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5-13-1912 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-13-1912 Journal Publishing Company

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Uy Mall, 60 Ceuls MouUi; tiluglei ( Milo 5 Cent THIRTY-FOURT- MAY 1912, H YEAR. VOL. CXXX. No. 43. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, 13, 11 y Currier, (to Cent a Month.

evacuated Conejos today to the federa- l.-. CLQVIS REBELS FULL BACK Details of the fighting have not OHIO RECOGNIZED TAFT APPEALS TQ CALIFORNIA FIGHT BOTH DELEGATIONS CONVENTION reached here. It is admitted that muny are killed and wounded. nVFOIU HFSCVKS MANY CHOSEN QD HOLDS OF AFTER SEVERE AMF.IUC.WS ON WKST COAST AS PIVOTAL STATE GALIFORNIANS IS CLAUD BY T CENTER Massatlan, Mex., May 12. The United States transport Buford ar- rived today with live refugees from Topolobampo and sixteen from Altata 111 SQUARE IN WYOMING ATTRACTION FIGHT; LOSE and Cullacan. At Altata the Buford PRESIDENTIAL F OR ROOSEVELT anchored sixteen miles out, the refu gees being transferred by the steamer Laiella. The relugees trom Cullacau practically are destitute, their prop- CAMPAIGN DEAL AND TAFT JUST NOW TEN GUNS erty and homes being stolen or de- Taft Leads Roosevelt and stroyed In recent rebel raids. The Uuford anchored two miles off Clark Has More Followers this port, seventy-on- e adults and twenty being aboard. Than Wilson; Nothing Cer- children taken Dele- Twelve Hours of Sharp Battle Of the twenty American children Beginning Today, Taft, Roose- President Sends Long Message Prediction by Colonel's Follovv- - Result, It is Generally Conceded more than tlfteen had been born In tain as to Scores Success for Federals Mexico. Many thousand Mexicans velt, Harmon and LaFollette Telling People of Golden State ers is That San Francisco gation Will be Instructed for witnessed the trunsfer Who Are Pursuing Retreat- The Buford Is scheduled to proceed Will in Turn Conduct Whirl- Why He Should be Favored be Close; Opponent (Rj Mornlna Journal Si.fclnl Leased Wire.1 Clark with No Opposition of southward tomorrow, touching at Cheyenne, Wyo., May 12. For the ing Enemy, Acapulco, MunzanlMo and other ports wind Speaking Tours, at Primaries. Claims State by 35,000, election of delegates at large to their Consequence, to the south. respective national conventions, also a national committeeman, tho Wyo- ming republican democratic state. OROZCO WILL FKOKISAI.S Sl'l l'KKI'l) PRESIDENT TO LEAD und HAND AND OLD GUARD GENERAL I SAUK 15V ItlllFIa CAY'Al.KY STANDS ON RECORD NO ESTIMATE AS TO conventions will be held tomorrow. Mo presidential candidate has AT ESCALON Mexico City, May 12. Although WITH OTHERS FOLLOWING AND CLARK IN SHARP CONTEST STOP General Trucy Auberfs column was OF ADMINISTRATION WILSON enough Instructed delegates to con- demoralized and the general wounded trol either convention. Indications in today's south of Conejos, are that Taft will be Indorsed by the fiehtine tight Believed That More Than the federal commander, General Buckeye Governor to Answer; in republicans while a between Claim is Made That Burkhart It is Huerta reported to President Madero List 0f Achievements by Execu Harmon and Underwood Not Wilson and Clurk adherents Is prob- Hundred Have Been tnniirht that the result of the first bat marges rviaae oy able among the democrats. and Marron Aie to Wage Five tile of moment with the main body tive Cited as Reasons Why He Race for Delegation from Uased on the vote ut the last con- vic- gressional voting strength and Wounded in En- of's army was a' decided bryan or Alleged Alienation in election the Strong Fight to Con- Killed tory for the government forces. i, FntitlH tn Another Term Golden State; LaFollette is tvf the republican convention is 133, Retain roz!' was in personal command of of Delegates in 1908, while that of the democrats Is SS. trol, gagement. his troooB according to Information. Silent as to Results, Nine of the republican delegates The battle began soon after 8 o'clock lire Instructed for Colonel Uoosevelt. this morning, General Telle leaving gperlul f, ur ure instructed not to vote tor Morning .tnnrnal apart nt Wire.! Illy Mnrulng Journal leaned Wire. DUpnta-- fur Iucl the central column with his retreat By Morning Journal Sneclsl I.iinoed Wire. Morning Journal Siwclnl I.ead Wlrr.l Uoosevelt, and ten are Instructed for (girrll to the Morning Journal. I Conejos, O., to- IHy unln-structe- At the Federal Front, covered bv artillery under Lieut. Col. Columbus, May 12. From Taft. The remaining 110 are Hutila Fe, N. M., May 12. Keen In- Mav 12. Twelve hours of Washington, Muy 12. Unable to San Francisco, May 12. California Mexico, Kubio Navarrette. morrow morning until primary elec- but have a preference for Is being In over brisk fighting on the desert plains cross the continent to campaign in primary next Tues- terest felt Kanta Fe At 6:30 o'clock tonight General tion day, May 21, there is scarcely a sent by will decide at the Taft. conven- miles south of the California, President Taft -r the approaching democratic three hundred communicated by tek'Rraph to un- day whether h- presidential prefer- Hut nine of the democratic dele- American border, between a force of Huerta crossroads station In this state so telegraph to the republicans of tbut tion In Clovis, nnd gossip Is rife as to President Madero that his forces hail arguments support In Is Roosevelt. Taft or La Toi- gates ore Instructed. Five of these 6,0'itf rebels under General Orozco and important that it does not expect to state his for the ence for are for Speaker Clark and four for the probable outcome of the struggle strong Doay oi leuernio captured ten cannon from the rebels presidential primary election on a republican candidate and between two contending an equally and reported casualties numbering entertain at least one presidential lette as Gov. Woodrow Wilson. Twenty-tw- o the factions under Geneial Huerta, resulted today Tuesday. a democratic can- of tlie unterrifled. Kverybody Is look- govern-mm- t. 4 00. The report failed to indicate possibility. Clark or Wilson as are favorable toward Clark and the In decided advantage to the telegram was sent fifty-seve- n ing forward to a first class rough house a proportion of th se were rebels. The president's twenty-si- x remaining ure unln-at- f what Preident Taft, Colonel Roosevelt, M. man- didate. The state sends when convention Tuesday, tr-.- many wounded to Col. Charles Hammond, ucted. the meets At hour federal Governor Senator IflFol-lett- e opinion The fighting began at daybreak and were being brought into camp. Among Harmon and ager of the Taft forces In San Fran- delegates to the national conventions. John K. Osborne, of Carbon county, nnd the general prevails that at nightfall the sandy mesas between of federal will tour the state, while United cisco, and a urotner-ln-lu- of Col- I'nderwood nor Harmon, of Kvnnston the occurrence in the Uernnllllo coun- them was the commander Neither and George E. Pextoh, ty convention, which were only a here and Yermo, fourteen miles north cavalry. States senators, cabinet members and onel Uoosevelt. the two other democratic candidates, county, national committeemen of trifle where the Insurrectos were gradua'ly department heads, are to speak where reviewed par- more strenuous than those that char- A short time before an order had President Taft the have directed any orgunlzed campaign the democratic and republican Suntu Fe convention, forced back, was covered with dead limited train facilities and the inability achievements of his administration respectively, probably will bo re- acterized the are 500 are believed been given for a general advane? but to be In more votes, and because of the political ties the forerunner of a battle royal In and wounded. Nearly this was countermanded upon receipt of the candidates than and asserted that Colonel Koosevelt for elected without opposition. to have been killed and wounded on one place at one time will prevent the square complexion of the state the republican Clovls thut will make Murk Levy In- of news that the brigade of General was not giving; him a deal, but Wyoming's presidential preference both sides. A courier brought the appearance of the presidential possi- more ses- ashamed of himself. Trucy Aubert, Aubert, guarding the right of the fed- was appealing to class hatred and cunvass has been attracting fur. primary law, enacted ut the last formation that General position, be?n cut to pieces bilities. forcing sham Issues. The telegram, sion of the legislature does not be- That tho Clovls convention will send commander, had eral had ' interest than the democratic. a delegation to the dashing federal by rebel cavalry. President Taft will be the first to in full, follows: come effective until August 20th. Uultlinore Instructed been shot In the leg. the Roosevelt closed his campaign lust tor Champ Clurk seems to be a fore- General Huerta said the conduct of arrive. He will finish his campaign at "On the eve of your presidential headquarter- predicted Hlnce the delegates to the conven- gone The rebels abandoned ten canon and tomorrow and will make night. His by county conclusion, and Interest now his men was heroic and that there Marietta primary in California I venture to yesterday that the vote In Kan Fran- tions were chosen commit- tenters on tho light for the control of much ammunition in their retreat. be- more than a dozen speeches during tho tees no contest of seats Is expected In Teller, who had was the best possible uppeal to tha republican men and cisco would bo close but in the coun- tlie organization between the old General Jouciuln tween divisions his army. day. women who exorcise to In either convention. stationed in the rear of Huerta '( th of the franchise try districts, particularly southern guurd, led by iSumniers Iturkhart and been A ' '.er report said a cavalry attack Colonel Roosevelt will arrive Tues- consider fairly and well the legisla- California, would roll up a bit' vole o. N, Marron, and tho insurgents, vanguard, was at noon sent around to Boll-air- e. by ibe federals had forced ttie rebels day and begin his speaking at tive and executive achievements of the colonel. who uro fighting nnd to the eastward to flank the rebels and will for tooth nail from 'leir positions. His itinerary that day take my administration, especially those Tuft's campaign also closed Inst place J. 1. Hand in charge as chair-mu- n cut off their retreat. Tonight federal him over practically the same points say managers San CONGRESS . that have affected California, and night and his predicted of the headquarters claim the . rebels are preced- 01S siato committee. SAYS UK IS where the president spoke the whether they do not deserve approval Francisco would go for Taft and that The impression prevails here completely surrounded and that the OltO.'O ing day. Altogether Colonel Roosevelt by 85,000. that day fighting will prove ,' TAKING STKOXt.l'.ll, POSITION. by the people of California. he would carry the slate thu Hand faction has stolen a march, roconri of will make more than sixty speeches. Im headquarters quoted no on equally decisive. At General Orozco's Headquarters, "In the matter of the tariff, the Pan- Follette the old guurd. While tho old guard 1 he more important night speeches figures tonight, merely announcing' wus discussing In a leisurely fashion This town, only yesterday occupied Itclluno, Mexico, May 12. Uunerui will be made at Canton, Dayton, Co- ama- Pacific exposition, conservation, campaign would close tomor- ITS CALENDAR rebels, was today transferred his head- lu the Increase 1n our international that th the Hilvlsuhlluy of sending u Wilson by the vanguard of the Oroxco lumbus and Cleveland. row with three speeches In Han Fran- delegation to Ualtimore, Mr. Hand riddled with bullets when the federals quarters from Kscalon, Mexico, where and Philippine trade, In the employ- himself. the last fortnight to Governor llaimon will begin his ers' liability act, in more drastic cisco by tho senator und hl followers wulked boldly up galloped Into ii at sunset. Over he as been for the night. He the to duwg li" n- miles This trip at Wooster Wednesday complete regl'bulon of the houn' boom und ciulmed foothills to the nnrUi the insurrectos IU fevt nlecn north. lately and Interstnte It for Its own. so hitnpuiied rein-at- , well an of y,ill cover uiny f the points commerce, savings TAI'T'I'.XI'KiTKi' TO It thut tha be retreating. lie cUtuiis, as that anti-Harm- In in postal I could seen vinited by Colonel liryun In his (iKT ITAH'S VOTK THIS WEEK ps ni,ogical moment.'hud arrived tor General Huerta has been receiving his vanguard, today, was done in order hank Mil, in the mining bu duwg, congratulations on to place bis men in better positions trip and has announced that reau bill (he nn,l wealth Halt City, Muy 12. .State con- ihe houn' and thut Instead ot many telegrams of he will speak on tho charges made by for henith Lake being kicked around, he was beginning; the outcome of the day's fighting, for a stand. of the miners; In the establishment ventions will be held by both demo to gained today be fought briskly all day. the Nehraskan, that friends of the In of this be recognised as distinctly a bund the advantage The rebels governor to of a tariff commission, the change crats and republicans Utah wagon proposition. old followed by equal success tomorrow, Losses have not yet been announced sought unduly influence from a deficit of $50,000,000 to a sur- week to select delegates to tne national Jicfore tho are confident it Bryan-pledge- d delegates in 1 !()!). democratlo conven- Ko'iic nn nt rnn nnd Slppm"" hud waked up to what waa the federal leaders here. an plus of J40,oi)0.0(), In the corporation conventions. The iiwioivm v, i,vm going . mean annihilation of the It was at recently that the Secretary Nagel, It has been will be held here Tuesday. Tho the Clarkltes and the Hand will the tax, the children's bureau bill for the tion Ites were 111 of army. federals were severely defeated and nounced, expects to visit the state. It In republicans will meet In Provo Wed- Schedules to Occupy Much control the situation. Is reported he will a speech for health and welfare of children; and were running tlie big siiow under General Huerta considers It prob- General SallHS committed suicide. In- make to bu- nesday. Itel-lan- days the appointment the children's able, however, rebels will dications are that the vicinity of o Tart ut Gallipolis Saturday, three The general impression Is that a of Time; Presiden- the main tent, giving out the peanut that the before primaries. reau of Miss Julia C. Lathrop, one of Senate's and pink lemonade coiicchmIoiih where make their last stand at Kscalon, their with which orozco is familiar, tho tho greatest women of America; In the Taft delegation will be sent to Chicago. ground. A In prefer- they would do thu most good. cenlral base, fourteen miles to the may again be a battle victory the presidential making, Kng-ian- d Many of the delegatus to the state tial Term May be Extended, Ms by of peine treaties with Uut north, whore they have built fortifica- General Orozco tonight admitted ence primary sought principally und France, which have been convention, however, are in favor of an it must not be supposed that tions and trenches In the last fort- that his army had been defeated at the utmociatic candidates us It will through of Instructed delegation. because Mr. Hand lias appropriated dele- emasculated the influence di- Clurk he night. Conejos and has sent a general order curry tho right to name the six Mr. Uoosevelt and his campaign man- The democrats are about evenly Bperlnl tlie boom will huve things was steady artillery fire of to ail insurrecto troopa to mobilize gates at large to the national conven- vided between Champ Clark and By Morning J.itirnul Leased Wire.1 his own way when it comes to being It the ager, Senator lilxon, and the demo- Washington, May 12. A variety of the government troops that dislodged at Kellano. He blames his defeat on tion, according to the call of the state cratic members of the senate; In the Woodrow Wilson. Wilson seems to elected chairman of the state commit- the enemy. The sun beat fiercely ;n the superior urlillery of the federals. committee. prosecution work of be little the stronger. Ctah has eight Important measures crowds the con- tee. Mr. Hand is persona nun grata, .will effective of the to a very bis the plains, but the air was clear. The Generals Campa and Artugumeda Kepubllcans vote only for the building and completing the Panama delegates to the democratic national gressional program this week. considerable element of gunners was true. who were sent around to the east to district candidates for delegates. The convention but as a compromise It Is party, and thut element will not sea aim of the federal canal, I submit a record is formed that discussion of the revision of demo- They began to shell the rebel posi- flank the federals, have been report- delegates at large will be named by entitles this administration to the sup- understood that sixteen delegates with The him placed In command of the the ed missing. The rebels abandoned the state convention here June 2 and wom- a half vote each will he sent, divided tho iron und steel schedules of the cratic uriuy without making tlie stiff- tions at duybreak. For a time port of the republican men und en insurrectos fired in volleys and seven their four positions at 3 o'clock. 4. Moth Roosevelt and Taft candidates en of California and it is pro- between Clurk and Wilson. tariff luw bids fair o occupy most t kind ot a iikIu against him. They are In the Held. that realise that so aa Clark is concern- federal officers were wounded. gressive in the highest degree. of the week, with a possibility of the lar Only a hours, however, could Although anti-Harm- democrats MONTANA SAI'i: FOH ed, they have lost out, but they will few SI KM HI RS OK (i(ll 7, I ATK "The lust important measure that democrats Hiid progressive republi- not concede that Hand will be elect- they withstand the tierce cannonadi- CAHIXKT l l,KK Jl'ARKZ. have announced that Colonel liryan, I have urgently reported to congress TAIT DKI.1.HATION. ng to posi- who already has made two three-da- y cans gutting; together and forcing ed chairman. and began evacuate their Kl Paso, May 12. Members of the which has passed the senate and is Hutte, Mont., May 12. The Montana If the Clovls convention passes trips through the state, will return c - tions. General Teller arrived at unofficial cabinet of Kmllio Yasuez now ponding in the house of repre- state republican convention at Liv- adopth n of the Cummins ompro- away without a great big row, thero nightfall with a detachment of 1.5(10 El beiore the primaries, no dates have Is workmen's compensa- ingston May 16, to name delegates to Gome?: sought a safer refuge in been set and there Is talk now that sentatives the mlxe bill. will be great surprise among tha men In .the valley behind Conejos, In Juarez, the tion bill which changes altogether the Chicago convention will be con- knowing in gath- Paso today than after the plans may be changed. the The houso Investigating commit- ones Sum a Fe. where the vanguard of rebels arrival of Messenger Cordova from policy of the law toward the liability trolled b.v the Taft forces by a ma tees resume activity tomorrow. These ered. likely tonight that tin-le- will speak in the to employe of In- 200, based upon Tlie present democrutlc situation has It seems General Orozco. Senator of the employer the jority of about returns Include the Judiciary committee's In- given to unconcealed Joy among the to tight des- northern counties and according to the gives an insur- forty-tw- o coun liso rebels continue "I came from General Orozco for terstate railroads and from all of Montana's vestigation into the charges against thu republicans u.e. Having hud so perately a large number of prisoners demanding retrac- present plans, will make only a brief ance for every employe against the ties but six. which if all were carried of commerce muny will to- the purpose of the vis!:. dangers employment by re by would not th" Judge Archibald the und such serious troubles of be taken when dawn breaks tion of Senor Gomez' proclamation, of his Uoosevelt, shake court anil the agricultural commit- their own, they are th kled to death to nic rruw, establishing as provisional quiring the employer to Indemnify the control of the Taft forces. Investigation Into meat litxpe, see enemy duplicating per- As they de- himself employe against injury received In the Uoosevelt 1h reaivmably sure of car- tee's tho the retreated the liberals Cordova today. tli ti giving: stroyed bridges, president." said Senor employment not brought by his rying of counties which methods. formance that they have been a number of but the His f iuht from Mexico made tins about three these The fur seul convention between tor some weeks paid, and republicans federals ure equipped with pontoons was no occasion CHICAGO SWEPT BY will and voluntary account und llxes would give him a convention strength by tinntc isary. There compensation graduated 223, us compured with 431 the lulled .stales. Great lliitaln nnd who havu been frankly pesstmiutlcj and wll not be seriously affected flight except a reasonable about wil In to- O. o. I". for the of the others according to regular tables und pro for Japan be up the Semite over the chances of the for the hindrance. Francisco I'radiily, who seems to be Taft. morrow. success lo vi fall ure taking heart and Knthuslasm In the federal camp if portioned to the extent of the injuries the one at the bottom of the whole earning cupadty of the em The senate Judiciary committee dccluriiiK tbit the situation Is not by Intense. In fact, word reached here thing, (ii neral Orozco did not invite and tho WKNT llt;ll Is may favorably report on the any means so gloomy as It might be. Is celebrating ploye injured. SOLID I OK KOONF.VIXT that the city of Torreon Gomez to cone to Juarez to become STORM OF WIND In limit tenure of office ,,r the Incidentally, a prominent member Mtion Mr. Uoose- May 12 the the victory with street parades and pl oviMomil president, but simply to "In the ope which Wheeling. W. Va.. This preMdent Ihe S!ut . It is of tlie legislature tins morning ex- Is musing to administra- go of I'liltcd music. associate himself with the revolution velt now this week the West Virginia republicans confidently expected the iiicMuure will pressed tbi- opinion tli it the Albuquer-uu- e deal r, General enthusiasti as a private citizen." tion he is not giving me a siiuure through the formality of designating puss democrats are Just u bit too pro-u- Hucrii talked 1 rec- thu senate. cally of the fight. as have shown by undoublable the personnel of the delegation to the stive. They are getting uhead of tha D ord proof. He Is appealing to class republican At I'nder the Works resolution, pend- "After twelve hours of fighting to- RIN national convention. presi- procession, be so Id, for the Tripp bill po- hatred forcing sham issues Ir. such primaries In ing before the committee, the Further-mot- e, day," he said, "my troops took the and recent conventions and hold has not yet become a law. a way his success would be a real forty-fiv- e counties, dent and vice president would al, a sitions of the rebels by storm. The ar- DEVOTED WIDOW OF that the the Taft and inebulbilily h decliira tha'y have mlscon-- tillery superb. My detriment to the public interest and a Uooseveit fortes engaged In bitter oli:ei fur six years with Intention of measure, fire was sure tra- term. The j ilwd tlia that forces, enthusiasm, have dangerous departure from a wise contests, resulting in the Uoosevelt to a second committee as It waa alesnmed lo apply tho filled with recogniz l a project for ml- - netcr once more shown the power of the dition which lie himself has fietion Kettinv th" majority of the also conslderlnu Mantilla of (Jin tisbury rules to tho Blinded People Are Struck by to two congres- of Ihe presidential r government they covered them- ed, that HmitH a citizen terms delegates to all of the five vanelnr the date ".ova ruiii-- a. I paalitla dl conventions. and In presidency.' to it date soon alter selves with glory. VICTIM Street Cars and Autos; Two the sional district conventions and the inaiixurailon There is not apt fa be much done "We captured from the enemy ten TITANIC stHte convention. l ie. thill. in the legislature during the first three cannon many-- hand TAI-- I.OM S OHIO The district delegate convention Clapp. of Minnesota, who of coming week. Maist of tho and wagons with Killed and Many Injured as IF Wednesday. Senator the IV nibs . enemy re- UK VAY OUT HACK will be held to ala lllaicl ata of both house will be In of dynamlt The as- beads the eleeltons The state delegate convention prcsi-den'i- und a ta in h mun a agreement" treated in precipitate flight toward Result, Washington. May 12. President following investigate contributions to the t'!ls. the my men exe- Washington p. to- sembles In Huntington the campaigna of IH04 and l!H v has been rcaebi d, whereby no legisla- north when part of HONORS MEMORY Taft left at 4:10 ni. day. cuted violently a movement which day for Marietta. Ohio, where, tomor- will not call the committee together tion of Iiiipao i. .in will be consldereal nearly annihilated them. row morning, he will begin a (inal until about May 2atb. He Is sched- ba fore the iiiljoiiriiineiit of the demo-eiat- ie (By Mnralng ftpm-bi- t Leaaca ITIrs. "Thus? escaped early burned Journal speech-makin- g In his rXDKHWOOD MllltKS In campuiKii caiiventioii. in the senate Fri- who. campaign of l MISSISSIPPI uled to speak the nhhi bridges and a train with twenty cars Chicago. May 12. A severe wind home before the presidential In the Interest of Colonel Uoosevilt. day so m.iiiv pans were announced stHte w body 'of provisions was destroyed. These and rainstorm which swept over Chi- primaries there May "1st. Jackson. Miss.. May 12. With a Th" agricultural appropriation bill that there is danger that that cars on Spec- program to declaring re- would taaat a quaarom befor and flv bridges are still fire. New York Woman Makes In- of Mr. Taft do not limited the ami the bill to limit hours of labor on hui' cago Saturday night and today Close friends Thur-al.i- y "Three trains of reinforcements ar- In bis Ohio sult of the presidential preference pri- (fovernment contract work to eight It Is sale to say that noth- directly caused the deaths of two men conceal their Interest 7, !' put aa rived for thf rebels during the fight ial Trip Across Atlantic to trip, the result of the primaries mary hed May and the election of bonis probably will come up in ini ing will ar'' in the house, hut and the Injury of several others. on I. a . ansa, tha- ila maairats a very the heavy artillery fire from our a,. me of them believe, may de- h new executive committer, the demo. senate, while Panama b Relation j form Murray. 53 years old, and there, 1 1, butteries prevented them from on Ocean Patrick presi- cratlc state convention will meet In largely t t),,. at- lirpa.itani no nt (n the combination Strew Flowers an unidentified man of 2S, were pend the future course of the con- promises efgrcss about Jackson next Wednesday. It la house. I thai,. that body, and their stn-e- l In his fiiht for renomlnation. tention of the wii-ht- "I'P to now. 10 p. m.. I have had Perished, run down by tars while blind- dent ceded that the slate went for Oscar wii be resp ita l In every pos- Where Husband ed by Both died shortly Mr. Taft was t'dd last week that by al- 1" time to go over the battle around. the rain. more a week in W. I'nderwood a safe majority sible win' I have Information, however, that th" sfler they ha,l been struck. Several he must spind than though no tabulated report of the re- IMPPiRTAMT QIIPRPMF ad Ohio In active campaigning. will numl-c- r more than 6 fin. pedestrians were struck hy automo- turns has l ell made. R MEN DROWN "tin our part we an almost Br Morals Journal sewrtal Wire 1 biles or street tots and Injured. The president's tour will be one of RULING had Sixty-thre- e COURT EXPECTED; negligible lous. except that unfortu- Xew York. May 1 Sending "n The w in-- ! n a hed a velocity of the hardest he has yet made. MINNKSOTA HUH Xll TRYING TO SHOOT DAM nately Oners I Trucy Aubert is the bridge of the Curmania In mid-ocea- n fortyfour miles an hour, uprooted speeches already are scheduled tlllOMI DOOSKVM.T "liEhtly In foot. Hy tr-s- . blew down many and tore and will have an opportunity to I J. wounded one sinns he St Paul. Minn.. Mav Prefer- ...... - - Thursday evininu. Mrs. J. V .A If ll. a means of the artillery th- It.fantrv last scons of Isiats from their moorings rest during the ten day only on presidential primary elections .MV now ana- ential I ,a . 're of was beyond II. I.ering. of New York and hh'tig Thursday in Cleveland and next Sun- by re- prone court or the niieo Falls. S. M.n I A the rebels held the lake shore. or caucuses have been held the I" - 1. dsr ranee." flowers the watars Captain Carl and his rr w .f the day, when he will be the guest ot his nil of the in gards the conflict of jurisdiction nif att-m- pt t., "sio'ef ih. flooded scattered in publicans in rountles , - More twenty rannon -- at went aid of C. P. Taft. In Cincinnati. tween the commerce court and the.ll:111 h. ra- than federal of the Atlantic in n rnir 'f h r life saving tion to the brother. Minnesota. Ijittst retains received ma ri,r lody "re in action today. The enemy waj n Ti- the ik hoonT yulckst, p. Mr. Taft wiU campaign 'l ,n'" following Instructed fnlarstilte commerce eaaioinlsMaio til raw i.nats. ait i h live arac husband, who Hist his life the whih today give the i an- . in the hills In a I'ne fif- - wbiah ugnalhd for help a mile off the night the primurlea tusking delegates for the entire state: be Indii-al- d tomorrow- In opinions faaur men. Matt Vo-- i him) Onv Hea-- irnchdn tanic. Winn the Curmania. no, ma-e- by r ' miles lona The federal fire was) Utl-tud- e during the after- last speeeh In Dayton. May i'Oth. that tribunal. paseeaj ,,er tha alatu fuy in reached here today, arrived In mouth of the tiur, his For Uoosevelt. 726; for Tsft, 10": , directed o wall many shells hit . noon. He mav d vote the next day In It will be one of the deci- their boat. M iliUio I'.atil and John that n 41. 1 and longitude i'-t- the for f a Follette. .'.. - a vulnerable spot In the inurrs-t- ) Cincinnati and depart for Washington County will be held in sion davs of the t, rni ami II is Mas ban In latKaiha r twat Here caught nearest position to where the Titanic conventions - Mil t - tha-t- r coliimna. d-- famia- nf t he m in iig n tha- whirling urra nt anal After the first few shots the Mrs. Ixrir.g. nt tired In r KTWIM SWI I It that afternoon. all counties tomorrow. pesteal thst ss !ot eommandant of ih federals Runs sank. lt ol MM the Juris. Ila tlaall aiUT illla li w ms Hpsiz'a1. The first IkihI ra'turn9i was to the bndpe IIHiW lla . LtkK faar da isla.ll. a in- - ma n 111 w.aia-r- drag-In- a immediately the position of the moi:rntrB. rtd V WAS ttc-rln- llierrt Will be r aalv tn r the the enemy. Iv Captain Iniw. Indiana Harbor. Ind.. May 12 A TUT T.'TT All OiiM In Anthracite usked n Soon he silemrd and wrecked passengers M-:- TO VATICAN'. ptaaisaleiphla. Mav 12. There were The f t that the court has Meahan aboard. In effort to Five hundred heavy wind and rainstorm sweeping MT ona- I tS'lr arMlUry. all f which fell Into aln of any In the far a rcHranment of only of the help I'ahl the laat was who la. about h st d n the decks us Mrs Ixriag down the lake piled tons f water Into Washington. May 12 At the white no dlsturlMncea kind "in-- ) nd pia-d- . hand of the snvernment troop. sea. ant raraaite reftion taadaV. It eeema to I rajmmerce disputes, narnaiv ihe in the currant all four -- red the flowers on the this city today and did much damage. house tonitiht personal statement leal manv tail abut 1 . of the ah lis ctt cate-rorleai- l a mn-u-ns- has sinking lmiv "t of th" rticmr s h nt maintain Bmon ' stood with .wd and Wister tinderminrd Aid s avenue, bv Ts't waa eiven out I v 'd-- d about 00 feet In front the Men President - In uppi-- r believe sn early decision will Ire given f lbs k wss went dlxaharafed from women swept pil- - Major Archi- the mine officials the anthra i s federal ars-oun- t while me of the the lske front street, awT denim that d Ststa-- n.n v linen, which for the linmvrM. rielal the deleeataxn who will in the remaining esse. the I'nitr-- after serving touched hy the wile's ing. broke water and a pipes' i.dM v. the president a military cite that psa ifa- - fb-e- t mall losses government troops. mins Ilutt. eonfa-renr- e Several l,iiMartant s arejsn nlistment in the and of the ner. an-- t I on had the at Wllkebarrei other wept. r veral residence who wss lost th Titanic, attend araansHia-ralm- lae ls d otai r" ki slil. -. - under ami nisy a t'nlta Sudan mesial id-- rt ' any T.iapta'- will vote tn sustain the rim to make the Firemen failing In efforu to ereet t0 K.mie on mission . -r. K.AItl.lis ir I.rinr d t nn, aa rem h-- d ' ei.ien. Ami.m inew err inr ..r. ,ur r ,i,,o ,. IX M Xnitih terms of th aareement , ape lally to reported that the xrtrUT.-trtrvJo- Mvvvvvavwvvvyirin , -- a a a a - 11 , trip hi the .Atlantic presl- - j alS, tun-- aiir ,ar a naa'.aa ni fcir . r"s ! bv the committee of Ihe district admit nnic;. th nono'ty " merger two a Jusreg. Meg., Mav 12. iniKetxH par a lM i,, J the I'nuan Pa, liic case. la dmanms aalbr )ears jo. r hui-tan- U fore tomorrow. " T". dents. here concede that General Or lu-- mtll :TWO THE ALBUQUERQUE UOnfilNG JOURNAL, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1912.


- Why will people- continue to uffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back, AFFRAY E BY METHODISTS DM AT ON POLITICS ache, urinary disorders lainenesa headaches, languor; why allow them. mm aelvea to' become chronic invHiia." when a tested remedy la orrerea them? , Dispute Over Graphophone at House . Committee Unearths Report of Episcopacy Commit- - Socialists Assemble in National .Members of Opposition Party Doan's Kidney Pills Is the remedy to usC, because it gives, to Carthage Coal Camp Results Evidence ' by the kldneyj Other Than Sub tee Recommends Radical Convention 'and Will Name Not Allowed Government the help they need. 'to perform th.i. in Two Being Desperately ; in work. mitted Original Charges Changes from Present Form Old' War Horse for Their to Register; Trouble Starts VjOfle, ' If you have any,.(eve,n of ' th Wounded. and Follows Them Up. of Management in Church, Leader. ' and Arrests Follow, symptoms of kidney, .diaectses, curs yourself now, before '.gravel, dropsy or Bright' disease settt In.' Can-Alb- IMnpelch I Morning querque aerial tha Journal. fDr Morning annul BuwUI ImiH Win. By Morning Journal Special Leased Wire. By Morning Journnl Special Lead Wire. (By Morning Journal bpeclul Leased Wire. residents demand' in ore Let Vl Show Voo uoeorro, w, m., way iz. wora Washington, May Minneaolla, May 12. May 12. scenes It. Investigation Minn.. What Indianapolis, Ind., May 12. With Panama, Kiotous proof than the following? reached here today of a fatal (hoot- Into charge a gal nut Judge Kobert W. la considered by many Methodist as were enacted here today, the result S. P, Flint, Central House, Wire ing BfTrny coal cnmp by the 250 delegates, the socialist nation Grand Cloth, Spring Hinges, at the Curthage Archbald onthe commerce court the tne nrat step toward a diocesan ays of a clash between the police and & Douglas Aves., East Jjia Vegas, liout 10 o'clock lust night, resulting judiciary committee of the houae will tern In the is al convention was organized here to- party opposing the N, - church embodied in the members of the M., says: "I am as firm a believer in' Screen Hangers, Etc. in the fatal wounding- of Thomas do prolonged, 'me committee has de first rennrt nt ih Fniarana or, day. The convention will formulate Its government. The opposing member? Carrenca, and th serious wounding termlned to ummon many more wit- - the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills Infuses mittee of the general conference of platform on Wednesday and Thurs of the electoral Jury were arrested of Jesus Uliva. because the Inquiry hag devel' tha Methodist Episcopal church day and on Friday will nominate can- after disturbances which resulted as when I publicly recommende The two men, who are miners In oped circumstance not mentioned In which probably will be presented to didates for president and vice presi- from police interference with the them about seven years ago. At that c the employ of the Carthage Fuel tlia original charges. time Kld-- ey ,Pllls Raabe Mauger morrow. dent, i registration. Doan's antlrely re- 115-11- Company, a over A deputy aergeant arms of the 7 NOHTU WST 8TUaOT. got Into dispute the at The report recommenda, is One of the most Important questions The police surrounded the entrance lieved me of backache and othnr ownership of graphophone. Car-rena- a house today departed for Heranton and it said a that tha bishops of the church group to be determined Is the formal atti- to the building where registration was symptoms of disordered kidneys. Tha la aald to havs drawn a gun and other places to serve subpoenas on tude of the party toward tho Indus going on and refused to allow opposi- II whose the conference of the churches Into Deneiit i aerivea nas been perman red the first shot, the bullet shut- wlliiees names were not dis trial Workers of the World. tion sympathizers to enter tor the tering Olives' Jaw. The latter then closed. It is the determination of the four section and grant to the ent." bishops "Conservative socialists will demand purpose of registration. - got his In action, sending a committee to call W. A. May, super- who have official residences For sale by all dealers.- Price' F,n that the convention go on record as The opposition m TUFT APPEALS TO intendent of the Erie railroad coal In those lour zones, charge of the chairman of the cents. Foster-Milbu- Co,.' BuffnU bullet through Currenaa's left should- conference denouncing tha methods of the Indus- committee objected and ordered that er. The bail pierced the lung and properties, who gave to E. J. Williams therein continuously for trial Workers," Congressman New York, sole agents for the I'mtej one said the other entrance be opened. The i went clear through Carrenssa. The bul and Judge Archbald an option on the quuarenniai, Uorger, Wisconsin, oiaie. Katydid eulm bank to Inoulre According report, of a member of the police prevented this order from be Remember the name Doan's let was later picked up by bystand and to the the resi executive committee. I and Into the allegation Judge Arch-bal- d ing curried out and a light occurred. take no other, ers. that dent bishop shall have charge of all "Ten to one, delegates are op oppoxmon were CALIFORNIANS solicited an option on that prop- conference contiguous to hi resi- the several adherents The deputy sheriff at Carthage ur ty 11)11. posed to direct action," and other vio- severely beaten and later Imprisoned rested Carretiza as the aggreasor In el March II. several months dence except when a bishop come to principlea before he sent Williams to May with preside at conference.: lent of the Industrial among the number being Alberto was drawn, it was supposed the affray, but during the night he an annual the Workers. The socialist party cannot Boyd, elec- Arizona a loiter of introduction and finally substitute member of the would ent-- r the union in 1911 eluded his guard and gut away, up latter win have charge of the con- afford to continue to be embroiled son of vice and re- procured the option. ference toral committee and the that 1912 would ba- FOR SQUARE to this evening he hud not been May for one month before and one with this organization. There has president republic, tbe first even When was asked Saturday for . of the Frederic numbered year. But StatehdAd was de- captured. However, the physician or month after the session, when the been too much of this on the Pacific Boyd. ' un- letter introduction that Wil- layed and President Taft did not sign who attended Carrenxa says thut liams had brought him Judge conference automatically reverts to coast and elsewhere." la by to from mo bishop. , , the proclamation until February less he found tomorrow he will Archbald he produced a ex- resident Morris Hillquitt, of New York, who be dead, aa wound was letter, the wa 1912. Therefore, 1914 a the next the almost istence of which was not known to the The" committee on temporal elected chairman for the day, told even DEAL necessarily a fatal one. It Is believed attorney economy also probably will report the- - convention since the party numbered year. general or the committee. It that MAY T No the wounded man la being shielded was dated; March 31 and was not the the establishment of a commission, was formed in Indianapolis eleven ZN matter whether an .election la by his friends. letter tha committee hud asked for. In consisting of four blxhops, three min- years ago, It had grown from 10,000 held in November the state officiate ' Ollvas is expected to recover, lhat letter the Judge had asked If the ister and eight laymen to handle all members, paying dues, to S150.000. will hold until their successors are (Continued from Pago 4.) though ha will be dixflgure for life. Katydid property was for sale and If fund ordinarily turned into the and that the voting strength had In- "elected and qualified." But there Moth men are single and were re so boards. Tho ar- creased from 100. 0U0 to 600,000. , will be no legislature, there will be what price could the company fix commlaslon also will GET TO VOTE IN no ever from the president to the Vati- garded as peaceable citizens cf the on It, range the apportionment and will Eugene V. Debs is named as the presidential electors and there will can. community In which they reside, May turned over to the committee have In charge the division of funds preference of most of the delegates be no congressman after thA first r Tresldent Taft' signed statement In 4- - other correspondence that Is not in to the church boards when collected, for the head of the ticket. He has been January, 1913. original the party's candidate for president In No one seems part follows: J. E. McKeen, 1801 Cleveland tha record. thus excluding the boards from ar- every to have discovert "Among the Insidious methods of Among new witnesses summoned Is ranging for their own finances. election since 1900. that if presidential electors, a new street, Wichita, Kan., reports: "I suf- D. F, ElIBER legislature Attack pursued by some against me severe llrownell. general counsel and This afternoon, which wa given and a representative in is attumpt to h rouse religious fered from kidney trouble, had first vice president of the Erie over to congress are chosen the pains my back, rail the anniversary of the board next November, prejudice by the charge that I am in across and as all road. According to Edward J. Wil- of Sunday achools, addresses were 1 it imist be at an election held under played Erow-neil- some manner unduly favoring the out. ,1 began taking Foley liams, Judge Archbald sought 's made by Bishop William Eraser Mc- FLOODlDilTIONS law that doe not now exist. There Itonmn Catholic church. It has been Kidney rills and soon there was a de Influence In negotiations for thej Dowell, of Chicago; Dr. Edgar Blake, were no such offices under the terrl. my official purpose first as the gov- cided Improvement. Finally, the pain Katydid culm hank option after CaD- - of Chicago, assistant secretary, and If Its Citizens Are to Vote for toiial form of government, therefore ernor of the Philippines; second as left entirely and I am fully cured of lain may naa declined to give tha op Dr. David O. Downey, of New York, no provisions were made to fill them. secretary of war, and third, as presi my tlon. corresponding secretary of the board. President, Congressman and dent, to encourage every as all kidney trouble." J. II. church, O'RIelly Company. FAVORABLE FOUR 'BODIES fur as poselbla where this does not In- Legislators, Election Law MORE volve Invidious distinctions and does BIG AUCTION SALE. OF VICTIMS UP not depart from the rule which sepa Monday, May 20th, at 9 p. m.. FLOOD IN Must be Enacted. PICKED rates our state from official relations will sell at public auction at 1020 ITER to all churches. ROOSEVELT FEELS LOUISIANA lKliil, con- South Uroadway atreet a and "in I visited Home and ISfiecittl Corr9tipom1pnie to Morning Halifax, N. g May 12. ferred with Pop XI 11, In an at- bath residence, modern, with store on Jmirnnll Wireless tempt corner lot adjoining. lota, Phoenix, Ariz., May 11, If Arizona messages from the steamer Mont to setlla the friar land contro Tha two Is to vote president Novem- - Magny, versy which had In Philip 71 by 142, good RIO GRANDE IS for next which was dispatched from arisen the with outhouses, also licr tria nmaanr lotrlalcitiirn mitot ami .t Halifax week to ppa pine while I win governor genera CONFIDENT OF all house furnishings, Including a last search the and after a time t succeeded In doing Sunshine Adds Hope to Suffer-- anc,lon for victims of the Titanic, reports the fine piano, Tha store is now , Attorneys who go. When last March, my aide. Ma house have looked into the recovery of four bodies. Three of jor huh, set out on a trip solely lor rented for $30 per month, under lease erS in SOUthern MISSISSIPPI question, declare that unless a law these were Identified as follows: Ms to visit Home. contract, and reaidenca rents easily MENACING DAM .... is passed to carry out the provisions' Harold Reynolds, steerage passen- hlth and t.uruosed elec-v- a tie. for letter Introduc tor 2t) per month. Owner are leav icy, MUCh Work RpmainS of the constitution, preidential ger. ashed nie a of SUCCESS torg thfl conKreH1),onal representative C. tion to me present pope thut he might in the city, and must sell. Smith, a steward. For tO and legislator can not be chosen in A Syrian 15' have the privilege of an audience, and further Information address J. M. be Done. Klrl about years old. af. One body, un- I gave him such a letter. Holle, at corner of that of u sailor was letler contained a Second and Silver, vislona of the constitution, the state identified and burled at seu. "The nothlna but Albuquerque, N. M. No. 4JI, Engineers at .Elephant Butte will not be able to cast a ballot statement of who Major llutt was, and Thone Illy Morning rtpeelal for M Journal Wire. presldont, and for two years will be contained no reference to the recent Former'. President 'Thinks He J. BOIXE. Hands-ful- lned Have l Taking New Orleans, May 12. A$ appointment of American cardinals " Auctioneer. Care La.,' without a representative ifn the lower HEALTH TO MILLIONS and no rnminent or reference to the Has' Good' Chance But Says other day of sunshine here and house of congress or a legislature. Catholic church or any matter relating of Big Rise in 'Stream; Notes throughout The state officers chosen last fall Ever since two noted French Ho is Not OFFICERS SLAIN BY Louisiana lent an Im will hold over "until their successors chemists, years to it. Excited One Way proved aspect to Hood conditions. after of scientific 1 Ul II are elected and qualified." The consti- In "Tha evidence that thr n " iu uuinp, work their laboratory, announced for the purpose of arousing or Other as to Outcome. NEGROES IN FLORIDA State and federal engineers nn tution says that the t'lrat state legis- their Important findings the health religious prejudice against me I nounced that the few reports re lature shall hold office till the first of millions of people has been Im- day of January, 1913, and does not proved as one ahown by the fact that at the Inetance (gpeelal Correspondence ta Morning Jnnrnal ceived from points north of here were provide result. of some one unknown to me. It was By Marntn Klephant Hutle, N. M May 12. that the members hold over This give some idea of the great Journal gpeeli.l Wire. (Jalnesvlllr. Flu., May 12. Marshal encouraging, although the situation a In the event successor are not cho good reported In a great many newspapers oyster llay. N. Y.. Mav II. Theo Slaughter and l.eputy Sheriff White, The recent flood water gave the engi- Katon Kouge would con that is constantly being done by 1 demand sen. Under the United States law the deli- that sent a .message of congratulation dore Koosevelt spoke confidently to- or Archer, Fla., were deeoyej to a neer in oharge of the work here much tlnued hard work to prevent a fcientlstg for the public. Our to newly dele-gal- e concern. Is break term of Congressman liayden exoires cious cod liver Iron tonic, Vinol, the appointed apostolic day of the outcome of his presidential lonely spot near there this niornlnir Much Credit due General in tne front levee. on and by wireless to the Incoming Superintendent Fauntleroy Gen- that date. which resulted from their Investiga- cuinpaUn. He said he would make no and asaaaslnated. and two-tenth- steamer which was 'hearing him tu prediction eral Foreman Schmallhouacn for A fall of s' of a foot here As the territorial law did not con tions into the chemistry of Cod liver aa to the result of the Chi Shortly their was 7 New York. No such mess., km was sent cago after midnight Slaughter effective work in Drotecting work recorded at o'clock tonight, the template the election of presidential oil, has made It unnecessary peo- convention, but that he felt en received a meaaage the no for by ma or by my authority," couraged by regarding a gamb- already accomplished. By constant day KuaK registering zi.s. At Itaton electors, special election to choose ple to dose themselveswith vile-tasti- recent eventa. ling game among negroc Kouge - "You would not believed It on the. out- and night work the water and mud there was a rise of nearly such officials can be held. When Ari- and cod liver oil, for have at skirts of the town. He deputised ona was a territory presidential elec- PEACE CONFERENCE the beginning," an Id Colonel Koosevelt, were kept out of tho great pit below tenth. now all the good effect can be had you may White and J. A. Manning and atarted floor of flume. This pit Is a part of The levee at the lower end of the tors did not exist and there was a from Vlnol. It la a splendid thing to and not believe It now. but for scene. delegate in congress, one advantage I had to start with was the Everything seemed to the dam excavation making ready for Torra crevasse is reported sloughing not a restore health, strength and avltality AT LAKE M0H0NK ha quiet, but when I orr 1 was drugged light, the officers start- permanent foundation and fifty feet and gradually adding to the width to all who are weak, pale, thin, and. that Into this and ed gap. The provides so aa 1 tu reconnoltcr they were greeted deep, zno rPet long and over 100 feet or me constitution for the as it contain a very strengthening far I personally am concerned, choosing congress- am not excited about It one way or with a volley of shots. wide. The filling of uch a hole with of electors and a form of iron. It enriches the blood. man, It Is not self-actin- g. spe Mohonk Lake, N. Y., May 13. The me inner, in mm I to Slaughter and White fell at and and water would make a great SUGAR PLANTATIONS but A We say, "Try Vinol it must please wanted win the law must passed bv you Mohonk conference on Interna- for myself. I wanted It to round out lire. Moth were dead when uld delay in the work. JtADLY IXlNDATKn cial clction be or you get your money back." . legislature to carry tional arbitration la to assemble here my career. This time I loathed getting arrived. Manning fell with a W. M. Iteed, project engineer, and ilaton ItOtlfi-p- 1m.. Miiv 19 Watnr the the provisions J. H. O'RIelly Co., Druggists, Albu- next Wedncmluy will In into tne ni uiid In hi abdomen, w. ii. f'rankland, cniet clerk, were from of the conetltution Into effect. querque, N. M. and remain riant. lie feigned the Torras crevasse could be hag long a. dele-gate- a here on business from the El Paso of- There been conflict or eselon until Friday evening. Colonel Koosevelt spoke of the death and ua the negro usballanta seen from the capltol tonight. Backed opinion regarding Amour the speakers from abroad that he gained recently, laying marled away shot Cain t'crry, one of fice during the week. up from ewamp whether state of. Mr. Casey is newly the Atchafalaya fleer can be elected next fall. The will be lr. Christian I jingo, scire emphasis on the result of the prima-rle- a the number and at the point of a tha appointed lands, It had almost reached Port says in EVENT OF tary interparliamentary In Minnesota last week. piiitil captured I'erry'a justice of the peace, in place of W. Allen, stitution that elections shall be THE SEASON. of the three sona. H. Wiggar, resigned. across the river. The water neia in each "even numbered rlety, and ulfrled Nlppola. "I bellevo the victory In Minnesota w in. were alleged to have been lin- - began to cover the sugar vr'' lr. Is complete," said, plicated Daniel Taylor, one of the best ulantutlona after Arizona's admission to tlm Grand Dramatic Cantata. Ourmany, professor of International he "and that we In tha ahootlng. norm or Chamberlain and tonight union. At the law in Herlin university, who will will have the entire delegation from known and oldest formen of the work several rich plantations time the constitution that mate." will leave camp In a few days, hav- that line the speak on "The Third Hague Con ing resigned west bank of tho Mississippi are In ference." A month ago. Colonel Koosevelt said. AEROPLANE FLIGHT his position. undated. Congressman McKltiley, campaign The family of Mr. Hrown, ware- house clerk, arrived this week. They Captain Ixignn. of the United State "Saul of mrtruiKiT for President Tuft, clHiined FOR MILITARY TEST army relief corps, dispatched boRts BALDRIDGE that the president would be renomi- are housed In the lieutty tent. to the country around Lottie and given bytar, nated by Miss Plunk, who has been In camp LUMBER COMPANY four hundred majority, but Irwin ville to get people of A STORY OF had now reduced li lei ma- for two months visiting Mi Ringold, the out the eeilnmte to a left Chicago i.ew.y nooued territory. Pupils of St. Vincent Academy jority of sc etlty-llv- e. Strnssburg, May 12. Eight officers for her home In Friday. aints, Glass, Cement, Roofing and one civilian in aeroplanes, and 8am Matsnn. ihna clerk, una t llm. Sugar, C. encll currying a ii seen iter. H.iirle.l in. elected as delegate to the democrat!'; II l. i A. CuffPC day In Ill IMIXO KK1. and Builders' Supplies. Co., SON South Second strcrt. on a reliability flight. A strong convention llillshoro. L N SUFFERING head wind hamper-- d the aviators. Mr. Torres, formerly probate judge To Itrlng the liable Around. Elks' Opera House Lieutenant Worth was Injured severe of Socorro county, brought his sister ly while making u forced landing. He to the hospital during the week for a TH0S. F. KELEHER, I la anno, When a little him. n mn,'hlne for a Wednesday Afternoon, p. FOREIGN ins; from concussion of the treatment. A large ahdomenal rvst large one) goes wrong, 3 BANKERS brain. Ills pusaeiiger wa a as removed by camp physician. nothing is so liratlirr and Findings, Ilarntwa, not hurt. the Important as the aeleclon ..' i.i,i , The civilian, who atarted fifth, was She Is reported much Improved. oring it around again. Saddles, Povoe Ready Paint, June 5th, 1912. As Told by Indiana Lady and the lirst to Mrs. Anne Cummlngs arrived Sun- "My reach Muts. tha uhicctive day little habv Imv r.fleen nmnlh Erlo Carbon Roof Plnt, Ticket BO cents M'm.ii. ine route from Mets Is by way from Itoaton. Mass., where she re- - old had pneumonia, t. How a Deliverance Was Ef- Mayence. signed a position a matron In the then came brain ' LEND 550,000.000 of larmHtadt. Frankfort. hospital fever, and no sooner had he got over 408 West Central. . On aalc nt Matonn'a. Karlxruhe and Freiburg over the Black there to accept a position i ne negan Eleventh in the hospital Phe Is Hew man to cut teeth, and. fected at the Hour. Forest at here. the neing bo weak, he was 11 i 'ontne. mother of Nurse E. C. Cummlngs. frequently eipecud that the teat will vonvutsions, say a Colo prove valuable for the cause of army The organised last Kunday rado mother.,i night fifty-on- e 1 nil a aviation. with members. The "I decided Alfordsvllte. In letter from TO CHINA following are a change might held, no this place. Mrs. Vadu street says, "For the officer elected: n m lo City for a visit ELKS' THEATRE i,"" A over eight year. I suffer d from al Past dictator. Dr. Graham; dicta- hen we got there he was so very S.n. fWin lun tor riminii WRECK OF MISSOURI tor W. A. Sterne; vloa III0W Ta ' Imrmsua. luoat rry ailment known to my ecs. dictator. Dick weak when he would crv he would 8f:i mi. Ini sn Mmlth; prelate, Tom Shannon; inner Monday Evening, May 20th. Will an ft ink away and seemed like he would ferl.Operto. w. thM b. Mid - I woo Id have aurh severe palna In PACIFIC PASSENGER guard, Mr. Whitehead; outer guard, dl !. bemmttn. Irw. If Tn.t .riMpia lirfrl- my back, every month, that 1 would I Differences Exist as to Meth Sam Rice; sergeant at arms, William "When I aauninlrmrin.ia In bed two or three days p. reached my sister' home Unaeea. aa. Peterson; trustees. Ous Thebes, J. she said Immediately that we must jljniejiMtoitco., j At au h times I would be so nervous, ods by Which Money is to be t. Mo.. May 12. Uiavnurl Nehlant. Carlos Simpson: aecretary, feed him Grape-Nut- s and, although Haroldi Iula. K. E. Mundt; treasurer, T. that I roulil hardly stand anone to Pacific paaaetiger train. Xo. 14. which J. Keavls. I had never used the fond A I VJ Meeting will he held every Sunday THE GREAT POLISH VIOLINIST, Walk across the Moor. be J S U Joint Auditors left her thU morning at o'clock. mine and for a f.w day Just gave nigni. in only night available on ac- him tha Juice Grape-Nut- s Aucunipan.ea uy I a lot f derailed near Ktlah. Mo., sixty of and milk. tried different medicines. . Probable. miles count of working three shift, except He got stronger so quickly nut nothing I ever tried did me an west. John Unaberry. engi- on punuay. soon we were neer of eVdalia, was pinned feeding him tha Grape-Nut- s Itself Send your Boiled clothe lo w tm.rh good as t'Hrdi.L the woman's under the Camp M:mhal Robert Putnam and In a wonderfully tonic. rnsine and killed. ana camp short time he fat- The Duke Rt Mnealna- Physubtn J. Dale Graham tened right up and became strong Polak City Cleaners Jmraal Hneelal leaae The observation ear wa only and I Wlrs l the were summoned before the grand w'ell. haxe taken three tn.ttle of Cardt.l. lVMn, .Mav 12. The mlnlMera of one which remained on the rails, the the famous Pianist. S20 WEST GOLD ATE, nd last threw 1 July at Hlllsboro this week on the "That showed ma the months haw n't finance and the banker representing engine and other csr rolling down Adolphtis something worth Tickets on advance The moat cleaning" any I case Mexican knowing when ulscrlptlon uttered pal., at all. and I do not the I'nlt.-- K C.reat Hritain. an etnlwtnk.nent. Garcia the and. later on my little pen Friday. Regular plant New Mexico."' thorn- , ;.!. who died In hospital girl came. I Grae-Xu- sale owns Sat. la r have a fol nervoua sprits. Krani-- tiermanv. Kuaala and Japan, Several paasengera were slightly In- the Christmas raised her nn t morning after having baeo found near and she I a strong, healthy rday at Mataon'a, Outside Orders Solicited Had I only of tlitu have arranged the terms of advance jured, but none seriously. The Ore-ma- n baby and 81.SO, known wonderful 4 the .... pee Prtuw $1.00 and veara ago, the bllieae aovernnient totalllnc Jumped and escaped Injury. railroad track with feet and hands i uh w.i imm the little 5c. medirlne eisht could have froaen. The relatives of the dead i'iuMiniiii i nena you what a trong Mini many dollars, and days of pain aaalnat trwiaurv bills, re man chubby youngster and sorrow. deemable within one year. have made a determined effort the boy Is now but Leroy Thacker, Watcrtown. 8. T., to get testimony he didn't look anything be- rw4a There will he eiioervtalon over -- befor the grand like that I advise every woman who has tht the eMni!lture Jointly by foreign ay: I suffer ad with rheumatism for Jury which would Indict a young man fore we found this nourishing r.H L"'1IIIIIIIUtMIIIUUIH least symptom of otiinly trouble, to and Ch.nrae uditora. If the sytem is over eight years, and It seemed at who waa drinking with the deceased uiair.uiHIDlin.lHl ntlTl tCk tO take Cardul. ' .. roved by ITeaident Yuan Sbl Kal time I would go rrasy with pain. on Chrltmas eve. The latest report sirenam When he wa an weak he here is to couldn't ke-- p any Lady no any and the national room it. It will he Threa bottles of Foley Kidney the effect that no Nl aa other food on hia Render. hae of these a Pill found against tnmach." Name given by Poatum Co. SCREEN tantamount to defeat f Premier him. DOORS u. my symptoms? If o, we orse y r - eared rheumatism and I gladly Battle gl Tana- Shao Yl a ho persists In cppo- - Creek. Mich. Mreet dor, to Curdul a trial. In recommend them." J. II. O'Rlally All children can he built to it. BANDITS more Albuquerque It fta conip.eed f purely It la pointed out by thoae Identified Company. BLOW SAFE sturdy and healthy condition nnon Co. teelnhle Grape-Nu- Lumber Ingred.en.a -and can do nu no with the m heme that rwuntrv la t and cream. The food con- - harm. the in North Fira Street It la almost sure to do you good. veritable poad. r niauasin and that INdn t Rm.w It Wa UaMtaL OF POSTOFFICE the element nature demanria the unpaid ddirr threaten an out- from which to make the soft gray fill- I 1 1 1 i Tour druggist evils It. Try It IMteilla. Ky.. May 12. While ing In n,rv "ti ii rVl break whlrh ran only l ato.ded by handling a gun he did not know the centres and brain. A payment f well fed brain and strong, sturdy their ar. Iadel. Milton Nathan. l. key. 1 M. InnU. May - i. IS. Bandits blew nerves absolutely Insure a healthy N. It Write to- Advisory ' k,"4 h" frtend,the safe of the poatcffV at Clayton. body. Montezuma me M Peol.. Casltanoog Mrrti. Co.. Chat, itruv. Mahl.Mi another Wke' .county seat o st Louia county, at aa Read -- Trust Company lanooga, Tenn.. for Inn ruc- No hunting or lirhing Is allowed on t.fieen years old. warty the little book. The Rn4 Helal at Churchill hvwt.a hour t lis morning Weliville," In pkgs. NEW tions, and book. "Home Treat- my ranch In the CetUa, cscopi by today. Mroniich. ahot under tha' Messenger were sent in "There's a reason." rUouuutnUUt, MEXICO. I search of read the . A new ment ofr Women,' sent la plain wrap. pectal pertnlawon of he .aner. right eye, died amtn nflef Iwing taken Pianmaater larunet and Iom letler Capital & M. ,.Urani. tha k arww rnas llano In time. They - and Surplus. $1 er, on request. KKNTt'S. to a hospital. on Nathan gaa.-'- ..t .rrt,lDn UBtil n ,r. ee. 00.000 f Jrmn Pprtnga, N. M. himself up to police, I KcwMinr. rwe and full f hmns tha Sired. inicrraa. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS tm THE ALBUQUERQUE MOHWING JOUBMAL.-- MONDAY, MAY 13, 1912. 0 VI THREE



STANDING OF THE CLUBS However, Lightweight Cham- Juarez Will Offer Haven for Memorial Day Auto 500-Mi- le Government Crop Reports Railroads Order More Than . Cleveland, 6; Washington, 1 . May 12. Kyan's homo Flynn-Johns- on In Half of All Extra- .... : Won. Lost. Pet. Cleveland. pion Suffered Severe Pains Match if Gov Racing Event on Indianapolis Show Loss of Acreage iTonnage; New York . ., 17 4 sl0'run with the bases, filled in the sixth '!:;Jg , inning won the game for Cleveland. Follow- McDonald at Speedway Expected to be Large Areas Sown to Spring ordinary Production and Con Cincinnati 17 5 out in Groin During Night ernor Interferes Chicago U 12 iTlIn tne tirat Graney was thrown . 1 V, ...... ; Pittsburgh ,. 9 11 BlVUlll.fl., V1DIIII Iir, ing Bout with Ritchie. Minute. Greatest Ever Held, Wheat. sumption Reported, i .450 trying to take two bases on Jack- Last Boston ...... 9 IX .409 single center, Jackson Brooklyn 7 u .389 son's to while Philadelphia, 7 was nailed at the plate when he tried Morning Rpertul Leased Wire. 12 .368 I Br Morning Journal Mneclal Teased Wlre.l recent declaration of Governor tBr Morning Jonranl gperlnl iMHd Wtni.l IIt Journal St. Lou la 7 16 to score on Birmingham's single to The New York, May 12. Consumption .304 lert. San Franclsco.May 12. Although W. C. McDonald, that he will do New York, May 12. The slock Wol-gas- t, as well as production of finished Score: R. H. E. fears were felt last night that Ad everything in his power to prevent the Car market last week underwent further American Flynn-Johnso- Irlwr steel products was so great aa League. 00 10 1 champion lightweight fighter of staging of the n cham speculative deflation which went to never Won. Cleveland 000 105 Stutz Anderson today and orders are flowing into Lost. Pet. Washington ...100 000 000 1. 9 1 the world, had been rather seriously pionship battle on the Fourth of July Stutz , Zetigel wards correction of previous excess. Chicago 5 .792 Easterly; Injured in his bout yesterday with at Las, Vegas, and the uncertainty Suspicion at first aroused by signs the mills at 25 per cent to 50 per ....19 Batteries Kahler and doc- gover- Flat Tetzluff cent In excess of capacity, Boston 13 8 .819 Akers. Two-has- o Willie Ritchie, of San Francisco, which the stand taken by the Mercedes of undue manipulative operations Becker and Williams. today Manager Tom many Del'nlrna was by events the Shipments are falling behind and Washington ,.i....ll it .600 hit Caahlon. Home run Ryan. Base tors assured nor has aroused In the minds of Case , Il8brow confirmed proving Cleveland 10 10 .500 2; Jones that his charge had not been as to ability of Promoter Jack undue assumptions of the rate of busi- new business hooked cannot be ...J on balls Kuhler, 4; Akers, Becker, the Case llerrlck shipped Philadelphia 9 10 .474 1. Struck out Kahler, 2! Becker, 2. badly damaged. The champion suffer- Curley and the Las Vegas sport en Mercedes WUhart ness advance on which the rise In for from Two to three months. Detroit 11 13 .458 Umpires Connolly and Hart. ed Bomewhat during the night from thuslasts to overcome the governor's National Wltcux stocks has been baaed. The accumula- Prices are naturally tending upward St. Louis 6 14 .300 pains In his kidney region and groin opposition, coupled with the further National Herr tion of a short Interest gave the mar- and sales of plate were made last New York 6 13 .278 as a result of the fall with Ritchie in possibility or slopping at the eleventn Lexington Knight ket resiliency at times, but the specu- week at $1 per ton advance. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION the first round. hour the big battle in the Meadow Simplex LMngley lation showed hesitation regarding An advance of 10 cents pur box on Western League. When he had passed inspection by City, has given new hope to the co White Burndollar any advantage. tin plate Is expected. medical men he went out with The government crop report con- finished producta Won. At Minneapolis Minneapolis, 2; St. the terle of El Paso fight promoters, who Cutting flurman Orders for steel Lost. Pet. friends a stroll in the sunshine. Firestone-Columbu- firmed fears of large proportion averaged 100, per 1. for made a strong bid for the contest, s .... Frayer the 000 tons day, tho Denver 15 7 .682 Paul, "Kltehle is a mighty good boy," said battleground of wheat planted In the full, which rallroadH Irclng At Kansas City Kansas City, 7 when the selection of the Mariiuette-llulc- k Ijesaw responsible for more Ht. Joseph 13 9 .691 Wolgast today. "My experience witn had been killed by severe one-ha- lf ad- Milwaukee, 11. was being considered. These promot Schacht Knillcott the winter. than of the tonnage and Omaha 11 8 ,579 game him did me a world of good. We went ers are now maxing a strong repre Knox Muirord Kvldenee thut this had spent Its force ditional contracts ure preparing for Topeka 11 10 .624 At Indianapolis Louisville good showing. 1 postponed; fart and he made a sentationa to Curley to transfer the Mercer Hughes as a speculative factor was seen In 4110,000 tons of rails, tin, 000 cars nnd Des Moines 10 11 .465 rain. satisfied myself that I still have the to Mexico, the reaction In the wheat market. 400 At Toledo Toledo-Columb- game site of the contest Juarez, Lozler llnran locomotives. Sioux City 9 11 .450 old punch by those two clean knock- where two Kl Puso men. have a long Marquette The belief persists that It still Is too The Santa Fe has ordered S.000 postponed; rain. iudif-me- nt McFurlan re- Lincoln 9 11 .450 downs In the third round. My boxing concession for finish fights, and Opel (Unnamed) early to estimate the years' crop more cars and the Great Northern Wichita 7 14 .333 of distance was a bit faulty, but danger of does sults. The agricultural outlook as a & my where the Interference Lozler Matsnn 1,000: the Ht. Uoula San Francisco PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE that Is accounted for by absence not exist. (Special) (Unnamed) whole Is regarded as encouraging. has bought 22 locomotives and the THEY TODAY from the ring for six months. Speaking of Kl Paso's efforts to land Continental Jenkins The same may be said of the grent Pennsylvania lines, west, nre nego- WHERE PLAY need is about five or stx ot basic In At Los Angeles Morning game. "What I the big match, a sporting writer in the Stutz Merz steel industry spite of the tiating for SO; the Hock Island, Hoo these short route fights before I take Paso Times, nays; (Unnamed) continuing Influence of tho fact that Score: R. H. E on on National lines and others ordered rails last ' National League. 8 1 Joe Rivers the Fourth of July. "A canvass of the railway ticket of' Mason (Unnamed) the United States Steel surplus had to Oakland ...3 They will put me In the right trim." be upon fur payment of week, while the Seaboard Atlantic Vernon 10 2 of the city yesterday brought drawn the the const line und the Harriman lines are Boston at St. Louis. ...7 Opinion is divided among tne fight out the Information that not only first quarter's common stock divi- Brooklyn at Cincinnati. Batteries Gregory and Mltze; Hitt followers here as to whether the con- dend. also In the market. New York Chicago. and Brown. would special low rates to Kl Paso In the steel shapes market 57,000 at queror of Battling Nelson has gtine be quoted irt the event of the John- - There waa an unexpectedly large In- Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. Afternoon came. Special Correspondence to Koralag Journal un- tons were ordered last week. back. Some hold that the Michigan son-Fly- fight being in Ciu carry- crease In the May 1st tonnage of Score: R. H. E. lack- starred Indianapplis, lmi.. May 12, In Marine work also was active. 3 6 3 lad appeared tired yesterday and dad Juarei, but that In a number of filled orders. Contracts anticipation Oakland un- ing with it more than $50,000 in cash al- American League. 2 ed the vigor that made him the cases the matter had already been of the advance In prices must be Vernon .6 6 disputed premier In his class. Others up prizes for tho winners, the second an lowed for In that showing. The In Chicago Philadelphia. taken with the head offices of 500-mil- HEAVY RAIN PREVENTS at Batteries Abies and Mitze; Carson agree Manager nual e International Sweep on Is Ht. Louis at Boston. with Jones that the the railroads. vigorating Influence the Industry and Sullivan. with Ritchie was only a stepping stakes race will be started at 10 o'clock shown, nowever, by reports or snort-ag- e Detroit at New York. affair "The chances for the fight being May APPRENTICE GAME AT stone back to the old form. Ritchie's staged in have jumped fifty the morning of Memorial day, of crude steel, premiums for early Cleveland at Washington. At Ran Francisco Morning game. 'Juares 30th, twenty-seve- n speeuy stock Is materially enhanced by his per cent on the ultimatum of Gover- wllh mc deliveries, advances In official quota- RATON YESTERDAY Score: R. H. E. performance, all sport critics being of .'ng cars as contenders for the victory. tions, tho heavy pay rolls which Pitts Angeles 8 11 3 nor McDonald, of New Mexico, that Western League. Los a mind that he was entitled to a draw. the rflght would not be permitted in This number entered the race before burgh banks are called on to finance San Francisco 4 6 1 the closing of the entries at mid and complaints of growing scarcity of Denver at Sioux City. Chech Boles; Noyes New Mexico. Besides this, a strong May cars (Hiieelnl Iltapnlrh to the Mnrnlng Journal. Batteries and bid for the scrap Is being put in by night. 1st. Manning the are labor In that district. Lincoln at Des Moines. and Berry. CURLEY WILL AWARD almost all of the famous racing pilots In copper Indunlry April statis- llaton, N. M., May 12. A heavy Wichita St. Joseph. the promoters of the Mltchell-Uerric- k the at Afternoon game. in America, and several who have tics showed less than the expected in- delayed game Omaha at Topeka. Score: R. H. E. FOR ARENA fight, which Is to take place prowess rain the between the CONTRACT in the Juarez bull ring on May international reputations for crease In stocks. Ijist week's rise In apprentice Los Angeles 6 10 2 lth. at tho wheel. Taken throughout tne the foreign price, however, reflected llaton and Albuquurque "Messrs, Cass (Jllmore, who are i San Francisco 1 8 6 EARLY THIS WEEK and field of starters In this long grind is renewed demand. ball gamo scheduled for today ao NATIONAL LEAGUE Batteries Leverenz and Boles; promoting tne light, have a long, ex clasHlest ever been elusive boxing concession in Juarez the that has Reduction of the official bank rate budly that the contest was called off. and Schmidt. brought together In one contest. of the Bank of Kngland marks a and have prior claim to the bull ring. year were entrieg, It has not beon determined whether Lci'-iia- Last there more growth of ease In money St. , 4: Ronton. 3. RrMalol ti !e Morning Journal. ti is pointed out that one of the larg. the markets. the Albuquerque boys will wait until At Sacramento. rMh expense but only the fastest cars have been Bankers pressing for settlement' on tho St. Louis, May 12. A base on balls, R. H. E. Las Vegns, N. M., May 12. Promo- est items of In the Las Vegas race, tomorrow to play, or whether they Score: ter Curley today light will be the building arena. entered for the second and the contracts for new subways In New will return home late tonight. errors by Miller and Campbell and Portland 9 17 1 Jack announced that of the terrific speed and endurance demands York attracted attention by their Evans' double in the eighth enabled 4 7 4 he would award the contract for the while at Juarez, the bull ring, which In gruelling fray were too great Sacramento huge In which stage will seat 1,2,600 persons, could put the statements that conditions are quickly St Louis to win from Boston again Batteries Gregg, Temple and How. arena he will the be for many to tackle again. With about changing In bond in Johnson-Flyn- n on of In readlnessj'for th fight in few the market, the this afternoon. Willis held the visitors ley; Baum, Schwenk and Cheek, Prlco. battle the Fourth a ono exception alt of the cars this time money markets ot the world, In the LEGAL NOTICE. July, early bids - '. ! hitless up to the seventh. this week. Numerous a,W- el I .5 were among the fastest in the first political situation and tn the ranks of been by contractors, 500-mi- Score: R. H. E. have submitted r le race, SOUTHERN LEAGUE Vegas which furnlshod the la bo r. Department of Interior, U. S. Bosgton ...... 000 000 800 3 6 2 including Las and Albuquerque most spectacular contest ever wit- the St. Louis 000 001 03 4 6 1 builders, but It is considered more nessed In motoring annals. It Is be Land Office at Banta Fe, N, M., than likely that the contract will go 18, Batteries Dickson, Tyler and Kilns; At New Orleans New Orleans, 6; lieved that the average speed will be April 1913. Two-bas- e to an outsider, a man from Cleveland seventy-nin- e per Loudermlllr, wnils and Bliss. Atlanta, 0. as high as miles hour MITCHEL TRAINING Notice is hereby given that Fran- Ty-ler,- 4; having the inside track, it is said. hit Evans. Base on balls At Montgomery Montgomery, 9; The last race brought out an average cisco C. de Bnca, of Placttas, N. M., The plans of Architect E. W. Hart five-centu- Willis, 4. Struck out Tyler, 2; Memphis, 4. of 74.61 miles for the dls who, on February 28, 1408, made Willis, 8. Umpires RIgler and Fln-nera- n. 1. of this city are unusually elaborate At Mobile Mobile, 8; Nashville, tance. 13361-0580- 8, and would. If carried out, entail an Almost without exception the pilots homestead etry No. tor No other games scheduled. 4, outlay In excess of $25,000. It is said who are practicing for the big race be- HARD EOR BOUT NE. section 10, township 13 N., that the plans will be considerably lieve, the new record will equal range IB., N. M, P. Meridian, haa Cincinnati, 4; Brooklyn, 2. modified so as to. make the outlay in that ' UNITED STATES LEAGUE that established for 300 miles on the filed notice of Intention to make five 'Cincinnati, May It. Cincinnati the neighborhood of $15,000. The roud at Santa Monica. Some have ven year proof, to establish claim to the hammered Kucker hard today and won scaling of the plans, however, will HAS A CHANCE tured the opinion that eighty miles Cleveland-Pittsburg- land above described, bnfoi-- Abel E. from Brooklyn. The game was played At Cleveland h In no way alter the size of the arena per hour will be necessary for the on a sloppy field while the weather game postponed: rain. or Impair its stability. winning car. Last year the drivers WITHHEnRICK Perea, county clerk, Sandoval county, was cold. At Chicago Chicago-Cincinna- ti Curley expects to have blue prints of were correct in their estimate of speed, at Bernalillo, New Mexico, on the Score: R. H. E. game pontponed; rain. the plan finally agreed on, ready by most of them saying the seventy-fou- r 24th day of May, 1112. Brooklyn 100 001 000 2 9 2 the middle of the week for distribu- or seventy-fiv- e miles per hour would Claimant namea aa wltneasea: Cincinnati 000 10 4 11 0 tion, at which time he will place the Otherwise,' Pueblo Fireman is be the result. David Trujlllo, Joaquin TruJIllo, Jose ....003 tickets on sale for the championship El Batteries Rucker, Barger and BY Go Despite the fact that the eliminating Paso Middleweight, Who II. Ourule, all of Las Placltas, N. M.; Phelps: Suggs McLean. Two-bas- e GRAYS REPEAT contest. Almost Sure to Down to seventy-liv- e per and The promoter does not believe Gov speed was set at miles Demetrio Montuya, of Bernalillo, hits Smith, Bates, Northen. Three-bas- e hour for one full lap of the track most Made Good Showing in Albu- Smith, Bescher. Base on ernor McDonald will stop the fight in Defeat,' Before Jack Johnson special- N. M. hits the absence of a specific law against of the motors which have been balls Rucker, S: Suggs, 4. Struck ly built for the race carry from 100 querque, Hopes to Knock Out MANUEL R. OTERO, 2; Suggs, 2. it, after the arena has been built and on Fourth of July, out Rucker, 1; Barger, money Vegas to 120 miles per hour beneath their Register. Umpires and Owens. FROM the of the Las promoters Chicagoan, 11. Brennan of the battle Invested. The governor bonnets. This great speed capacity is April 20; May has not forbidden Curley to go ahead provided because the requirements of York-Chica- game postponed; Those sport writers throughout the the race may make It neceSHary to New with he match and the feeling here power rain. la that he will not do so, especially at country, who are close students of have it at times, and sufficient Rdm'IhI Correspondence to Morning Jonrnall the last minute. must be held In reserve so that the El Paso, Tex., May 12, ller- SPECIAL SANTA FE boxing, and who have followed the motors will not be strained In main- Jack Rumor has it that Charles O'Malley, rlck, the Chicago mlddlwelght, who Is A 93.00 Hollowground WESTERN LEAGUE the chief lAia Vegas promoter, fight game for years, picking winners, taining an average of about eighty has miles. to meet Jack Mitchell, the Pennsylva- been offered $20,000 for his Interest calling turn but- In big the in championship There is hardly a pilot named for nia middleweight champion, who for Dra Moines, 5 ; St. Joseph, 3. the match. Razor for $2.00 tles and forecasting with more or less the race who has not a national and some time past has made this city his Des Moines, May 12. Des Moines One-Sid- in many cases an international repu- Made In Sollngen, In ed Game Albuquer accuracy the chances of aspirants for notue, arrived here today from Los Onaaaiif took the last of the series with St. tation. The llHt in purt shows "Wild Angeles. spent over AO liaya Onlj runs championship honors, especially in Bob'1 man, speed king; Teddy He today looking Joseph this afternoon. Three que Trounces Capital City HAPPYS Bui the the city and nearby country before du In the eighth saved the game for the TRIMMED the heavyweight class, are with very Tetzluff, winner of the Bunta Monica few exceptions, predicting Bragg, ckling definitely on a training camp. locals. Aggregation to the defeat race; Caleb the millionaire who The big bout, scheduled for twenty Score: R. H. E. of that most widely advertised of finished second at Santa Monica and rounds, 6 8 1 on Is to be staged in the Juurez Dea Moines ...001 010 03 Tune of 12 to 10, all "white hopes," Fireman Jltn who will team with Tetzlaff the bull ring on Sunday, May 19th. St. Joseph 001 001 010 3 4 4 BY Flynn, of Pueblo, who Is to meet Flat entry; Halph DePalma, whose Williams Drug Go. Batteries Rogge and Ultowskl; BROWNS spectacular driving on mile tracks Mitchell Is already training hard Johnson, wearer of heavy- mllc-trac- camp Canu-tlll- Chellette and Goasett. Two-bas- e hits Jack the won him the name of k for the contest. His Is at Watson, Curtis, Rogge. Home runs Determined to keep their record weight championship crown, on the champion; Harvey llerrlck, winner of where he does eight tn ten miles Hln Fro,i tit W. Oaitral Ultowskl, Watson, Thomas, y Base on victories, the Albuquerque ' Fourth of July. the 191 1 Santa Monica road race, and work on the road every morning and clean for spars eight af- balls Rogge. 4; Chellette. 2. Struck Grays yesterday afternoon repeated "Can a good little man beat a good until Tetzlaff won the last race, holder for or ten rounds each ; by CLOSE GAME Kalph ternoon. He has two trainers and a out Rogge, Chellette, 3. Hit by winning the big man?" The question answers It- of the world's race record, and pitcher Claire. Passed balls Gos- against Santa Fe, Mulford, winner of the 1911 Vander-bl- lt half dozen sparring partners. The score self, without reference to records ot Pennsylvanlari la can sett Wild pitch Chellette. Stolen game by the somewhat large of - Cup race. confident he win the . ring, In championship contests from Chicago man by a knock- bases Kelly. Powell, Zwllllng, Roth. 12 to 10. However, the score does not The others are Just as notable for the gone before. There Is only one an- Disbrow, of the out Inside the limit. Umpire Haskell. tell the story of the game, which, up there is Louis driver Pitchers' Battle Tier-ne- y swer to the question, anyway you look car which llerrlck will be looked after by to the last two Innings, was very one- Between set new mile records 1 Topeka. S; WlchlteJ 1. at It. That answer Is "No." recently track Jack White, of Chicago, rewarded as roil sided, the Grays being on the long end in work, press work fur five, ten and fifteen miles; Howard the coming bantamweight champion. Wichita, May 12. A bad throw by Chavez Results Victory Press and clever Wilcox, straight-- ! of the score. to holder of the mile He will be provided with several spar Ellis In the fifth inning was responsi- at that, haa shoved Flynn the away stock car record, Iltighle ring partners ami experienced To- Features of the game were the for Old Town.Club by 4 to 3 an pJj runs, which enabled front. Jack Curley is a past master Hughes, English pilot, won ble for two hitting Albuquerque hat- the who (miner. He already Is In fine fighting peka to defeat Wichita In a pitcher's heavy of the o at this game. Curley and Flynn are the Savannah Challenge race In Itll trim, having spent the past several ters, the fielding of Center Fielder Len Zengel won 1911 battle. Second Baseman ill bo, and optimistic about the fireman's chances and who the weeks In Los Angeles, getting White Score: R. H. E. Kuntx and Klgln national stock chassis road race. Into Friday 000 3 4 1 the sensational ulaylng of the three against Johnson. However, optimism condition for his bout last Topeka 001 020 Shipley, Several drivers have not been named, at Vernon, when he so decisively 001 1 3 Indiana, Plarote, Hardy and Tho Happys don't win championships. It takes Brure-Brow- Wichita 000 000 lineup, which met their Waterloo but It Is reported that Iavld whipped Frankie Conley, tho Kenosha Batteries Ellis and Stark; Young who filled In the Grays yesterday when they played the fighting to do it. winner of the 1D11 Oranl ba ntumwelght. Middle' ithnrt three men. way Flynn and Schmidt Sacrifice hits Hrowns at Luna park, losing to the It Is significant the Prize race, will be named to drive The llerrlek-Mltrhe- ll trn la exneeted Three-bas-e O'Kannon. as been predicted. ton. Schmidt Rlckert had Old Town club by the narrow margin harps on fact he weighs 220 one of the fast American cars in the to 5.000 ! Mee, nltched a fine same, striking out the that draw no less than fans from hit WiUh. Stolen bases of 4 to 1. The game was a pitchers' pounds. In all the pres? dope sent race. this city, Arizona and New Mexico. Al- Craig, Davis, Gear, Gardener. Double eleven of Santa r'es' heavy hitters. battle between Chaves and Tlerney, Despite the fact that between 80,000 wild and got out about Flynn by Curley and dwelt ready reservations for 1,000 seats W plays Callahan to Hughes to Koerner. Salazar ran the bases In which Chavez won through better and 90,000 persons saw the last con- have by hic h We Are Promt to He Aa W 4. five successful steals. on by Flynn, himself. In Interviews, been made letter and wire. CotHllKt Struck out Young, 6: Ellis, Base awav with support, coupled with almost fault- test It Is said that the crowd this year Promoters Cass are put 1. of shower which pre avoirdupois. Those Stroud and on balls Young. 3: Ellis. Passed Because the less base running. la the matter of will be even greater. The advance sale ting on the match and believe It wit' A SAMTAHV, Young. ceded game, the attendance ' lllC.II-t-I.AS- ball Schmidt Wild pitch the Chavez struck out ten opposing who know Flynn, who have seen him of seals indicates that the crowd from prove so popular aa to revive the box- S I1AKEHT. Umpire Kissane. only fair. batters, while Tlerney whiffed like in contests against men of his outside of Indianapolis will be fully ing game In section, making bcore: K- - ' a wor't per greater before. this of For Your Custom We are Anxku ! 13 13 number. Tlerney allowed but four slid who know something of fifty cent than Juarez the flsht center of the south Albuquerque.. 015 410 wi iehi More than forty special trains are tor Your Trade We're StriWng Hard, Denver, S; Lincoln, 0. Fe 001 020 7 I hits to Chavez' six, but the latter kept him. know that Flynn will never many west, providing the New Mexico leg Santa .... 04310 his safeties scattered. to be run to Indianapolis from Mature puts a crimp In the game In VOI It I'ATROXACiE ami FAVOKS Llnrnln. Mv 1Z. Lincoln could not Batteries: O'Bannon and Valde' weigh anything like 220 pounds when faraway cities, and six motor cluh hit whil rhivia was easy for Beam, Safford and Berardl It cannot be denied that Tlerney to that state by falling to pans the Tripp VK 1I01J IN HltWI IlKUAKD. Maiv valde; la developing Into wonderful pitch- he steps into the ring on July 4th tours will be run to the speedway, one boxing bill, legalizing boxing and be visitors and Denver won. Lincoln n.iii iimm on iiuna ' dhiiiiw" - a heavyweight of them coming from Denver, ! 1. out er. He already haK proved to be the try to win back the permitting contests. four errors were costly. n..n Stafford Struck world, so rudely PIONEER BAKERY. Score: B. H. E. O'Bannon 11; Beam 2; Bafford I. Two- - find of the season. Had he been championship of the Tennis Champion. 009 0 4 Kuna. evoien accorded good support in the game wrested from the Caucasian race "In frenchman Lincoln ...... 000 000 t base hits Clancy, Koch. Stockholm, May 12. The covered JOHNSON TO TRAIN 207 South Street. Denver 020 101 6 H bases SaUaar Kuns, Plarote and yesterday he would probably have the battle of the Century," fought at first ait Carney; i: blanked the Hrowns, who scored In courts lawn tennis series In the Olym Batteries Farthing and Hardy. three Keno on the nation's blrthdsy pic games today. An IN CHICAGO Two-bas- e runs Inning, a were concluded TILL Healy and Spa nr. hit . in the first without Flynn manages to weigh a THE WM. FARR COMPANY Ken-worth- y. 4 191 1. If dre H. Ootert, of France, winning Spahr. Stolen bases Buell. single hit or baae on balls. However. As - gilt-edge- will doing well. In singles cham- EARLY IN Coffey. Sacrifice Chaves also pitched d ball 110 pounds he be brilliant victory the JUNE Wholesale and Retail Dealers to Lindsay. TOPEKA FARMS OUT fighting piomnip rrom j.nxoii, of hits Qulllen. Buell, Cotfee, X; Doyle. and his victory was well earned. for Johnson, his natural c t. t.rein AND SALT MEATS 1; led in 22$ pounds. Britain. The score was 4 and KKmii Struck out Doyle, T: Farthing, CATCHER B. SMITH Hutchlnon. as usual, the weight is (-- Doyle. 2; hitting, con Mnralng SncHal I.eaare' Wire Snnaagea Bprctaaty. Healy, (. Base on balls with a brace of James J. Corbett, who has 4-- Br Joaraat Healy, 4. Cmpire Knapp. Gladding also batted well and his sented to be In Flynn'B corner on the chlengo. May 12 Jack Johnson. For cattle and hog the biggest was gamel champion heavyweisht puxillst of the price are paM. Smith, one of the cstchinr a feature of the day of the fight, and who la to be In CHICAGO TYPESETTERS ket City. 8. Catcher Bumham Woolrldge and Tenorlo, rivals on the training camp, declared world, thinks so well of Chicago that Omaha, IS; Hons finds" of the Albuqueruut uaaeumn third sack, both played their posi- the fireman's REFUSE TO STRIKE he will not depart for his training Sioux City, May 12. The Sioux City tournament mil. " only recently over hie own algnature early In last Western tions without a bobble. Wooliidge ojmp near Its Vesas until Infield blew up in the sixth Inning and to play with the Topeka also waa effective at bat. that the odds are easily ivv to i in June. His original plan was to go two with hits, three errors and a elub this year by Manige? " Chicago. May 11. By a vote of k three runs. I...U. gameslle The name waa played tn the fast favor of Johnson. earlier. base on balls. Omaha scored five Gear, and who played in several an hour and fifteen minutes. Corbett modifies this statement 1.099 to (55. members of the Typo- trJohnson is dolnv light trsinlng. He during the opened, has been time of -- Six home runs wert made since the season Score: R. H. E. however, by saying: Accoraing io graphical union today voted not to had taken Off elalit pounJs of flesh National foundry f me. farmed out Smith, while he showed M 4 go on atrlke in aympathy with the In the last meek, whieh he does not H. E-- work, was not Frowns t the age dope. Johnson Is ripe for the Score: R. class and did effective Happys 0 00 I 4 presKnien who now are out in all Chi- regard aa a had record for a binnlng. & Sioux up tt, tne sues; m 12 plucking. He la two years elder every Machine Co. City ...021 all form with Hatterles: Chavez and J. Torres; I cago dally newspaper offices. He does road work morning and Omaha 210 SI IS 14 than was John L Hulllvan. when J. F. Lynch, international president four times a week he with lt . Kansas league Tlerney and Gladding. aame age that 1mi Batteries Brown, Miller ana club In the Central . defeated him. and the of the Typographical union, and Wal- "Jumbo" Wells. Marty Cutler and a General Foundry Work, Ryan and Arbogast Two-ba- se .....! an notional sareemem, n Jeffries was two years ago when he ter W. Barrett, president of the Chi- muscular negrv thai the champion hits Brooks, Thomaaon. Kane. i at the pleasure nf the Infantrymen Wounded Acriilcntarf r. heavyweight championship to cago local, a his hope." Smith. : lost the expressed themselves calls "black Iron and Brass Castings. Horn runs FerrelU Kellly, Kane. Tm-- ks management SmltVe friends FX. Petersburg. May 12. A remark-- I the pleased From Mi- would gool the nesrn. If Johnson follows well with the result. Arbogast. Myers. Sacrifice hits In I his rlty hoped he make able ordef of the day has been lasued by Jeffries, of the agitation for the A Ball llsrcr. hell-vl- nr thfl precedent set Sullivan and the BABBITT METAL ller, plays he bad rs geography Breen. Justice. Double in the Western by the minister of war announcing undoubtedly go down to de strike they urged the at to Teacher tin class! Breen Ten nant; Justice tn rvanlon second Chief Meyers. forty-tw- e Infantrymen were he will may what a to making of a that the Pueblo fireman." take such step. They urged that John, )nu tell the class Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Kane. to Justice to wounded by shell fire In the recent feat before ptrUich-er- a leegne Is. t 1; Mil- very Try the present contract with the Kane. Bases on balls Brown, I: On Teas are of the beat. maneuvers. The minister adds the wsa binding and could nut be John promptly Kiaht baseball ler. I; Ryan. 4. Struck out Miller. C A. CoeTee On, Bosun curious statement: "These men were Try a Journal Want Ad. Results broken. clubs U a league. Lippincott a. f t; Ryan. S. Hit by pitched ball W in advance of the gupa." Myers, Umpire Johnson. T THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL MONDAY, MAY 13, 1912.

who are nlng to boost her agricultural possibili- m unmnTwrt wrrt the end cf ststranwn Mwm chiefly interested in holding Job ties. TRIBUTE ahoutd APRIL AS IVHOLEFIfiAL ' under the gorernment. It offer n Suppose tha Santa F road V' j4. suppos Jobs, It Is far removed, it ha noth move her shops from here; mm lag to da with getting en approprkti a prolonged strike should be Inaugu- Hon for a postofflce building or for rated, which is possible at all times; COLD MONTH III BILLY MARTIN'S or any suppose that a panic should come and w I improving river and harbors, tOnu )Mr thing rlxe where the pork barrel ! cause curtailment of labor and depres- land "year concerned. sion In business; suppose any of these RJOiMDV DVTMfC saves nibbing saves clttss PURNAL PUBLISHING CO. 80 the average congressman things should occur, what has this NEW MEXICO or house, U town to fall back on? Ul LLIUJ f a. MACPHHPSOH... . , . . peMl whether of the senate the mLlllUMI T. ,. . . . The remedy for It all He in the ft' ab.fKEP.IMT Manair not interested. BUtwran appreciate - I OCiN w. i.rsK . .Cltjr gJdttor the need of doing things Cor American lands of the Rio Grande valley. not Soap, Naphtha, Borax, Soda, Ammonia or Rmmfttl tWe, In Do use . trade, but there ,re few statesmen Con- c. A Weather Summary Covering Brief Funeral Services Gold DssL tUMlll aUgUS. ItMM congress.; Most of the members Id West Point cadet sent a chal Kerosene with lenge A physician who both of those bodies are merely poli for duel to Entire Average ducted at Santa Fe,' After horcenianwhlp. State Shows of desirable cleansing qualities in a ticians. had criticized hla The Gold Dust has a7 their M Mm,. ew 'era. doctor ent the challenge to the com Mean Temperature Was 47,3 Which Body is Sent to So- - The Gold Dust TwlSJ ., rft m j There is one cousoiauon, pvwnri perfectly harmless and lasting form. - mander of the military academy with -- congret Interferes, the few- - ; your brains. miortiee.'.lr f.F!Z..mM ..L. IS Th less Degrees.' corro for Burial. ; need no outside help just direct them with 4 fawum Marc I. It? I cr blunder wilt be made and the a gentle recommendation that tne In cadet be spunked. Unfortunately TMSJ It TUB mora fully will the canal con be Gold Dust lathers instantly in hot or cold hard or soft tRADISO HKfl'I.f"AM FAPKR or view of spanking I no longer considered an'nwtal Cenwevadeaea ta Morals JeeraaJI Special Dfepetrh ta the Morning Journal.) ai'PP4JKTlNO THU the hand of the executive branch TWA, instantly into thick, vigorous suds m affair of honor In our Institutions of! Accord- - Bantu --N. M; aiuy fnnvprta itself Ft. SB Sr THU RBPUBMrAlf PA HTT the covcrnment to be handled ac Eanta Fe. N. It., May 12. to. si. TIH8 AND TMSJ MBTHOtW learning. 811(1 8etUed stams and cIear U. TUB - ing to the general weather summary rease nme OP TBB KKITBtlCAJ PAB.TT WHSJW cording- to Ha discretion. r?move A IIB) WOHT. for New Mexico, compiled by the tCMi'.nald tribute of respect to hla, the last Imnnrthea and ermS. . Fvery county in Texas where Sen . memory. casket taraer Mrrtil.UcD tka aar alker CHAMP t'LAIUt. United State Weather Bureau at Tender hands bore the " ta timm bIhim. The only eaiwr ta Nae ator spokrt for Harmon gave a Fe, the month of April, 1912, to tne sania re aiautiu, i from wash r Say ia the r- in j. n ,r.fti It.iiind for Kncorrn. ' Gold Dust spares you and protects your clothes ataxics taaaad majority for Wijson. The friendship wa period The diSDUta is Dot ended when it the coldest within the Tomorrow, all that Is mortal oi TERMS or I'BaOHlPTIO. of the Texas statesman aeems to be covered by In New Mex- board wear. Dell, kr orrMr, m noata...... has been shown that Champ Clark the record "Billy" Martin, will he lairt Deneatn Dell,, e ..Me about a fatal aa that of I.orimcr or ico, averaging 1.1 degrees colder than the nor! of New Mexico, where he k, m0. leata ia a remarkably strong candidate yourself long hours of not Penrose, the lowest previous record, that of spent hi life and played his part in Save Tee Morning Journal ba a hlgkar discussion should continue until busy drama of human activities.' ratla thae le eaeorded to aaf The April, 1V0O. Except last two or the weary, dreary toil, and double la Now Macl.- - Tne Ameri- soma ona stronger the The services this afternoon were tker ppr It is shown that Kis-lm- r. Florida is planting hundreds of acres three days the month was . cold held at the chapel of Mulligan life of your clothes, by buying limn Iw no minuted. ITicre mny be a were in charge the f of cork trees. Determined to put a throughout, the nights being especial- undtrtakers. They ai.miQi-EMy- WW atXI00jrMlttar DUrnler of democrats who were and trying a package of Gold stopper In Bryan boom, per- ly cold. the gen of Santa Fe lodge of Elks and ! the Somewhat colder than beauty like to see Bryan president than marked by the simplicity and wash-da- y. would haps. eral condition of the month were the Dust next are who would prefer to c that Is characteristic of the ritual of there days to 3d, 6th to 8th, much from the 1st that order. Exalted Kuier rranx r. Clark, but aleo there are a rule, Illandy read the service, and rewponses soap, naphtha, borax, oppose 13th and 20th to 23d, and, as Leading Do not use larger number who would the 2d was the coldest dy of the were made by Esteemed soda, ammonia or kerosene with Bryan at the polls than would fight L OF SANTA FE month. Fairly warm days occurred af Knight K. P. bavles. Esteemed Loyal Cold Dust ha was gener Knight Frank Jones, and Estemed Cold Dust. Clark. Clark's strength lie in the ter the 2td, but tha Jtlth 11 desirable clesnsing qualities ally the warmest day of the month. Lecturing Knight Jose D. Sena. The and last- thm COLD DUST TWINS ha would get all the vote of in perfectly harmless 'Ut - fact that A general deficiency In temperature entire local lodge was In attendance. It do your work " those who favor Hryan and of those occurred throughout the state, great- was it gathering of the true friends of ing form. ill who oppona him. The Wilson men HOLDS GOOD :e est along the foothills of the Hangre "Billy" Martin the men who knew loved him for the prefer Clark to Harmon and the Har 01 de CriRto range in Mora, Man Miguel him at his be?t and and Kanta Fe counties, where it many noble qualities that he possess- mon men pri-fe- r to .Wilson. P. Clark i degrees a day: large also In ed. The pallbearers were Thoma Made by ft, K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago Clark has hi own positive strength, ths middle and lower Itlo Grande val- Oable, Judge Frank W. Parker, Al THE H. P. Bardshar, M. 8. of Fairy (tb oval sake) which 1 shown to be greater than MORE SATURDAY ley and thence southwest to the Ari- Morrison, Jr., Maker Sos DAILY STAMHXG OF CASB1DATE8 R. C. Garrett. that of any other democrat actively in zona border. A deficiency of at least Groves and 1 degrees a day occurred, however. In There were many beautiful floral the field, and h i the cond choice every gen tributes and the scene presented, as' REPt'UMCAX. part of the state, and the him, candidates, except that evrftAilfkri A rievreea a the men who knew him and loved of all the other eral ftvomri unaf- a larger percentage of the Wilson Thrnwc.'dav' L1ht 10 frost occurred surrounded the casket and with r on Niimfw fW kn - sincerity sang "Nearer My God Bryan. engine wUn inore or eg, regularity through- fected TINGHQUSEMAN EFFORT TO EVICT men prefer On the other hand to Thee," was one long to be remem- , most of the old Hrynn guard are fight- a Tire While Traveling at t&$KrXMFl&MlZ bered. After the ceremonies were con-- ing for the nomination of Clark. UTHrly eluded, the body, escorted by the Elks, STATES High Speed, But Does Not hKtt?0t?aue was taken to the railway station and Ollie James, of Kentucky; Governor month ave- placed upon the C:10 train, it win ar- The precipitation of the in- TO E G. NEGROES FROM Colorado; Senator Leave Track. ex- rive nt Hoeorro tomorrow and be SUCCEED Shafroth, of former rage Just normal, although a large city. Fred T. Dubois, Clark' manager; ecs occurred In the lower Kio Grande terred In the cemetery In that It ... Socorro, W. Newcomb, of Socorro, a 2 R. Pettlgrew; valley. In central Valencia, l. ... former Senator F." The Ranta Fe's proverbial luck held Luna, western Otero, eastern Taos and brother-in-la- w of the deceased, arriv Colorado ...... former Governor Andrew E. Saturday night, the The ed In Banta Fe late last night and . a ... acain when eastern Union counties. remain BUTLER IS RUMOR CLOVIS FAILS Dlst. Columbia. former Senator Charle T, Towne;!; second engine of a double-head- er of the state generally had a small the body to Wocorro 11 ... - dr Is prostrated with Florida ...... George ulllno- No. 1 Into Kansas City, threw, excers or a slight deficiency, although Mrs. Martin Oaorgia 11 ... former Congressman Fred grief and was unable to come to Santa Pence, and Chnrlea a tire. As the train was traveling at aa rather large deficiency occurred in Illlnoia t William; Lafe rate of fifty miles an hour, the fact south wen Torrance county. The snow-th- at Fe. Indiana 10 10 these men have been the heavy. i 10 Hartmann neither engine nor any of the ball of the month was unusually Iowa ... l slopes of TO IIF. A. F. of Alleged to Kentucky 1 closest and strongest supporters of cars left the track remarkable expectally along the western MARTIN'S BODY Van Deinse, Manager Fifty Mounted Men, it Bryan. They are now all active work- The flying tire so damaged the loco- the ungre de Crlsto and San Juan Dt itir.D at sfmmito today Louisiana ... engineer wa unable ranges. beginning of Oc- aft- May be Try In Michigan If t er Clark. Practically all of the motive that the Since the Socorro, N. M., May 12. This Deming Light Plant, be from Texico, to to stop his train and had to whistle tober, 1911, the snowfall for the state 1 o'clock, the auspices ..... 10 ... tr demo- ernoon at under 14 republican who bolted to the to the lead engineer for brakes. The has averaged S8.4 Inches, which la a of the Knights of Pythias lodge, of Executive Head of Local timidate Colored People; Missouri ...... I long of standards, tourists and Precipitation oc- New Mexico .... 1 I crat In are found In the Clark section remarkable record. which he whs a member, will be held 11 7 day couches was brought . to a stop curred quite generally over the state the funeral of William E. Martin. The Power Company. "Driven Off by Sheriff. New York ...... ranks. ll even passengers. 7th, 16th 18th, Oklahoma 4 14 without Jarring the on the 6th to to 24th services will be brief, after which the liealdea, without saying anything In The accident occured about twenty to 27th, 2Xth, while scattered showers body laid to rest In the So- Philippine ..... I ... City. will be 10 ... advocacy of tha nomination of Clnrk, mile east of Kansas occurred on other dates. corro cemetery. This city, where current for sev- Morning goerlal teaaed Wlra.l Ithode Island ... The sunshine of the month averaged practically grew to The rumor has been (By Jenrnal ftouth Carolina.. 1 ... for that ia a matter wholly for the da. "Hilly" Martin eral days, and was last nlrht unoffi Clovls. N. M.. May 12. Fifty 11 ... Jas. C, Dahlmann, serving hi third about normal. There were 16 clear manhood and resided all his life, cially Van Tennessee ...... clalon of the democratic convention at 4 cloudy confirmed, that A. F. Deinse men, representing them- Vermont ...... I term a mayor, Omaha, Neb., again days, 10 partly cloudy and mourns his untimely and rB'j dea'h manager of the Deming' Klectric Light mounted 14 ttaltlmore, who of the democratic wa in receiving the over- days, considering the state as a whole. and great sympathy is the Is selves to be citizens of Texico, a vil- Virginia ... ucesful 7S per & Power Company, which controlled Pennsylvania . . . 79 host have shown greater ability? voter In the At Santa Fe there were cent bereaved widow. by Light & Power Com- today sur- I whelming support of the of the total possible sunshine, snd at the Federal lage nine irtllea from here, Connecticut .... 14 ... a primary election. He also success- pany, of New York, as Is the local rounded the negro quartert In Clovls I For tweety year he ha held Koxwell It per cent. The month was E. C. Kansas ...... I fully rid himself of a bad case of kid- one; ve- plant, would be the successor of and warned the Inhabitants to leave ... strongly democratic district in Missouri rather a windy a maximum as manager of the Albuquerque de- Hawaii ney trouble by the aid of Foley Kid locity 36 was recorded at the Butler within three days because, they ...... in the hollow of., his hand. Ho begun of miles A CHILD'S WASTE G E'octrle I ieht Power Company. persons questionable char- Delaware College, San- y clared, of Hampshire ... ney PUls. and writes: "I have taken Agricultural 39 tnllee at Mr, Van Deinee, though a compora-tivei- raid- New I career without prcstnge Koswell.-Th- e prevail-In- acter were being harbered. The II his political Foley Kidney Pills and they have ta Fe and 46 at ; young man. nas made a marked Main other than ot ability. He was direction for the month was from ers disappeared on the approach of Oregon 4 I that given rn a great deal of relief, so I success in his chosen field. He is a a sheriff's posse, which guaranteed Nebraska, ...... II born on farm in Kentucky and cheerfully recommend them." What the southwest. graduate of Purdue, and thoroughly protection to the negroes. 10 of elec- - North Dakota .. worked aa a hired hand on farms In Foley Kidney Pills have done for Toinnrralure. CLOGGED BOWELS grounded in the technical side 4- 'Wisconsin temperature or state, tric light and power work, while he it that vicinity. He was a clerk In a Mayor Dahlmann they will do fur any The mean the suf- Nevada I ... t determined from the raYords of 7 has had experience enough In the Mr. M. Bishop, Columbus, Kan., Massachusetts . . tl H grocery store. He became editor of a other person bothered with backache, stutloiis, having a mom altitude of practical aide to make him a very val- fered from a weak back a good many .. II country newspaper, a successful book rheumatism, or any other form of kid about 6,000 feet, was 47. S degrees, or uable man. Mr. Van Deinse has the years, aa a result of kidney trouble. Wyoming I ... sgent, president of a college, attorney ney or bladder trouble. Just try them 4.S degrees below the normal, and 6.2 Makes It Cross, Peevish, Rest- reputation of being the hardest worker "I began taking Folty Kidney Pill congress, for quick and permanent result. J. degrees below April. 1911, The highest In the ranks of southwestern electric my 1(1 10 at luw, member of lender of light men. and soon after the pain left back Ill II. O'iUelly Company. local monthly mean was 40.8 deirrees and Feverish; If Tongue today are fully cured." J. H. Total dnlearatp to convention, 1,071. tha minority, bringing order out of the st Carlsbad, and the highest record- less He has been at Deming for several and I Necessary to choice, 140. chaoa that had reigned under thr ed temperature 96 degree at the is Coated Give "Syrup of yeurs, coming there from the Westing-hous- e O'RIelly Company. leadership of Joe liulley and John VALENCIA AND SIERRA same station on the 30th. The lowest plant at El Puso, where he made n was ele- local monthly mcun was 12.6 degrees Figs," quite a name for himself. Hia promo-lio- DEMOCIIATIC. Sharp Williams. Then he COUNTIES FOR CLARK at Wliisors. and the lowest recorded from the Deming to the Albu- E. F. HARRISON ROBBED vated to the apeakership, a position 4 on super- temperature degrees at Chama, querque office shows what his AND hu hns held with conaplcuoua ability. the 14th. The greatest local monthly iors think, of him and of his former OF TEN DOLLARS dearly love to delic-lo- u 1 and In power only to the presi- (gpftal arreepuagare Morning range In temperature was 66 degrees Children take work. tccond f te Jaaraall Curlsbad Knowles, and 'Syrup of Figs" and nothing else ago, E. C. BUR!0J ARRESTUD M-- . 1 at Artesla. and Mr. Butler resigned a short, time dency. Helen. N. May 2. On lust a the least 4 6 degrees at Solano, Virsyl-vl- clean and regulate their tender little night for a brief busi- Thursday evening the democrats of SO and left last STATES M M frUich record Is fur from Indicating and Wlnsors, while the greatest stomacha, liver and feet of bowels ness visit to Denver. It Is currently Valencia county held their convention range temperature was so promptly thoroughly. a ability to be chief In local daily of and reported that he' will tour the country On complaint of E. F. Marrion, (0 la:k of executive the rooms of the Commercial club. 6 get bilious constipated 6 I s over by degree at Knowles on the IVth. Children and between Albuquerque and New York registered with the police Saturday of the nation. Ills success wu not The meeting was presided averages were a follows: just like grown-up- s. Then they get K. C. was I The district in his automobile before he again takes night, a man named Burton Ulssourl ... achieved by accident. It could not County Chairman S. Wilkinson. The No. 7 (Canadian and Northeast), 47.7 sick, the tongue is coated, stomach yesterday morning by Police- .,11 principal purpose of the meeting was or up active electrical work. arrested Oklahoma .10 10 huv extended over a period of thirty desrecs; No. 8 (Pecos and Kio sour, breath bad; they don't cat 4 man Pablo Lujan, charged with the 20 to select delegates to represent Valen- degrees; (West- cross. Kansas ...... year was In the conven- Grande). 47.6 No. rent well; they become feverish, theft of $10 from Harrison. Harrison Alaska ... I ...... unless there merit cia county at the coining state ern), 48.8 degrees. Irritable and don't want to play. Lis- said that he had the ten dollar, which - man. Ha hns had opportunity to tion to be held In Clovls. Morning Journal's Philippines I to represent Prvripltation. ten Mothers for your child' sake was in the form of a bill, taken from I orio Itico. I ... know the people and he hus shown Those who were chosen don't force the little one to swallow him Saturday night in a South First Illinois Valencia county at this convention The average precipitation for the oil, calomel Mathematician couple of .... II that he keeps his ear to tho grounJ H. Wilkinson, O. of nauseating castor violent street saloon. He said that a Wisconsin . 7 13 were I. Jose Chaves state, determined from the records like Catha-tl- c pills. men had attempted to hold the thief, of people Urn F. is proiuihle 0 2 inch, practic- of harsh irrltanta Arkansaa for Indications what tha and Gooch. It that 148 stations, waa or A of Svrup ot Figs will Stands Corrected he escaped by shaking ..11 only a portion of delegation will 0.02 Inch above teaspoonful but that had Nebraska.. 14 . . ., aant. this ally normal, and but have your child smiling and happy them oil. penn I 74 be In attendance upon the state con- April, 111. The greatest amount re- again few Syrup of arrested, $10 on He may not be the ablest democrat 7. JO in Jut a hours. When Burion had Oregon ... t I vention. corded was inches at Anchor will gently clean, sweeten and Editor Morning Journal. his person, which Harrison claimed Indians ...... SO ... In the country, but when all Is sld, Although democrats are few In this Mine, and the least none at Itodeo, liver mlHtaken, think, when waa money represent I r'gulate the stomach, make the You are I the taken from him. Alabama .. , 14 which one has shown himself better section, those who will the while but a trace occurred at ted rock. move on out of tha you say new apportionment county will probiibly In nomi In any 24 active and and that the N. iakota 10 T lean the The greatest amount hours matter, the con- fitted for tha presidency of Champ Clark, In some Mine on bowels all the constipated gives Kentucky an additional Colorado ...... nation unless was 1.00 Inches at Anchor sour bile, the foul, clogged-u- p wf.ste gressional district. ' The new congress ..It name W. J. Bryan Is 6th-6t- h. average Maaa...... II ...... Whether It is wise to elect any manner the of the The snowfall for and poisons, without cauHlng cramps will nave advanced. In such raw. the vote of was 1.8 Inches, and the ave- to be elected In November Baking Powder Biscuits Florid to office of exec- the slate o fol- It democrat the chief the delegation will probably go In dnys 0.01 Inch or griping. forty-tw- now members. The ;eoriA 1 rage number of with you II utes of the Tnltrd Htate different goes dis- With Kyrup of Figs are not lowing are the states entitled to addi- Maryland ... larse pnrt to him. The delegation or more precipitation was 6. The He- - . c'rugg ng or Injuring your children. Llrfht aa a Feather ..II Jqiu-allcn- unlnstructed. averuges were as follows: No. 7, tional representatives. Wsahington 14 trict Ing composed entirely of luscious Iigs, 1; Calllornla, 3; Colo- 1.20 8, Inchee; No. . Alabama, By Texas I It Inches; No. 0.0 be 1; ISeorge., 1; Mn. Janet McKen:ieHill, Editorof H. 0.4 senna and aromatlcs It cannot rado, 1: F'orlda, Idaho, Carolina ... II SH ItltA lF.I.ItJTIt AHK Inch. children 1: Massa- th Boston Cooking School Magazine 20 OI H OI'HHITI'MTY. INSTIU IX CI. AUK. harmful. Full directions for 1; Illinois, 2: Louisiana, tTKIt lit of all age and for grown-up- s plainly chusetts, 2; Michigan, 1; Montana, 1; Wyoming ,, I N. M.. May IX. At the CURRY COUNTY FARMER Ilaldng Powder Biscuits made by this a printed on the package. 1; New Jersey, 2; New TennetuK-- . . 24 people Mexico, in Minnesota. recipe are so far ba- That the of New county democratic convention held Ask your nrugglst for the full name York, ; North Dakota, 1; Ohio, 1; ahead of ordinary general, of Albuquerque In par laat SoturdMy five delegate Instructed HEAVY LOSER BY FIRE 'Svrup of Fig and Elixir of Kenna" Oklahoma, 8; Oregon, 1; Pennsyl- king powder biscuit that, if once tried, Totals ...: Ill tO 14 10 and (or Champ ( Murk's candidacy for the Unlustructed Ntw Turk 0; Mala ticular, have moat fortunate loca. prepared by the California Fig Syrup vania, 4; Rhode Island, 1; South Da- yon will never use any other recipe. presidential nomination, were elected Co. Th' ta the delicious tasting, gen 1; Texas, 2; 1; Washing- Try it the next time you run short of II. tlon a to climate, scenery, historic to represent the county at the state rari.nidiai la Msrata Jaeraal', kota, t'tah, Delegate convention, tmtal M .. May 11- W. H uine old reliable. Refuse anything ton. 2; West Virginia, 1; total, 42. bread. Save this recipe. to l.M. eaavcliitlon agricultural poaalltill-tic- s convention at Clovls on May 14th: Clovls. N. 39 Necessary to choice, two-thlrd- a, and Itowen who has a ranch twelve miles else offered. The call for the republican conven- In-e- Teofllo Garcia, Neal Sullivan, A. M. ha n pointed out by the 1,07 delegates. New Mex- T!. Gillespie, K. 1. Tlttmann and Benja northeaft of Clovls suffered the loss tion Is for Harmon Nrbraaka 1; Trxaa t; Journal many times. of his and five head of stock last ico has elected eight Instead of six mln A. htnl. barn REGULAR MEETING OF secretary total 4. The convention also endorsed J. H. Krldav night by fire. He also ail and William Hayvvard, of Connecticut Paldwin 4. Put the roads In shape so tourists his feed stuff. Including moreltthan the national committee, has stated, over ham (or candidate delesate to the COMMERCIAL CLUB snd health seekers ran travel ttBaltimore convention from the coun- 110 worth of grain. He think the "That Inasmuch as New Mexico saw them In comfort, and this whole state fire was the work of an Incendiary, TOMORROW NIGHT fit to elect eight delegates no ques- CHiNt.lUNM ty of Sierra and the Seventh Judicial Al tiu: CIVIL. aould feel the rftect of the money that district. and the sheriff snd his deputies are tion would be rnleed and that eight at work on the case. mould be seated." This makes the would be brought h.-r- e from every part W. president of Now, you .lve Ken- JVAY 4HH TY INsTltUT A. Kovle. former will meet total LOTS. if commerce of the world and now The Commercial club in ht x The of the United Htatrs. Cl.Altk the Clovls National bank, hut night. tucky twenty-eig- instead of twenty-si- the govcrnmenta of the world fully lull CIIIC"Y connected with a hanking Institution regular session tomorrow The you wi! make the convention con. If the people of Albuquerque Would Tucumcari. N. M., May II. At the Clo- meeting promises to be an tmportrtit of first mag demix-ratl- at Alhuquerque. msie a vlelt to slxt of 1.6N delegate. realise that an event the only wake to the fact that they have eoontv convention held Duke one, as much routine buslnes" l to C Saturday, twelve debaatea were elect- vls this week, returning to the body. The Kentucky legislature hus Baklat PeweW rVUcalte nitude wtlj take place when the gates at door undeveloped agrlcul- - clt- - come before the In addition, their ed reprraent county pahscd no reapportionment law. and cups short-ring- ;3 sw opm. , to (Juav at the vte"v. Fred W. Fakes is to present a propo- Three flour; U to tup of the Panama canal ing ur., that can made to atate democratic convention at Clovis Harry ITInman, apprentice Instruc- If your contention would hold, it ,.ti,in,., le Ke railroad for this rtion for the buildlne of a d'tch along Uxtl Uaspoonfuls K C Baking Congress alone seem oblivious. produce many time not money Tuesday. The delegation were pledged tor i.r the Sinia road, now being re- would have been necessary for the mbout the division, with headquarters here, has the Ln Orlgo convention, held nt toti'er; I tup miik or uxOtr; Boston Halt! more cities to vote for an Instructed deleratloa to built bv a detachment of convicts. In recent republican tcaspoonul i snd and the derived from the combined payrolls Baltimore fnvoring Champ Clnrk for revolved a promotion which transfer Louisville, to elect six delegates at salt. country pre- uf Tope k Kan. ah'ch he proposes to build th ditch of the Pacinc coast are the Santa Fe railroad shops and the president. The folluatng delegates him to a. in conjuiwtion with the construction large instead of four, as wan done. If Rift three times, the fkrar, salt snd paring for the opening. HoMnn ha American Lnmher Company, It Is like- were h.wen I. J. Fmecsa. J. W. 1 of the road, combining the wort se I am wrong In my contention, please baking-- powder. Work into the floor tha grrat ef harbor envelop- ly they would becmie busy and make Corn. 11. P. lonhM. C II. Alldred. Henry Hadar, Neb la the as to make It advantageous to both give me the fgures, liorteninff, nainjf lord or batter lor a slum E. F. Saxon. W. Ferrl. yours. a an get lunda such It. tlooeria. Hush father of ten children and for the past paetier. Verv truly shortening. Then mig to a xrry oft ment and Baltimore has ataked effort to those la Salft. J. F. Ward. C. W. White. J. N. B. McMsnus CHAS. O. GIVEN. 1 Honey Warden John of the donRh with the wager of 4, on what the shape I hut they may I sold to the -. J II. Welch. H. O. Nurris. twenty year ha used Foley City, May 12. 1S12. milk. The ofter tie 't of atate penltentiarv, who Inspected the Silver biscuit enters the oven, w ill bring to w harves. Tfc people who aould lik to come here and Tar Compound with the best quarters the lighter it canal her Foley's provided for the convicts Jut come out. Never knead baking powder rnal carrying railroads are redwing and make their homes. INDUSTRIAL WORKERS raeulla, II tell aa: "I think north of the cttv, while thev arel.ujlil. OWENS MURDER TRIAL Honey and Tar Compound le the beet ng the road to Corralee. stated biscuits: pres thedooRh into shape and rate, mine to ttdawatrr I that their from What ha en done at Roawell and LEAVE FOR SAN DIEGO rough medicine la the world for I they were the bent he had seen in the OPENS AT HILLSBORO roll lightly. Cut in small shape and ta order to take advantage of the de- what Is being done at Demtng may be have used It for the pt twenty year tau and that since th men were to bake oa a sheet or very shallow pan in mand fur coal at the canal termini, done h r In a greater degroe and 1th sad ess recommend It to anyone need- be well housed and adequately fed, a hot oven. In placing toscaits in th they should IKsertatrareo te Maralng Jaaraall place notallms-ingedfrr- s Kngliah freighters are getting read lea We have the climate, the t.n May Approximate- ing a rough medicine." H. O'ltielly do excellent work. pant wrl' apart, eiena. Ansete. It J. 4 lieien, N. M.. May 12. The trial of to touch. Small biscaila to use the canal, as are German aad i!. the water and far heller market ly ne hundred Industrial Workers of Company. William Owen, under Indictment for are better than i he World, will leave Angeles for Mr. Wm. A. Allen. Chsicon. Xew wes granted large one. Larue biarnit do not have Scandinavian ahtppera than either of thaur loans, bnt we do t" ht murder, who a chance Han l-n- . to renew a "free speech-tig- I Gnrttna Mexico, had so severe a couch that of venue Valencia to Sierra coun- the proper amount oi time to raise and ; show spirit of hustle shown lklrw m late wnir.iiiMS from Yet rongrrse remains apathetic the there, at the mnclumos of a V. aahington. Mir 11. The houae It nearly choked her to death. Mr. ty, will commence at Hillfhoro tomor- bake. One senator 1 reported le have eldj,,'r them. demonstralloa to be held here tomor. met to eutoett the late Repre- Allea aays: tried many thing row. It will be remembered that Haw ytm seen Hie aevr K C Conk's 8mkf row momlnii. In the t4r ;orge W. Ten-nee- e. Owen, sta- Brimful of recipes w aa n In canal j If Albuquerque went to grow and r..nimiinn with sentative Cordon, of without helplnu her when by good a special Fsnta Fe officer apprriiior that imptr mat he Interested the ucceBstuI eerry irec-te- w burial of M.kolasek. who died Chief interest centered In the luck I got a of Foley' Honey tioned at Helen, shot and killed a na- he cue it it few sttofle t and would be glad lo see It filled up i have a sound foundation for that of eocnda received m battle Wllh paid by Fher- - bottle ago are earefaUr fallowed. Vc wvaie ladl e la tribute Oen ral laaac H and Ker tive of Mexico some months when par SO eeata f.e ihia we The tf want to tweome lade-th- e Hoi I Mr so poitc. ' wooa. Tr Compound. It helped at r en- laaie tnok. et with mud. lark of Interest tygrowth. she Ohio. his own life was te of I thnucht that tt iWiMt .rrma recenH ul lor waoep capl-la- no ta esperted. I one and finally cured her. th politician is due largely lo the jpendent of the caprice of either rt While ir..t. It It dangered by the threatening attitude parked tnevverSealoniflf K C Unkingf ,he medtcitte we ever ueed." H. A fwriler. ta,H. ' "'" iTry a Journal Want Results het J. of the native. number of wltneasea Iaocm Mro. Co., Chirac fcataj that the canal cannot be usd tolul " tTai'TunT " Ai. o niclljr Coa:pr.y, 1U pf ear at th trial from litlcn. . caaa o au bv Cuua BsUt uuuiuius. t ' 7 THE ALBUQUERQUE WORMING JOUBNAt, MONDAY,' MAY 13, 1912. FIVE --rrr DO N't GET QUITE SO FRESH NEXT TIME, SCOOP.

t t YOU ro BETOVERl siaAtrrftii a4Vim I FIERCE. BUT YOUVE-- 7 I ZZ? I m MRS.SMAPt1.y5l ?SiaiSJMB 6 W0056 ANJ.T MER VUtWSON

- i v x xio. v. . . y riis sni w j a m 4w u ,v'fwi w jzrww i CRuSAOe-WHETHE- RN f .i Women smouud I USE A UPSTICK Q?

If the flies swarm thing about some PROFESSIONAL CARDS place, there Is something wrong there. Cl?an up, and then swat. ATTORNEYS. The Cleveland Leader says Dryan It. W. D. BRYAN is beginning to , make a noiso like Wainifi: CoMmmims A ttorney-at-L- e w. Barkis. Office In First National Bank Build- The Jommal ing, Albuquerque, N. M. TELL IT THROUGH THE JOURNAL IF YOU HAVE A VANT WILSON LEWIS LEGAL NOTICES. Attorneys-at-La- Rooma Cromwell Building BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. Res. phone 1613W Offioe Phone United Rates of America, State of STORAGE. 1171. New Mexico, of the postoffice In the city of Albu- PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS FOR RENT Rooms. in the District Court, querque, county of Bernalillo, afore- In the matter of Mrs. Sedella Ctuynn, Look At This! WANTED Pianos, household goods, DENTISTS. Voluntary Bankrupt. said, Hrst giving thirty days public FOR RENT Furnished rooma; mod- notice of the time, terms and place MONEY TO LOAN. ern; no sick. Apply 60$ W Central. etc., atored safely at reasonable 'IN BANKRUPTCY. of sale and the properly to bo sojil On furniture, pianos, organs, horse rates. Advances made. Phone 640,, DR. J. E, KRAFT by In some newspuoer wagons and other chattels; also on FOB. RENT Modern rooms, Rio The Security Warehouse Improve- Dental Surgeon. To the Honorable Wm. H. Pope, advertisement 8, Cent-w- l. ment Co. Offices: Rooma I and 4, Rooms Barnett Bldg. Phone 744 Judge of the District of l'rlllled and published in the city of salaries and warehouse receipts; as Grande Hotel. 519 W. Court the) low as $10.00 and as high a $180.00. Grant block, Third street and Central Appointments Made bjr Mail. i micu oiaiea lor ine uistrict 0Ii " " ui"" duvh u FOR KENT Very nicely furnished avenue. New Mexico. execute ami ocuver a aeea ior me Loans are quickly made and strictly modern room. 521 W. Silver. to on year Four-roo- m on AND property pro private. Time one month house car line, east mod-Walt- PHYSICIANS SURGEONS. Sedella Guynn, of Albuquerque, In so sold and receive the your pos- FOR RENT Furnisned rooms, the county of Bernalillo ceeds cf said sale. given. Goods to remain In front: a bargain at $700., $100 down, FOR SALE Real Estate. and state of ars reasonable. em. 218 8. St. ML I). New . Whereas, Said note for $2,200, due sesion. Our ratei A. G. SHORTEli, Mexico In said district, respect- Call and sea us before borrowing. $15.00 per month. fully represents that on the 27th day January 6, 1909, with interest from FOR RENT Furnished sleeping Practice Limited to TuberculoeU. 6, Steamship tickets to and from all room; on car 820 IX)H house, of April, 1911, last past, she was duly July 1909, at the rate cf 8 per cent modern; line. SALE ariolw Hours 9 to 11. 224 W. Central Are per annum. Is pant unpaid, parts of the world. South Edith street. West Pacific avenue, 8700. adjudged bankrupt under the acts of due and PRIVATE OFFICES Open Evening Over Walton'a Drug Store. congress and,' whereas, the legal of taio Nlcoly lrtecn-acr- relating to bankruptcy; that holder THE HOUSEHOLD LOAH CO FOR RENT furnished front FOR SALE I c ranch, all she has duly surrendered all her notes has requested the said Metculf, room, with board; home cooking. on property as trustee, to sell said properly to Rooms S and 4, Grant Bulletin. ' under cultivation, main ditch, W.M. SHERIDAN, M.D. and rights of property, and V4 Avenue, 202 north Edith St. new, has fully complied satisfy said indebtedness and 80 West Central with nuxlcrn frame house, barn with all the re- FOR RENT Nicely furuishud rooms, and sheds, about 4 miles on North Practice Limited to quirements of said acts and of the Whereas, The amount due tor prin Co. cipal ng In said Porterfield on ground floor; good location, 822 f ourth street. Price 83.500.0U. orders of the court and Interest provided FOR SALE. 7 Genito Urinary and touching her S. th. rA. MONTOYA, 108 Diseases bankruptcy. , notes and deed of trust mounts at a Srd. the date to $4000 frame resi- FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep- Wherefore, she prays that she may herelnatter mentioned the dence, modern, lot 75x142. N. 4th. FIRE INSURANCE AND Diseases of the Skin. be decreed by sum of $2,318 ing rooma with or without board. the court to have a Now, In consideration ot St.; terms. Denver Hotel. The Wassermnnn and Noguchl Tests full discharge from all debts prov- therefore. J1U00 house, lot 100x142, LOANS Reasonable rates. FOR HALE modern house; the premises and the powers vested must be sold within 10 days. Bar- Salvarsan "606" Administered, able against her estate under said in me by outbuildings, city water, near Uni- FOR RENT Three nicely furnished State National Bank Building, bankrupt acts. virtue of the suld deed cf versity; terms. rooms gain. Inquire W. O. Hopping, owner. trust, 1 will on tho 10th day of July, 1 for housekeeping; modern 618 S. Edith. Alcuijuerquc. New Mexico. Dated this 15th day of April, 1912. $4000 brick, modern, 2 6 West Gold 417 A. D. 1912, Bell at public auction to $1,000 North Seventh street. SEDKIJ-- A GUYNN, , West Central; cash, balance FOR SALE An exceptional bargulu GEO. E. WOODS. M. D. .Bankrupt. the highest and best bidder for cash per cent. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms: at ,door hounn-keepln- If once. two Burgeon. United States of America, the front of the postoffice in $4200 stucco finish also modern rooms for light taken at Five lots and Physician and State of the city of Albuquerque aforesaid, the $2,000 FOR $1,250. 315 N. St. houtes, close In. Grant Building. New Mexico, In the District Court. residence; hot water heal, lot 76x reasonable. Sixth The houses rent for leal estate above described to pay 142, close In; way tliU $55.00 per Fhones, Office 1111; Residence lktlW IN barns, chicken houses; It seldom happens tliui FOR RENT Two rooms furnished month. Prlre for entire BANKRUPTCY NO. 82. said sum of $2,376, together with $1700 cash, balance 8 per cent. is olio of (lie exceptions. for housekeeping, with use of barn. property, $3,200, part cash. Balance In tho costs of advertising sale of said 50x JOSEPH CI PES, M. D. matter of Mrs. Sedella' Guynn and $2750 modern brick, lot cottage, great big lot, ace-qui- a Phone 944, 1600 North Fourth. 8 per cent. John M. Moore Realty Co, a Voluntary property, expense of execut 142, good N. Second Suite 1- -, Whiting Bldg. Bankrupt. and the corner, shade; water, 12 big trees, dozen FOR Modern ing "fruit RENT furnlshuti 4 7- -8 p. ORDER FOR NOTICE. the said trust. street, close In. ' housekeeping Hours, a, m., p. m., W. P. METCALF, $2000 frame cottage, mod- chickens, fine cow1, horse, buggy, rooms also light FOR SALE Houses. Phones Office 1119; Rea. 688. tin mis aatn aay or April, 1912, on Trustee. ern, good cellar, 4th ward, on car harness, household goods, dandy rooms. Stats Hotel, 821V W. Cen reading th,e.furegoIng petition. It is. May June line.- - - - - J sleeping porch, garden already plant, tral. , DBS. TILL AND BAKKS , by m hi-.-- Ordered the cuuri. tiiat $3200 brick, modern, hard-- 1 ed. Only $1,250, and you step right FOR RENT Two furnished room Specialists Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. ing be had upon the same on 10th NOTICK Or1 SAM-:- . place, corner lot. bldg. aay the wood floors, fire In and take charge! It Is an unusual for housekeeping; will take no sick For Sale A Cottage I State Nat'l. Bank Phone 369. cf Juno, A. D. 1912, at 10 a. m., In the District Court of tho State of Highlands; $700 cash, balance 8 nor children. 622 West Lead avenue. before John W. Wilson, referee In New Mexico, Countv of Curry. per cent. opportunity. 1JL E. W. RICILVRIKSON bankruptcy, 38 9. at Albuquerque, in said No. MONEY TO IX)AV. Here la a bargain. A four-roo- m Physician Surgeon. district, 10 In D. A. Llnthlcum, vs. Gas AMERICAN HOTEL and at o'clock the forenoon; Plalntlf.". FIR K 1NSUKANCK. THAXT0N & CO., strictly modern frame Suite 26, Arrnljo building. and that notice thereof be published pore Carl, Paul Knna and tho First 502 2 W. Central house, concrete foundation; near Residence phone 334; Office $34, in tho Albuquerqua Morning Journal, National Bank of Farwell, Defend- A. FLEISCHER, Rooms single, double, or cnsuRe, 11 phone a newspaper printed ants. Phone 857. 811 W. Gold. the shops in the Highlands; on in said district, 111 South Fourth Street. day or week. DR. MARGARET and that all known creditors and Public notice Is hereby given that REASONABIJO PRICKS). the street car line. An ideal G. CARTWRIGIIT, persons Phone 674. Next to New Postofflco location. other in interest may appear I, the undesigned special master, by FSALE---- L health Payments sams Diseases of Women and Children. at the paid lime and place and show virtue of a judgment and decree ren- as rent. Call at 914 So. Edith St. Office 'phone 671; Home, 1088, cause, any FOR RENT Dwellings. if they have, why the dered on the 80th day of March, 1912, FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston Bull Hours 10 to 11 a. m. 3 to 4 p. m. prayer of petitioner In county, 18-1- the said should the district court of Curry puppies. 611 N. 6th. STERN BLOCK. Suite 9. not be granted. New Mexico, in the above entitled terrier Foil REV!". EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. listening eggs, Six-roo- cottage, And it is further ordered by the cause, will on the 1st day of July, FOR SALE white $37.50 furnished W. H. PATTERSON. M. court the by 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., S10 XV. Sliver Phone 854 Pekln ducks. L. B. Stephen, Unlver Fourth ward. WILL HANDLE !. that referee shall send 1255. $500 Diseases of Women and Obstetrics mail to all known at the front door of the court house WANTED teamsters and slty Hill. Phone $25.00 Five-roo- m modern cottage creditors copies of Mexican a line W. Cent ml Ave. Homo Kent Bldg. said petition and this order, addressed In Clovls, Curry county. New Mexico, laborers, $1.75, $2 and $2.25 a day; WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS, 15 eggs Fourth ward. rhone 1166. to offer for sell cash to the Five-roo- DOWN them at their places of residence sale and for girl, $12 week. for fl. H. U. Harrie, 610 a Edith. $20.00 modern cottage $100 SOLOMON BURTON, as stated. highest bidder, to satisfy the sum of 783. I M. D WANTED A first-clas- s baker at once Phone close In. Third ward. $25.00 per month we will build yo Physician Burgeon. WM, H. POPE. H8.45, which, with interest to July you and 1, 1912. will amount to $480.45, said at the French bakery. 202 East FOR SALE My driving horse, buggy, JOHN M. MOORE REALTY CO. an Ideal Hnniralow; select your lot Stilt 9 Barnett Bldg. Judge. Ave. . HOME REALTY sum being amount of Central harness and robes. Ives, the Flor 108 . CO., Vnited states District Court, of $468.45 the FOR RENT flat, Arno 402 W. Central. District of New Mexico, ss: Judgment rendered in above entitled COLIH-RV- EMPLOYMENT. 1st. In good condition to sidt tenant. V, MUSIC TEACHERS. I, Harry F. Dee, clerk of the United cause, also to satisfy the costs of the W. Silver. Tel. 498. P. O. Eox 174. FOR SALE 12 Blue Anduluslan hens H. McMilllnn, 215 W. Gold. FOR SALE rooming house, court in cause and the costs of Ill located. Doing good busl States district court for the district said Wanted Wheelwright and black and 2 roosters. Thos. Isherwood, RENT 414 S. Third St., brick, Centrally Piano LcsKons, of New this talc, the following res' estate 606 FOR nesa. Owner wishes to leave town Mrm. Helen Mexico, do hereby certify that smith; good baker. John St. Phone 454. 7 rooms, modern, screened porches, Buerkle, the above foregoing Is u situate In Texlco, Curry county, New Reasonable for cash. Inquire Slnto Ho (107 Mouth and true and as WANTED Good man who Knows the FOR SALE Thoroughbred eggs, set-- i porch, window range Walter correct copy of petition of dis- Mexico, und particularly described sleeping shades, tel. corner 4jh and Central. AVIil call at homos. a to-w- town, cream wagon. City ting charge follows, it: Lot numbered live for refer hens and cockerels. Phone and water paid. Inquire Mrs. Tllton tiled in said court by Mrs. onces. Inquire 1208 S. Edith. Rroadway. FOR SALE AT ONCE 14x14 tent Sedella Guynn, bankrupt, and order (5), In block numbered six (6), In the) 1510W. 413 South Bogh, 1015 N. Fourth St., or Otto house for the cost of lumber. Owner coun , for original town of Texlco, Curry TOGO EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOR SALE Water Sptnlei pup-pies- leaving town. notice thereon as the same now ty. Irish Dieckmann. Address Mrs. J. Bill ACCOUNTANTS. remains on file and of record In my New Mexico. Phone 647. All kinds of work, as crossed with Sussex Spaniel mer, 1118 S. Walter or Fhonf 1046 said The judgment aforesaid was ren cook, housework, farm, work, Dam and aire. Extra good water dogs. WANTED To rent my twine. Seven offfic. railroad lnrce rooms; modern and nlcel FOR SALE A great bargain, IL V. ROBERTSON COMPANY Witness my dered upon a certain promissory note, etc. 214 S. 2nd street, Albuquerque. Prices 15.00 to .0. H23 N. 11th. cottage, corner; closo In, only official signature and dated April 13, 1910, In the principal furnished: large sleeping porch, yard Accountants, Auditors and the pal of eaid court at Mania Fe, In FOR SALE Laying and setting hens. and stable. Rent cheap, as am leav $2,20(1. Part cash and easy payments. Systemlzers. Mid sum of $343.0", made, executed and Thoroughbred R. P. Rocks and W, H. M Million, 215 W. Gold district, this 29th day of April. delivered by said Gaspore Carl and HELP WANTED Female. lug fur Calif. Apply 516 W, Central Amarlllo, Texas. Albuquerque, N. M. A. D. 1912. Bluck Minorca ep(,rs for hatching, 5c Box 311. Box 470. Paul Enna, secured by a mortgage beven-roo- HARRY F. LEE. WANTED Girl for general house- each. W'm. Blotz. 413 West Atlantic FOR RENT modern FOR SALE Miscellaneous. bearing even date therewith and cov avenue, 14K3W. house, gas range, steam (sl-- ) Clerk. de- work; no washing and Ironing. Ap- phone heat. Cor May crlng the property hereinbefore ner Apply 103 S, 13. scribed, .said mortgage also being ex ply 610 West Coal. FH SALE Baby chicks: Reds, Central and Walter. FOR SALE Good buggy cheap. Rocks, Orpingtons and Wyandottes. Walter. 523 E. Ave, ecuted by said Gaspore Carl and Paul " Central THE Acme House & Window UXiAb NOTICK. WANTED Gir for general house-- Twelve cents each, express prepaid. Clean Knna and being tho mortgage fore 627, FOR RENT Four room and bath, ing Co. Orders promptly attended. Where, Ida May Kdie and V. P. closed bv said decree. Said note and work, family of two. rhone Send ut once. S. I). Metzler, Lyndon, well furnished, all modern conven TYPEWRITERS for sale or rent Kdie, her husband, on 6lh dav of 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Kan. Underwood Typewriter Co., W satisfaction guaranteed; we aweep the mortgaee were executed In favor fences, to responsible parties only. 116 ill., chimneys. Jt Januury, 107, executed und de- and delivered to one A. E. Whitehead WANTED general FOR SALE Anything you want In N. Sixth Gold Ave. Phone 144. Office, 219 West Silver. livered Woman for .t. 294. . to W. P. Metcalf as trustee and the same were sold and assigned Apply on C. Five-roo- FOR SALE Rubber tire runabout Phone for Margaret housework. Mrs. John F. the horse line. Call or address FOR RENT modern Monahan, a crrtaln by said A. E. Whitehead to plaintiff, Pearce. 71 R ' West Central. W. Hunter, at Graham Bros.' saloon, bungalow, well furnished In fine and harness. 1309 Fruit. deed of trust Of that date and thereby D. A. Linthicum. (.'all - NOW IS THE HFASO TO CURE then and or F. W. Shembeck, Club saloon, north location, at No. 1224 West Cen- FOR SALE 100 Air Dome or lawn there conveyed to the said Witness mv hand at Clovls. New tral b venue. V. VOIR RHEUMATISM. Metcalf as April, 1912. FOR RENT Miscellaneous. Second street. benches. W. Futrelle, Orpheum trustee the following real Mexico, th's '5th day of Cheap, 8 room house WANTED Passengers for the fam estate situate in the city of Albu- A. W. IIOCKENMULL. EXTP.A fine horse and buggy fur FOR RENT theater. querque, FOR RENTATfaTfa rancTn""voMTui modern convenience and big yard. BALE Cheap. Good Winton ous hot springs of Jemea, N. M. The county of Bernalillo and Special Master. sale; price reasonable. Apply FOR stage leaves Albuquerque O. daily city; outbuildings. Will run-abou- t, P. Mate of t: -- house and 120 416 9, 703 West Silver. touring car body. New Mexico, Lots May lJ S. Walter St., or phone and with except Sundays at 6 a. m. For rate twenty-on- o lease to responsible parties for term of five-roo- Dod- - numbered e (21) twenty-tw- Ada M. Bittner. RENT New, m A bargain for someone. R. L. any years. Inquire or sddreas, O. A- FR modern or other Information call eltber (22), twenty-thre- e (23) and J. BABY CHICKS and eggs tor hatching house. Inquire at 308 West Iron, aon, Albuquerque Cycle ft Arms to, Phone 1206W or 758 or write to twenty-fou- r (24), in block numbered lbright 111 North Thlro at 613. ight BUSINESS CHAiNCES. from S. C. White, Brown and Buff Phone Gsvlno Garcia. Prop., P. O. Box 14, (S), In the Northern addition to High. 4, 6, the town, FOR RENT Storeroom opposite Leghorna. M. Hunt, 411 South FOR RENT Modern houses. t, LOST. Albuquerque. N. M. now city, of Albuquerque, classified - 8 W. shown $1.25 PER WORD inserting old potitofflce site. M. P. Stamm. Phone 1214J. 7 and rooms; close In: cheap. on the map of the said S( leading papers in th If. M Million. 215 W. Gold. Northern addition made by Otto ads in DESK room for rent and stenographer THEY lay, they win, they pay. Won LOST Silver mesh pock d Iniok con U. S. Send for Hsu The Dake Adver wanted. Apply to room 6, Whitim: FOR RENT Four-roo- m house, with taining keys. Return to 207 8 Hill. SANTA FE TIME TABLE. Dieckmann, and filed In the offlc of 4S8 Los An four firsts, one second at stats fair, the Using Agency, Main St.. block, or phone 673. An- - bath. 410 Wst Lend avenue. Reward. probate clerk and io re- 12 Peary St.. Francisco 1911. R. C. R. I. Reds. Mottled corder gels, or Kai OR Good conaa Rocks. Eggi and LOST Raincoat, between Industrial for said Hernallllo county, Fe FOR RENT SALE horses and B. P. FT New Mexico, on Jan-ua- FOR SALE Restauran at Santa spring wagons or light chicks sale. L. E. Thomas, P. O. school and Hill ranch. Return to the th day of good reasons and mules, for A. D. 1892. doing good business; rigs at Simon Garcia, 1202 N. Arno B 111, 717 Fat Hsseldlne office and get reward. aelling. W. O. Santa Fe. Whereas. The said deed of trust for Bush. Pt- - U.G FOR HATCHING from the WANTED House building and gen 'a given to secure a certain promis- New Mexico. best of laying strain; 11.08 for 12. eral Job work. Barton Keller. PERSONAL sory W. note of even date therewith UK SALE te orug store, Black Mlnorcas. Barred Rock; 222 Phone 1298 the May stores in Dressmaking. Mrs. LADIES $1,000 reward; 1 positively v i? - ,ald ,da Edte ndl one of the best paying egp record; Single Comb Leghorn. WANTED Helen . jie, payaoi two years alter northern New Mexico. Good reasons Opposite park, Rose Single Comt X. I. Reds. Huerkle. 607 South Walter. guarantee my great successful "ate, to the Margaret Monahan, care FOR RENT and said for selling. Address G. D. C, apartments, furnished or unfurnish White Plymouth Rocks, Buff Orplng-ton- a WANTED Team work horses to monthly" remedy; safely relieves Effective January SO, r the sum twenty-tw- o Itlt. of hundred Journal. throughout. Langshana. All choice weigh not more than 1.800 lb. some or the longest, most ongunate, dollars, with Interest of ed. Steam heat, modern and Black Cowles, N. M Westbound. at the rtc to Invest $1,000 j Mountain View ranch, cases In three to five Per cent per annum as evidenced HERE is a chance Paul Teutsch. 3, Grant building. nd healthy- - Visitors always welcome. abnormal tln; Arrive Departa by four where It will bring you in a living. Inspection solicited. Phone 1198R. WANTRD Painting, tinting, screen no harm, pain or Interference with No. 1 Cal Express ... 7:20p Intsrest notes of even date town, making FOR RENT Three rooms for work, neatly done at reasonable strength 9:18 'th said principal note, all of said Good hotel in a good Second Ideal Poultry Ranch. Old Albuquer- - work; mall $1.60, Double No. 8. Cat Limited 11:14a 404 North notice. Box city. L ...!: ""tes. Interest and principal bearing money every day. Ask us about thl price end short 16, 2.00. Dr. F. T. Soutblngtoa Remedy No, T Mex.-Ca- Exp . street. no 9 CaL . .l:lp ll:p interest at the rate of S per cent after M. Moore Realty Co. WANTED Light house work; Co.. Kansas City. Mn. No. Fast Mall .ll:5p 18:44a Neatly furnished two or ironing. Address Box No. 11 DeLuxe Thursday maturity, and JO per cent additional FOR SALE One of the most profit- FOR RENT STRAYED. washing the amount unpaid as attorney's agencies In or three-roo- m apartments, modern, 219. city. only .8:18 S:4la fees, if placed able general Insurance 1104. MONEY TO LOAN. after maturity in the state. An unopposed field In a no sick. 121 8. Walter. Phone STHAIKl) OR STOLEN A sorre Furniture, household Eaxtbonnd. hands of an attorney the ; WANTED for collection. town. Addresa "Rio." FOR RENT with sleeping pony. 650 lbs strap around neck; spot to loan on good real estate. Vo, And. whereas, said deed of trust vapidly growing shod on feet. Branded I li- goods, desks, etc., for cash. Mo.VEY I Tour. Exp, S:S$p 4:1 rare Mornlnsr Journal. porch furnished for housekeeping, bark I. Co. 679, 118 8500, $1,600, $2,000. W. H. No. 4 Limited ...... 4. Hp contained a condition that If the lid 8 rooms elegsntly fur- on right hip. Return to gaa plant aud Frank Auction Phone t0, W. 8:p Ida May Edle modern. Alo Second street. Mi Mllllon, 215 Gold. N'o. 8 East Exp. 6:tp T:!4p and her husland nished housekeeping, with piano, receive reward. North 18 should falj or pay said for cop- No. Overland Exp. . 8:60a, 8:84a refuse to the FOR RENT Rooms with Board modem, one front room furnished for CASH paid for aii slnds of junk; No, 20 Pa Luxe Wednes- r the Interest or any part 616 Coal per, braes and tine, ruhler boots MISCELLANEOUS. thereor housekeeping. W. Ave. WANTED To Trade. day only 9:80f 8 when the aame. or any part $1 per day. and shoes, auto tires and bicycle tires. 18 thereof, pay- - RimiM and board: rates FOR RENT Six rooms, modern THE Albuquerque Music Co.. is now shall become doe and 1Z4JJ Iron, bones and bottles. Southwestern pnone El Paso Tralao. de according ef- 611 Sooth Broadwsv. Phone apartment, gas range, sleeping lo'TRDTi i've' 114 W. Lead avenue. Phone located at 211 So. FourtD su, to the tenor and rooms, per week. tage well located. Kansas City. Mo., Junk Co.. No. Vex. Exp 18:88a fect of (.aid promissory rotes, then G.mD board and it porch; also modern cottage, Albuquerque suburbs n No. . 53. 89 ; per week. to trade for No. 811 Kl 8:88a 'he whole Indebtedness should be-- I Furnished rooms $l.t Apply A, W. unimproved. Owner. M. Paso Pass. wm, i R Third. shade trees, cellar, etc Improved or No. 819 K. C & Chi. 8:98a due and pavable and the said Anson. 816 N. Sth St. O. Browne. Silver City. S. M. V. GOKF TRUNKS AND BAGS. S:88p jeed ft truBt ehou)(1 remain n full A. No. lit K. C. a CnL force, as WANTED Positions. FOR RENT Modern furnished an" e CARPET CIXAMXO. RnsweU, Clovls asMl A I I IBs. and the said W. P. Metcalf rooms, or Furniture. . 205 I". Centra! Ave. ALBUQUERWUB made trunks ar trustee, should at the request of the housekeeping week FOR SALE rhone cheapest; auit easea ana No. 811 Peeoa TaL Exp. T:M leral by elderly lady: month. Weimlnter. Prion 1078. best and No, 811 Aubuq Exp....9;18 holder of said Hots proceed te WANTED Position SALE Mocking chairs, dresser. and bags: repairing. Albuquerqut sell the said property above desrTibed good cook on small rsnch three Folt Iron lied, center "t public 622. frMorning tx,ok ease, sinsle Results'from Journal Want Ads Trunk Factory. 209 South Secono. F. J. JOHN SOX. Aeat4. rendue to the Mrhest und or four. Address Results from Journal Want Ads and figcona, 324 W. llaicldlne. Uddecfor cash t the front door Journal stand THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1912. I - (united State, wa a passenger, on No.' 4MMStt'ttt tttttTtt'-- ac- I 4 for the eat laat night. He waa OfiKERTAKES companied by hi wife. NE Important advantage which you gain in buying Hardware Company 8. W. Moore, ollcitor for the Kansas Crescent 'City Southern, passed through thia 1IxAv clothes ready-mad- e, as against having the:n !clty laat night on No. a. on hla way 1 vour What ; aam Purnlshliut C.ll.r. Tool. Irj.n Pip. Canyon. Harm, C oast, after a visit to the Orand - S.H IJwUiiK,.ol. Tin ami - FRENCH LEAVE tailor-mad- e, is the saving of time. Valvr nd Pliunblr. l He traveled In the private car "Ueral- Bill W. Cr'STHMi AVE. TltXEPIIOMt, dyne. ' Senator William M. McCoy, state-m- n, merchant and Chautauqua Naturally any man who cares 'about his clothes I M boomer;, of Moiintuinalr, waa a busl-ne- a LUST NIGHT 4t4l visitor in the city yeaterday on Makes would just as soon wait a couple of weeks if there's any- Eat the Popular Ice Cream. At All Leading Fountains. hi return to Santa F after spending Sunday at home. thing to be gained by it, M. May, formerly a resident of thla Velvet Cream city, tut now a traveling man with Matthew's vlaitlng One of Convicts Employed on ' ' headquarter at Chicago, ia in "or less; w .. TELEPHONE ORDERS, 420. thin city for a few daya. Mr. May Is There isn't; we'll fit you an hour, better long Bernalillo Highways Departs - e well known here, a ho wa for a time employed In clothing depart- a give you; at less money. They're r4)4)MMMt the Any fit than most tailors can .Li. ment at, Rosenwald'. from Camp Without Sort M. treasurer, and Mandclt, county of Formalities- - ' on of the democratic delegate to "'l tha state convention at Clovla, wa Coupon in Every Sack of a paenger for town last night. A Rogers' Silverware that one twenty-thre- e He goe in advance of the other dele- of the convict . Hart Schaffner & Marx brought to j Good gates, so to transact some business down from Santa Fe work as on roads, effected his get--! at Clovla before the big pow-wow- s the county commence. away last night In truly French style,! leaving hi card nor expected" FLOUR neither all-wo- EMPRESS ol, Felix H. Lester, city attorney, left residence address. The local pollc clothes; perfectly finished, last night for Santa Fe, to attend the were notified, but up to a late hour n supreme court's session tomorrow, been filed , Supply no information had with when the cae of the Water the sheriff's office regarding the es- -. BREAK Company against tha rlty, for money cape. Neither the man's name nor' alleged to be due for water furnished number were known to the guard In, the fountain at Hroadway and Cen- escape, nor waa hearing. charge at the time of Co. tral avenue, will have a final he able to furnish a competent de- II Fay- - missing eld M. R. Otero, who went to scription prisoner. Charles lion. of the f wood Hot Spring the other day for The man was dressed in overall Everything hi health, will return to the city this and Jumper, with his number plainly Wholesalers of son, I FAST morning from the south. Jtis attached thereto. That all that is THE CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHIER ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA John Otero, who had gone to the known about hla appearance. He sim- LAS VEGAS spring to see hi father, I returning ply walked out of the kitchen of the with the latter, and report are oui camp last night and departed for that the senior Otero Is dangerously points unknown. t 1 LAUNDRY 111. The convict are encamped at s, J. W. Harnett, who Is here endeav being at work on the road north oring to get local people interested In from Old Albuquerque to Lbs Oriegoa. wus a oi It is understood there i a reward of f WHITE Richmond. Cal., lota, reaiuem escaped 7. s ECHETARY KNOX IN GOOD SANTA FE If You Would Aibuuueroux fifteen or eighteen year J25 for the recapture of each met prisoner. T! ago. and since his return has WAGONS many old time friends, on leaving i A Like he went to California, w here Delicate flavor retained from garden engaged In real estate buslnc Ceylon C. A A. MEX-ZON- he the to teacup, O. A. tea. L. B. P. OR A CITY YESTERDAY ATTRACTIONS YET with considerable success. Coffee Ilouac, 80S S. Second rtrwt. the smallest, tendered, Owing to a change In plnn, It nn - become necessary the Monday Hlblc COFFEES claa will hold It final regular Strong Brothers jj meeting at the V. W. C. A. this after-oo- n TO APPEAR at 1:10. Mrs. Itunyan will speak NEW TIME CARD T0 1 AFTERNOON tTndnrtakvra and Embalmm. on "How Shall We Deal With Our Peas Prompt Service Day or Night, ' Doubt ?" Tht class is open to all the that are put Into can, wo have Telephone 75. l evidence s. T women of the city. The Bible class them; grown In Wisconsin. strong lllk Copper and Second. X closes for the year with a reception to be announced later. BE OUT SOON IS Head of State Department Southern California Glee Club, Coleman-Blan- k yes- The The Company Per Can terday atarted the electric pumping Made Subject of Considera- with Coterie of Lady Enter- 25c plant recently Installed on the farm ' of J. 8. Hower on the north bank of ble Curiosity by Fair-Siz- ed tainers, and Everett Kemp, Also the lament and sweetest Rio (Irande. well is yielding REPORT grown. In the event that you should the The THE ' kind not receive your morning paper, about 6S0 gallons of water a minute, Crowd at Depot, Are Booked, telephone the POSTAL TKl.E- - a 7 2 horsepower, four-Inc- h pump being I twenty-thre- e QHAFII CO., giving your name used. The lift best at- feet. Forty acres aro to be Irrigated by louse There are still two of the Telephone Peas and udilreaa and the paper will Ke f the well. The plant waa Installed at Secretary Philander C. Knox, head tractions booked on the Santa j Oct delivered by ft" special mes- Changes in Time of No, 32, was In reading room circuit to uppear in A- department, the senger. No. 36. a coat of about $500. a'f of the state Eve- grown In York Mate. The telephone la city on No. t yesterday for about half lbuquerque. Tho first of these is Freight Running Here from an hour and was made the object of rett Kemp, who comes May 19th, and g.VOfl llwarr .Y(m. At Newcomer' Art Shop, today only. gazing by a the second is the Southern California will be ptild u considerable curious Per Can The above reward wpeclal exhibition of water colors West,, and Elimination of De small crowd which collected about Glee club, which is accompanied by a 20c for the arrest and conviction of will be made. These beautiful paint- number of graduutes of the Cumnock Anyone ratight stealing coplea ings something appro- hig private car when the train stopped present offer especially Luxe Only Differences, of local depot. Mr. Knox received school of expression, and will Morning at the of the Journal from priate for graduation gifts or wedding press representatives, but his some grand opera numbers nere may th doorway of subscriber. preaenta and the public ia cordially several 29th. JOURNAL, CO. allowing. remarks were notable chiefly for their PUBLISHING invited to attend the getting . Everett KeniD presents Impersona The Hanta Fe official are charade-- tions taken from the ".Music Master." out new curd, which will be - WARD'S STORE Tha best saddle noraea to be had In a time Mr. Knox stated that he was to which are said to outrival evert- David I ready for use noon, according to cur- speak in behalf of Mr. Tiift'3 title tha city are at W. U Trimbles, men. twice Warfield'a interpretation of the LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST lit rent report among local railroad candidacy for renoinimUion lor pres- A good him at North Second street Phone I. changes ad- role. house is ussured HOMER H. WARD, Mgr. The rumored are but the Putney ident, at Toledo and Clevelund, uhio. tho Klks. - vancement of the time of arrival of KHid on his trip across the He that . S. E. Busser, superintendent of the Ave. 100. No. 32. a freight from tho west, and of continent he had SIS Marble lbouo WEATHER RKI'ORT. M'CORMICK GIVES De southern half the reading room system, is telling all his 9 the elimination of the F.anta Fe found commercial conditions good, Kemp, as Luxe, which has been taken off dur? was presi- friends to be sure and hear For the twenty-fou- r hours ending TO despite the fact that it a he is tho greatesct ever. He talks al- evening $25,000 FOOTBALL ing the summer season. dential year. Secretary Knox de- at o'clock yesterday No. Is to be changed a few Offers the trade most as strongly for the California Maximum temperature " degrees; l' time to clined an Invitation to address the people, who he assert are splendid minute.'. crowd. minimum temperature 44; runtre SI. The new card is expected to be sent val- singers. This aggregation Includes GIERKE, OGLE & DOANE ii p. 66. , X. 12. the very best my lu Temperature at in., yesterday Princeton, J., Mav Cyrus around to the trainmen within h few "I spoke only once on trip," he rionald Paul, a tenor well known Houthraat wind: partly cloudy. political matters, but 1 am the coast states, and will be under the Insurance, II. MeCormick, member of the board daya. It is umk't stood It has already said, "on Abstract. Fire unlveraity been submitted to division officials, ues obtainable in going to stop in Toledo and Cleveland personal direction of L. E. Beheimer, of trustees of Princeton 1 opera im- Civil Knttlneering. Surety Bonds weather itnti:c ast. for their approval. to speak for the president. have one of the greatest grand Real Estate and Loan a. and an nlumnus of Princeton, has nothing special to say about my South presarios In the country. given IJ5.0U0 to the champion tiger American trip, that has been well Beside the ordinary glee club stuff, Phone Room Stern ftldg. Washington. May 1 2. Now Mexico Our boy' department t full of fall. money covered by stuiemenls to the press there will bo selections from II Trova til Fair In south; shower In north por football eleven of last The good thing. Sea our school suits, Mikado," staged with tion Monday; 1 tiesday fair. ' already. tore, and "Tho Is to be useil at the discretion of the also washable suits for the little fel- - "1 noticed great deal of In- all accessories. Owing to, the fact Went Tesas Kalr except shower In team, but the donor auggesl that have a on Monday; lows. All moderately priced. Simon terest in tha Panama canal's comple- that the Klks theater is engaged the I'linharulk! Tuesday fair; In be-in- Ifi.iMio of the amount be used erect- Stern. lOFFEES tion, and great preparations are s; the night of May 29th. the concert warmer. ing n gateway to Cniverslty field to it Orphcum ArivHUia Fair Monday itnd Tuesday. made for the Influx of trade will be presented at the take the place of "old Thompson will bring to the Pacific coast. I be- theater. . Gateway," which Is the present en- SHERIFF ARRIVES TO valley Dr. Conner, Osteopath, , fttrra Mdg. lieve that the Mississippi and trance to the Held. the Pacific coast will be the first Auction! Osteopath. TeL T1J. The remaining 120,000 will likely TAKE Ir. Kcliwriitkcr. CONFESSED region to receive much benefit from Clean rag. be ued a part of a fund to build a and, as I am told, you have ROOM AT Wanted cotton Jour stadium. FORGER BACK HOME the canal, READING na of flea. I Vk cents a pound commercial relations with both, the MeCormick has a son in Princeton con- E. Schocle, Helen, I a business No pains have been canal should benefit New Mexico of who played In the Harvard game for siderably." visitor here, coming up from the Junc- a while last fall. tion city iitat night. Sheriff Felipe- Lucero, of Dona spared to procure Mr. Knox declined gently, but none At tha residence of Mr. Robert Ana county, arrived last night from the less firmly, to discuss anything BELEN TO OPEN P. Wul nil, general hsggag agent for Tht swellast turnouts and cabs la La to take back the man even savored of politics. He Smart, North Second street, will passed Cruces the very finest ar- that 7il the Santa. Fe, through here the city are at Trimble's, lit North named French, who was arrested Sat- stated that he expected to arrive in lie continued last night i No. 1, bound for the Second street. Phone S. urday by Hen Williams, head of the Washington about May 17th or 18th. coat. Santa Fe secret Service. Lticero ad- ticles for the money TODAY, V. W. Clatewond. R. L. Grave and mitted, according' to . Mr. Williams, TOMORROW il. 8. Moore, of Hoswcll, arrived here JEWELRY STORE IS that he had forged three check In the last night und will go to Santa Fe thin Mesllla valley city, and It was on MASTER MECHANIC Starting Promptly at mot ntnt,'. ROBBED OF THOUSANDS telegraphic advices charging this that M. A. Rom, the timber expert, was he wag arrested, I.ucero will take 1:30 P. M. ; a northbound passenger lust night. French back tv Las Cruces this Last Eastern Entertainment .Me will be absent from the city lor Denver, May 11. Several thousand morning. ,' Quality is HAS w MATTEMORE With axci-pllo- of l)u furnishings of at. leaat a eek. dollar' worth of diamond and Troupe to Appear; Dance to kitchen and dining room, the gooda The Fraternal Brotherhood will watch,' were taken today from the HEALTHY MOVEMENT Club meet In regular evening Jewelry tore of (leorge Relnhart In Follow Concert in New previously advertised yet remain to le session thla at city by rolib, ra they H o'clock in odd Fellow' hall. All this after had DURING PAST WEEK aold. member are requested to be present. broken Into the premise through the Guaranteed RESIGNED Building. rear of an adjoining pool room. The IN LOCAL REALTY Tor the Information of those Inter- Mr. and Mr. J. F. liuckel left Sat- safe in which the plunder was inn-tallie- d ested It la definitely aimed that the urday lor the east. fter apending was broken open and wrecked. eastern a day or o here. Mr. liuckel la one A search by detectKe for three men The appearance of the last h'telnway piano, and the Columbia w n a company or me of the general officials of the llurte) whom nearby resident declare they The past e k ha show healthy entertainment open- rtionngiaph, together with 205 rec- say auspi- in Albuqueroue realty at Helen Tuesday, w ill mark the stcm. earryln eacka and acting movement Local Man to Enter Business new will be aold at 3.51 i. m. ahurp. ciously In Jewelry clrelfS, the record compiled by ing of the Santa Ke's realms ord, A ihe of the Junc- am of Charle Warren Fair- I shortly rubbery was th Albuquerque Retail Merchant' Re- room and club building at the Auilion start rmiitly at 1:34 p. v store after the Field in Los Angeles is Tu.sdav banks, former of the d es- howing thy following tion citv. A formal opening today. red futile. Helnhart association. and an in. 1 Try night has been arranged for. timate hla loss at f 0.000. deed record d a port; His Successor Likely to If not so to equally enjoyable function. , Caroline Solomon and huslnd. a one. the shape of a dam-- HAIR DRESSING Fre, V. Fakes, a piece of limit bound- be McMurray, of Newton, formal in bv V. H. Uill will follow the concert. ed east land of Chicago LadU.'r" MANICURING 1300. f'O. The comunnv is ihe Package Concert Orchestra. There are nina Co. SPRINGER W C. I. Adrlano U Ssnche. et. ai. wa yesterday made aggregation, a fo.11"!' Frank Auction ftrakls made tip front Combings. to Flora I. Wilson, a piece of land in Announcement ladies in the Dyed. A. master mechan- Charlotte Gates, soprano and pianist. Swltiliin Shampooing, TRANSFER CO. Ranibo de Atrlsro. tl.Oii. that - Mattemore, t!rac facial Cleansing. Camllo Liicero et al to Franeliao some time past, and with Marv Jacquin l.ut. violinist: ic here for M. Shepherd, oornetist: Frankie A. Hareia. et a I. a piece of land In Pre jurisdiction extending over the Rio soprano ac- MRS. CLAY. cinct 4. Orande division, had resigned. Mr. Cramer, flute; Julia iJits. tM0. wife to on being questioned yes- companist; Mav Plerson. drums. Opposite iHtatuftlcr, Telephone S3 1 Oeorae IltmrJ and Freeman Mattemore. Woodbury, reader; Bertha Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. Haul Trunks R. Pennington, et at, lot t. bbak "H," terday rerarding the rumor, atated K'lial.eth manager. was true, and he had re- 11. Arnold, business Psrk Add. 11.00. that it that Superintendent Busser. who i " A. H. Carroll, Mgr. Ksqulp'ilo liomcro t Maude Henri- L B. P. - - 40c signed on May 5th, to take effect May night that tn etta Craft, a piece of land In Precinct ISth. He aald he would very likely go this city, slated last General Mill. Angeles, but concert would he a good one. Planing The Best Place to Eat It. into busines in Iajs that building ta not tns I , ' htistand to as to his exact fu- The new club Mande II. Craft and Mex-Zo- na he was undecided costly on in 3d and Marquette. Phone 8. M I'ompany, - - 35c health most commodiou and lohn Moore Ke!tv land ture plan. He stated that the of convenience THE HOME RESTAURANT in i 11 family did not permit him to svstem. but Is a marvel lulu onntv, of hi well suited to tc 505 Wrt C.l.l Ave, ltrlM-r- t A. Kentck and wif to (remain longer In thin altitude. and comfort, and Next to National Hank TRY US H. r. V'ebh Iota and 7. John M. Putney's Spc'l 30c Mr. Mattemore has been In Albu- use to be made of It. IW I Moore Realty Company' Add. Ii . querque several years, and has had for x--C- J K. I wife to V. A. Hrd-miT- i. capable administra- Ask s si Mint Whole Irr i WALLACE HESSELDEN Oriisc and ;n effalent and Milkman. N" of lot 17. J5. ar.d . tion. He ha made many friend here, Milk nr tho zOth Oatory General Contractora, t.lo k INra Add. Il ea. both among the railroad men and C A. Coffeet Co.. ton 6. Second St. l. Pennington wif e e Figures SUN PORCHES, SCREENED PORCHES AND ALL KINDS Froemaa Ii. and other, and thee will sorry to hav and workmanship count to W. S fv.n.!..n, k.t 1. bkx k 12. Ft-er- n him leave the city. If yon need a carpenter, telephone V guarantee inurs fur your moor Add ia reported Mr. McMurray. AJ OF PORCH AND SCREEN WORK AT THE It that Heaselden, phons ITT. thaa other contracting firss la e buqtrqua. office at Salomon Sjr.-h- and wife to ret, For sale by all who has been at Newton for some i. i. a . blo k Fan-er- n time, will succeed him as muster me- prices. q r.e. t. Beautiful hats, reasonable srrriuon plants mill, PLANING MILL Adt.. chanic here. Bungalow Millinery 8hop for sale. Pboaw SIT. SUPEROR lI.a A. P.romn Lippitt to A. J. Retail Mlov. I.. i. I 2. . . . and . bl.M k Grocers 1. Hhin I'U.-- JmM frnrkI! Mrw. Mccie ratttltltsjSjtsjjttta; E. LEROY YOTT, OrrtlbM Lamp CrcrUVoa ! lrnilr. a i of Und in I' II A U Pll A I Durar., t.u . P l I. J.-p- (lk Lais WUALuUl-U- Mn T. h; m iiX Attractive Business Wagons Graduate of th Norma Dvpart j nAnni A. Whiiiea aad wife in ilsvk ft I Yt f 1 JS IS. 14. 1 1 M 1 sna man of th Americas Conservator t SI. .rr..H. ft. oi and 1. II I I bf Music. Chicago, 1C AXTHRACITF, ALLrtiorMUS. STTM COAT. 3 n Do you get ths full benefit of the money Invested in yoor Delivery cj if ' Coket Mill I UouaV Cortt Nsilie Klaxtllwc. ftow ,T"r p Ii Wages? Is it a fine, attractive, useful advertising medium which Teacher of Wd., Itrtt-a- C Hf-ar- ol. Rrtr-k-, and wife to II I J rVII lire lay, fcaat t e t'eanwai I las I. iro Ul keeps running tha year round, sdverturlng your business? noU.1, n llMOT and COrXTKR-I-OIX- S4hk. TT. . S W JI ;4 and J , you. i. , you Si lUk l. Cm Aitl, ij Z If want a bust nee waroo that will properly reprent Maude II. t rft and h"fnd to H sO lITi ' end on that will g!v years of servic and want It at. a reasonable tutllo It Btraett Wlc At Studio by RBI price, call oa us. W a hart It. Appointment Only. Kelly Co. - Gross, & (Inc.) '-Vui rtsotM I2S7J. P. O. Bn 1ST. WhoteMle firoctrl and Dealers la Ki'l-vlnV- 0 UU I: Kltv i'. , , Ad4. T 0lv3 1 Albuquerque Carriage Co., H5.. 1UGII-CBAD- Wool, Hides, Pelts and Goat Skins X. A. .SJ Wtf t J F Z E VEHICLES. OOnXER FIRST AXD TIJER-- Results from Journal Wart Ad: K. lu Vrcae. X. M, AltMa-r- j. X. M, TarsMrl, X. M TWwMsat, CnVov. P-r- r . . H o IT. Zi. 14 R.i A. St, IVarosa, 2k. St. :i. t l. ptiva Add, I :.... 1 f