Connecticut Student Writers Excerpt from “The Seven Deadly Sins” Anne Whitehead, Grade 11 Rockville High School i Volume XXI May 2009 ii Connecticut Student Writers A publication sponsored by the iii Selection Committee Evangeline Abbott Donna Ozga Brina Abrahams Joanne Peluso Kelly Andrews‐Babcock Kim Roberts Fran Cohen Alex Rode Tulani Gant Marcia Rudge Lisa Higgins Jenny Shaff Jepsen Cathy Holdridge Kathy Uschmann Nadine Keane This publication was produced by the Connecticut Writing Project‐Storrs. Director Jason Courtmanche, Ph.D. Program Assistant Graduate Assistant/Layout Sharlene Smith Amanda Friedman Department of English 215 Glenbrook Road Unit 4025A University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269‐4025 (860) 486‐2328 (860) 486‐9360 fax
[email protected] 1 FOREWORD As is implied by the cover of this year’s Connecticut Student Writers, pride in excess can be sinful, but pride in moderation is nothing more than the pleasure and satisfaction that come from diligent and superior work. The teachers of the Connecticut Writing Project are exceedingly proud to present the 21st volume of Connecticut Student Writers. The pages of this year’s magazine emanate pride. Over 1,000 Connecticut students, grades kindergarten through twelve, took such pride in their writing that they submitted hundreds of stories, poems, essays, and plays for publication. The 78 pieces selected for publication reflect our students’ strong sense of pride in their imaginations, their writing, and themselves. The Connecticut Writing Project‐Storrs congratulates the young writers whose work is published in the 2009 Connecticut Student Writers. Furthermore, we would like to thank the writers’ parents and teachers for their proud support and encouragement.