Mono Framework Interview Questions and Answers Guide

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Mono Framework Interview Questions and Answers Guide Mono Framework Interview Questions And Answers Guide. Global Guideline. Mono Framework Interview Questions And Answers Global Guideline . COM Mono Framework Job Interview Preparation Guide. Question # 1 Tell me what is the difference between mono and .net framework? Answer:- Mono is a cross-platform implementation of the pieces that make up the .Net framework, like the CLR, C#/VB.Net compilers, and the base class libraries. Currently, Mono supports just about everything available in .Net 2.0. There are a few notable exceptions, like Windows.Forms' DataGridView and ASP.Net's WebParts. There are also a couple of namespaces that don't really have a Linux equivalent like EnterpriseServices, System.Management, and System.Messaging. The .NET Framework is Microsoft's platform for building applications that have visually stunning user experiences, seamless and secure communication, and the ability to model a range of business processes. And it is Only for Windows Platforms. Read More Answers. Question # 2 What is mono framework architecture? Answer:- The major components of Mono include: Code Execution Engine Class Libraries Base Class Library .NET Compatibility Class Libraries Mono specific class libraries: Cross platform class libraries for both Mono and .NET (Gtk#, Mono.Cecil, Mono.CSharp, Text.Templating) Unix-specific class libraries (POSIX, Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE), curses) Platform-specific class libraries (bindings for: Mac, iOS, Android, MeeGo) CLI Assemblies CLI Metadata Mono's Common Language Runtime Compatible with the ECMA Common Language Infrastructure/.NET Common Language Runtime Mono-specific enhancements: Mono.SIMD support Mono co-routines and continuations. Mono-specific enhancements Native interop services and COM interop Security - Transparent Code Framework Read More Answers. Question # 3 Is Mono support ASP.NET? Answer:- Yes. Mono supports ASP.NET 1.1 and most of ASP.NET 2.0 Read More Answers. Question # 4 How to run ASP.NET-based applications with Mono? Answer:- You need the Mono runtime and use one of Apache with mod_mono, a CGI or FastCGI-aware web server with Mono's FastCGI support or the xsp standalone server Read More Answers. Question # 5 Do you know Mono support ASP.NETs web services? Answer:- Copyright © https://www.GlobalGuideline.COM Page 2/5 Mono Framework Interview Questions And Answers Yes, Mono supports ASP.NET-based web services (files ending in .asmx) Read More Answers. Question # 6 Do you know Mono have support for WSE? Answer:- Global Guideline . COM At this point Mono does not have support for the "Web Services Enhancements" package and there are no plans on supporting it. Read More Answers. Question # 7 Tell me does mod_mono run on Windows? Answer:- mod_mono at this point only runs on Unix systems. There is a patch (to be reviewed) that makes mod_mono compile work on the Windows version of Apache. Read More Answers. Copyright © https://www.GlobalGuideline.COM Page 3/5 Microsoft .Net Technologies Most Popular Interview Topics. 1 : Dot Net Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 2 : C# (Sharp) Programming Language Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 3 : VB .Net Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 4 : ADO.Net Entity Framework Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 5 : ASP.Net Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 6 : ADO.NET Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 7 : ASP Programming Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 8 : Crystal Reports Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 9 : ASP.NET 2.0 Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. 10 : .Net Architecture Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers Guide. About Global Guideline. Global Guideline is a platform to develop your own skills with thousands of job interview questions and web tutorials for fresher's and experienced candidates. These interview questions and web tutorials will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. Global Guideline invite you to unlock your potentials with thousands of Interview Questions with Answers or begin a tutorial right away, such as HTML, XML, XSLT, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), JavaScript, Structure Query Language (SQL), Database Articles, Web Hosting Guide and much more. Learn the most common technologies Interview Questions and Answers. We will help you to explore the resources of the World Wide Web and develop your own skills from the basics to the advanced. Here you will learn anything quite easily and you will really enjoy while learning. Global Guideline will help you to become a professional and Expert, well prepared for the future. * This PDF was generated from at April 4th, 2021 * If any answer or question is incorrect or inappropriate or you have correct answer or you found any problem in this document then don't hesitate feel free and e-mail us we will fix it. You can follow us on FaceBook for latest Jobs, Updates and other interviews material. Follow us on Twitter for latest Jobs and interview preparation guides Best Of Luck. Global Guideline Team

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