Ryegate FONSI EA.Pdf
August 28, 2019 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT TO ALL INTERESTED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND PUBLIC GROUPS As required by state and federal rules for determining whether an Environmental Impact Statement is necessary, an environmental review has been performed on the proposed action below: Project Town of Ryegate, Wastewater System Improvements Project Location Ryegate, Montana Project Number C304245 Total Cost $1,958,000 The Town of Ryegate, through its 2016 Preliminary Engineering Report (PER), identified the need to make improvements to the Town wastewater treatment lagoons. The existing lagoons are approximately 40-years old, are leaking and have deteriorated to the point where they no longer function as designed. Leaking effluent from the lagoons places several area wells at risk of receiving groundwater contaminated with poorly treated wastewater. The Town has determined a preferred alternative would be to construct a lined lagoon system that allows for full evaporation of effluent most years. The MPDES discharge permit will be retained so if the ponds become full, periodic discharge to the existing outfall can be accomplished. The proposed project consists of approximately 1.4 acres of primary treatment pond and 6.6 acres of storage/evaporation pond. The single lift station operated by the Town will also undergo repairs within the scope of this project. The estimated project cost (including administration, engineering, and construction) is $1,958,000. The Town will fund this work with grants from the DNRC RRGL program ($125,000), and the USDA RD program ($1,100,000). The town will contribute $68,000 and borrow the balance ($665,000) from the USDA RD loan for the work.
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