Algorithms for the Symbolic Integration of Hyperlogarithms with Applications to Feynman Integrals

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Algorithms for the Symbolic Integration of Hyperlogarithms with Applications to Feynman Integrals Algorithms for the symbolic integration of hyperlogarithms with applications to Feynman integrals Erik Panzer Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Physik, Newton Straße 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany Abstract We provide algorithms for symbolic integration of hyperlogarithms multiplied by rational functions, which also include multiple polylogarithms when their arguments are rational functions. These algorithms are implemented in Maple and we discuss various applications. In particular, many Feynman integrals can be computed by this method. Keywords: Feynman integrals, hyperlogarithms, polylogarithms, computer algebra, symbolic integration, ε-expansions Program summary Unusual features: The complete program works strictly sym- bolically and the obtained results are exact. Whenever a Feyn- Manuscript Title: Algorithms for the symbolic integration of man graph is linearly reducible, its ε-expansion can be com- hyperlogarithms with applications to Feynman integrals puted to arbitrary order (subject only to time and memory Authors: Erik Panzer restrictions) in ε, near any even dimension of space-time and Program Title: HyperInt for arbitrarily ε-dependent powers of propagators with integer Journal Reference: values at ε = 0. Also the method is not restricted to scalar Catalogue identifier: integrals only, but arbitrary tensor integrals can be computed Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License, version 3 directly. Programming language: Maple [1], version 16 or higher Additional comments: Further applications to parametric in- Computer: Any that supports Maple tegrals, outside the application to Feynman integrals in the Operating system: Any that supports Maple Schwinger parametrization, are very likely. RAM: Highly problem dependent; from a few MiB to many Running time: Highly dependent on the particular problem GiB through the number of integrations to be performed (edges of Number of processors used: a graph), the number of remaining variables (kinematic invari- Supplementary material: Example worksheet ex- ants), the order in ε and the complexity of the geometry (topol- plaining most features provided and including plenty of exam- ogy of the graph). Simplest examples finish in seconds, but the ples of Feynman integral computations. time needed increases beyond any bound for sufficiently high Keywords: hyperlogarithms, polylogarithms, symbolic integra- orders in ε or graphs with many edges. tion, computer algebra, Feynman integrals, ε-expansions Classification: 4.4 Feynman diagrams, 5 Computer Algebra External routines/libraries: Subprograms used: References Nature of problem: Feynman integrals and their ε-expansions [1] Maple 161. Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc., Water- in dimensional regularization can be expressed in the Schwinger loo, Ontario. parametrization as multi-dimensional integrals of rational func- arXiv:1403.3385v1 [hep-th] 13 Mar 2014 tions and logarithms. Symbolic integration of such functions therefore serves a tool for the exact and direct evaluation of 1. Introduction Feynman graphs. Solution method: Symbolic integration of rational linear com- An important class of special functions is given by mul- binations of polylogarithms of rational arguments is obtained tiple polylogarithms [1, 2] using a representation in terms of hyperlogarithms. The algo- rithms exploit their iterated integral structure. k X z 1 ··· zkr Restrictions: To compute multi-dimensional integrals with this : 1 r Lin1,...,nr (z1, . , zr) = n1 nr (1.1) k1 ··· kr method, the integrand must be linearly reducible, a criterion 0<k1<···<kr we state in section 4. As a consequence, only a small subset of all Feynman integrals can be addressed. of several complex variables ~z, which generalize the tradi- tional polylogarithms Lin(z) of a single variable (the case Email address: [email protected] (Erik Panzer) 1MapleTM is a trademark of Waterloo Maple Inc. Preprint submitted to Computer Physics Communications March 14, 2014 r = 1) studied for example in [3]. Many properties and Unfortunately, none of these programs was made pub- relations of these multivalued functions can be formulated licly available so far. This might partly be due to the and studied conveniently in terms of combinatorial struc- fact that the exposition in [11] does not provide a sim- tures, which renders them suitable for symbolic algorithms ple method to obtain certain integration constants in a that can be implemented on a computer. crucial intermediate step of the algorithm. In fact, [17] re- This is mainly a consequence of their representation as sorts to numeric evaluations to guess these constants and a special class of iterated integrals [4] and our preferred a similar approach is common to many applications of the basis are the classic hyperlogarithms [5] of symbol- and coproduct-calculus [18–20]. Also within the method of differential equations [21], boundary conditions Definition 1.1. Given a finite set Σ ⊂ C containing occur that must be obtained separately, e.g through phys- 0 ∈ Σ, each word w = ω . ω ∈ Σ× (ω denotes the σ1 σn σ ical reasoning or separate computations of expansions in letter for σ ∈ Σ) defines the hyperlogarithm Lw by setting logn z certain limits. Lωn (z) := and otherwise recursively applying 0 n! We close this gap and provide a complete implementa- Z z 0 tion of the method [11] of symbolic integration using hy- dz 0 L 0 := L 0 (z ). (1.2) perlogarithms in the computer algebra system Maple [22]. ωσ w z0 − σ w 0 This program was used in [23, 24] to compute several non- We also abbreviate L := L and write σ(n) trivial Feynman integrals (including divergences and com- σ1,...,σn ωσ1 ,...,ωσn for a sequence σ, . , σ of n letters σ. plicated kinematics) and we hope that it will prove helpful in further applications by physicists and mathematicians These functions are also referred to as generalized har- alike. monic polylogarithms (with linear weights) or Goncharov Since our foremost goal was to supply a tool for the polylogarithms, since they relate to (1.1) via computation of Feynman integrals, we did not aim for a r most general computer algebra framework to handle hy- (−1) Li~n (~z) = L (nr −1) (n2−1) (n1−1) (z) (1.3) 0 ,σr ,...,0 ,σ2,0 ,σ1 perlogarithms but instead focussed on this particular ap- r plication. Still, the algorithms were implemented for very where ~n = (n1, . , nr) ∈ N and σ1, . , σr 6= 0 are such σ2 σ3 z Qr −1 general situations and may be used for different problems that ~z = , ,..., , equivalently σi = z z . σ1 σ2 σr k=i k as well. Particle physicists observed special classes of hyperloga- For completeness let us mention that while we focus rithms in results of Feynman integral calculations. The on polylogarithms as iterated integrals, the representation most famous example is the case when Σ ⊆ {−1, 0, 1}, (1.1) as nested sums opens the door to completely different called harmonic polylogarithms in [6], and practical tools strategies like [25] with implementations readily available to compute with these are available like [7, 8]. Some algo- [26, 27]. A lot of progress is being made on symbolic ma- rithms for general hyperlogarithms are also implemented nipulation of sums and we like to point out [9] and the in [9]. However, the full power of definition 1.1 can be used numerous references therein. However, we will not pursue not only to express the result of Feynman integrals, but this approach in our work. actually to compute them in the first place. Namely, the study [10] of periods of moduli spaces of 1.1. Plan of the paper curves of genus zero computed multiple integrals In section 2 we present our algorithms to symbolically Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ manipulate hyperlogarithms in sufficient detail so as to fk := fk−1(zk) dzk = dz1 ··· dzk f0 (1.4) 0 0 0 make an implementation straightforward. We follow the ideas of [11] where the reader might find illuminating ex- of certain polylogarithms f0(~z) such that each of the par- amples and details. Our main original contribution is sec- tial integrals fk is a hyperlogarithm in the next integra- tion 2.5 where we solve the problem of determination of tion variable zk+1. This criterion on f0 is called linear integration constants mentioned above. reducibility in [11], where the symbolic integration algo- The Maple implementation HyperInt is presented in rithm of such functions is explained and applied theoret- section 3 and includes examples of its application to inte- ically to some finite scalar single-scale Feynman integrals gration problems and for transformations of arguments of (massless propagators). In [12] it was further shown that polylogarithms. linear reducibility is actually fulfilled for an infinite family To apply these methods to multiple integrals (1.4), we of non-trivial Feynman integrals, but still explicit results review the property of linear reducibility in section 4 and were missing. explain how to exploit the polynomial reduction algorithm This technique has then practically been used in [13] to contained in HyperInt. compute off-shell three-point functions and in [14–16] to Section 5 is devoted to our original motivation and calculate operator insertions into propagator graphs con- main application: the calculation of Feynman integrals. taining a single non-zero mass scale. A further application In HyperInt we supply a couple of commands to facili- to phase-space integrals related to Higgs production can tate the work with Feynman graphs. Detailed examples be found in [17]. 2 and demonstrations are contained in the attached Maple until 1 ¡ w = w ¡ 1 = w where 1 denotes the empty word worksheet which is the identity of T (Σ). The coproduct ∆ : T (Σ) −→ To ensure correctness of our program, we performed T (Σ) ⊗ T (Σ) of interest is the deconcatenation plenty of tests. Some of them are summarized in Ap- n pendix A and provided in the file HyperTests.mpl. X ∆ (ω . ω ) := ω . ω ⊗ ω . ω . (2.3) Some combinatorial proofs were delegated to Appendix B σ1 σn σ1 σk σk+1 σn k=0 and we supply a short reference of functions and options provided by HyperInt in Appendix C.
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