Biology Curators Group Newsletter Vol 2 No 7.Pdf
.,.. oem'ao (olp.ciw). To swoop or pounce · og-. See ob-. *ololy'gon (6..\o..\vywv), m. Th upon; to (jart along. og'mus (oyp.o,.), m. 1\.ny straight line; of the male frog; an unkno oemo'ge (olp.wy~). f. Loud wailin,s, a furrow. *o'lor, gen. olo'ris, m. ( -' olor. lamentation. z o'ia (wla ), f. V<!.r. of oa, a border. (poetic); a smell, an odor. CD oemo'zo (olp.c:,Cw). To wail aloud. *o'is (ot,.), m. & f. (-'ois.) A sheep. ol'ous (6..\.o&,.). Destructive, oemog-· (olf'Oy-) . ( = ovis.) murderous. ~ _, oe'mus (olp.o,.), m. or f. A way, a road, ois'tus (6«rr6,.) , m. An arrow. ol'pe, ol'pis (o..\'ln'J, o..\1r,,.), f. Vt a path. o'ius (oW>,.) . Of sheep. oil-flask; a vessel for pour in - toenan'the (olvO.vfh]), f. [Gr.] A vine oi'zo (wl,w). To sit on eggs, to brood. o'lus, gen. ol'eris, n. ( -' olus. CD blossom; the vine; dropwort; S piraea o'lax, gen. ola'cis. [Low L.] Smelling, Garden herbs, vegetables. ~ filipendula; a bird, perhaps the wheatear. odorous. ( =lachanum.) (Also holu ~ [L.] The grape of the wild vine; a thorny CD ol'bius (o..\pc.o,.). Happy, blessed. tolusa'trum, n. A plant, Smyr. ...., plant, pimpinella-like dropwoft, _ ( = beatus.) olusatrum Linn. Oenanthe pimpinelloides Linn.; a bird to'lea, f. An olive; an olive tree. olus'culum, n. Dim. of olus. • also called parra. (=elaea.) olyn'thus (o..\vvOo,.), m. A wi Also oenan'this (olvavOl,.), f.
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