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Index Page numbers in italics refer to Tables or Figures Acasta gneiss 137, 138 Chladni, Ernst 94, 97 Adam, Robert 8, 11 chlorite 70, 71 agriculture, Hutton on 177 chloritoid stability 70 Albritton, Claude C. 100 Clerk Jnr, John 3 alumina (A1203), reaction in metamorphism 67-71 Clerk of Odin, John 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 andalusite stability 67 Clerk-Maxwell, George 10 anthropic principle 79-80 climate change 142 Apex basalt 140 Lyell on 97-8 Archean cratons (archons) 28, 31-2 coal as Earth heat source 176 Arizona Crater 98-9 coesite stability 65 Arran, Isle of 170 Columbia River basalts 32 asthenosphere 22 comets 89-90, 147-8 astrobleme 101 short v. long period 92 atmospheric composition 83-6 as source of life 148-9 Austral Volcanic Chain 24 continental flood basalt (CFB) 20, 23, 32 cordierite stability 67 craters, impact Bacon, Francis 21 Chixulub 109, 110, 143 Baldwin, Ralph 102 early ideas on 90, 98 Banks, Sir Joseph 96 modern occurrences 91, 98-101 Barringer, Daniel Moreau 99 Morokweng 142 Barringer Crater 99, 102, 103 modern research 102-3 basalt periodicity of 111-12 described by Hall 40-1 creation, Hutton's views on 76 mid-ocean ridge (MORB) 16-17, 20-1, 22, 23, 30-1 Creech, William 5 modern experiments on 44-7 Cretaceous-Tertiary impacts 141 ocean island (OIB) 20, 23 crust formation 17 see also flood basalt cryptoexplosion structures 101 Benares (India) meteorite shower 96 cryptovolcanic structures 100-1 Biot, Jean-Baptiste 97 Black, Joseph 4, 9, 10, 11, 42, 171 Boon, John D.
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