Public Notice Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street N.W

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Public Notice Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street N.W PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 3877 ....... media Information 202/254·1614:' Aecordecf Iialing of ...........1f IIlCl1 202/632-0002. April 21, 1986 ..Reclassification of Class 'B' FM Facilities ae: BC Docket 80-90 The rules adopted in BC Docket 80-90 ( Report and Order adopted May 26, 1983, 94 FCC 2nd 152 ) spe~ify that class 'B' facilities must have an ERP which exceeds 25 kW. Existi~~ ~ass 'B' facilities have until March I, 1987, to meet this mini~~ or be reclassified to a lower class. This notice contains a list of those,facilities which are below the minimum and the new classification which they' will receive in March 1987 if there is no upgrade. On April II, 1986, the Commission adopted a Notice of Proposed Rule Making ( HMB Docket 86-144 ) which proposes to allow stations to adjust their power and antenna height above average terrain as long as an INDEX number ( calculated frOm the values of ERP and BAAT ') is not exceeded. This public notice also lists the classification based upon the INDEX method. Those cases for which the reclassification based on the Docket 80-90 method and the INDEX method differ are marked with an '*'. The list is arranged by channel number and then by state and city, and contains license, construction permit and application records in the Commission's FM Engineering Data Base as of April II, 1986. The list contains all records for a facility if the clas.ification of anyone record changes due to either method. Stations which would not 'be reclassified are not listed. NoncolllIllerical educational facilities will also be recla'ssified on March I, 1987. The separation distance requirements between noncommerical educational facilities on channels 218, 219, and 220 or noncolllIllerical facilities separated in frequency by 10.6 or 10.8 MHz ( 53 or 54 channels) and allotments or assignments on the non-reserved channels will be based on these reclassifications and the distance obtained from Table A, B, or C( Section 73.207) as appropriate. For other non-colllIllerical educational facilities, the reclasssification,is for administ;rative purposes only. This list is publ~shed for information purposes only. The inclusion or exclusion of any FM facility does not reflect a determination of any eventual class designation. The inadvertent exclusion of any FM facility from this list will not be grounds for an extension of the March I, 1987, date. Questions regarding this list should be directed to Gary Kalagian (202) 632-2049 or ,John Boursy (202) 634-6315. (over) --- CLASS 6 FACILITIES TO 6E RECLASSIFIED AND THE NEW CLASS USr~G DOCKET 80-90 AND PROPOSED I~DEX METHODS FILE NU'l6ER CHANNEL FREQ STATUS CALL CITY I HATE EXIST MAX HAAT 80-90 INDEX SIGN CLAS S ERP METER CLASS CLAS S 6LED1359 201 88.1 LIC WVPE ELKHART IN B 10.0 1 22 61 61 8PED800118AF 201 88. 1 CP ,jJHU 6ALTIMORE MD 8 25.0 49 81 61 8MPED860116IA 201 88.1 APP I~J HU 8ALT IMORE MD 61 10.0 130 61 61 8PED790629AE 201 88.1 CP WJTM FREDERICK MD 8 25.0 76 61 61 8MPED851001IJ 201 88.1 APP WJTM FREDERICK MD 61 3.2 259 61 6 * 8LED830'308AA 201 8R.1 LIC WQRP WEST CARROLLTON OH 6 5.0 20 61 61 8LED840508CH 202 88.3 LIC W8GO NEWARK NJ 8 4.5 131 81 61 6LED1410 202 88.3 LIC WVCRFM LOUDONVILLE NY 8 0.36 262 AA 831206AJ 202 88.3 APP WVCR LOUDONVILLE NY 6 2.00 262 81 61 BLED1354 202 88.3 LIC WAER SYRACUSE NY 8 6.0 55 81 61 8LED1479 202 88.3 LIC WMRT r~ARIETTA OH 8 9.2 62 81 61 8PED830520AD 203 88.5 APP NEW PEORIA IL 8 4.3 1 51 81 81 8LED1743 204 88.7, LIC WPCD CHAMPAIGN IL 6 3.3 88 81 61 8LED830204AL 20'4 88.7 LIC WICR INDI ANAPOLI S IN 6 2.50 302 61 6 * 8LED1258 204 88.7 LIC WCNE 8ATAVIA OH 6 3.5 49 61 61 6LED810803AH 204 88.7 LIC 101060 BATAVIA OH 8 3.5 58 61 81 8PED840217AU 204 88.7, APP NEW NORFOLK VA 6 5.0 91 61 61 8PED840227CE 205 88.9 APP NEW VISALIA CA 6 1.30 249 81 81 8LED1593 205 !l8~9 LIC WJMJ HARTFORD CT B 7. ;~ 171 81 ' 61 8LED916 205 88.9 LIC WSNDF'l NOTRE DAME IN B 3.4 110 61 61 8LED1622 205 83.9 LIC WEU 8ALT IMORE MD 8 12.5 67 61 81 8LED1255 205 88.9 LIC WERS BOSTON MA 8 0.90 223 81 61 BPED841207IE 205 88.9 APP WERS 60S TON MA 81 3.00 222 81 81 8PED830520AH 205 88.9 CP WF RJ JOHNSTOWN PA '8 0.90 324 81 81 8LED1714 205 81\.9 LIC wYr~s '1ILWAUKEE WI 8 1.50 265 81 81 6PED840801IA 206 89.1 CP KPRX BAKERSFIELD CA 81 11.0 152 81 6 * 6"PED831220AF 206 89.1 CP KtlAP CHICO CA B .300 464 81 81 6LED810826H 206 89.1 LIC WNPR lWRioI I CH CT 8 5.1 180 81 81 8LED665 206 89.1 LIC WONC NAPERVILLE IL 8 3.9 30 81 81 8LED1771 206 89.1 LIC WE-MU YPSILANTI MI 8 16.0 37 61 61 6LED1123 206 89.1 LIC ioINYUFM NEW YORK NY B 8.3 78 81 81 6LED785 207 89.3 LIC KPCC PASADENA CA 8 3.8 -155 81 81 8PED 79092 7AA 207 89.3 APP KSJCFM STOCKTON CA 8 3.00 82 AA 8LED1609 207 89.3 LIC WNURFM EVArJSTON IL 6 7.2 30 81 61 8PED830801AC 207 89.3 CP WHSN 8ANGOR ME 8 4.7 21 61 81 6LED1676 207 89.3 LIC WSAE SPRING AR60R MI 8 3.1, 73 81 61 8LED810915AM 208 89.5 LIC KVMR NEVA D'A CITY CA 8 1.95 299 61 61 8LED1081 208 89.5 LIC WSOU SOUTH ORANGE NJ 8 2.00 113 AA 6PED830222AE 208 89.5 CP WUNY UTICA NY 8 5.0 193" 61 81 8MPED850919IE 208 89.5 APP WUNY UTICA NY 8 6.3 237 8 8 - Page 1 - CLASS 8 FACILITIES TO BE RECLASSIFIED AND THE NEW CLASS USI:NG DOCKET 80-90 AND PROPOSED INDEX METHODS FILE "Jur11'lER CHANN EL FR EQ STATUS CALL CITY I S'TATE EXIST MAX HAAT 80-90 INDEX SIGN CLAS S ERP METER CLASS CLASS 8LED800225AA 209 89.7 LIC KFJ C LOS ALTOS CA 8 .11 0 562 81 Bl 8PED820104A8 ?09 89.7 APP "JEW MA RIO N IN 8 3.8 88 81 Bl 8LED8009~9AS ~O9 n9.7 LIC !HSU TERRE HAUTE IN i.I 25.0 40 81 81 8LED840613CH 209 89.7 LIC WCVT TOWSON 1'10 B 10.0 72 Bl Bl BPED790806AA 209 89.7 APP WSAE SPRING AR80R MI B 4.0 73 Bl Bl BPED830719AJ 210 89.9 CP' WFI3F BUFFALO NY B 8.0 137 Bl Bl BMPED860226MG 210 89.9 APP WFBF 8U FF ALO NY 81 20.0 12 Bl Bl BPED840430ID 210 89.9 APP NEW NEW YORK NY 8 3.8 195 81 Bl BLED1737 210 89.9 LIC WTLR STATE COLLEGE PA B 10.0 134 81 Bl BPED851104ID ~10 89.9 APP WTLR STATE COLLEGE PA B 31. 136 8 8 8LEDIl11214AV 210 89.9 LIC WORT MADISON WI 8 2.00 287 81 81 8LED820518AM 211 90.1 LIC WDCU WASHINGTON DC 8 6.8 137 Bl Bl BLED1686 211 90.1 LIC WUSB STONY BROOK NY B 4.0 69 131 Bl BLED821116AP 211 90.1 LIC WRTI PHILADELPHIA PA 8 20.0 113 Bl Bl I3PED860115IG 211 90.1 APP 'IRTI PHILADELPHIA PA 13 14.5 285 BB BLED1646 212 90~3 LIC KDVS DAVIS CA B 5.0 46 81 131 8MPED810519AH ?1 ~ 90.3 CP MOO KAZU PACIFIC GROVE CA 13 4.~ 149 131 131 8PED820406AD 212 90.• 3 APP WFOF COVINGTON IN 13 19.0 81 131 131 BPED830517AA 212 90.3 CP WFOF COVINGTON IN 6 21.0 81 61 81 BLED1056 212 90.3 LIC WCDRFM CEDARVILLE OH 8 3.00 113 81 81 BPED791 ~~8BI 212 90.3 APP WCDRFM CEDARVILLE OH 6 30.0 109 13 13 BMPED831130AF 212 90.3 CP MOO WJTL LANCASTER PA 13 4.5 55 131 81 BLED830921 AD 212 90.3 LIC LolRIU KINGSTON RI 8 3.4 128 131 131 BPED830??8AM ?12 90.3 CP LolVPG PARKERSBURG WV 8 9.0 98 131 131 8LED820628AP 212 90.3 LIC WVID ANASCO PR 8 14.5 143 81 81 BLED1710 213 90.5 LIC KVHS CONCORD CA 13 0.41 137 AA BPED831220AG 213 90.5 APP NEW MARYSVILLE CA 13 .100 607 Bl 131 BLED12~1 213 90.5 LIC W.J< HS WORTON MD 8 17.5 66 Bl Bl 8PED8602030Z 213 90.5 APP WBJ8FM LINCROFT NJ B 22.0 34 Bl 81 8LEDil502?5KR 213 90.5 LIC WRHR HENRIETTA NY 13 2.50 127 61 A * BLED820302AC 214 90.7 LIC WPSR EVANSVILLE IN B 13.5 50 81 131 8LED1562 214 90.7 LIC WTCC SPRINGFIELD MA 6 4.0 28 61 Bl BPED791207AD 214 90.7 APP WVMC MANSFIELD OH 8 1.20 71 AA 6LED1805 214 9('.7 LIC LolKTL STRUTHERS OH B 13.5 7 Bl 81 BLED1106 214 90.7 LIC WCLH WILKES-BARRE PA B .175 311 AA BLED1458 214 90.7 LIC WFGH FORT GA Y WV 8 7.8 62 61 131 BPED830627AI 214 90.7 CP WFGH FORT GAY WV B 7.8 62 81 Bl BLED1682 215 9rJ.9 LIC WDC6 GLEN ELLYN IL B 5.0 91 131 B1 840113AF 215 90.9 APP WDCB GLE'l ELLYN IL B 5.0 9f 131 131 851106MA 215 90.9 APP NEW KINGSTON NY Ell 0.94 460 131 B· • '-.
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