Nick Rioux Tudor Stanescu Travis Heon John Gigas
We Built this City on Walk and Roll: Steps Towards a Transpo rtation Transition in Keene, New Hampshire NNiicckk RRiioouuxx Dr. Christopher Cusack TTuuddoorr SSttaanneessccuu Department of Geography TTrraavviiss HHeeoonn Keene State College JJoohhnn GGiiggaass December 2009 i Acknowledgements The creators of this report would like to thank the following people for their guidance, insight and useful information utilized in this project. Without their contributions, this project would not be possible. Dr. Christopher Cusack, Friend and Foe, Professor of Geography, Keene State College Dr. Yvonne Goldsberry, Senior Director of Community Health, Cheshire Medical Center Jim Duffy, Keene City Councilor at Large Thom Little, Thom Little Associates Ltd., Secretary of Pathways for Keene J.B. Mack, Senior Planner, Southwest Regional Planning Commission Ted McGreer, Proprietor, Ted’s Shoe and Sport Michele Chalice, Natural Resource Planner, Antioch New England Institute Anne Nordstrom, Project Director, Antioch New England Institute Will Schoefmann, GIS Technician, City of Keene Dr. Dottie Bauer, Professor of Education, Keene State College Becky Dunn, Instructor of Health Sciences, Keene State College Dr. John Finneran, Assisstant Professor of Health Sciences, Keene State College Dr. James Kraly, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Keene State College Dr. Michael McCarthy, Professor of Communications, Keene State College Dr. Peter Nielsen, Professor of Geology, Keene State College Dr. W. James Stemp, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Keene State College Dr. Graham Warder, Assistant Professor of History, Keene State College John Gigas, Travis Heon, Nick Rioux, and Tudor Stanescu, Project Group Members; Thank you for the laughs, long hours in the GIS Lab, and all the times in between.
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