Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Wife widow mother survivor the story of the last queen of Henry VIII by Elizabeth Nor Catherine Parr: Wife, Widow, Mother, Survivor. The Story of the Last Wife of Henry VIII. A good introduction to the topic, covering the main aspects of Katherine Parr's life, with plenty of interpretation. Norton has produced a series of works on the wives of Henry VIII, in which she concentrates on the Queens' own perspectives on life, with plenty of biographical detail, rather than the wider historical context. Her work on Katherine Parr covers all of the events of her life, and attempts to draw conclusions about the Queen's own emotional or practical response to the turmoil that surrounded the Tudor gentry and nobility. Whilst Norton has clearly benefited from Dr James' research, she draws her own conclusions from the information – for example, her views on Katherine's level of education and skill in languages differ from those of James, but are certainly very credible, and perhaps more likely. More than any other of Katherine's biographers, Norton concludes quite definitely that Katherine's evangelical religion dated from her first marriage to Edward Burgh, when she came under the influence of Edward's father, a noted reformer. Whereas Dr Starkey infers that exposure to Lord Latimer's reformist friend, Sir Francis Bigod, may have influenced Katherine, Norton implies that it was Katherine who encouraged the friendship between the men, and the proposed match between Bigod's son and Latimer's daughter. Norton explores the relationships Katherine had with Latimer's wider family – identifying the risks the couple were exposed to by the potentially treasonous activities of Latimer's brothers, William and Marmaduke. She notes, however, that Katherine must have had a soft spot for Marmaduke ( Ed - if only for his name!) appointing him to a place in her household, once Queen. Norton quite rightly identifies when an event is possible, but not proven. However, she sometimes then goes on to draw very definite conclusions from that event.An example is her use of the Legend of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to demonstrate Katherine's reputation for helping her friends and family. She gives convincing reasons why the Legend may be accurate, whilst pointing out that it was written after Katherine had become Queen, so composed with the benefit of hindsight. In one paragraph she writes “It is therefore not impossible that Catherine (sic) could have secured an audience with the king…" then on the next page says “This is the first recorded meeting between Catherine and Henry." Katherine's reformist religious views are explored at length, and Norton gives her a very proactive role in shaping the religious position of her step- daughter, later Elizabeth I. This is a very readable work (although it might benefit from more rigorous editing) and would be a welcome addition to a reader seeking a wide range of interpretations of Katherine's life. This book review is part of a Profile on Katherine Parr available for Kindle, for purchase from Amazon US and Amazon UK. Catherine Parr : Wife, widow, mother, survivor, the story of the last queen of Henry VIII. Available. Expected delivery to Germany in 18-23 business days. Description. Wife, widow, mother, survivor, the story of the last queen of Henry VIII. Catherine Parr was enjoying her freedom after her first two arranged marriages when she caught the attention of the elderly Henry VIII. The most reluctant of all Henry's wives, she offered to become his mistress rather than submit herself to the dangers of becoming Henry's queen. This only increased Henry's enthusiasm for the vibrant, intelligent young widow and Catherine was forced to abandon her handsome lover, Thomas Seymour, for the decrepit king. She quickly made her role as queen a success, providing Henry VIII with a domestic tranquillity that he had not known since the early days of his first marriage. For Henry, Catherine was a satisfactory choice but he never stopped considering a new marriage, much to Catherine's terror. Catherine is remembered as the wife who survived but, without her strength of character it could have been very different. It was a relief for Catherine when Henry finally died and she could secretly marry Thomas Seymour. Left with no role in government affairs in her widowhood, she retired to the country, spending time at her manors at Chelsea and Sudeley. It was here that her heart was broken by her discovery of a love affair between her stepdaughter, the future Elizabeth I, and her husband. She died in childbirth accusing her husband of plotting her death. Traditionally portrayed as a matronly and dutiful figure, Elizabeth Norton's new biography shows another side to Catherine. Her life was indeed one of duty but, throughout, she attempted to escape her destiny and find happiness for herself. Ultimately, Catherine was betrayed and her great love affair with Thomas Seymour turned sour. show more. Elizabeth Norton. Dr Elizabeth Norton is an historian, with particular interest in the Tudor period and the queens of England. She is the author of the critically acclaimed Lives of Tudor Women and The Temptation of Elizabeth Tudor . Her earlier works include the first accessible biography of Henry VII’s mother, Margaret Beaufort, biographies of four of Henry VIII’s wives (Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves and Catherine Parr) and his mistress, Bessie Blount. She is also the author of England’s Queens: The Biography which is the only book to deal with the full history of English queenship from the early Anglo-Saxon period to the present. Elizabeth often gives talks to literary festivals, history societies and other groups, and also regularly appears as an expert on television and radio, including Channel 5’s Secrets of Great British Castles , National Geographic’s Bloody Tales of the Tower and BBC1’s Flog It. She has been featured on Sky Arts’ The Book Show and is also a frequent contributor to BBC London News. She also writes for leading history and family history magazines, including BBC History and All About History. She holds degrees from the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, has recently submitted her PhD, and teaches history at King’s College London. She lives in Esher with her husband and three children. Catherine Parr: Wife, widow, mother, survivor, the story of the last queen of Henry VIII. Wife, widow, mother, survivor, the story of the last queen of Henry VIII. The sixth wife of Henry VIII was also the most married queen of England, outliving three husbands before finally marrying for love. Catherine Parr was enjoying her freedom after her first two arranged marriages when she caught the attention of the elderly Henry VIII. She was the most reluctant of all Henry’s wives, offering to become his mistress rather than submit herself to the dangers of becoming Henry’s queen. This only served to increase Henry’s enthusiasm for the young widow and Catherine was forced to abandon her lover for the decrepit king. Whilst Catherine was reluctant to be a queen she quickly made the role a success, providing Henry VIII with a domestic tranquillity that he had not known since the early days of his first marriage. For Henry, Catherine was a satisfactory choice but he never stopped considering a new marriage, to Catherine’s terror. Catherine is remembered as the wife who survived but, without her strength of character it could have been very different. When informed that the king had ordered her arrest for heresy, she took decisive action, defusing the king’s anger and once again becoming his ‘own sweetheart’. It was a relief for Catherine when Henry finally died and she secretly married the man she had been forced to abandon for Henry, Thomas Seymour. During her retirement, Catherine’s heart was broken by her discovery of a love affair between her stepdaughter, Princess Elizabeth, and her husband. She never recovered from the birth of her only child and, in her fever accused her husband of plotting her death. Catherine Parr is often portrayed as a matronly and dutiful figure. Her life was indeed one of duty but, throughout, she attempted to escape her destiny and find happiness for herself. Ultimately, Catherine was betrayed and her great love affair with Thomas Seymour turned sour. Catherine Parr: Wife widow mother survivor the story of the last queen of Henry VIII by Elizabeth Norton. Master John/National Trust Catherine Parr became England’s queen in her early 30s and ruled for almost four years as Henry VIII’s spouse. King Henry VIII’s last wife, Catherine Parr, began her marriage knowing that her husband had sent two of his former wives to the chopping block. But when Henry VIII ordered her arrest, Parr knew just what to do — and convinced him to spare her life. From her birth in 1512, Catherine Parr shared a link with Henry VIII. Her mother, Maud Green, was a lady-in-waiting for Queen Catherine of Aragon. Green even supposedly named her daughter after Henry’s first wife. Neither Maud nor Sir , Catherine’s father, could have predicted that their daughter would grow up to become queen herself. But before Catherine Parr became the spouse of Henry VIII, she married two other men. In 1529, when Parr turned 17, she married Sir Edward Borough, the son of Anne Boleyn’s chamberlain Thomas Borough. It was the first of Parr’s four marriages, three of which left her widowed. Catherine Parr’s Four Husbands. Henry VIII is perhaps best known for marrying six times. But interestingly enough, his sixth wife, Catherine Parr, also went though multiple marriages — four to be exact. After Parr’s first husband Borough died in 1533 and left her a widow, she married John Neville, 3rd Baron Latimer, making her Lady Latimer. Nearly a decade later, Parr found herself twice widowed and childless in her early 30s. The same year of her second husband’s death, Parr married King Henry VIII. But as she wed Henry at Hampton Court Palace on July 12, 1543, she secretly loved another man — Thomas Seymour, the king’s brother-in-law and uncle to Prince Edward. “My mind was fully bent… to marry you before any man I knew,” Parr wrote to Seymour after her husband died. But Henry’s proposal put her in a difficult position. Could she really turn down the king and marry his brother-in-law? Master John/National Portrait Gallery Catherine Parr became Queen of England in 1543 when she married Henry VIII. Parr made her decision in the shadow of Catherine Howard’s execution. On Feb. 13, 1542, Henry sent a second wife to the chopping block for alleged premarital affairs. When the king proposed to Parr one year later, she must have considered the fate of her predecessor. Henry’s habit of executing his wives probably left him with few alternatives to Parr. Families who had once eagerly pushed their daughters toward Henry no longer offered up potential brides. But why did Catherine Parr say yes to Henry VIII? Most scholars agree it was more than simply the desire to rule. Instead, Parr’s religious devotion gave her an even bigger reason to want the throne. Queen Catherine Parr. Catherine Parr completely devoted herself to religion. At a time when Protestants were losing favor, Parr used her position as the queen to promote her faith. Queen Catherine Parr held Bible studies with her circle of friends and ventured into print with devotional books, prayers, and reflections on the Psalms. In public, Parr met with ambassadors and even served as the king’s regent while he invaded France. In private, she cared for Henry’s injuries and encouraged him to try reading glasses. Yet she couldn’t avoid scandal completely. Wikimedia Commons Henry VIII commissioned a portrait of himself with his former wife Jane Seymour and his heir Edward while he was married to Catherine Parr. Unlike Henry’s previous wives, rumors of affairs didn’t threaten Queen Catherine Parr. Instead, Parr’s outspokenness about religion nearly ended her rule. The Arrest Warrant For Catherine Parr. By 1546, Henry’s health had deteriorated. Barely able to move, the king was near the end of his reign. Prince Edward, still a minor, would soon become England’s ruler. But whoever controlled Edward would determine England’s future. As Reformists and conservatives battled for control, Catherine Parr quickly became a target. Bishop Stephen Gardiner, a conservative critic of the Reformation, hatched a plot to bring down Parr. On May 24, 1546, Gardiner and his associates had an outspoken Reformist named Anne Askew arrested. They tortured Askew and tried to get her to name Catherine Parr as a heretic. However, they were unable to force a confession out of Askew. England’s Lord Chancellor and Master Rich “took pains to rack me with [his] own hands,” Askew said, “till I was nearly dead.” But Askew vowed, “I would rather die than break my faith.” After weeks of torture, Askew was burned as a heretic. Wikimedia Commons Anne Askew was executed for heresy shortly after she refused to accuse Catherine Parr. Even without a confession from Askew, Gardiner pushed Henry to arrest Catherine Parr. Finally, Henry prepared an arrest warrant for his wife. But the plot against Parr leaked. When the queen learned of the arrest warrant, she reportedly collapsed or had a panic attack. Immediately, Parr rushed to her husband’s sickbed and begged for mercy. Henry reminded her that she had mentioned Protestant ideas to him directly. In her defense, the queen claimed she only discussed religion with Henry in order to learn from his wisdom. “I am but a woman,” Parr said, “with all the imperfections natural to the weakness of my sex; therefore in all matters of doubt and difficulty I must refer myself to your Majesty’s better judgement, as to my lord and head.” “And is it even so, sweetheart!” replied the king. “And tended your arguments to no worse end? Then, perfect friends we are now again, as ever at any time heretofore.” The next day, the Lord Chancellor arrived to arrest the queen. But Henry dismissed the soldiers, apparently having changed his mind. Catherine Parr’s Relationship With Elizabeth Tudor. When Catherine Parr became Henry’s spouse, the king rarely saw his three children — Mary, in her 20s when her father married his sixth wife, Elizabeth, who was 11 in 1544, and 7-year-old Edward, Henry’s heir. William Scrots/Windsor Castle A portrait of Elizabeth Tudor in 1546, around 13 years old. Henry’s daughters had officially been declared bastards and excluded from court. Along with Edward, they rarely spent time in London. Parr tried to bring the family together, arranging visits from the children and encouraging a closer relationship. In one letter, young Elizabeth Tudor wrote to her step-mother Catherine Parr, requesting “when you write to his Majesty… recommend me to him, praying ever for his sweet benediction.” Elizabeth asked to visit Hampton Court, where “your Highness and I may, as soon as possible, rejoice together with [Henry] on his happy return.” Wikimedia Commons Parr became one of the first English women to publish a book. After Parr published a religious book, Prayers or Meditations , Elizabeth translated the best-seller into French, Italian, and Latin. Their close relationship continued even after Henry’s death. The Death Of Henry VIII. In December 1546, Henry’s royal physician privately warned the Privy Council that the ailing king would soon pass away. Henry died on Jan. 28, 1547. Within a month, Edward would have his coronation. William Scrots/Wikimedia Commons Edward was just 9 years old when his father’s death made him king. Catherine Parr stepped back from public life, retiring from court. The three-time widow then married for a fourth time. Her final husband, Thomas Seymour, was her longtime love before she got hitched to Henry. Although Parr had wanted to marry Seymour for years, she wasn’t his first choice. Seymour had actually asked Elizabeth Tudor, barely a teenager, to marry him. After she rejected him, Seymour wed Parr. Nicolas Denisot/National Maritime Museum Thomas Seymour tried to marry 13-year-old Elizabeth Tudor before marrying Catherine Parr. The pair married in 1547, but they kept the union secret. Henry’s death only weeks earlier meant that if Parr hypothetically became pregnant, the court would never know if the child carried Henry’s royal blood. Surprisingly, at 35 years old, after three marriages that produced no children, Parr found herself pregnant. During her pregnancy, Thomas Seymour began pursuing Elizabeth Tudor. As Katherine Ashley, Elizabeth’s governess, confessed, Seymour “would come many mornings into the said Lady Elizabeth’s chamber, before she were ready, and sometimes before she did rise,” where he would “ask how she did, and strike her upon the back or on the buttocks familiarly.” Ashley even saw Seymour try to kiss the young girl. In 1548, Catherine Parr reportedly discovered Elizabeth in Seymour’s arms. In response, she sent Elizabeth away to live with a family friend named Sir Anthony Denny. Catherine Parr’s Mysterious Death. In August 1548, Catherine Parr went into labor. She gave birth to a daughter, Mary Seymour, but quickly came down with a deadly fever. Delirious, Catherine Parr told her attendants that her husband didn’t love her. She also accused him of poisoning her. MikPeach/Wikimedia Commons On her deathbed, Catherine Parr accused Thomas Seymour of poisoning her. Just over a week after giving birth, Catherine Parr died. She was only 36 years old. Within a year, Thomas Seymour was arrested for treason and plotting to marry Elizabeth Tudor. After a swift conviction and execution, Bishop Hugh Latimer quipped, “Whether he be saved or no, I leave it to God, but surely he was a wicked man, and the realm is well rid of him.” Elizabeth herself reportedly said, “This day died a man of much wit and very little judgment.” Did Seymour really kill Catherine Parr to clear a path to Elizabeth Tudor? If so, his plan ended with his own execution on Tower Hill. National Portrait Gallery In 1558, Elizabeth Tudor became Queen Elizabeth I. Parr’s Legacy As The Survivor. The sixth spouse of Henry VIII survived her marriage to him by understanding him better than any of his other wives. Catherine Parr knew she walked a dangerous line in her marriage. She narrowly escaped the fate of Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard when Henry signed a warrant for Parr’s arrest. Luckily, her quick thinking worked when the tides turned against her. Rather than fight back in court, as Anne Boleyn had tried to do, Parr threw herself at the king’s mercy. By reminding Henry of his all-powerful position in England, the queen saved herself. After this look at Catherine Parr, learn about Henry VIII’s other wives. Then, read about the tragic life of Henry VIII’s cousin, Mary Queen of Scots.