Calculation of Lung Volume in Newborn Infants by Means of a Computer-Assisted Nitrogen Washout Method
SJOQVIST ET AL. 003 1-3998/84/18 1 1-1 160$02.00/0 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Vol. 18, No. 1 1, 1984 Copyright O 1984 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Calculation of Lung Volume in Newborn Infants by Means of a Computer-assisted Nitrogen Washout Method BENGT ARNE SJOQVIST, KENNETH SANDBERG, OLA HJALMARSON, AND TORSTEN OLSSON Research Laboratory of Medical Electronics, Chalmers University of Technology [B.A.S., T.O.] and Department of Pediatrics I, University of Gateborg [K.S., O.H.], Gateborg, Sweden ABSTRACT. A clinically adapted method for the calcula- uring F~c.Despite its central importance, measurements of tion of the functional residual capacity in newborn infants FRC are seldom used clinically in neonatal medicine, because of has been developed. The method is based on a multiple the lack of suitable methods. breath nitrogen washout test, during which the ventilatory Therefore, in order to facilitate such measurements, we have air flow and the nitrogen concentration signals are sampled developed a clinically adapted computer-assisted plethysmo- by a minicomputer, which also performs the calculations. graphic nitrogen washout method for the calculation of FRC in The ventilatory air flow is measured by a pneumotachom- newborn infants, which reduces the problems connected with eter connected to a face-out volume displacement body ordinary washout methods (3, 8, 15). It also enables further plethysmograph, and the nitrogen concentration by a nitro- analysis of the collected washout data, for instance nitrogen gen analyzer. The functional residual capacity volume is elimination pattern ("distribution of ventilationn) analysis. The calculated from the sampled signals by adding the expired method has been tested on a group of healthy newborn infants nitrogen volumes during each expiration, and finally divid- and on a mechanical lung model.
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