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Back Matter (PDF) Index Note: bold page numbers indicate tables; italic page numbers indicate figures; 'g' after a page number indicates a Glossary entry (e.g. 123g). A-line, 92, 229, 485g aquifer, 486g ablation till, 485g aquitard, 486g ACEC Classification, 296 aragonite, 23 acidity, 22, 22, 23 archaeological sites, mineral workings, 289 dispersive soils, 114 argillite, 60, 81 in hydothermal alteration, 56-7, 56 ash, volcanic, 46, 48, 62-3, 64 tests, 235, 236 ash waste, recycling, 441-2 acidolysis, 34, 485g ASTM standards activity charts, 94, 123, 485g concrete, 432 activity (soil), 92, 94, 94, 94, 230, 230, 485g mudrock description, 84 adobe, 390, 390, 391, 394-5,485g test procedures, 481-4 advection, 95, 364, 485g Atherfield Clay Formation, 166, 466 aeolian clays, 485g atomic emission analysis, 215 aeolian transport, 44-5, 47 atomic number, 486g aerial photography, 181-2, 181-2 attapulgite see palygorskite aggradation, 37, 485g Atterberg limits, 89, 92, 486g (see also liquid limit; plastic limit; aggregates, 485g shrinkage limit) lightweight, 439 attrition mill, 486g aggregation, 41, 81, 116 (see also flocculation) auger, 486g Aggressive Chemical Environment for Concrete (ACEC) autographic unconfined compression test, 259, 259 Classification, 296 available lime, 487g air entry point, 91-2, 91, 485g Aylesbeare Mudstone, 470 air void content, 100, 238, 293-4, 295, 337, 338, 485g (see also compaction; voids ratio) B-bar test, 271,272, 273 allophane, 4, 24, 74, 94, 118, 485g backscatter electrons, 487g alluvial clays, 39, 120, 141,464, 485g (see also sedimentary bacteria, 25, 49 processes) ball clays, 16, 170 alluvium, 486g ceramics, 98, 403, 404, 405 alteration, 486g (see also hydrothermal alteration) fine ceramics, 413, 417 aluminium hydroxides, 24 (see also diaspore; gibbsite) structural ceramics, 408 aluminium interlayered clays, 34 deposits, 121, 149, 150, 417, 475 aluminium oxides, 24 engineering properties, 465 aluminium-silicon oxyhydroxides, 24 extraction and processing, 340, 418-20, 420 aluminium sulphate, 114 formation, 63-4 alunite, 66 production statistics, 7 Amazon (river), 38, 39, 40 banksman, 487g Amptlfill Clay, 125--6, 165, 467 barite (barium sulphate), 24, 216 analcite, 25 Barton Clay, 12t, 168, 465 analytical methods, 199-222, 235-6, 236--7 basalt, 487g anatase, 64 batholith, 487g anchizone, 51,486g bauge see cob building Ancholme Group, 162 bauxite, 24, 116, 437, 444 andesite, 486g bed (deposition), 487g andosols, 116, 117, 118, 140, 486g bedding, 487g angle of friction, 486g bedrock, 5, 29, 141, 154, 487g anhydrite, 24, 160, 163, 216 beidellite, 17, 57, 58, 487g anion, 486g belt press, 487g anion exchange capacity, 218 Benton Shale, 64 anisotropic consolidation test, 272 bentonite (see also montmorillonite) apparent angle of friction, 486g absorption of pollutants, 377 apparent cohesion, 112, 262, 486g composition, 17 apparent friction, 486g concrete additive, 439 apparent viscocity, 88, 351,486g definition, 487~ 514 INDEX deposits, 150, 475 cable tool boring, 191 formation, 46, 48, 64-5, 67 CAC (calcium aluminate cement), 437-8 grouting, 375-7, 439-40 Cadeby Formation, 471 in radioactive waste storage, 368-9, 370-3,371 calcareous microfossils, 66 slurries, 347-62, 348, 353, 356, 356-7, 363-4, 382 calcination, 488g swelling properties, 65 calcined clays, 434, 435-6 bentonite-cement mixes see cement-bentonite mixes calcite, 23, 53, 62, 66, 155 bentonite enhanced sands (BES) see sand-bentonite mixes Calcite Compensation Depth, 66 berthierine, 15, 46, 487g calcium aluminate cement (CAC), 437-8 BES see sand-bentonite mixes calcium carbonate (calcite), 23, 53, 62, 66, 155 Bingham fluid, 88, 351,487g calcium silicate bricks, 437 Bingham solid, 487g calcium sulphates, 114, 216, 432, 438 (see also anhydrite; biogenic material see organic matter gypsum) biological assays, 220 calcrete, 488g biological processes, 25-6, 41, 49, 155 caldera, 488g biota, 487g (see also organic matter) calibration, test equipment, 225-6 biotite, 59, 487g California bearing ratio (CBR), 101,295 bioturbation, 487g tests, 238, 242, 242-4 birefringence colours, 487g Cambrian deposits, 50 black clay soils, 116, 116, 118 World and European, 141-2, 477 black shales, 43, 60 canals blastfurnace slag, 487g embankments, 276-7, 277, 298 bleed, 487g puddle clay liners, 377, 382-3 blending, 419 capping Blisworth Clay Formation, 164, 458 contaminated land, 377 bloating, 411,487g definition, 488g Blue Lias Formation, 126, 127, 162, 162, 468 highways, 306 blunging, 422, 487g landfill covers, 364-7, 364-5 boehmite, 24, 488g carbonate apatite group, 25 boreholes carbonates (see also aragonite; calcite; dolomites; siderite; geophysical investigations, 187-8, 191-2, 191-2 vaterite) sealing, 381 analytical methods, 215, 236 borrow pit, 488g definition, 489g bottom dump bucket, 488g diagenetic reactions, 53 boulder clay, 43-4, 119, 141, 171,462-3, 488g formation, 49 bowl capacity, 488g mineralogy, 23 Bowtand Shale Formation, 158 in shales, 62 Bracklesham Beds, 121,465 Carboniferous deposits Bragg's law, 488g United Kingdom, 129-31,456, 457, 458, 472-3, 480 brick clays, 98, 161, 165, 166, 407-8 stratigraphy, 157-9, 157 Brickearth, 172, 488g World and European, 143-4, 476 bricks, 406 cardhouse, 489g calcium silicate, 437 carnallite, 25 earth, 390 Cassagrande soil classification chart, 93 engineering properties, 411-12 casting slips, 413, 422-3,489g ideal particle size, 408 catalysts, cracking, 443 production, 409-11 catalytic behaviour, organic matter, 26 statistics, 7 catena, 489g recycling of clay, 442-3, 443 cathodoluminescence, 489g Bronsted Acid, 488g cation, 489g brownfield site, 488g cation exchange capacity, 114 BS 1377:1990, 91, 109, 223, 236--7, 481-4 CBR see California bearing ratio (CBR) BS 5930:1999 CD (consolidated drained compression) test, 267-8, 267, 269 classification and description of clays, 76, 77, 78, 80-1 CDM (Construction (Design and Management)) regulations, 330 classification and description of mudrocks, 81, 81, 84, 84 celadonite, 16, 419, 489g definition of clay, 4-5 celestene (celestite), 24, 216 field investigations logging, 193 celestite, 24, 216 BS EN 197-1,432 cement-bentonite mixes bucket capacity, 488g grouting, 376, 439-40 building see construction; earthen architecture slurries, 348-52, 350 building regulations, earth buildings, 392, 393 soft piles and cut-off walls, 373-5 building rubble, recycling of clay, 443-4 cementation shales, 81-2, 83 bulk density, 231,334, 488g cements, 427-39, 429, 489g bulk modulus, 105-6, 488g CEN prENV 1997-2, 224 bunds, 284-5, 488g cenospheres, 442 burial diagenesis, 488g Cenozoic deposits, 145, 146-7 (see also specific periods) buried structures, corrosion, 296-7 ceramic clays, 98-9, 407-8, 413, 417-22, 420-1 INDEX 313 additives and impurities, 99, 402-3,406 cob building, 389-90, 389, 391, 392, 394, 394, 395,490g moisture content, 87, 98-9 coccoliths, 66 ceramic properties, 406 coefficient of consolidation, 109 ceramics, 401-25 coefficient of earth pressure at rest, 107, 272 clay minerals, 404-5 coefficient of volume compressibility, 109 composition, 402-4, 404 cohesion, 78, 110, 112, 262, 490g (see also shear strength) fine ceramic products, 412-24 cohesive soils, 490g historical development, 402-3 collapsible soils, 114-15, 490g structural products, 405-12, 409 colloid, 490g chalk, 81,489g colloidal suspensions, 88 Chalk Marl, 159 colluvium, 490g chamber kilns, 411 colour, 24, 99, 184, 403 chamosite, 15, 46, 53, 489g comminution, 490g chamotte, 489g common clay and shale, 59-63 Charmouth Mudstone Formation, 163, 164, 468 ceramics, 407 chemical analysis, 214-18, 235-6, 236-7, 482 composition, 61, 62 data, 449-59, 452-7 definition, 490g chemical cements, 436-7 deposits, 147, 149, 476-7 chemical treatment, engineering fills, 304-7 production statistics, 7 chert, 23, 53, 157, 489g (see also flint clays) compaction, 100-1 (see also consolidation) china clay see kaolin clay formation, 54-5, 54, 55 chlorides definition, 490g analytical methods, 237 earthworks, 292, 332, 333-5, 337-9 in cement, 431 effect on permeability, 365, 366 chlorite-smectites, 20, 53, 57 engineering fills, 291-2, 291, 293-4 chlorites (see also chamosite) mechanical improvement, 302, 304 ceramics, 405, 406 related to moisture content, 100-1,101,238, 239-42, 239, 240 definition, 489g sand-bentonite mixes, 368 distribution, 37 tests, 238-40, 239, 240, 482 formation, 34, 37-8, 53, 57 compaction moulds, 239, 240 mineralogy, 17, 19, 19 compaction plant, 318-19, 324-6, 329, 333-5 properties, 21, 74, 94 compaction shales, 81-2, 83 . clamp firing, 411 composition classification analytical methods, 199-222, 235-6 clay minerals, 15 ceramics, 402-4, 404 clays, 75-8, 76, 76, 77 data, 449-59, 452-7 earthworks materials, 330, 331, 337 mineralogy, 13-27 60, 82, mudrocks, 60, 81-4, 81, 83, 85, 86 mudrocks and shales, 60-3, 61, 62, 62, 82 permeability, 95 river suspended sediment, 39, 41 plasticity, 92 Comprehensive Soil Classification System, 78 soils, 6, 75-80, 77, 79, 227-35 compressed blocks, 390-1,390, 391, 490g test procedures, 481 clast, 489g compressibility, 104-9, 107, 109, 490g (see also deformation clay-cements, 376 behaviour) clay cycle, 29, 30 compression index, 92, 108, 117, 490g clay dabbs, 395, 489g compression tests, 259-60, 263-8 clay fraction, 234 compressive strength, 108, 109 clay lump, 394-5 bricks, 412 clay minerals, 13-23, 14-21, 15 (see also illite; kaolinite; mudrocks, 82, 84, 111-12, 113 montmorillonite) puddle clay, 379-381 ceramics, 404-5, 406 concrete (see also cements) definition, 490g clay additives, 439 distribution, 37
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