Optimal Execution of Portfolio Transactions¤ Robert Almgreny and Neil Chrissz December 2000 Abstract We consider the execution of portfolio transactions with the aim of minimizing a combination of volatility risk and transaction costs aris- ing from permanent and temporary market impact. For a simple lin- ear cost model, we explicitly construct the efficient frontier in the space of time-dependent liquidation strategies, which have minimum expected cost for a given level of uncertainty. We may then select op- timal strategies either by minimizing a quadratic utility function, or by minimizing Value at Risk. The latter choice leads to the concept of Liquidity-adjusted VAR, or L-VaR, that explicitly considers the best tradeoff between volatility risk and liquidation costs. ¤We thank Andrew Alford, Alix Baudin, Mark Carhart, Ray Iwanowski, and Giorgio De Santis (Goldman Sachs Asset Management), Robert Ferstenberg (ITG), Michael Weber (Merrill Lynch), Andrew Lo (Sloan School, MIT), and George Constaninides (Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago) for helpful conversations. This paper was begun while the first author was at the University of Chicago, and the second author was first at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter and then at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. yUniversity of Toronto, Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science;
[email protected] zICor Brokerage and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences;
[email protected] 1 December 2000 Almgren/Chriss: Optimal Execution 2 Contents Introduction 3 1 The Trading Model 6 1.1 The Definition of a Trading Strategy . 7 1.2 Price Dynamics . 7 1.3 Temporary market impact . 8 1.4 Capture and cost of trading trajectories .