"Notictis" Or Tbt 1Ellt11 E11. " - - O
"Notictis" or tbt 1Ellt11 e11. " - - o-- No, ! · of 1his work was published by Mr. J. R. Smilh, 36, Soho ·square, London, March 1857, and wu sold, arid is still on ,ale, by him, for 2s. 500 co11ies were prin ted, No. II, w111 issued September, 1862, No. Ill. March, 1864, and No. IV. and lasl, March, 1866; the 4 Numbe~ making a Volume of 300 Pazu. Not, JC., Ill., and IV l\'tre pri n1ed for private circulation only, :nd 2.50 copies of each were slruck off'; 1he.e have been dillributed chief. ly amongst peuon, of the name of Bilis in England, Scot. land, and Ireland; a Li,1, of theseR ecipienta isgive-n at the end of No. IV, in ad_di tion to whom, tho chief Library_ of abou t a dozen of the princ ipal Town, of the Uni ted Kingdom have received copies of ~he work, Complete copiu of the work have also been presented by the Author to W, IT, Whitmore, Esq., of l!os100, , U.S., and 10 the Neto En1l011d G, ftealogu,J Society; and 10 the latter 100 copiu of No. I. T~ ,acb of 1hese, this Notice is auached, to prevtnt on the part ot their ownera, or other, io the United Statci•, a useJess apolication (or the succeeding !lumbers, W. S. EL LIS, Charh,ood, Surrey, England, N~Yember, 1866. ** * Some of the opinions and theories expressed in No, I. subsequent investigation has discovered to be unsound : and some statements to be unfounded. These are noticed in the subsequent numbers, and are chiefly and in brief as follows :- P.
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