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The Leukaemia & Intensive Chemotherapy Fund Registered Charity Number 1078183

Annual Report 2014 siv nsiv ten e C Inte e C In he he & m & m a ia i o o t t m h m h e e e a e r a




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Linc’ing together to beat cancer 1

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L e y L LINC Team Dr Gill Rouse - LINC Director Karen Organ - Fundraising Manager Sally Gillespie - Marketing, PR and events Louise Adkins – Events & Fundraising Officer

Karen Evans - LINC From left to right: Administrative Assistant Karen Evans, Dr Gill Rouse, Sally Gillespie, Louise Adkins Everyone in the team helps to organise fund raising events Karen Organ and works closely together to raise the profile of LINC.

Auditors - Randall & Payne LLP, 79 Promenade, GL50 1PJ Bank - Lloyds TSB Bank plc, The Rotunda, Montpellier, Cheltenham

Patrons The Rt Hon The Countess Bathurst Sir Geoff Hurst MBE Laurence & Jackie Llewelyn-Bowen The Rt Rev Michael Perham, Bishop of Gloucester Dr P J Crook MBE

contents Welcome to our annual report 3 Personal challenges 15 A word from the Director 4 Donations 16 Trustees Report 5 Statement of Financial Activities Reports 8 for the year ended 31st March 2014 19 Linc future events 9 Gift aid form 21 Events organised by Linc 10 Standing order form 21 Signature events 12 Single donation form 22 Events organised in support of Linc 13 Community events 14


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L e y L ensive Int Ch & em ia o t m h Welcome to our e e a


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Annual Report L

It is my great pleasure on behalf of the Trustees to present to you our Annual Report for 2013/14; we do hope that you find it both informative and enjoyable.

As I described last year, 2013 was the 15th anniversary of LINC’s inception and I am pleased to be able to inform you that it was a very successful year. The difficult financial climate has continued but I am pleased to say that LINC has managed to increase its income during this period. This has allowed us to improve the amount of help we to give to our cohort of patients in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and nsiv nsive South Worcestershire. te e C Inte C In he he & m & m a ia i o o t The continuing success of LINC is down to many things but not least our dedicated staff, supporters, t m h m h e e e a e r volunteers and the never-ending generosity of the general public and local businesses; I would like to thank a




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them all for their hard work, enthusiasm and their support of our charity u

L e y L For more than 10 years LINC has funded a research post, I am pleased to say that we have again made money available to appoint a scientist for the current year. In last year’s annual review we announced that we had started a campaign to raise sufficient money to employ additional psychological help for our patients. This campaign is progressing very well, we are hoping to have enough resources to begin recruitment for one of these clinical psychologists soon. Both of these major projects have been in addition to an increase in the direct help to our patients - we hope to be able to extend this further in 2014.

We have worked in partnership with our accountants Randall and Payne again this year to include in this report our annual accounts. Also included are some of the highlights from LINC’s successful year. We hope you find the report of interest.

I would finally like to thank Dr Gill Rouse for her dedication and hard work, our Trustees for their commitment, expertise and endeavour during the past year and you for taking the time to read this report.

Stephan Bates, Chair of Trustees

Co- Founder & Director Gill Rouse LINC Trustees Stephan Bates – Chair Adrian Bamford, David Drew Geoff Fox, Rebecca Frewin Terry Hopley, Asha Johny Paul Nurden, Adam Rye Martyn Thomas

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A word from y L the Director

I am delighted to say that we have managed to stay above board during a difficult financial climate. We have been amazed at people’s generosity both financially and with their time. During this year I have also had the siv nsiv ten e C Inte e C privilege to be President of the Rotary Club of Cheltenham North choosing LINC to be one of my charities. In he he & m & m a ia i o o m t This close relationship has meant that some of our fundraising activities have been arranged in conjunction m t h h e e e a e r a




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L e y L Our wonderful Patrons have given their support during our 15th year. Laurence & Jackie Llewelyn-Bowen hosted a celebratory dinner at Ellenborough Park and also compered the Annual Rotary Carol Concert at Cheltenham Ladies College. PJ Crook held a weekend just before Christmas selling miniatures and greetings cards and raised an amazing £15,000 which she shared between LINC and the of which she is also Patron.

LINC has forged a close relationship with Rendcomb side wards where our haematology patients are nursed. We continue to supply welcome toiletry packs for urgent admissions and during the year have purchased 8 new reclining chairs – one for each room – as well as a bladder scanner, 2 new dinamap patient monitoring machines and 8 drip stands – again, one for each room. We will hopefully be purchasing 6 more dinamap patient monitoring machines in the near future so that there is always one in each room reducing the risk of infection when they are moved from one room to another.

LINC was instrumental is getting a broadband line installed for Rendcomb ward so that patients can now communicate with the outside world by email and can log on to the internet through the wi fi connection. This has made a huge difference and has been welcomed be all the patients and staff.

We have also continued to support the LINC Edward Jenner Unit in Gloucester supplying 3 new reclining chairs, a new fridge and a bariatric chair to cater for patients up to 24 stone in weight. Incidentally, the Unit won the Patient Choice Award for the best outpatient department which we feel we can take some credit for by producing such a state of the art day unit facility for both the patients and the staff.

Our Make a Difference Campaign now stands at a magnificent £130K and we hope to be able to appoint a LINC clinical psychologist for 3 days a week very shortly.

There have been some changes in the LINC staff – Debbie Masding left us in November to go back to working in gynaecology . She is replaced by 2 part time staff – the first is Sally Gillespie who will be helping with marketing and bringing new people in to support LINC. She will be working 3 days per week. The second is Karen Evans who will be our administrative assistant working from 10am to 2pm each day but she will not be in post until the end of April.

Dr Gill Rouse, LINC Director


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L e y L Leukaemia and Intensive Chemotherapy Fund Trustees Report for the year ended 31st March 2014

The trustees present their report with the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 March 2014. The trustees have adopted the provisions of the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) ‘Accounting and Reporting by Charities’ issued in March 2005.

Reference and adminstration details Registered Charity number 1078183 Principal address The LINC Office, Haematology Department, Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, GLOS GL53 7AN Trustees S Bates – Chair M Thomas Dr G Fox - re-appointed 2014 A Bamford - re-appointed 2014 Dr A D Rye Commodore T Hopley Dr A Johny Dr R Frewin D Drew P Nurden - appointed 2014 Director Dr.Gill Rouse Auditors Randall and Payne LLP, Statutory Auditor, 79 Promenade, Cheltenham, Glos GL50 1PJ Day to day management of the charity and its staff is delegated to Dr G Rouse.

Structure, governance and management Governing document The charity is controlled by its governing document, a deed of trust, and constitutes an unincorporated charity. Recruitment and appointment of new trustees Trustees with relevant experience are approached by the charity to see if they would be interested in becoming trustees. Appointments are made and ratified at trustee meetings. Induction and training of new trustees The training and induction provided for new Trustees will depend on their existing experience. Where necessary, induction is provided on charity, healthcare, legal and financial matters. Organisational structure The charity aims to have between 9 and 12 trustees, in line with Charity Commission recommendations. Trustees are sought from a range of backgrounds to provide breadth of knowledge and experience. Decisions are taken by consensus and formal approval at the regular trustee meetings. Trustees meet between 4 and 6 times per year and the meetings are recorded and minutes ratified at the next meeting. The trustees appoint a Chair of Trustees each year. The trustees are responsible for setting spending priorities, monitoring the financial performance and position of the charity and making major decisions about the direction of the charity. They appoint paid staff and oversee the activities of the charity’s volunteers where appropriate. Wider network The trustees appoint the directors of LINC Trading Ltd (company number 07238085) and LINC Concert Ltd (company number 04654574). LINC Trading Ltd is a charity shop based in Cheltenham. LINC Concert Ltd was dormant in the accounting year 12/13 and 13/14 apart from payment for filing the annual returns. It was decided that LINC concert should cease and was wound up in 2014. Risk management The trustees have a duty to identify and review the risks to which the charity is exposed and to ensure appropriate controls are in place to provide reasonable assurance against fraud and error. Major risks are regularly reviewed and appropriate systems and procedures are developed to manage those risks. 5

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L e y L Objectives and activities Objectives and aims LINC works to improve the care of people who are receiving intensive chemotherapy at Gloucestershire Hospitals Trust. This covers patients from Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, South Worcestershire and East Powys. These are mainly people with leukaemia, lymphoma and other blood cancers. It provides financial help where needed, funds new facilities and equipment, a clinical psychologist and a cancer research post. As other chemotherapy centres are set up in Hereford and Worcester the emphasis may become more centred on Gloucestershire residents. Significant activities The main activities in the year were connected with the celebration of LINC’s 15th birthday and the appeal to fund more Clinical Psychology time for haematology patients – the “Make a Difference” Campaign. New equipment for both Rendcomb Ward (Cheltenham General Hospital) and the LINC Edward Jenner Unit (Gloucestershire Royal Hospital) has been purchased and the continued provision of a clinical psychologist and a research position has also been funded. We have also increased the direct help to patients where appropriate. The charity raises funds for these projects through fundraising events, voluntary contributions from members of the public and local business, sale of goods and legacy income. Grantmaking Patients are encouraged to apply for financial assistance from the charity to help ease the financial hardship that those undergoing hospital treatment can suffer. Patients can apply themselves, or be referred by a member of hospital staff. Volunteers We are grateful to our volunteers who contribute to the charity by organising and partaking in a wide variety of events throughout the year. Such fundraising income is vital to the charity in meeting its objectives and aims. They also help with mail shots and general administrative tasks.

Achievement and performance Charitable activities New equipment has been purchased to improve the care of both in-patients and out patients. This has included new chairs, bladder scanners and other monitoring equipment. We have continued to supply welcome toiletry packs for urgent admissions, the charity was instrumental in getting access for patients to the internet during their stay –a facility they very much appreciate. The “Make a Difference Campaign” for more clinical psychology time has progressed well following its launch in 2012/13, it is hoped to be able to start the initial recruitment process for a new appointment working three days per week in the summer of 2014. This specialist time is urgently needed for both patients and their relatives. The new appointment, with the current two days a week, will result in a clinical psychologist being available five days a week. Fundraising activities The charity benefited from a wide variety of fundraising events throughout the year. Notable successes included a sponsored cycle ride, the annual Golf Day, the Cheltenham Triathlon, Fairy fun run, concerts and several other smaller events. Many people have very kindly and generously held fundraising events giving up their time to raise money for the LINC charity. We are indebted to everyone who has helped in any way and would like to say a huge thank you to you all. We are also indebted to local businesses for their support of our charity. A special mention needs to be made of Kohla Mira Ltd who very generously presented a cheque to the charity for £41,000.This magnificent sum was as a result of staff fundraising and the total being matched by the company. We also benefit from many personal challenges: people who push themselves that extra mile and do something very special to raise funds for LINC. These range from taking part in the London and other Marathons, the BUPA 10K, parachute jumps, taking part in the gruelling cycle challenges and a whole host of other amazing feats. These are all amazing achievements and LINC would like to thank everyone who took part for their effort and support. Corporate support LINC has been very fortunate this year to have had amazing support from a number of local companies including Kohler Mira, BPE solicitors, the Yorkshire Building Society, Creed Catering, Big Yellow Storage and Colour Connection which has been much appreciated. Linc Charity Shop The shop has been admirably managed during the past year by Sally Clark with support from Gillian Haynes and Mary Johnstone. The shop sells gifts, greeting cards, scarves and jewellery as well as donated items. The 2013/14 accounts shows the most encouraging year since the shop opening producing a modest profit in the past year. All profits are donated to LINC. Donations Donations during the year to 31 March 2014 totalled just over £300k including £20, 296 made in memoriam. LINC would like to extend their deepest sympathy to all families concerned and thank them for their generosity and support at such a difficult time. 6 Financial review Reserves policy The trustees review the reserve levels of the charity regularly. This review encompasses the nature of income and expenditure streams, the need to match income with commitments and the nature of reserves.

The General Fund may be applied for any purpose in line with the charity’s objects. This includes the charity’s commitment to fund a clinical psychologist.

The restricted funds in the year were made up of the Robert Dalton Research Fellowship Fund (which is used to fund the Robert Dalton Leukaemia Research Fellow) and the Make a Difference Campaign Fund. Principal funding sources The general fund receives all unrestricted monies from fundraising events and donations and income from the sale of goods. The Robert Dalton Fund is applied solely for the provision of the research post. The Make a Difference Campaign Fund is for the funding of additional clinical psychology time. Unrestricted resources may be designated by the trustees and transferred into one of the restricted funds as they see fit.

Future developments A clinical psychologist already works 2 days per week seeing haematology patients in both Cheltenham & Gloucester Hospitals. One day is funded by the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust - the other by LINC.

The “Make a Difference” appeal is to raise £250,000 to fund increased clinical psychology time that would be guaranteed for a minimum of 5 years. LINC is committed to raising £50k per year to continue to fund this vital service. This has progressed well during the past year.

Statement of Trustees responsibilities The trustees are responsible for preparing the Report of the Trustees and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice).

The law applicable to charities in England and Wales, the Charities Act 2011, Charity (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 and the provisions of the trust deed requires the trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity and of the incoming resources and application of resources, including the income and expenditure, of the charity for that period.

In preparing those financial statements, the trustees are required to - select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; - observe the methods and principles in the Charity SORP; - make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; - prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in business.

The trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act 2011, the Charity (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 and the provisions of the trust deed. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

On behalf of the board:

S Bates - Chair of Trustees

6 June 2014


7 Reports

Sally Gillespie- LINC Communications and Marketing We were delighted to welcome Sally to the LINC team as a Communications and Fundraising Officer in January this year. Very sadly, on her first day with us, her little 9 month old son was taken ill and was rushed in to GRH. He has had quite a stormy passage which necessitated Sally being with him so we didn’t really see her until 24 February. She will be working 3 days a week.

Sally has over 5 years direct fundraising experience specialising in Community, Corporate and Events fundraising from her previous role as Fundraising Manager at Winston’s Wish. She is delighted to be a part of the team and has been a supporter of LINC for many years both professionally and personally. A proud Cheltonian born and bred she hopes to utilise her many contacts locally and help raise lots of money and awareness for LINC The Robert Dalton Research Post Leanne Fullwood is our 3rd PhD student. She started on 14 October 2013 and we look forward to hearing about her research in due course. Rosie Dalton is seen in the photo with Leanne. Her work will be mainly on lymphoma.

Leanne writes: I did my undergraduate degree at the university of Central Lancashire where I received first class honours. I then stayed to study a master of science (by research) supervised by Dr Matthew Baker, investigating the use of Raman spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool for metastatic brain cancer and its ability to identify primary sites of origin. I am so grateful to have been chosen as a Robert Dalton research fellow and look forward to investigating the diagnostic use of Raman spectroscopy for lymphomas and metastatic lesions found in lymph nodes. The use of fibre Raman probes will also be researched for in vivo applications. Louise Adkins – LINC Edward Jenner Unit Louise mans the LINC office in the Edward Jenner Unit in Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.

The LINC Edward Jenner Unit has continued to receive support from LINC and over the last 12 months the charity has provided the unit with the following; • 3 remote controlled adjustable patient chairs - providing more comfort and ease of use • A new fridge - to store packed lunches in to ensure all patients receive a meal if required • Coat hooks • EJU contact cards - to issue to patients so that they can contact the unit directly if they have any problems

And to give something back, staff and patients have enjoyed getting involved in fundraising: • A cake sale was held in the summer, with many of the nursing staff and phlebotomists donating. It was an enjoyable morning which proved to be very successful raising £425. The nursing staff also arranged their own EJU This is her at the Fairy Fun Run. bake off towards the end of the year, whereby one cake was the theme per week and a different member of staff baked it each day. A winner was selected each week and the cakes were then sold raising money for LINC. • Immunology nurse Anne Caiden entered the London BUPA 10,000 for LINC in May along with her husband and son. They trained hard for it and did a great job of fundraising getting over £1800 for the charity. • Staff nurse Diane Coy had a great time at the Fairy Fun Run in August with her daughter and grand-daughter raising nearly £100. The LINC Charity Shop – Sally Clarke This has been a great year for the LINC shop. We have grown in popularity and awareness and now have many regular customers who visit the shop to buy and make donations. For many of them LINC is a charity very close to their hearts and they are very grateful for the help and support they have received for themselves or family and friends. Additionally we are receiving a steady stream of good quality donations and our list of Gift-Aiders continues to grow. We are also very grateful to “The Attic” (a Dress Agency in Chipping Campden) who donate all their unsold items, many of them being designer!

The new staffing structure with the addition of Mary and Gillian has worked well providing great flexibility and smooth running of the shop. We have a fantastic group of reliable and versatile volunteers, which has grown vastly in number throughout the year. We are extremely appreciative for all their hard work and support, which the shop heavily relies on.

8 We continue to get lots of compliments from customers on the quality of the goods and how they are attractively presented. The eye-catching window displays always receive very favourable comments and entice people into the shop. We are able to accessorize the donated clothes with ranges of our brand new jewellery and scarves which are fashionable and always popular with the customers. Equally the cards and small gifts are great for birthdays and seasonal times of the year and our reasonably priced selection of books, cd’s and dvd’s are also very popular, especially for men to browse while shopping with their partners.

The shop has represented LINC at various local events throughout the year and links with the Christmas pantomime (Aladdin) brought many people into the shop to buy the “tweedy tufts”! The shop has also been a useful hub for advertising upcoming events organized by the office.

Overall this has been a very successful year for the shop and hopefully it will continue to go from strength to strength. Montpellier Chapter Hotel The LINC Charity Shop could not function without the help of the many volunteers who give their time to help sort, steam and sell the items in the shop. We are very grateful to Barry Watson, Manager of Montpellier Chapter hotel, for organising and funding a thank you dinner for all the volunteers at Christmas 2013.

LINC Future Events

Friday 11 April Churchdown Male Voice Choir at Pump Room Friday 11 April Cornish Marathon Sunday 15 June 3 Counties Cycle Ride Tuesday 24 June LINC AGM at Sandford Education Centre Wednesday 25 June LINC Golf Day at Cotswold Hills Golf Club Saturday 12 July Summer Ball Sunday 10 August Fairy Fun Run Wednesday 13 August Trip to Buckingham Palace Sunday 7 September Cheltenham Half Marathon Sunday 14 September Cheltenham Triathlon Tuesday 2 December Murder Mystery LINC Lunch Club meets of the 1st Friday of each month Details of all these events can be found on our website www.lincfund.org

9 Events Organised by LINC

None of these events could take place without the help of supporters who give their time to help set up, man the bar, steward, prepare food, clear tables and wash up. The LINC team would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped in any way with our events. We couldn’t do these without you. Cheese and Wine Tasting – 10 April 2013 This event was held in partnership with the Rotary Club of Cheltenham North. Liz Godsell gave a very interesting talk about how she came to be making award winning local cheeses. We then went on to taste 6 wines supplied by Majestic Wines matched with 6 cheeses from Godsell Cheeses. A very enjoyable evening which raised £440 in total. Tea at Ellenborough Park – 11 April 2013 Forty two people came to meet Fiona Fullerton and to hear her talk about her latest book, ‘Dear Fiona’. A very ample and traditional tea was served by Ellenborough Park and the event raised £407 pounds for LINC. Bootleg Bee Gees – 20 April 2013 This was another event held in partnership with RCCN and was attended by 115 people. St Edward’s Senior School generously allowed us to use the main hall where a cold supper was supplied courtesy of some of the rotary ladies. The tribute Bee Gees band brought back many memories and the evening raised a total of £1090 – this was shared between LINC and RCCN. Murder at the Manor – 10 May 2013 A Murder/Mystery Evening was held at Boddington Manor with the Bishop’s Cleeve Players providing the entertainment. A table buffet was served for the 100 people during the interval and a profit of £1075 was made of LINC. 3 Counties Cycle Ride – 16 June 2013 Probably the most successful year so far for our annual cycle ride. Starting and finishing at Tewkesbury Rugby Club 245 people took part – most of them completing the 64 km route. Many stayed to enjoy the BBQ - the food for which was generously supplied by Creeds and cooked to perfection by our Chair of Trustees, Stephan Bates. With entry fees and sponsorship £6,362 was raised for LINC. This year’s event will be on Sunday 15 June 2014.

Golf Day – Wednesday 3 July 2013 This year’s golf day was held at Cotswold Hills Golf Club and was one of our most successful. Twenty teams took part and enjoyed a lovely day of golf. 8 holes were sponsored and the raffle raised £326. The winning team was Neil Gayler. Overall the event raised £2676 and our thanks go to Neil Gayler for his help and support and to Bill Stansfield for ensuring the teams started on time.

10 Fairy Fun Run – Sunday 11 August 2013 What a lovely family event – to see all those children and adults dressed as fairies and pirates taking part in the 1K or 5K Fairy Fun Run. The youngest competitor for the 1K was one week off her second birthday! The warm up zumba with Lucy Hall was amazing and put everyone in the right mood – all set to go. There was even a free massage courtesy of Rachel Fargher at the end. In all, 140 people took part. Water and cupcakes were generously donated by Creeds and £1657 was made for LINC. This year’s event will be on Sunday 10 August 2014. Cheltenham Triathlon – Sunday 8 September More than 700 people took part in the Cheltenham Triathlon this year. Contestants swim 500 metres, cycle 15 Kilometres and run 2.7 Kilometres. There were a few teething problems with the electronic Kohler Mira Team Team Stella timing which was being used for the first time at this event but overall it was a very successful and enjoyable day. This year the event raised £9250 each for LINC and for Sandford Parks Lido. 15th Birthday Dinner at Ellenborough Park – Monday 5 November The Leukaemia and Intensive Chemotherapy Fund celebrated fifteen years of supporting leukaemia and other cancer patients with a dinner at Ellenborough Park. The event was hosted by our Patrons Laurence & Jackie Llewelyn- Bowen and we were delighted to welcome another Patron – Dr P.J.Crook and her husband, Richard. The guest speaker was former Grand National winner jockey, Bob Champion. Christmas Lunch at Highnam – Thursday 28 November Once again we were very grateful to Roger and Jenny Head for allowing us to use their wonderful home for our Ladies Christmas lunch. Our guest speaker this year was Edward Gillespie who entertained us with some very amusing stories of racing at Cheltenham. Rosie Warner and friends produced some wonderful food and the very interesting array of Christmas stalls gave everyone an opportunity to do some Christmas Shopping. A big thank you to everyone who helped and to Andy Cars in Gloucester for sponsoring the welcome drink. The event raised £2021. Star to Remember – 8th and 12th December A special time to remember loved ones who are no longer with us and hang a star on the Christmas tree with your individual message on the back. The stars stay on the tree all through the Christmas period. We held this ‘event’ at St Luke’s Church, Cheltenham on Sunday 8th November and in the chapel at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital on Thursday 12th November. If you have lost someone special please come along and join us this year. Christmas Hampers Thank you to Louise, our LINC lady in GRH, for putting together two lovely Christmas Hampers which were then raffled raising £340. Street Collection – Wednesday 12 March 2014 Thank you to everyone who helped with the street collection in Cheltenham town centre on Ladies Day of Race week – you collected £140 for LINC. 11 Signature Events - Overview

Golf Day Year Amount 2009-10 £2,442.00 2010-11 £2,072.16 2011-12 £1,777.90 2012-13 £1,054.06 2013-14 £2,675.55

3 Counties Cycle Ride

Year Amount 2009-10 £7,258.37 2010-11 £5,520.83 2011-12 £4,851.08 2012-13 £4,410.40 2013-14 £6,362.20

Parachute Jump Year Amount 2009-10 £6,840.99 2010-11 £4,446.29 2011-12 £5,616.18 2012-13 £1,136.30 2013-14 £1,994.49


Year Amount 2009-10 £8,174.40 2010-11 £9,948.17 2011-12 £8,185.84 2012-13 £7,551.70 2013-14 £8,756.22

Highnam Christmas Lunch

Year Amount 2009-10 £3,286.66 2010-11 £3,776.42 2011-12 £3,755.00 2012-13 £2,861.62 2013-14 £2,121.49 12 ensive Int Ch & em ia o t m h e e a


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L e y L Events Organised in support of LINC

Make a Difference Campaign Several schools around the county and organisations have very kindly held Rainbow Days for our Make a Difference Campaign to raise funds to provide more clinical psychology time for our haematology patients. So far these colourful dress days have raised £2013 The Old Pats The Old Patesians Centenary Committee organised a bucket collection and a raffle and presented LINC with a cheque for £1000

Kohler Mira Our sincere thanks go to Kathyrn Griffiths and her fundraising team at Kohler Mira who adopted LINC as their charity of the year 2012-13. During that time they raised a magnificent £21,000. To our delight, this was then matched by the management resulting in an amazing donation of £41,000. Their success was celebrated by an event at Gloucester Rugby Club on 30 June where Cath Beck, a leukaemia survivor, talked about her experience as a patient. Cheltenham Cricket Festival – July We were delighted to be the chosen charity for another year for the Cheltenham Cricket Festival. With various raffles, collections and a Ladies Day, LINC benefitted from donations totalling £5,137.

Punk Rock for Cancer – Saturday 12 October Vivienne McCrorie, sister on Rendcomb Ward at Cheltenham General Hospital, and her husband organised a festival of punk rock bands to play at the Frog & Fiddle pub in Cheltenham. Ably assisted by nurses and other staff from the ward over 100 people attended and helped to raise £1088 for LINC. Fashion Show – Wednesday 16 October Mrs Claire Charlton, our LINC Director’s daughter, very kindly organised a Fashion Show and Pamper Evening at the Richard Pate School in Cheltenham where she persuaded some of her fellow teachers and mothers of pupils to act as models for clothes from Allure. With a range of Christmas stalls the evening raised £1,112. Make a Will Fortnight – 8-22 October Our thanks to BPE solicitors and in particular to Claire Young and Peter Tyrell who very generously donated their time and expertise to write wills for people in return for a donation to LINC. We had a very good response to this which resulted in donations totalling just over £2,000 13 ensive Int Ch & em ia o t m h e e a


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L e y L Community Events Chelsea Building Society LINC received a substantial donation of £1002 from Yorkshire Building Society Charitable Foundation towards the purchase of a Reclining Chair from Beaver Healthcare Equipment for one of the isolation rooms where patients are nursed while their blood count is low making them vulnerable to infection and illness. The rooms are occupied 7 days a week, 365 days a year, so furniture can become worn. To supplement the donation, staff at Chelsea Building Society’s office also raised money for LINC by hosting a dress down day, cake sale and charity pool tournament. Chelsea Building Society is a subsidiary brand of Yorkshire Building Society. (Left to right: Karen Organ (LINC Fundraising Manager); Dr Gillian Rouse (LINC Director); Katie Lamburn (Chelsea Customer Relations); Sarah Newns (Chelsea Customer Service Centre). Randall & Payne Accountants Randall & Payne adopted LINC as their charity for 2013–14 and held a charity Quiz Night raising £1281.65. A raffle at their Budget Day event raised a further £544,75

Cheltenham Operatic and Dramatic Society (CODS) also adopted LINC and donated £1000 from bucket collections at their performances.

Manor Players at Tewkesbury donated £1050

FLEET Solutions supported LINC and donated £1600

Helen Ellis held a Ball at in memory of her husband Richard. He was a well known farrier and proceeds from the Ball, an auction of his tools and other fundraising events raised an amazing £12,615 for LINC.

Back in Action, physiotherapists at Pamington, near Tewkesbury, raised a further £1500 in Richard’s memory.

Almost Athletes donated £1010

Gary David held a LINCfest in Prestbury in support of his daughter Sophie and raised, with some fund matching from Barclays Bank, a magnificent £7072

The Wide Valley Singers conducted by Tim Evans held a concert for LINC raising £1767. We are very grateful to them for this and for their performance in the atrium at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital which raised a further £98.74 from the bucket collections.

Bibury Cricket club supported LINC and donated £2098.

Simply Gym held a charity day raising £269 for LINC

Sandra Hutton continued with her table top sales from which she donates 20% to LINC. This year’s donations totalled £663.90.

Alison Lovett-Turner is a nurse on Rendcomb Ward. During the year she has organised several cake sales which have raised £838. Louise Adkins also held a cake sale at GRH raising £425.

David Nash and the Fairford Dragons continue to fundraise for LINC and this year donated £811.

Carol Mayo and her weightwatcher friends have continued to support LINC and this year have donated £3660 – mainly in loose change.

These are only some of the events that have been organised in the Community during 2013 -14. LINC would like to thank these and all those who are not mentioned individually for their support which is very important to us.


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L e y L Personal Challenges

In all, £29,627 was raised by wonderful supporters taking part in challenge events in aid of LINC. This support is very important to us and much appreciated. It is not possible to mention everyone by name but we would like to thank each and every person who either took part or who sponsored the entrant. May 2013 Our own Karen Organ and her husband Clive took part in the Tewkesbury Half Marathon on Sunday 19 May. Karen was planning to run 15 half marathons to mark LINC’s 15th Birthday. She completed 8 but had to stop for medical reasons when she had surgery in August. Despite this, she raised £1132.

Kathryn Griffiths took part in theBristol 10K Parachute Jump Seven people in all performed a tandem parachute jump for LINC raising a total of £2696.50 between them. Alison Lovett-Turner & Josh Peett who both work on Rendcomb Ward raised a magnificent £1368.42 but our thanks go to everyone who took part: Alison Lovett-Turner, Josh Peett, Jenna & Emma, Stephanie Brown, Catherine Parry, Ria Cartmel and Mr R Richardson. Alison & Josh

London to Paris Cycle Ride In August Lizzie Smith and Sarah Donan cycled from London to Paris and raised a fantastic £4,175 for LINC in memory of Lizzie’s dear friend, Pete Smith. You may recognise them as the ladies who run the COOK shop on the Bath Road.

Charlie Mitchell took part in the Mudder of Mudders event in memory of his father Dr Bill Mitchell and raised £867.60.

UCAS A team from UCAS (Stellas Soldiers) walked from London to Brighton – a huge achievement – and raised £1816. The team are seen here with Gill Rouse & Cath Beck.

Ian Leitch cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats raising £3853 along the way. He also took part, with others, in a series of events called UCAS interims which raised £4090. This fundraising was in support of Catherine Beck who works at UCAS and is one of our leukaemia survivors.

Sophie Holcombe cycled from Angouleme to Caen and raised £1925. Kohler Mira Kohler Mira took part in various events during the year in memory of Phillip Tuckwell. Together they raised £216 .51 in addition to the £1818 they raised last year.

Katherine Rogers took part in the Tel Aviv Marathon raising £995.51 Ride London Warren Stallard and Stuart Evans cycled 100 miles in the first ever Ride London event and raised £2861.79.

Ben Peresson took part in the Ironman World Championships and raised £440.55. This photo was taken at the Top of Mount Gaustatoppen in Norway (finish line of the Norseman Xtreme Triathlon) with Ben’s sister as part of my support crew. tensive C Super Heroes In h Emma Rogers and a group of her friends in London took part in the Super Hero 5K run in Regents Park and & e raised £2260.50. m ia o t 15 m h e e a


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L e y L Cheltenham Half Marathon Eighteen people took part in the Cheltenham Half in support of LINC. Between them they raised £2914.

David Beck took part in the Great London River Race and raised £765.58

Peter Woodman walked the Camino de Santiago and raised £1036.67

Caroline Rowe walked the West Highland Way and raised £538.53

Jake Robertson organised a film quiz in London and raised £617.12

Isabel Atkins cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats

Our sincere thanks to all these people and to those who entered other events for LINC . Other Donations made to LINC People are extremely kind and generous and many asked for donations to LINC in lieu of Birthday or Anniversary presents. Ian Gardner was one of these who celebrated his 70th Birthday and presented a cheque to LINC for £350. Also celebrating 70 th birthdays and supporting LINC were Roger Morgan, Jane Crowther and Diane Davis.

Royalties from Colin Walls Book totalled £962.80.

Graham Harbord started a fund called Carol’s Smile in memory of his wife. When he heard we needed some new reclining chairs and other equipment on the ward, he immediately donated £10K from this fund to LINC.

Elaine Cruickshank and her ladies from Mitcheldean donated £2,500 towards our Make a Difference Campaign.

Every donation is important to us and we would like thank everyone who has donated in any way - your contributions have helped us to help local cancer patients and have certainly made a difference. Donations Total donations came to just over £300K this year of which £20,296 were made in memoriam and £5207 from loose change collections. Every penny is important to us and we are very grateful to everyone who has contributed to these totals. In memoriam donations These were made in memory of the following:

George Adcock, Gail Arnold, Norah Atkinson, Edith Baker. Murray Baker. Allan Bowles, Alan Broughton, Dr Brian Carter, Marlene Chandler. Nancy Charles, Geoffrey Cook, John Copeland, Steven Cording, Wendy Corrick, John Cullen, Harry Dore, David Dudfield, Ian Dyer, Richard Ellis, Reginald Finch, Peter Flood, Christopher Gent, Suzanne Gilpin, Jane Goodall, Neil Grimmitt, Mary Harrison, Graham Hawkes, Sallie Anne Haynes, Edward Holloway, Cyril Iles, Brian Jennings, Barbara Jurevicius, Betty May, William Mitchell, Nancy Moxey, Betty Parsons, Bedford John Pedlar, Joyce Perry, Gerald Phillips, Horace Pitt, David Pritchard, John Saunders, Robert Stokes, Beryl Voice, Mair Wiggins

Our sympathy goes to all the family and friends of these loved ones and our thanks for thinking of LINC at such a difficult time.


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L e y L Trust Fund Donations These totalled £43,649.46 this year. The very generous grant from Kay Kendall is for the Make a Difference Campaign to fund more clinical psychology time. LINC is extremely grateful for each and every one of these: Rotary Club of Cheltenham North £3,500 Zurich Community Trust £730 Rotary Club of Gloucester Severn £4,000 The Almost Modern Order of Purchasers £1,000 The Orr Mackintosh Foundation Ltd £250 The Matthew Davies Leukaemia Fund £300 The Rowlands Trust £2,000 The Evans Adlard Charitable Trust £500 Gloucestershire Community Foundation £1,000 The Freemasons Grand Charity £800 The Rotary Club of Cheltenham North £2,569.46 Gloucestershire Freemasons £1,000 The Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund £25,000 Northleach & Fosse Lions club £1,000 Patient and Family Support LINC supported 18 families during the last financial year – some needing much more help than others. The total expenditure was £6,500. The reasons why people need help varies but most frequently it is to help with travel costs – a return trip from the Forest of Dean to Cheltenham Hospital is £30 so to visit every day for 6 – 8 weeks soon mounts up. Some people face a loss of income during their treatment so we have given general help and on occasions have paid the rent - it would not help the patient’s welfare if they were concerned they had no home to go to when their treatment was finished. Items LINC has purchased for Patient Support Total expenditure to improve patient care totalled £32,070 this year. £10,500 of that is for the 2 sessions per week LINC funds for the clinical psychologist. We hope we will very shortly be able to advertise for another psychologist through our Make a Difference Campaign. Various items were purchased for Rendcomb Ward including a bladder scanner, new remote controls for each isolation room, 5 electric reclining chairs and 8 over bed tables, 8 drip stands, a new dinamap patient monitoring machine and 2 mini cycle machines. For the LINC outpatient department waiting room we have purchased a new wall mounted television and continue to fund the hot drinks machine at a total cost of £649.00. LINC also funds 3 cold water machines – 2 on the ward and one for the outpatient department. For the LINC Edward Jenner Unit we have purchased a bariatric chair for patients up to 24 stone, 3 electric reclining chairs for the treatment area, coat hooks and a new fridge where patient’s lunches can be stored. For staff, LINC funded a member of staff to attend a bone marrow transplant meeting in Milan at a cost of £500. Staff have to attend certain courses to keep their accreditation and we were happy to help with this. We always try to get value for money with our purchases. For instance, the cycle machines were purchased from e-bay at almost half the cost of elsewhere. Where we can, we get best prices and VAT free invoices and are always aware that we are spending charitable funds. Gift Aid LINC was able to reclaim £ 12,873.00 in Gift Aid during the past financial year not including that claimed automatically through justgiving and virgin money giving. So, please do fill in a Gift Aid form if you are a UK tax payer and help your donation go even further. Loose Change Appeal It is amazing the amount of donations you have raised by collecting your loose change for LINC, the total now stands at almost £39,175.53 in total with £5207 being collected in the past year. ‘Pennies for Patients’ really do make a difference to the lives of those who are suffering from blood cancer; LINC is dedicated to improving the facilities and support for patients and their families. Research is very important to our charity and we are proud to fund the Robert Dalton Research Fellowship. If you could donate a few ‘Pennies for Patients’ please ring the LINC office on 0300 422 4422 and we will be very happy to send you a new Make a Difference loose change box. Thank you to Carol Mayo and her weight watcher friends who have collected nearly £2000 in total during the last few years. 17

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L e y L Regular Giving This is of enormous benefit to the charity. Any amount from £3 through to £300 would enable us to make a real difference to people’s lives. To aid, support and in many cases to overcome people’s suffering can only be done with your generous help by allowing us to support more patients and their families within the patient and family support programme. Regular giving also allows us to fund the Robert Dalton Leukaemia Research Fellow to help fund more sessions for the invaluable work of our clinical psychologist, allowing her to see more patients and spending longer time with them through their recovery. It allows us to plan for the future. Currently we have 29 regular givers who between them contributed a total of £6089 during the past year and LINC would like to extend a very big thank you to them and to say how much we appreciate their support. Leave a legacy in your will If you are making a will please consider whether or not you could leave a legacy to LINC. All you need to do is state how much, or what percentage of your estate and our charity details: The Leukaemia and Intensive Chemotherapy Fund (LINC), Haematology Department, Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7AN. Registered charity number 1078183. We also have an information leaflet which we would be very happy to send you. Just giving.com More than 30 supporters have designed their own pages on justgiving.com this year for their individual fundraising events with donations on line totalling £26,891. It is so easy to do with the advantage that friends and family are able to donate on line with a credit or debit card making it so much simpler to collect your sponsorship monies. If you are organising a sponsored event for LINC you can set up your own page by visiting www.justgiving.com/linc/raise money or by following the link on our own website www. lincfund.org. If you would like any help in setting up your own page please contact the LINC office on 0300 422 4422. Virgin money giving LINC is also registered with virginmoneygiving.com which offers an alternative to justgiving. You can set up your own fundraising page and raise money on line. During 2013 -14, 29 people have designed their fundraising pages on virgin money giving raising £13,732 not including any monies they may have raised off line. Text giving Please text LINC13£5 to 70070 to donate £5 to LINC and make a difference today. Great Weather Lottery Run by the Lottery Service Providers, the Great Weather Lottery involves choosing six lucky numbers at a cost of £1 per week. These numbers are matched against the last digit of the Fahrenheit temperature for the followings destinations: Corfu, Istanbul, Innsbruck, Edinburgh and Stockholm (if Corfu is 90 degrees and your lucky number is 3, this is one match).The temperatures are checked daily from Monday to Friday as reported in the Daily Telegraph. Depending on the number of numbers matched, prize money for each day from Monday to Friday ranges from £2 for three numbers correctly matched to £10,000 for all six numbers. LINC has had two lucky winners of £200 and many contributors have won £2 and £10. All prizes are guaranteed and the system is insured by Lloyds. Why not take part and also help LINC. Since LINC joined up with the Great Weather Lottery we have received an average £680 per year. Registration forms are available from the LINC office – 08454 224422. The Great Weather Lottery this year raised a total of £563. Companies we are working with for 2014 -15 Lister communications; Hazelwoods; Charles Russell; Creed Foodservice; Thompson and Bancks; Colour Connection; COOK; Cotswold Conveyancing; GE aviation; Andy Cars – Gloucester; Waitrose Cheltenham; Asda Cheltenham; Lakes Bathrooms; Factor 3; Down the line design; Abbey Business equipment; Savills; Stuart Holmes; Seventeen Creative; SMH solutions; Xylem; Zurich; BPE and Randall & Payne. Big Yellow Storage We are very grateful to Big Yellow Storage for giving us a storage unit at their facility in Cheltenham – it is a huge help to us.


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L e y L Leukaemia and Intensive Chemotherapy Fund Detailed statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31st March 2014

2014 2013 £ £ Income Resources

Donations Donations and collections 170,923 102,190 Legacies 20,371 11,711

191,294 113,901

Activities for generating funds Fundraising income 101,806 83,733 Sale of goods 5,386 7,038

107,192 90,771

Investment income Deposit account interest 1,601 8,707

1,601 8,707

Total Income 300,087 213,379

Resources expended

Costs of generating voluntary income Fundraising costs 26,696 34,751

26,696 34,751

Fundraising trading expenses Purchases 3,560 1,746

3,560 1,746

Charitable activities Patient and family support 10,588 7,140 Robert Dalton Fellowship and Edward Jenner Unit expenditure - 13,845 Clinical psychologist and supporting patient care 27,960 17,194

38,548 38,179

Overhead costs Salaries 60,769 72,313 Other overhead costs 33,684 38,792

94,453 111,105

Governance expenses Auditors’ remuneration 6,174 4,194 Bookkeeping costs 1,704 2,563

7,878 6,757

Total Expenditure 171,135 192,538

Net Income for the Year 128,952 20,841


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L e y L Leukaemia and Intensive Chemotherapy Fund Detailed statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31st March 2014

Independent Examiner’s Statement

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:

(1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements: • to keep accounting records in accordance with section 130 of the Act; and • to prepare financial statements which accord with the accounting records and comply with the accounting requirements of the Act have not been met; or

(2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the financial statements to be reached.


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– for past, present & future donations L The Leukaemia & Intensive Chemotherapy Fund Registered Charity Number 1078183 Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made today in the past 4 years in the future Please tick all boxes you wish to apply. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts siv nsiv ten e C Inte e C In he he for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of & m & m a ia i o o t tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008. t m h m h e e e a e r a






Donor’s details u p

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Title: First name or initial(s): Surname: L

Full home address:

Post Code:

Date: Signature: Please notify LINC if you: Want to cancel this declaration Change your name or home address No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. Please return to: LINC Office, Haematology Department, Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7AN Tel: 0300 422 4422 standing order form I would like to help LINC with a regular monthly gift To get your regular gift set up please fill in this form and send to the LINC Office.

Last Name: First Name:



Phone: Mobile:

Email: Date of Birth:

By paying by Standing Order means that your subscription is paid directly from your bank account, This can be every month or every twelve months.

If you are a UK tax payer LINC can reclaim the tax you have already paid on your donation. For every £1 you give, LINC can claim up to 25p back at no extra cost to you. (To qualify for Gift Aid, what you pay in UK income and/or capital gains tax must equal at least the amount LINC will reclaim in the tax.) I would like LINC to claim back on all donations I have made in the last four years until further notice. Please tick the box (Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration or you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or your capital gains.)

Keeping in touch Please tick this box if you would NOT like to receive email from LINC. LINC will not pass your details on to third parties continued overleaf >


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L e y L Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Standing Order Please pay LINC, from the account detailed below, the sum of (Please circle): £5 £10 Or £ each month until further notice Or £ every twelve months until further notice

Name and full postal address of your bank or building society

Bank/Building Society name:

Branch name:

Branch address:


Names(s) of Account Holder(s):

Account Number:

Branch Sort Code:

Start date (Please allow at least one month from today):


Date: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: To Lloyds TSB plc, Rotunda, Montpellier, Cheltenham GL50 1EL Sort Code: 30-95-72 Account Number: 00610628 22

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L e y L Introducing Dr Bob – the LINC Lion We would like you all to meet our new mascot – Dr Bob. He is great hit with children and I am sure you will see him around at many of our events in 2014-15


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L e y L LINC Office, Haematology Department, Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7AN

t 0300 422 4422 e [email protected] www.lincfund.org photography thousand word media thousand word photography design www.thinwhite.co.uk Linc’ing together to beat cancer

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