Lista E Kapaciteteve Te Reja Te Transmisionit Dhe Linjave
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LIST OF NEW TRANSMISSION DT-PA-003 CAPACITIES AND INTERCONNECTION LINES 2014-2023 ver. 1.0 Page 1 to 33 Office; Development and Long Term Planning LIST OF NEW TRANSMISSION CAPACITIES AND INTERCONNECTION LINES (2014-2023) LIST OF NEW TRANSMISSION DT-PA-003 CAPACITIES AND INTERCONNECTION LINES 2014-2023 ver. 1.0 Page 2 to 33 Office; Development and Long Term Planning Table of contents ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 3 Foreword ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1. Current capacities of the transmission network – 2013 ..................................................... 4 2.1 Current capacity of transmission lines ......................................................................... 6 2.2 Current transformation capacities ................................................................................ 7 2.3 Current capacity of power exchange with the neighbouring countries ............................... 8 2. Development of new transmission network capacities 2014-2023 .................................. 12 2.1 Transmission line capacity – configuration 2014-2023 ................................................. 15 2.2 Development of transformation capacities 2014-2023................................................... 17 2.3 Interconnection line capacities 2014-2023 ..................................................................... 19 3 Regional developments of transmission systems ............................................................ 23 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 23 3.2 Long-term projects in the South-East European Network ...................................... 25 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 28 ANNEX A Technical data of South-East Europe’s interconnection lines ............................ 29 LIST OF NEW TRANSMISSION DT-PA-003 CAPACITIES AND INTERCONNECTION LINES 2014-2023 ver. 1.0 Page 3 to 33 Office; Development and Long Term Planning ABBREVIATIONS KOSTT – Transmission, System and Market Operator j.s.c. KEK – Kosova Energy Corporation j.s.c. KEDS – Kosova Company for Distribution and Supply with Electricity j.s.c. (KEDS j.s.c) SEE – South East Electricity System DSO – Distribution System Operator ERO – Energy Regulatory Office ENTSO/E – European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity TDP – Transmission Development Plan SECI – South East Cooperative Initiative (Regional transmission planning project) KNTI (SITC)- Simultaneous Interconnection Transmission Capacity LIST OF NEW TRANSMISSION DT-PA-003 CAPACITIES AND INTERCONNECTION LINES 2014-2023 ver. 1.0 Page 4 to 33 Office; Development and Long Term Planning Foreword Transmission network is one of the three main pillars of the Kosova Electricity System. Generation, transmission and distribution are the three main basic components of modern electricity systems. The duty of the transmission network include bulk transmission of electricity generated by generators of the system or cross border lines, at long distanced up to distribution nodes with a high reliability, quality and efficiency. Based on TSO license Article 11.2, the Transmission System Operator shall, every two years, develop a list of new interconnection transmission capacities and lines, and shall act in line with ERO instructions and relevant provisions of the applicable legislation in Kosova. This document, which covers a period from 2014-2023, is based on the Transmission Development Plan (2014-2023) of the Republic of Kosova. The Document contains list of actual transmission network capacities, and plans for new transmission capacities and interconnection capacities. The Document also includes data on actual capacities of interconnection lines of transmission systems of Southeast Europe countries as well and long term development plans for new interconnection capacities. 1. Current capacities of the transmission network – 2013 Kosova transmission network operates with three high voltage levels, 400kV, 220kV, and 110kV, and two medium voltage levels, 35 kV and 10(20) kV. The transmission system of the Republic of Kosova is interconnected, through cross border lines, with four neighboring countries: Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania. In the regional aspect, Kosova transmission system plays an important role in transactions of electricity trades developed in the region. Powerful horizontal network, particularly the 400kV one, strong interconnection with neighboring countries determines the important role of our system in the electrical energy aspect. Figure 1-1 indicates the unipolar scheme of the electricity system in Kosova as per the recent situation in end 2013. Currently, very high volumes of electricity are transferred through horizontal network, which is around 50% of annual consumption of Kosova. The largest amount of energy flows through the 400 kV lines, as a result of common exchanges of the region, from north to south. To have a clearer overview of the transmission network capacity of Kosova, a separate assessment is LIST OF NEW TRANSMISSION DT-PA-003 CAPACITIES AND INTERCONNECTION LINES 2014-2023 ver. 1.0 Page 5 to 33 Office; Development and Long Term Planning made of the horizontal network capacity and the network capacity to supply the internal consumption. Horizontal network capacity has an impact on imports, exports and transits of energy flows, however its impact is not significant in the internal network capacity based on the particular configuration of Kosova Power System, particularly that of 400 kV. In reference to the TDP 2014- 2023, internal transmission capacity for the current year 2013 is: . 1500 MW according to the N criterion of system operation (will all elements in operation) . 1080 MW according to the N-1 criterion Figure 1-1 shows N and N-1 (internal) network capacity developments, in relation to the seasonal load for the period Q1/2011-Q1/2014. Operation in normal network conditions has improved considerably and provides for a sufficient security margin, however criterion N-1 is insufficient for certain parts of the network. Figure 1-1 Development of internal transmission network capacities from Q1-2011 to Q1-2014 LIST OF NEW TRANSMISSION DT-PA-003 CAPACITIES AND INTERCONNECTION LINES 2014-2023 ver. 1.0 Page 6 to 33 Office; Development and Long Term Planning 2.1 Current capacity of transmission lines Table 1-1 and Figure 1-2 indicate the transmission lengths and capacities for the existing transmission lines of Kosova, based on the end 2013 situation. Transmission Capacity Ct represents the amount for all generation lines of nominal thermal capacity of each line separately. This amount is defined in the Grid Code, which estimates the transmission capacity for 400kV, 220kV and 110kV lines. Tab. 1-1 Lengths of transmission lines and their transmission capacity Overhead lines Total length in Kosova Transmission Capacity Ct=Sn*L 2013 [km] [MVA km] 400kV 188.496 248249.23 220kV 231.83 77418.3 110kV 802.67 91775.75 Data from table 1-1 illustrated in the diagram are as shown in figure 1-2 1000 300000 Transmission Capacity MVA*km Line length 900 248249 250000 800 700 200000 600 500 150000 400 91776 100000 300 77418 200 50000 100 0 0 400 220 110 Fig. 1-2: Graphical illustration of data from table 2 LIST OF NEW TRANSMISSION DT-PA-003 CAPACITIES AND INTERCONNECTION LINES 2014-2023 ver. 1.0 Page 7 to 33 Office; Development and Long Term Planning Figure 1-2 shows that the earlier concept of the Kosova transmission network was developed towards increasing exporting capacities, with no due care given to the increase of transmission capacities for internal consumption needs. It can be seen from the diagram that the 400 kV network capacities are very powerful, whereas 220 kV network capacities are slightly lower than 100 kV network capacities. Comparing the 110 kV network capacities for the current year (9177.75 MVA*km) an for 2008 (65845 MVA*km), a conclusion can be drawn that the 110 kV network has been strengthened satisfactorily (39.3%) 2.2 Current transformation capacities Current transformation capacities of the transmission network managed by KOSTT are mainly installed in 400/220 kV, 400/110 kV and 220/110 kV substations, 220/TM kV and 110/TM kV. Highest transformation capacity is installed in SS Kosova B 400/220kV. Three nominal power autotransformers of a nominal power of 400MVA have been installed in this substation. Total transformation capacity of this substation is 3*400 = 1200MVA - In SS Peja 3, 400/110 kV there is only one transformer installed with a nominal power of 300 MVA. - In SS Ferizaj 2, 400/110 kV there is also one auto-transformer installed with a nominal power of 300 MVA. - In SS Kosova A, 220/110 kV there are three auto-transformers installed with a nominal power of 150 MVA with a total transformation capacity 450 MVA. - In SS Prishtina 4, 220/110 kV there are three auto-transformers installed with a nominal power of 150 MVA, with a total transformation capacity 450 MVA. - In SS Prizreni 2, 220/110 kV there are three auto-transformers installed with a nominal power of 150 MVA, with a total transformation capacity 450 MVA. - Substations 110/TM kV and 220/TM kV have 1837 MVA installed (excluding transformers in