Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 151.9
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 151.9 may be examined either at the port of registered on inspection without regard entry or at any other port where cus- to purity of breeding. toms entry is made. [23 FR 10104, Dec. 23, 1958] (b) The owner, agent, or importer shall provide adequate assistance and RECOGNITION OF BREEDS AND BOOKS OF facilities for restraining and otherwise RECORD handling the animal and present it in such manner and under such conditions § 151.9 Recognized breeds and books as in the opinion of the inspector will of record. make a proper examination possible. Breeds of animals and books of Otherwise, the examination of the ani- record listed in paragraphs (a) and (b) mal will be refused or postponed by the are hereby recognized. Recognition of inspector until the owner, agent, or im- such breeds and books of record will be porter meets these requirements. continued, however, only if the books (c) A pedigree certificate, as required of record involved are kept by the by § 151.4 shall be presented at the time custodians thereof in a form which is of examination to the inspector mak- reasonably current and the book other- ing the examination in order that prop- wise meets the requirements of this er identification of the animal may be part, in the opinion of the Adminis- made. When upon such examination of trator. When a registry association any animal, the color, markings, or which publishes a book of record that other identifying characteristics do not was recognized in printed form ceases conform with the description given in to publish the book in such form and in the pedigree certificate and the owner, lieu thereof publishes the book in agent, or importer desires to pursue microfilm form, the recognition of the matter further, the inspector shall such book of record will be continued issue ANH Form 17–419 to the owner, only if the book meets the require- agent, or importer, and shall forward ments of this part.
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