SALT II Dashed on Towns U.S

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SALT II Dashed on Towns U.S JOB SECURITY? AQONYOF SETTLED The Iranian arms sale THE FEET The Long Branch City controversy raises ques- The constant pounding Council upholds the can- tions about how much absorbed by the feet of didacy of a firefighter Reagan's Chief of Staff pro basketball players running for assistant fire Donald T. Regan knew has led to serious foot chief. about secret money injuries which have side- schemes. lined some of the game's best players. PagelB nBS5B The Register Vol. 109 No. 82 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S NEWSPAPER ... SINCE 1878 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1986 25CENT$ Shoppers converge SALT II dashed on towns U.S. exceeds treaty Cash registers limit with new B-52 ring out merry By TIM AHERN Christmas tune Associated Press Reaction to decision • Soviet leader Mikhail By BOB NEFF WASHINGTON — The United States Gorbachev: "a major mistake." The Reglstei violated ceilings in the unratified SALT II nuclear arms treaty yesterday when • Sen. Sain N.unn, D-Qa.: another Air Force B-52 bomber capable of Monmouth County went shop- carrying atomic-tipped cruise missiles "gives the Soviet Union a military ping yesterday. Ask anybody. became operational. advantage." In a relatively quiet corner of The treaty's numerical limits were McDonalds in Red Bank, Jim and breached when the eight-engine B-52 • Rep. Las Aiipin, D-Wis.: Betsy Murphy huddled early last arrived at Carswell Air Force Base in "shores up Ronald Reagan with night with tiny Jim Jr., who sat in Texas after having been modified to carry the right wing.'' a stroller eating french fries. , up to a dozen of the low-flying cruise The Murphys, of Eatontown, missiles. were "taking a breather" from the • Rep. Jim Wright, D-Texas: It is the 131st B-52 which has been "embarrassing." bustle outside, where gift-hunt- modified, putting the United States over ers since early morning had been the limit in the treaty which permits only store-hopping, window-shopping 130 cruise-equipped bombers if no other and bargain-hunting. atomic weapons are eliminated from the difficult to search for uhe approaches for The great holiday shopping U.S. arsenal. disarmament." season had rolled into towns all The Navy is not retiring an aging Several Democrats in Congress also over the county, and the Murphys Poseidon missile-firing submarine from criticized the U.S. action. were a part of it. the U.S. force to keep America under the Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Gei., who will become "It's a little crazy," said Betsy. total limits of various types of weapons chairman of the Senate Armed Services "We didn't even really buy any- permitted by the 1979 treaty, the Pen- Committee in January, naid in a statement, thing. But at least now we have an tagon said earlier this week. "I believe the president's decision ... gives idea of what we want." Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, con- the Soviet Union a military advantage, "It'll get crazier, you know," cluding a visit to India, criticized the U.S. with its near-term missile production broke in Jim Sr. decision, saying, "We regard this as a capabilities, as well as a substantial world And merchants agreed. major mistake, which will make it more See SALT II, Page 4A Tradition says yesterday, the first day after Thanksgiving, was the first of the holiday shopping season and, more importantly for Developers offer compromise merchants, a barometer for the shopping days to come. The theory is that if the day after Thanksgiving brings out the Ocean Place Hilton seems buyers, then Photon, Tittle red wagons, Bruce Springsteen - albums, pink ties and othar hot close fo getting DEP's OK items are sure to lure droves of buyers right up until Christmas. the Hilton developers agreed to lop one And because most merchants By STEPHANIE GLUCKMAN story from the top of eiach tower, accord- hold to that theory, yesterday the Register ing to Villane. brought tidings of great joy to Villane said John Weingart, assistant those behind the cash registers. THE REGISTER/CARL 0. FORINO LONG BRANCH — After almost a year commissioner of the New Jersey Depart-* "I don't even know where to and a half of negotiations, the proposed ment of Environmental Protection, told start," said Wally Ecklof, owner Sand riders Ocean Place Hilton could be two weeks him earlier this week that developers of Tanks-Alot pet store in Red from winning state approval, according to William V. Maloney Sr. and William V. Bank, when asked about business Maloney Jr. had offered to make the Dan Thompson, left, of Fulton, N.Y., and his college roommate, Richard Parks Assemblyman Anthony M. Villane Jr., R- yesterday. "It started at 9:30 in Monmouth. •'. towers only 11 stories each. the morning, and a second shift of Middletown, ride bikes along the beach at Sandy Hook yesterday. Despite "And Mr. Weingart Indicated that would - the cooler weather, many people still enjoy the beach. See page 5A. One of three objections voiced by the finally had to be called in.. state— the possibility that the two 12- solve the problem," Villane said. "If the rest of the year is like story towers would cast shadows on the The Maloneys are seeking state approval this, it will be a great year," he beach — was eliminated recently when See HILTON, Page 4A said. "It looks like Christmas Eve in here." "This is a key day," agreed Don Magee of Clayton and Magee, a Red Bank clothing store. "And Colts Neck still waiting on Navy response we've been .busy all day long." Muriel Stern, marketing direc- tor for the Monmouth Mall in' By MARY GAY JOHNSON Dispute centers on Earle expansion Eatontown said this year's crowd The Register' appeared to be somewhat larger CS-tt t the Navy's. npen an Environmental Assessment Board President David Kostka said Frl- than last year's. COLTS NECK — While Colts Neck and as the board awaits response from Wash- Study on all 500 units, which means it will day that the memueis nxpm to hear by "There are a ton of Macy's the U.S. Naval Department are at log- ington, D.C., regarding several grievances. again consider wheth/r or not the Earle week's end whethter or not the Navy will See SHOPPERS, Page 4A gerheads regarding the expansion of Earle One major contention of board members expansion will have/major impact on the agree to stop building the units pending the Naval Weapons Station, any possible litiga- appears to be their attempt to halt con- community. / outcome of the environmental study. tion by the township could hinge on the struction of the first installment of 500 new In a previous study, the Navy concluded "Our request to the Navy is not, in our Lottery Navy's next response, which is expected housing units at the military base in Colts that the escalation at the 7,000-acre base minds, unreasonable," Kostka said. late next week. Neck. would have no effect on the township. The The board has hinted it will take its battle As the dispute continues into a new Construction on the first phase — 200 additional units at the base are needed for to the courts if necessary; Kostka said The winning number drawn last month, the Colts Neck School Board has units — is underway, much to the dismay the 1,200 military personnel and families members will resort to litigation only if the night in New Jersey's Pick-It Lot- found itself a participant in a waiting game, of residents and the Colts Neck Council, moving there in the next few years. Navy does not cooperate with any of its tery was 614. A straight bet pays sparring responses with Earle and Naval which passed a resolution requesting all The families are expected to bring an concerns. $183, box pays $30.50 and pairs officials and, at the same time, trying to construction be put on hold. estimated 600 children to the school system The Council has agreed to stand behind pay $18. The Pick 4 number was appease anxious residents. The public outcry has prompted the Navy and to create a budget deficit upwards of $ 1 See EARLE. Page 4A 9994 A strainht bet Davs $4,950.50 and box pays $1,237.50 ... The winning number picked yesterday in New York's Daily Number lottery game was 9-6-4. Bell proposes services to thwart annoying calls The "WinFour" number was A^A u/.thnnAn#thA NEWARK (AP) — Consumers thee CLASS Calling Service will bbee Carrigan said the service, firstt actually knowing the phone 3-2-5-9 Ap^ft M^i^ L WitWllfhl OnonOe Oofl Ith >e fef_dj un rp» with annoyinannnvlngd phonnhnnne solan1-_ clearen\nartii\d bhuy thtline BPTIPIUI iinn tht!»«»e nex rwivt t madmatine availabl n\rnilnhle oin in th the «Harrisburg rlarrichnrt, f numbernnmho, r an>inrd lthe than ncontac fx«*>«***t Ne> XwI WW new services, icitations or prank calls would be few weeks. Pa., area last year, is not a result Jersey Bell officials to request m customers able to thwart such calls with new Carrigan said the services of annoyance complaints but that calls from the number be Index m could trace* services New Jersey Bell hopes to would be introduced in Atlantic rather new technology that makes stopped. M call, then re- introduce. City and Hudson County early such features affordable. A third would print the number Ann Landers 7A m quest calls "We feel customers will be very next year, and statewide begin- He said three of the services are of an incoming telephone call on a Bridge 6B M from that interested in these services," Bell ning in 1988.
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