The Inventory of the Evan Hunter Collection #377
The Inventory of the Evan Hunter Collection #377 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center "'•\; RESTRICTION: Letters of ... ~. -..:::.~~- / / 12/20/67 & 1/11/68 HlJN'.J.lER, EVAN ( 112 items (mags. ) ) (167 items (short stories)) I. IV:ag-a.zines with E .H. stories ( arranged according to magazine and with dates of issues.) 11 Box 1 1. Ten Sports Stories, Hunt Collins ( pseua.~ "let the Gods Decide , '7 /52 2. Supe:c Sports, Hunt Collins (pseud.) "Fury on First" 12/51 3. Gunsmoke, "Snowblind''; 8/53 "The Killing at Triple Tree" 6/53 oi'l31 nal nllrnt:,, l1.. Famous viestej:n, S .A. Lambino ~tltt.7 11 The Little Nan' 10/52; 11 Smell the Blood of an J:!!nglishman" 5. War Stories, Hunt Collins (pseud.) 11 P-A-~~-R-O-L 11 11/52 1 ' Tempest in a Tin Can" 9/52 6. Universe, "Terwilliger and the War Ivi3,chine" 9 / 9+ 7. Fantastic J\dvantures Ted •raine (1,seud,) "Woman's World" 3/53 8. '.l'hrilling Wonder Stories, "Robert 11 ~-/53 "End as a Robot", Richard M,trsten ( pseud. ) Surrrrner /54 9, Vortex, S ,A. Lambino "Dea.le rs Choice 11 '53 .10. Cosmos, unic1entified story 9/53 "Outside in the Sand 11 11/53 11 11. If, "Welcome 1'/artians , S. A. J..Dmb ino w-1 5/ 52; unidentified story 11/ 52 "The Guinea Pigs", :3 .A. Lomb ino V,) '7 / 53; tmic1entified story ll/53 "rv,:alice in Wonderland", E.H. 1/54 -12. Imagination, "First Captive" 12/53; "The Plagiarist from Rigel IV, 3/5l1.; "The Miracle of Dan O I Shaugnessy" 12/5l~.
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