Graduate, 2 Students Implicated in Rockne Theft Purdue Student, Sophomores Deny Involvement in Prank
----------------------------------------------------------------~~~------ -- Downtown page7 VOL XIX, NO. 1.-\ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER I 2, 1984 Graduate, 2 students implicated in Rockne theft Purdue student, sophomores deny involvement in prank By BOB VONDERHEIDE were Involved in the plan to steal the Edttor-tn-Cbtef bust, and have helped in hiding the bust since last May. Peter E. Sobol, a graduate student The friend, who asked not to be at Purdue University and a 1984 identified, said the abductors en graduate of Notre Dame, stole the tered the Rockne Memorial at night bust of Knute Rockne from the through underground steam tun Rockne Memorial last May, accor nels. The bust was removed from its ding to Robert). Weber, Jr., a Notre pedestal and transported through Dame classmate of Sobol. the tunnds. "Pete told me so," Weber said last Last night, Notre Dame security night by telephone from Winter officer Anne Schellinger said that if park, Fla. "But I don't really know students are apprehended for the who ma'>terminded it." theft of the bust, they probably Richard T. Stanage, a 1984 Notre would be referred to John Goldrick, Dame graduate who lives in associate vice president for Frankewing, Tenn., said Monday that residence life. in addition to Sobol, Paul R. Wilkins Any decision to issue formal and Christina M. Bird, both sop charges against students is made by homores at Notre Dame, were also Notre Dame Security Director involved in the theft of the bust. Glenn Terry, Schellinger said. statue of Father Sorin (left) in the lobby of 'Rockne junior," a smaller-scale version of the In a telephone conversation last Monday, Assistant Director of Se Sorin Hall bas been the vic: tim of several pranks bust whose whereabouts are still unknown, night, Sobol said he took no part in curity Rex Rakow said the depart during the last 30 years.
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