemploys300peopleacross14states. Today, herfast-growing hasannualrevenue company of technical servicestogovernment andcommercialclients. focused consultingbusiness as aone-person onproviding Chao, of Albuquerque, N.M., established Westech in1994 Achievement Award. 2011 recipientof Virginia Tech’s University Distinguished executive officer of Inc.,Westech International is the Alumna Committee. and alsoisontheuniversity’s CampaignSteering National within The Campaignfor Virginia Tech: Invent theFuture, CampaignCommittee co-chair oftheRichmondRegional on the BoardofDirectors, is Hill Tucker Award for service. public At Tech, hehasserved Foundation andreceived theRichmondBar Association’s Bates hasbeenrecognizedasaFellow inthe Virginia Bar Richmond-based McGuire Woods LLP. of partner years, managing withbeingnamed culminating launched anaccomplishedlegalcareerthatlasted43 a law degreein1966fromtheUniversity of Virginia, he of the Alpha PhiOmegaservicefraternity. After earning inthe staff Virginia Tech CorpsofCadets, and amember Bates wasaclassofficer, amemberofthecommandant’s the 2011 William H. Medal, Ruffner Tech’s highesthonor. mond, Va., whocomesfromafamilyofHokies, received John W. BatesIII adifference.made so theuniversity annuallyrecognizesahandfulwhohave Alumni andfriendsareintegralto Virginia Tech’s future, the university to Four alumnirecognizedforservice Betty P. Chao (business administration’63), (business ofRich , thefounder, president, andchief John C. WatkinsJohn Sidney C.Sidney SmithJr. andUniversity of - - - - engineering from engineering Tech in1963andamedicaldegree abachelorofsciencedegreeinchemical Smith earned the pastthreedecades. been involved withthe American Heart Association for He ispresidentofthe World Federation, Heart andhas in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease. andhasbroadinterests Carolina the University ofNorth Smith, ofChapelHill, N.C., at isaprofessor ofmedicine Organization. of theCollege Agriculture andLife Sciences Alumni of Directorsandisafounding memberandpast-president year termsonthe Virginia Tech Alumni Association Board Information Network Board.Advisory Heserved twosix- Rail CompactCommission, andthe Virginia Geographic Compensation, the High-Speed Carolina Virginia-North Watkins CommissiononUnemployment chairsthestate by hisgreat-grandfatherin1876. board of Watkins Nurseries Inc., founded a family business in the Virginia House of Delegates. He also chairs the since1998, Senate State andpreviously served 16years Watkins ’69, ofMidlothian, Va., hasserved inthe Virginia The Pamplin College of Business undergraduateprogram The PamplinCollegeofBusiness ranked amongthetop20of theirpeerprograms. the college’s programswere undergraduateengineering universities. schoolsatpublic of among engineering Nine schoolsthat offer .engineering It wasseventh amongallaccredited program ranked13thinthenation The Virginia Tech undergraduate CollegeofEngineering ties. universities,Among allnational Tech ranked69th. Virginia Tech universi public ranked 27th among national Undergraduate U.S. News &World Report Rankings Excellencein2004. ofEngineering Academy Achievement Award andwasinductedinto Virginia Tech’s Smith received the1996University Distinguished Chemical Engineering Board. Advisory Biological Systems Engineering Board,Advisory and the directors of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association, the Over theyears, Smithhasalsoserved ontheboardof Medicine. board ofdirectorsatthe Virginia Tech CarilionSchoolof commitment to Virginia Tech, andcurrentlyserves onthe from Yale astrong University in1967. Hehasmaintained - third in the category of third inthecategory “Top 10BestCollegeEats.” through thecollegeadmissions process, ranked Tech es, which provides information tohelpguidefamilies collegeadmissionsresourceParents&Colleg Online tion.” with afirst-classeduca economicvalue outstanding institutions 24th among100public “that combine Kiplinger’s Personalranked Finance magazine Tech the survey. its looking for workers. and The CollegeofEngineering among colleges favoredin thenation byemployers The Wall ranked Street Journal Virginia Tech 13th graduate architectureprogramNo. 12. the graduateinteriordesignprogramNo. 10, andthe scape architectureprogramfourth inNorth America, DesignIntelligence alsorankedthegraduateland respective fields. trial designalsorankedinthestudy’s top10intheir The school’s programsininteriordesignandindus DesignIntelligence. conductedbythejournal study in the America’s Best Architecture &DesignSchools tecture +Design, rankedNo. 4andNo. 3, respectively, landscape architecture, bothintheSchoolof Archi The undergraduate programs in architecture and Other rankings the nation’s M.B.A. bestpart-time schools. ranked45thamong The PamplinCollegeofBusiness sciencesprogramranked28th. and theearth department, thepaleontologyprogramrankedninth rated amongthebestinnation. Inthegeosciences Two programswithintheCollegeofSciencewere Urban Studies, ranked27thinthenation. and International Affairs, Collegeof Architecture and affairsprogramintheSchoolofPublic The public and technicalspecialtiesfor thethirdyear inarow. School ofEducationtiedfor fourth amongvocational in theCollegeofLiberal Sciences’ andHuman Arts The careerandtechnicaleducationgraduateprogram 15 oftheirrespective categories. withinthecollegefinishedintop Six departments gram ranked24thamongallschoolsofengineering. The CollegeofEngineering’s overall graduate pro Graduate institutions. programs and10thamongpublic ranked 42ndamongthenation’s undergraduatebusiness computer science department eachranked fifthin department ------president alsopointed outthat “green” activities ability mustbecomepartofourculture.” Butthe Steger toldthe Virginia Tech community, “Sustain long-range strategic plan, PresidentCharles W. In addressingdevelopment oftheuniversity’s next Sustaining thefuture into theacademic curriculumandresearch initiatives. ability Planandtheintegration ofsustainable included Tech’s Climate Action CommitmentandSustain the U.S. GreenBuildingCouncil. Keys totherecognition Colleges: 2011Edition,” compiledinconjunctionwith clusion inthe “The PrincetonReview’s Guideto311Green The university’s itin earned commitment tosustainability plan. tion ofitssustainability Excellence Environmental Award for winner implementa And TechRace to Excellence. a Governor’s was named in arow intheBest Workplaces for (BWC) Commuters category, Tech received a goldaward for thesecondyear recognitionof excellenceAs further inthetransportation endowment practices. advance sustainabilityincampusoperationsand organization engagedinresearchandeducationto Sustainable Endowments Institute is anonprofit versity firstparticipatedinthesurvey in2008. The overall gradehasimproved eachyear sincetheuni Card 2011, whichgave theuniversity aB+. Tech’s dowments Institute’s CollegeSustainabilityReport produced results, accordingtotheSustainable En ways tohelpothersdo thesame. Those efforts have reduce itsenvironmental footprint andtoresearch In themeantime, theuniversity continuedto for years tocome. long-range planmusthelpguidethoseinvestments often requirelargeinvestments ofcapital, sothe programs ------19 sustaining the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 20 sustaining the future 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT • • • • Just afew examplesinclude: research isunderway acrosscampus. Environmental andsustainability of Agriculture andLife Sciences. lamb raised by researchers and students in Tech’s College land Farm andanincreasingamount of beef, pork and local products, raisedat includingvegetables Tech’s Kent inOwens.stall serve Otheron-campusvenues occasionally and springsemestersattheFarms &Fields Projectfood sevenmeats andvegetables daysaweek duringthefall withlocalandorganic students caneatmealsmade hasmoved intothedininghalls,Sustainability where distinctive andresponsiblecleaningpackaging. fromJanPakInc.,III Certification theleadingsupplierof Tech isthefirstuniversityLevel toreceive theCleanZone productsthatarefreefromharshchemicals. tainable with responsibleprocessesandsystems, usingonlysus breathe alittleeasierbecausetheirbuildingsarecleaned In theresidencehalls, residentsandemployees can water-use efficiency. water inordertoprotectqualityandimprove practicestosafely recycleirrigation best-management control methods for pathogens and develop damaging particular, theprojectwillsearchfor biologicallybased andfloriculture nursery industry.a moresustainable In sporic pathogensandirrigationwaterqualitytocreate ofzoo integratedmanagement million granttostudy of Food and Agriculture awarded Tech afive-year, $2.7 led by Pennsylvania State University.led byPennsylvania State buildingsmoreenergy-efficient.to make Theprojectis ergy’s todevelop Innovation Hub Energy technologies in the $122 million U.S.is a partner of En Department Mathematics forApplied Center Interdisciplinary The The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute areas whereintervention can bemosteffective inhelp toshedlighton genes sources ofantibioticresistance more easilydifferentiate between andanimal human engineering,civil andenvironmental is workingto ment award professor of recipientandanassistant the research. graduate andstudentswillalsobeinvolved in heatintoelectricity.are abletodirectlyconvert Under hope to develop new thermoelectric materials, which improve fueleconomy. To reachtheirgoals, researchers specific waystoreduceemissionsfrom vehicles andto and theU.S. toinvestigate ofEnergy Department award ScienceFoundation from theNational (NSF) m Pue, n S Fcly al Cre Develop Career Early Faculty NSF an Pruden, Amy A team of engineers received a three-year, $1.5 million

------furnishings. One exhibit room contains materials from the furnishings. materials exhibit One room contains rest ofthefirst floor willbedecoratedwithappropriate fitted withreproductionsofhistoricalfurniture, andthe The building’s frontparlor onthegroundfloor willbeout rently arestilllivingandworkinghere.” settledthisarea,that originally andtofamiliesthatcur tothepast,represents ourabilitytoconnect tofamilies College ofLiberal Sciences. andHuman Arts “Solitude gage withtheregion,” saidSueOttRowlands, deanofthe “As aland-grantuniversity, ofourmissionistoen part university. College (today’s Virginia Tech), isonceagainservingthe of the original part Virginia Agricultural andMechanical restoration, Solitude, theoldestbuildingoncampusanda and an ensuing $1 million After years of being vacant thepastforfuture Preserving Solitude sons Foundation ofRichmond, Va. Par Morton restoration project was funded by the Mary Places andisa Virginia HistoricLandmark. Muchofthe RegisterofHistoric Solitude islistedontheNational and anacademicbuilding. II veterans wholived intrailers surroundingthebuilding, ry, faculty housing, for a clubhouse returning World War in 1872. Since then, the building has served as an infirma times. Prestonsoldthehouseand250acrestocollege a frontier-style logcabin, buthasbeenexpanded several Built more than200 years ago, the house was initially Appalachian StudiesProgramoccupiesthesecondfloor. it wassoldtothecollegebyCol. Preston. Robert The tion andapieceoffurniturethatwasinthehousebefore Earl Palmer Appalachian Photographand Collec Artifact health challengeofourtime.” Prevention recognizeantibiotic resistance “as acritical tion andthefederal Centersfor DiseaseControland matrixes.environmental The World HealthOrganiza through ing toreducethespreadofthesecontaminants ------gifts andtheincomefrominvestments. ginia Tech Foundation, topped$600million—duetoboth oftheuniversity’svalue endowment, bythe managed Vir Endowed givingnearlydoubled. Inyet anotherfirst, the of Cadets(nearly66percent). (115percent),of Engineering andthe Virginia Tech Corps culture andLife Sciences(nearly56percent), theCollege pared to the previous year, includingthe College of Agri Several unitsrealizedparticularlylargeincreasescom ever.highest total Giving raisednearly$3.5million, which wasitssecond- by nearly47percent, andtheuniversity’s Officeof Annual to the university byalumniincreased The amountdonated donors. versity during the fiscal year,nearly 6,800 were first-time theuni Of themorethan42,000contributorstosupport weregenerosity directedtotheCollegeofEngineering. by theuniversity. examples of Bothofthoseextraordinary andreceiptofthelargestbequesteverhistory realized in year 2011includethelargestdonation Virginia Tech forOther milestones University Development infiscal campaign. than theamountraisedinuniversity’s lastcomparable campaign goal, butitwasmorethanthreetimesgreater $1.11 billion. That resultnotonlysurpassedthe$1billion Future, an eight-year effort more than that generated conclusion of The Campaignfor Virginia Tech: Invent the marked thesuccessful The endofthefiscal year also cord for theuniversity. over theprevious year andasingle-year fundraising re Tech infiscal year 2011,nearly anincreaseof13percent Contributors gave morethan$92.2millionto Virginia The year ingiving - - - - - 02 *Fiscal years Source: VirginiaTech OfficeofBudget andFinancial Planning ized headcount.Figures are notadjusted for inflation. The numbersinthisyear’s instead report reflect anannual registration to calculate thefull-timeequivalent headcount. because pastfigures have reflected amethodthatusedfall fer slightlyfrom before numbersinannualreports 2008-09 NOTE: Figures for inthestate allyears fundingchart willdif 02

$9,429 $12,375

03 03 Full-Time In-stateStudent $12,523 $7,689

04 04 Full-Time Student State Funding Per Endowment Per

$13,962 $7,119 05 05

$7,765 $15,310 06



$8,108 07 07


$8,487 08 08 $18,216

$7,975 09 09 $15,130

$8,005 10 10 11*

$16,646 $6,859 11* $19,619 - - $6,709 21 Philanthropy 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT University Highlights 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 StudentHIGHLIGHTS Admissions TOTAL APPLICATIONS RECEIVED (INCLUDES TRANSFERS) Undergraduate 21,570 22,126 23,351 23,781 22,942 Graduate 6,878 7,462 8,457 9,397 9,190 OFFERS AS A PERCENTAGE OF APPLICATIONS Undergraduate (freshmen only) 65.6 65.4 64.0 65.3 65.1 Graduate 40.6 38.0 37.3 34.1 33.4 NEW ENROLLMENT AS A PERCENTAGE OF OFFERS Undergraduate (freshmen only) 41.8 42.0 43.1 38.5 41.6 Graduate 65.2 67.7 62.9 63.6 60.9 Total Student Enrollment ENROLLMENT BY CLASSIFICATION (head count) Undergraduate 21,997 23,041 23,567 23,558 23,690 Graduate and first professional 6,473 6,857 7,172 7,312 7,316 ENROLLMENT BY CAMPUS Blacksburg campus 26,371 27,572 28,259 28,432 28,687 Northern Virginia Center 1,013 1,073 1,107 1,077 1,078 Other off-campus locations 1,086 1,253 1,373 1,361 1,241 ENROLLMENT BY RESIDENCE Virginia 19,817 20,917 21,337 21,557 21,475 Other states 6,654 6,811 7,168 7,047 7,198 Other countries 1,999 2,170 2,234 2,266 2,333 DEGREES CONFERRED Undergraduate 4,887 5,050 5,308 5,523 5,705 Graduate and first professional 1,807 1,954 1,940 2,038 2,045

Faculty and Staff Full-time instructional faculty 1,340 1,371 1,369 1,364 1,306 Other faculty and research associates 1,649 1,690 1,761 1,913 1,826 Part-time, temporary faculty (P14 faculty) 233 217 229 224 273 Support staff 3,698 3,774 3,816 3,603 3,461 ANNUAL REPORT Total faculty and support staff 6,920 7,052 7,175 7,104 6,866 Percent of instructional faculty tenured 65.3 63.4 61.9 62.8 61.9

2010 - 11 University Financial Highlights For the years ended June 30, 2007 - 2011 (all dollars are in millions; square feet in thousands) Revenues, Expenses, and Operating revenues $ 592.7 $ 633.7 $ 684.5 $ 715.1 $ 782.2 22 Changes in Net Assets (1) Operating expenses 883.8 945.6 970.1 967.3 1,025.5 Operating loss (2) $ (291.1) $ (311.9) $ (285.6) $ (252.2) $ (243.3) Non-operating revenues and expenses (2) 317.1 326.7 299.0 291.8 322.7 Other revenues, expenses, gains, or losses 122.3 25.2 46.1 90.1 48.8 Net increase (decrease) in net assets $ 148.3 $ 40.0 $ 59.5 $ 129.7 $ 128.2 University Net Assets (1) Invested in capital assets, net of related debt $ 568.9 $ 622.9 $ 669.7 $ 734.9 $ 794.6 Restricted $ 159.4 $ 118.9 $ 113.1 $ 135.3 $ 137.0 Unrestricted $ 91.7 $ 117.7 $ 136.2 $ 178.5 $ 245.3 Assets and Facilities Total university assets (1) $ 1,298.8 $ 1,339.3 $ 1,429.5 $ 1,654.0 $ 1,844.3 Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation (1) $ 814.5 $ 871.5 $ 972.2 $ 1,095.5 $ 1,196.6 Facilities-owned gross square feet 8,498 8,551 8,946 9,011 9,166 Facilities-leased square feet 682 684 858 863 913 Sponsored Programs Number of awards received 2,131 2,263 2,384 2,516 2,400 Value of awards received $ 203.1 $ 227.6 $ 232.3 $ 312.4 $ 274.0 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Research expenditures reported to NSF (3) $ 367.0 $ 373.3 $ 396.7 $ 398.2 N/A Virginia Tech Foundation Gifts and bequests received $ 78.5 $ 91.6 $ 65.1 $ 86.9 $ 98.5 Expended in support of the university $ 107.3 $ 127.1 $ 124.8 $ 126.5 $ 124.4 Total assets and managed funds $ 940.9 $ 925.6 $ 942.1 $ 1,023.6 $ 1,155.1 Endowments Owned by Virginia Tech Foundation (VTF) $ 469.4 $ 475.5 $ 410.7 $ 452.7 $ 541.0 (At Market Value) Owned by Virginia Tech 47.8 45.1 35.6 44.4 52.7 Managed by VTF under agency agreements 7.9 7.4 5.8 6.0 7.0 Total endowments supporting the university $ 525.1 $ 528.0 $ 452.1 $ 503.1 $ 600.7 Student Financial Aid (4) STUDENTS RECEIVING SELECTED TYPES OF FINANCIAL AID Loans 11,072 11,382 12,085 12,896 13,133 Grants, scholarships, and waivers (5) 17,028 17,635 18,406 27,134 27,469 Employment opportunities 8,260 8,836 8,734 8,514 9,007 TOTAL AMOUNTS BY MAJOR CATEGORY Loans $ 102.2 $ 106.1 $ 128.0 $ 139.9 $ 147.0 Grants, scholarships, and waivers 101.5 119.2 134.2 155.7 174.2 Employment opportunities 55.0 60.2 62.0 63.4 69.5 Total Financial Aid $ 258.7 $ 285.5 $ 324.2 $ 359.0 $ 390.7

(1) The university adopted the new Governmental Accounting Standard Board (GASB) reporting model in fiscal year 2002 as required by GASB Statement Number 35, Basic Financial Statement—and Management’s Discussion and Analysis—for Public Colleges and Universities. (2) The university will always be expected to show an operating loss since significant recurring revenues are shown as non-operating. Major revenue sources reported as non-operating include state appropriations, gifts, and investment income. These revenue sources are used for general operations in support of the learning, discovery, and engagement missions of the university. (3) Total research expenditures reported to the National Science Foundation were not available at publication date. (4) Amounts for fiscal years 2007, 2008 and 2009 reflect any applicable restatements. (5) Grants, scholarships and waivers for FY2010 include undergraduate Virginia residents who received ARRA tuition mitigation grants. JULY cuttings to propagate future Blind, partnering with TORC for all of its constituencies. saplings and wood from the Technologies. The project also Lewis earned his Engineers establish old tree is saved for future won National Instruments’ from University. NASA competition use. 2010 Graphical System ‘dynasty’ Design Achievement Award, Board focuses on Robotics Division. health science Ten undergraduate aerospace AUGUST research engineering students take Graduate program the top prize in a NASA The Virginia Tech Board aeronautics competition for addresses health of Visitors approves a new college students to develop shortage Health Science Division that a multipurpose amphibious Virginia Tech launches a mas- will support increased col- aircraft designed to rescue ter of public health program laborative efforts between the up to 50 survivors following a as the United States and, in university and Carilion Clinic. natural disaster. Virginia Tech particular, Southwest Virginia The expanded partnership students have a strong history and the greater Appalachian will further support Virginia of winning NASA aircraft region face a critical short- Tech’s growing research foun- design competitions, placing age of trained public health dation focused on the life first in 2008 and winning professionals. The program is sciences, which, President the American Institute of administered through the new Charles W. Steger tells the population health sciences board, the university must Aeronautics and Astronautics Medical school student competition in 2009. department in the Virginia- accelerate to meet or exceed classes start Maryland Regional College of the strategic plan’s target Conference center Studies start for the first class Veterinary Medicine and was of $540 million in research namesake passes of students at the Virginia developed in collaboration funding by 2011-12. away Tech Carilion School of Medi- with the Virginia Tech Carilion cine and Research Institute School of Medicine. Associate Professor Emerita in Roanoke, Va. Utilizing an SEPTEMBER Margaret Groseclose “Peggy” innovative patient-centered Skelton, a faculty member ANNUAL REPORT , the school ad- Exemplary for more than 20 years and dresses the increasing need a dedicated and generous departments for research-competent emphasize supporter, dies at age 79. physicians who can utilize Skelton directed the Virginia international discoveries at the bedside and 2010 - 11 Cooperative Extension (VCE) in the community. education Family Resource Program The Department of Entomol- and was known at Tech for her African-American ogy in the College of Agricul- 23 many contributions as a vol- trailblazer dies ture and Life Sciences and unteer and philanthropist. The Charlie L. Yates (mechanical the departments of Chemical university’s conference center engineering ’58), the first Engineering and Mechanical is named for her and her late African-American graduate Engineering in the College of husband, William E. Skelton, of Virginia Tech and later Engineering are recognized dean emeritus of VCE. a member of the College with the 2010 University Ex- of Engineering faculty for emplary Department Award. TIMELINE University Parking deck a first Presented annually since 17 years, dies at age 74. In on campus photographer sweeps 1958, media reports said 1994, the awards recognize competitions Virginia Tech opens its first- departments and programs he was the first African ever parking deck, a five-story Jim Stroup, of the Office of that develop and sustain American “to be graduated affair with 1,300 spaces. The University Relations, is named from any major Southern innovative and effective Perry Street Parking Deck, approaches to fostering photographer of the year by engineering institute.” Yates which was begun in August the University Photographers’ earned a master’s degree international awareness and 2009, is open with large education. Association of America. Stroup from Cal Tech in 1959 and a spaces to allow natural venti- also wins the Nikon Shoot Out Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins in lation of vehicle fumes and to Competition and the Monthly Diversity organization 1978, eventually returning decrease the amount of time gains Virginia Image Competition Award, to Tech in 1979. Yates also interior lights need to be on. making him the first served a term on the Virginia chapter photographer ever to win all Tech Board of Visitors. New diversity leader Virginia Tech, a charter three major awards in one member of the National As- is chosen sociation of Diversity Officers year. Work for blind is William T. Lewis Sr., director recognized yet again in Higher Education, is instru- of the Office of Institutional mental in gaining approval Tree that witnessed National Instruments awards Diversity at Bridgewater its 2010 Application of the for a provisional affiliate as- VAMC founding State College in Massachu- sociation chapter, the Virginia comes down Year recognition to the setts, is named vice president Virginia Tech Blind Driver Diversity Officers in Higher After many years of heroic for the Office for Diversity and Education (VDOHE). The preservation efforts, the large Challenge, a project designed Inclusion at Tech. Lewis will to one day allow blind Virginia chapter will provide sycamore tree on Henderson collaborate with the campus, Virginia-based chief diversity , which can be seen in people to independently drive alumni, local, and global automobiles. The project is a officers a chance to exchange 1872 photos of the Preston communities to ensure that ideas to increase inclusive ex- and Olin Building, succumbs collaborative effort between Virginia Tech continues to be the Virginia Tech College cellence in higher education. to old age and must be cut an inclusive community that VDOHE’s members include down. Faculty members take of Engineering and the nurtures learning and growth National Federation of the University, 24 TIMELINE 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT 2011. During Allen’s 12-year nounces hewillretireinJuly Tech CorpsofCadets, an ofthe in thehistory Virginia longest-serving commandant Maj. Gen. JerroldP. Allen, the cadets retires commandant of Long-time just $268.8millionin2004. June 30, 2010, comparedto penditures for theyear ending $398millioninexreported Foundation.university The Science to theNational ranking available), according year 2009(themostrecent academic institutionsinfiscal outof697 in thenation Virginia Tech isranked44th rises Research ranking OCTOBER plan for ICTAS. to develop theconceptand forcealumni task thathelped was akeymemberofthe technology.coal Vipperman andclean energy sustainable (ICTAS) workin tosupport nology and Applied Science the Institutefor Critical Tech ’62) witha$1milliongiftto (electrical engineering man president JosephH. Vipper honors former executive vice American ElectricPower ICTASsupports Significant gift activities.business intoeconomicallyviable tory technology fromthelabora parks thatexcel inguiding Parks. The award recognizes ciation ofUniversity Research Research Parkbythe Asso the2010Outstanding named Research Center(CRC)is The VirginiaTechCorporate CRC topinthenation sity,and Tech. Univer George MasonUniversity, Commonwealth University, of Virginia, Virginia University


- of aleadershipminorandfor- overseeing theestablishment leadership programby shapedthecorps’markedly sincethe1960s. Allen total significantly toitshighest tenure, corpsenrollmentgrew tecture andatrailblazer for ofarchi professor emerita Bliznakov, Milka Tcherneva founder dies Architecture archive NOVEMBER safety.and personal response, physical security, report, emergencyaccessand sues: annualcampussecurity enforcement andsafety is specifically on four campus thatfocus standards ditional ad and documentnine todemonstrate departments the past, IACLEArequires Agencies Incorporatedin tion for Law Enforcement on Accredita Commission fromthe re-accreditations received four consecutive has While thedepartment (IACLEA) accreditation. Enforcement Administrators Association ofCampusLaw earns International partment De The VirginiaTechPolice accreditation Police gainadditional nation. of Defense andthroughoutthe both attheU.S. Department in scientistsandengineers, solving aprojectedshortfall the STEMeffort isaimedat the university’s strategicplan; of education inSTEMispart ers and fostering public-school train teachers. Training teach (STEM)andto mathematics technology, engineering, and develop interestinscience, to enticeschoolchildren the U.S. ways tostudy Army $17.2 milliongrantfrom willuseathree-year,partners Virginia Tech andseveral STEM education Grant focuseson services. intheirrespective the nation nized assomeofthebestin recog ROTC detachments the community, andproduced cess, emphasizedserviceto academicsuc that demanded also fostered anenvironment credit leadershipcourses. He ------for calendaryear 2009. strength ofpatentportfolios Scorecards, the whichanalyze Spectrum PatentPower and ElectronicsEngineers in theInstituteofElectrical among universities globally Virginia Tech ranks10th ranking garners Patent portfolio organizations. of women’s architectural ners, aswell astherecords and critics, andurbanplan ers, architecturalhistorians landscape architects, design papers ofwomenarchitects, archive theprofessional It continuestocollectand chitecture at Tech in1985. Archive of Women in Ar founded theInternational on womenarchitects, she researchmaterials of primary 1974. Frustrated bythelack architecture facultyat Tech in Bulgaria, the Bliznakov joined at age83. of A native Varna, women inarchitecture, dies initiative to improve student and Accountability, anational Alliance for StudentLearning join theNew Leadership colleges anduniversities to Virginia Tech of70 isone learning improve student to works University universities toindustry. from intellectual property and aidingthetransitionof strong industrialcollaboration research,mental emphasizing industrially relevant, funda centers conducthigh-quality, tive ResearchCenter. Such Coopera Industry/University an to createandsupport Science FoundationNational receives anaward fromthe Materials andSystems Center for Harvesting Energy nology and Applied Science’s The Institutefor Critical Tech standing ICTAS centergains

------more than$600,000. byraising the 2009-10one the 2010-11event surpasses attendance. Laterintheyear, survivors present, with136in and greatestnumberof event for raising$417,428, tion percapita, toponline for topcollegeinparticipa $582,194, alsowinsawards ally. The event, whichraises among collegesnation achieving income thetopnet for thesecondyear inarow, Klattawardceives theGordy 2009-10 RelayFor Life re student-run VirginiaTechThe the nation Relay forLifetopsin DECEMBER student learning. on,reporting andimproving ongoing workinassessing, because oftheuniversity’s invited tojointhealliance the UnitedStates. Tech was learning oncampusesacross The Kiplinger “100: Best ValKiplinger “100: The Personal Finance magazine. price, accordingtoKiplinger’s education atanaffordable for offering ahigh-quality and universities inthenation colleges among thetoppublic Virginia Tech isagainranked for value intop25 university Once again, JANUARY evidence before theruling. tochallengethe was unable becausetheuniversity in part decides toappealtheruling, cumstances. Techeventually when facedwithsimiliarcir actions ofotheruniversities and with DOEguidelines believe theyactedinconcert Administrators saythey committed onthecampus. crimes knowledge ofcertain upon to acampuscommunity requires a “timely warning” Clery Act, afederal law that 2007, areinviolationof The on themorningof April 16, ruling thatuniversity actions ofEducation Department tors disagreewithaU.S. Virginia Techadministra ruling disagree withfederal Tech officials ------Outstanding Faculty Award,Outstanding ogy inSociety, its Virginia of Scienceand Technol ni DistinguishedProfessor awards Downey, Gary Alum for Virginia Education CouncilofHigher The State goes toDowney Top statehonor materials. his workonthestrengthof and isworld-renowned for Clifton C. GarvinProfessor is Tech’sBatra for Virginia. Council ofHigherEducation tist Award fromtheState Scien Virginia Outstanding mechanics, winsa2011 scienceand of engineering Romesh C. Batra, scientist outstanding Batra isnamed and postgraduateplacement. teaching loads, costofliving, funding,and total selectivity, nonfiction, as well asannual including poetry, fiction, and are basedon16categories, 10 inpoetry. The rankings the programisrankedNo. top 7percent. Inaddition, nationally, puttingitinthe among 527suchprograms is justsixyears old, 35th program, arts of fine which ranks VirginiaTech’s master Poets & Writers Magazine recognition gains arts Fine Services. Library the InstituteofMuseumand Records Administration,and the National Archives and ofCongress,the Library ment for theHumanities, the Arts, Endow National EndowmentNational for received grantsfromthe Hitchingham.has Walters Walters succeedsEileen Libraries deanof named Center atGeorgia Tech, is andInformation Library resource servicesatthe dean for technologyand Tyler Walters,associate libraries Walters takes over value. universities for25 public Virginia Tech amongthetop 2006, Kiplinger’s hasranked the university 24th. Since Colleges”ues inPublic lists at VirginiaTech. University professor - - - - FEBRUARY faculty. Virginia’s highesthonorfor Board. VirginiaTechonline Ride the in carpoolparticipation, and buses, asignificantincrease articulated Way buses, thehybridand sity’s for support newSmart award recognizestheuniver ers RacetoExcellence. Tech’s Best Workplaces for Commut programsinthe portation a row for trans itsalternative award for thesecond year in Virginia Tech winsagold commuter award second-straight earns University academic year. to runduringthe2010-11 32” serviceprojectinitiative event createsthe “32 for planning committeefor the Toward thatend, thestudent lives loston April 16, 2007. service inhonorofthe32 pledge 32hoursofcommunity parents, alumni, andfriendsto asks students, faculty, staff, membrance, VirginiaTech for its2011DayofRe As theuniversity prepares thoselost honors project Service Got Talent.” show,television “America’s NBC’s broadcast nationally and went ontofinishthird competition a campustalent at members gottheirstart The PiKappa Alpha fraternity university’s Relay For Life. forto raisemoney the students, returnstocampus upof13 made Virginia Tech ing groupFighting Gravity, around thecountry, perform After tourappearances fundraiser forcampus performs GravityFighting - - - - - The College of Engineering The CollegeofEngineering rises inrankings Graduate engineering MARCH from VirginiaTech. fisheries andwildlife sciences and master’s degreesin hisdoctorate earned Jones awards duringhiscareer. and hasreceived numerous disastereducation in natural his knowledge andexpertise recognized foris nationally Cooperative Extension. Jones as directorof Virginia University,State over takes Carolina resources atNorth forestry andenvironmental Extension andprofessor of Cooperative Carolina North and ruraldevelopment at resources, andcommunity leader for agriculture, natural program director andstate Edwin J. Jones, associate new leader Extension welcomes sity community. from membersoftheuniver solicit inputandguidance hall meetingsandforums to will conductaseriesoftown the process, force thetask for theuniversity. Throughout a that outline “New Horizon” develop aseriesofscenarios of VirginiaTechand future a significantimpactonthe factors thatwilllikelyhave economic andenvironmental plan willfocus onthekey 2012-18. This newstrategic Horizon”for VirginiaTechfor develop a “Plan for aNew of LongRangePlanningto by PaulKnox oftheOffice forcecharges atask overseen President Charles W. Steger plan onstrategic work Task forcestarts also arerecognized. ous othergraduateprograms time M.B.A. schools. Numer among thenation’s bestpart- (M.B.A.) programranks45th administration of business master College ofBusiness 2011 ranking. The Pamplin 24th, placeaheadofits one latest survey ranksthecollege News & World Report. The ate studies, accordingtoU.S. schoolsforengineering gradu among thenation’s best continues toclimbhigher - - - research conference atthe of theMindsundergraduate Conference (ACC)Meeting sixth annual Atlantic Coast their researchprojectsatthe graduate studentspresent Seven VirginiaTechunder projects present researchers undergraduate Top ACC of hissenioryear. officer for thespringsemester the academics Third Battalion Highty-Tighties, andserved as bandandthe the regimental 25. wasamemberof Eckhart aircraft inGeorgia. Hewas crash ofhis T-39 training killed April 12, 2010, inthe ’08),engineering whowas R. (aerospace ary Eckhart honor U.S. Navy Lt. j.g. Zach to Dedication Ceremony Cadets conductsaPylon of The VirginiaTechCorps comrade Pylon ceremony for Cadets conduct 140 newpieces ofcardio square feet. Additions include was expanded by26,000 ever-increasing popularity, space, butasaresultofits square feet ofrecreation students in1998with61,000 to Hallopened McComas facilities shouldbemeasured. other collegiaterecreational bywhich sidered astandard winner. The arecon winners Facilitiesing Sports Award Association Sports Intramural-Recreational selected asa2011 Hallis sion ofMcComas The renovation andexpan nation renovation topsin McComas recreation with peers. students tosharethatwork ate researchworkandfor the diversity ofundergradu ACC universities tohighlight forference isanopportunity University ofMiami. The con Outstand National National ------25 TIMELINE 2010 - 11 ANNUAL REPORT equipment and 70 pieces of and commander of the Col- MAY Population Health Sciences strength-training equipment. lege of Aerospace Doctrine, within the Virginia-Maryland Research, and Education. Ag sciences spending Regional College of Veteri- ranks fifth nary Medicine. The depart- Tuition increase Virginia Tech ranks fifth for ment, the college’s fourth, necessary to research spending in the will organize and administer maintain excellence agricultural sciences in 2009, the public health program The Virginia Tech Board of according to the National and engages in research and Visitors Executive Committee Science Foundation (NSF). outreach initiatives related to raises tuition and fees for NSF defines agricultural human and animal health. the 2011-12 academic year sciences as including agricul- to ensure continued avail- tural production, aquaculture, Former BOV ability of courses and address international agriculture, soil Dekker dies escalating utility costs and the sciences, natural resources Henry Dekker, of Blacksburg, Solitude reopens operation and maintenance of and conservation, landscape Va., former rector of the after long vacancy new facilities. President Ste- architecture, agricultural Virginia Tech Board of Visi- The university celebrates the ger expresses his appreciation chemistry, agronomy, animal tors and long-time supporter restoration and reopening of that the General Assembly science, fish and wildlife, of the university, passes away. its oldest structure, Solitude, and governor return some forestry, and horticulture. He was 90. Dekker was part of which was built in of the state funding cuts for Tech’s research expenditures a member of the Class of 1801. Solitude had been 2011-12, but notes that rev- of $91.6 million in this area 1944 but graduated in 1947 vacant for many years prior enue from the commonwealth accounted for more than from the Pamplin College to the $1 million restoration remains far below that of 10 23 percent of the research of Business with a degree in funded primarily by the Mary years ago even as the univer- spending at the university in advanced accounting after Morton Parsons Foundation sity continues to accept more fiscal year 2009. three years of military service of Richmond, Va. students. The university plans during World War II. At Tech, to again increase university WFTF radio garners Dekker was president of the Class of 1944 for three years ANNUAL REPORT funds for need-based financial recognition APRIL aid, raising this total to ap- WVTF Public Radio / RADIO and was also president of the proximately $13.1 million. IQ claims three first-place Corps of Cadets. Dekker was Campus is awards from the Radio Televi- a longtime member of the Steger unveils record sion Digital News Associa- Pamplin Advisory Council, 2010 - 11 recognized for gifts was the class ring collection environmental tion’s 2011 Regional Edward An anonymous benefactor R. Murrow Awards program. namesake for the Class of excellence commits $25 million toward 1998, helped lead the cam- 26 Virginia Tech is one of In addition, the station the Signature Engineering receives a 2010 Sigma Delta paign to revitalize the corps 20 winners of the 2011 Building, the largest single in the 1990s, served on the Governor’s Environmental Chi Award for excellence in donation ever given to Virgin- journalism from the Society board of visitors from 1989 Excellence Awards. The ia Tech. In addition, President to 1997, and received the university receives a gold of Professional Journalists Charles W. Steger announces (SPJ). The winners were William Henry Ruffner Medal award for implementation a $3 million gift in support of in 1999. of its sustainability plan chosen from more than 1,400 TIMELINE the project from the Quillen entries. through the Green Campus family of Southwest Virginia Challenge, which encouraged and realization of $17 million administrative units to adopt from an estate gift in support policies and behaviors to of the mechanical and chemi- JUNE conserve and reduce energy, cal engineering departments, water, materials, and trans- both of which will have space Civil War historian portation. in the building. Steger also gains emeritus status notes a $100,000 donation James I. Robertson Jr., New commandant from the Student Engineers’ Alumni Distinguished Profes- prepares to take Council, an extraordinary sor of History in the College reins contribution for a student of Liberal Arts and Human Maj. Gen. Randal D. Fullhart, organization. Sciences, is conferred the a veteran of more than 32 Alumni Distinguished Profes- Northern Virginia years in the U.S. Air Force, CNRE renames fish sor Emeritus title by the Vir- research facility is chosen to take over as and wildlife ginia Tech Board of Visitors. opens commandant of the Virginia department It is estimated that more than The university expands it 22,000 Virginia Tech students Tech Corps of Cadets when To reflect a growing emphasis capability for new scientific took a Civil War history Maj. Gen. Jerrold Allen on sustainability, the Depart- inquiry and extends its acces- course from Robertson during retires. Fullhart has served ment of Fisheries and Wildlife sibility in the National Capital his 44-year career. Robertson as the director of Global Sciences changes its name Region with the opening of the is also founding executive Reach Programs in the Office to the Department of Fish Virginia Tech Research Cen- director of the Virginia Center of the Assistant Secretary and Wildlife Conservation. ter—Arlington. The location for Civil War Studies. of the Air Force for Acquisi- The new name is one of a offers great opportunity for tion; deputy chief of the partnerships with corporate number of steps the College Vet Med establishes Central Security Service, of Natural Resources and research entities and the National Security Agency; Environment takes to position fourth department 144,000-square-foot facility is The board of visitors gives commandant of the Air itself as a leader in the area among the best-connected re- approval to a Department of Command and Staff College; of sustainability. search facilities in the world. University Administration President Charles W. Steger Senior Vice President and Provost Mark G. McNamee Vice President for Alumni Relations Thomas C. Tillar Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer Virginia Tech Board of Visitors M. Dwight Shelton Jr. George Nolen, Rector Vice President for Administrative Services Michele L. Duke, Vice Rector Sherwood G. Wilson Michael Anzilotti Vice President for Development and University Relations Frederick J. Cobb Elizabeth A. Flanagan Beverley Dalton Vice President for Information Technology Douglas R. Fahl Earving L. Blythe William B. Holtzman Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion Calvin Donnell Jamison Sr. William T. Lewis Sr. Sandra Stiner Lowe Vice President for Research Suzanne Obenshain Robert Walters Michael J. Quillen Vice President for Student Affairs John G. Rocovich Jr. Edward F.D. Spencer Paul W. Rogers Jr. Vice President and Executive Director for the National Capital Region James W. Severt Sr. James Bohland Michael Ellerbrock Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education Faculty Representative Daniel A. Wubah Maxine Lyons Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs Staff Representative John E. Dooley Shane McCarty Vice President and Dean for Graduate Education Undergraduate Student Representative P. DePauw Deepu George University Treasurer and Chief Operating Officer for the Virginia Tech Foundation Graduate Student Representative Raymond D. Smoot Jr. Kim O’Rourke Secretary to the Board

Deans College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Alan Grant College of Architecture and Urban Studies A. Jack Davis College of Engineering Richard Benson College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Sue Ott Rowlands College of Natural Resources and Environment Paul Winistorfer Pamplin College of Business Prepared by the Office of University Relations Richard E. Sorensen Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 VT/1211/14M/UR2011-0141/GND College of Science Lay Nam Chang Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Gerhardt Schurig University Libraries Eileen E. Hitchingham (through Feb. 1, 2011) Tyler Walters (starting March 15, 2011)

University Legal Counsel Virginia Tech does not discriminate against employees, students, or applicants for admission or employment on the basis of race, gender, disability, age, veteran status, national origin, religion, Kay Heidbreder sexual orientation, or political affiliation. Anyone having questions concerning discrimination should contact the Office for Equity and Access.


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