External Debt Management an Introduction Public Disclosure Authorized
WNORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAi"i ' i- i!Z ° '/Ti2*:LF. ~~ - \/\JTP2L45 Ton~el 0qQY External Debt Management An Introduction Public Disclosure Authorized Thomas M. Klein Public Disclosure Authorized ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized RECENT WORLD BANK TECHNICAL PAPERS No. 175 Le Moigne and others, editors, CouniitryExperiences with Water Resources Managemrienit:Economic, Instituitional, Technological and EnvironmtienttalIssues No. 176 The World Bank/FAO/UNIDO/Industry Fertilizer Working Group, World and Regional Supply and Demand Balancesfor Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash, 1990/91-1996/97 No. 177 Adarns, The World Bank's Treatmenit of Employmenit and Labor Market Issues No. 178 Le Moigne, Barghouti, and Garbus, editors, Developing and Improving Irrigation and Drainage Systems: Selected Papersfrom World Bank Semin1ars No. 179 Speirs and Olsen, Indigenous InitegratedFarming Systems in the Sahel No. 180 Barghouti, Garbus, and Umali, editors, Trends in Agricultural Diversification: Regional Perspectives No. 181 Mining Unit, Industry and Energy Division, Strategy for African Mining No. 182 Land Resources Unit, Asia Technical Department, Strategyfor Forest Sector Development in Asia No. 183 Najera, Liese, and Hammer, Malaria: New Patterns and Perspectives No. 184 Crosson and Anderson, Resources and Global Food Prospects: Supply and Demandfor Cereals to 2030 No. 185 Frederiksen, Drought Planninlgand Water Efficiency Implications in Water Resources Managemnent No. 186 Guislain, Divestiture of State Enterprises: An Overview of the Legal Framework No. 187 De Geyndt, Zhao, and Liu, From Barefoot Doctor to Village Doctor in Rural Chinla No. 188 Silverman, Public Sector Decentralization: Economic Policy and Sector Investment Programs No. 189 Frederick, Balancinig Water Demands with Supplies: The Role of Managemenit in a World of Iincreasinig Scarcity No.
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