Current and Projected Elevations DRAFT Apr 16, 2015

Mecca W h i te w a te r R iv e r «¬111 North Shore Riverside County

Salton Chocolate Sea k ree lt C State Sa Recreation Mountain Area


Desert Salton Gunnery Shores Sea Bombay Range Beach State Salton Sea Beach Recreation


California Fish Anza and Wildlife Borrego Imperial Wildlife Desert Area State Wister Unit Park Salton City

San Niland Diego County VU86 Sonny Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge


l a




i v


r VU78

k ree e C elip iver F New R San

«¬78 Imperial County 86 «¬ Westmorland

0 1.25 2.5 5 7.5 10 Miles

Bathymetry data obtained from the State of and the United States Geological Land Ownership Legend Survey. Estimated Salton Sea elevations identified on this Contour -235 ft msl (Approx. elevation in the 1950's) Other Owners map are from the IID's Salton Sea hydrologic model (SALSA2). The data shown may not agree with Contour -242 ft msl (Estimated elevation 2025) Torres Martinez Tribe those projected by similar models developed previously due to differences in parameters Bureau of Reclamation incorporated into model development. Rate of Contour -248 ft msl (Estimated elevation in 2035) Not Reclamatoin Managed (Withdrawn Not Managed by Reclamation) recession may vary from this estimate and is Bureau of Reclamation dependent on future use and environmental Contour -249 ft msl (Estimated elevation in 2065) Reclamation Withdrawn, Reclamation (Withdrawn and Managed by Reclamation) conditions. Source of 1950 Elevation: Cohen, M. J. and Baseline QSA Shoreline 2003 (-227 ft msl) Salton Sea State Recreation Area Hyun, K. H, Pacific Institue (2006) Hazard: The Future of the Salton Sea With No Restoration Salton Sea Shoreline (-231 ft msl) as of 3/18/2015 Bureau of Land Management Project, Page 4, Figure 2

Elevations converted to and are provided in Historic High Water Level (-195 ft msl) Department of Defense NAVD 88 Vertical Datum U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Sonny Bono County Boundary SSoanltnoyn BSoenao N Saatilotonna lS Weaildlife Refuge) Boundary Sonny Bono Salton Sea NBoautionndalr yW ildlife Refuge State of California

Coachella Valley Water District

msl indicates mean sea level Imperial Irrigation District (IID) This data is being provided as a public record by the U.S. Bureau µ of Reclamation (Reclamation). Reclamation makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to this data, its quality, or fitness for a particular purpose or use. Reclamation makes no warranty with respect to the accuracy of the data provided, and in no event will be liable for direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages resulting from any inaccuracies in the data. The requester should review and evaluate the data in order to determine its suitability of use for their activities. Please contact the Bureau of Reclamation for any discrepancies in accuracy.

Document Path: I:\LCRO\Steve_WIP\Salton Sea\Salton Sea Map_Projected_Elevations_11 x 17 20150413.mxd