NORBURY 2019 A discussion paper Introduction Norbury has and will continue to experience changes some of which are beneficial and others which many residents consider are detrimental. This discussion paper has been drafted to review what is known about the local residents, and the social, economic, housing, development, and transport issues affecting Norbury in spring 2019, and the issues that have been dealt with in the last five years by the Residents Associations, Councillors, and other local organisations. During the cut and thrust of activities it is easy to forget what has happened. As new residents become involved they may find it helpful to know that background. Similarly it important that Council officers who are new to the area have that knowledge and understanding. This discussion paper seeks to analyse the characteristics and changes that have been happening in the two wards, and the issues that have been and continue to be dealt with. It draws on statistical material mainly on the Croydon Observatory website and in Council reports. A section on Norbury Park is being finalised. As it is a draft comments are welcome as to any factual inaccuracies, and any information and analysis that should be added. At the moment this paper is not for publication. Sean Creighton Member, Norbury Village Residents Association Member Norbury Planning & Transport Group Chair, Norbury Community Land Trust Editor, Norbury Watch blog site
[email protected] 020 8764 4301 June 2019 with updates July Contents Section 1 Norbury and its Issues 2 Background 3 Housing 4 Growth and Intensification in Norbury 5 Norbury in the Local Plan 6 Norbury Transport issues and the Railway Station 7 Norbury’s Community and Voluntary Organisations 8 Council action and emerging policy in Norbury 9 Why Pollards Hill needs special protection 10 Hermitage Lane area 11 Norbury’s Local History & Heritage 12 Street cleaning, litter, fly-tipping and waste collection 13 Crime, Street Drinking and Anti-Social Behaviour Appendix: Census 2011 & Other Statistics 1-1 SECTION 1.