Migration Syllabus Schematic
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The Goal is to eventually create a website that will show these graphs and each box will direct the visitor to the syllabus (as well as reading material) that addresses such topic when clicked upon. Economics & Labor, Sociology https://www.colorado.edu/economics/sites/default/files/attached-files/spring11-4292-001syllabus.pdf Colorado College, ECON 106, “Migration, Immigrant Adaption, and Development” https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/campuspress.yale.edu/dist/8/355/files/2013/08/Immigration-2013-syllab us-grad-class.pdf Yale, “The Political Economy of Immigration and Emigration”, POLI SCI 960: Seminar in International Relations http://nelson.wp.tulane.edu/old-syllabi/new-course-2/ Tulane University, Econ 4980: Economics of Immigration https://libguides.utep.edu/PAD_5361_Political_Economy_of_Borders/syllabus University of Texas, PAD 5361: Political Economy of Borders https://pjs.tufts.edu/documents/syllabi/spring2013/pjs_ec62.pdf Tufts University, “Economics of International Migration” https://courses.ucsd.edu/syllabi/WI17/892533.pdf University of California San Diego, ETHN 118: Contemporary Immigration Issues: Im/migrants, Refugees and Borders https://mk0apsaconnectbvy6p6.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2019/03/MayPaul-Multicultur alism-and-Integration-Spring-2018.pdf Harvard, SOCI 196: Multiculturalism and Integration https://mk0apsaconnectbvy6p6.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2019/02/Norman-Kelsey-EU- Border-Externalization-2019.pdf Center for Migration and Refugee Studies 2019 Winter Short Course: European Border Externalization and the Transformation of Middle East and North African Host States https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/schools/cas_sites/sociology/pdf/2011F/SC099Saltsman.pdf Boston College, SC 099 The Sociology of Migration https://sociology.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/documents/syllabi/sp12/Soc146-blomeraadpdf.pdf Berkeley, Sociology 146: Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective https://www.sociology.northwestern.edu/documents/faculty-docs/syllabi/soc-322-onasch-winter-2016.pdf Northwestern University, 2016, SOC 322, “Sociology of Immigration” Recurring texts: - Portes, Alejandro. 1997. “Immigration Theory for a New Century: Some Problems and Opportunities. International Migration Review - Wong, Janelle. 2006. Democracy’s Promise: Immigrants & American Civic Institutions. The Politics of Race and Ethnicity. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press - George Borjas (2014). Immigration Economics. Boston: Harvard University Press - Freeman, Richard B. 2006. “People Flows in Globalization”. Journal of Economic Perspectives, - Purcell, Mark and Joseph Nevins. 2005. “Pushing the boundary: state restructuring, state theory, and the case of US-Mexico border enforcement in the 1990s” Political Geography - Parcher, Jean W and Delbert G. Humberson. (2007) “CHIPS, a new way to monitor Colonias along the United States-Mexico Border” Political Theory and Philosophy https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/campuspress.yale.edu/dist/8/355/files/2013/08/Undergrad-Imm igration-Syllabus.pdf University of Wisconsin-Madison, POLI SCI 410, “The Politics of Immigration and Emigration” https://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/philosophy/modules/syllabus2015-16/6aana046-module-s yllabus-2015-16.pdf King's College (London), “Topics in Political Philosophy” School of Arts & Humanities Department of Philosophy https://www.carleton.edu/political-science/courses/syllabi/archives/ Carleton University, Political Science 273, 2011 “Citizenship and Immigration Politics” https://bcourses.berkeley.edu/courses/1461572/assignments/syllabus Berkeley College, Philosophy 117AC, “The Philosophy of Race, Ethnicity, and Citizenship” http://nelson.wp.tulane.edu/old-syllabi/new-course-1/ Tulane University, PECN 6000: Ethics of Migration Policy, (Ethics is a part of philosophy) https://www.csub.edu/~ssaner/pdfs/phil-4420.pdf Fall 2018: Immigration and Citizenship PHIL 4420: Political Power and Social Justice https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334198299_Syllabus_Migration_and_Development_U niversidad_del_Pacifico_Peru Universidad del Pacífico Perú, Migration and Development, (Combination btw. Political studies and migration studies) Recurring texts: -Joseph Carens (2015). The Ethics of Immigration. New York: Oxford University Press -Emmanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace, A Philosophical Sketch (1795) -Benhabib, Seyla – The Rights of Others: Aliens, Residents And Citizens (2004) -John Locke, Second Treatise of Government -Neuman, Gerald L. 1993. “The Lost Century of American Immigration Law (1776-1875). -Higham, Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860-1925 -Miller, David (2016). Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Arts & Literature https://digital.kenyon.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=bordersinplaydocs - Kenyon College, SPAN 380: “Cultural Productions of the Borderlands” https://www.ed.ac.uk/files/atoms/files/literature_at_the_borders_course_outline_for_joint_el1-sl 1_students_2017-18.pdf Edinburgh University, 2017, Literature at the Borders https://www.sandiego.edu/2015/directory/uploads/pdfs/syllabi-82-414-HNRS%20398_399%20S yllabus%20AP%20Music,%20Borders%20and%20Identity.pdf San Diego University, 2015, Music, Borders, and Identity https://www.chicanolatinostudies.uci.edu/undergradsyllabi/2015-16/ChcLat%20129-FMS%2016 1%20Spr%202016%20-%20Benamou.pdf University of California Irvine, 2016, Borderlands and Cinema https://latino.sitehost.iu.edu/documents/The%20Border%20and%20the%20Screen%20Flyer_Inst ructor%20Javier%20Ramirez.pdf Indiana University: The Border and the Screen https://chiapas2015.tome.press/syllabus/ NYU: Art, Migration, and Human Rights (study abroad course in Mexico) http://sites.middlebury.edu/litborders/syllabus/ Middlebury: Literary Borders http://english162sp2013.qwriting.qc.cuny.edu/files/2013/01/syllabus_final.pdf CUNY Queens College: Literature and Place: Writing Across Borders https://www.bu.edu/history/files/2016/09/HI587-Syllabus-Fall-2016.pdf Boston University History 578: US-Mexican Borders (Listed as history but includes films as central component) Recurring texts: -Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street (1991) -Óscar Martínez, Los migrantes que no importan / The Beast: Riding The Rails And Dodging Narcos On The Migrant Trail -Jason De León, “Undocumented Migration, Use Wear, and the Materiality of Habitual Suffering in the Sonoran Desert” -Nail, Thomas. Theory of the Border. Oxford. Oxford UP, 2016 -Gerber, David – American Immigration: A very short introduction (2011) Film Suggested Material - Documented (2014) director Jose Antonio Rivas and Ann Lupo - This is Exile: Diaries of Child Refugees - Dakota Conflict PBS (documentary film) - “Foreigners in their Own Land,” Episode 1, The Latino Americans, PBS (documentary film) - “Empire of Dreams,” Episode 2, The Latino Americans, PBS (documentary film) - Kerby Miller and Paul Wagner, “Out of Ireland: The Story of Irish Emigration to America,” directed by Paul Wagner (documentary film) - “14: Dred Scott, Wong Kim Ark, and Vanessa Lopez,” Graham Street Productions (documentary film) - “A Class Apart,” PBS (documentary film) - “Chicano!” (documentary film) - “Dollar a Day, Ten Cents a Dance” (documentary film) - “Race: The Power of an Illusion,” episode 3 (documentary film) - “The Jazz Singer” (film) - “The New Latinos,” Episode 4, The Latino Americans (documentary film) - “A Family Gathering” (documentary film) - “America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference” (documentary film) - “War and Peace,” Episode 3, The Latino Americans (documentary film) - “The Legacy of Heart Mountain” (documentary film) - “The Zoot Suit Riots” (documentary film) - Crossing Over (documentary) - Transgression (documentary) - “Prejudice and Pride,” Episode 5, The Latino Americans (documentary film) - “Peril and Promise,” Episode 6, The Latino Americans (documentary film) - “History of the Undocumented Immigrant,” Lower East Side Tenement Museum - Crossing Arizona (documentary film) - Documented (documentary film) - Divided We Fall: Americans in the Aftermath (documentary film) - Immigration Battle, PBS, Frontline - Out of Status (documentary film) - -Chulas Fronteras (documentary by Les Blanks, 1976) Law & International Relations https://courses.ceu.edu/sites/courses.ceu.hu/files/attachment/course/4576/bordersandbordering practicesstrausz.pdf Central European University: Borders and Bordering Practices in World Politics https://www.smu.edu/-/media/Site/Intersessions/FormattedSyllabi/1183_1184/WL_3382_1183_ Russ.pdf Southern Methodist University WL 3382: Texas-Mexico Borderlands: A social, political, cultural, and economic story (Would categorize as border studies) https://www.freedomforimmigrants.org/immigration-detention-syllabus Freedom For Immigrants: Immigration Detention syllabus https://wagner.nyu.edu/files/courses/LAW%2011610%20%20fall%202016.pdf NYU School of Law: Immigration and the Rights of Noncitizens https://law.duke.edu/documents/351-63.pdf Duke University: Survey of Immigration Law and Policy https://www.law.gmu.edu/assets/files/academics/schedule/2018/spring/Follick_235-S.pdf George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School LAW 235: Immigration Law https://mk0apsaconnectbvy6p6.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2017/08/Brown-201 7_2.pdf Brown University, The Politics of Citizenship and Naturalization GOVT-E 1009 – Spring 2017 https://mk0apsaconnectbvy6p6.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2019/01/Burgess-Ka