EFARN RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS 2018 A SELECTION OF RESEARCH BY EUROPEAN FILM AGENCIES EFARN → Director of publication Susanne Nikoltchev, Executive Director, European Audiovisual Observatory → Editorial supervision Gilles Fontaine, Head of Department for Market Information, European Audiovisual Observatory EFARN Martin Kanzler, Analyst, European Audiovisual Observatory RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS → Editor Patrizia Simone, Analyst, European Audiovisual Observatory 2018 A SELECTION OF RESEARCH → Editorial assistant BY EUROPEAN FILM AGENCIES Susan Norman-Fleck → Layout Big Family → Press and public relations Alison Hindhaugh,
[email protected] → Publisher European Audiovisual Observatory 76 Allée de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg, France www.obs.coe.int If you wish to reproduce tables or graphs contained in this publication please contact the European Audiovisual Observatory for prior approval. Opinions expressed in this publication are personal and do not necessarily represent the view of the European Audiovisual Observatory, its members or of the Council of Europe. © European Audiovisual Observatory, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 GENERAL FACTS AND FIGURES 4 ON-DEMAND SERVICES ••• AUSTRIAN FILM INSTITUTE ••• CNC Austrian film industry report 2017 .............................................................................................. 10 The evolution of practices regarding catch-up TV in France................................................ 54 ••• NEVAFILM RESEARCH ••• BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE (BFI) Russian cinema market 2017: