Treaty Series Recueil Des Traites

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Treaty Series Recueil Des Traites Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1001 Recueil des Traites Traites et accords internationaux enregistrfs ou classes et inscrits au r~pertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations a Nations Unies New York, 1983 Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed,and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 1001 1976 I. Nos. 14689-14704 - -TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and international agreements registered from 31 March 1976 to 14 April 1976 Page No. 14689. Multilateral: African Convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources (with an- nexed list of protected species). Concluded at Algiers on 15 September 1968 .3 No. 14690. Multilateral: African Civil Aviation Commission Constitution. Concluded at Addis Ababa on 17 January 1969 .................................................... 35 No. 14691. Multilateral: OAU Convention governing the specific aspects of refugee problems in Africa. Concluded at Addis Ababa on 10 September 1969 ....................... 45 No. 14692. Federal Republic of Germany and Austria: Treaty concerning the operation of locked trains (trains in bond) of the Austrian Federal Railways on sections of the German Federal Railways in the Federal Republic of Germany. Signed at Bonn on 15 December 1971 .............. 69 No. 14693. Federal Republic of Germany and Austria: Agreement concerning the levying of turnover tax on the traffic in goods and serv- ices between the Austrian communes of Mittelberg and Jungholz and the Federal Republic of Germany. Signed at Vienna on 11 October 1972 ........ 95 No. 14694. Federal Republic of Germany and Austria: Exchange of notes constituting an arrangement concerning the establishment of forward German frontier service posts at Salzburg Central Station and fron- tier clearance on board trains on the Salzburg-Munich line. Bonn, 26 Septem ber 1974 .................................................. 109 Vol. 1001 Traits et accords internationauxenregistrigs ou classis et inscrits au repertoireau Secrgtariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies VOLUME 1001 1976 I. NOs 14689-14704 TABLE DES MATIIRES I Traitds et accords internationaux enregistrds du 31 mars 1976 au 14 avril 1976 Pages NO 14689. Multilatiral Convention africaine pour la conservation de la nature et des ressources naturelles (avec, en annexe, la liste des espces prot6g&es). Conclue AAlger le 15 septem bre 1968 .................................................. 3 NO 14690. Multilatkral : Constitution de la Commission africaine de I'aviation civile. Conclue A Addis- A beba le 17 janvier 1969 ............................................. 35 NO 14691. Multilatiral : Convention de I'OUA r~gissant les aspects propres aux probl~mes des r~fugi~s en Afrique. Conclue AAddis-Abeba le 10 septembre 1969 ................... 45 NO 14692. Rkpublique fkdkrale d'Allemagne et Autriche : Trait6 relatif au fonctionnement des trains verrouill6s des chemins de fer autrichiens circulant sur les lignes des chemins de fer f6d~raux allemands en Rpublique f6d6rale d'Allemagne. Sign6 ABonn le 15 d6cembre 1971 ....... 69 NO 14693. Republique fUdirale d'Allemagne et Autriche : Accord concernant les imp~ts sur le chiffre d'affaires des &changes de biens et ser- vices entre les communes autrichiennes de Mittelberg et Jungholz et la R& publique f~d~rale d'Allemagne. Sign6 AVienne le 11 octobre 1972 .......... 95 N° 14694. Republique fkd6rale d'Allemagne et Autriche : 8change de notes constituant un arrangement relatif A la creation de postes de contr6le frontaliers allemands Ala gare centrale de Salzburg et aux controles de douane et de passeports sur les trains de la ligne Salzburg-Munich. Bonn, 26 septem bre 1974 .................................................. 109 Vol. 1001 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1976 Page No. 14695. United Nations (United Nations Children's Fund) and Equatorial Guinea: Agreement concerning the activities of UNICEF in Equatorial Guinea. Signed at Santa Isabel on 28 October 1971 and at New York on 16 March 1972 ........ 119 No. 14696. Multilateral: Agreement concerning the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) constituting modification of the agreement of 18 June 1971 (with official English, French and Portuguese translations). Concluded at Quito on 30 A pril 1975 ...................................................... 129 No. 14697. Multilateral: Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere. Concluded at Paris on 12 July 1974 ....................................................... 165 No. 14698. France and Madagascar: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement on the transfer to Madagascar of responsibility for the industrial plant of the Diego-Suarez Naval Construc- tion and Weapons Board (with annexes, minutes of the talks between France and Madagascar and time-table for the disengagement of the French Navy from Diego-Suarez). Paris, 6 December 1974 ...................... 213 No. 14699. France and Romania: Agreement concerning co-operation in the field of tourism. Signed at Bucharest on 28 July 1975 ..................................................... 229 No. 14700. France and Brazil: Agreement establishing a Grand Commission. Signed at Paris on 24 October 1975 237 No. 14701. United Nations (United Nations Development Programme), Federal Republic of Germany and India: Agreement concerning the establishment of a demonstration plant for the pro- duction of synthetic fibres at SASMIRA, Bombay (with letter of understanding between the United Nations Development Programme and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany). Signed at New Delhi on 12 A pril 1976 .................................................... 245 No. 14702. United Nations and Qatar: Agreement regarding the arrangements for the third session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia. Signed at Doha on 13 April 1976 .. 263 No. 14703. Japan and Philippines: Treaty of amity, commerce and navigation (with protocol and two series of agreed minutes-the second one concerning trade between Japan and the Republic of the Philippines-and exchanges of notes). Signed at Tokyo on 9 D ecem ber 1960 ................................................... 265 Vol. 1001. 1976 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitks V Pages NO 14695. Organisation des Nations Unies (Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance) et Guinke kquatoriale : Accord relatif aux activit~s du FISE en Guine 6quatoriale. Sign6 ASanta Isabel le 28 octobre 1971 et ANew York le 16 mars 1972 .......................... 119 N° 14696. Multilatkral : Accord sur la Facult6 latino-am~ricaine de sciences sociales (FLACSO) consti- tuant modification de I'Accord du 18 juin 1971 (avec traductions officielles en langues anglaise, frangaise et portugaise). Conclu AQuito le 30 avril 1975 ... 129 No 14697. Multilatkral : Protocole relatif aux privileges et immunit~s de l'Organisation europenne pour des recherches astronomiques dans l'h6misphre austral. Conclu A Paris le 12 juillet 1974 ...................................................... 165 N o 14698. France et Madagascar : 8change de lettres constituant un accord concernant le passage sous respon- sabilit6 malgache des installations industrielles de la Direction des construc- tions et armes navales de Di~go-Suarez (avec pices jointes, procts-verbal des conversations franco-malgaches et calendrier de d~sengagement de la marine frangaise de Di~go-Suarez). Paris, le 6 dcembre 1974 .................... 213 No 14699. France et Roumanie : Accord concernant la cooperation dans le domaine du tourisme. Sign6 ABucarest le 28 juillet 1975 .................................................... 229 No 14700. France et Brksil : Accord portant constitution d'une Grande Commission. Sign6 A Paris le 24 octo- bre 1975 .......................................................... 237 No 14701. Organisation des Nations Unies (Programme des Nations Unies pour le developpement), Republique federale d'Allemagne et Inde : Accord concernant la creation d'une usine pilote pour la production de fibres syn- th~tiques Ala SASMIRA ABombay (avec lettre d'accord entre le Programme des Nations Unies pour le d6veloppement et le Gouvernement de la R6publi- que f6d(rale d'Allemagne). Sign6 ANew Delhi le 12 avril 1976 ............. 245 N0 14702. Organisation des Nations Unies et Qatar : Accord relatif Al'organisation de la troisi~me session de la Commission 6conomi- que des Nations Unies pour l'Asie occidentale. Sign6 ADoha le 13 avril 1976. 263 NO 14703. Japon et Philippines : Trait6 d'amiti6, de commerce et de navigation (avec protocole et deux proc~s- verbaux approuv6s - le second concernant le commerce entre le Japon et la Rkpublique des Philippines-et 6changes de notes). Sign6 A Tokyo le 9 d6cem bre 1960 ................................................... 265 Vol. 1001 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traits 1976 Page No. 14704. Japan and Italy: Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income (with protocol and exchange of notes). Signed at Tokyo on 20 March 1969... 325 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treatiesand internationalagreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 1342. Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation
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