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Association of PC User Groups Member (APCUG) Our Next DMA® General Meeting is Tuesday, May 27 - 7:30 pm, at Univ. of Dayton Meet the DMA® SIGs DMA® SIG Leaders

By Randy Young and Lisa Singh This month's program literally has something for everyone as well as FROM everyone. This will be a fantastic opportunity for members to see and hear about all the components that make up the incredible workings of the Dayton Microcomputer Association. Have you ever had the feeling that there's a lot going on in this association but you weren't sure how it all fit together?

W ell wonder no more. W e will be having representatives from nearly every facet of the asso- ciation give a brief presentation about their unique piece of the DMA® puzzle. You'll get to meet some of our newest SIGS including the Nothern SIG, the Digital Photography SIG, the Digital Sewing SIG, and the Certification SIG, You will learn what DMAPUB is and how you can use it FOR FREE. You'll hear about Gemair, Computerfest, OTAP and yes....even the Board itself.

Everyone will have a chance to ask questions and learn about the wide array of activities that make up this dynamic association. After all presentations are completed, a panel will be formed for a question and answer session. The Q & A will be unlimited in subject matter. W hether you have a question about some aspect of DMA® or a tech question about your PC at home, no matter, everything is fair game.

So come prepared to learn more about the ins and outs of YOUR DMA® and see for yourself why DMA® is a leader among the leading PC user's groups of this country. Bring your tech question no matter what platform, , or hardware you're using and we'll chal- lenge the best minds you'll ever be likely to see in one meeting hall. DMA®‘s June 24, 2003 Meeting – INTEL –

The DataBus - June 2003 - Volume 28 - Issue 1 Dayton M icrocomputer Association Officers

C- President Lisa Singh 937 320-1108 president@ CONTENTS B- Vice President Gary M ullins 937-623-2059 vice-president@

BUSINESS . PG. Treasurer John Friedenbach 937-294-8113 treasurer@

DM A® Officers…...... 2 B- Bd. Secretary Carol Ewing 937-667-3259 secretary@

M aps to DM A® M eetings at U.D...... 3, 29 A-Board M ember Leah Day 937-232-9334 dayl@ Club Purpose ...... 4 A-Board M ember Bill Jacobs 937-890-3750 bjacobs@ M inutes – M arch 3, 2003……...... 27 A-Board M ember Gary Turner 937-313-2487 turnerg@ Calendar - ...... 32

III FEATURES . B-Board M ember M illard M ier 937-879-5419 millard@

Cover StoryœM eet the DM A® SIGs…….....1 C-Board M ember Don Corbet 937-604-8793 theLinuxGuy@ by Randy Young. and Lisa Singh C- Board M ember Carolann Lemen 937 322-5291 Cal333_2000@ W ireless Technology...... 5 A=Trustee 3 years from 9/00 • B=Trustee 3 years from 9/02 • C=3 year Trustee 9/01 by Beverly Rosenbaum,, HAL-PC member DM A® Committee Chairs: Online Dating...... 6 ™ by Jerry Wonderly, Regular columnist OTAP Acting Director Randy Young 937-298-5530 houserus@

( Ohio Technology Access Project ) ( & otap@ ) DM A® Supports Think TV Auction ……...8 by Carol Ewing Fall (Aug.23/24) Gary Mullins 937-623-2059 chairman@

Computerfest® ”03 Dave Thomas 937-233-2001 Hardware Review: Kworld TV Tuner.…....9 by Dan Woodard, DataBus Software Reviewer Membership Chair Carol Ewing 937-667-3259 ewingc@ Technology.talkœ Joyce M aynard.………....10 Acting Program Dir. Edwin Davidson by Pat Suarez, Regular columnist 937-294-8524 winswim@ Publications Chair Really Stupid I.E. Crash.…..……...... 11 From Woody‘s Windows XP–Online (DataBus Editor in Chief) (Open) 937-294-8524 editor@

President‘s Report……………...……..…..11 DMA® W ebsite Dave Lundy 937-426-1132 lundyd@ by Lisa Singh, President DMA® dmapub Dave Nevel, Paul Alquist, Ken Phelps, Gary Turner, Bill Jacobs, Consumer Computing………………... ….12 Dave Lundy, & Dan Tasch Administrators Planning the Future of Computerfest®..….13 DM A® Info Line: by Randal Young, Exhibitor/Vendor Coordinator DM A® 937-222-4DM A (4362) M icrosoft Insider Update M ay, 2003…….14

Digital Photography SIG does Video...... 19 M ember Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce M e m b e r o f By Edwin Davidson

The Deals Guy…………...... 20 DM A® W EBPAGE: by Bob —The Cheapskate“ Click, GOCUG

email: info@ DM A® Data Line: 937-910-0006 Anti Spam...... 26 DM A®‘s general Post Office Box: P.O. Box 4005, Dayton, OH 45401-4005 by Lisa Singh, DMA® Board member

President‘s Report…………………….…..23 Newsletter W inner: by Lisa Singh, President DMA® Best User Group Coverage / Large Newsletters, 1998 & 1999 Intergalactic 11 & 12 Conferences in N.Y. SIG News…...... 26, 30

- - Next Computerfest®: Aug. 23/24, ”03 DEPARTM ENTS . Computerfest® DM A® SIG M eeting List ……….……...... …....4 Expired/Expiring M emberships ….....……..8 P.O. Box 2336 email info: computerfest@ Dayton, Ohio 45401-2336 M embership Application & Renewal Form….17 Computerfest® Volunteer Hot Line: 937-222-2010 Benefits of DM A® M embership….....…...24 Computerfest® Phone Nos: Attendee info line: 937-22C-FEST (222-3378) New M embers…………………………...……25 Vendor info line: 937-223-FEST (223-3378)

Additional Area User Groups………..…..31 DMA®'s Arrow Logo is a trademark, and DMA® & Computerfest® are registered trademarks of the DAYTON M ICROCOMPUTER ASSOCIATION, INC., an Ohio 501c(3) non-profit organization.

Page 2 June 2003 The DataBus

I-75 Airport Springfield Map to DMA AGENDA FOR 5/27 M EETING: I-70

meetings Announcements/Intro…...…………………………..7:30 p.m. (President Lisa Singh)

Dayton Dayton Xenia US-35 Jefferson St On tap: DMA® SIGs in Action…………..… 7:45-9:00 p.m. Presenter: SIG Leaders US-35 I-675 Warren St Q & A, Attendee Prizes…...………………………..9:15 p.m. US-68 (DMA® Board Member Leah Day) Miami Valley Hosp. Brown St Closing Statements ………………………………. 9:45 p.m. U.D. Stewart St (President Lisa Singh) SR-48 Arena Edwin C. NCR U.D. Meeting Adjourns …...…………………………...10:00 p.m. Moses Blvd Kiefaber Patterson (Adjourn to Marion‘s for Pizza SIG @ Patterson/Schroyer) Blvd Oakwood Ave ------

If there is enough interest, the ”Internet Q&A‘ period may be Cincinnati held immediately prior to this Meeting, same room. I-75 SR-48 Drawn by Dave Lundy S. Main Revised Dec. 4, 1996

DM A®‘s main meeting is held in M iriam Hall, O‘Leary Auditorium, on UD‘s campus (add‘l map p.29). The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. Park in lot ”C‘ on campus (follow the map‘s arrows) to avoid parking tickets. Editor‘s Box: Are you sitting home alone? DMA® needs your help! Check our Volunteers needed section Pg. 29. You can help transform DMA®. – – – – – – – – – – – Join us at our June 24th meeting for a special presentation entitled Intel 2003: New Technology Update and Product Review.

The DataBus

The DataBus is published monthly by the Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. (DMA®). Technical articles, product announcements, news items and other items relating to computers, computing and/or computer users are strongly encouraged.

The deadline for submitting material is the first day of the month of publication. Please submit files to the editors (Editor@ by —attaching“ them to email in one of the following formats: (in order of preference) MS W ord, W ordperfect, or .TXT (with line breaks) – or simply by handing a disk to the Editors at a General Meeting or mailing it to them. The editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length & style, and to hold or reject any portions of submitted copy. It may be better suited to a later issue. If you have a specific topic in mind but are not sure how useful it might be to fellow DMA® members, just call an Editor and discuss it.

Advertisements and want ads are accepted for publication. Non-commercial (for instance, to sell your used printer) credit- card size ads are free to DM A® members. For members, commercial ads of that size are $20.00 per issue. Our present circulation, targeted specifically to computer users, technicians, & IT Managers, is 2,000 copies. For more information on advertising rates, or to obtain a Rate Card, contact an Editor. The mailing address is: Editor - The DataBus, P.O. Box 4005, Dayton, OH 45401-4005

Permission is granted to non-profit organizations to reprint or quote any material contained herein (except that which is copyrighted elsewhere) provided credit is given to the author, Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. & The DataBus. The Editors request that when reprinting material from The DataBus you forward a copy of the reprint to the Editors.

This newsletter was composed using Microsoft Publisher 2002 for W indows® XP, and printed on an HP LaserJet 5P printer. DMA® nameplate created by Bob Kwater, all rights reserved, Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. [email protected] Winner: The opinions expressed in any article or column are those of the individual author(s) and do not Best User Group Coverage represent an official position of, or endorsement by, The Dayton Microcomputer Assn., Inc.

- Large Newsletters, The DataBus Staff [email protected] ‘98 & ‘99 InterGalactic Calendar Editor: Dave Lundy 937-426-1132 [email protected] Conferences in New York Co-Editor: George Gibbs 937-429-9072 [email protected] Co-Editor: Edwin Davidson 937-294-8524 [email protected] Editor Emeritus Bob Esch

The DataBus June 2003 Page 3

DMA® MEETINGS DMA®‘s Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings

Email: [email protected] for updates Do You Have a Specific Northern SIG - one of DMA® 's Computer-Related Interest ? – newest SIGs, is for those interested in M eetings - Guests are always and need an organization to support that open source software who live near or welcome. - All general DMA® interest? Are there others you know who north of I-70. For more details, see http:// membership meetings are held at 7:30 p.m., would join you? DMA® can help or contact University of Dayton, the last Tuesday of sponsor groups of approx. 6 or more who Robert Ruby III- [email protected] each month, except December. See our W eb have common software or hardware page (, dmapub, or email to: interests by providing meeting venues, Software Development SIG - The [email protected] for more info. AV equipment, etc. Contact vice- former Greater Dayton Delphi Group

[email protected] for more information. meets 2nd Thurs. each month at 6:30 p.m. Our monthly general meeting at 119 Valley St.. Focusing on all aspects consists of a brief opening, SIG reports, Apple-Dayton SIG -for those who of software development including announcements, and a 60-90 minute want to get the most out of their design, implementation and testing, we program by a guest speaker, followed by Apple computer & learn about the Apple/ are language and platform independent. door prizes for members. Mac platform. Group meets the 3rd Mon- For more info, call Bill Gross at 937-602-

day at 7 p.m. at 119 Valley Street now, 3946 or email him at [email protected]. Board M eeting - The regular DMA® but watch our website. Contact Keith Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Ciriegio (meeting coordinator) at 937- UNIX/LINUX SIG - Meets the 3rd the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. 773-0676, email: [email protected] Thurs. of each month at 7:00 p.m. in at DMA‘s home at 119 Valley St. Dayton, W right State‘s Russ Engineering Center. Ohio Certification SIG - Purpose: to Call Tony Snyder at 275-7913 for info. assist you in passing various Certification exams. Meets 2nd Tues. and 4th W ed. of Board meetings are open to all. Venture Scouts - meets 3rd Mondays M embers are always welcome to attend. each month. Contact George Ewing, [email protected] or Larry Ford, @ 7:00p.m. at Oak Creek United Church [email protected] or call 937-361-8917. of Christ, on Bigger Road at the corner of OTAP RECYCLES COM PUTERS - Springmill Rd, in Kettering. Please Networking SIG meetings have been The Ohio Technology Access Project is a combined with this group which now contact Ron Schwartz at: (937) 434-2144 [email protected] 501c(3) non-profit organization. This all covers both areas.

volunteer group of devoted people gener- Classic Computer SIG - the keeper Pizza SIG ously give of their special talents & skills. of the Dayton Computer Museum. - the unofficial

Cla sse s in olde r com pute r snack or meal of OTAP puts donated computers into the hardware and software are taught by the hands of people with handicaps, the computer Curator, Gary Ganger; 1st & 3rd Sat. of enthusiast is en- limitations, challenges and special needs- ea. mo. 3 to 5 p.m. at the Sugar Grove -and provides computers to institutions Church, Email [email protected] or call joyed following which serve the needs of these Gary at (937) 849-1483 for directions. each DMA® individuals. General Mtg. at Marion‘s Piazza on the

DMA® volunteers gather computers and Digital Photography SIG meets corner of Patterson and Shroyer roads. then teach other volunteers machine 1st Thursday of each month. Interested? Use the DM A® coupon on page 30 To inspection, testing, diagnostics, as well as Email [email protected] or call (937) help the Club! adjustment and repair techniques. 879-5419. Covering all aspects of digital Open to all, it is the —Pizza SIG“. photography in a friendly small group After these donated computers are put into working order, they are then atmosphere. Club Purpose and M embership

provided "as is" to qualified individuals - The place to and institutions which request them. Very DigitalTextilesSIG The Dayton M icrocomputer indulge your interest in computerized basic, free, computer instruction follows Assn., Inc. (DMA®) is an Ohio non- machine embroidery, cross stitch, some computer distribution. profit organization dedicated to the knitting, quilting and sewing. Meetings education of, and providing If you would like to learn more about will start at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday information to, microcomputer users OTAP, please set your browser to http:// of each month at 119 Valley St. Explore a nd the g e ne ra l public. Computer donations are what‘s new in the world of textiles and DM A® members use and own a wide tax-deductible and to date, more than share your projects and experiences with others who share your passions. Contact variety of computers and possess 2000 computers have been distributed by various levels of computer experience. Lou Childs for details at 888-276-3578 or OTAP. [email protected]. If you or your organization wish to Annual dues are $25 for regular mem- donate or receive used equipment, or if Gaming SIG - Now meeting online. bers, which includes a subscription to The DataBus newsletter, and $12.50 you would like to volunteer, please call Please contact SIG leader Bill Myers at for associate members living at the the Project Manager. Al Russell at (937) [email protected] or (937) 222-2755 or email [email protected]. same address. Associate memberships 275-3583 for further details, & http:// must run concurrently with a regular for the latest Located at 119 Valley St., Dayton, OH membership. time/date/program information. For other user groups with DM A®, see page 31.

Page 4 June 2003 The DataBus

- T he W ireless T echnology w ith the Funny N am e - by Beverly Rosenbaum, HAL-PC member. Microsoft and Motorola. These Bluetooth enables almost any kind fter years of promotion, will nine companies jointly developed of device to go wireless and still A Bluetooth-enabled devices the Bluetooth 1.0 specification, communicate successfully with begin to make a splash in the mar- released in July 1999. By Decem- other devices. In addition to mobile ketplace? ber 1999, the SIG already had phones and PDAs, Bluetooth is also IT industry analysts predict that 1,200 companies on board, and in turning up in keyboards, mice, 2003 will finally be the year that 2000 the first consumer products trackballs, projectors, printers, Bluetooth goes mainstream. were launched. scanners, notebook computers and Bluetooth is a radio frequency- digital cameras. The most wide- based cable replacement technol- The Bluetooth SIG charges no roy- spread Bluetooth products so far ogy designed to be an inexpensive alty for licensing the technology; it are headsets for cell phones. Al- wireless personal networking sys- will remain an open standard, and though Bluetooth‘s 10-meter range tem for all classes of portable de- the role of the Bluetooth SIG is is smaller and its 1Mbps (megabits vices such as laptops, PDAs restricted to the definition and pro- per second) transfer speeds are (Personal digital assistants), mobile motion of the specification. Com- slower than other wireless tech- phones and headsets. Bluetooth can panies signing the Bluetooth nologies, its battery-friendly design also replace cabling in a static envi- Adopter Agreement are given ac- makes it easier to implement in ronment between desktop com- cess to the Bluetooth specification, small devices. puters and printers. updated on the latest developments In 1994, Ericsson Mobile Commu- in the technology, and granted per- W hen Bluetooth devices come nications, the global telecommuni- mission to build Bluetooth-enabled within range of each other, one cations company based in Sweden, products. The SIG optimistically device initiates contact with the initiated a study to investigate the estimates that by 2005 almost 670 other through software embedded feasibility of a low-power, low-cost million products will be Bluetooth- in the transceiver chip. These de- radio interface to eliminate cables enabled. vices can communicate with each between mobile phones and their other within a 30-foot range. accessories. As the project pro- Bluetooth wireless technology is Unlike an infrared signal, it does gressed, it became clear that appli- implemented in tiny, inexpensive, not require a line of vision. This is cations for this kind of short-range short-range transceivers in mobile an advantage over infrared wireless radio link were virtually unlimited. devices, either embedded directly devices, which require an unob- into existing component boards or structed path between the infrared The engineers at Ericsson code- added into an adaptor device such emitter and receiver in order for the named their new wireless technol- as a PC card. A Bluetooth-equipped connection to be established and ogy —Bluetooth“ to honor King device establishes instant connec- retained. Harald Blåtand (Blåtand is Swedish tivity with one or more other de- for Bluetooth), who ruled Denmark vices as soon as they come into The Bluetooth radio transceivers in the 10th century. He helped unite range. Each device has a unique operate in the unlicensed ISM radio his part of the world, as the devel- 48-bit MAC address. band of GHz. The ISM (industrial, opers and promoters of Bluetooth scientific, and medical) bands in- hope their technology will unite clude the frequency ranges at 902 the mobile world. Bluetooth ap- MHz to 928 MHz and 2.4 GHz to plications will bear the figure 2.484 GHz, which do not require an mark —HB.“ operator‘s license from any regula- tory agency. This is a globally Ericsson‘s work in this area available frequency band, ensuring caught the attention of IBM, worldwide compatibility. The Intel, Nokia, and Toshiba, and transmission will travel at speeds together they formed the Blue- that are roughly equivalent to 20 tooth Special Interest Group times the speed of a 56 K modem. (SIG) in May 1998 W hile that‘s slower than infrared, ( By De- it‘s about the same speed as a home cember 1999, they were joined broadband connection. by 3Com, Lucent Technologies, (Continued on page 7)

The DataBus June 2003 Page 5

- O nline D ating - By Jerry Wonderly, regular contributor to The DataBus. A native Daytonian, Jerry has been involved with computers since the mid-80's. "I cut my teeth on CP/M Plus." He says that ”computering‘ can be very expensive but doesn't have to be. "Ask questions. Think cheap. Shop around. And don't assume your computer needs to be traded in. I'd rather put my money in my 401(k) than spend it on a complete new system and software."

There‘s a Brave New W orld out there, You also describe the kind of woman looking for financially secure men are folks, when it comes to dating and you‘re looking for and upload a pic- gold-diggers. Beware of really cute finding a special someone, or even ture of yourself. There are optional women with webcams. They‘re cyber marriage. Besides going to clubs or extra —Essay Questions“ to answer in babes who make their living getting grocery stores (does that really order to give women a better idea of guys to visit their webcams for a fee. work?), running personal ads, joining who you are. If you‘re like most guys, Guess there‘s a seedy side to every- clubs you don‘t like (that knitting if you don‘t want women to know thing internet, eh? Also, lots of for- class had lots of women but was a you‘re really a creep, don‘t fill out the eign women are looking to hook up bore!), and relying on friends and co- essays! Feeling a bit overconfident, I with American men. Unless you want workers for blind dates (ugh!), thanks filled them out. Maybe that‘s why I a foreign woman, avoid them. Also, to the internet we now have the world, don‘t get many responses, eh? you have some blocking ability in the and its singles, literally only an email site‘s emailing feature. Anyway, be away. Recently divorced, I have now Next, after you‘ve filled out your pro- skeptical. If they don‘t have a picture, rejoined the ranks of available bache- file and uploaded a fairly recent pic- get them to email you one at a dummy lors looking for love. Rather than hit- ture of yourself, you start looking for email account you can set up, like ting the bars and learning to disco, I women you may like. Oh, by the way, sucker@ have opted to explore the world of give yourself an attractive user name cyber dating. Sure you‘re skeptical. like NiceGuy234 or MrClean875. OK, you‘ve met a really special lady But, believe it or not, in the month Don‘t choose user names like Stud753 on Match Doctor and you‘ve corre- that I have been cyber mingling, I‘ve or SkirtChaser907. W omen seem to sponded a little via Match Doctor‘s found that there are definitely possi- steer clear of those types of names for emailing feature. Now what? Next, bilities out there. So forget the gro- some reason… . Anyway, until some you graduate to regular email corre- cery shopping for women and let me sucker, errr, woman, emails you, you spondence and instant messaging. tell you about a few of the basics I‘ve need to start beating the bushes look- Remember, don‘t use your regular learned so far. ing for someone you‘d like to date. email account and she shouldn‘t ei- There are two ways: searching female ther. You still only want to use first First, where do you go online to profiles and looking to see who‘s names. If one or both of you has not search for someone to date? W ell, a online. Just designate your search posted a picture, email pictures back friend (enemy?) of mine at work terms and start reading their profiles. and forth. After that, assuming you highly recommended both are still interested, exchange I‘m told there Before I go on, I should take a mo- phone numbers. This is important. For are both free and fee-based dating ment to cover some ethics of online obvious reasons, you need verification sites. Match Doctor is the first one dating. First, remember that this is that she is a she! W hen getting to I‘ve tried, and quite frankly, has been cyber dating and people aren‘t neces- know each other via emailing, keep in so good that I haven‘t checked any sarily who they say they are. The guy mind the general rules of courtship: more yet. However, I‘m told that who says he‘s 40 may be 50 and has watch your language and be careful of is also free and posted a picture of himself from grade sexual innuendo. You‘re getting to very good. school! The woman who says she‘s —a know one another and wording can be few extra pounds“ probably is heavy- misleading. So, think before you type! Match Doctor is free for a standard set. Many, many people don‘t post Now you‘ve corresponded and talked listing but you can also pay extra to their pictures or say much in their on the phone and have both decided to have your ad come up at the top of profiles. Let‘s be reasonable here. meet face to face. This will be the searches by women. If you‘re desper- Post a fairly recent picture and take deciding point on chemistry and all of ate, pay the $25 or so to get your list- the time to honestly describe yourself. that. You don‘t really know her yet; ing featured prominently for three If you hate walks in the moonlight, it‘s still more of a blind date than any- months. That‘s what I did! Hey, don‘t put it down! If you love watch- thing, so where do you go? W ell, the gimme a break! Anyway, with a stan- ing NFL games, put it down! Lots of norm seems to be to meet for coffee dard listing, you create a —profile“ of women love football if you are willing somewhere public. You want to pick a who you are and what you‘re like. to explain it to them. W omen who are (Continued on page 7)

Page 6 June 2003 The DataBus

- W ireless T echnology (C ont.) - (Continued from page 5) One of the companies on the leading the finger and send data to W i-Fi To clearly explain the difference edge of Bluetooth implementation is terminals on the waist. The tracking between Bluetooth and W iFi tech- FedEx Corp., the package delivery data taken from the packages is sent nologies, a good analogy would be company that plans to put Bluetooth into the UPS computer network. that Bluetooth would be the wireless into the hands of every one of its Testing was done in four beta sites, equivalent to USB, and while W iFi couriers later this year. FedEx is and rollout will begin in June with would be used for the connectivity testing a new PDA-like device with completion by 2004. UPS already equivalent of Ethernet. Bluetooth Bluetooth connectivity called a uses W i-Fi devices and scanner and W iFi can both be used on the PowerPad, built to FedEx‘s specifi- rings, but the two are connected by a same computer to perform different cations and tested in tandem with cable, which the company considers tasks, and these technologies are not Bluetooth-capable phones. the weakest link in the chain. Re- mutually exclusive. placing it with Bluetooth will mean a FedEx, already known for its ability 30 percent reduction in annual repair Bluetooth Applications to track packages, will use Bluetooth costs for the scanning system. Bluetooth is receiving industry sup- to refine that capability even more. port in both the computer and con- In the past, couriers scanned pickup One of the more unusual early Blue- sumer electronics industry. HP has and delivery information into a tablet tooth uses has been on a Norwegian introduced the DeskJet 995C color device called a SuperTracker. That luxury cruise ship called The W orld inkjet printer with Bluetooth already information was sent wirelessly back of ResidenSea, which took its built in and plans to release the to FedEx‘s computer center when the maiden voyage in May 2002 out of DeskJet 450 soon, while 3Com has courier returned to the truck. Using Cannes, France. The ship offers the produced a wireless printer adapter the new Bluetooth system, the FedEx world‘s largest single-site public and Motorola added Bluetooth to courier can transmit information as wireless network. W hile on the ship, their newest phone models. Eventu- soon as the package exchange is passengers and crew can use Blue- ally, Bluetooth may justify all the made, without having to return to the tooth in laptops, PDAs and even hype surrounding it, but so far it has- vehicle. Customers also will be able digital cameras to access the Inter- n‘t made it to the mainstream at the to more precisely locate a package in net. The unique ship has 110 pri- pace predicted. Bluetooth applica- transit. W ith 5 million wireless trans- vately owned cabins, as well as 88 tions are finally starting to appear, actions every day, this additional guest suites. often in odd places like restaurants, timesaving will add up quickly. hospitals, zoos and even cruise ships. Bluetooth devices also are being German carmaker Audi says that it used at the Denver Zoo, where visi- will also adopt Bluetooth in some of tors can get information automati- Online Dating - (C ont.) its models rolling out in Europe and cally on a PDA when they walk by Asia by the end of this year. Inside an animal area; and at several hospi- (Continued from page 6) the car will be an Audi-made Blue- tals, where doctors and nurses use safe place for the both of you. tooth-ready Telematics Control Unit, the devices to input billing informa- Don‘t invite her to your place or or TCU, that combines an embedded tion. vice versa. You could invite her module for a wireless phone. The to dinner, a museum, or some- system will also have a phone hand- Another innovative use of Bluetooth thing but coffee would be just set and a hands-free system. PDAs involves a chain of restaurants called fine. Then just ad lib from there! and laptops will be able to pair with La Pesquera in the Spanish resort the TCU, and use the mobile phone city of Marbella. Imagine the diner‘s So, that‘s a peek at the world of as a modem, allowing users to check surprise to see the waiter pull out an online dating. Believe me, there e-mail from the car. Daimler Chrys- iPAQ PDA with an SD (Secure Digi- are lots of great people available ler is expected to announce similar tal) card sticking out to take the or- and looking online. Go ahead, get plans for its new models. der, which was sent automatically your feet wet; you just may find via Bluetooth to the kitchen. the love of your life waiting out United Parcel Service will outfit its there! If so, let me know! I‘d sure package handlers with 55,000 Blue- Apple recently unveiled a new like to know if I somehow man- tooth scanner rings and W i-Fi termi- PowerBook G4 with both AirPort aged to play matchmaker! Have nals around the world later this year. Extreme and Bluetooth wireless net- The scanner rings, made for UPS by working built in. Bluetooth-enabled Symbol Technologies, are worn on (Continued on page 13)

The DataBus June 2003 Page 7

6) Ö 0 ) {

These M emberships have expired, or are about to expire soon!

Remember to send your check & the completed application form (in the center of this newsletter) marked —DM A® Dues“ to P.O. Box 340402, Beavercreek, OH 45434-0402. Or if you give them to Carol Ewing at the next General M eeting, please have the form filled out in advance and have correct change or a check. We do not have change at the meeting.

Expired in April 2003 Hayes Kathy (a) W ill expire in June 2003 Ackerman John Hiechelbech Derrick Batka Helen Apostelos Paul J. Higgins W illiam L. Black Kathi Blake Roger C. Hittner David Brown Denis Blossom Donald M. Jagielo Julia A. Burgmeier Bill Buechly Carolyn M. Jones Lesley A. Carrier David Carpenter Robert L. Klein W ayne R. Corpstein Robert R. Casto Lynda Lackermann Steven Crabtree George Dann Eric L. (a) Leibold Michael Feigleson John P. Feller Jr. John Mandas Arline Fleck Shawn Hamer Theodore (Ted) Martin Larry Gyenes Colleen Hendrix James A. McCoin Kenneth H. Hansford II Paul D. Herdman David Meyerowitz Rammy Harris Robert L. Horine Fred Miller Oliver Hildebrant Kurt Jackson Robert S. Mull Gary ICE Alan Doll Jobe Jim Pascale Michael A. Knapke Mark Joseph Johnson Karen Petersen Robert Landaburu A. Carlos LaFlame John Paul Pitcher Lorraine Linden Michael K. McMeans Sara Reiss Stephen Merrill Gregory Miller David K. Rosell Robert L. Midlam Tom Neff Sharon Rusnak Dennis M. Moore Harold Neises Ryan Sponenbergh Malcolm Nash Tracy Reel Kenneth Ray Stevey Joel D. Peters III Roscoe H. Reiter Richard Teer Mary Y. Rhodes James C. Sterrick II W . D. Thomson Kenneth T. Schumacher James L. Stidham Forrest Turzynski Joanne Seibert Karl F. W est Randy Ude Roland W . (Buzz) Setterfield Patrice W ill expire in M ay 2003 Ungard Matthew L. Singh Lisa Andrianos Andrew Uphaus III James A. (a) Sprauer Ronald J. Barry Kevin Urbanas Jr. Clifford A. Straw Douglas Clemmons Todd W arner Susan Taylor Vivian K. Croft Kenneth C. W ert Robert W ade Joseph F. (Joe) Decker Ronald Young Kristy W alton Rhonda J. (a) Eubank David Young Laura J. W eaver Jeannette M. Focke Jim Young Roger W rinkle Kathy (a) Greene Donald A. Zelasco Jennifer A. - D M A ® supports T H IN K T V A uction - by Carol Ewing DMA® sponsored Computer Chroni- W PTD-Channel 16 Public Television Our members who volunteered were: cles on THINKTV, W PTD, Channel held their annual THINKTV Auction Gary Turner, Joe Fulk, Steve and 16 until it was removed from their April 7 - 12, 2003. DMA® provided Kathy W assenich, Tom and Tommy schedule, and we continue to support several volunteers who had a great Sheibenberger, Lisa Singh, Rammy THINKTV by volunteering at the time and enjoyed plenty of food and Meyerowitz, Steve and Sherry Hay- auction. drinks. W e had people taking bids den, and George and Carol Ewing. over the phone and sometimes on James McCutcheon brought Debbie W e want to thank everyone camera including our DMA® Presi- McCutcheon, Amanda Espenschied who donated their time for this dent, Secretary, Trustees, Computer- and Michael Norton. fest® Staff and members. worthwhile auction.

Page 8 June 2003 The DataBus

- Softw are R eview : K w orld T V T uner - by Dan Woodard, DMA® member, DataBus Software Reviewer

Dan W oodard: At the tender age of 9, Dan got his start enjoying computer games on his TI-99/4a home computer, and he‘s been at it ever since. He graduated in 1996 with a B.S. in Environmental Studies. Dan has been a DMA® member for about 9 years now, and enjoys playing Othello, other strategy and role playing games, backpacking, fishing and gardening. He also dabbles in computer repair and upgrades, & is currently studying for his Network+ certification.. Dan is a regular software reviewer in The DataBus. - dgw@

Back in college, in the early 90‘s, I which turns your speaker system into needlessly counterintuitive and frus- recall my first encounter with a video a nice stereo system and also makes trating. On the other hand, I found capture board. The fellow across the it very easy to capture the latest mu- the Intervideo W inDVR recording hall had a nice computer setup. sic to MP3s. software to be easy to use, and robust W hile I pretty much waited until with features. After a couple of most computer technology matured My second impression of the card hours of trying various settings, I was before buying it, he always had to was rather poor, especially when I able to record an hour-long TV pro- have the latest and greatest. He noticed that documentation was gram at VCD (Video CD) resolution shelled out several hundred dollars using only 600 MB, which would for a card that seemed like a fantastic easily burn onto a single CD. toy at the time, but in retrospect was really an expensive peripheral that Summary: For an entry level TV produced pixellated output. I remem- Tuner card, I was rather impressed ber thinking that I would probably with the Kworld 878 Pro. For only never have anything similar on my $36, I was able to turn my computer computer system. Times certainly into a digital video recorder, and also change. A couple of months back, I turned my speakers into a nice FM noticed that TV tuner card prices had stereo. Also, I now have the capabil- fallen under $50, and I finally de- ity of transferring our old VHS home cided to pick one up to play with. videos to VCD or DVD format. The After looking at the features for a pretty sparse. Although the packag- only thing keeping me from giving while, I decided on the Kworld Mpeg ing states that the card is compatible this a perfect 10 score was the lack- Station PCI. with W indows ‘98, I was unable to luster editing software that was in- get the card recognized properly after cluded. Thankfully, this can be The Kworld tuner card is based on more than a half dozen attempts. remedied by an inexpensive the Conexant 878 chipset. The Luckily, I had picked up a copy of download of something like MPEG model I went with is specifically W indows ME at a yard sale a month VCR software. ( known as the kw-tv878rf pro. There earlier, so I installed that and got the are several different —flavors“ of this card installed without even a small Rating: 9 out of 10 card available, including a USB hiccup. I was instantly able to start model, a digital satellite tuner card, a watching TV on the system, and al- Requirements: 500MHz CPU, 64MB motion sensor model for security though the picture was just a bit RAM, DirectX 8, 250+ MB HDD, purposes, and a Firewire version for grainier than a regular television, it full duplex sound, empty PCI slot (or working with DV camcorders. The was still quite acceptable full screen. USB port for USB version) There were several software applica- model I selected was the cheapest, coming in at $36 (with shipping!), tions included, and overall it seemed but still had a lot of features. Not like a well-rounded package. Reviewed: Athlon 700, 128 MB only did it act as a TV tuner card, it RAM, 32MB Video, 50x CD, W in also allowed capture of video streams The learning curve involved with the ME, DirectX 8, 30GB HDD into MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. It has an Kworld tuner is a bit higher than RCA input for camcorder hookup, a might be anticipated. This is not so coax cable hookup (which can also much because of the card itself, but Best Price: $36 (includes free ship- be used for rabbit ears), a SVHS in- because its features are controlled ping!) put and it even has an infrared remote through several different software digvidapweb.html control unit that comes standard with programs. Some of the programs, the package. Plus, it has an FM radio especially the Intervideo W inPro- Manufacturer website: tuner incorporated into the card, ducer editing software, proved to be

The DataBus June 2003 Page 9

Ö 5 D B G M N KN F XqS@ KJ á +N XB D . @ XM @ QC Ö By Patrick J. Suarez–Regular Contributor to The DataBus - pjsuarez@ Patrick J. Suarez is a nationally recognized Internet writer, trainer, speaker and consultant. He has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs across the United States. He is the Internet speaker at the annual Computerfest® trade show in Dayton, OH each spring. Mr. Suarez published a tutorial software program called —The Beginner‘s Guide to the Internet“ in 1993, and a book by the same title followed in 1995. In addition, Mr. Suarez has been published by Que. Mr. Suarez operates a W eb site supporting people who have just learned that they have a tumor. Pat is an independent writer and trainer and shares his computing time between Linux and W indows. Illustrious DMA® member Gary W hile still in my early twenties, I Rye") and her near destruction at his Turner once said that the true power caught the Newsweek article and was manipulative and bizarre hands. of the Internet was the willingness of mesmerized by its profound sense of people to share information and ex- expression. As I read those para- That she did in 1998 in "At Home in periences with one another. Perhaps graphs, I had to look at the author‘s the W orld", an autobiography of jaw- truer words about the Net were never head shot over and over. I was read- dropping intensity and honesty. In it spoken. I might further that idea with ing something recondite, a work from she chronicled her relationships with: the notion that the Internet gives us the pen of a person who had decades her gifted but eccentric and sometimes the ability to discover new friends of wisdom under her belt. But the difficult parents; Jerry (as she calls (while expanding, refining, testing photo was of a teenager, a youngster him) and perhaps validating our own be- with huge eyes and an intense gaze. Salinger; her ex-husband Steve; her liefs) and, maybe more important, How could this be? sister, Rona; her three children, Aud- rediscovering old friends. Recently, rey, Charlie and W illie. the Internet, by way of an e-mail ad- W hen "Looking Back" hit the shelves, vertisement for a book on CD, helped I snapped it up. The Newsweek arti- This is no ho-hum compendium of me rediscover someone who had been cle was no fluke; Maynard was the events. It is a riveting exploration of my writing mentor and a significant real deal and her writing voice and the extent of torment one human be- influence. style helped shape my own less ac- ing can endure at the hands of people, complished one. excepting here her three children, who All writers have mentors and role are supposed to nurture but instead models. Mine were Al Misenko, one- Throughout the ”70s and ”80s, I fol- have to be, literally, survived. Trust time Adjunct Professor of English at lowed Joyce Maynard‘s work where I me when I tell you that you will read W ittenberg University, and authors could find it. She wrote several suc- incidents where you will have to put Joan Didion and Joyce Maynard. cessful works, including one, "To Die the book down, if only to catch your For", that became a movie starring breath to recover. And then pick it Didion and Maynard are America‘s Nicole Kidman. In the ”80s, the Day- right back up again to see what fol- finest writers. Their styles and works ton Daily News dropped her column lows. As it turns out, I didn‘t read this are interesting, thought-provoking, and I was outraged. W hen a junior book in 1998, I heard it earlier this literate and intelligent. Didion has editor told me that the DDN wanted to year as a book on unabridged CDs been writing for nearly four decades, concentrate on local writers, I found during my daily trek to and from Co- Maynard for three. They write about his explanation specious, and I lumbus each day. life and the Byzantine influences that dropped my subscription. surround and shape it. I cannot imag- W ords have a special character all ine literature without their contribu- However, in the ”90s, I did far less their own. Reading epithets or hor- tions. reading than any time in my past, and rific episodes in a life carries certain I sadly shelved my long-time mentor. weight; hearing those words carries an Maynard‘s introduction to the public In the process, I missed a publishing additional wallop. There were times was startling. She was just 18 years event that shook up the literary world. when I felt as if I‘d taken a right cross old when no less than the Sunday And, oh my, what an event it was. to the jaw as I listened to the CDs. New York Times Magazine published The pointed cruelty in them was, for her thoughts about life from the van- In her 1987 book, "Domestic Affairs", me, unprecedented. And they came tage point of America‘s youth. Maynard chronicled her life as a wife from people from whom they should Shortly thereafter, she appeared in and mother. On the surface, it was not have come, including Salinger. Newsweek‘s My Turn column with a entertaining. But there was another, piece called "Searching for Sages". more important story that Maynard W hile Maynard felt liberated with "At At 19, she published "Looking Back", needed to get out, the story of her Home in the W orld", her critics and probably history‘s only memoir by hellish relationship with famed author Salinger‘s supporters attacked her someone not yet two decades old. J. D. Salinger ("The Catcher in the (Continued on page 11)

Page 10 June 2003 The DataBus

Ö 5 D B G M N KN F XqS@ KJ á +N XB D . @ XM @ QC Ö (Continued from page 10) "At Home in the W orld" is a testa- site is as endlessly fascinating as relentlessly, viciously and unfairly. ment to the power of redemption she is, filled with photos, thoughts W hile such behavior was wrong on and the ability to forgive. It also and an electronic bulletin board to many levels, it was particularly should be required reading for any- which she occasionally contributes. unjust because Maynard, through- one planning to have a relationship Visit it soon at out "At Home", had the good grace with or marry someone else. If and journalistic integrity to not you can‘t read this masterpiece of whine or overly opinionate. She the human condition and not treat One should choose one‘s influ- merely stated what happened to her your significant other better, you ences and mentors carefully, and I and what her reaction was at the have ice water, not blood, coursing couldn‘t have chosen a better per- time. Not too many human beings through your arteries. son than Joyce Maynard. Thank have the character to hold back you, Joyce, for all that you‘ve done with that kind of objectivity, espe- These days, Joyce Maynard is a and taught us, and for all that cially in light of the carpet- happy, fulfilled woman who has you‘ll do in the future. bombing she took for years from more than earned the fame that she § almost all sides. sought as a youngster. Her W eb - R eally S tupid Internet E xplorer C rash - From W oody‘s W indows XP ** If you view (or even preview) a for- visit Woody‘s Office Watch and online: matted email message, or you go to a Woody‘s Window Watch. Great infor- W eb site, and all of a sudden Internet mation and tips on all aspects of Mi- I can't believe this. Explorer dies ("Internet Explorer has crosoft”s Windows and Office Suites. encountered a problem and needs to These are the sites I keep recom- Ramon Cascales on Bugtraq reports close"), or Outlook dies, there's a mending to you readers who use Win- that a simple five-line HTML docu- chance that IE is trying to interpret dows and Microsoft Office. ment (and I mean a simple five-liner) this incredibly simple piece of HTML. will crash Internet Explorer. Or Out- Go to look. Or FrontPage. Or anything else W hat can you do about it? Not much. wow/ Or for the Windows newsletter that uses Internet Explorer's If IE crashes on a W eb page, avoid SHLW API.DLL to render HTML. the page. Right-click any crashing No, I'm not going to show you the message and delete it before Outlook You can, and should send e-mail to code, or give you direct links. But you slaps a preview on the screen. There's www@ to get your no workaround. It isn't a major secu- do need to know about this because own free subscription to this great rity exposure. Just a stupid bug in IE - some cretin, somewhere may use it collection of news, information, and and a potential pain in the neck. soon to make your life a little miser- tips of Windows. - RJE ** [Once again I suggest my readers able. § - President‘s Corner May 2003 - by Lisa Singh Last month we had a wonderful meet- lished in the DataBus and on our Last month the DMA® Board met in ing with Microsoft. This month we website: a special strategic planning meeting are providing an opportunity for eve- to address immediate planning needs ryone to share some wisdom and for Of course don‘t forget that we will for the next six months. Fundraising members to view some of the excit- also be having a great product raffle was the number one concern. Under ing programs that our SIG‘s provide. with a few extra prizes donated from fundraising, the needs recognized are: W e will have an —Ask the Experts“ our generous sponsors. 1. Making Computerfest® more accompanying the meeting so that profitable, 2. Finding other fundrais- any questions can be answered by This month‘s volunteer of the month ing streams of revenue, 3. Develop- experts in our panel or our audience. is Mr. Randy Young. He has been ing and supporting Gemair and 4. This is a great opportunity to get recognized for his outstanding service some of those questions answered. to our organization, his willingness to W orking with OTAP to improve in- Our June meeting will host Intel and be available at all times of the day take and processing of donations as in July we will have a special and night, and for his unfailing ser- well as identify potential programs W MUB on-site, on-air radio special. vice to both Computerfest® and that can attract grant funds. Details and time changes will be pub- OTAP. (Continued on page 29)

The DataBus June 2003 Page 11

- C onsum er C om puting - Author unknown I just recently received a new laptop, instructions, we naturally tend to as- club-ended 6/93-inch boxcar prawns. and with it all the instruction manuals sume that your skull is filled with You W ill Need to Supply: a matrix and warranties that you never read. dead insects, but we mean nothing by wrench and 60,000 feet of tram cable. But I wonder what you'd find if you it. If anything is missing or damaged: actually read them. I've come across You IMMEDIATELY should turn to a warranty message that was designed OK? Now let's talk about: your spouse and say "Margaret, you to be one of those never read pieces know why this country can't make a of paper. This one apparently came 1. Unpacking the Device car that can get all the way through inside a box for a disk drive from The device is encased in foam to pro- the drive-through at Burger King "Bubba's" in Louisiana. No kidding! tect it from the Shipping People, who without a major transmission over- like nothing more than to jab spears haul? Because nobody cares, that's IMPORTANT! READ THIS BE- into outgoing boxes. why." FORE USING YOUR NEW DE- W ARNING: This is assuming your VICE PLEASE INSPECT THE CON- spouse's name is Margaret. And not TENTS CAREFULLY FOR Pete. Congratulations! You have purchased GASHES OR IDA MAE BARKER'S an extremely fine device that would ENGAGEMENT RING, W HICH 2. Plugging in the Device give you thousands of years of trou- SHE LOST LAST W EEK, AND The plug on this device represents the ble-free service, except that you un- SHE THINKS MAYBE IT W AS latest thinking of the electrical indus- doubtedly will destroy it via some W HILE SHE W AS PACKING DE- try's Plug Mutation Group, which, in typical bonehead consumer maneu- VICES. a continuing effort to prevent con- ver. Ida Mae really wants that ring back, sumers from causing hazardous elec- W hich is why we ask you to: because it is her only proof of en- trical current to flow through their gagement, and her fiancée, Stuart, is appliances, developed the —Three- PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE READ now seriously considering backing Pronged Plug“, then the —Plug W here THIS OW NER'S MANUAL CARE- out on the whole thing in as much as One Prong is Bigger Than the Other“. FULLY BEFORE YOU UNPACK he had consumed most of a bottle of Your device is equipped with the THE DEVICE. YOU ALREADY Jim Beam in Quality Control when he revolutionary new —Plug W hose UNPACKED IT, DIDN'T YOU? decided to pop the question. It is not Prongs Consist of Six Small Reli- YOU UNPACKED IT AND without irony that Ida Mae's last gious Figurines Made of Chocolate“. PLUGGED IT IN AND TURNED IT name is "Barker", if you get our drift. ON AND FIDDLED W ITH THE DO NOT TRY TO PLUG IT IN! KNOBS, AND NOW YOUR W ARNING: DO NOT EVER AS Lay it gently on the floor near an out- CHILD, THE SAME CHILD W HO LONG AS YOU LIVE, THROW let, but out of direct sunlight, and ONCE SHOVED A POLISH SAU- AW AY THE BOX OR ANY OF clean it weekly with a damp handker- SAGE INTO YOUR VIDEOCAS- THE PIECES OF STYROFOAM, chief. SETTE RECORDER AND SET IT EVEN THE LITTLE ONES ON "FAST FORW ARD", THIS SHAPED LIKE PEANUTS. W ARNING: W HEN YOU ARE CHILD ALSO IS FIDDLING W ITH If you attempt to return the device to LAYING THE PLUG ON THE THE KNOBS, RIGHT? W E MIGHT the store, and you are missing one FLOOR, DO NOT HOLD A SHARP AS W ELL JUST BREAK THESE single peanut, the store personnel will OBJECT IN YOUR OTHER HAND DEVICES RIGHT AT THE FAC- laugh in the chilling manner exhibited AND TRIP OVER THE CORD AND TORY BEFORE W E SHIP THEM by Joseph Stalin just after he enslaved POKE YOUR EYE OUT, AS THIS OUT, YOU KNOW THAT?!? Eastern Europe. COULD VOID THE W ARRANTY. Besides the device, the box should W e're sorry. W e just get a little crazy contain: 3. Operation of the Device sometimes because we're always get- W ARNING: W E MANUFACTURE ting back "defective" merchandise Eight little rectangular snippets of ONLY THE ATTRACTIVE DE- where it turns out that the consumer paper that say "W ARNING" SIGNER CASE. THE ACTUAL inadvertently bathed the device in A little plastic packet containing four W ORKING CENTRAL PARTS OF acid for six days. So, in writing these 5/17-inch pilfer grommets and two (Continued on page 13)

Page 12 June 2003 The DataBus

Consumer (Cont.) - W ireless T echnology (C ont.) - (Continued from page 12) products are also available from IBM connectivity. It also has a built-in FM THE DEVICE ARE MANUFAC- (ThinkPad X30 laptop) and Sony radio and MP3 player. TURED IN JAPAN. THE IN- (camcorder and Vaio laptop). STRUCTIONS W ERE TRANS- Microsoft offers a W ireless Optical Other Bluetooth devices on the hori- LATED BY MRS. SHIRLEY PELT- Desktop For Bluetooth keyboard and zon include the new Palm Tungsten W ATER OF ACCOUNTS RECEIV- mouse combo ($159.95), or a separate handheld; Toshiba HOPBIT 5-GB ABLE, W HO HAS NEVER ACTU- W ireless IntelliMouse Explorer For Pocket Server external hard drive (a ALLY BEEN TO JAPAN BUT Bluetooth ($84.95). Logitech‘s Cord- wireless / USB module with an inte- DOES HAVE MOST OF less Presenter ($199.95) is a Blue- grated battery) that weighs 180 grams; "SHOGUN" ON TAPE. tooth-enabled remote control for pres- and the TDK BluPaq, an accessory for Instructions: For results that can be entations. W ith a range of 30 feet, it iPAQ that enables wireless communi- the finest, it is our advising that: also serves as an optical mouse and cation to other Bluetooth-enabled de- NEVER to hold these buttons two has a built-in laser pointer. vices like mobile phones, PC Cards times!! Except the battery. and USB adaptors. These announced Next taking the (something) earth Last month Nokia announced a hand- offerings are only the beginning for section may cause a large occurrence! held game player/cell phone called N- Bluetooth, as many more products are However. If this is not a trouble, such Gage (no relation to model railroad- in the development stage. rotation is a very maintenance action, ing). It has a 4,096-color active-matrix as a kindly (something) virepoint display and built-in camera for video Beverly Rosenbaum, a HAL-PC mem- from Drawing B. and still images. It offers Short Mes- ber, is a 1999 and 2000 Houston sage Service text messaging and Inter- Press Club —Excellence in Journal- 4. W arranty net access, and has built-in Bluetooth ism“ award winner. She can be Be it hereby known that this device, technology for short-range wireless reached at brosen@ together with but not excluding all those certain parts thereunto, shall be warrantied against all defects, failures - Planning T he Future of C om puterfest® - and malfunctions as shall occur be- Randal Young, Exhibitor/Vendor Coordinator, Exhibitors@ tween now and Thursday afternoon shortly before 2:00, during which Many of you by now have noticed would be happy to bring you on time the manufacturer will, at no that Computerfest® is on a pathway board. The Computerfest® staff is charge to the Owner, send the device of evolution that is taking it away not a closed society, but rather an to our Service People, who will from the tired old —flea market for open family seeking new members emerge from their caves and engage techies“ theme to a fully integrated constantly. Let the Co-chairs, any- in rituals designed to cleanse it of evil computer, technology and informa- one on the staff, or me know if you spirits. This warranty does not cover tion event. W hile other shows have are interested and the doors will be the attractive designer case. become extinct due to their inability opened for you. to adapt to the changing market, the W ARNING: IT MAY BE A VIOLA- future of Computerfest® is a bright TION OF SOME LAW THAT MRS. one with many, many opportunities SHIRLEY PELTW ATER HAS for growth and expansion. I have "SHOGUN" ON TAPE. been charged by the Co-chairs of the Congrats August show, Gary Mullins and David Thomas, to become the Ex- hibitor/Vendor chair. I hope to pro- Randy Young I read this article that vide for a wide array of technology said the typical symp- to be represented at the Fall Com- toms of stress are eat- puterfest®. To this end, I ask for Volunteer of your help by giving me any sugges- ing too much, impulse tions you think would be a source or buying, and driving too a lead for me to contact. fast. Are they kidding? the month That's my idea of I would also ask that if anyone is a perfect day. interested with getting involved with this exciting area of the show, I May

The DataBus June 2003 Page 13

- M icrosoft Insider Update M ay 2003 - WHAT'S NEW game from Big Huge Games' Brian ware automatically with Office Up- Download fun, free creativity packs Reynolds, designer of the PC game date for spring. Put your imagination in classic Civilization II. For the first linkid=142313 charge! Download new Microsoft® time ever, gamers will experience the W indows® XP Creativity Fun Packs pulse-pounding thrill and speed of Sign up for the free Microsoft secu- to create greeting cards with your real-time gaming combined with the rity update e-mail service http:// photos, spice up your home movies epic scope and depth of turn-based with new sound effects and use them strategy games. ESRB Rating: T for as video screen savers, and more. Teen. STEP BY STEP linkid=142308 10 tips for fighting spam from the linkid=142305 Crabby Office Lady Nothing makes SPECIAL OFFERS the Crabby Office Lady crankier than An interactive look at the history of New lower prices and rebates on e-mail spam-and she bets that you Microsoft's Hardware Division W hat Smart Displays.* For a limited time, don't like it, either. Get her pointers were you doing in 1983? Microsoft you can get the award-winning on how to avoid it. http:// was building a better computer ViewSonic airpanel V150 for mouse. Take a walk through the last U.S.$999 and the V110 for U.S.$799. 20 years of Microsoft Hardware Save even more with mail-in rebates Are you an Office whiz? How well product innovation and design with when you purchase an airpanel Dock do you know the features used in this interactive Flash timeline. http:// docking station. Visit this page of Office XP programs? Answer these select retailers with special offers on 10 questions to rate your Office Smart Displays. http:// skills-and improve them. http:// Your 10 minutes of fame: Star in a Microsoft case study! * Offer good in the United States Did you recently purchase a Media only. 6 tips to help hone your digital pho- Center PC running W indows XP tography skills. Make the most of Media Center Edition? Microsoft is DOWNLOADS AND PATCHES your digital photography experience. looking for a few good testimonials Security update for Internet Explorer Six tips from Faster Smarter Digital from customers who are interested in A number of security issues have Photography help you focus on sharing how they use and enjoy their been identified in Microsoft Internet smarter and better ways to compose, new PC. Please send your name, Explorer that could allow an attacker edit, and share your photos. http:// age, story, and which Media Center to compromise your W indows-based PC model you purchased to mcsur- system and then take a variety of vey@ actions. You can help protect your TIPS FOR POWER USERS computer by installing this update How to multiple boot several ver- Does your e-mail address end in dated April 23, 2003. http:// sions of W indows W ould you like to @ run multiple versions of the W indows As a result of Comcast acquiring operating system? This article de- AT&T Broadband, your e-mail ad- Security update for Outlook Express scribes how to configure your com- dress may be changing to a A security issue has been identified puter to multiple boot MS-DOS®, "@" e-mail address. And in Microsoft Outlook® Express that W indows 95, W indows 98, W indows that means your Insider Update could allow an attacker to read files Millennium Edition, W indows NT®, newsletters no longer will be deliver- or cause a program to run on your W indows 2000, and W indows XP. able. Please visit the Profile Center computer. You can help protect your and update your preferred e-mail computer by installing this update linkid=142318 address to continue receiving Insider dated April 23, 2003. http:// Update. Just click Manage Your Office security settings in depth Profile at the top of the Microsoft You've wrapped your mind around home page. http:// Keep your Microsoft W indows and this macro safety business-but what Internet Explorer software up to date do you do with all those dialog boxes with W indows Update http:// and alert messages that appear when COM ING SOON you're working with macros and se- Rise of Nations Rise of Nations(TM) curity settings in Office? This sec- is a new historical real-time strategy Update your Microsoft Office soft- (Continued on page 21)

Page 14 June 2003 The DataBus

Give us a try FREE! FREE, one-week, no obligation Demo Account. Special Rate for DM A® M embers $149.95 per year $14.95 per month* For unlimited internet access with all standard account features included.

Available at any time during the year for DMA® Members. * Monthly rate available by credit card only. DMA® members must provide proof of current DMA® membership status and must maintain active DMA® membership to continue receiving special rate. New Referral Program! Earn Free Service by referring people to GEMAIR. Call for details. Standard Residential Rates $195.95 per year $17.95 per month*

Discounts available for Educators, College Students, Home- Schoolers, Active-Duty Military Personnel, and Senior Citizens For more information Call (937) 913-0083 Locally or Toll-Free 1-877-443-6247 or email sales@

The DataBus June 2003 Page 15


The Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. (DMA®) is able to offer Internet services as a result of an agreement with GEMAIR™ Inc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of DMA®, which offers a full range of IP connect services including W orld W ide W eb (W W W ) access, Usenet news, ISDN, leased lines, etc. GEMAIR service is a point to point (PPP) account and requires the use of a TCP/IP stack and a graphical web browser, such as Netscape (which they provide), MS Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.. All lines are 56k. They offer a low flat annual rate with no connect-time charges. For more information on their services call (937) 461-6826 (Voice) or visit their home page at http://

DMA® offers two levels of service which are all text only and require only a basic emulation program, such as Procomm, Qmodem, HyperTerminal, Telex, etc. which supports vt100 or ANSI terminal emulation. Listed below is a description of each level of service.

Public Access: This level of service is free to anyone, non-DMA® members or DMA® members. It is an easy-to-use menu system which includes text-based E-mail (using pine or elm), and read only access to Usenet news groups (using tin or (t)rn). There is a one-time $10 setup fee for new accounts.

DM A® M embers: This level of service will be provided to any DMA® member at no additional cost. It includes the same services as above, plus posting to Usenet news groups, as well as file up- and down-load capabilities, chat, and access to a UNIX shell if you wish. You can even have a free non-commercial web page. There are no on-line time limits and all lines are 56K.

Membership in DMA® costs only fifteen dollars per year. For this you will receive an award-winning monthly newsletter announcing DMA®'s activities and updates on the newest computer technologies. Also you will be eligible to participate in the free prize drawing held during our monthly meetings at the University of Dayton.

DMA® is Dayton's oldest and largest computer users group. DMA® holds Computerfest® biannually, and awards money to students with outstanding computer related exhibits at the High School Science Day. In addition, DMA® has created an endowed scholarship at the University of Dayton for computer science students.

If you are interested in subscribing to DMA®'s Internet service and joining DMA®, please complete the membership/Internet application form and return it to the address listed below. If you already are a DMA® member, check your latest DataBus address label and see when your membership expires. You may want to renew your membership at the same time. If you wish additional information, you can call Dave Lundy at (937) 426-1132. (Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. membership, PO BOX 340402, Beavercreek OH 45402-0402) DMA® and Computerfest® are registered trademarks of Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. The DMA® arrow logo is also a trademark of The Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. REV: 01Jul2002

DM A® Internet Service Terms and Conditions

The person signing the DMA® Internet account usage agreement (the user), agrees to follow the terms and conditions for usage of the DMA® Internet Service (the system). Each person is assigned a unique user ID and password. The user will not disclose his or her password to any other person. The user will not use another user's Id and password to access the system.

The user will comply with all rules for system usage as established by the system administrators. The rules are subject to change as determined by the administrators and will be posted on the system for the user(s) to review. Continued use of the system by the user constitutes acceptance of the rule changes.

Users will not utilize the system for illegal activity or in a way which aids in illegal activities. The user agrees that copyrights, trade secrets, and another's rights to privacy will not be violated.

The use of any SLIP emulator, such as SlipKnot, TIA, etc. on dmapub is not allowed because SLIP emulators tend to be resource hogs.

The system administrators are not responsible or liable for monitoring the content of information placed on the system. Nor are the system administrators responsible for preserving or protecting any rights which the user may have in any information placed on the system. Backups for any user files placed on the system by the user is the user's responsibility and not that of the system administrators.

The user agrees that the services provided under this agreement, including access to the system, are provided by the system administrators and providers on an "AS IS" basis.

The user agrees to hold system administrators and the information providers harmless for any claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from the user's use of the system while connected to the system services. It is understood that conditions beyond DMA®'s control could occur that could cause damage to the user's software or hardware. Such causes include, but are not limited to, lightning strikes, power surges, files downloaded that contain viruses, etc.

The user agrees to hold any data or software which is proprietary to the system administrators as confidential information. The user shall not transfer to any person or entity any data base included in the system or remove or copy any software program comprising the system.

By signing this agreement the user accepts the above terms and agrees to abide by all laws or regulations set forth by the State of Ohio and the Federal government governing the use of computers and telecommunications in the United States.


N o te: A $ 10 .0 0 fee w ill b e ch a r g ed fo r a ll retu r n ed ch eck s. USER’S COPY - PLEASE KEEP FOR YOUR REFERENCE

Page 16 June 2003 The DataBus

DMA® Mem bership Application/Renewal (only one person per form , please) PLEASE ALLOW UP TO THREE WEEKS FOR APPLICATION PROCESSING AND INTERNET SET-UP

b Name: ______Birth date:_____/_____/_____ mo. day yr. Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______-______

Phone: (Home) (______)______-______Phone: (W ork) (______)______-______x______

I wish to have my name and address published in the club roster: YES [ ] NO [ ] E-mail address ______

Name of DMA® member who recruited me: ______(only new regular memberships)

Current or recent DMA® Member: Yes [ ] No [ ] Change of Address Only [ ] Today's date: _____/_____/_____

Membership number (from your DataBus mailing label) ______

Type of M embership

Application is for: New Membership [ ] Membership Renewal [ ] Associate Membership* [ ] Internet Service [ ]

If applying for free student membership, please give school name and student ID number: Available only for students under 22 years old.

School Name: ______Student ID#: ______

* A family associate membership is for an additional membership for a member of your immediate family that is living in the member's household. If this is a family associate membership, give name of regular member: ______

c Internet Service Application M odems at 910-0006 settings 8-N-1 Optional Public access: Menu provides Internet E-mail, and reading Usenet news to the public at no cost other than a one-time $10 setup fee.

DM A® M embers: Same menu as above, plus post Usenet news, UNIX shell access, file up-load/down-load, non-commercial web page at no extra cost.

I want a user ID for Internet access: (8 char. max.) 1st choice ______[ ] $10 one-time setup fee for new accounts. Usual default ID is last name & 1st initial (no caps or punctuation)

DMA® reserves the right to assign ID 2nd choice ______

Please read and sign the DM A® Internet Services Terms and conditions agreement on the back of this form - no accounts will be created without a signed agreement. Be sure to mark your payment option in the dues and fees section listed below.

d Dues/Fees Note: A $10.00 fee will be charged (Dues and Fees are subject to change without prior notice) for all returned checks.

Membership (one year - New or Renewal) 1.) [ ] $25

Family Associate Membership (must live at same address as regular member) 2.) [ ] $12.50

Free* Student Membership 3.) [ ] FREE *for students under 22 years of age

Please assign me a user ID for E-mail and Usenet news access 4.) [ ] $10 one-time setup fee for new accounts.

Total - - - Lines (1 or 2) (+4 if checked) = 5.) $______

Please complete both sides of this form. M ake your check payable to DM A®, - - - Dayton M icrocomputer Association, Inc. then send the check and application to: ------PO Box 340402

Beavercreek, OH 45434-0402

DM A® Use only: Membership # ______Exp. Date: ____/____/____ Processed by: ______REV: 02Apr2003

The DataBus June 2003 Page 17

DMA® Internet Service Terms and Conditions

The person signing the DMA® Internet account usage agreement (the user), agrees to follow the terms and conditions for usage of the DMA® Internet Service (the system).

Each person is assigned a unique user ID and password. The user will not disclose his or her password to any other person. The user will not use another user's ID and password to access the system.

The user will comply with all rules for system usage as established by the system administrators. The rules are subject to change as determined by the administrators and will be posted on the system for the user(s) to review. Continued use of the system by the user constitutes acceptance of the rule changes.

Users will not utilize the system for illegal activity or in a way which aids in illegal activities. The user agrees that copyrights, trade secrets, and another's rights to privacy will not be violated.

The use of any SLIP emulator, such as SlipKnot, TIA, etc. on dmapub is not allowed because SLIP emulators tend to be resource hogs.

The system administrators are not responsible or liable for monitoring the content of information placed on the system. Nor are the system administrators responsible for preserving or protecting any rights which the user may have in any information placed on the system.

Backups for any user files placed on the system by the user is the user's responsibility and not that of the system administrators.

The user agrees that the services provided under this agreement, including access to the system, are provided by the system administrators and providers on an "AS IS" basis.

The user agrees to hold system administrators and the information providers harmless for any claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from the user's use of the system while connected to the system services. It is understood that conditions beyond DMA®'s control could occur that could cause damage to the user's software or hardware. Such causes include, but are not limited to, lightning strikes, power surges, files downloaded that contain viruses, etc.

The user agrees to hold any data or software which is proprietary to the system administrators as confidential information. The user shall not transfer to any person or entity any data base included in the system or remove or copy any software program comprising the system.

By signing this agreement the user accepts the above terms and agrees to abide by all laws or regulations set forth by the State of Ohio and the Federal government governing the use of computers and telecommunications in the United States.

User's Signature: ______Date: ______

Print user's name here ______

If the user is under age 18, a parental or legal guardian's signature is required. Although the Internet provides a great deal of useful, informative, and entertaining text, pictures, and programs, some of it is not suitable for minors. Your supervision is strongly encouraged.

Parent's signature: ______Date: ______

Print parent's or guardian's name here ______REV: 01Jul2002

Note: A $10.00 fee will be charged for all retu rn ed check s.

Page 18 June 2003 The DataBus

- D igital Photography SIG D oes V ideo - By Edwin Davidson, Editor - The DataBus The Digital Photography SIG is one of the best-attended there were only a few computers editing pictures. They SIGs I have visited. I think Dave Lundy must go to all of would have had to network all of the computers together to make a finished product feasible that night. Many of the people who can network their computers together were there, and to get these more elaborate projects finished, I am sure that putting their heads together will make for some fun computing in the near future.

Having fun waiting around can be part of the gathering, so this was the most relaxed SIG that I have seen gathered since my first visit over half a year ago. At the upcoming General Meeting on May 27th, the main presentation will showcase many of the Special Interest Groups we have and remind you of all the extra information you can learn if you can spare some time. In a nice informal gathering, the time can seem to fly by and you can learn quite a few tips for completing those pesky photo projects you have been try- ing to get done. Millard Mier editing while Dave Lundy and Lou Childs watch. Jessica Corbett, hidden standing behind Dave Lundy in the the SIG meetings, or else he‘s just a camera stud. All of the first photo, was trying hard to implement the desired effects best pictures seem to have him in the frame at some point. in the allotted time. The Linux software she was using looked similar to PhotoShop, so the W indows operating I thought that SIG leader Millard Mier had bitten off a bit system was not the only operating system being used that more than the computer could chew. There is nothing night. Perhaps we‘ll see some people using Apples one of wrong with trying to do a nice little video in a couple of these times. hours, but when there are computer glitches, you won‘t get Lou Childs is one of the people here. She is able to take a photo and embroider it on your shirt. If you visit her dur- ing her SIG meetings, you might get some tips and tricks for do- Millard sitting up and Jim Ullom on the right. ing some em- broidery with your own computer. Millard made some People waiting while Millard was editing final announcements before the group broke up this night. New software comes out so often it can boggle the mind if back the time you lost. As the Digital Photography SIG you try to learn all of it, but with the right group and some was already shooting the video before I got to the meeting, time, along with some patience, much can come out of I only got to see the energetic group giving a hearty wel- spending a few hours with friends. come on video. For W indows XP or ME to finish this task in the time allotted, I think you would have had to have a Jim Ullom, in the picture to the right beside Millard, is the real time video card, and some luck. President of the Springfield NASAC computer users group, which meets in Xenia. I came in with my camera to take Millard not only wanted to create the video, but also add some pictures of the group for The DataBus. The talk we some animation and stills. Everyone was having fun, but (Continued on page 22)

The DataBus June 2003 Page 19

5GD %D@KR (TX # N A y 5GD $ GD@O RJ @SDx $ KHB J u (QD@SDQ 0 QK@M C N $ N L O TSDQ 6 RDQ (QN TO

Thanks for your messages about my power supply if you use non-Dell low cost. This income tax problems. At my readers‘ parts. I hope this information prevents is just a re- suggestions and my own curiosity, I somebody from encountering a seri- minder list for returned to the AARP volunteers to ous problem had they not known. your perusal. see what was wrong. Since I took the I realize that they may not have all the printout of my TaxAct version, they *As for the deals, I have been busy features that you would get in MS quickly compared the numbers and this month and simply don‘t have Office, but you can save a lot over found that the one prepared by their much. Two vendors I tried to contact purchasing the big names. It is a person was incorrect. She had miscal- didn‘t respond. I‘ve been working on known fact that most office suite users culated the ratio of income to Social my W eb site a lot and my deadline only know about 30% of a program‘s Security received and we actually did crept up fast. I have a mixed bag, capabilities, so why be captive to a big have to pay on some of our SS in- thanks to my readers. Last month‘s name? Below are some alternative come. I was glad to know I had made software deals from Gene and Linda office suites: the right decision. Anybody can make Barlow are good indefinitely (W in.& Linux) a mistake and I‘m just glad I checked [ ] (W in./Linux) it all out before I sent it in. and the Metlund hot water pump deal (W in. & Linux) will continue to be good this month (versions I‘ve had great response from my doc- [ ]. for W indows, Mac & Linux) tor item. Two of them were PAs and it (not free is unfortunate that they missed the *Need M emory? I Think I Do, But any more, but not expensive) entire point of the item, which was Can‘t Remember (W indows, Linux & Sun Solaris) that I feel a patient should be com- pletely informed about who they are Lots of people purchase their memory *M ac Sources going to see and be completely aware. on the W eb and a very popular place I didn‘t mean that PAs and NPs are is from Crucial. Did you know that I‘m sure I don‘t have many Mac read- incompetent. They both did agree that they have a special deal just for user ers, but many user groups are multi- they are NOT doctors. Many readers group people? Neither did I. Thanks platform so I‘ll include this offering completely agreed with my view, but to Russell Albach of The Alamo PC sent to me by a Mac user. It is said to surprisingly I also had many negative Organization, I can pass his informa- offer lots of goodies. Check out responses about doctors in general. A tion on to my readers. Head for [ few were soured on doctors and pre- [ ] mlibrary.htm ]. Unless I miss my ferred seeing their PAs, and knew the and you‘ll find yourself eligible for a guess, most of the Mac users already status. The messages have been very 5% discount. However, if you took know about this one, but I‘m includ- interesting. advantage of the exceptionally good ing it anyway. user group special offer from Intel for *Beware If You Remodel A Dell APCUG Comdex attendees, you *Fed Up W ith Doubleclick cookies? won‘t get any help from Crucial I read this in the Macon Users though because they do not carry I don‘t remember where I saw this, Group‘s newsletter and thought you RDRAM. If you need memory, many but some of you may have noticed might like to know about it. Dell com- consider Crucial highest in quality. I that if you use AdAware or another puter is a very popular choice and checked with their sales department spyware sniffer, it usually finds a many people own them. W hat if you before writing this up and they said to cookie by Doubleclick on your ma- decide to upgrade your Dell‘s power go ahead. As far as I‘m concerned, we chine. Take it off and it will be right supply or motherboard? You could need all the help we can get when back. They actually provide a way to easily fall into a trap if you are inex- making a purchase. opt out of that situation. Point your perienced since these parts in a Dell browser to [ http:// are proprietary. Seems that several *Plenty of Choices For An Office wiring connections are reversed. You Suite privacy/privacy/ad-cookie/ ]. One are advised to do your homework. click at the bottom will do it, but be Either buy the parts from Dell, or re- In the past, I have mentioned several sure to read the caveat on their W eb place both the motherboard and office suites that were either free or (Continued on page 21)

Page 20 June 2003 The DataBus

The Deals Guy — (C ont.) (Continued from page 20) animate. You‘ll find handy floating ranged, and my comments should site. After opting out, it tells you palettes just like in Photoshop as not be interpreted to encourage, or which cookie NOT to delete; other- well. One drawback noted in the discourage, the purchase of any wise you have just defeated your write-up I read is no support for GIF products, no matter how enthused I objective. files. Download it at [ http:// might sound. - Bob (The Cheapskate) Click *Free Photo Editor downloads.html ]. [Bobclick@]

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation That's it for this month. Meet me Visit my W eb site at [ http:// Program), which boasts many of here again next month if your editor ] for past col- Photoshop‘s features without the permits. This column is written to umns. I have also been busy putting high price tag, will create layers, make user group members aware of up some interesting new articles on feather, manipulate text, and even special offers I have found or ar- my W eb site so take a look. - M icrosoft Insider Update M ay 2003 (Cont.)-

(Continued from page 14) QUICK TIPS Microsoft Communities is your ond part of a three-part series answers PowerPoint® 2002: Make your favor- launching pad for communicating that question. http:// ite view the default http:// online with peers and experts about Microsoft products, technologies, and W indows XP: Automatically services: Create customizable XML reports in download pictures to a specified folder Microsoft Project 2002 Did you know linkid=142301 that you can use the XML Reporting linkid=142329 COM add-in to easily create custom- W ord 2002: Paste text without the izable, W eb-based reports from Mi- formatting into a document http:// Fun Q uiz crosoft Project 2002? This article ex- 1. A murderer is condemned to death. plains how to download the XML He has to choose between three rooms. COM add-in and make a custom re- PRODUCT SUPPORT The first is full of raging fires, the sec- port in any format. http:// Personal online support. Need help ond is full of assassins with loaded with your Microsoft product? Find guns, and the third is full of lions that answers online anytime with Micro- haven't eaten in 3 years. W hich room HELP FOR PREVIOUS VER- soft Knowledge Base, get support is safest for him? SIONS phone numbers, and much more. W indows 2000: Resolve video lockup 2. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for when you run a 3-D graphics program linkid=142331 over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go linkid=142322 Global online support. Microsoft has a out together and enjoy a wonderful global support site to provide interna- dinner together. How can this be? W indows 2000: Troubleshoot DVD tional customers with online support problems in nine languages, covering 27 coun- 3. There are two plastic jugs filled linkid=142323 tries/regions. http:// with water. How could you put all of W indows 98: Get back to the desktop this water into a barrel, without using quickly the jugs or any dividers, and still tell linkid=142324 © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All which water came from which jug? W indows 98: The word on passwords rights reserved. US Edition. Micro- soft, Microsoft Press, MS-DOS, Out- 4. W hat is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you linkid=142325 look, PowerPoint, Rise of Nations, throw it away? Office 2000: 14 tips and tricks from W indows, and W indows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of users 5. Can you name three consecutive linkid=142326 Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The days without using the words Monday, Outlook 2000: Add a still or animated names of actual companies and prod- Tuesday, W ednesday, Thursday, Fri- picture to an e-mail message http:// ucts mentioned herein may be the day, Saturday, or Sunday? trademarks of their respective owners. (Answers on page 26)

The DataBus June 2003 Page 21

- D igital Photography SIG (C ont.) -

(Continued from page 19) I am not about to spend $25,000 on a top-quality, pro- had led to me speaking at his last computer function. fessional-level digital camera, especially when most Someone had cancelled at the last minute, but who people are shooting for the web. The digital camera is could pass up chance to speak to the Springfield com- most important for getting something out immediately. puter group, especially when most of the people go to The Polaroid is still around because it can give you an Young‘s at the end of the meeting. immediate photo. The digital camera is slowly taking its place, but most people are not ready to spend close to $2000 to get a good photo right now. Scanning is a slow process but I don‘t mind. If I have a good nega- tive, I can make a big picture.

My digital camera‘s memory card is quicker to import pictures to my computer. W hen you are in a hurry, there is nothing like a full-fledged digital camera 1.3 megapixels or above. 3600 dpi scans can take a min- ute or more per frame. The resulting 44 megapixel image is not easy for most computers to handle unless you have lots of memory, and good hard drives. I have about 2 gigabytes left on my hard drive, and it is starting to run slowly. It is time for me to write the information to CD and catalog it to free up my hard drive.

Picture where slave unit didn‘t flash I am into integrating old and new devices. I am not about to throw away some very good equipment just because something new is invented. Film keeps get- ting better, and is still nice for producing quality pho- tos. Many old usable devices are able to help you even with the new digital cameras. The two pictures shown of the NASAC Computer Users Group (Dave Lundy keeps jumping in front of the lens), one with and one without an extra flash. One of the group was able to help me with this demonstration. An automatic sensor kicked off the slave unit, which was not needed in this instance, but I wanted to demonstrate how old and new equipment could be used together.

Make time soon to come out to one or more of the User Group meetings and get some insights, tips and tricks about using your computer for those daily chores. The computer was once a toy. It is now inte- grated into our daily lives. It is almost impossible to Picture with slave unit keep up with all of the changes, and our different SIGs can help keep you in touch with the people who use I mostly use a film camera but then again, my back- these tools regularly. Many of the SIGs will be high- ground is in film and lighting, so the light, the lens, lighted in these pages over the coming year. If you and the film are my friends. I must confess that I have have a special agenda or event scheduled at your SIG not been into a darkroom in a long time. The com- meeting, don‘t forget to invite one of us here at The puter has made my photo manipulation a lot easier. I DataBus (email us at Editor@ to come and was able to get most of the people to agree that they write up a story on your meeting. If you forget to in- had most of what they needed in their old film cam- vite us, but have pictures and wish to write your own eras. I have a couple of nice scanners that can take in summary, you are invited and encouraged to send us photos at a level easily surpassing most of the digital an article about your Special Interest Group event or cameras under $2,000 today. meeting.

Page 22 June 2003 The DataBus

)DKOKHMDr $NLOTSDQ 3DRNTQBD 1DNOKD DMA®‘sHelpline listing below lists members who are willing to accept occasional telephone calls at home to give free assistance to other DMA® members (only) when they have a problem with a particular software or computing concept.

W ill you please consider signing up, like those good people below, if only on a trial basis? Call George Gibbs (937-429- 9072) or Edwin Davidson (937-294-8524), or email us at Editor@ Everyone has a particular program or game, or ability with certain hardware they know pretty well. Maybe you use it all day at work, or all night at play, or recently installed a board or upgraded your PC, etc. This makes you more knowledgeable than someone who has not yet used that software or installed that hardware and you could possibly be a great help in solving a problem of another DMA® member. Or perhaps you write programs in certain languages, or are a developer, networker, webmaster, or use search tools skillfully, etc., and their questions would be easy for you. The field of possibilities is nearly unlimited.

You choose the time(s) and day(s) you can provide assistance, and the subject. W e‘ll ask the caller to be ready to provide his/her membership number (on the back of each DataBus) to you; to respect your stated times; and to keep inquiries to a minimum.

Callers: Please be prepared to give the Helpline volunteer your membership number; DMA® membership has its privileges! Please do not ask for assistance outside of the stated times. If you reach a telephone answering machine, leave a message, as many people screen calls or otherwise prioritize their time. E-mail addresses are provided so that you can contact them if you have trouble getting in touch via telephone. (Remuneration may be appropriate when a member spends a longer than normal time providing help.)

Problem with this? Call M ember: Times: Phone No. Days Email addresses:

Apple M acintosh, FrontPage98 John Driggers 9am-2 p.m. 800-227-9597 x5870 M -F johndriggers@sprint PowerPoint, Internet Basics Carol Esch 6-7:30 p.m. 3 3 9 -0202 M-F [email protected]

M S Publisher Bob Esch 4 - 7 p.m. 3 39-0202 M-F [email protected]

QuickBooks John 7-9 p.m. 294-8113 M-F [email protected] Friedenbach M S W ord Carol Gudorf 7 - 9 p.m. 606-363-0690 M-F [email protected].

M S W ord/Excel/Access/W orks Doug Johnson 7-9 p.m. 252-7991 M-F [email protected]

Investment Clubs Hank Pesa 7-9 p.m. 435-1146 M-F [email protected]

M S Office,W ord/Excel/PwrPt; M S M-W-F W orks, Internet Searching Millie Tanner 7-9 p.m. 513-489-7273 [email protected] Sat. & Sun.

W indows 98 + Internet Gary Turner 9 am - 9 pm 253-5090 Tue.-Sat. [email protected]

Routers,Hubs,Switches (Cisco) Ron Wagner before W - 264-7244 M-F [email protected] 9 p.m. H - 698-4854 Oracle Database (sql / pl-sql), CADD (M icrostation in particular) use and application development, C/Java/ Jerry Walter – Use email. – [email protected] C++ programming, Enterprise Inte- gration Serial/Parallel Ports Verne Wiese 7-9 p.m. 429-2969 M-F [email protected]

Thelinuxguy Linux Don Corbett 9 am - 9 pm 604-8793 M-F W hat is your specialty? Your Name Here

The DataBus June 2003 Page 23

Ö . N QD # D M D EHSR N E # D HM F @ % . " µ . D L A D Q Ö

Just look at the many money-saving member benefits listed below! If you manage or own a company or store, or know of one that would like to join in attracting DMA® customers, please contact Carol Ewing, ewingc@ or 937-667-3259. As a Board Member, Carol is always listed on page 2 of The DataBus. Discounts are printed in The DataBus every month. They are also on the web site, For more information on any of these discounts, call the store or email Carol Ewing - ewingc@

Members MUST show their current membership card* to receive any discounts. Please check The DataBus each month for new and even more exciting discounts for our members. NOTE: Discounts are subject to change without prior notice.

ñ Books & Co. 350 E. Stroop Rd. ñ PC Club Ohio - 937-298-6540 Kettering, OH 45429 291 N. Springboro Pike 2 6 0 2 Colonel Glenn Highway Miamisburg, OH 45342 F a irborn, OH 45324 937-434-3888 937-427-8808 20% off computer books ONLY. This discount does not apply to any other books, any magazines, or any other 5% off any regular priced product. Expires 5-1-04. items in the store. Please take computer book purchases to

the regular cash registers, not Special Orders Desk. ñ Com pUSA ñ Borders Books Music & Cafe 221 N. Springboro Pike, Dayton, OH 45449 2040 Miamisburg-Centerville Rd., Dayton, OH 45459 937-436-7239 Valid thru 9-30-03 937-434-3800 Call Marty W hite or stop at Corporate Desk, M-F 8-6. Discount of 20% on computer books (except NET books). Order pickup other hours at the Customer Service Desk. Please remind them DMA® is on their —Corporate Listing“ Computers - Lower of: 10% over cost or shelf price Software - Lower of: 15% over cost or shelf price ñ Dayton's Original Pizza Factory Accessories - Lower of: 10% under retail or shelf price 1101 W ayne Avenue, Dayton, OH Training - $149.00 (reg. $199) course voucher 937-224-4477 Discount is 10% off any pizza order, and ñ The Mac Depot Discount of 20% off any pizza order over $50.00 2025 E. Dorothy Lane, Kettering, OH 45420 Not valid with any other discount coupon or offer. 937-643-2667 Save 25% off Macintosh Computer Repair. ñ Dorothy Lane Market Discount applies to labor charges only; excludes parts. Oakwood W ashington Square Springboro 2710 Far Hills Ave. 6177 Far Hills Ave. 740 N. Main St. ñ Maximum discount is $25.00 Valid through 31 Dec. 2003 Dayton, OH 45419 Dayton, OH 45459 Springboro, OH 45066 937-299-3561 937-434-1294 937-748-6800 Go to the DMA® web site for information on how to sign up. You will be ñ Ohio Custom Com puter mailed a free Club DLM card to receive store discounts. Use your Club DLM 1866 S. Maple Ave. Fairborn, OH 45324 card with EVERY purchase to receive special offers. The Club DLM card is also honored at other participating retailers. DMA® can get up to a 1% rebate 937-879-9650 on your purchases. DMA® Charity # 518. 5% off regular priced items - valid through 12-2003.

ñ Fairborn Cam era & Video 14 E Main St Fairborn, OH 45324 ñ Sam 's Club Sam 's Club 937-878-4392 faircam@ 6955 Miller Lane 1111 Miamisburg-Centerville Rd. 10% off digital camera accessories when purchased with any Dayton, OH 45414 Dayton, OH 45459 digital camera or digital camcorder. Valid through 5-31-2004. 937-436-0299 937-454-6200 ñ GEMAIR, Inc. (See ad on page 15.) 2555 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 102, Kettering, OH 45419-1532 DMA® membership card qualifies you to receive an Advantage Mem- 937-913-0083 or 877-443-6247 (toll free) bership for $35.00. This is for you & anyone in your household. But Special DM A® member rate $149.95 they must live at the same address as the DMA® member. Call Sam‘s annually (equivalent to $12.50 / month). Club, identifying yourself as a DMA® member, for information on their specials of the current month.

ñ Microsoft Press Books ñ Nuclear Com puters 20% off, all DMA® members: 6333 N. Dixie Dr. a) Visit b) Select a book. Dayton, OH 45414 nuclearcomputers@ c) Call 1-800-MSPRESS d) Give them the code MCPC 937-264-8260 (indicating you are a User Group member). 10% off labor bill over one (1) hour in Shop.

If you have a question or problem with a Benefit Discount Store, contact Carol Ewing. DO NOT HASSLE THE STORE ! Be sure to mention you learned about these discounts in The DataBus. *For membership card, send a SASE to: DMA® Membership, PO Box 4005, Dayton, OH 45401-4005

Page 24 June 2003 The DataBus

NEW! Ö %."µ .DLADQ # DMDEHSR Ö 1 @ F D c { Ö NEW!

It was just a matter of time before we had to start Page 2! Check out these newest additions to your member benefits.

If you manage or own a company or store, or know of one that would like to join in attracting DMA® customers, please contact Carol Ewing, ewingc@ or 937-667-3259. As a Board Member, Carol is always listed on page 2 of The DataBus. Discounts are printed in The DataBus every month. They are also on the web site, For more information on any of these discounts, call the store or email Carol Ewing - ewingc@

Members MUST show their current membership card to receive any discounts. Please check The DataBus each month for new and even more exciting discounts for our members. NOTE: Discounts are subject to change without prior notice.

ñ Click Cam era & Video ñ Down Hom e Dream s - Nine area locations - see 433 Troy St. Dayton, OH 45404 10% off digital camera accessories with purchase of 937-224-4586 any digital camera or digital camcorder. 10% off all regular priced items to DMA® members. 10% off prints from digital cameras. 25% off all regular priced items to DMA® members Not valid with any other coupons or offers. who are also members of the Digital Textiles SIG. Valid through 12-31-2003. May not be combined with other offers.

ere's a harmless prank a reader's one of those types that is pretty snooty the image and made it his desktop H coworkers pulled on a "snooty" and rude to users who weren't too fa- background. They hid all his icons peer. Ah, payback ... miliar with a computer, while not under his taskbar at the bottom of his knowing much himself. But anyhow screen and used the monitor's vertical Fred, I've been subscribing to your this is what happened: stretch/shift to hide the actual taskbar. letter for about a year and I think it's W hen he came back from lunch he great! He had left his desk for lunch and clicked on some of the desktop icons someone had minimized all his apps and nothing would happen. He re- I just wanted to let you know of some- and then did a "Print Screen" of his booted several times and about 1/2 thing that happened at my office to one desktop and hour later figured it out. 'Twas pretty of the help desk personnel. He was pasted it into MSPAINT. They saved darn funny. ---Tom Naganuma 8DKBNLD SN NTQ MDVDRS %."µ LDLADQR

If you would like to May your association with DMA® bring you many new autom atically friends, be enjoyable, informative & entertaining. receive occasional Introduce yourselves to those around you when you attend our meetings. Any questions? m ailings describing the upcom ing m eeting Since the May 2003 of The DataBus topic and other Last Nam e First Nam e City Last Nam e First Nam e City tim ely DMA® news, sim ply place Benton Steven Jamestown Karavish Karen T. Kettering "subscribe dm a- Breuer D. W Dayton W eaver-Reiss Juanita (a) Dayton announce" (withou Hallum Jr. Lyle O. Dayton W ilkinson Patrick F. Beavercreek t the quotes) in an em ail m essage area and send that (Sometimes additional new members who m essage to: indicated they did not want their names m ajordom o@ dm a.

published. One this month, is not listed.) org

The DataBus June 2003 Page 25

- C ertification SIG M em bers G raduate?? - By George Ewing Linux+. At this time, I still have a objectives.asp to see the objectives we Well , not really, but it few copies of the study materials we will be studying. feels like it. At our will be using. Contact me if you are April 23rd meeting, we concluded our interested. DMA®‘s Certification SIG meets the studies of the Network+ certification. 2nd Tuesday and the 4th W ednesday of There were seven people taking a As we progress in our studies, I hope each month at 119 Valley St, Dayton. simulated exam. Five of our regular to have some guest ”trainers‘ from the See members passed, as well as one of our Linux SIG to make learning more for directions. first timers. W e were all really ex- ”fun‘. Several of the topics we will be cited with the results and eager to covering include: Planning the Imple- W e look forward to seeing you at our move on to our next challenge - mentation, Installation, Configuration, SIG meetings. Linux. Administration, System Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Identify, Install SIG Leaders: George Ewing, George By the time you read this, DMA®‘s & Maintain System Hardware. For Lee, Larry Ford Certification SIG will have had their more information, visit http:// Email certsig@ first training session for CompTia‘s - A nti-Spam - you techies, here’s by Lisa Singh For a site you want to [At the April General Meeting, there check out. You system op- was a brief discussion about anti- erators and PC technicians spam software during the question System Requirements: 486+ Proces- who need to m aintain all and answer period. DMA® President sor, 8MB RAM, 2 MB Hard Drive the PC's in your com pany, Lisa Singh made mention of a particu- Space, POP3 e-mail account this gives an explanation lar package she had heard of but and all the tools you need couldn‘t remember the details at that I was wrong about free, but it does on one Bootable CD-Rom . time. She has since made that infor- have a user group discount and a free Go to: mation available to us, and on her trial. < behalf we pass it along here to the corpm odboot/ > questioner. œ GG/ED, Acting editors] Thanks, Lisa. In the next month or two, we‘d like to run more informa- Here is the information I have about tion about anti-spam products in the the anti-spam material: marketplace and/or efforts to reduce - A nsw ers - spam. If you would like to write an Spam Sleuth monitors your e-mail article on one of those topics for our (Continued from page 21) box behind the scenes and analyzes e- readers, or contribute product review 1. The third. Lions that haven't eaten mail messages for spam and virus information regarding your favorite in three years are dead. characteristics. W hen your e-mail anti-spam software package, please program gets your e- mail, the spam email us at [email protected]. What 2. The woman was a photographer. has already been removed and you can product works best for you? Let‘s She shot a picture of her husband, read your messages the same way you hear from you! developed it, and hung it up to dry. always have, but without sorting through the junk e-mail to find the Note from ED–I use MSN 8 at the 3. Freeze them first. Take them out of gems. current time, and like the Spam filter the jugs and put the ice in the bar- used. Make sure to look for software rel. You will be able to tell which Product Information: that has a Junk Mail folder. The best water came from which jug. filters seem to use your contact list as products/spamsleuth/index.html? a way to allow email into your inbox. 4. The answer is Charcoal. In Homer ASCID=633 Without this folder to check you will Simpson's words: "Mmmmm..., Download a trial: http:// not have a way to check for missed Barbecue." new contacts, or friends with new SpamSleuthSetup.exe email addresses. 5. Sure you can: Yesterday, Today, 50% off User Group Discount: http:// § and Tomorrow!

Page 26 June 2003 The DataBus

- D M A ® B oard M inutes - A pril 7, 2003 - by Carol Ewing DMA® Board Secretary Call to Order Treasurer-John Friedenbach. John Membership discount benefits were by Lisa Singh at 7:12 PM. sent financial report by email. Motion extended from MacDepot, Fairborn was made by Don Corbet to accept Camera, CompUSA and PC-Club. W e Trustees present: Don Corbet, Gary John's recommendation to withdraw have a new discount from Click Cam- Mullins, Gary Turner, Leah Day, $25,000.00 for this quarter from era. Marion's Piazza fundraiser got Carol Ewing, Millard Mier, Lisa Smith Barney account, 2nd by Gary $32.40 from March. Some members Singh. Mullins. Motion passed with yes-6, do not understand they do not get a % no-0, abstain-0. There was a discus- off their bill, DMA® gets a % off of Visitors present: Dave Lundy, sion on DMA® Corporate resolutions the total of all DMA® people spend. George Ewing, Paul Bullock, Jim on required signatures for money han- The coupon required when ordering is Rowe, Peter Hess, Ed Davidson, Jim dling. The officers will discuss issue in The DataBus and at the general Hendrix. of bonding all officers and discuss it meetings. next month. Science Fair Bonds are Recognition of visitors: being processed for winners. W e got a Heartland - Peter Hess. Peter handed letter from IRS that we do not owe out a cost break down sheet and bro- Reading/Acceptance of past minutes anything now. Carolann Lemen re- chure. He recommended a separate Motion to accept March, 2003 min- signed as DMA® Treasurer, accepted account be set up. Attendance was 30 utes made by Millard Mier. Gary Mul- by Lisa Singh. Motion was made by last year, this year with cancellation lins 2nd. Motion passed with yes 6, no Gary Turner and 2nd Leah Day to was 15. He would like to be liaison 0, abstain 0. make John Friedenbach acting treas- for user groups to be Computerfest® urer. Motion passed yes-6, no-0, ab- ticket sellers for fall show. An officer Officer Reports: stain-0. from Columbus user group offered President-Lisa Singh. Lisa attended on-line registration for next spring and the Affiliate Societies Council (ASC) Committee Report: method to accept credit card pay- meeting and DMA® was accepted as OTAP-Randy Young. Randy sent his ments, DMA® would only have to a member. W e need to fill out applica- report by email. All but two trustees pay bank fees. Heartland had a com- tion and send fees. W e are required to read it so they then read it. OTAP had plimentary booth at Computerfest® have at least one representative at a relatively successful Computer- and handed out brochures. Peter will each of their meetings. Services are fest®. Randy visited TAPIN, the Cin- email his long report to all trustees. standardized address and telephone cinnati recycling center. There was a He read part of the report that said number and may pick up mail from misunderstanding on them testing Heartland is not considered an asset to box outside Kettering Center office, equipment at Computerfest® but was DMA®, Computerfest or the user monthly meeting room (first come, resolved. The policy of TAPIN and group community. He is willing to be first serve), phone answering & infor- other groups coming to show will be an advisor or consultant for next mation services, separate business discussed at the next Computerfest® year's conference. Peter said he is not listing of ASC number in Ameritech meeting on April 13. resigning, he is choosing not to renew Business white pages for $30 a year. Randy is looking forward to devoting his contract for an indefinite period of A fee is charged for reservations for more time and effort to OTAP. time. general meetings & reservation check- in lists and email it for our special M embership-Carol Ewing. Had over GEM AIR,Inc.-John Friedenbach. He meetings. An organization must not be 900 members at general meeting. provided financial report. They met directly involved in any form of em- Some did not renew in March so we with CNR today and are trying to get ployment contract matters on behalf dropped to 892. Membership is 798 in to a lot of non-profits. They are of its members. They asked for list of full, 46 associates, 46 students and 2 offering email access only for $4.95 a officers, copy of by-laws and names lifetimes. At the March meeting we month. They signed up with ICG as of our representatives. had 10 guests, 2 new and 29 full and 1 an authorized partner, a voice over IP associate renewal. Four of the Science services. He reminded the board he is Vice-President- no report. Fair winners joined as students. There leaving as President. A joint commit- is an issue of people not paying new tee with DMA® has not started and Secretary-Carol Ewing. She re- dues and what to do with the 2 month Lisa wants to use the joint email alias quested personal information for D & referral credits. The trustees want the for correspondence. She will send O insurance. She needs a response members notified that the dues have email to start process. when she asks. She is not getting any increased and ask to send the $10 bal- committee reports prior to board mtg. ance and the 2 month credit is applied. (Continued on page 28)

The DataBus June 2003 Page 27

- M inutes of A pril 7, 2003 (C ont.) - (Continued from page 27) Lisa Singh called for a ten-minute Science Fair-Millard Mier. Millard Publications-Ed Davidson. They are break. Break over 9:45 P.M. sent an email report. W e awarded 1st, still looking for a full time editor, and 2nd, 3rd place in grades 10-12 and 1st need someone to sell advertising. Old Business: in grades 7-9. All four winners joined They are trying to cut costs, could go Publications Committee-Don Cor- as student members at the March from 32 pages to 28 pages. They are bet. They had two meetings, handed meeting. He has ideas on future printing about 100-150 over member- out two-page report. He asked the awards, planning and promotional ship count. He decided he did not board for directions. The newsletter is procedures. want any board action to increase a membership information publica- printing due to membership increase tion. W e should clean up newsletter as New Business: until the Publication Committee re- information tool, cut costs then let the ports. Carol Ewing would like some tactical marketing people tell us what Door Prize April 2003-Leah Day. for guests and new members at gen- we need. W e need organizational and Lisa will bring Microsoft Mindshare eral meetings. He suggested DMA® professional types of corporate mem- items for the door prizes. be promoted as a fun group. They bers. Ed and George only want to pro- have major articles from The DataBus duce one newsletter. Four goals are to Nomination Committee-Lisa Singh. on-line. cut cost, increase value to reader, Lisa named George Ewing as chair- maintain award-winning newsletter, man with board approval. Millard Programs-Lisa Singh. W e still need a meet and exceed purpose of newslet- Mier volunteered to be on committee. program director. April-Microsoft, ter objectives. He suggested we make There is a set procedure that must be May-tba, June-Intel, July-tba, Aug- some changes and review monthly for followed per by-laws. Gene Barlow. three months then review for a quarter then an annual review. There was a George Ewing asked to talk. He said Computerfest-Randy Young. Randy very long discussion on this and we DMA® states we support Channel 16 sent report by email. Lisa read it for will revisit this next month. and they need volunteers for auction the record. Highlights of this show April 7-12. The Certification SIG was: School program with Hubble Volunteer of the month-Lisa Singh. needs a cabinet for storage to start a was a success, new staff binders, use Randy Young was nominated and lending library and floor space for of yahoo groups email, new staff approved for the month of May. cabinet. Lisa will talk to OTAP and members and management chart, IT/ Millard will make the monthly certifi- building manager before next meeting Networking committee made up of cates. and we will review the building usage Northern SIG members, ad agency policy. success, early ticket & poster delivery, ASC-Lisa Singh. This was covered in great web page. Insurance coverage the President report. Good of the Order: for Fall 2003 sent to Hara. After pay- Don-good attendance at his presenta- ment in Sept they will confirm cover- SG contract-Gary Turner. Committee tion age to Hara for 2004 shows and con- will have a meeting April 14, 2003 at Millard-meeting is too long firm with DMA® by phone. This will 10:30 AM at GEMAIR office to start Carol-meeting too long, time limit be done yearly. He feels major reviewing the contract. Taping presen- discussions changes are needed for future shows. tations at general meetings was dis- Leah-good meeting, E.S. should be The wrap meeting is April 13 and cussed. Don Corbet said SG tapes last item on agenda expects to close books soon so audit, every presentation he does as part of Gary T-meeting double what it should stated in by-laws, can be done. He D.L.Corbet & Assoc., LLC. W e need be, need to manage time better thanked DMA® for the opportunity to to think about this in connection with Lisa-need discussions because we do be Show Chairman, Spring 2003. SG contract and in the future. not discuss on email and reports are Lisa handed out some reports on not emailed prior to meetings, possi- Computerfest® data. W e will be dis- Fundraising-Lisa Singh. Lisa handed bly more SPC meetings. cussing a Computerfest® SPC chair- out sheet with ideas of capital fund- man before next meeting. raiser, geek auction. She did not get Adjournment. any volunteers for this committee. Motion was made by Millard Mier to Motion was made by Millard Mier to adjourn. 2nd by Gary T. Motion go into executive session. Gary Turner SPC Retreat-Lisa Singh. Board re- passed yes-6, no-0, abstain-0. 2nd. Motion passed with yes-6, no-0, treat will be May 3, 2003 from 10 abstain-0. Executive Session ended at A.M. to 5 P.M. Lisa will find room Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. 9:30 PM. availability. §

Page 28 June 2003 The DataBus

- Pres. (C ont.) - - V olunteers N eeded -

(Continued from page 11) Volunteer Coordinator.– Someone President of GEM AIR Inc.– John I struggle with the issues of the or- who will help coordinate volunteers Friedenbach is stepping down, and for, Computerfest®, Heartland Re- would like to get someone who can ganization, as do many of my col- gional conference and other groups take over the responsibilities of mak- leagues and the Board as a whole. and events DMA® puts together over ing executive decisions for GEMAIR. W e realize that in spite of doing well the year. You should be able to handle the compared to other nonprofit user fiscal responsibilities of payroll and groups in the nation, we also face Program Director – Do you like other logical duties as needed. challenges with a shrinking economy the monthly meetings? Have you and the ability to maintain our ever thought? —I wish we would get Fundraising Committee M embers streams of income. Currently we are these people in to give a demonstra- – Are you good at raising money? exploring options to invest in our tion of some software.“ If you like W ould you like to try? W e are look- future. I certainly welcome anyone talking on the phone, and getting ing to find other ways to fund our who would be interested in having a more information about your favorite yearly expenses. Computerfest® is voice in this process. Anyone who is software. This could be the position no longer keeping up with our ex- interested in helping us with strategic for you. penses. W e need People who can planning and/or developing programs help the club raise new funding. that can add revenue to our organiza- Board members – for GEMAIR tion, please contact me. Again, the Inc. Your club owned local ISP and W rite to us here at The DataBus, if address is president@ I web hosting green eyed monster is in you are interested in any of these would welcome the input and sugges- need of guidance as we move into DMA® positions, to Editor@, competition with high speed internet, or write to a board member that you tions of any and all members. low cost dial up, and other internet know, as they are listed on page two.

realities. Do you have ideas to help You can also come to the monthly Thank you. I look forward to talking guide the direction GEMAIR Inc meetings, or possibly the board meet- to you at the next DMA® meeting. needs to take, to meet the needs of the ing. See Calendar on page 32 for club ? other events. § Map courtesy of Millard Mier III, DMA®

Location C hange! Note the change in DMA®‘s monthly General Meeting location!

W e‘re back at U.D.‘s Miriam Hall through April of this year, again in O‘Leary Auditorium , Miriam ...... and still the last Tues- Hall day of each month.

However, you should know Gary Mullins and others are looking into alternate locations (due to the fact that it appears we may outgrow O'Leary Auditorium in the near future.)

Add‘l directions online at:

The DataBus June 2003 Page 29

D igital Photography SIG

By Millard Mier The May meeting of the Digital Pho- basic functions of W indows Movie graphs with friends or relatives that tography SIG was held on May 1st at Maker II. W e also had a great chance are not computer enthusiasts! W right State University. During the to compare video and still cameras meeting, the group attempted to Film, owned by the attendees, and had a The July meeting will be held at Edit, and Produce a 3-minute video great deal of small group discussions W right State University on Thursday describing the SIG. The video was to about photography and computer re- July 10th at 7:00 pm. The meeting be composed of video footage, and lated topics. Special thanks go to Jes- room is TBA at this time. Please still clips with a voice over narration. sica Corbett and Lou Childs for their check the website later for its location. Sadly, the group bit off more than it valiant efforts to edit still photos under This meeting will be dedicated to a could chew. In spite of a tornado sub-optimal conditions. And thank group discussion on digital photogra- warning, we successfully shot all the you to the 35 attendees who patiently phy buzzwords. W e will attempt to video, stills and audio, but technical waited while the meeting hovered in de-mystify the jargon used by sales- difficulties prevented us from editing limbo. men when selling digital still and the still shots so the video was not video cameras. This will be a great completed during the meeting. The The June meeting will be held at 206 meeting, both for beginners and peo- video will be completed and posted on Fawcett Hall at W right State Univer- ple who are still contemplating their the DMA website by May 15th. You sity on Thursday June 5th at 7:00 pm. first digital camera purchase. will need to have the DivX Codec The topic will be —Creating VCDs installed on your computer to view the From Your Still Photographs“. Joe movie (a free download for PC, Linux Solch will show us how to use a host If lawyers are disbarred and or Mac at of inexpensive programs to create a clergymen defrocked, slideshow of your still photographs on doesn't it follow that Despite its technical problems, the a CD that is playable on most DVD electricians can be delighted, meeting was not a loss. The group players. You can even add music or musicians denoted, received an overview of the steps in narration to the slideshow. This is a cowboys deranged, video production and a tour of the great way to share your digital photo- models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and Pizza SIG dry cleaners depressed? ® Marion’s As many of you know, DMA®‘s Pizza D M A T rustee SIG meets after every General Mem- Piazza bership meeting. W e have been meet- N om inations

ing at the Marion‘s Piazza located at Pizza Party Each year at the September General Sponsored by 711 Shroyer Road in Oakwood. Membership meeting, the member- Dayton Microcomputer Asso- Marion‘s Piazza has started a new pro- ship of DMA® elects three new ciation, Inc. gram where, if you purchase pizzas, Trustees. W e start accepting nomi- Tuesday, May 27, 2003 sandwiches or spaghetti AND use the nations on June 1, 2003 and will Marion‘s Piazza SPECIAL Coupon (at left) when or- close them on August 31, 2003. 711 Shroyer Road dering, DMA® will receive up to 20% The three Trustees elected will each (937) 293-6991 of your food purchase. serve for a three year term. The four DMA® Officer positions are Ticket good ONLY W e know some of you don‘t get a each for a one year term and are May 27, 2003 chance to come to the meeting but still elected by the Trustees.

From 8:30 pm œ Closing like to join us at the SIG meeting. W e Pizzas, Sandwiches & If you or someone you know is in- can NOT distribute these coupons at terested in one of these positions, Spaghetti ONLY the store so be sure to bring this one. please contact the Nominations Eat In or Carry Out W e will also have coupons available at Committee at elections@ Please present this Ticket the meeting. or call George Ewing at (937) 667- when Ordering 3259.

Page 30 June 2003 The DataBus

Additional Area User Groups

This list is provided as a service to CCCC - Cincinnati Commodore DECUS - the Digital Equipment anyone looking for a group Computer Club meets the third Sunday of Computer Users Society is the world's supporting a particular computer, the month at 2:00 PM at the School of the largest volunteer-run computer users operating system, etc. Nativity, Norwood, OH. For more info organization focused on a single vendor. call Ed Gase at (513) 829-0942. The Greater Dayton Local Users Group Chapter meets the last Tuesday of every These user groups are not directly month. associated with DM A®. See page 4 CCS - Columbus Computer Society holds two meetings per month: the second Contact: Jim Poltrone (937) 438-0140 for a list of DM A®‘s Special Interest Monday (at Chemical Abstracts) and the (SIG) Groups & their meeting times. W ednesday nine days later (OCLC). 6:30 p.m. - New member orientation; 7pm IEEE - The Computer Society of IEEE If you know of a user group which would General meeting. For further information, meets third Thursday of each month from like to have their meeting schedule listed contact their Information line at (614) 11:30- 12:30 during lunch (can vary). here send details or a current newsletter to: 447-0227. Bring own lunch. Meetings are held at EDITOR, DMA®‘s The DataBus TASC, across from W right State University. DAYTON MICROCOMPUTER ASSOC. CINTUG - Cincinnati TriState Users Group meets the 2nd Saturday at Messiah Contact Bret Givens at (937) 255-8635. 119 Valley St Lutheran Church. Go South from Forest Dayton, OH 45401-4005 Fair Mall on W inton Road and turn left on Lakeview Dr. (on the north side of NASAC (Xenia PC users group) œ meets ACM - Association for Computing W inton Lake) then left on Bossi Lane. 7pm on 2nd Thursdays in at Library, 76 M achinery holds monthly dinner Contact Terry Ferguson at (937) 825- E. Market St., (1/2 block E. of Detroit St / meetings, dinner 6:30 PM, 7:30 p.m. 2505 for more information. RT.68), behind Police Dept, downtown. speaker. Contact Marie Hreha (937) 435- Visit our website at for 7822 CPCUG - Cincinnati Personal Computer details. Users Group meets the second Monday of AITP - Association of Information the month at 7pm in the auditorium of TM G/ The M AC Group - is an Apple Technology Professionals (formerly the Cincinnati State College - Evendale Corp. authorized Macintosh User Group. DPMA) meets the 2nd Thursday each Branch at 10100 Reading Road. For Meets: 2nd Saturday of each month at month. Holds dinner meetings at the more information call (513)333-6777 or Kettering Arts Building 2900 Acosta St., Antioch Shrine Temple at 107 E. First St, on the web. Kettering. from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Dayton [1st & Jefferson]. Contact Jim More information? Call (937) 293-6980. Stryker (937) 865-6800x2599 for details. DACUG - Dayton Area Computer Users Group meets the second Saturday of AM ITECH AM IGA USERS GROUP - each month at 3:00 P.M. at the Moraine

(AM IGA-DAYTON has merged with Civic Center in Moraine. Contact Mona M ailing Label Explanation: this group.) Meets the third Saturday of Spurgeon at (937)298-6743. If this issue was mailed to you, the month at 1:30 PM at the Huber you will see your membership Heights Library. A Programming SIG DAYTON.PM - A group for number (left) and your will meet after the general meeting. Soft programmers of all levels who use Perl. membership expiration date drinks/snacks will be provided. Contact Meetings: 2nd W ed. of each month. (right) are on the line above your Ron Schwartz, (937) 434-2144. W ebsite at ??????? or contact: name. eric.smith@ If it wasn‘t mailed to you, it only BDPA - The Black Data Processing costs $25.00 per year to be kept Associates is made up of data processing DACW - Dayton Advocates for Com- up-to-date with DMA® news and entrepreneurs, managers, and employees. puting W omen, meets the 4th Mon. of ea. with our next speaker/ Their objective is to accumulate d.p. mo. Oct-May, (except Dec.) at the presentation. Stockyards Inn. Networking is at 5:30, 6 knowledge and business experience to To become a member, simply fill PM dinner, 7 PM speaker. Contact Chris strengthen the expertise and broaden the out the application at the center of data processing knowledge of the Zurbuchen 227-9500x303(days), 767- 1043(evenings) or dacwweb@ this issue and mail it to the minority data processing community as a address on the back cover. whole. Contact Denia Byndon 937-455- 0373.

The DataBus June 2003 Page 31 DMA® Events for May 18 - June 28, 2003 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 Apple SIG Gaming SIG 2:00 PM OTAP 2:00 PM OTAP 12 PM "On Technology" 7:00 PM 119 Valley 7:00 PM on-line 2:00 PM OTAP

May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 2:00 PM OTAP Main Meeting Certification 2:00 PM OTAP 12 PM "On Technology" Memorial Day 7:30 PM O'Leary 7:15 PM 119 Valley 12 PM Northern SIG (Observed) Auditorium, Miriam Hall 2:00 PM OTAP Troy-Hayner Cult. Ctr.

Jun 1 Jun 2 Jun 3 Jun 4 Jun 5 Jun 6 Jun 7 Board of Directors Amateur 2:00 PM OTAP Digital Photog- 2:00 PM OTAP 8:30 AM OTAP 7:00 PM 119 Valley Radio SIG raphy SIG 12 PM "On Technology" 2:00 PM OTAP 3:00 PM Classic The DataBus deadline is 7:00 PM 119 Valley 7:00 PM 206 Fawcett the 1st day of each month. Hall, WSU Computers Jun 8 Jun 9 Jun 10 Jun 11 Jun 12 Jun 13 Jun 14 2:00 PM OTAP Network & Perl Mongers Software 2:00 PM OTAP 8:30 AM OTAP Certification 7:00 PM 119 Valley Development 12 PM "On Technology" 2:00 PM OTAP 7:00 PM 119 Valley 6:30 PM 119 Valley

Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 21 Father's Day Apple SIG Gaming SIG 2:00 PM OTAP Digital Textiles 2:00 PM OTAP 8:30 AM OTAP 7:00 PM 119 Valley 7:00 PM on-line 7:00 PM 119 Valley 12 PM "On Technology" 2:00 PM OTAP Linux / Unix 2:00 PM OTAP Board 7:00 PM Rm 150 Russ Engr 3:00 PM Classic Computers Ctr, WSU Jun 22 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 26 Jun 27 Jun 28 2:00 PM OTAP Main Meeting Certification 2:00 PM OTAP 12 PM "On Technology" 7:30 PM O'Leary 7:15 PM 119 Valley 12 PM Northern SIG Auditorium, Miriam Hall 2:00 PM OTAP Troy-Hayner Cult. Ctr. The DataBus deadline is the 1st day of each month.

Remember: ‡DMA® General Meeting is May 27 in O‘Leary Auditorium, Miriam Hall ‡The meeting is in O”Leary Auditorium, Miriam Hall, U.D. Campus ‡Send membership applications & renewals to PO Box 340402, Beavercreek, OH


Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc. Nonprofit PO Box 340402 Organization Beavercreek OH 45434-0402 U.S. Postage Pd Dayton OH

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