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September 1966 Daily Egyptian 1966

9-22-1966 The gE yptian, September 22, 1966 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Vo lume 48 C.,b.nd.le, III. Septembe, 22, 196~ Humber 2 Senate A~cepts Disputed Policies Housing, Vehicle Proposals To Be Given to Trustees Followu.g two days of meet­ vestment flrnls that own the IIIgs witb sru officials, tbe large private dorms. Campus Senate bas accepted He said that not too many the new University policy con­ years ago when there was an cernlng motor vehicles and acute off-campus housing bousing, but plans to study shonage, Slu appealed to the matter and prepare an al­ these firms to come incoCar­ ternative program. bondale and make investments The outcome of the studies in these areas. will be presented to the ad­ "Consequently. the Univer­ ministration and the Board sity has a moral. if not legal, of Trus tees. Obligation co these companies. Bob Drinan, student body The pr oblem is that the stu· president, said the r ecom­ dent must bear the burd· m. ,. mendations will ask the Board Drinan said. of Trustees to eliminate or This quaner. man ~ off­ amend the resolution govern­ campus dormitories ar, ing housing and vehicles. having difficulty filling thei: Drinan said that although the r ooms. Students living in un­ student government accepted s upervised housing are con­ the decIsions for the presem, sidered to be a factor in thi ~ they disagree with them in a problem. number of aspects. In other action, the Campti!: Senate decided to man a tabll HI, 3S a student, should have in the Arena Lobby to assis' the freedom of choice as to and provide s tudents With in­ where I live. I can beSt de­ formation while they are peti­ termine what my housing tioning for unsupervised ho us­ needs are, not the University." ing or vehicle perm its. Drinan said. Students living in unap­ He added that supervision proved housing have until :­ BOOKMOBILE?--The lettering on the truck says are standing, in line, in th e rain. outside Text- over undergraduates implies p.m. Tuesday to either appeal something about "bookmobile," but these SlU book Service, to get their books for fall quarter. that students cannot make de- their cases or move into" ac­ students looks more like pedestrian-types. They (photo by Nathan Jones) ---C1B.1ll.os for themselves. ceptable" quarters. "The ide a of the need for Monthly Meeting serict s upervision is based on Rain Slows Work an archaic set of rules for BOclal conduct that are not On ~aptist SIU Trustees to Meet Friday to Consider applicable in this modern and complex society." Drinan At Mill, Campus said. . : I : ~ • . . . Internal Budget, Water Main Construction Consuuction of the ney, He also questioned the legality of the recent rulings Baptist Srudent Center at Mill The SIU Board of Trustees at 2 p.m. Friday in the Pres­ bed which has caused som e Street and Ca mpus Drive is wiH consider the internal ident' s office. repair problems. and said legal counsel would he sought in preparing the scheduled to be completed next budget for the 1966- 67 fiscal Last year' s internal budget The Edwardsville pr oject September, but a spokesmar. year at its monthly meeting was in excess of $50 million. c alls for the construction of a recommendations for the Board Of Trustees. says work has been slowed b) No figures have been released pumpIng station and accesss recent rains. Freshman Show for this year' s budgeL roads to jL The station would Drinan said students were serve a water line running not given enough say in the Work for the building was The Board will also con­ s tarted in June and bricklaying Scheduled Friday sider bids fo r water main work from E dwardsville City's decision-making process. treatment station to the was begun this week. E r ection on the Car bondale and Ed­ " If stud ents were given a of the center at an estimated The Freshman Talent ShOW, wardsville campuses. campus. greater voice in [he creating featuring individual and group cost of $850,000 Is heing spon· Thr ee projects are sched­ Other items on the agenda of policy, they would be more acts by freshme n and transfer include changes in faculty­ sored by the Illinois State uled for the Carbondale cam­ r esponsible and better StU­ Baptist Association. students, will be he ld at 7:30 adm inistrative payroll, report dents. It would give them a p.m. Friday in Shryock Audi­ pus. One would extend a 12- inch line from the campus of tem~rary apppointme nts stake in their university," The center will have dar corium. mitory spaces for 300 stu water main [0 the water tOw­ and amendment to [he SIU he said. About 2S acts suditioned for er on the northwest edge of tax - deferred annuity pro- Drinan said the students' dents, bQth men and womer: the show. Cochairmen of the campus built jointly by SIU gram. poSition With the administra­ and provide cafeteria servicf. event are Elizabeth L. Lutz and the City of Carbondale . tion is not clearly defined. Also planned in the buildinl are a chapel room. 400-sea and Stephe n L . Jasper. A second line would be laid He said the new ruling govern­ recreation hall, l ib r a r ~ to a new wildlife research ing housing and Ifehlcles is Wheels Night will also he c lassrooms and s mall dinin held Friday beginning at 7:30 area and proposed football too vague and could be used arbitrarily. hall and administrative of p.m. Representatives of ser­ stadium west of the campus fiees. Vice groups, honorary and near the University Parms. In assessing some of the voluntary organizations will A third line would run west reasons for the policy change, be in the Agriculture Building of the Arena along the loop Drlnan said he believes that to discuss their or ganizations to a ~lnt south of Lake -on­ the University was pressured with inter ested freshmen and the-Campus. It would replace somewhat by some of the in- transfer students. a line running under the lake Shryock to Attend Campus Sororities Will Begin Fine Arts Parley .Three-Day Fall Rush Sunday Burnett H. Shr yock, dean of the School of Fine Arts. will Fall rus h for aU sororities man wome n may pledge if they attend the National C ouncH of on campus will be held Sun- were in the upper one- fourth Deans of Fine Arts conference day, Monday and Tuesday from of their high scbool graduating Oct. I S, 16 and 17 in San 7:30 p.m, to 10:30 p,m, at the class. FranCisco. . chapter houses , according to Eligibility of transfer stu- Deans throughout the United the Panhellenic Councll. dents is based on the grades States wlll discuss the desig­ The sororities are Alpha from tbe school pr evious ly at­ nation of degrees in the fine Gamma Delta, Alpha Kappa tended. arts, r ecent developments in Alpha, Delta Zeta, Sigma Kap- During rush each prospec­ architectural curricula. edu­ pa and Sigma Sigma Sigma. tive pledge mus t visit at least cation of adminisuati ve spe­ Any woman student may go three sorority houses to be cialists in the fine arts, tQe through rush, but to he el!gi\>le eligible for pledgeship. newly formed state art com­ to pledge she must have a 3.2 Additional information may missions and their relation­ Gus says ..he sure does miss overall grade average and · a he obtained by calling Pan- ship to higher education, and the mus1c of those motor­ 3.2 average for the previous hellenic r us h chairman Janice the r ole of federal programs in cycles. P.S. Gus has bUsters qua ~~!lr. •. F~,~~ ~rter fr~h~ ,. ~1":"S'!e a t 543-2046 •.. the a.ns.. on both feet . : Put Away the·Pocketbooltt · Va'rsity Stripes, Plaids, Checks, Vinyl-- Coeds Should Have Wild Fashion Year Br Pa m Gleamn Embroidered corduroy. sweater combination. This Perhaps the mO'st important Knits (sweaters. dresses year's look is the waif look is the var sity stripe. This year in fashion may and coats). sweater, ribbed of course, This Is a brightly color ed be one of the wildest ever. Short s kirts. and fitting the body (but neve r knit dress with a wide band Consider: The total look. tightly). The skirts are of bright contrasting color Stocking caps [0 cover ears. Vinyl. swingy, never straight. and at he m and neckline, and ·Knit socks to mix or match E nough, enough! Now that above - the - knee o r knee sometimes a number on the with the caps. heads are properly spinning length. back. Varsity stri pes. and pocket , books are safely Color is importam this Varsity stripes are al so Plaids. put away. Jjust what are the year. Grape, plum. navy blue, good fo r those ever useful Checks. fashion prospects for 1966 red, bright yellow, white and knit pullover s to be worn with The western look. coeds? some shades of green seem s lacks- and the brighter the Carnaby combinations. The best place to stan is to be the big winners, not onl y colors the better. ,....:.p.:a;;nt;;s;...;;:":;.:i.:.tS;;:.______W;;.;;lt~h....;t;;he .. iir el1able skin and for skin s and sweate r s but The opposite of tbe sprlte­ for dresses, pants s uits and ly varsity stripe Is the soft NOW coats. understated. "Baby Jane" The pants suit is exactl y look, all soft wools of knits, Thru TUESDAY what it says it Is-a coat, LATE SHOWINGS OF CARBONDALE'S FIN perhaps a skin to mix or 'Group' on Fri. & Sal. THEATRE matCh, and most imponant, pants, either stove pipe o r bell bottom. This Is"11IE GROUP" The pants suit Is especially CHARlES K. SUitable for campus wear be­ FElDMAN cause it can go to a ball­ game, a party, shopping, SUIT--Pants suits in class, (where it looks much checks , solids, stripes and lHE GROUP' better than jeans and a sweat­ flowered deSigns a re popular _1&&; shirt>, or on any kind of in­ CANDICE BERGEN formal date . for school and casual campus ~~ ... Dresses this year come in JOAN HACKffi every conceiveable color and skins and stove pipe s lacks. ELIZABETH~- HARIMAN pattern. But the important The western look leans a"'" thing is that they are short toward yoked hip-rider slacks SHIRl.EYKH~Hl and swingy. and flowered cotton blouses ~.." with long s leeves. Conon twill. a..,JOANNA P£Ilf! corduroy and worsted wool IIARY-IIIIIIIN REDO are the most popular m at­ erials. a"'"JESSICA WALTER The military look is mostly ."", K.\1HLf8I Wll00ES brass buttons and epaulets. ... Navy blue and dark burgundy .­_ are favorite colors...... - Not only are tbe fashions IJIITED unm wUd this year, but there see ms to be something for every­ one--from the sporty type to tbe shrinking violet wbo pre­ fers the "baby look." Daily Egyptian

PIoIbILl.bed ttl the De~ftt ct JOW'N.Ulm throqb Saturday duvupour the Welcome to Kbool )'ear e1Ctpl durlnc Unlft"try yael­ dofI pr; rtocl8, eDrniMtk:IrI _ta, Ind k'pl VARSITY STRIPES--Varsily bollda,.. by Southern IillDoltl ~~nlty. Carbondale, [Il1noll 62901. Second cla.. dresses like this one in plum ponaa:e pale! al Carbonda~. IlItnoll 62901. and green Bre popular casual PoUcie, ct 1be EJYPCi&n In the "Ipon­ The Southern Quick Shopr , lbtUty at !.be editors. Statemenu ~hed campus attire. hl!re dO DOl nece.. arUy mleo: tbe op1nion of !.be IdmlnlllTltton or I ny depantnent of with cotton lace, yokes and lhe lJnj~nIIY. Edltartal and bualne" orJlee, loca~d In Home of the the palest of colors. BuJ lcI1na T - 48. F officer. How-ani R. Lon,. Telephone 4)3-235-4, Two fashions just coming Editortal Conference; Dianne B. Ande..J'lion. into the ir own are the west­ Tim w. "'yera, John Kevin COle, Parnell Big '4' BAR-B-Q's J. ClellOn, John M. Goodrtch. John W. e rn look and the military Epperhl!lrner. William ... . Klndl, Michael look. Both feature lean, clean L. Nauer, ""'Irlllrtl E. PertE, L. Wide cut jacke ts . slightl y fl ared Roop, Ronald E. Sereg. LI~rel E . Wenh, Pork Bar-B-Q's 4 for $1 Thomas B. Wood Jr. NOW PLAYING Smoked Burgers 4 for $1 CONTINUOUS FROM 1:30 P.M. Smoked Dogs 6 for $1 mn says: "Film·Making at its Marvelous Best! Beef B-Q's 3 for $1 Genuinely Entertaining!" GREGORY SOPHIA Groceries 'ECK LOREN I' Cosmetics A STANLEY DDNEN PROOUcnDN I Dairy Products ARABESQUE I Big '4' Bar-B-Q's Your Quick, Convenient Shopping Headquarters Illinois & College Open 8AM to 11 PM Daily Po,.·.) · ., 'Oliver TWlst' LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS WSIU Radio Will Broadcast To Be Shown Biography of Jacques Villon A biography of Jacques Vll- !O a.m. On WSIU-TV Ion wHI be presented on The Pop Concert. "OUver TWist," Dickens' Eye and the Hand at 8 p.m. immortal story of an orphan today on WSIU Radio. The pr o- 12,30 p.m. forced into criminal company, gram will rell about the paint- Ne ws Report. e r and the time in which he will be shown at 9:30 p.m. to­ lived. 1,30 p.m. day on Film Classics on WSIU­ Other programs: Vienna and Broadway. TV. Alec Guinness s tars in the movie. 8 a.m. 2,30 p.m. Ocher programs: Morning Show Masterworks from France. 4,30 p.m. 9,22 a.m. 3 p.m. Doctor Te ll Me: Each week News Report. What's New, The ABC ·s of a doctor is interviewed on coin collecting. a ques tion submitted by a 6 p.m. listener. MU Sic in the Ai r. 5,30 p.m. Canadian Film. ·Rt. 1.48 south of HelTin gotes Opetl ot 7:00 p. m . 6 p.m. Sho ..... at orts ot duak Ask Me About: Ar ea high school students intervie w fore ign students attending SIU.

8 p.m. Passport 8: "High Road to Danger ... 2nd SUPER HIT 8,30 p.m. President's Convocation to Be Today You Are The r e . The prelident's Convocation in Room E of {he Unive r- :::::==-'J .---- will be held at 10 a.m. s ity Cente r . 9 p.m. roday in the Arena. Ange l Flight and [he Arnold U.S.A. Art i s [S, Rohert The Activities Programming Air Society will bold a joint Rauschenberg, a yo u ng American painter. mineeBoard Specwill ialm eetEvents at 9Com- p.m. rjmiee[t=in~gofj Lifea~t~9JP.~m!.~in!:Roo Science. :mJ~~~~==~~~g~~~~~~;:~:d ~------~

" Dedicated to Serve the Tr.mllOl'lal Dreaser" , RIDE THE FREE BUS TO - OUTHERN PLAYERS THE SQUIRE SHOP SAT. $., 1966-1967 PLAYBILL WELCOME STUDENTS TO THE SQUIRE SHOP ORDER YOUR SEASON COUPON A PLACE TO SPEND BOOK NOW! FIVEPIA YS! $400 YOUR LEISURE TIME ARMS AND THE MAN October 21 -23, 27-29 COMEDY BY GEORGE BERN ARD SHAW Stop in and have a coke I~JI.lI. I""'ElOW TERRACE November 18-20 on us. While here, browse WORLD PREMIERE BY MORDECAI GORELIK December 1-3 a·round and get acquainted PETER PAN February 10-12, 16-19 with our college shop. FANTASY BY JAMES M . BA RRIE Over 1000 square feet devoted COME BLOW YOUR HORN April 7-9, 13-15 to the latest in clothes COMEDY BY NEil SIMON just for the college guy & gal. E THREE SISTERS May 12-14, 18-20 DRAMA BY ANTO N CHEKHOV ·m-be ~ fbr coupon books ... call 3-2655 or 3-2759 NOW! ~quirt ~bop lLtb single admission Iall seats reserved IEnioylhe new MURDALE 4 SHOPPING__ CENTER OPEN 6 DA YS A WEflC tickets . .. . $1.25 curtain time: 8 p.m. Communications Building

.. ' Daily Egyptian Editorial Page Ruling~ on Housing, Cycles Backed by Vague Reasons I The second vital deCision ments, but they seem to con­ have been advanced co explain since the end of spring term cern at least two things: the new enfor cements. directly involving s cudents Opera[QTs of private of(­ But probably the best was made Monday. Rigid e n­ campus dormitOries will now answers to the immediacy of forcement of rules concerning be more likely to fill their the decisions is pressure - s tudent reSidence in unsuper­ residence halls. from dorm owners and by vised housing wa s announced. The mobility of students as mobile dlsrurbances. Like the decision made dur­ exercised in the disturbances They are the kind of back.­ ing summe r term to bring last spring will disappear. At [o-the-wall decisions that motorcycles under Stu regu­ the same time they will be can't avoid causing anger and lations for a utos, its timing more closely s upervised. bad s tudent - administration for srudents was poor. Other reasons , such as relations. Individual need will now be cycles being safety hazards the criteria for allowing and causing parking problems, John Epperhelmer undergraduates to live in un­ supervised housing. In gen­ eral, cycles are now pro­ 'We've Got a FootballTeam; , hibited for freshmen and eventually will be for all s tu­ Let's Get 01lt and Back It dents unless they show the HI ya kldsl date, didn't need much advice same need. This i s supposed to be one on how to cheer a team to The new enforcement of of tho~ rah-rah, toyalty song victory. previously passed University type things [Q get you new stu­ Chants of "We' vegota foot­ statutes wUl have two effects: dents all pepped up, especially ball team," along with chants I. More students will be living at this time of year as football lauding the debut of Heao in "accepted housing"' within gets IntO full swing every Coach Ellis Rainsberger were East-West Contrast tbe two-mile limit. 2. Students Saturday. numerous and loud. will be less mobile because Well, it's not. Rainsberger was hoisted on Last Saturday night, the eventually most cycles will the shoulders of his players disappear and many auto Saluki footballers were sup­ after the game. This ritual Is West Berliners Build City stickers now issued will be posed to lose [0 Wichita Scate. usually saved for later in the canceled. They didn't. year, and usually reqUires a In Cramped, Beaten Area, University officials have And to be quite franlc, the highly successful season. been vague about the reasons students on hand, small in By Ray McHugh Berlin. And he's prepared for behind these new enforce- number because of the early This Saturday night South­ ern plays Louisville, same Copley News Service the grim gray sameness of time, same place. Louisville East Be rlin where even new Is ge nerally r egarded as the BERLIN-It has all been buildings wear a tired look World War I Battle top team the Salukls will play written and rewritten, filmed and where the rubble of World this seasona and r efilmed, but the Berlin War n bombings dominates the view. That, a nd the fact that South­ story has lost none of its ern does have a football team, impact. He is even prepared for the A Hub for Chang.e As on any island, space is Wall which seems not quite as is e nough reason to go to By Jenlcin Lloyd Jones boat captains s tiffly saluting a precious commodity in West high as he expected, but none­ McA ndrew Stadium and watch Berlin. (General Features Corp. ) their si nk. ing foes, had faded. the action. theless cruel and formidable. It's when tbe Wall is behind The age of fl amethrowers, The rest will come naturallYa The visitor is pr epared for Fifty years ago the great booby traps and saturation [he broad avenues, busy shops you that the complete illogic, whee l of human history slowly bombing wa s dawning. Milze Schwebel and bustling factories of West the complete cruelty sinks in. began to turn, and a revolution The miles of barbed wire, was oorn. · the steel tank traps, the Amer­ Like so many LUrning points They'd Strike Back at Inflation ican television monitors in history no man then living perched high on West Zone r eally understood what was buildings to peek. over the happening. But wi th the per ­ Wall, the sealed-up windows spective of hall a century we By Bringing Back Depression on the East border buildings­ can look back to the beginning By Arthur Hogpe Yes ! Fortunately, a little garagel" shouted the League's the cumulative effect is grim. of September, 1916, and say: (San Francisco Chronicle) band of militant do-gooders e xecutive director, Homer T. The West Berliner, how­ Here . Indeed, chivalry died. has been formed to s trik.e Pettibone,at a mammothrally. eyer. is a remarkable person. Here the delicate fabric of Rising prices. soaring in­ di rectly at the heart of our "Business may be rooming He's rebuilding the old Reich­ hereditary nobility and priv­ terest rates , the critical lack current economic problems. temJDrartly, but let us have stag which backs hard against ileged classes began [Q of unemploye d workers .•. Has They call themselves "The faith that a depression is just the Wall. He's s lowly but unravel. no one the answer to the mani­ Le ague to Bring Back. the around the corner." surely pulling down the Her e rhe elaborate games­ fold headaches we face in an Depr eSSion ... bombed- out ruins tbat still dot manship of war departed for­ The crowd, composed of the American, British and inflationary, affluent society? "Two chickens ~ in every ever, and rhe grim business of well-dressed persons of French zones. middle age or more , sighed scientific s laughrer took over. The empty spaces In West PERMAN ENT ORBIT? nostalgically. "Ah, those The Bartle of [he Somme was Berlin are as impressive as were the days'" said one. eight weeks old. It would go the new shopping centers and on for ren weeks more. Field "} remember" s a j d an the streets lined With model Marshal Sir Douglas Haig was elderly gentlema'n with a sigh, apartments. Lonesome houses stubbornly stuffing the best of "when we'd hang up a help and buildings - sometimes one British manhood into the wanted sign and a hundred men to a block- sorrow for n eigh - ~ greatest meat grinder ever would line up, hats 1n hand. " bor s destroyed in war. "" lenown. Wh en the offensive jumped " Right'" said Pettibone. Store windo ws along [he at- off at 7:30 a .m. on Jul y I the H And yo u housewives, how are tractive colonnades of shops khak i troops moved forw",-rd prices?" are filled with goods. Price at a car eful walk., tryi ng to ." recall when milk wa s ~ tags are little different from keep a line . It was the last e ight cents a quan," said a those encountered on State of [h e brave parades. The s lender lady withasigh. "Andj Street in or Fifth German m ac h i n eg u nn e r s you could get a seven- course Avenue in New York. sprayed them down. ' dinner for 50 cents. With West Berlin's s uccess story The cause of Hatg' s disaster wine," draws thousiinds of Western was his ever present hope of a "Right!" said Pettibone. tourists every year who come breakthrough. The "High prices, high taxes, high to sec (he s tark. CO ntrast be­ were great. The plan lOOked living. Our k.ids grow up soft [WPt! n Ea s t and West. good. and spoiled with every con­ -Whe n the Battle of the venience. We never had it so English for Everybody Somme finally ended in the 200d and it's awful. Let us, Former Sen. William Ben­ impas sa bl ~ . mud of November my friends, put our s houlders ton of Connect icut, now a dele­ OUT you migt)rnave wondered if to the wheel, noses to the ga[(~ d to the United Na[ions aIIfllliBll.llaji ITappened except o grindstone and bring back. the Educational, Scientific and thC ' deAth or wounding of Depression! .. C uHuraJ organizatjon, has 980,000 good me n. The crowd wem mad. been urging the admi nistra­ Tbe battle llaes wer e nearly Since then, enthusiasm ha s tion to incre ase its teaching unch·anged. The princes Ei till of E nglish In other countries , spread like wildfire. commanded their armies, the the goal being to make English countS their divisions, the 0 0 Unfortunately, however. the a "universal second lan­ . barons their regiments. work of tbe League has been guage :' Quite a few natiery:; : But everything had begun to temporarily brought to a halt have already mastered (he : change. T he gallant tradition o while a replacement has been basic phrases, s uch as "Yan­ :of Pol tiers and BlenheIm, tra­ {) . sought for Pettibone as execu­ kee go home ."- Chicago's \ !!iV"E!':~ · had :the e"rly IJ- . __ . ~ .. _.• .... ~_ . ___. ..._ __ ... _,,-___ ~•• ~,!: f~:~ .FJ.YI: .·~ctJlA • At;n.e;r.i~. r'! .' Newspapers and Magaz,ines Revamped or KiUed Peking's Printed Face Undergoes Change

. By Edward Neilan "Great numbers of revolutionary teachers and The magazine, official organ of the All-Chln ~ Copley News Service students look on Chairman Mao's inscription as Women's Federation, launched its English edi­ a mobilization order and a c~1l to smash the tion this ye ar, and its director and chief editor. HONG KONG - Communist Chtna's current old Pe king University and build up a new one," Tung Pien, apparently bad tried to make it "Great Cul[Ural Revolution" has produced some [he NCNA report said. palatable to wome n readers overseas. marked changes in the printed face that Pe- The revision of many of the publications is She has been dismissed from her POSt , the king shows to [he world. , being do ne, it is believed, because the party's July issue of the magaZine said, because of Almost all of Peking's foreign-language ; pub­ propaganda apparatus failed to produce "suc­ "crimes and sinister intrigues against the party." liearions, as welJ as most of [he domestic cessors" to Maoism who were imbued with One of her faults, the issue said, was that she periodicals. have been revised in presentation, "true revolutionary spirit." concentrated tOO much on wome n's eve ryday format or frequency of publication. The propaRanda department is cons idered to be activities and "printed only 33 articles on the Some have ceased publication altogethe r. It the party Central Comminee' s key departmem creative study and application of Mao's wo rks in ·was not financial losses that force d the closures, during the cultural · revolution. the 60 Issues from 1961 to 1965." a reason usually given in the United States when The fact that the regime's propaganda-after ' Tung Pien reportedly had said openly that a publication goes out of business. publications s hould not propagandize, but s hould In Red China, ideological reasons, ostensibly. possess three characteristics: profeSSionalism, and power faction relationships, basically. seem diversity, educational articles. to be [he main cause of deaths and revamping "This is out-and- out revisionis m," the maga­ of newspapers and magaZines. zine said. Ta Kung Pao, which means "great public When Red China has s uch [roubles wich its daily" and one of Red China's best-known news­ leading ladies' magaZine, it is a sharp example papers, announced earlier this month it would of the deep opposition to Mao's poliCies. cease publication as a daily newspaper. Two provincial newspapers recently experi­ Its disappearance will leave Peking with only enced greater party interference [han usual. re­ three datly newspapers on pubUc sale compared flecting opposition to Mao's poliCies. to six before the cultural purge rocked the capi­ On June 5-6, Kunming radio r eported criticism tal City's press three months ago. of the Yunnan Daily and announced chat the pro­ The announcement said its name would be vincial party committee had decided to senda work changed to Chen Ching Pao which means «march team to supervise the paper and StOP tbe action forward da!ly." It was to begin appeFlng on if its editorial board. Sept. 15 three times weekly in smal1er four­ page format. On June 30, the paper carried a scate mem by the new e ditorial board promising to put itself The announcement said the change had been under the "absolute leaderShip" of the provincial made ffin accordance with the demand and pro­ party committee. posal of Red Guards and revolutionary masses," and had received official approval. On June 13, an official radio broadcast reIXlrted that the editor of Chinghal Dally had heen dis­ The Peking City Commi.ttee announced early this month the "temporary suspension" of the missed by the Chinghai prQvincial p'!ny com~ttee for publishing " erroneous vl~ws. ~ . ~ "Peking Daily" to ffallow ~ complete cultural revolution" within its Staff. Ano ther change has affected the China Youth News, which since Aug. I has appeared five times The paper, not to be confused with the Com­ a week instead of Six. . - :":. munist Party organ "Peking People's Dally," was reorganized three months ago after the purge The Liberation Army Journal is now said to be on May 25 of 1ts preSident, Fang Chi. inaccessible to foreigners, including military at­ Changes also are under way at the Peking taches in Peking, according to a reIXln carried by People's Daily, the nation' s most prestigious Belgrade Radio. publication. A terse announcement said that Peking' s desire CO utilize a U avaJiable channels beginning in September the paper was cutting of communicaUon and [0 contTol publications has e xtended even to journals of specialtzed nature. down from six [Q four pages daily. Newsprint shortage s might be a reason for such The July issue of Foreign Machinery announced a cutback in other countries. In Red China the· that publication would be suspended as from Augusr only explanation for the move was that it was and gave no date of resumption. in accordance with the campaign to " destroy The latest issue of Economic Resear ch was the old and construct the new" now sweeping IS years of incessam pounding-has failed to devoted entirely to the cultural revolution, with over the mainland under the name of the Great achieve results mu st be a bitter pill for the no memion of economics. Cultural Revolution. Staff r eorganization has also top leadership. Changes in Chinese periodlcals presented for started at the People 's Daily. When I recently ordered a subscription CO overseas readers began with (he Peking Review, Like the Peking City Committee, the Pe king tbe magaZine "Women of China" through a a weekly journal of news and opinion. University has been shaken with purges during local Communist outlet, 1 was told that it had Fir st the changes were mainly In layout 3nd in the cultural revolution. temporarily ceased publication. . extraordinary emphasis on party speeches and Recently the offictal New CJlina News Agency Reports reaching Hong Kong now indicate that statements. News of books and films was cut back (NCNA) reported the existence of a new journal It Is still publishing but not allowed for dis­ sharply. at: Peking Unive rsity. The new publication is tribution outSide China. Now material on the cultural r evolution conr called Hsin Pei Ta (New Peking University) The reason is that the magazine is being pleteJy dominates e ach issue. a nd s upposedly had an inscription by Chairman purged following 1ts designation as a "black Red China, always the world headquarters of Mao Tze - tung himself on [he cover of its first magaZine" disseminating "bourgeois and revi­ "manage d news ," is atsparently in the process of issue. sionist poison. " rethinking its own ·'doublethink." Rising Young Actress Spurns Housewife Role fly Hal Il oyle bloome r in the famous Red­ grave acting family whi ch in­ NEW YO RK (A P) - At 2 3 cludes he r fathe r, Si r Mi chae l ; Lynn Redgrave. Britain's he r mothe r , Rachel Kempson ; ne west film star. is a bachelor he r brothe r , Carin, and he r girl who still enj oys the frpC' ­ s iste r, Vanessa, sta r of dam of living alone . " Morgan." "The r e ' s no hurry," said At the r ipe old age of e ight L ynn. who i ~ tall, jolly, and s he had only pl ayed [he r ole has leOion-gold hair, ~r ay ­ of a s hephe rd in a s chool blue e ye's and a complexion Nativity play. He r childhood as fair and delicate as se a dr eam wo rld was built ar ound fo aOl. po ts and pans and horses. She ,. :\ fte r all, if you get yC' arned to be an equi s trienn c , m a rrh.:d at 20, )'OU s impl )' have' "1 had a pipe dre am that mlllions of years to s pend with fell to pieces," s he s aid. "I the same person. wa nted to grow up and cook for rich people to e arn enough "M arriagc wa s invented at money 1:0 finance my riding. a time when people didn't Bu[ ( came to realize that 220 S. Illinois live ve ry long. You fclt you wo uldn 't work." had a good run if you lived A[ J5 during a visit to b.e 40. to Shakespcar:e's blnhplacE.- at "nut I won't (eel I'm On Stratford-on-Avon, wher(' her the s ht ·lf if ('m unm;!rrieJ ;It pJr<'nts ·,,'(:rc appearing, she JU. ( If: tht'. othc' r hall", tf ( wo e:; s Uddt:> nl y sw~rr hy an the fashion leader of Southern lII.inois' for years W:-Illt t,)~, t IlJ;1rr t('l1r',mt 1 rrl)w, i(i('·':ll i !'t!c lov(· of th(' thl.: 3h.·r I wil l:'· I\ llllust in n;Jtur(. : tbt.· . .vi.sionrdiglnu .took. ~CJv('r 1t ~t!( ~ r · lif(.-. '-______..1 I.ynn . iH a wmpar.ativt1ly latr. . · Po g." 6 .. .. E .... ··' ·,.. .. "" .. ·".. .. · ..· ·· ·S· · ...... U".. ·.. ···.. · ,'Heroic Achievement' In War mployers tep p Brings SIU Graduate Medal A 1965 graduate of SIU has automatic weaJX>ns fire with Student Recruitment been awarded the Bronze Star complete disregard for hi s F all recruiting on 51 •s "Today, it is an inter­ medal for "heroic achieve­ own safety, and, at one IXlint, campus by business and in­ viewee's market," Bryant mem" i n Vier Nam. with hostile fire from twO dustry is on the ups wing, ac­ said r eferring to the number LL. Terry J. Ebben of (he sides ripping into the water cording co Roye R. Bryant, of jobs available and the U . S. Marine Corps assumed and rice paddy dikes aTI)und director of placement serv­ graduates (Q fill [hem. command of his company when him fearlessly crossed an ices. Bryant s uggested the draft the company commander wa s open area to get a beneT van­ Bryant sa:id, "We have mor e is one of the forces keeping injured in ii fall. Eage }X)int from which to direct r ecruiters . booked for this the labor market open. He said The company was on a s weep his men's move m ents." quarter than we ha ve ever had many graduates are· either and destroy mission in Chu Ebbert graduated fro m for a fall term." being picked up by the serv­ Lai, Viet Nam. Southe rn with a 8 . S. degree He said that although the ice at; continuing in graduate The official citation accom­ in E ducatidn. number of interviewers is in­ school. panying tbe award to Lt. Te rry After graduation, he entered creasing during the fall quar­ The placement director said states II •• • While directing the the Marine Corps and later re­ ter. the winter term is the many companies are request­ action, he r epeatedly exposed ceived Gr een Beret and para- larg'est of the four quarters ing recruiting dates a full year himself to enemy s niper and rrooper rraininR. LT . TERRY J. EBBERT for recruiters on campus. in advance. WHATEVER THE NEED, YOU CAN DEPEND ON Z-G FOR THE FINEST IN FASHION

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Open ev ery Mondoy Open Th ursday ond F.idoy Nigh t unlil 8:30 ltuirk ,anb @olb~mitb Nights this week for your Shopping convenience J US ' O ff t:a m,," ~ ... P~ge: 7 Student Affairs Office Plan To Include Six Area Deans The Office of Student Af­ de nts in a panicular I1ving fairs is being r eorganized to area. The duties will empha­ decentralize the existing sys­ size educational programs and tem. all activities, including disci­ Under the ne w plan, deans pllne. w!ll be appolnted for e ach of Jose ph F. Zaleski, assistant the various housing areas -­ dean for off-campus housing Woody Hall, Small Group and undergraduate motor Housing, Thompson Point, vehicle r egulations, s aid that University Park, VTI and off­ under the system "the admin­ campus housing. istrative head of e ach unit The functions of the deans, will have a greate r opportunity yet to be named, will be [hose to know the s tude nts in his of a dean of srudenrs. Each ar ea bette r and would be in dean will be r esponsible for a bener position to assist the t he total welfa r e of all s tu- individual. "


Rev. John Hoogstrate, Pas tor

9:30 a. m , Sunda\' School" I Brush School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship) 401 W . Main 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship In Ca rbondale SavinjZ;s & Loan Community Room .. Select your cour se in our Adu lt Department. 11 wee k Fall Term begins October 2. Register on September 25. No charge for courses. Courses: BIBLE SURVE Y, of 4 New Testament books CHURCH DOCTRINE, basics and distinctives CH RISTIAN FAITH AND REASON: ARE THE Y OPPOSITES? analyzing the history of Christian thought, ancient and modern! answering, "Can one have Chris tian faith a nd be intellectually hones t? " for information call 457-5996)

CYCUST ' HEADACHE'--The motorcycle lot near the University Center on the o ld tennis cour ts went under the headache ball las t week, leaving mo torcycle nders with a mi nimum or parking facili ­ N.B.A. PRE-SEASON ti es on campus. Sidewalks will be constructed on the old Uni ver­ sity Center lot. and the area will be sodded in a nd landscaped. Cycle Parking lots Reduced ST. LOUIS HA WKS To Five at Edges of Campus Motorcycle owners at STU Street and at lI11n01s Ave nue vs. this year can e xpecr to get and Monroe Street. a Hnle more le g work With Meters fo r the tWO downtown the number of authorized lots have been ordered, but motorcycle parking lotS re­ there is no indication of whe n duced to five and scattered [hey are to be installed, ac ­ on the perimeter of the ca m ­ cording to the office of pus. Councilma n Frank Kirk. The five lots are located: 1. In the south quarter of Tryou~ Scheduled the Arena parking c ircle. 2. At the east end of the For Radio Drama parking lor at Marion and MOST POINTS East Grand. Workshop in Fall PER GAME - 43 3. In the 100 block of First tryouts for the WSJU West Mill Street. RadiO faU wo rks hop will be 4. Nonhwest of the ca mpus held between 2 and 3 p.m. at Fores t and Whitney. Monday and Tuesday. Oct . IO MOST POINTS and I I, in the broadcasting 5. Ar the north e nd of the PER SEASO'l-n9 lot at Campus Drive a nd Oak­ st udios of the Commun ications la nd Avenue . Building. Owners of cycles found T he works hop will meet parked in areas other than eac h Thursday from Ocr. 6 these, night or day. will be to Dec. 8, presenting a serie!; s ubject to SI, S3, S:; and SID of dramatic produc tions . fines for first, second, third Among the dra mas [Q be prc ­ MOST POINTS IN and fourth offenses . Als o on .sented a re "Those Extrao r­ CAREER -200S the fourth offense the owne r's dinary Twins ," "The Ugliest oper ating privileges wiJl be Man in the World" and "Por­ r evoked, according to the tra it of J e nnie." CHARLEY 'CHICO VAUGHIN Parking Section, 212 E. Pearl E. Wa)[Cr Ri c hter, assistant HOLDER OF SIU' ALL TIME St, s upervisor and lectur e r in RECORDS In downtown Carbondale twO r adio-lelevfsion. will direct motorcycle parking lots have the series. GEORG!: McNEIL- MOST been installed. They a r e at The tryouts are open to all VALUABLE PLAYB!- 1964-65 Illinois Ave nue a nd Cherry SIU s [U dents and s taff. SEe FOilMER SOUTHERl-IlLLlrlOIS U,~IVERSITY STARS CHARLEY ' CHICO' VAUGHN AND GEORGE McNEIL li~ ACTION AGAINST THE HAWK'S RICHIE DAIRY QUEEN GUERIN, LEN WILKEN~ AND . FRIDAY, SEPT. 23 at 8 P.M Live ~ A LiNtel Admission: $2.50 RESERVED CHAIR SEATS Try our sundaes, shakes, the new Buste r Bars and cold, cold , $1.00 Bleachers I\lr. Mi sty. the ('oolest drink in town, 508 South Illinois Carbondale, Illinois THE S.I.U. ARENA DAILY 'E'I!rPTltUI Katzenbach Shifted to State Post; Groomed as Rusk Replacement? WASHINGTON (AP)- Presl­ whe.n he was going to do some­ Thomas Mann severa l months dent Johnson made a "by the thing about filling top State ago. way" announcement Wednes­ Department vacancies . - P lans to return Foy day that Atty. Gen. Nicholas "Right now:· Johnson said. Kohler, ambassador to Russia, De B. Karzenbach is leaving And amid 'a r oar of laughter from Moscow to Washington to the cabinet to jom the little he proceeded to r ecount: be deputy undersecretary of cabinet as undersecretary of - The Katze nbach shift fro m state as a replacement for U. state. Justice to State Department Ale xis Johnson, the new am­ This spar ked speculation to s ucceed George W. Ball as bassador to Japan. whether Katzenbach might be under secr etary. On a ite m of profound in­ groomed to r epl ace Dean Rusk - The selection of Eugene ter est to the s hifting team at in time as secr etary of state. Rostow. professor and former the State Department, the Along with disclosing the dean of the Yale Univers ity President said that "we will Karzenbach change and (wo law school, for a second post do anything we can" to s up­ other State Department ap­ of unde rsecr etary of state ­ pert Pope Paul VI' s renewed pointments. Johnson held the a job that has been vacant appeal this week for peace door ajar for a possible tax since the resignation of in Viet Nam. incre ase later. But he said "no, I haven't indicated that" Dirksen's Prayer Amendment one may be in the offing [ 0 help balance government in­ come and spending. Fails to Get Two-Third Vote The President held what the WASHI NGTON (AP) - The ""m not going to let it die," White Ho use chose to call a Senate r e jected Wednesday by he declar ed in advance of pres s " briefing" rather than a a 49 to 37 favoring vote a the showdown that came after news conference in the cabinet constitutional amendment to t wo days of debate. - HCROP DUSTING"- Three U. S. Ai r Force Providers s pray de­ room, with live radio listening pe rmit tvoluntary pr ayers in A constitutional amend­ {oliant chemicals as they fl y toward a reas of dense vegetation in in but no spot television cover­ the pubUc schools. ment requires approval by a South Viet Nam. The spray, which th e Air Force says is harmless age. He sounded a little hoarse This was eight votes s hort two- thirds majority in both to human and animal life, inc reases vis ibility from the air by SO on the radio. of the required t wo - thirds ma­ the Senate and the House, and per cent within a few weeks after application, making it tempora­ As usual in pre side ntial jority. then must be ratified by three­ rily difficult for th e enemy to hide. sessions with reporters, Republican Leader Eve r ett foun hs of the s tate legis ­ questions swept over the field M. Dirksen o f Illino is , chief latures. of domestic and international sponsor of the proposed GOP Congressman Launches topics of current inter est. Even if Dirksen' s amend­ amendment. vowed to keep ment had won the necessary Somebody wanted to know fip;htin~ for ie. two-thirds margin in the Sen­ .Yove to Investigate PoweU ate, it appeared to have no chance of being acted on by WASHI NGTON (AP) - A c hairman. The Democratic the House thi s year. move to seek House cens ure reVOlt, first openly advoca­ of Rep. Adam Clayton Powell ted by Rep. Sam M. Gibbons , Befo r e the s howdown vote, D _ N. Y., wa s I a un c h e d D- Fla., was being steered the Senate r e jected an atte mpt Wednesday by Rep. Glenn An­ toward a possible comprom­ to s ubs ltutc a sense of Con- drews, R- Ala., a m embe r of ise. gr ess r esolution for the Powell's Education and L abo r Andrews said he will in­ amendment. Co mmittee. troduce today a r esolution to Unde r Dirksen's proposed Andrews disclosed his plan c reate a special House a mendment, public schools a day before the s howdown on comminee to probe Powell' s could provide fo r and permit a separate move by Demo­ activities and u the possibility voluntary panic ipat ion in crats on the committee to of cens ur e or expuls ion ac­ prayer by students and oche r s. trim Powell's aut hority as tion" against Powell,


1. CONVENIENCE-close to campus


this is the HUNTER boys 3. '5' CHECKING caricature ... ACCOUNT- a record look for him frequently in the Egyptian of your college expenses because he's t h e symbol of money -saving values on fa l!,l ous-brand, quality p.roducts. A BOOK OF 20 CHECKS SAVE ~ON PAINT FOR ONLY $2.00 Turpentine . AUTO FACILITIES Vinyl DripleS5~Latex Large Assortment Wall Paint $2.69 Paint Brushes 29( UP Slarl CHECKING here NOW!

(Ntside hous e Paint , , .'4. :. , .' "Southern Ill inois' Largest Salvage Company" NATIONAl. CARBONDALE , Ill. the HUNTER boys BANK 415 N.lllinois Ave. 205 W. Chestnut $ep't ...b .. 22, 1966 DAilL Y EQPTIAN Trustees California War Pickets OK Budget Patrolled by Vigilantes POR T CHICAGO, Calif. (AP) guns, the vigilantes say For U. of I. -Pistol shots cracked in the thievery has increased sil)ce URBANA, (AP)- The Uni­ early momlng Wednesday in demonstrators r ented a h.ouse versity of lllinois Board of nearby C lyde where gun-toting in Clyde for use as a head­ Trustees unanimously ap­ vigilantes are patrolling quarters. Authorities denied proved Wednesday a$lJ2 mil­ against anti- Viet Nam war thiS. lion capital budget for the demonsaators who picket the H. E . Hobert, a sheriff's 1967-69 budget period at the Pon Chicago Naval Weapons captain, said Vigilante patrols university's three campuses. Depot. had numbered up to 10 men The figure represents a Lt. Carl Groshell of the and added, "We don' t like the $51.2 million reduction from a Contra Costa County sheriff' s situation at all. Somebody budget originally proposed by office said three bullets were might get hurt. We've cried to the board but a $12.3 million fired as a warning to three discourage them. U increase over an initial newsmen whom a nervous Boyle said he and a tele­ r ecommendation by the U1 i­ householder saw near ' his vision crew had been stoned nois Board of Higher Educa­ automobile. and threatened with a shotgun non. The householder, a non­ previously. Dr. David D. Henry, U. of Vigilante. whose name was not I. president, said he believed learned, told a deputy he be­ the university's original r e ­ lieved the trio was trying to CLOTHES quest was "prudent and con­ break into his car. His gun servative" but recommended was confiscated but the deputy "Come dean" endorsemem of the $112 mil­ made no arrest. For You at lion figure. Richard Boyle, reporter for The present capital bUdget the Pitsburg, Calif., Post­ EAST is $54.8 million. Dispatch. said he was one of GATE He nry said it would be un­ the three and that the others wise to "endanger the unified were Lance Brisson and Rich­ CLEANERS suppon" for proposed facili­ ard Carlson of KGO - T V in Ph . 9-4221 . ties by appealing to the legis­ San Francisco. All were in­ lature and Gov. 0uo Kerner vestigating Vigilantes, be said. Wall at Walnut for an increase. Carrying rifles and shot- Under [he budget approved

today, the university will be " ~ able to accommodate" a signi­ ficant increase in enrollment" . --=- '" at both its Urbana and C blcago Percy Family Leayes House; Circle campuses, the board sald. EYEWEAR Other improvements will Police Continue Investigations ~, :~ include: KENILWORTH (AP) cago campaign headquaners, Your eyewear will be 3 - Facilities for the initia­ Charles H.. Percy and his fam­ which had been managing his '(I ((~ J ways correct at Conrad: tion and developme nt of gradu­ ily depaned abruptly today campaign for a seat in the ~ ate work at Chicago Circle. from theit Lake Michigan U.S. Senate , said they had no , 1. Correct Prescription - A library facillty at the shor e mansion whe r e the Re­ information on the family's 2. Correct FII1in{; Medical Center campus in publican leader's -daughter, plans . J. CorTecr Appeartllla! Chicago. Valerie, was bludgeoned and POlice guarding the estate 1: -An increase in output of stabbed to death Sund ay. and investigators who are , I ONE DAY !!el'vi<'.e available graduates of law and dentistry. The r e wa s no explanation searching for leads in the kill­ - Preparation of working given immediately for the ing had no i m m e d i ate for most eyewear II 9 -50 drawings on three buildings famil y' s depanure o rthe des­ comment. which will speed consttuction tination. The Pe r cys left the There was speculation that f CONTACT--_ ... ----,UNSES I r------,I THOROUGH EYE I of them when funds become estate in a ca r shant y afte r a the famil y had gone into seclu­ 5O available. station wagon, presumabt y sion to give investigators an I S69. I I EXAMINATION I -Completion of several containing luggage cove r ed opportunity to go ove r the I Anytq;ne-no extra charge I I ONLY 8350 I projects already appr oved for with blankets, r ollea out the mansion tho roughl y wjthout I.!nsurance $10 per yeGr I -.: - I the Medical Center and the driveway. disturbing the Per cys' home Ur bana campus. Spokesmen at Per cy' s Chi- life and privacy. - ~ --CO~{RAD OPTicAl--- Earlier, investigato r s dis ­ 411 5, IL LINOIS, ACROSS FROM THE VARSITY THEATRE closed they Wf..'re following a 16th AND MONROE, HERRIN __ Or. R. Conrad, Optometrist Commercial Bank Time Deposit possible lead. Interest Rate Limited to 5% WASH INGTON (AI') - Tho at raws in excess o f the ne w Fede r al DepOs it In surance ceil ing. ~ HIGHLANDER Corporation Wed nesday s et a The F.D.I.C. also plaCed a maximum 5 pe r cent inte r est 5 per CL~ nt ceil ing on the rates rate that in s ured com mercial that cJ.n be pa id by mutual Suede banks may pay on time de­ savings banks on any s ize posit s of less than $100,000. amount . It is the first time The corporation' s board of the agency has regulated rates Jacket directors acted wi thin an hour on such institutions. afte r President J ohn son signed Also acting with dispatch, R eady, will ing, and able to into law a bill aimed at stem­ the Feder al Home Loan noa rd, march off with Fashion Hon· ming the rise in interest rates. whic h r egulates the savings ors on the Campus - .sno~ , Johnson called it" a new weap­ and loan industry, announced a ro;n, sleet or hoi/ won't damp . on to preserve the strength of sliding scale of inte r est rate ~n Highlonder spirits. our economy. " ceilings ranging from 4.75 to The previousceiJingon time ;;.25 per cent. deposits in denominations of Proportioned to fit less than $100,000 has been Suede J acket , zip-out 5 1/2 per cent. It was set Today's , last December. Acetate Liner- Toupe - Truffle­ The maximum rate on time Weather AVERAGE SIZES 8-13 deJX)sits in denominations of PETITE SIZES 6 · 16 more than $1000,000 remains at 5 1/ 2 per cent and at 4 per $50 cent for regular savings de­ posits. The r eduction in the ceilings HIGHLANDER of time deJX>sits of less than SUEDE COATS $100,000 should help to mod­ Snap on, Leopard, . erate upward pressures in the fAink and Linx CollarS savings market and contribute to orderly conditions in the 110 to 145 financial market s and to better economic balance, the F.D. LC. said. Fair and pleasant today, The r eduction in maximum with the high in the 70s. OUt­ rates on time deposits of Jess look for Friday: fair and OPEN MONDA Y NITES UNTIL 8:30 than $100,000 in denomina­ pleasant. The record high for t ions does not affect inte r est today is 98 degrees, set in paid on cenificates of deposit 1940, and the record low is and other time deposits al­ 33, set in 1953, according to ZWICK'S LADIES STORE ready outstanding, but these the sru Climarology 'Labora­ contracts m ay not be r e newed tory. HERRIN I Ii I are you ANew Housing Facility serving the needs of more than 500 human beings THE THEORY OF WALL STREn QUADRANGLES in a pinch Wall Street Quadranglt>s is owned and managed by a for luxur - ~ student for tlw benefit of students and is established living at upon the following I)rinciples : • 1. Respect and protect the privacy and individuality of each and every a price you resident. 2. Provide each student with 250% more living space than maximum can afforcl? competing standards. 3. Furnish the finest in interior residential furnishings- reserve your bi-Ievel not cheap, lifeless carpeting and drab institutional decor. suite with a call to 4. Make living at Wall Street Quadrangle ••0 attractive that a prospedive tenant might even think about cuHing down on his I 457-4123 NOW! drinking in order to pay the rent. In fact, the Wall Street Quadrangles residences reflect this theoretical framework: 1. Co-educational living on a sen.ible basis. 1 2. Unusual bi-Ievel suites - not 7)(10 cubicles I 3. Plush wall to wall carpeting, deep walnut paneling, complete commfssary and recreational opportunities,

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nf'"!".r f'fll. Th ,. arf'rOf.!f' ,~1l 1 , fud"nf n-ti.un W % ar mor" of hu MMI Tir kl'f MM~ .

Installment plans can be arranged.

Wall Street Quadrangles s..'p •• w.bor.Jl, 1966 Technology State 'Tuition Awards Are Available The Office of Student Work 36 and 155 hours by fa ll quar­ Stude nts interes ted s hould Class Moves and F inancial Assistance has ter, have atte nded SIU full contact the Office of Financial announced that a s ubs tantial time for a( least one Qu arter Assistance and secur e an number of Illinois Sta te Up­ during the last academic year. e ligibliity questionna ir e . Announced perclass Awards are available have at least one year of The deadline for submitting Because of (he incompl etion for this academic year. s tudy remaining, be in good applications 1s Oct. 1. of the Technology Building The a wards wiJl pay tuition s tanding, be a resident of the following classroom re- , and fees for fall, winter and Illinois, have peen graduated Shop . ' lth assignments have been made spring term s. from a high ' s chool after O AJ L'Y ECYPTIAN by the Registrar's Office: To be eligible, s tude nts January, 196 1, a nd be e n­ T echnology A 120 will move mus t have completed between roBed full time for fall term. 10 T echnology D102, Techno­ logy Al22 10 Technology D 108, A208 10 D1I6, A2 10 to D1 3O , A220 to D22, A22 to D30, A310 10 D12, A320 10 Main 104 a nd A322 10 D5 l. T echnology A III -- All FRANK KONISHI &euUee ~ewu4 classes will meet in Wham lOS , Davis Auditorium. e xcept Konishi to Assist the Saturday sessi on of GSB 10 18, Sec . 9, which will meet In Nutrition Study in Lawson 151. Frank Konishi, c hairman of CONfiDENTIAl TO COEDS: Technology B20: Eng 105A , the Depanme m of Food and Sect. I, 10 T38 R 102; Eng Nutrition, wi11 go [Q Hondu ras 105A, Sect. 2, 10 T 38 R102; in October on a rwo - week Harris is new in Carbondale·-but Eng 105A, Sect. 3, to T38 assignme m as a nurrition con­ Sunice R102: Engr 40 1A, Sect. I, Ag s ultant for the Office of In­ you can be sure that you'll find a 116; l Ed 550, Sect. I, to M ternational Research (OIR). 202; IT 312A, Sect. 2, lO- National Ins ti[Utes of Health. Swinging World of Super Fashions in her 1I :50, W, 10 M 202; Mgt 44 0, Konis hi will join a team Sect. I, TuThF, to Wham 212 ; al ready atwork makinga com­ Math 507A, Sect. I , MWF, prehe ns ive nutrition s urvey 1n new slwp at Benning Square. Drop in and 10 M 20 2; Math 528A, Sect. that country, s imilar [Q those I , to M 202; Math 532, Sect. a lready eoo,pleted by the OIR say "HI"-· Eunice Harris would love meeting I , to M 202; Math 560A , Sect. in other Cemral American na­ I , to M 202; and Russ 330A, tions. He will focus his atten­ you. Sect. I, 10 M 202. tion on nurririon for military Technology 308: GSDI14B, personne l and civilian ins ti­ 101 SOUTH WASHINGTON Sect. 10, 10 M 201; GSDII 4A, tutions. He plans to leave here Sect . 12, 10 L 12 1; GSD I14 A, Oct. 13. Sect 24, 10 T ech A310; HEd 500, Sect . I, 10 M 102 ; Math Morris Library 252A , Sect. I, M-Th, . T38 R 102, F, Gym 204 ; Math Sets Fall Hours - 7ic­ 252A, Sect. 3, 10 P I I I ; Math 252A , Sect. 4, 10 M 30 1; Math Hour s for Morris Library II BILLIARD e~ 252B, Sect. I , TuW, Ag 214, during the fa ll quarter are E ThF, Ag 11 6; Math 305A, Sec t. Monday Ihrough F riday, 7: 45 .... 3, 10 M 201; and Math 4 lOA, a. m. to 10:30 p. m. ; Saturday. #C Sect. 3, 10 Wham 326. 8 a. m . to 10:30 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p. m. to 10:30 p. m. The For Guys and Gal.. ... Reser ve Re ading Room is Baptist Group open e ve r y night unril mid­ .SNACK BAR night. To Hold Rally, • PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS • BRUNSWICK GOLD CROWN Services Today EQUIPMENT A rally fo r ne w stude m s will be held at we Baptis t Stude nt Union at 7: 30 p.m. today co di scuss pl an s for the> new school yea r . O lY~~ [f(W~oo o Daily chapel s e r vice s will JOIN OLD FRIENDS, MEET NEW OIiES . . , begin at 12:30 p.m. toda y, and + last until 12:55 p.m. Friday' s speake r at c hapel NOTICE services wi ll be [he Rev. Carl Watkins , pasto r of the Walnut Stre et Baptist Churc h. ALL Local pastors will conduc t daily services ne xt week to STUDENTS enable me mbe r s to becomc fa miliar with the m. On Oct. 1, me m ber s wi ll visit the The SIU student churc hes of each of the pas ­ Health Insurance tors, panicipating in 3 . "progressiv e dinne r ," witt: Plan is effective one cours e se rved at e>ac h c hurc h. T he r e will be a BSU dis­ play at Wheel's Night Sept. NOW'! 30 at the Agricult ure Build­ ing. MemtSe r s of the BSU r e­ centl y r e wrned from a r e tre at YQJI at Lake Fallateeska , nonh of Pinkneyville. The r et re at may pay your capped a s umme r pr ogram, which wi ll be r e vie wed at a fees at the meeting in Octobe r . P13ns fo r a s um me r proAr am next yea r Bursars office. will be disc ussed at the mC'Ct­ ing. SINGLE PLAN One Pe rson : S5 .60 quarter FAMILY PLAN SPEED WASH Stude nt, Spouse, Ch ildre n: S14 .70 quarter HOURS' Monday - Saturday, 11 a.m . to Midnight • Sundays, Noon to Midnight SHIRT LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS KUE & KAROM 214 S. UNIVERSITY + Corner Illinois and and Jackson •

Bodkin I. Odd, srrwU Egyptian Adds a Cartoon Strip "Odd Bodkins," a dally car­ .. A bodkin is a dim inu tive News and the Washington Post. toon menagerie of str ange ant­ body. and the prot agonists in O'Neill began his car eer r!i31s .. ad st!'an,;;::- r humans, thi s series are very small doodling on class notes while b ~ i:!j n.s ~c day in the Doily Egyp­ and odd," explains O'Nelll. a history professor '"insisted tian OR page 15. The strip is now syndicated on lect uring to the upper left­ Th ~ C:i !loon s tTip. drawn by by Chronicle Features in San hand corner of the room." '2.1-Y2ar - old Hu~h Danie l Francisco. It has been sold After school and a stint 3S i,)':-\eill, is a reflec tion at" to such papers as the l.os a forest ranger, O'Neill turned :j rdina ry. Ange les Times, Chicago Dally to canooning for ':J living.

SIU Adult Education Program Offers 37 Non-Credit Courses Thiny - seven non - cr edit Registration for the other courses will be offer ed during 11 courses will be at 7 p.m. fa U ter m in the Carbondale Tuesday in Room 117 of Build­ area by the SIU Division of ing F - l at VT!. Technical and Adult Edu­ Courses scheduled for the cation. The IO week program Car bondale campus, a r e: begins Oct. 3. Beginning typing, Intermed­ Registration for the 26 iate typing. 1 n t e r m c d 1 ate courses scheduled for the Gregg shortha nd [ h e 0 r y Carbondale campus will be at s horthand dicta tion a nd tr a ns­ 7 p.m. Monday in Room 41 cription. srenoscr ipt - ABC of University School. shorthand, beginning book­ keeping - accounting. book­ Salinger OIanges keeping- accounting II, applied business law. real estate law ,CPa r t I) , business letter writ­ Date of SIU Visit ing. Pierre Salinger, who was to Beginning interior decorat­ appear on campus as a convo­ Ing, beginning clothing con­ cations spealcer Nov. la, has struction, beginning knitting. r escheduled his appear ance intermediate knitting, advanc­ for Feb. 2. ed knitting, beginning conver­ Salinger will be out of the sational F r e nch, conversa­ country on governmental as­ tional German, beauty art. Signment through Novembe r D r iver i m pro v e m e n t, and - pan of Decembe r. His "Great Books" Ill , guidelines assignment will take him to for building and remode ling, Southeast Asia and Indones ia, keys to good E ngUsh, modern as well as othe r of Asia. mathematic s fo r parents. E nglish, mathematics , read­ ing comprehension and con­ to your. .. stitu tional review. UNIVERSITY Check with our Welcome store on the NEW back HIS for' HER to CENTER PANTS (we have Southern ... fac ulty all styles- we an d known brands in all merchandise)

This is a Qua lity Store- OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUN STlJDENT ACTIVITIES BOOKSTORE at once & have an , ' P':- ~ : BOWLING LANES FOOD SERVICE opportunity to LATEST STYLES. MEETING ROOMS TV ROOMS RECREATION- ROOMS LOUNGE al~ce 1l~ ~lt0t 606 S.lIIinois ~g Muscles,Grow Rules Put Cyclists on Edge; Day of Long Walk Is Here By Ke vin Cole To walk from the lot lo­ cated in the south Quarter of the Arena parking circle Great- grandpa may have to Morris Library takes a had it r ough, but soon the healthy 13 minutes flat out. surviving motor cyclists at SIU From the lot at Campus will tell new tales of fromier Drive and Oakl and Avenue the stamina. library is only an eight min­ Gone is the day of the hop, ute, 30- second trek, With no two skips and a jump from time allowed (or hugging girl­ motOrbike seat [Q classroom friends, pening dogs or stop­ seat. ping for breath. Gone, [00, is the day of the A walk from anmher of [he long curbside motorized line­ five deSignated lots, Situated ups at Small Group Housing, at Marion and East Grand, and of the convenient linle offers more of a challenge. parking lots at Thompson A mere IO-minute hike to the Point and University Park. library. this walk has the This is the Day of the Long additional attraction of road Walk. and rail tratfic. This year, when the mo[Or­ Great-grandpa might sbud­ cyclist makes it as far as one der a linle. but progress is . of the live designated parking maJclng all aspects of SIU lots on the per imeter of the bigger and bigger. campus, he wi ll embar k on an Especially motorcyclists' equally demanding adventure­ shoe r epair bills and leg walking to campus. muscles.

1IJ!1iF' If t1i 'F"'· Big Opportunities NOIH1Nu TO I UY' "'NYONf IS 1'(",IS '-NO OVU C",N 1'\"'1' forYoutoWIN fA~Y I UlH.... NO I N~UUCTIONS Qo.I EACH TV 'IOCIAM aeTVI St. Lo.,b.M., ____ " 2 9 :;,0 - 10:00 • •"" WPSO ,.d.,..... , 1(,.. ___ __ • 6 3:30 -".00 p ,m , Each Week! WOIM Qu"'c,., III ••• __ _ • _ . 10 12.-00 _ 12:30 p ,m . ICOMU O:ol.,mblo . Mo. ____ ,. 1:00 _ 1 130 p .m_ laay5 rul •• and inatructiona on."...,. TVprogram

ARST CUT PORK · 55e I IolAOf SKTlON _ ) , .. S·lb ' ..... 'e". - - -CHOPS •••••••• lb. ., ::~T~~I~.•.. " 69~ I SPARE'iiIBS •...... " 69' Piii LOlli R~AST . . , ~ , °P'O' °RwK"'S"A'"USAGE 49c uPi'. HUNTf', ...... nOSE . .... *lOu•• rb~. pC ...... " Large Bologna or 49c SLICED BACOII .•...... " 79' Brianschweiger .• " IG'" TUlUITf " r- __ _ _ CHUCK STEAKS 5'" "'. ,..,."" '''m ~ ...... ,, " BRElSTor 3ge ..-""""- UG QUARTERS " ~-WT.//~;I't_ -- DEL- MONTE i

11'.:\ PEACHES ~ IOIOT'S cooms .t.S.5OItTtOCCX)CIU OIOCov..n: 01. COOCIU ' -~ _x 1Cl00.. ''''''- .... No.2y,19c ." . IvnnCOOCIU ! il~ TABLETAEAT t: Can ~-Y L:..l l,m;' , w;'" 0 SJ.OO ~ ®BREAD , Pvn:hos.e Of Morn .- ~/.~- 2 1.!-::; 4~C STROLL TO CAMPUS-- Gus Bode looks over one of the motor­ . 0IiOJlUrs ... 2t' cycle lots "on the periphery " of (he campus. 'the s ign on the -,,- , 'Nater tower tells him he's still in Carbond~le . SH'WRTENiNG ~J t Supper and Panel Discussion 3~~~6ge ~ Thompson Planned by Wesley Foundation IBBY·S-"6·Ol . Con! " RIBlER'i;UPES A buffet supper will open and meditation during fire­ TOMATO JUICE _•••• _•• 3,..89' activities this year at the side worship at the founda­ BREoUT o· CHICKEN - 6y:!-ol. Coni e Wesley Foundation, 816 S.llli- tion. r", N ... lthl~1 ~~ .. , .. d.I.<.o ~ . I, CHUNK TUNA ••••••••• 3 ,~ 89' u.1g •• t, •• ~ ..." C "loIr'~' " r .... fa .... ' nois Ave., at 6 p.m. Sunday, Members of (he Wesley MAXWEll HOUSE - 20c OFF LABel 10-ol. JOt followed by a student panel Foundation recentl y returned COffii' oos';4:~p;j. .. _.. . ______.:_~. discussion on "Revolution and from Colorado Springs , Colo., INSTANT COFFEE •••• SAVE ,,,,$1.21 in'iErTiUr'~~.:·l.. T"liiif$":~ ': _.2..~ 33- Responsibility:' where they anended an ecu- OO "'AL- " ·110 11 Pockog l! , Sunday supper forums are menical ' r egional conference. iOTti'"I'OUC~:-:.:·l" i'iIT,iiioES1,_ft' planned for each week, with BATHROOM TiSSUE •••• _•• 1t films and talks, plus two plays, The members have set OCt. mus.,:,,::",:~::4..'" .miii"SPiiiTf.~. · 'Two 1n a Trap." on Oct. 30, 14 to 16 for their fall mission LIGHT CHUNK TUNA and "'It Should Happen to A ~~~et~~~eL![it~e ~r,~~:~~~~~ 2% SKIMMED MILK 2Y2 gals. 79¢ Dog,!' on Dec. 4. zation, Revolution and the ---4 for $1.00 Study groups on T uesdays Biblical Faith." Last spring w!ll meet from 7;30 to 8:30 about 50 to 60 people attended p.m. to discuss theological and the semi-annual Tp.rr eat. cultural problems presented "The Well." a non-profit in various journals. coffee house next to the Wes- At 9:45 p.m. on Tuesdays, ley Foundation, will be open students will be able to par.-: from 9 p.m. to I a.:n. every !::!~~t.e...!~ . ~.~~!.~~.~ ~ ..~:'~X:.~ . _!!!-'!~x.!':~_

••'~IIt=~ '.1\1.~iir.i111i1~ _=~I!!I ~~ ~="_ = ·COLOR T.V. Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Sat. come down and watch your favorite program in color. •DANC.G Friday and Saturday afternoons to the big beat sounds of a live rock n' roll band. RUMPUS ROOM Ea~~~ain To pliice~ YOUR ad, use this handy ORDER FORM CLASSIfIE D ADVERTISING RATES INSTRUCTIONS fOR COMPLETING ORDER

·C-.I • •• •• ct ...... I . S ...... ,".. I ...... • " ...... ell C .. ",T"l. LETTERS p ..' I .... I DAY 3Sc • I .... c .. _ s: J oAY\ le ... or . ... ' . .. , 6!'.,...... 0...... 1." ...... D...... ct.... . _ 10AY\ le_." .... ,.... CIS. p ... I,.. .. 5Io..,., ...... tw._ ..... III. c..._._,., ... . I.I...... II .... . DUDLINE!. • "'-.., c __• ".,...... 01.111 ,1 .111 .. ", _",.11.111 • 0.,1, E.,... _,...... " .... ' , ••• •• 001 .10 . .. \ ....11 •• _.III~.p . ' .' ,.".. blo ••• ,_ ,e c'_, 001 ....; ., .. ,"'.. , . T...... F,,"~ .


HAJr04E OA.TE ______

A.DDRE!.S PHONE NO 2.,...... KIND OF AD 3RUN AD 4 CHECK ENClOSED OF • • s.ol~ OE ... pl.'_~fI' 0 P~ ...... I 01 DAY 0 ] DAYS FOR "" ""0"' <'" o Fo' R~... _ .... '.01 0 s...... i c~, ..... I • • pl •• o ...... I> .. ,.' I ...... < ...... I . .. .. O s DAY S ...... III ...... d_III.. . ..'u F., ...... p l<". " . .... , .. .. The "Aware Ones" O F...... DE ... ' .... '., ...... , Off .... ~ .. • I .... I ...... I •• • II •••. '0 '01 < ... . . ~ . 00 STA.Rl ___ "Y,,)1 0 •• '-0 I ..... " I ...... rr ..., _ <.'" ~ L JCl C"'Sdl 11 .... _- c .... 10 · _ . 11 . , ;oc- iake a slwrt gg OLo~' '''.· " .; 1.. .. 1.. .." to campus•.. THE Ruth Church SHOP SOUTHGA'fE SHOPPING CENTER .. "0.,. idea ~r around you r'.....,.j


---~ . . .. ;::~ . Autumn Sends nales"of Mail " . Through Campus Post Office Tbe University Post Office from 8 a.m. to noon and I to does a booming bus iness each 5 p.m. dally. Tbey may buy year at this time. s tamps and envelopes from 8 For the first three or four to 11: 30 a.m. and I to 4:30 weeks of each term, new a nd p.m. daily. old students • 'write like mad" A lene r or paclc:ag", de­ until they make friends and posited by 4:50 p.m. will get overcome their lone liness, in the mail that day. BeMiller Is Acting Chairman accordt ng ' to Katherine McCluckie. JX>st office s uper- Yom Kippur Rites visor. Air maU and special de­ Set for Saturday, Chemistry Faculty Adds Five live r y letters and packages The Jewish Student Asso­ Five new me mbers have Paul M. Ande r son, as as­ where he will work as an keep the 35 s tudent workers ciation is accepting reserva­ been added to the faculty of s irant professor, who did post­ administrator, bus y. In October, 1965, the tions for tbe Yom Kippur the Departmem of Chemistry. doctoral work at Tufts Uni­ Melvin D. Joesten has POSt office sold $3,200 worth holiday services Saturday at They are: Herbe rt Hadler, versity in Boston. He is a resigned to accept a position of stamps. the Horner House. 803 S. an ass a cia [ e professor, b i 0 c hem i s [ interested in as Vanderbilt University in The post office discributes Wasbington Ave. formerly with the University enzymology and intermediary Nashville, Tenn. Rfchard Ruch only University bus iness and A reception for all students of Wisconsin [nsritute for metabolism. has resigned to go'" to Kent faculty mail, but students may will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Enzyme Research In Madison. Bruce Coxon, an assistant State University in Kent, Ohio. deposit leners and packages Jewish students' cemer. He Is a biochemist speclalf­ professor from the University zing in enzymes and carcino­ of Bristol, Bris tol, E ngland. genesis. He is an organic chemist Gerard V. Smith, an as­ working with carbohydrates sociate professor. who comes and physical methods of here from IIUnols Institute organic chemistr y. of Technology In Cblcago. He Conrad C. Hinckley, an as­ is an organic chemist working sitam professor, who did post­ with cstalytfc hydroge nation. doctoral work at the Uni­ versity of Texas in Austin. He is an inorganic chemist Group Health tnterested in physIcal inor­ ga~ic chelllistry and ele ctron s pm resonoince. Plan Available Roger E. Seyler, former acting chairman of the De­ For Students partment of Chemistry, has THIS FALL LIVE. SPACIOUS COMFORT! been appointed dean of the SIU students can enroll in a College of Liberal Arts and BUILDING WILL BE READY FOR OCCUPANCY SEPT. IS! voluntary group health Insur­ Sciences effective Sept. 15. Stevenson Arms the new dorm for men at Mill and Poplar offers: ance plan which supplements His new apJX>intment was an­ care at the University Health nounced earlier. "Comfortable, beautifully furni.hed r.oom. "'location nellt to campu. ·Colo, TV *80lt Spring. Service. James N. BeMfller has been ·Top quality fooel "' Spaciou. re<:,eotionol ar.... Snack bar * Air-conelitioning & MOM .... The insurance, Blue Cross­ named acting chairman of the Blue Shield In-bospital health CONTRACTS FOR FALL CAN BE PICKED UP AT program, is available to stu­ department. dents on both tbe Carbondale In otber changes , Wilbur N. DOl. Rental OHic. Poul Brown Co.pany fronklin Ins. Agency and Edwardsville csmpuses, Moulton, acting chairman Mi II and Poplar 215W. Main 703 S. ll1inoi. during tbe summer, has moved according to Dr. Richard Lee, S49· 1621 457·2111 457-«61 Health Service d1rector. to International Services. Cost Is $5.60 a quarter for individual students and $14.70 for family membership. Students now enrolled must apply for the insurance during the c urrent fall term. Stu­ Luxury accomodatJonsl M~ or w0- 10 .. 59 HousetraUer. New rurnlshings, female part-time late afternoons, dents admitted to the Uni­ FOR SALE men. New Al e units, .aU to waU On old Rt. 13 betwun Carbond.ale SI. IO an hour to flta.n , Male late carpeting. run kitchens, maid .er~ versity In the future may apply Cleuance S.a.1e - Mu6t c1ear.a.11 1966 and Murphysboro. CaU 684-8895 after evenings , $I. ~ to SI.85 to sta n. vice. SUpervised and unsupervised, I p.m. 272 Can 7-43J.4. 274 during their first term. merchandise off our nles 101 within now renting for fill. TbeQuadrangles, nelll 3D days. Pr1ces CUI 10 move 1207 S. w.a.1I , Ph. 7~ 4 1230r(57~ 4521 . The program offers hospital this merchandise; 46111 0. F.K 2 Large c led 3 bedrm. home, 7 care up to 120 days of con­ Installment plans can be arranged. mOes from sru. Purn. or unrurn. Bedroom Star as lo w as $2605.00 &. 232 WANTED tax whil e they last. Edwards Tuller $240 per mo . plus utilities. I year finement, with no deductible lease. Ma intained grounds. Call 9- Wanted: Matur e female roommate to Sales. Inc. Two and on t" half miles 10 new mobile homes_ SOx 10. Ai r share furnished apt:. with one other amounts in the coverage pro­ no r"th Marlon on R. 37. 243 2575. 277 vided. Premiums are paid co conditioned Gas automatic heat-close student. $55 per mo. Can coUect to shopping area-~ wat e r furnished. Honda. MOlorcycle. 1965 Scrambler 312-468-3338 alte r 5:30. 240 the University bursar, and 5 minutes drive to S. I. U. campus. Part P lace re"ldence hall now acc.ept: _ 305. Good condition. Call 7 ~ 4 066.24b claims are handled by the Married couplet! preferred. AvaUable Ing one te rm contracts. $ 135 per Wanted: T yping In home. pickup and te rm while rooms are still available. hospital and ph ysician in­ Murphysboro. 1066 Bug- e)'ed Sprlte­ September 1st. Contact Bob Zimme r , dellvt'ry. Call 684 ~ 23J8 after 5 p.m. Zimmer Really, Murphysboro, 111 . Inquire al 611 E. Park St , Phone volved dir ectly with the in­ good running condition. S250. Call P hOne 684-2164 days; 684_4540 457- 21 09, 279 2" 684_2Q 41 o r 687-1350. 2.f Q suring company. nights . 234 Rooms for Boy,,: Supervised. StU ENTERTANMENT The policy was chosen as I month o ld Hond a 160! Bought lor Mobile Home fo r re nt new on shade approved. Kitchen privileges, IS'! S. Experimental fUm soclet y--unusual the beSt available to fit the S629 - wUl sell foronlyS550. 7_6 109. lot. Phon.: 684 _3608, Murphysboro. DIV ision St., Carte rville. Ph. 985_ 159 4747. 282 and avant~garde rums, Membership students' needs, Dr. Lee said. ". li mited and deadline approaching.. Fo r It is designed specifically co Vespa 135 Motorsc.oole r. S15O . CaJl information send name and address If you want something a little bll to 807 Cindy. Car bond ale. 265 supplement the University's 7~6187. 261 bene r see ou r mobile homes 2 miles HELP WANTED OU I. S4Q-3374 o r 457~69 4 5. 238 Health Service. Coverage 1%5 Star Mobile home,, Car. Man a gem~t t rainee. National Retail At Ste Ua's Party Tlme - 61ralght from Firm. Beginning salary $6,000, while peted, alr ~ conditloned, storage s hed Chicago's ··OId Town. " o~ lng for under the new group insur­ Tra Uer space and trailers In coun, in and under paneled. Ready 10 move In . training. Second year guarantee fail qua rte r ·'The Group, ,. appearing prlvale . Ca.n e rvllle &. Cambria. Ph. ance plan does not include Stop In o r call Downstate Friday &. Saturday from 9 to 1:30 Call 543-2207 befon 5 p. m. o r S4Q- 98S-2427. 425 Willow St., Canervllle. various nominal fees charged 3626 after 5 p.m. 267 Employment Agency. Benning Square, a.m , on old Rt . 13 between Carbon­ for emerge ncy and infirmary 2IS Sutte 21 0, Ph. 549-l366. 23 1 dale and Mu.rphysboro. StOP, look 8< Full sel of golf clubs, 8 Irons. 4 listen to "The C roup"l 271 Io-SO trailer, New, alr~ condltJoned, care at the Health Se rvice. WOOds , never used. S4 5. Will break Publtc Health Nurse needed, Genera_ gas stove and refng .• 2 bedroom. gel. Call 7-4334. 275 lized lit'rvlce, Monday_ Friday 8: 00 Dr. Lee emphasized that 2 mUes out. Call George kr1arle , to 4: 00 p. m. , annual inc rements, r e ­ 549- I 250. 24 1 the program is voluntary and Fo r sale: 10xSO IWO bedroom trailer. tirement plan. WR: Franklln_ SERVICES OFFERED that students must appl y and Small down payment; uke over pay­ WUlalmson 81 - County H e a I t h Have t ruck_will move! Any Place ttl Furnished rooms for men, un supe r~ Oepar"tment, Johnston City. 01 . 242 pay their pre miums [Q be ments. Call 684-2318 a ft e r 5 p.m.280 vi sed. Cooking. Graduate and foreign o r near tOw n. Student rate am $3. Call J. J. 4 57~7960 or 4S~. 237 covered. studenl& we lcome. Doubles $80, "sslslanlS for 'C'dale Educational FOR RENT s ingles SI20 , Mill & Fo rest. P hone Nursery School. Mornings o r a ft e r~ Mr. Iianzeh 457_ 7971. 253 Sho n o r c ash on moving day? Finance Recruiters to Open I.uxury accommodat ions. Ne w a lr­ noons. Must e njo y childern. Piano your LONG OI STANCE move with wa ll~t o -wal1 playing desirable. Owo transponatlon conditioned units with Trailers-In to wn and 'l- miles out. kEANE-UNITED VAN LINes. 45 7 ~ 4 57~ 8509, t n addition, one housel.:eeper c a r peting, full kllche ns, fu ll maid 2 and 3 ix'droom t rail ers. Call 457- 2068. ' , 245 ~ l' rvlc e now r e nting fo r fall. The wanted. 251 Peace Corps Booth O9 4 ~ and 54Q- 3374. Best trailers, ! ~u3d ranltle s 1207 S. Wa ll 51. Ph. best prices. 254 Ed",u IJ onal Nursery SChool. C'dale. Recruiters for the Peace 7_4123 or 457_ 4523. 924 HIGH INCOME J OBS ON CA MPUS Registering fo r coming year. ChUd­ Corps will be on campus for IOx 48 mobile home at Pleasant Valley Gel a high paying job In sales, dis ­ ren ~ 5 yrs" enriched program. Fore ign language Inatructlon. Call MOlh:' rn T ara Dorm fo r alrlsl "vall­ t raile r CI. 2 bedroom for only SIOO tribution o r martet research right tWO weeks staning Monday. abk fo r fall. Call 7-7960, 61 1 S. 7-8m. 250 per mo. 4 57~889S. 255 on )'Our own campus. Become a campus OUring the first week, three W3Rhln p:ton, C·dale- . 156 r e presentative fo r over fo r"ty maga ~ recruiters will maintain a Hou s(' (o r renl-4 students. Two and zlnes, American Airlines, Operation Lake Tacoma Riding Stables. M oon_ LUl(ury accommndal lons ' Men or wo_ booth at Room H of the Uni­ one -half mUes (rom campus, $ 100. Match, etc. and earn big e Ught riding, hayrides. Open 24 hrs. m('n, New " IC unllS. wall to wall money doing interesting wort. Apply phone 991..4055. .258 versity Center to hand out carpe1inp;. full kitchens, maid ser­ per monlh plus utilities. Giant C it y Blacktop, Old Rt, 13 East. Ceo. GIb­ r1ght away! CoUegiate Manalng, pamphlets and ans wer qu es­ vic.. · . S"'jX' rvl~cd and unsupervl!'led, son. 457_ 4875. 262 Dept:. H, 27 E. 22 St., New Yo rt, No ..-' renting for fall. Thl' 'juadrangles. N. Y. 10010. 252 PERSONAL tions. /:1117 S. WaU. Ph. 7-41 23 0 r457_4523. Shawnee House fo r men, 805 W. F ree ~ Two more recruiters will 221 man near Forest. Close to campus , Full time secretary fo r work In Jaw BeatUlfull y de-cOrated blnhday and come for the second week, [ 0 prime study environment , prt!_ special occasion cakes. Call 7_43].4 . Vacancy for onl' boy at 01 0 N. Oak. o rtlce. Typing and s tcoograpl'ly give presentations in some do minalely uppercl assmen. Stop byor r equl.r ed. Send resume to Law Office Jar;d, Cookjn~ prlvll'p;('f'i, P h. 549- ". call Mrs. Meyer, S4 9~ 3849 fo r detail s . liberal arts and agricultural 27W. 233 P.O, Box 315, Carbondale, Ill. 257 classes on Peace Corps work. 2.3 EMPLOYMENT WANTED f/Uiel, mOOt' rn rOrlm .It C 3mJ'U!ll 'd ~ l' F. H I ~ c n cy apan menl 10 s hare with Male and fe male pa rt~ tlmc help for Persons inte reste d tn join­ fo r m3tun' .Ind r"' i'<[lOn!'; .blc wnman. anol he r boy at 6 16 S. W 3tihlngton. afternoons and nlahtti. Inquire FolC C3rbo ndal ~ --lronin g and ~aby s ittinG ing the Peace Corps wiil be Call :\- 24.3 OffiCl' hour I> . 2711 r\l r-cond ltioned. Ph. S4Q- 4416. 266 F.3!,;I~a t (· theater. 273 days . Cal! .,. ,,0_2753. 248 given a language aptitude test and application blanks . USE HANDY AD FORM ON PAGE 14 1 J Poge 16 1966 Trustees Appoint Forget-_He-Not Neely H.F. Buried in Birthday Bouquets Everyone bas been so busy two bouquet s of chrysanthe­ Swimming Coach we lcoming new students to mums from another girl. Raymond B. Essick was ap­ High School in Winnetka since campus that old hands like There was only supposed t o .~ head swimming coach 1958, he lping them win state r esident fellows have almost be one , but the florist got iN ~sda y · by the SIU Board of championships in 1959, 1961, been forgotten. mixed up. Trustees. 1962, 1964 and 1965. B~t not quite . For,example , The fz:iend had' ordered a ·. Casey ended a 12- year Last year he became head take June Bulmer, r esident bouquet to be sent to Miss career as head Saluki swim swimming coach at New Trier fellow on the sixth floor of Bulmer Monday as a welcome coach on Sept. I. He r equested West, a new school In New Neely Hall. back gift. The flowers didn't fulltJme teaching and r esearch Trier Township. Miss Bulmer celebrated her arrive. so che friend called che florisc and asked ch ac che card in health education. Essick is a graduate of the 2 1st binhday Tuesday. Now ~ his coachIng car eer at Uni ve r sity of IllinoIs, a past this in itself isn't roo un­ be changed to happy birthday SIU. Casey had only one losing pr esident of the Illinois Swim­ usual, but the observance and the flowers delivered year. Hehadrecordof47wins ming Association and is on the wasn't ordinary. Tuesday. and 18 los ses in dual competi­ board } of directors of the She received flowers -- six The welcome home flowers tion;., Swimming Coaches APPOINTED-Raymond B. Es· bouquets of them! we r e delivered Tuesday His coaching brought Sa )uki Association. He was recom­ sick, formerly a s w i m min g Roses came from: her mo rning and the happy birth­ s wim teams into national mended by Donald Boydston, coach at New Trier High School fathe r; an aunt and uncle; a day flowers were

50 Free Be certain to pick up your tickets bonus quality stamps for the Kelley with your purchase of Lustre Creme 10( MOVIE All these "' elcome Shampoo Bock" bargains are to be shown at the Fox Theatre in effect through Saturday , Sept. 24 on Saturday Morning,lo-.30 am! Co,ne, S. Wail and E. Walnut only 99( U. S. Government Inspected Buy several of th ese high qu'olity fryers! Why not cook up a Whole Fryers Ib·27¢ cookout with the gong? Nice and lean Outstanding buyl

Pork Sfeak-s lb. 55( Mayrose Bac,on 79( Swift's Swift' s Allmeot

12 o z. Brau nschweiger lb. 49( Wieners 49( Chase & Sanborn with $5.00 OPEN DAILY purchase 59( "Folgers Coffee or more Philadelphia 10 oz. I pkg. lO( i Cream Cheese I Raggedy.Ripe Morton 's I. TV Dinners eo. Osage Peaches 4:!·89( libby's whole Kraft's Salad Bowl Strawberries 200zpkg. ·69( QT. Kim's BTL. Salad Dressing 39( 12 oz· 29( Yam Patties pkg. Golden Rich li~by's Froze~ 6 oz. lO¢ Oleomargarine 5!kl:~ . $1 00 Lemonade CAN Vine Ripened ~------~Extra Crisp Keller's Ibs. Tomatoes 2 for 29( Potato Chips Crisp Pascal Jus t odd hot water. .. Celery Sund, 19( In'stant Oats Orchard Pilisbury 49¢ Flour ------_._------_ . .__ . -.---_ ..


Ca,bandale, III. , Thu, ~ day , Sept. 22, 1966

--./ ...... : J 1966

Sports Kickoff


.. Sep.OtIiMr 22, .- 1966 I Coach Rainsberger Has Anxious Moments I Saluki football fans were I treated to an exciting game t' t t' ;saturday as SIUu~ tWl chJta. R eac 100S P rovI'd e S'd)' I e loe E 0 er alnment But all of the entertalnmem l didn't tate place on the playing ·fleld, as these photos of Coach · Ellis Ralasherger indicate. · The Wlclilta game was • Rainsber.,r's first as head . ootball coach at SIU. Although he started his tenure here with ,.. win. it apparently wasn'r ac- t

Just off Campus--70J S . .university

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r------,Our menu and service is . organized to serve you quickly, with a priee . .. 17-7 HMMM to please even the most NOW AV AILABLE modes,budget. VS Gollon Fuel Oil Tonks - For '------______J Stop in to case those hunger Purchase or Lease pains In a most delightful M&H OIL COMPANY CITIES SERVICE . ' manner. ' Route 51 IN . Illinois) Phone 457-7531 -\ • "T".-,- , ~ ------~- .. - .------f& ------~ wm-'" •• ~ ...... : ...... " "'.'"' •.•.• •__ J ~------~~-~------19

POWER SWEEP--Roge, Kubo (24), • sophomore junior from Richmond, Calif. Hill Williams (4 0), from Staunton , picks up good yardage for the 8-:>junior from Laurel , Miss. , is trailing the play. REMEMBER Salukis during the season opener against Wichita The Salukis, an unexpected winner over Wichita, State. Leading the way is big Isaac Brigham, a will play their second game of the season 817 :30 junior from Chipley, Fla. PeeJing back to block p.m. Saturday in McAndrew Stadium . WHEN YOU a Wichita Shocke r is guard Mike Rehberg (66), a Favored for MVC Title STARTED Rated Tough; WRITING •. ?

It wasn't too long ago when you were first intro. They'll Play Salukis Saturday duced to the ABC's ... Now that you can writ!:: . make sure that you are equipped with all of the The University of Louis­ are a ll -conference pe:rform- disma l 1-9 finish in 1964. Camp school supplies which are essential for writing ville, SIU' s next football op­ ers. Also r eturning [Q LOuis- has been head coach at Louis­ ponent will br~ ng some impos­ ville is qu arterback Benny ville for the paSt 20 years. and art wo·rk. Come in and see our complete, fine ing credentials and high ex­ Russel. He ranks 17th among the na- assortment, everything from pectations co town Saturday. Russel\. was eighth in the tion's major college coaches The Cardinals are picked by nation In total offense last in the won-lost ca tegor y. A (abridged didionaries, address and appoint. year. The Cardinals we r e The three all - conference severa} prognosticators to win ment books, air mail stationery. anatomy, tbe football champ!onsh!p of among the top five passing playe r s returning are guard the Mis souri Valley Con­ teams in rhe country. Russel Dave Berahl, and Ste ve Hodge architectur~ , and astronomy charts!) fe rence this season. is thought of highly by the. .. .and tackle Tom Holzer. Hol­ pr os, too. He was drafted last zer will a nchor the defensive TO It's linle wonder why these year as a future by the St. Jine. He is 6 feet 4 and we ighs gentlemen feel the Cardinals Louis Cardinals. He is ex- 250 pounds. Russell will be Z (linc oxide paints, zipper binders, and zone win dethrone Tulsa. Louisville pe:cted [Q break several car eer throwing [Q halfback Mike maps!) lost onl y s ix letterme n from records rhis year at Louis - De nnis a nd end Ki m Zamber­ las t year's s quad , which ville . Jan. Dennis aver aged 20.9 finished second in the MVC. Coach Frank: Camp was yards a catch last year to INCLUDING There are nine starte r s back: voted coach of the year in rap the conference . all kinds of composition books, ;uled and unruled I for each of the offe nsive and the MV C for guiding Louis - The cardinals will have tablets and pads, filler and graph paper, scrap. defe ns ive units . Three of these ville to a 6-4 record after a their entire defensive secon­ I dary back. The defensive book., 5teno books, index car-ds, ring: binders. pens backs include a pair of (wins, and pencils, and hundre ds of other economical, I Tom a nd Tony Mahoney, both useful items to help you start the schoof year. seniors. the only notable loss in the defense ca me with [he grad­ uation of linebacker Doug Buf­ I fone, a n All -A me rican now with the . How­ ever, his place will be taken by John Ne idert, second team - - I All-MVC at lefr linebacker last year. UD S REXALL DRUG STORE I Lou!sville wi ll be b! dd! ng for Its first Missour i Valley 901 S. Illinois Ave,-457 -7 681 championship. They b e a t 'Just off campru on lUinou' Southern 13-0 las t year at Louisville and hold a 2-1 edge in the series. This will be UNIVERSITY REXALL the Ca r dinals firs t game of the yellr. Shopping Center--549-3262 Game time is 7:30 p.m. in '24 Hour Preac ' tWn SertlU:e' McAndrew Stadium. Go Where The Action Is RIVERVIEW GARDENS . M-80ro Country

SETILE DOWN , COACH-Ellis Rains be,ge', sru head football coach , engages in a lively di scussion with one or th e offici als NOW,BA111NGCAGES du rin g night's g.,me usual, ~ Saturday with Wichita. As the official won ; but so did the Salukis, to give Rai nsberge r a victory in his first game as head coach. ~r With FULLY Automatic Pitching Machines Also NIGHT .. I/f C l1eillj Je~e/~~ ~ GOLF!~~~. : , ~ A beautiful 9 hole lighted golf course ~ 0 '. .); , 7.--:-t See our co...... lin. This is not a " gimmick", but 0 golf course entirely illuminated for .thoa:e . ,.;··tf , ~--tf . students and work en who are busy durini the day or ~o do not WISh to J'f ~.i Of chance strokes and $unburn . .Fairways raRg~ from 60 to 16~. Y0JC15. so~. . . only iron·s need " utiIiI~~. Thi sis the first golf coune •• PIERCED EARRINGS lights'" in Southern Illinois. and is a genuine boon to golfen. , .. Also, for an evening of fun and relaxation: from $1,00 up ... eGOLF DRIVING RANGE eGO-CART RACING 214 So. lIlinois--Aye, • PUTT-AROUND GOLF "PADDLE BOATS . Carbondale, III. RIVERVIEW GARDENS Rt . #13-EastofMurphysboro Pa,• . 20 DAILY EGYPTI.+.M s.p .... be, 22, 1966 Comfort 'Key to Coed Football Game Attire By Pam Gleaton seen at SIU football games. dressing up is the rule ratber lends comfon, and U you're tbat you have to walk in front -Obviously. some of them are tban the exception. comfortable (and the team's of a lot or people to reach Jeans and a sweatshirt? better suited to tbe occasion Another good reason for not winning) that s trong voice will seats in tbe stadium. And, Skin and sweater? Pants suit? tban others, and, If a pun Is wearing dressy clotbes Is that come In bandy before the nlgbt before the game, m~y spec­ Gloves? Stadlum blanket? pardonab)e, tbe pants suit may with wooden bleacher s It Is is over. tators' favorite sport is people Boots? Hat or scarf? be the Inost suitable of all. pretty easy to snag a stocking Coats are one of the most watching. Any or tbe above costumes A major prerequisite for or pull a thread In a good necessary a nd at .times both­ Anytb!ng really different Is of them coed attire at football games dress. ersome articles of clotbtng sure to catch the eye of the is comfort. Coming hot on the Besides basic dress, In­ taken or worn to a football crowd. and you may find your ­ heels of comfon is warmth. cluding a coat most of the game. While the bundlesome self taking yo ur seat in the Soutbern Illinois gets pretty time, such things 8S a stadium fake fUrs look great, make middle of some very vocal cold on fall nights. blanket, hand warmers, hats, sure the weather is cool comments. The main thing to steer away gloves or mittens. hot coffee, e nough for the coat to be worn As when dressing for any from when dressing for an boots and a strong voice are all througb tbe game. other occasion, coeds should evening of football Is tbe good things to bring along. Nothing is worse than a coat choose clothes which suit the dressy look. For a date Ie's Everythlng but the voice that s Ups out of your lap all occasion, tbeir personalities fine to wear a skirt and Bweat­ the time, or has to be beld and what otber people are er and low heels, or even Officiah Neetkd when you'd rather be clapping. wearing. slacks or a pants suit. Football fashions are neve r In otber words, even if the But never. never wear high For Flag Football s tatiC, but before trying out occasion is informal, good beels, a lot of jewelry and a a ny wild new ideas, consider taste Is stm tbe best rule. fancy bat to a football game, Students interested in work­ Ing sbould call at Room 128 Vanedlnuamurm Program In tbe Arena and pick up the flag football rules. A meeting for officials will Offered for Men Stlulents be held on Monday In the Arena. For SIU men who wa nt to The four leagues are fra­ Glenn "Abe" Martin, head participate In athletics on the ternity, men' s reSidence non-varsity level, there 1s of intramural athletics, has halls, off- campus dorm and ample opportunity in the intra­ .LP's .45's announced thatthe Department Independent. The Independent mural program directed by of Intramural Athletics needs league includes students who NEEDLES TO FIT ALL MAKES Glenn "Abe" Martin, head of live off campus in private 25 flag football officials to intramural athletics. work from 4:15 until 5:30 bomes or in houses having a p.m. Mondays througb Fridays Most male students of the capacity of less than 30 stu­ WILLIAMS STORE dents . 212 S. Il!;noi. and from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on university. under gr aduate or S~turda ys . graduate, who are regularly The first sport in the intra­ enrolled are eUgible to e nter mural pr ogram for the fall a ny activity promoted by the term will be hole -In-one golf Intramural Department. at both the Car bondale and vn The intramural leagues are campuses Oct. 12-14. WOW! divided Into four divisions . Flag football, a g a me Students play In tbe league similar to touch football, will determined by residence with start Oct. 12. Managers of all the following exceptions: fra­ the participating teams are ternity men who do not live requested to attend a meeting MAID-RITE in the fraternity house may at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 4 at tbe play In tbe frate rnity league Arena. Managers should get if they des1re, a non-fraternity an intramural handbook from man living in Small Group tbe intramural office. Room AND HOW! Housing is eligible to play 128 in the Arena , Marrin said. onl y with men in the residence Teams may check out equip­ hall leagues. ment at the arena for practice rbondale's mostcomple Shop With sessions. DAILY EGYPTIAN The champions from VTl Advutl.en will play the wi nners of the leagues on campus. A trophy will be awarded to both the CAMPUS SHOE CLINIC winner and the r unne r-up. Open 6:30 PM- 12 Midnight vn's intramural program Campu s for the firs t time will be run Sho pp in g Irom VTI instead of through Center the intramural office. Bill Thurs. 6:30 to 1:30 Bleyer will promote VTI A ll sh oe repoiring, plus: intra murals through the Office Fri. & Sat. 4:30 to 1:30 PM of Srudent Activities ar VTI. Other sports for the fall Hand bag . Luggoge rerm will be badminton, Z i ppers D ye work w re s t 1 i n g and basketball. Orthopedic Work Bowling leagues will also begin playing soon but are not We deliver After 6 PM E x pe rt Shoe Sh i n ing connecred with the intramural offtce. WEEK-END EVENING SPECIAL Rib-eye Steak,

French Fries and Combination Salad

$ TWO SHARP COOKIES! They found 0 way 10 get out of paying 1.25 renl. How? These sharpies bought a mobile home. Only paid $400 doYUl and AID-RITE RESTAURANT $70 a month. They have something to show for their money. Why don' t you, too? 515'12 S.ILLINOIS Phone 549-3714 are you ANew Housilg Facity sermg lie needs of more "'n SOO human beiIgs THE THEORY OF .AU STREET QUADRA..... in a pinch for Wall Street Quadrangles is owned and managed by a an •Inexpensive • student for the benefit of students and is established upon the following principles: IIi-level suite? 1. R•• pecl and protect the privacy and individuality of each and every resident. 2. Provide each student with 250'7. more living .pace than maximum competing standards. reserve your bi-Ievel 3. Furnish the finest in interior residential furnishings- not cheap, lifele .. carpeting and drab institutional decor. suite with a call to 4. Make living at Wall Street Quadrangles sa attractive that a 457 -4123 NOW! prospective tenant might even think about cutting down on his drinking in orde; to pay the rent. In fact, the Wall Street Quadrangles residences reflect this theoretical framework. 1. Co-educationalliving on a .en.ible bo.i •. 2. Unu.ual bi-Ievel suit .. - not 7)(10 cubicl.s 3. Plush wall to wall carpeting, deep walnut paneling, complete commissary and recreational oppor1unities .

• ALL STaiD QUAHAllGl.U Winner of nation.1 (o r UN'II f' n(T in d ~ipl and th ~ proud poMeUOr of an unmat('ht'd lonl r-epullilion .

WALL .,..n OUA_AIICII.'EI il l&U ~ rio r in rvery ~rl 10 C.rbonda w·1I nonnll · but don', • • k u.: ulll 10 the etudent who livll'!t! thf' N' .

located on Wall Str•• ' 2 blocks louth of Parlr: Str •••• adjacent to the (ampul.

Fo r rental information phone "57 -4 123 or 457 -4523 or vi, i, our rental cenlen at Tiffony III , So uth Un i .... n il y o t Mill and alth. premi&•• .

Reo&onobly priced 01 5200-5210 p.r quort.r

Ir' rdo n.ot '''9uirr you to purc1a4- a MMl Tic1d an.d Pay w/or M~ JO'I

n4"1'f!r HJI. Tluo O Df> r~r SI U IlUtkonl ~ 40% or mort" 0/ hi. MI'Ol Tidut MraJ..

Installment plans can be arranged.

..I •

Poge 22 DAILY EGYPTtAN Septembe, 22, 1966 BIG JIM'S Tape and Tables FURNITURE MART New&Used Furniture Physical Fitness Keeps Trainer Busy

STUDENT FURNITURE By Bill Kindt equal to [he le ngth of six foot­ Another table has different these tables on the practic-e OUR SPECIALTY ball fields. s ets of bars and a ladder fie ld," said Spackman_ With each ankle r equiring Taping ankles keeps Robert overhead. SI U isn't the only place WE BUY , SELL, TRADE seven yards of [ape, it takes (Doc) Spackman, SIU's head Spackman said, "We have whe r e these tables a r e used. 602 yards to wrap 96 ankles trainer, and four assistants been using these isometric " Harry Gallatin (a former 127 No. Washington before the start of each Saluki bu sy before each game. But tables at StU for many years , SI U basketball coach) used Next to LB.J.'s football game. This amount is ankles aren't [he only place but now they are being us ed them with the Sr. Loui s Hawks whe r e tape may be re quire d. daily wtttl each man working and I have heard [hat rhey are J[ sometimes i s used [Q hol d on them for 10 minutes. " up socks, l eg and arm ban­ The fac t that the SI U foot­ used in both the NF L and AFL," said Spackman. Ar the it's "LIGloI t2+ dages, and to r epair eqU ip­ ba ll coaches go along with more ~g, ment during a game. Spackman's plans can be seen pr esent rime the two'inve ntor s Spack man has ot her jobs every day on the SIU practice a re working on a patent for traditional which keep the traini ng room field. "There ar:e e ight of the iso metriC tables . a hub of activity. He and his at assistams take care of all the injuries sustained d uri n g games and i n practice ses­ sion~ for all SIU a thletic teams. According to Spackman, most of the foorball in juries come from hining and are contusions. The condition of the fie ld isn't muc h of a fa ctor wit h injuries. Sometimes players r eceive brus h burns on hard fi e lds bur SIU's play­ ing fie ld us uaJly is soft. "The best way to prevent injuries is to make s ure chat the boys are in top physica l condition befor e they go out to play in a ga me ," Spackman said. To make the a thletes as strong as )X>ssible before competition is a difficult ra s k. Usually only players of AlI ­ American stature will work on their own CO build themselves up and will remain in tOP Prophetic of brisker weather ahead is Creighton's Ma cNee Tar , physical condition throughout tan, hand loomed in Europe. There 's distinction in the seemingly the season, Spackman said. careless, yet carefully rolled button down collar .,.a natural ex, To heJp SIU athletes stay in pression of Creigh ton's traditional styling, top physical condition, Spack­ man, with the help of Marvin Johnson, ass istant profes sor of technology. have invented a physical fitness device_ The device makes use of isometric e xe rcises, a form of muscle building which has been given much e mphasis in recenr ISOMElRlC TABLE WORKOUT-Perry Mcintosh of Dundee deml)n s trates use of one of the tables designed by Ro bert Spac k­ years . The device is a long table man , SIU trainer , aad Marvin Johnson, assistant professor of with diffe r e nt bars on the e nd. technology , Spackman says the tables are used regularly by SIU athletes in a ll sports as in aid to keeping in top physical condi­ tion. You are invited to attend Cowboys' Meredith Named Catholic Information Series Offensive Player of Week NEW YORK (AP) - Don Meredith prObab1Yhas{~n Presented by St. Francis Xavier Church Meredith, ' as muc h abuse as any passer quarte rback, has turned the in pro football history in his A seri es o f talks and discussions on the Ci:l thollc F aith , conducted bv our dircctor o f hometown boos to oohs. painfully s low deve lopment. Because Me r edith called Finally. With a beefed-up run­ adult education, Mr. Gene Urbik . For th e uncommltled secklng d ''!''' <:tV of life. F o r CCltho­ what Coach To m Landry said ning game to help, he appears lies seek ing an up-I o-date knowledge of hL s F<'Ilth. For o ther Chn sli;;ns secklnR mlcr­ was "as near a perfect game r eady to become a super star. faith fellowship, as I ever saw," he has been The forme r Southe rn Metho­ named Offensive P layer of the dist ace toOk the New Yo r k Week in the National Football Giants apart in Dallas Sun­ League by The Associated day afte rnoon, 52-7. Although Press . he played less than three How the Universe quarters, Me r edith completed IN A HURRY? 14 of 24 passes for 358 yards and five tOuchdowns. Happened Tbe snappiest • 'Don was in command all " Biblica l and Pagon service is yours the time." said Landry. "He at moved the team with great accounts of Creation ." confidence, made only one bad S;' d 8y~ Dud8 y pass and played the best game 606' S. Illinois of his caree r . " The Origin and Meredith r ecalled he once (The quality Laund- thre w for 460 yards against Fall of Man San Francisco and 10S(. ramat with efficient "Now we have a running "Th~ Psyc hology of per8onne l) game ," he said . .. That makes the diffe r e nce." T ... ;nptation VARSITY BUILDING BARB.ER SHOP : '1 /"I'P CO II \clJif'nl 2 doors ~orlh of Va l·si ly Theater i"illies AFTERNOON Service 10 Satisfy Sept. 29, 1:00 p.m. -:: t Razor Culs ' Evening * Howarrl *Chu.-k Di.-k Sept. 26 & 29 8:P.M. * Ph. 549·3359 Mr. Gene Urbik Ft. Melvin B. Haas VARSITY BARBER SHOP ')i,ecfor of Adult ro stor ;t1 Ev~ryone Wei(ome: Edu(ation 1·12 S. lllinois Phon.- 4-57-4-654- m So,.ember 22, 1.966 . DAILY EGYPTIAN Pave 23 Letter to the Editor Athlete Killed in Airplane Crash -Southern­ Quick Shop I ' Is Praised by Faculty Member

It is given to us teache rs [ 0 and international gymnastics. floor was matched by his Home of the know hundreds, even thou­ But because he was sru' thoughtfulness and his re­ sands of students, during the own, and because he was here ma~kable pP.rsonallty. Big '4' Bar-B-Q's years we spend on a campus. for three years, he was truly He bad humor and grace, And among these students, one of our faVOrites, greatly and the courage and verve of Pork Bar-B-Q's 4 for $1 there are many whom we know and affectionately regarded by youth at its very best. I do not outside the classroom: in his schoolmates, his team­ believe he was ever unkind, or, Smoked Burgers 4 for $1 halls, in organizations . in fra­ mates, his Sigma PI brothers, Indeed, ever unhappy. WhUe te rnities, in councils, on ath­ and his te achers. He wore his he was here, he brightened the Smoked Dogs 6 for $1 letic teams. gymnastic honors lightly, hon­ Uv es of all of us who knew Some have an especially orably, and with modesty, him -- by being what he was: Beef Bar-B-Q's 3 for $1 striking presence, and become though he was the most shining a good, fun-loving, happy stu­ a pan of our lives as we teach talent on Coa'ch Meade's high­ dent, glowing with tbe promise them, advise chern, or coach ly talented te am. of all that Is best In American Your Quick, Convenien't them, They remain a pan long But Frank Schmitz was youth. after they have left college and more than a star and a per­ Our deepest wish is that his Shopping Headquarters gone their separate ways . Oc­ former. He was a genuinely parents know that we are casionally. one Is taken from good person, the kind of SIU grateful he passed this way; ,us before he Is throUgh with student who makes us all proud he left us all bette r because he • Groceries. Cosmetics • Dairy his work here, and when be 1s to be pan of this University, was here. taken by sudden death, our His friendliness was r e al, ac­ sorrow at his 108S and our companied always by a flash­ Thomas E. Cassidy grief for his famUy are Im­ Ing s mile that made all who Depanment of English measurable. knew him glad he was around. SOUTHERN QUICK SHOP So It happened with Frank He was bright and alert. con­ EDITOR'S NOT E - The story Schmitz, whose life ended on fident and personable, and. the about Frank Schmitz's death Illinois & College Open BAM to 11 'M Daily September 3, near his home dash that he had on the gym Is on page 28. in Louisiana, when he was killed In a plane crash, Frank was well known by an admir­ Ing publlc for his champion­ ship achievements in national Film Unit Director In Czechoslovakia Frank Paine, director of the SIU Film Production Unit, is atte nding the 13th annual In­ ternational Co n g r e s s of Schools of Cinema and Tele­ viSion which opened Monday in Prague , Czechoslovakia. Paine Is representing the Introducing the '67 Obelisk . .. Uniced States as prest dent of the University Film Pr oduc­ ers Association. The firs t Inte rnational Stude nt F jIm Festival is being conducted in the college yearbook with class. conjunction with the meeting. Paine will visit cinema schools in ~ome and London during the trip. Earlier, Paine and Loren D. Cocking, film pr oduction as­ sociate, ane rrded the 20th American University F tIm Pro due e r 5 Association at Oregon State Un iversity at Corvallis. Paine is president of the organizat io n. M urdale Auto Sales Autobody Pointing Free Estimating You'll want it, treasure it, Motor Dverhoul Transmission Repair. and m·aybe even love it. Huliler & Toilpipe Work Complete Cor Repairs

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-- ~ DAILY EGYPTIAN Moore Is Top Perfonner COLUGE CO(lch Rates Cross-Country Team High STUDENTS UWe just ran a poor race" Although obviously unhappy lack of depth on the team. from Sidney, whose top 1965 was the explanation of cr056- over the lnltlal loss, Hartzog Hartzog will have to go with performance came in rhe four Na tional Corporation is country Coach Lew Hartzog believes the team will come half a dozen performers, and mile distance. HOW accepting a pplications after the Salukis opened the around soon into [Op shape. injuries anywhere down the Jeff Rogers, up from the fo r part-time employment season With a disaplXlimlng "We had only five days of line would hamper the ream. freshman group, will have to during Academic year. For loss to Miami of Ohio Satur­ pnictlce before the dual meet Seniors AI Ackmsn a nd John lower his times conside rably information and a ppointment: day at Oxford. SaturdaY," says Hartzog. Trowbridge, the only ones re­ to keep up With the rest of Hartzog, with what he still rland I believe when we get turnlng from last year's the group. call STUDENT regards as potentially the more running in we should be squad, figur e to score many Rogers is from Scotsburg. finest squad he has ever bad set." points behind Moore. Ind., and shows a tOP time of PLACEMENT DIRECTOR at Southern, found only one top Tl)e key problem over the Ackman, from Mt. Vernon, 32:46 for a six-mile course. performer In the 24- 33 loss. rugged schedule will be the Ind,. has been a consistant The top five times are in­ Oscar Moore, an ex-Marine runner for Hartzog and fin­ cluded in the scoring of the 549-3319 who at 29 finds himself In the Cuts by Atlanta ished 19th In the 1965 USTFF dual meets. This also holds role of a sophomore wonder in championships. true for the NCAA champion­ between 10 a .m.-2p.m. the distance game, topped the Make R60m for Trowbridge, fro mAlton, ships and the USTFF finals. course record With a time of ended last season with a fine 19:22.5. The other squad Ex-Bear Morris 15rh-place finish in the same members finished in disap­ ATLANTA, Ga. (API-The championships. Welcome to Carbondale pointing positions. Atlanta Flacons have placed The rest of the team con­ Moore is a former Olympic three playe rs on waivers, put sists of a promising, but not We Solicit Your performer from White Plains, another on the waiver injury yet prover: trio of runners. N. Y OJ and last year received 11st, and placed one on re­ Jeff Duxbury and Dave Chis­ the SIU Freshman Athlete of serve --leaving r oom to add holm, both juniors, could show the Year Awa r d for his track to the list. great improvement, performance. Morris, a linebacker who Duxbury came in 40th place As a freshman, Moore distinguished himself at least season in tbe USTFF af­ finished second at the United Geor gia Tech, finally returned fair, and the native of Hurst­ Stares Track and Field Fed­ home to play for Atlanta afte r ville, Australia, will be look­ eration (USTFFI finals. turn­ a long hassle with former for a better year . ing in a time of 29: 25 over employe r of the the six-mile course. Chicago Bears, This year. the "Little 0" The Falcons had to cut the could climb to the top of the player list to 42, and field, and there is little doubt by placing , a that Moore is the nucle us of defensive ~ back. on the waive r the team. Injury lIs~, the Atlanta squad To compere for rop nationa l actually got down to 41. honors as a team this year, This le ave s a pI ace for however, the rest of the squad Morris. will have [0 come up with Those placed on waiver s much bener performances. are end Hugh McInniS, flanker and offenSive tackle Nine Cheerleaders Rich Koeper. To Direct Yells The 1966-67 Salukl athleclc teams will be spurred on by a Aword group of nine varsity cheer­ Winning leaders. This group consists a... " of three men and six women. Specloll.t The captain of the chee rlead­ Wolti ... to ProImire , fered to the students at STU. ers is Bonnie Becks, a junior $one you . Democrat 0' Wisconsin has Clasfle s wUl meet once a week from Quincy. Jolned the growing ranks of for H wee ks ending the week Read.lng Dynamlc8 graduates. before finals. Other members are Skip After taklng the course along In the last 12 months, lnthe Ray. junior. Palatine; Janice Val'Jilll with over 100 other Senators Eastern Missouri and West­ a c ke r b y, senior, C r eve and Congressemen, Senator ern 111inols area, approxi­ Coeur; Mary Jack Gilbreath, KA1B F' ASHJONS H.I.,.. Proxfni re consented to appear mately 1.0OOpeople have com­ 4U. £.IW-U Evan. on a nation-wide television pleted the Reading DynamiCS senior. Troy; Beverly Kar­ program with the course raker. junior, Dongola; Don Pbou.: CS7.$4U course. These 1,000 people founder, Mrs. Evelyn Wood. had an average beginnlng Mille r, senior, East Moline; On this program, he praised reading speed of approx. 270 Gayle Nie lsen, sopho mor e , So"/~'1al6 Reading DynamiCS with the words per minute and an Oak Park; Yolanda Kneeland, HAIII FAIIHIOIIII following statemen:;: ave rage comprehension level sopho mor e , Jacksonville ; and ,..,;.. '" mus t sa y that thi ~ is one of 7.%. These same people, ..... or t he most useful education John Kafor s ki. sopho mor e , PhDlle: s.ct-1I33 aft e r completfog the Evelyn OW..,'M ,... 141 ...... e xperience s ' have e ve r had. Wood Reading Dynamics Lombard. It certainly compares favor­ course , had an average re ad­ ably with the experiences I've ing speed of 1725 words per liI_IAIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII_nllllftllllnlllll1lllllllllll_I1IIIItIIt1I1II1I1I1IHII_ ha d al Yale a nd Harva rd." m inute with a comprehension In thfs age of eve r e xpand­ level of 83%. This represents Ing knowledge, information Is 250,000 people from all walks an Increase in reading speed being assembled llnd primed of life, have completed this of over 6()()% and an Increase I WELCOME STUDENTS at an overwhelming rate . 't re volutionary reading Im­ I.n comprehension of 9%. These .. Is becoming mo re and mor e provement cou r se. Graduates resulrs are typical of those difficult [0 keep pace wtth our of Re ading Dynamics no w In­ obtalned tn Reading DynamiCS times, let alone become truly clude ke y personnel fTOm Institutes throughout the na­ informed about the contribu­ many of the nation's leading tion. tions of the past. To help ove r­ o rganizations suc h as IBM, RESUL TS GUARANTEED come this seemingly Im pos­ DuPont N. A. S. A. , and in­ sible reading task, thousands ternational Telephone and So consistently positive are of persons, like Senator Telegraph. Graduate s also In­ the results of Readlng Dynam. IJroxmlre. are taklr1l steps clude studems fro m many out­ Ics that the program categort. to greall y Improve their r ead­ standing univers ities and col­ cally guarantees a minimum ing abilities through the leges, such as Harvard, Increase In reading speed of Evelyn Wood Re ading Dynam­ Columbia, UCL A, the Univer­ three times with equal or bet· Ic s program. sity of Te xas , WashingtonUnl­ ter comprehension, o r the en­ ve rslty, St. Louis University tire rultion fee Is refunded. 14 YEARS OF RESEARCH and Unive rsity of MissourI. FREE DEMONSTRATION In 1959, after 14 years of Re ading Dynamics is nOt I dedicated re search, the first JU St a " speed re adinp;" The results that have bee n public classes In Reading course, but a ve r y compre­ achieved and the techniques Dynamtcs were taught In hensive r eading Improve me nt that ha ve made them possible Washington, D. C. Included in program. Even though the pro­ will be demonstrated in the this . first group of students gram does Indeed achieve ex­ Holida y Inn o n Fast were some of our natton's traordinary reading speeds. Main In Ca rbonda l e on most prominent people, such much emphasis Is placed on TUES DAY, SE PTEM BE R 2; as Senate and Congressional buUdlng comprehension and at 2 p.m., .f pm., and 8 p. m. leaders. major corporation recall ability as well as If you cannot attend the free executives and school offi­ developing rapid and high ef­ public demonstrati o n s, Cials. The outstanding results ficient study techniques. further I nformati o n may Carbondale's largest selection of Hame Brand clath~es that were achieved in these be obtained by calling the early classes led through SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Southern illinois Reading py­ for college men: pubUc demand to the es­ namlcs Institute at 457-2469. H.I.S .. Farah . Levis· Van Heusen· E squire' tabUshment of Reading Dy­ INSTITUTE Considering these facts. can Jockey . Jad. ~ ast . Puritan . Jant.r.en . Enro namics Instirutes throughout Once again In Southern Illi­ you afford not to In vestigate Haggar . Swank . Mun singwear • Palm Beach . [he United States and Canada, nois an Evelyn Wood Reading what Reading Dynamlcscando Adl.r . Wren Ltd .• And many athers Since 1959, approximately Dynamics course will be of- for you? HOlf' long did it take you? The AVERAGE

~ Reading D)'namics graduate can read this E 200 S. ILLINOIS ~ 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII IIUlIllIIUIUlIIIlIllIIllllllllil1: ill less than 22 seconds..J>,,-- ~ ....-~ _ _ ( ~ P... 26 DAILY EGYPTIAN Sop ...... 22, 1966 OFFICIAL Sal·uki Football Schedule SIU P.E. OUTFIT Includes Two Bowl Teams A gaze into the crystal ba.ll went on to a 6-4 record laSt years and Coach Clarence presents a hazy picture for year after beating Southern Stasavich's career won-lost tbe remainder of Southern's 28-12 early in tbe season. record, 152-43-7, lool:s llke football season. One comes Coach Jack Wallace bas not something one would expect to p . '!.F' r ' away With a "let's wait and had a losing season in his 12 find behind the name of Knute seen atti[Ude after examin­ years at Drake. He bas nine Rockne. , . ,., \ 'ii ing the Salukls' scbedule. offensive starters back from The Pirates enter their first A new coaching staff and last year' s squad. campaign of championsh;p some new faces on the field Among these is quanerback competition In the So utbern for Southern, coupled With tbe Ron Royer, who has passed Conference favored to corral Mens MaroonII Trunks $1.25 for better than a mile and a all the trophies. They have won appearance of several strong opponem s, including a con­ hall ln ga\ns in his three years two Tangerine Bowl games in GirlsGym Suit$5.50 ference champion, a couple of at Drake. The defensive unit two year s . This could be the last year' s bowl teams and was hard hit by graduation. Salukis' (Qugbest test of the two teams heavily favored co Depth will be another big ques ­ year. East Carolina has al­ P.E. T-Shirt $1.00 take their conference titles, tion mark at Drake thls fall. most the em ire defense back-, bring nothing but question The next opponent, Youngs­ lncluding the whole backfleld. SIU Emblyn ,Sweat Shirt $2.95 marks to mind. town, nosed out the Salukis 9-7 The only bright spot Visible The Salu1c:is' next opJXlnem, on the way to a 6- 2 finish last is that the Plrates have lost Louisville , appears to be the year. The Pengulns have 29 Little All-America fullback Men &Woman Bowling Shoes class of the Missouri Valley of 38 lettermen returning, in­ Doug Alexander thro ug h Conference this season. Coach cludlng three backfield stan­ graduation. The offensive line Gym Shoes $3.95 &UP Frank Cam p, conference ers. They feel tbat they should is well stoCked with veterans coach of the year in 1965, has be at least as strong as last and tbere is good depth 22 lettermen returning from a fall. These factors migbt add throughout. The Pirates are second place club, which beat up to one of the closest games one of the last teams operating SIU 13-0 last year. of the year for the SaluJc is. out of the slngle- wing offense. ' ~ After Youngstown comes Nonhern Michlgan also lost ',. C amp, who is entering his State College of Iowa, one of a Unle All-America selection . " twenty-first year as head two teams to lose to Southern in halfback Dave Fleet. They '''. '~ , . , . coach at Louisville, has never last year, falling 23-16 in the will have 23 lettermen re­ won an MVC title. Most of the opener for both teams. The turning from a squad that key performers on last year's Panthers were hurt badly by dumped the Salukls 24-6 last ~ team will be returning. Tackle graduation. Coach Stan Sheriff year. Among tbe returnees are Tom Holzer, 250 pounds, is will have fewer experienced a pair of king- size offensive We have a complete line of Sports Equipment Louisville's top lineman and players than at any other time tackles, Ron Kerr and Curt is being boosted as Ali­ during his siX- year career Marker. A merica material by C ard1nal at Cedar Falls. Seven of the Wildcat of­ coaches. The Panthers lost two-time fensive staners are letter­ The Louisville offense 15 Little All-America fullback men and nine defensive start­ run by quarterback Benny Randy Schultz. Quanerback ers won letters last year. VEATH Russell, who is expected to Di ck Olin is the only r eturning There wlll be a lack of speed completely e ra s e Johnny starter in the Panther back­ in the offensive backfield. Unitas' name from the Louis­ field. Depth could also be a problem SPORTS MART vtile r ecord books this year. North Texas State is a new­ if many injuries occur. The C ardinai passing attack comer on the sru schedule this Ball State knocked off South­ 718 South Illinois was among the top five in the fall. They possess a potent ern 30- 19 last year to finish nation last year. Depth may be aerial attack headed by quar­ the season undefeated. They "Near the Campus" l .Q ulsviHe's strongest point. terback Vidal Carlin and e nd won an inVitation to the Grant­ Drake, the third opponent, John Love. Love was the land Rice Bowl, where they fourth- ranked receiver in the tied Tennessee State . Ball nation last year with 76 State was cha mpion of the catches. Indiana Collegiate Conference Defense is another story at last season. North Texas. The Eagies Ni neteen lettermen return yielded at le ast three touch­ this fall to Ball State. Num­ downs in eight of 10 games. bered among these is quarter­ A stronger defense added to back Frank Houle, who com­ the third best passing offense pleted 30 of 62 passes for 563 in the nation last season could yards and seven touchdowns. help improve last year's rec­ The defenSive secondary will ord of 3-7. There wlll be 23 feel the blow of graduation lettermen r e turning to North the hardest. Texas. So uthwest Missouri State was Southern's second victim East Car olina College re­ places Tulsa in this year's last year. The Salukis won that Hom e co m i n g. But don't one in the season finale by a score of 19 - 6. The Bears were breathe a s igh of relief yeti hun by graduation on both of­ The Pirates have lost onl y fense and defense. They posted three games in the last three a 7-3 record last year. Guard Sa m McDowell anchors the defense. McDowell weighs in BIG JIM'S a,t just over 325 pounds . FURNITURE MART These 10 teams the Salukis New&Used Furniture wili face compiled a 1965 season record of 59-36- 1. There are tWO teams miss­ STUDENT FURNITURE ing from this year's sched­ OUR SPECIALTY ule who defeated SIU last year. These are Tulsa and Lincoln. However, the teams replacing them, East Car olina a nd North Te xas, promise to fUrnish competition equally as strong.


Secretory OFFICE HOURS - 9:00 to 5:30 Doily THE "KEE"TO GOOD VISIO N CONTACTS : $59,50 GLASS ES FROM S 549·2822 Sept.mb., 22, 1966 DAll Y EGYPTIAN Pog_ 27

'1,11 Coach Attributes Wichita Victory . . .. - , - To Hustle and Good Mental Attitude . - -- SIU's surprise victory over The breaks Ralnsberger re- this year and the coaching to a team that finished second • tbe Wichita State Shockers was ferr ed [0 were three fumbles staff did nO[ have a chance to Tulsa in the Missouri Val­ See Us F or " F ull C overage" the r esult of excellent team Wic hita lost and three passes [0 examine their spring game. ley Conference. hustle and proper an1tude, El­ which SIU Intercepted. SO\l~h - Any psychological advantage Rainsberger e xpects to Aut 0 & Motor Sc;.oot et lis Ralnsberger, bead football ern . lost the ball twice on Southern might have had starr the same backfield again INSlJRAIoO: coach, said. But he also ac­ interceptions and o nce on a against Wichita will be non­ this Saturday and a few knowledged that the_ Salukls fumble. Wichita was penalized existent agains t Louisville, c hanges in the offenSive line F inClnc ial Re spo,nibill ty .fol,ng' got Borne good breaks. 14 times for 161 yards and according to Rainsberger. are possible, depending upon EASY PAYMENT PLANS "The boys were ready men­ Souther n got the red flag three He s aid that quarterback the physical condition of sev­ tally to play and tbey played. times for 51 yards. Wally Agnew showe d JXlise and e ral players. 3, 6 o. 12 Month, We got some breaks. but we Raiflsberger s aid, " The in- experience and tha t the run­ Pla ce-kicker' Tim Kelley, FINA NCIAL RE SP ONS IBILITY caused a few too. We also had terceptions were caused by a ning game was adequate who booted a 24-ya rd field goal POLICIES a few breaks go against U6 ," strong pass rush and good against Wi c hita, a team with in addition to two conversions Rainsberger said. coverage. The' defensive e nds four all-confe r ence players on Saturday, is cons istently ac ­ FR ANKLIN and s econdary did a-good job, its defe ns ive unit. The offense c urate from a nywhere within Losses Outnumber as did the interior line on will need improvement in the 22-yard line, according to INSURANCE rushing the passer." technique and aggressive ne ss, Rainsberger. He provides the AGENCY Saluki Victories Rainsberger JXlintedout that [he coach said. Salukis with a possible three SJU has lost more games the ends a.nd tackles did a good The defensive secondary pointe r whe ne ver they ca n 703 S. illinois Ave. than it has won in 50 years job adjusting to s everal will fa ce one of its tOughes t reach the opponents 25-yard Ph on. 457- 4461 of intercollegiate foo tball c hanges made in the Wichita assignme nts of the yea r in line. competition. offens ive assignments. Ends protecting agains t the passing The Salukis ' overall r ecord Bill nohs and Jim Anderson of Louisvill e's Be nny Russell, through 1965 was 179 wins, also [Urned in the Wichita he ~ a id . Russell wa s second 208 losSes and 29 ties. s weeps well , according to in the Missouri Va lley intotal CARBONDALE The only undefeated tea m Rains berger. offens e last yea r, passing for was in 1930 when SIU had a The coach credited WUlie 1, 79 1 yards and rus hing for 9-0 record. Three [earns , however . have gone witham a Wilkerson wHh turning in one I 4L:~i~~~il e's possible dis­ of the outs tanding perform- win- in 1925, 1939 and 1951 . ances of the evening by keep- advantage of not having played [his yea r is offset by the Bowlers in Garden ~~~Ck ~~ nst~~~rr::::~~re JO: team's experience. The Car­ NEW YORK (API - The Eckman. dinais o nly lost four of the ir __; Professional Bowle r s Asso­ ciation National Champion­ Rainsberger s tressed that ~i::~ 221 I~~:~r~ : ~e~~ ;ur:~~~ M~~;~~ed ~_~_< ship Tourname nt will be held though there were several out- r------, 12-12 Sat & Sun .~ _= for six straight year s staning :~:~i~~e iJ\~it';,t~~~a~a~~~~)~ Best Hoi rcuts in 1967 in the ne w Madison of a good team performance. 35¢ A Line Weekdays till 6 Squa re Garde n Cente r, it was He s aid [hat improvement in Town $1.50 announced . '2.. would be needed in several SNACK BAR f!:! Saluki Is MWlcol areas including punt returns, OPEN AT 8:00 A.M. ~@ _. The Sa}uki was adopred in offensive blocking. [he kick­ ill 1951 as the Univer sity's ing game and pass defense. cox mascot. Louisville should be a better This dog is known for its team than Wichita, according Central Barber Shop P~~li~s5, ::~ , ~91 I tr~_~r_~._ .~_ :!\~\ speed and endurance, and is to the coach. He said he knows Schoendiensl mgr. 1 ~ the oldest pure breed in the ltrrle about the team other world, dating back to about than what is on paper. The 203 W. Walnut Murdale Shopping Center 3600 B.C. Cardinals have not played yet

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J DAIL:Y EGYPTIAN Sept_be, 22, 196,6 World Champ in Trampoline, Tumbling Plane Crash Kills Gymnast Frank Schmitz Frank Schmitz, an outstand­ which crashed near his home him move and perform with ing gymnast on Southern's at Lafayette. La. the perfection that is the gift 1965-66 NCA A championship ' Schmitz wa s one of the most of only a few. Frank did not eeam, was killed Sept. 3 in an prize- winning athletes ever to know the meaning of fear, and airplane accident. Schmitz perform for SIU. Among the this combined with ineffable was piloting the s mall plane top awards Schmitz won, both grace and the finest of co­ at SIU and prior to his col­ ordination made him one of legiate days, are these: the super athletes that we see - National AAU trampoline so rarely and never forget. Drivers Wanted champion in 1962, U.S . Invita­ "The tragedy of his death tional Champion in tramJX>­ and the sorrow of his family line, rumbling and va ulting are felt and shared by al1 of tn 1962, AAU runner-up in the us at SIU. " trampoline event in 1963. Schmitz was a senior ma­ . ~ South African Games tram­ joring in bUSiness. His parents poline champion in 1963, East­ are Mr. and Mrs. William C. West trampoline champion in Schmitz of University Road in 1963 and 1964, r unner-up in Lafayene. the World Trampoline Cham­ Yellow Cab pionship in 1965. winner of the Louisville Cards must have World Tumbling Champion­ Ship In 1965 and an NCAA Well Represented Class A titlist in free exercise and trampqline in 1965. Chauffers Schmitz roured Germany in In Pro Football the fall of 1965 as the repre- The football Saluk is' next license sentarive for the United Stares opponent, Louisville , has a Gym n as tI c s Federation. respectable list of graduates Must be 21 These are but a few of Frank now playing professional foot­ Schmitz ' s individua l honors. ball. At the head of that list Schmitz's gymnastics coach, is , quarterback Phone Bill Meade, was not avaiJable with the Baltimore Colts. for cpmment on the aCCident, Others in the pro ranks are 457 -8121 bur Ai.l1retiCS Director Donald Leonard Lyles, who is also N. Boydston had this to say With the Colts and is one of about the incident: rhe top defensive backs in the "In the past de>cade Southern NF L j Ernie Gr een, who is Illinois University has had counted on to help fill the many champions and more gap left by Jimm y Br ow n at Yellow Cab than its share of outstanding C leveland; , a 215 S.IIIinois athletes . starter at defensive halfback STAR GYMNAST--Frank Schmitz, who was killed aCCidentally, It Am 0 n g these F ran k for the new , was on~ of the top gymna s tic performers in the nation last year Schmitz was one of the bright- Ken Korras, Louisville ' s and led SJU to the NCAA title. He is shown performing on the e s t s tars eve n though hi s first All- American, who is trampoline, one of his fa vorite e vents. In 1965 he won the world career was s till in irs as - now With the Pittsburg trampoline ti tle_ cendancy and e ve n greate r S te e I e r s; Doug Buffone, honors would have bee n hi s . anothe r All- American and a "None of us who e ve r kne w rookie with [heChicago Bears; Physical Fitness Program p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;h;l;m;w~lI;1 ;;e;v;e;r;;;;f;O;rg;e;t;;;s e;e;l~n~g Chthea rlieSan JFrancisohnson,c oa tcak49'ers;le W iAthl Offered for Faculty Members MacFarlane , who is with the r VISIT GUITAR WORLD Buffalo !'lills. and Tom La The desire of fac uhy me m­ s ubjects for the work of grad­ 11K • C Fra mboise , pla ying in the be r s to sray physically fit ha s uate students. Knowlton said. Par k er i r.I USlC ompany Canadian league. made the development of the File s ar e kepr on e ach par­ faculey phys ical fitness pro­ tic ipaeing faculty membe r fo r 606 Eas t Moin (East of Engle's ) Call 457 -4111 Ferrari Enters Race gr am possible. as long as they are active in ' Ac cessori es 'Music MOD ENA . It aly (API -Ita­ The program, in its third ehe program. A study is [hen - _ fil II , tock! SPECIAL DI.SCO UtHS ly' s Ferr ari r aC in g stable said year, is un der the direction made from the s e fU es, he of Ronald G. Knowlton, as­ add ed. I '-1.r In TO UN IV ER SITY G~QUPS it has l- nte rC'd On e car in the ( . ' b ~ n r . s is tem professor of physic al The m ain cente rofinte r est , ;;" l.,n-1 • • • Gr " l~.h Comolele li ne 01 SI .. ng s Oct. 2 Un ilC'd o tJ tcs Gr J nd education. according CO Knowlton, is . M ..... rll ,. MOST COM PLETE STOCK P ri x :.11 Wa tkins Glen , N. Y. '\J The program is des igned [0 BETWEEN CHICAGO 8. T h(- 3,OOo- cc I 2-cyJ in ger ca r diovas cular conditioning. help the faculty keep in sound ~ NASHVILLE Ferrari will be d rive n by The pr ogram also helps weight Lon..' n7.o Bandin i, alsoofltal y. ph ysical s hape and to provide proble ms, strength, endur­ ance and fl exibility. "We have periods of 15- 20 -FASTEST- minutes of organized exercise Disc • .., th. ~'II\M61.6 WDRl9 quality photo at eac h session and chen everyone goes on to his own finishing in town form of exe rcis e. Some play • Black & White handball, basketball, paddle­ ball and tennis ," Knowlton • Color said. Largesl selection of: "Last year we had 3 r egular anendance of 20- 25. If we can •• Name Brands accommodate the people , we Tape Recorders will expand . The program has and developed an inte res e in the town's people. L ase ye ar we • Photo Equipment had five or s ix rown people in Southern Illinois as panicipating members," s aid Knowlton. NAUMAN The first organized meeting fo r persons ime r ested in the Beat the traffic CAMERA SHOP VAMAHAj to the Swinging World. Go on 717 S. Illinois, Carbondol e program wi ll be Monday ae I noon in Room 12i ofthe Arena. a Yamaha Catalina 250. OPEN HOUSE ALL THIS WEEK! RIDER~-SIGN UP FOR THE "PHANTOM TIRE" ZWICK'S SHOES • 702 S. Illinois Avenue HUNT AND WIN A NEW TIRE FOR YOUR CYCLE! Welcomes you to select from

"You, C ycl e C l' nl~' SineI!' 193a" 30 different styles

(CYCLE INSURANCE) and colors of ladies' Viner, Tempos and Lady Bostmian Shoes LOCA I ED ON JACKSON CLUB ROAD h MILE SOUTH O~ OLD ROUTE 13 WEST CARB ON DALE , ILLINOIS ·OPEN 9TO 6·CLOSED SUN .8.MON , . PHONE 457.5421 SepteMber 22 1966 DAILY EGYPT"'" Pa•• 29 Itean Be Fun Coeds Given Hints STUDENT & fACULTY WECOME BACK TO S.I. U. On' Viewing Game and By Pam Gleaton and ,!herher you're a devoted fan or an occasional watcher Is football fun If you don't this feeling Is Infectious. J. RAY JEWELER know tbe rules? From the playing of tbe For tbe players, no. It's just "Star Spangled Banner" be­ "House of Fine Jewelry' a good way to lose the game, before the game to the final But what about tbe girls who play, the crowd Is on tbe edge accompany tbeir dates to Fri- of it,S seat. J. Ray - Diamonth & Jim Fisher - Jewelry day and Saturday nlghtfoothall Adding to this feeling Is the games, and then end upspend- music of the marching bands cordially invite you to come·in and meet w_ Ing a beautiful Sunday after- as tbey parade up and down the noon inside watching tbe i field or sit In tbe stands In­ regional professional football venting cheers. televiSion broadcast because When the band Is as color­ their beaux can't be pried away tul as tbe marching Salukis from tbe game with a crow in their red, black: and red, J. RAY JEWELER har. and black plaid jackets tbe Ot course the easiest thing game Is even more exciting. 717 S. Illinois to do Is watch the game close- And, if you take your cues Iy. a~k a lot of Questions (at from the band yells, you can tbe nsk of being growled at) tell what's happening In the and lear," what the rules of game without even looking. America s best attended spec- The people and the hands ~ , tator sport are. may be exciting, but sa is I But even if the rules aren't the game itself. DAILY EGYPTIAN SUBSCRIPTION COUPON familiar, just watching the When 22 players, each j I color and eXcitement can be a weighing near 200 pounds, line YOUR NAME lot of fun. up, you JUSt know something I For example, there are the drastic is bound to happen. I ADDRESS people who come to the games. Just waiting for the snap. I STATE ___ ZIP CODE __ Tbey come bearing s igns (a especially when your team Is CITY familiar one at SlU games Is In the middle of a long drive I "Ph! Kappa Tau says go down field, can be exciting. I PI.a5. 5end 5ub5cription to: Saluk:!s"), Thermoses, hand And ev"",, tbe football moron warmers and very loud voices. enjoys a long forward pass I NAME or a 90 yard punt return. One of the favorite pre- So girls, don't despalL I ADDRESS game and half-time entenain- There is lots of fun at a foot­ I STATE ___ ZIP CODE _ _ !1~ menta is searching for ball game. even if you can CITY friends, or sitting quietly and bare ly tell a screen pass from I Pleaae a .... d coupon and a.eclt to watching who came with whom. an on - side letck. or if you don't I 9/ 22 THE CAlLY EGYPTIAN-BLDG. T· .&8 Something about foorbal1 know the difference between L... putS a special zing in the air, a plunge and an end sweep. ------f Fall Term Bowling Leagues Will Begin Action in October This coupon, plus just $2.00, The University Cente r bowl­ an 80 per cent to one per cent ing leagues ar e scheduled to handicap. The four-po int sys­ begin play the week of Oct. 9, tem, giving one point fo r each will thank Mom and Dad according to Henry Villani, game won plus a point fo r the manage r of the Unive r s ity high series, will be e mployed. Center lanes. Villani expects' 10 divis ions five days a week. Each team will be composed to compete during the fall of five men. The leagu e wi ll te rm, with t rophies at stake operate on a round r obin basis, fo r the winning team aft e r a with e ach team pl aying ever y s ingl ~ elimination tOu rna­ othe r team. In addition , the r e ment. DAILY EGYPTIAN will be a position r ound which Trophies will also be will match the first and second aw:-tr1ed for high Individual place teams . rhree games, high individual The league will ope rate on s ingle game and Individual high r1erage . The r e are openings in the Big-Time Football men ' s cir cuit, which will be at 6 p.m. Monday through . .. Becau s e it will send them 0 copy a f your college parer Turnstiles 'Jingle' Thursday an d at Q p.m. Tues­ day through Thursday. every day it' s p rinted. ~ for a whole term . With a gift sdbscription NEW YORK (AP) - Major to the Daily Egyptian, y our parents will be able to Iceep abreast attendance Anyone inte r ested in join­ Ing the bowllng leagu e for the af what's going on at SIU .. and it might ev~n tell them a couple may boom this year, judging af things you forget in your l ett~rs! by the record c rowds fo r the Fall te rm c an pick up a team first weekend of the season. entry blank at the Unive r s ity Cente r lanes. Dad is sure to get a thrill out of watching th e Salukis go, The top 10 college games in go, go (on to victory, we hope), and Mom is sure to g~t a chUCkle attendance drew a [Otal of out of Gu s Bode . And everybody's sure to be i n terest ed i n the 543,847 fans, the most an y editorial page, reflecting s tudent opin ion . And th~r~ is campus 10 games of a season- openift g ForRent news ond octi v i t i e s and intellectua l things and lots more . weekend have attr acted, the NC AA Service Bureau r e­ So, why don't you jus.t clip out the coupon , mail it i n with ported. The pr evious opening RoomsAnd two bUCkS (or be a sport, and e nclo se s. i ..: dollars for four tr rm s.)? high of 528,925 was set last Mom, Dad , brothers , sisters , grandmas., gra n dpa s, aunts , uncles, year. girl fri.nds , boy friends are just a few of the people who m l oh t The No. 1 c r o wd was the Apartments be interested . Mail it in today . • 68,547 at Baton Rouge, La., fo r Louisiana State ' s home Phone:457 -5020 opener against South Car olina , cbached by forme r LSU an d SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Army mentor Paul Diet zel. NOW! SALUKICURRENCYEXCHANGE Campul Shopping Cenler

• Check Ca5hing .D riY~"!. L icense .Natary Publi c • Publ ic Stenographer • Man~y O rd.r5 • 2 Day licenu Plate SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY NEWSPAPER Service • Open 9 a .m. ta • Trovelers' Cheds 6 p .m. Every Day .,J • Pay your Gas, light, Phone, and Water Bil ls here DAILY EGYPTIAN Pa.. 30 DAILY EGYfTIAH Two Former Saluki Stars to Play Pro Basketball Scheduled in A rena Friday By Tom Wood The two. George McNell Southern's other guard, Dave goal percentage was an even s on of Minnesota and Dick Local basketball fans will and Charlie Vaughn. are mem­ Lee. During the season, Coach. • 500 and be sank 146 of 184 Snyder of Davids on. Other have an opportunity Friday bers of the Detroit Pistons Jack Hartman paid tribure [Q free throw attempts for a rooldes stlll with the club are night to view the progress of who w1ll play the St. Louis thiS pair by stating that he .793 percentage. Tom Kron of Kentucky, Tal two former SIU stars who are Hawks 1n an exhibition game would rank tbern with any two McNeil's high scoring game Brody of illinOis , and Ken in tbe ranks. at 8 p.m. In the Arena. guards In the country, was against Indiana State when and Bob Mcintyre of St. McNeil Is a rookie while McNeil was the leading he bit 34 points. In that same John·s. Vaughn Is entering his fifth scorer for Southern in 17 game McNe!l made 13 of 16 The veterans still on the season 35 a pro. Both are games during the 1965-66 sea­ attempts from the floor. He St. Louis roster are Zelmo expected to see action Friday. son. He was aGCOrded Little was tbe most consistent scor­ Beaty, Bill Bridges. Joe Cal­ McNeil was a guard and co­ AU-America honors at tbe er on the Salukl squad. McNe!l dwell, Paul Silas. Rod Thorn, captain of last year's Saluk1 end of the season. He scored is' one of three rookies to Gene Tormohlen/ Len Wil­ team. fie shared the most­ a [Qtal of 528 points for an make the 12-man Piston kens, Gary Hlll and Guerin. valuable-player bonors with 18.2 polot ave rag.... His field roster. The Hawks wlll trim their The other two first-year roster further before Friday men are Dave Bing, the na­ night's game . tion's fifth-ranked scorer in Tickets for the game are his se nior year at Syracuse, on sale at the Ar e na ticket and Dorrie Murrey from the office. They may also he pur­ Unive rsity of De troit. c based at the game for $2.50 Val(.ghn will be s tarting his for reserved seats and $1 for seCOfld sea SOD with the Pis­ general adm18slon. tons . He was trade d to the Pis tons from the Hawk s . Vaughn was the fourth draft pick of St. Loui s Coach Ha rry Gallatin, who coached Vaughn at SI U. Vaughn is a guard. He is give n a good chance by Pis ton coache s to earn a start­ ing pos ition this year. - While at Southern, Vaughn set se ve ral s coring r ecords which s till s tand. Among them are: most points in a career, 2,088: most pointS in a se a­ son, 706; most points in a Sero button -down sport single game , 43; and most shirts capture the spirit of field goals and free throws the season . . vibrant faU colourings in a rich 85S0rt­ made in a game , season and ment of solids. checks. and career. I plaids on 8 host of fine fab· The Pistons are hoping to rics . . all styled with our improve on las t year's di- . exclusive Puristi& collar . .. sastrous season when (he y and prope rl y tapered Cor a finis hed in la s t place in the distinclivt' casual look. NBA 'S We s te rn Division. The y I wo n onl y 22 of 58 ga mes. The P istons lost the ir top scorer , 12 .. Te r r y Dischinger to [he Army. Starting ce nte r Reggie Hard­ ing, who was s uspended last year afte r an inc ident in a Michigan restaurant and bar" wa s r e ins tated this week and Pis tons rind s hould see a ctio n ma y be ava ilable for the ga me . yea l , i s a l ook ie F rid av ni giH. He was dra h e d b}1 The . Pis ron r oster will in­ thf' Piston;", a ft e r bein g SIU's c lude Playe r - Coach Da ve De ­ lead in~ score r last year. ~ l c N e il Bus sche re a nd Eddie Mi les, WELCOME I S one of three' rookies 10 ma~ e both We s tern Di vis ion AlI­ VETERA N--Charlie Vaughr: the Pistons' l earn . Th e con tes t Stars; To m Van Ars da1e, for­ is a former SJU basketball pl ay­ to the F ri dd) night \101- 11 be his firs t mer All-A me r ican at Indiana; er and holder of s e ve ral SIU pro fessioua! gar.l€' . J oe Strawde r fro m Bradley; reco rd s . He is no w in his Courth BAPTIST STUDENT CENTER Ray Reed from Notre Da me; ye ar of profess ional basketba ll. John Tresvant fro m Seattle B.S.C. Devotional 12 :30 PM Daily HUNTING FOR U1'live r s ity; Bil1 Buntin from Pirate Fans Seek Michigan and Ray Scott from THE BEST Portland Unive r s ity. Courses in Bible PORTRAIT The Hawks are expected by Tickets for Series ; J ma ny to give the Los Ange les STUDIO Cafeteria 7:00-9:00 AM Lake r s a run fo r the divis io n­ ,Sale Is Brisk IN TOWN? al ho no rs this season. They PITTSBURGH (AP) - Postal 11 :00-1:30 PM had a s urpris ingly s uccess­ offic ials re port a bris k trade Try Rolandos. We ful season las t year, falling in Wo rld Series tic ket re­ 4:45-6:15 PM to the Lake r s in the divis ion quest s in P ittSburgh. find that photos finals . are the perfect St: Loui s Coach-·· Richie Postmaste r E.G. ColI said Closed to Public Gue rin has calle d this year's he expec ts the toral volume gift for that very (or the firs t day for applying on Sundays r ookie c rop the bes t in nine special occasion. ye ars fo r the Hawks. Like fo r ticket s to run in the tens OeBussche re, Guerin is a of thousands . Snack Shop 9 :00 AM-3:30 PM ROLANDO'S playe r-coach and is one of If the Pirate s don't win the outstanding backcourt me n In the National Leagu e? Then STUDIO in the league . the ball club ha s to see that On C ompu.- Grand at Thompson 717 S. Illinois PH :9 -2451 The Hawks are paniculad y eve r yone 's r equest is r e­ high on two rookies, Lou Hud- turned. STOP FROlEN PIPES ~ I EI.ctr!c H •• t~9 T.~ • •••lIy _,. .. " ... _ ,.;,. ,.....v.rot. f-... i ... . ~"'ilt-In th.,."" •• t.t ...... I' e .. ,.,. .... ' . I ..... ~t.t. _i"h Ii MtAjI·ON INSULATION t. I, AN .1 ..... t.cke4 \' .... he.' . I .3~~ SEE US TODAY. I Patterson Open 24 hours·a d~y-7 days a week , ~ardware Store " . UNIVERSITysou~hHb{,.iNGCENTER ; . , 207 W . ,Mcria • • • • , ...... ~"' _ _...... :...... 'r .-.... _~ ~ " .. _ ...... _ ...... •.••.• .. · ~ ...... A ...... • ••• . .. • 1. Pa,. 31 LeFevre Rates Tennis Team As Perhaps SIU's Best Yet In 1966, SIU lost Its number lenge" matches to determine one tennis player and had to positions may be especially compete with three sopho­ keen next spring. mores and a senior the rest of the season, but ended in a Shop With tie with Notre Dame for 15th place among the nation's col­ Dally Egyptian legiate tennis teams. The result is that Coach Adv.rti .... Dick LeFevre, who bas had many fine teams in the past, THE SIGN Of thinks he may have his beSt squad yet next spring. QUAUTY Returning will be juniors Mike Sprengelmeyer, Jose Vlllarete and Johnny Yang, a long With senior Al Pena. Comlng up Is a promising SALUKI MARCHING BAND··One of the high. D. Hanes, assistant director of bands, sophomore, Jay Maggiore, a lights of halftime activities at SIU home the band is in its sixth season. The band product of West Hollywood, ~SINCE 1887 football game is the perf orma nee of the is scheduled to perform Halloween night Fla. Marching Saluki IH nd. Directed by Michael at Busch Memorial Stadium in Sf. Louis . Coming in as a transfer from Eastern Illinois is Jerry YAMAHA Garver, a native of Decatur fto.o.U)c~ College Football Lacks Glamor and twice a state prepflnal1st. Garver is a senior. A bonus for the Salukls Is During Daily Practice Sessions that tbe NCAA championships ~ will be In Carbondale June 12- 17. Last year's tournament By Tom Wood broken down, maybe several it grows wearisome to tbe times. One quickly becomes was in Miami. unknowing bystander. All he After tbe loss of number one Five Saturday nights a year aware of , what they're talking can tell is that tbere is quite ~ you may put on your most about when they discus s tbe a bit going on out there which man Joe Brandl last spring: THE SfGN OF collegiate looking clothes , effects of speciliazation. is very important to those the shakeup in positions put pick up your date and make There probably are no 60- participating In It. Sprengelmeyer up front, fol­ the scene at McAndrew Sta­ minute performers anymore Once he has torn his at­ lowed by Villarete. S_YlCE dium to do your part for because the poor guy couldn't tention away from the crack Both Sprengelmeyer and entertainment, s chool s pirit figure out where to go when of pads and the utterances of Villarete played the amateur and your girl, among mher the coac h s houte d t< All right, the befallen long enough to circuit this summer and· things. guards and tackles down here, ponder the entire scene, the gaine d valuable experience. You watch rwo bours of linebackers up there, de­ viewer can' t help but realize Villarete, from ManUla, the football, which, although it fenSive se condary back there that coaches are the ones who Philippines, was especially SPEEDE SERVICE may not be of the quality and backs, centers and ends should be synchronizing our impressive on his first tour, OTORCYCLES & INSURANC provided by Johnny Unitas and over there." world through time and and the intersquad "chal- PHONE 457·542\ Raymond Berry on the Sunday What usually follows is a efficie ncy studies. "boob rube" spectacular, is picture with graceful runs and If you had a dollar for every entertaining and hopefully dancing catches at one end wasted minute at practice you profitable for the home team's and violence at the other. would not soon be in danger cause. Dh yes, don' t forget the lonely of developing extravagant But did yo u e ver stop to looking fellow in the back­ tastes . thinle: that everything you s ee ground ktcking a ball from one By the end of practtce things under tbe floodlights on Satur­ end of the field to another have reached a high degree day night i s merely an end and s pendtng 99. per cent of of smoothness . No one has product? It is an end reached his time chas ing it down. been observed standing around through weeks of self­ This fellow is riddled with with nothing to do during the s acrifice, s weat, dirt, blood conflicting factors . If he kicks course of the afternoon. Even and whatever e lse is needed. the ball 50 yards he has the the injured stay busy on the You ' re probably s aying satisfac tion of a grear OOOt traine r's table and unde r the you've heard that stuff befor e and the boa r i ng agony of re­ weights. and it sounds rathe r e xag­ trieving his pigs kin-covered If the player s are n't hit­ gerated ea c h time; like a air. ting, they're running and a bove all they're liste ning. Eve n the GO Frank: Me rriwe ll e pi sode But, on the othe r ha nd, if maybe. he onl y kicks it 20yards . .. fellow ki c king rhe ball around But what would the The price is high for him too , does an a wful lOt of this . price have to be for you to so he us uall y kic ks it far and Foot ball for [he m is a long SOUTHERN give up three weeks of s un high, and when he doesn't he learning process. and golf and gi rls to return is openly dis pl e ased wi th him­ And the soone r and mor e , GO and s hed your per spiration on self. a nxious I y one lea rns the mo r e the playing fie lds of South­ Aft e r s ufficienr vio le nce and like ly he is to perform before ern? Cha nces a r e a lot! And aeria l a rtis try, the big aTe e veryone a nd the ir girls on thac' s e xactly wha t the price united with the bigge r at the Saturday night , not that this WELCOME STUDENTS is to those fe llows , the foot­ cente r of the fie ld to do com­ facet e nte r s his m ind until he ball Salukis. bat. After a couple of weeks gets [hat te rrible case of WE HAVE THE FINEST DRY CLEANING Every af[e rnoon they ma ke of hitting live people , the butterllies when he trots out FACILITIES AT YOUR SERVICE their wa y fro m c lassr oo m tv troops are e quipped with dum­ unde r those s rx>tli g h ts . ~ locker room, where ir's on mies. Whe n e ve r yo ne is dirty and WITH EACH DRY CLEANING ORDER with the pads and tape, then F OJ you girls , a dummy is tire d and whe n the coac hes feel tha t (hey have learned [heir out to the pr actice fi eld. a ve r y appropriate ly named PICK UP FREE GO SOUTHERN G Everything s tans wirh a large pi ece of padding cove red lessons s ufficie ntly for [he variety of calisthe nics -­ with a coarse ma te rial. It day (he troops hit a nother lic k those are the things you didn't i s used as a larget for a and go home. And it's a long GREEN HANKIE. do while the gym te ache r's blocke r or tackler. And some­ walk or run to that dre ssing back was turned. times ir is not protection room e very night. And variety is a ve ry de ­ e nough for the guy holding it. As you watch [he players + ceiving word he re. H's the He is the one who us ually pays and coaches leave the field SaO/lone llI!IioI ...... ,• .r-- same varie ty every day. The for a guard's nears ighte dness. and the managers and trainers n.umber Is sometimes varied. He is left to pick his brus ied gather up all their disarranged After warming up, something body up while everyone e lse equipment it is difficult to whtch everyone must feel they watches a coach show the recall all that has taken place need on a 90 degree day when wrong-doer how not to do it within the last three hours. the humidity Is high enough next time. Three hours! I've missed The violence continues for the "Girl From U.N.C.L.E." to soak a sponge, the offense 303 S. UNIVERSITY P H O~E 457·4000 a nd the defense are separated. quite some time. It is called What a price to payl These unl!s are further scrim mage. After some time modern • equipme!!-t pleasant • atmosphere dales • play free BILLIARDS Campus Shopping Cen ter


GIANT CANNON CHOICE BATH TOWELS Corgeous prints. jocque,ds, s o lid s in nOI'1 -fod ing 97' ~ colon. E xtro h eovy-elt1,o th irsty . IOO ~ cotton. Slight ;"egulors of val ues to S2,98.

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