On FC, Cypress campuses Security probed taking an extended leave of absence HINKLE Administrative Office." Recom- BY RICHARD (three months or more) or upon ter- Hornet News Editor mendations for budgeting the cost of such a security force was also mination. Short term, transferred or may also have Measures are being taken to asked for. reassigned employees paychecks withheld until they review and possibly improve securi- Another measure recently propos- their keys when required, if ty on the Fullerton and Cypress Col- ed in the name of tighter security was return their is passed. lege campuses. a recommendation by NOCCCD the proposal on campus security The Board of Trustees of the Chancellor Leadie Clark for a stif- Commenting Borst said, "Social North Orange County Community fer key policy "governing the FC President under now College District (NOCCCD) re- distribution and replacement of lost conditions we're living to have com- quested that the administration look keys." makes it impossible that FC is into security and systems per a writ- Clark made the recommendation plete safety. He explained safe from society's ten recommendation by Trustee due to the fact that "the security of not an "island" it is "subject George Trosko at the boards Nov. the colleges and the protection of harsh realities because lawlessness 10 meeting. equipment is an on-going to the same forces of that Within his recommendation, problem." and disregard for humanity" as Trosko expressed his belief that the The proposal calls for fines to be of all society. that he is "first and foremost concern should administered to employers for the Borst clearly indicated solutions to be the protection of our students, loss of keys. A $25 charge would be open to any reasonable our faculty, and our personnel, and required for the lost of a grand security problems at FC. that a se- that money spent on a security master key; $20 for a building In acknowledgement "Cure-all" for system is a necessary fact in today's master; $15 for a building sub- curity force is not a board member violent world." master/exterior door; $10 for a security problems his recommendation The recommendation called for: room key and $5 for a file or desk Trosko said in have reached "A detailed report on the costs and key. that "we (the district) in the procedures required for having a Withholding of paychecks may be the point where we should, (a security force) security force for the Cypress and the result for those employees not least, investigate it Short year unlikely Fullerton campuses and the District returning keys on request before as an alternative.

* BY CONNIE SPENGER The law cannot go into effect im- Actually, the new law offers more a. Hornet Editor in Chief mediately, because the state flexibility than simply going to to chancellor's office was charged with 160-day school year, according Negotiation efforts by the making regulations to implement Leonard Shymoniak, research Teachers Association it. ' This process will not be com- specialist for the state chancellor's (CTA) regarding calendar changes pleted until 1983. office. Sorriet may have been premature, accord- With the possibility of a 160-day Formerly only the semester or ing to Dave Ibsen, chief negotiator year postponed until 1983, many quarter system was allowed at com- for North Orange County Com- teachers are having second thoughts munity colleges. Now courses of Friday, Nov. 20, 1981 Fullerton College Volume 61 Issue 11 munity College District (NOCCCD) varying lengths will be possible. semester teachers. about wanting to end the Students might enter and leave a Christmas, Ibsen said. As the result of new legislation before course at any time - open entry If a 160-day calender were (AB 1149); passed this summer and exit. A three-unit course with 48 the law would still require could be spread allowing a flexible calendar, the FC adopted, hours of instruction not earthquake safe to work for 15 extra "in- FC buildings Faculty Senate recently took an in- teachers over five to 10 weeks, Shymoniak days to bring the total to He added that the code simply the revised standards. formal poll on calendar options, service" said. BY PAUL HUGHES These extra days could be spent Hornet Staff Writer states specific requirements are to be In keeping with standard safety and, in conjunction with Cypress 175. The process of implementing AB in activities such as field trips with a incorporated into new buildings and procedures, the North Orange College teachers, turned over the 1179 involves deleting old provi- meetihgs for FC prior to buildings which are remodeled. County College District (NOCCCD) results of the poll to Ibsen. class, departmental sions (made invalid by the new law), "Structures built at or updating not "Title 21 is not retroactive," has published a sheet containing a contract offer to revision of curriculum, going through the educational code the 1971 Sylmar earthquake do Ibsen made also be "By that I mean that safety measures to be taken in the Philip Borst, course outlines. They could for what is inconsistent or pre- meet today's building standards," Conners said. NOCCCD negotiators like planning commis- event of an earthquake. vice spent on "staff development," empted, and making provisions for said George Conners, a district we (the district FC president; Joe Newmeyer, the old During such a quake it is best not computer literacy, reading difficulty faculty accountability if a 160-day planning administrator. sion) are not bound to bring chancellor of Finance and Facilities; to panic. Unless the tremor is strong sensitization, or Spanish update for school year is instated. These provi- The tremor standards are govern- structures up to the present day and Barney Flanagan, vice chan- enough to shake a building down on teachers. sions include deciding what teachers ed by title 21 of the California standards." cellor of Educational Services. of someone, the motion is With a standard number of days, may do on the 15 extra days and building code, which went into ef- Conners emphasized that it's not top Although Borst could not com- the -fall semester would have to records must be made. fect after the Long Beach earth- a matter of money that makes title harmless. ment on the desirability of shorter what begin in August in order to end If teachers on a 160-day schedule quake of 1933. These standards, ac- 21 retroactive. "It's just that the For people who get caught in a semesters, which could be a result of are inside a before Christmas. Since some stu- choose not to attend workshops on cording to Conners, are updated OSA doesn't consider this to .be a quake while they the negotiations, NOCCCD Chan- dents can't come back to school that non-teaching days-, "If they after various quakes. major problem. If they thought the building, they should stay inside. cellor Leadie Clark said, "I am con- early, classes might have to remain decide to sell real estate instead of "The present requirements, school was inuit1nienitdanger, they -Try to take cove'r under a desk, a cerned with quality. Will teachers be open to new enrollment for a full a curriculum development which were last updated after the wouldn't hesitate to update the table, a bench, in doorways pr halls, able to get the course attending material month after school starts. This - Shymoniak said, their 1971 quake, do not co-relate with a older buildings." or against walls. Above all, stay across in 160 days? Are they even meeting," situation, Ibsen said, is unaccep- salary would be adjusted according- Richter scale measurement and Title The buildings that are being away from glass. able to do so now?" table to many teachers. 21," Conners said. remodeled at FC will measure up to continued on page 3 Study highlights advantage of tutored EOPS tutorial program helps prevent withdrawals

help. On an average day, according BY DIANE QUARTAROLO were the most likely to withdraw hired, they must have a recommen- Hornet Managing Editor because of their academic dif- dation from a faculty member, a B to Brown, 110 students receive ficulties. or better grade in the course they 165-70 hours of tutoring. Brown and Pearl are not will be tutoring, and an interview and Pearl publicize their service At a time when the rate of student While Brown effect the tutoring pro- with Brown and Pearl, who look for through radio announcements, pos- withdrawals from classes is 'up to 35 sure what overall qualities that show the tutor can ters and presentations to classes. percent, the staff of the EOPS gram could have on the said, "It communicate and use a variety of Brown and Pearl hope that the Tutorial Center is working to withdrawal rate, Peal it could only help. approaches to get the information survey will convince both students this trend. couldn't hurt; reverse across. and college administrators that their study compiled by The program has great potential." According to a Sometimes this means instilling program produces results. "We feel coordinators Gary The increase in enrollment at FC Tutorial Center confidence as well as information. we have a good product, one that Jeffrey Pearl, students makes the tutorial program even Brown and Brown recalled a man who not only has been shown to be effective for receive 25 hours or more of more valuable, Brown said. In a who' had to overcome low grades, but an over 10 years," Brown said. tutorial help in a semester are 16-21 larger class, an instructor may not upbringing that convinced him -he study, percent less likely to withdraw from notice that a student has a problem Brown also hopes the couldn't learn. most of the a course than the average student. until the student gets low test scores which revealed that "When we first met him he was so who receive tutoring fall in- Brown and Pearl, who have direc- or drops the class. students insecure, so convinced that he B and C grade category, will ted the tutorial program for the last The purpose of the Tutorial to the couldn't do it, that he was literally overcome the stigmas that keep seven years, collected figures on 469 Center is to help students before help get discouraged and drop their scared to death to take any aca- students from/seeking tutorial help. students who received tutoring in they demic class," Brown said. "He of eight classes. Since the problems they face tutoring as 533 courses over a period learned that with the help of a tutor, "People still look at semesters. are as individual as the students a very bright and with persistence, he could reach admitting, 'I'm not The students earned passing themselves, the program offers person,' as opposed to someone some of his goals." Eventually, he in all but 77 courses. This person-to-person instruction, in a particular grades passed accounting, business law and who is having trouble means students who receive tutoring geared to meeting the specific needs said. "This is not a math courses at FC, and is now subject," Brown have a 14 percent withdrawal rate, as of eachi student. dummies. We feel that the finishing the business administra- place for opposed to a 30-35 percent overall "My feeling is that every rela- who takes advantage of a tion program at Cal State Fullerton. person GETTING HELP - Maggie Cooper of the EOPS Tutorial Center in- campus rate. What makes the tionship that comes in has the. service that is there to help him The EOPS tutoring service is free, free student Isabel Aubrey. Students who take advantage of figures even more encouraging is potential to be unique," Brown structs accounting any student who wants is pretty bright." do well in their studies. Photo by Craig White that the students who were tutored said. Before prospective tutors are and open to the tutorial program consistently s fire codes News Briefs FC failI all public Relations, the Minority Journalists - The Sum- This therefore required in Law Suits - Fullerton attorney fice of Community BY GREG KORVER exits were blocked or locked. could cost the lives of students, buildings. Most fire codes are only Neil Knuppel will be on campus to program is part of the FC Artist- mer Program for Minority Jour- Hornet Staff Writer currently Tickets are $5 and nalists at the of Califor- teacher and staff by cutting off effective on buildings give students legal advice today, Lecture Series. routes from the fire. under construction. p.m. in the can be purchased in the Bursar's nia has begun its annual search for It's been approximately two years escape Nov. 20 from 1 to 4 For instance an ordinance requir- Rooms Office, or at the door 1 hour aspiring newspaper reporters. The since the last fire inspection of the Student Government Overall, no serious hazards were ing the placing of fire blocks bet- located in the Student Center. A before curtaintime. 1982 session will be held June 20 FC campus. found by the Fullerton Fire Depart- ween vertical braces in houses is through Sept. 3. of the Student Services card is required In the last inspection many ment. All of the above-mentioned non-retroactive and therefore is not For applications and informa- fire safety for all consultations. The event is buildings did not meet infractions of the code could readily mandatory in houses built before tion write University of California, were not sponsored by the Associated Jazz Men (and Women) - Terry codes. Fire extinguishers be corrected. the code was instated. Berkeley, Ca., 94720, or call (415) of state fire Students and the College Legal Blackley's FC Jazz Band and inspected, a breach Since the last inspection of the FC The Fullerton Fire Department is 642-5962. which states that fire ex- Clinic. "Connection," directed by James code, campus, new state and city fire planning to inspect the FC campus in all public buildings Linahon, will give a jazz concert tinguishers codes have been adopted. The most in the near future. They are training a must be inspected on a yearly basis. Radio talk - Students will have Friday, Nov. 20 and Saturday, Thanksgiving Food Drive - The important of these codes is the Life, two new fire inspectors to replace a chance to question a popular Nov. 21 at 8 p.m. in the Campus FC MECHA group will hold its in And no extinguishers existed Safety Code, adopted in 1979. inspector who was in charge of in- .KABC Talkradio personality Theatre. Tickets are $2.50, $1.50 11th annual food drive with dona- the proper locations on campus, "Most buildings in Fullerton do specting the FC campus and who without even picking up the phone for students, and are available at tions going to needy north Orange fire another breach of mandated not qualify under these new codes," was recently retired.As soon the new when "Michael Jackson Interviews the Bursar's Office, or at the Box County families. Non-perishable in codes. Self-closing doors were not said Chief Rodney Farly of the inspectors are trained, the FC cam- Michael Jackson," Friday, Dec. 4 Office, 45 minutes before curtain- goods and money should be de- operation, which creates passages Fullerton Fire Department, pus will be reinspected to see if it at 8 p.m. in the Plummer time. For more information, call livered to the FC EOPS office by 4 for fire and smoke. Unlike most fire codes, the life meets the old fire standards and the Auditorium. Sponsored by the Of- 871-8000, ext. 336. p.m., Nov. 24. In some locations on campus, fire safety codes are retroactive and new Life Safety Code. L_ \

2-Friday, Nov. 20, 1981 Hornet

The Hornet is edited and published weekly, except during summer months, exam periods and school holidays, by the Journalism Department of Fullerton College, 321 E. Chapman Av., Fullerton, Ca. 92634. It is jointly financed as a service by the Hornet Business Office, the Associated Students and the o college administration. The Hornet is printed at the Midway Press, 10620 South Pioneer Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, Ca., and is HorS net a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the California I1 Staff Newspaper Publishers Association. S y Opinions from readers are welcome in the form of letters to the Po ICy Hornet. Letters should not exceed 300 words and must be signed and submitted to Room 512 by noon on the Tuesday prior to desired date of publication. We reserve the right to edit letters to conform to space, style and libel considerations. SAll unsigned editorials represent a majority of editorialstaff opinion. Views expressed in signed editorials are the author's, not necessarily the Hornet's.

Editor-in-chief .... Connie Sponger Editorial Editor.....David Madsein Business Manager... Dale Harrison Adviser...... Larry Taylior

More concerts at FC

The fall semester is well underway. preplanning from last year has kept the Students hustle and bustle across the campus. number of concerts this semester to a A few dedicated souls plop their noses in their minimum." Flynn added that "Implementa- books and sprawl out on the campus grass, tion of programming is slowed by the many while others just sprawl out on the grass en- channels it must pass through. The program joying the sights of the FC campus. The committee, the finance committee and final- punkers pogo and the preppies prance. All ly, the senate as a whole. the elements are present, except one. "I have high hopes for the committee, There has been a great absence of con- though," said Flynn. "We're getting Letters to the Hornet certs, which the Associated Students have stronger." provided so well in the past. News clippings College life is not just a life of studies and We are told that "English is pro- defend ourselves against Cal State from the Jackson Browne-Linda Ronstadt exams, but an opportunity to share, grow and English language bably one of the most difficult Fullerton. concert held in the FC gym only six years ago enjoy, with a sense languages to learn." Although of unity than can only be While it is true that Chapman are enough to whet the palate of most music found on a college campus. I have read with great interest the English, like other languages, can be difficult or easy to learn depending Avenue is a vital access link for FC lovers here on campus. Anything that many of us enjoy mutual- Hornet story (Oct. 30) on "ESL students, we are forced, by our own teacher 'wiggles toes'" by Anne on motivation, previous experience Pat Flynn is the chairman of programm- ly, such as a concert, has a way of bringing investigation, to disagree with Alex- us a Hornet staff writer. As a linguistically, and other factors, an Craig, ander Haig's assertions that the Cal ing for the student body throughout the together and creating' the unity that is so im- linguist and member of the Board of enlightened view , of the subject State system is the front line for the 1981-82 school year. Flynn, also vice presi- portant in a fulfilling and enjoyable college Trustees I wish to correct a state- would be one which states that all adventurist Red Peril. experience. ment which appears in the article. languages are equally difficult to dent of the student senate, said, "The lack of We have read with interest the (By the way, I am glad to see that it *equally easy to learn. CIA White Paper that G. Gordon received page one coverage.) The article continues, "The rules just don't apply in every case, as Lilly prepared on Soviet interven- they generally do in other foreign tionism in third world restaurants. languages." Like most readers of If Cal State Fullerton and Cal State the Hornet I had to chuckle. When Long Beach are, indeed, supplying one talks of grammatical rules, one El Paso Cantina with Russian-made Hero deficiency: is it good or bad? expects to find agreement between AK-47's and T-54 tanks, then we the subject and verb. At first I agree that CSUF and El Paso could, thought this might be a conceiveably, pinch off Chapman Avenue and cut off FC students JEFF RUBIO tain figures, it is easy to overlook perpetuation of such ugly stereo- Roncesvalles. typographical error, but then I con- BY from the supply lines of Ichabod's, Hornet Staff Writer potentially negative elements that types. did much good for things like These pictures and stories were a cluded it couldn't possibly be so...... gettossed n-with the package. ,... .international understanding and feast for my young imagination' of. :;:All in all the article was well writ- Naugles, Jojos, and the all-night It is said that we live in an age that Take the case of Wayne, for in- brotherhood. course at 9 or 10, I was~ only ten, and I enjoyed reading it. I also Arco station. is hard pressed for heroes. I've stance. Now here was a hero behind I don't mean to place all of the minimally concerned with aisort read the Hornet on a regular basis We can find, however, no evi- heard more than one person lament which the entire country united in blame on Wayne. Perhaps he was of rational scrutiny of good guys and have learned a tremendous dence to support these assertions made -the death of John Wayne, for exam- approval. He represented those very merely the vehicle by which such and bad guys. Thus Richard-the- amount about students and by the Lilly White Paper. We pile ("they don't make men like that virtues which Americans like to at- propaganda was spread. But, Lion-Hearted got off the hook a lot faculty/staff from its pages. Con- must also,. take exception to Mr. anymore," my mother has said.) tach to themselves: strength, self- nonetheless, I think that in this case easier than John Wayne does in my gratualations for the many fine Haig's remarks about the And, remember the line from Paul reliance, grit, and determination. it is not unfair to charge guilt by adulthood. hours obviously being put in by the "apocalyptically encroaching Simon's song, "Mrs. Robinson": His movies exploited these qualities association. Journalism Department. These freedom of thoughtness rampantly "Where have you gone, Joe DiMag- in very appealing way. There are, of course, more hours reflect well upon the general runnily in the State of California's Many of these heroes Cal gio?" The "Duke" and the " monstrous modern day cases in calibre of the paper. State System system." have even helped lead We can readily appreciate your 'Yankee Clipper" are but two of which popular charisma has been administration's those reverence-commanding in- exploited for malicious intent. The us to war...they were Dr. Alan S. Kaye suspicion and anx- iety about freedom of thought dividuals that seem so abundant in 'Where have you gone, image of Adolf Hitler, screaming favor... Member, Board of Trustees doing us a within the nation's colleges and bygone years, and out the orders that would send so scarce in our Joe DiMaggio?' , but we must remain our own. - millions of trusting German youths, the time, I was just having fun. An Open Letter to Mr. Reagan At firm in our decision. Yet, this hero deficiency may not spitshined in their war-regalia, in a And, after all, such naive interest in From Richard Homan Good luck with be such a bad thing. I suppose that, bloody parade across Europe, heroes apd villains is like the world your limited nuclear war; we have always been on one level, it is healthy for an in- However, while comes to mind. fairies, a child's special privilege, Dear Mr. Reagan. we were all preoc- of able to count on you when a situa- divual, or group of them, to identify With this sobering image in mind, if not cupied with our admiration of this one for which he is excused, tion called for limited thinking. with a person whom they admire. American "hero," it seems good advice that we should We here at Fullerton College ap- all kinds of terri- entitled to. Thanks again for the offer and Certainly, it may do the ego good to ble never let our admiration of popular up, and preciate your concern and your mistruths were being fed into But now I have grown the John Schmitz coffee mugs, do so, as though, by mere identifica- our consciousnesses. Remember, political spokesperson escalate to those illusions which painted my generous offer, but we do not feel. tion, the self image rises above that a conspicuous proportion of unguarded hero-worship. (Wayne childhood imagination have, by and the need to purchase F-4 Jets, AWACS Richard Homan mediocrity and approaches that "The Duke's" cinematic triumphs qualifies in this category, since large, shattered. Now, I am aware or sidewinder missiles to which is given homage., were at the expense of American In; many of movies carried a political that good and evil are not like black The question arises, then, of dians ("redskins") or Japanese rmessage. Jerry Falwell, and other and white, and that the two often whether that with which we seek to ("japs"), or other non-white ethnic such "religious" figures i also seem to overlap in this crazy world. identify is actually positive. Herein groups, each of which was por- qualify, since they consider them- Like John Wayne, even Richard-the lies the danger: when we surrender trayed in an outlandishly silly selves important enough to extend' Lion-Hearted has been exposed as Will we be metric in to the surface attractiveness of cer- fashion. It is doubtful that this their domain beyond spiritual mat- something less than heroic. Roland r . ters.) and his knights, I have now deter- Now let us go to Di Maggio. mined, had no more right to Ron- time for the '84 event? Now, hereis the typeofhero we can At cesvalles than did the Saracens! BY PAUL HUGHES More than likely, most of us do get behind. In this volatile age, Di 10, I would have scoffed at such a Hornet Editorial Assistant not know the answers to any of the Maggio's realm, the realm of ridiculous notion. oasis, where above.. baseball is a welcome Still, lo' and behold, despite it all, In 1984 Los Angeles will be still indulge in a child-like These are relatively simple con- we can my zeal for baseball has remained hosting the summer Olympics. At faith in heroes without fear of grave versions and are just the tip of the unscathed. that time there will be a greater than iceberg for the rest of the system. consequences. Many a fanciful afternoon have I normal influx of people from all It is nice to know that there is still spent at Dodger Stadium.- Here I over the world right here in Califor- What about the equivalents of an institution in which we can drop can still have my champions. Here nia. square yards versus square meters? our guard and root and holler and the childlike heart can still roam But will we be completely con- Square inches in relation to square worship heroes (and even drink free. Steve Garvey, Dusty Baker, verted to the metric system? That's centimeters? Cubic yards to cubic a few cold ones in the process), with Fernando Valenzuela - they are the system of weights and measures meters? Pounds over kilograms? unabashed zeal. Afterall, hero- my Rolands. Chavez Ravine (the that the rest of the world under- I'm neither condemning nor con- worship is not fun if it is coupled site of the stadium) is my stands. doning the metric system as the ideal with stodgy reason and inhibition. Roncesvalles. Reggie Jackson makes It was 1975 when the Metric Con- way of weights and measures. My Like most of us, I was raised with a fine Saracen chieftain, wouldn't version Act was signed into law by point is that since we've committed all sorts of wonderful notions of .you agree? former President Gerald Ford, but ourselves to making the conversion, heroes and villains, good guys and Throughout history, our heroes I'd venture to guess that after seven haste should be made in making the bad guys, in fact besides baseball have fattened our egos by letting us years, the only American people changeover. After the act was sign- one of my favorite diversions as a identify with them. They have also who are familiar with the foreign ed .into law, there was an initial child was volume five of Richard's conned us into becoming suspicious system are the highly educated surge of excitement, lasting perhaps Topical Encyclopedia, which dealt and spiteful of people who are dif- mathameticians and TV weather- two years. This was followed by a with ancient and medieval European ferent than the rest of us, or if we men. general apathetic attitude among the history, and was chock-full of noble already felt that way, assured us Granted, one can see liters along citizens. and dastardly characters. that it was alright to do so. with the U.S. counterpart, written Since we have less than four years Along with the text, the book in- Many of these. heroes have even on the sides of milk cartons, but until California plays host to the cluded wonderful illustrations. I can helped lead us to war, and then how many people actually know, rest of the world, it sure would be recall one rendering of a Vandal managed to get us to believe that the off hand, that 1.89 liters of milk go nice to have the entire state, if not chieftain leading his wild-eyed whole time they were doing us a into that half-gallon container? the whole country, converted to this cohorts on a frightening romp favor, even as we lay bleeding on Moreover, how many of us know universal system of measurement. through an unfortunate Roman lonely battlefields. that the metric equivalent to the 55 Perhaps for this reason alone villa. Another picture featured I'm happy to say that Joe Di miles per hour national speed limit should renew that vigor we .began Charlemagne's nephew, Roland, Maggio, the old "Yankee Clipper" is 88.5 kilometers per hour? with. Let's cut out writing the standing before a dispatch of himself, was never one to promote Also, if a person measures just familiar equivalents with the new Heroes of violence French knights in proud anticipa- such things as hatred and war. The under two meters, he is an average ones on bevarage containers and the tion of Saracen invaders, moments day the Dodgers do so, I will cease six feet tall. Is the average man on like; let's persue the changeover before the legendary battle of to be a baseball fan. the street familiar with that? whole heartedly. HofFt Friday, Nov. 20, 1981-3 News Briefs On Their Toes - Tchaikovsky's Paradise bound - An eight-day KFCR gains wider audience trip to Tahiti will be offered by FC "Nutcracker" ballet will be per- formed by the Ballet Pacifica com- April 3 through 11, 1982. The trip visits to three islands: By JOHN McELLIGOTT ently broadcasting anywhere but the Ronge added that KFCR's prac- "With the types of programs we pany on Friday, Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. includes and Bora Bora and Hornet Managing Editor patio and Student Center," said tice of offering unique music pro- would do, it would give the people in the Knott's Berry Farm Good Tahiti, Moorea and meals. Ronge, "opportunity to broadcast gramming has paid off. "Usually at home a feeling for what it's like Time Theatre. Presented by the FC includes air fare, hotels Sunny At the present time, KFCR, Ful- on this cable system could be quite people respond to (the programm- here at the college," Ronge said . Patrons of the Arts and the Buena For information contact N. Euclid, lerton College's closed circuit radio advantageous to both the communi- ing). There's constant curiosity on Presently, though, KFCR is still Park Fine Arts Commission, the Hills Travel, 1877 station, has a somewhat limited ty and the radio station. the part of the students to find out waiting for Teleprompter to provide program features dancers from 879-8540. listening audience. Those who hear "The big plus with being on the who certain artists are or where they the initial cable hook-up. The cause Orange, .Los Angeles and San Ballet Folklorico Mexicano - This the station's programming are peo- cable is that the programs the can get certain records by artists we for this delay, according to Ronge, Diego counties. Admission is $4, famous Mexican dance troupe will ple who are either relaxing, study- Associate Students (A.S.) bring, play." is the fact that the cable company is $2 for students and children under be presented at the Anaheim Con- ing, or just passing through the such as seminars, speakers, musical An important part of KFCR's behind schedule on its plans to in- 16. Tickets are available at the vention Center Sunday, Nov. 15 at lunch area or the Student Center. concerts and public information cable programming will be the clude FC in its programming. Bursar's Office and the Exchange 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Some of the KFCR's restricted accessibility, programs, could all be brought to broadcasting of events held on the The wait has proved frustrating Window at Knott's. For more in- dances the group will perform in- though, will soon be past history. homes through the cable system," FC campus. Many of these events for Ronge and KFCR, for, in formation, call 523-0351 or clude the Mexican Hat Dance and As soon as the proper installations said Ronge. will be taped and played either later Ronge's words, "We're ready to '871-8000, ext. 252. the Colorful Vera Cruz. i are made, according to station man- Ronge stressed that KFCR plans in the day or on a different date. go." What has also been ag- -fl ager Chuck Ronge, KFCR will be to keep up its reputation of playing gravating for Ronge has been the available to Fullerton residents a wide range of music once it is con- "run around" he's gotten from the Earthquakes subscribing to a cable entertainment nected up with Teleprompter. Once cable committee. continued from page 1 over, douse all fires. service. station will "cable-ized," the radio "Every time I ask the committee For those who are outside when After the shaking, if gas is smell- The company providing the ser- be able to serve the community as, when we are going to be hooked up, an earthquake occurs, move away ed, open windows and shut off the vice, Fullerton-based Teleprompter in Ronge's words, an "educationl they tell me, 'Two weeks to a from buildings and utility wires. main gas valve. Then leave the Cable TV, made an agreement with, not offered by tool," playing music month,' and that's been going on Once in the open, stay there until building and report the gas leakage Fullerton College last Spring to in- other popular stations. for six months," he said. the shaking stops. to the authorities. Do not re-enter clude the campus' educational pro- music library "I'm proud of our Finally, if conditions permit, Also, people should never run the building until a utility official gramming, which encompasses such a variety of in that we have news may be obtained from televi- through or near buildings when the says it is safe to do so. KFCR, in with the rest of its selec- music," remarked Ronge. "We sion or the radio. They will broad- ground is shaking. The greatest If in a moving car, one should tion of TV and radio stations from just "have a lot of music people cast up to the minute news. danger from falling debris is just stop as quickly as safety permits, across the country. Also available aren't aware of, so when we play When KFCR and FC's educa- outside doorways and close to outer but stay in the vehicle. A car is an through 'the Telepromter system is something that is somewhat tional TV do get put onto cable, walls, according to the NOCCCD. excellent seismometer and will educational television from Cal unusual, we are giving people the they will join a network of stations In addition, don't use candles, shake fearsomely on its springs dur- State University, Fullerton. unique opportunity to pick up on which includes WGN in Chicago, matches or other open flames, either ing the quake, but it is a good place "Since we (KFCR) are not pres- something new." Nickelodeon and Z Channel. during or after the tremor. MIore- to stay until the shaking ceases. ON YOUR OWN By Dale Harrison I A SOLEMN WARNING: THE DOCTRINE OF THE NI[COLAITANS But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also =F T SAR I AND TO T 1MS hate... So have you also those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which f . -n~ k h r M t s c L EF T HO EE .rO O e thing I hate. (Rev. 2:6, 15) C-E r AWAY FROM In the Bible, God has revealed His wonderful intention system which the Lord hates. -C0)oE OE5 for man. Yet, through the ages, we have learned to accept What great loss we have suffelred! Every one of us is T ME.Y tYLL EMO many traditions. which greatly deviate from the Scripture. called by God into the wonderful! fellowship of His' Son. The Lord foresaw this deviation, and in the-last book of the Yet, feeling unqualified, we shrink back and leave others to Bible, He issues a strong warning to us all. speak, share the gospel, lead the prayer and study God's One serious aspect of this decline is the "doctrine of the word. Indeed, the system of the Nicolaitans is a great Nicolaitans." How strongly the Lord Himself condemns sickness in the Body of Christ. Yet,, on nearly every side, we this matter, saying, "which thing I hate.'.". Derived from accept, endorse, participate in, an d further propagate this it two Greek words, "subdue" and "people," the term, grievous tradition. Nicolaitans means "conquering or climbing above the How precious it is that, in trut h, our relationship with common people." The Nicolaitans are a special class, set Christ does hot require any special position on our part, higher than the other believers. Just as doctors care for neither any intermediary class betvwcen us and God. Every health, and lawyers handle law, the Nicolaitans, or clergy, true believer, by virtue of his sal ration, is-according to are those who specialize in spiritual matters. The common God's word-a member of the Boddy of Christ. As such, all believers, or laity, thus relieved of spiritual responsibilities, are to have free, equal, and direct access to Christ through are left to care for the affairs of this life. The effect of this faith and love. May we drop all distinctions, all classes, and system is a subduing of the people. The common believers positions. As his children, may we flee what the Lord hates. are left with little or no function in the Body of Christ. , May we all come back to know CIhrist as our rich portion, We cannot deny these two distinct classes exist among together, in the Body of Christ. Christians today. Most are so accustomed to this arrangement that they are amazed and even angered when it is questioned. It seems so good to have pastor so-and-so, or Christian Sttudents I I I 1 L Reverend Doctor such-and-such to lead the congregation. ~ Indeed, among such men are many true servants of God. 525-8871 or 8 yet to be set above the common believers is to create a 179-7723 i , _ aetbeNN The Shakli * ockabout 2514 EAST CHAPMAN AVENUE * FULLERTON. (714) 871-5800

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.------.----.------4-Friday, Nov. 20, 1981 Hornet He's a professional Bain into broadening KBPK's broadcasting BY DALE HARRISON aspects of radio because that is hopes KBPK will serve the surroun- Hornet Staff Writer where the majority of his students ding communities in a way no other will be seeking employment. station can. Bain's qualifications for the job "He's a professional," said Shari Another advantage to having endless. He holds a first class Lipman, station manager of KBPK Bain around is, according to seem radio-telephone license, the highest FM 90, FC's radio station. She was DePuy, "his strong involvement in license of it's kind to be issued by speaking of Jim Bain, KBPK's new the community. He is currently in- the Federal Communications Com- Radio Workshop instructor. volved with the Kiwanis Club, mission. helping to publicize the sta- Bain has been in the broadcasting which is has aquired "The students are trying really nearly 20 years. From tion." Also, Bain business for from hard and they really care," Bain and KMEN to broadcasting equipment KIQQ, KFWB said. KBPK's growth is showing has entertained on the KWIZ and KNX. KWIZ, Bain both in each individual's achieve- management posi- air as well as held "Jim is enthusiastic," DePuy ments and in the station as a whole. is currently on the air at tions. He said. "It's exciting to observe the Fullerton College has a strong Com- weekends. KWIZ during enthusiasm and growth of KBPK." munications Department and the as "Kitten of Jim Bain has made it Lipman, also known Community relations and services addition Beth" to her listeners, said, "Jim is are extremely important to Bain. He even stronger. easy to get along with, and it's easy to take his advice because he knows the broadcasting business. He'll go out of his way, not only as a tea- cher, but as a friend." Former FC business Communications Chairman Don DePuy stated that he wanted to "bring someone into the station teacher dies in SF who has recent experience and cur- rent involvement" in the radio BY CATHERINE FLYNN The family suggests that contribu- Hornet Feature Editor tions in memory of the couple may broadcasting business. This keeps be made to the UC Berkeley Foun- the station up to par or better than 2440 Bancroft Way, Berk- the currently operating commercial dation, to a favorite charity. stations. KBPK is a public service eley, 94720, or station, but Bain believes it is im- portant to stress the commercial When you need $65 fast, you find out who your friends are.

& SPOR Lowenbrau.: - -"" m ere'sS to go menus.AP -,-Q II Hornet Friday, Nov. 20, 1981-5 Down to the sea with Ocean Tech

Above, left: A student measure the temperature in the open ocean. Above, Robert Gar- cia (kneeling) and Jeff Abbott lower a water sampler bottle, which will be taken back to the laboratory for salinity and oxygen tests.

1 H4 inere thewe ocean can- bein five minutes," said FC Ocean Technology Text and photos by Connie Spenger teacher Larry Leyman of the new dock in Dana Point Har- bor. Before this fall, the Ocean Technology class had taken samples at Newport Back Bay for 12 years. The class uses a Boston whaler, "the Rolls Royce of boats," Leyman said. Rated to hold 10 people, the. whaler has a double, foam-filled hull, which renders it nearly unsinkable, according to Leyman. As well as measuring temperature and salinity, .the class records water color in bothe the harbor and. ocean. The color is a deep green near Dana Point. When 'the water is clear, Leyman explained, it attracts fish. Harbor and bluefin tuna used to be. found- close to the coast. Harbor con- struction and sewer outfalls cause the water to be less clear, and now the fish are farther out.

Andre Fermin, Robert Garcia, Jeff Abbott (clockwise from top) and an unidentified student watch the electronic ther- -mister, a temperature monitoring system. It is accurate to one-tenth of a degree.

It's only a grade. With a little luck (and maybe a tutor) you might even pass the class. In the meantime, dq something right. Raise that sinking feeling with a sandwich and a cold glass of milk. Milk's the right answer to any food. So go ahead and reward yourself. Good of' milk never fails. 6-Friday, Nov. 20, 1981 Hornet

'. 1\SS " U:t f ::"5':iJ:1i1'W:1 n\h :ti ii :.^.": hu, . . . "5,u",i'Jnit 3kv . Ti?'.6 iC^r/A.":v.4 Buckingham also experiments with his voice, but it tends to get thin Stop everything you're doing and strained at times like in "Bwana" and particularly in an old-time Run to your local record shop and say crooner "September Song". "Give me that record called 'Stop' " Vinyl Views Where Buckingham's voice does work is on the slower ballad-type I'm going crazy with this record business songs like "Shadow of the West," where he doesn't try to go out of his I want to stop it. own natural and somewhat limited range. Lindsey Buckingham Although lyrically "That's How We Do it in L.A." is representative of The harshest Starr gets on Stop is on "Dead Giveaway," co-written with the talents Buckingham has for songwriting, it personifies the city in such Ron Wood. The lyrics talk of a general "blow-it" type of person. He Lindsey Buckingham may be t a.wonderfully sardonic way, sounds tired of picking up this person and wants to face up to it. one of the driving forces that brought life back to Fleetwood It's a lonely place... Take it or leave it Mac. He may be responsible for But it's the only place you're a blind drunk the daring changes (and chances) You'll win the prizes if you stay, and if you ain't that in Fleetwood Mac's last (giant) you're far too stoned. Coz that's the way we do it in L.A. album, Tusk. Buckingham may also be the frenzied energy and But the hysterical and hyped vocals (that in a way personifies L.A. Transcending all types of music, there is an old PeeWee King tune cohesive force behind the touring to Fall (in too) don't work at all and render the song inaccessible. "You Belong to Me," and a twangy Carl Perkins song, "Sure power of Fleetwood Mac. But set love with you)." The whole album generally smacks of romanticism. him adrift, alone on Law and One song that is both lyrically and musically good is "Satisfied on the last song of the album, Buckingham gets it Aptly so, since Starr credits his wife Barabra Bach with getting him back Order, and all his talents float an Order Mind." Here, finally, together to produce a song that is everything he can do. It is lyrically, into the music business. apart like specks of dust on Law and Order all musically, vocally and intelligently well done. Ringo Starr's apparent penchant for brass in his songs is still evident the ocean. Asylum Records on Stop. He particularly seems to favor the saxophone. It may be this Law and Order seems to have half a dozen directions with one master, say quality that gives the album the cohesiveness (there's that word again) it in a storm with no compass. It doesn't matter how How many times have you heard someone not unlike, one vessel "If I had his money, I could do things my way" has. That, of course, is Starr's personality. well and tip-top the ship is, the storm will have its way. On Law and But little do they know, it's so hard to find Interestingly enough, the last track on the album is an updated version Order Buckingham seems to have let go of all his ideas and energy (some One rich man in ten with a satisfied mind. of "Back off Bugaloo." The old '71 version has the nostalgic (by now) that may have been pent up from working so long and hard on Fleet- sound that is more favorable, but the newer and brassier version wood Mac songs). He is definitely trying to be innovative and expressive, highlights the lyrics. It is the only song on the album solely written and it doesn't work. At times you get the feeling that you Unfortunately, by the time this song comes around it is too late. The by Starr (or by Richard Starkey, as it is credited on the album.) but a lot of times album leaves you dissatisfied - but wanting more. produced just don't grasp what Buckingham is trying to say here, because his and vague. presentation is a little too inward * BY KAREN MEILING LEW Get yourself together now sunshine Some of the songs seem to be underdeveloped, such as "Mary Lee You know it don't come easy. " Jones." Besides being a jarring, jerking song that is stuck in between two Ringo Starr flowing easy songs, the lyrics only begin to tell a story before cutting off. Stop and Smell the Roses brings The album is dedicated "to my three brothers," but strangely enough- The two flowing songs on Law and Order, "Trouble" and "I'll Tell Ringo Starr back into his comfor- the tracks that Paul McCartney and George Harrison are on (McCartney You Now," are the album's most commercially sound songs. Marked by table, if slightly worn, style. wrote two - "Private Property" and "Attention," and Harrison one, .a featherly light Spanish guitar riffs, they both have a smooth, easygoing Although a host of friends - Paul . "Wrack my Brain") are the slowest going songs on the track. effect, not unlike a running brook by the grassy green banks of cloud and Linda McCartney, Harry Nill- It may be that because they also produced the songs they wrote that nine. son, George Harrison, Stephen they don't seem to fit in as well. Although "Attention" is clearly the best "Trouble," the most marketable of the two, is a song that is developed Stills and Ron Wood- write,.. of the three, as it has a lively beat with lots of brass. Starr can inject so lyrically, sing, play, produce and mix onthis much personality, but it still sounds like McCartney should be singing. I really should be saying good night, little girl album, Starr puts his own stamp Starr does better with his own songs. I really shouldn't stay any more on it, giving it cohesiveness. The album,- like his others, will not be a block-buster, but it is a It's been so long since I felt this way Starr's humor is evident in the smooth, happy album that Ringo fans should get. It's guaranteed to put is for I've forgotten what love tile song, "Stop and Smell the a smile on your face, even as you sleep. -KAREN MEILING LEW with I should run on the double Roses," that he co-wrote :::::llii gggog I think I'm in trouble Harry Nilsson. Stop and Smell the Roses Boardwalk Records :20:5:113,S: Oor- TICKETS o0.D F * ROD STEWART* D I *JOURNEY*FRANK ZAPPA*BILLY SQUIRE* Q *STEVIE NICKS*DEVO*EARTH WIND & FIRE* *EVITA* LITTLE FOXES* LI illertimesMiller High Life FUSION - *RICHARD PRYOR*PETER PAN* COMBO - *ROSE BOWL & PARADE* L Q CHARGE BY PHONE Q With Special Guest Q : 761-2251 a I I r-, Recording Artist _ mmlbmmlw a COMING SOON *BOB SEGER*AC/DC**GENESIS* *FOREIGNER*THE WHO* Admission: In December-ELVIS COSTELLO*OZZIE 50 General-$250 Students-$1 TROY TICKET SERVICE November 23, 8pm in the D 3070 W. Lincoln "Yhe ANAHEIM ASK FOR MARK | CAMPUS TNEATER | 761-2251 O:F "Rouqh those footbalI DDI]LiaQiQiiQi DD ht huh?" pliers are v Arneals.' IN ORANGE COUNTY

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©1481 Beer Brewed by Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Hornet Friday, Nov. 20, 1981-7

'Time Bandits' Bumbling bandits' traverse the centuries and time BY LESLIE KING preme Being. The map charts the Although the film is written by Hornet Staff Writer missing threads in the fabric of the and stars some members of Monty "Time Bandits," the latest release universe. The threads are actually Python, "Time Bandits" is unlike from Handmade Films, is perhaps passageways through time and other Python films like "Monty the most refreshing and entertaining space. One of these passageways has Python and the Holy Grail" and film to hit the screen in some time. led the dwarves to Kevin's house, "Life of Brian." It lacks the This film is the latest venture and before he can protest, Kevin is outrageous humor associated with from producer and ex-Beatle taken along on an amazing and ex- the group. Even so, the film is very George Harrison. It was directed by citing trip through the ages. funny and there are a few scenes Terry Gilliam, who is most famous Along the way Kevin and the .where we see glimpses of Michael for his animation and the fact that dwarves meet the likes of Napoleon Palmn's comic genius. he is the only American member of (Ian Holm), Robin Hood (a very The film's most impressive Monty Python. Gilliam co-wrote funny John Cleese) and Agamem- feature is its astonishing special ef- "Time Bandits" with fellow Python non (Sean Connery). The gang also fects. In one of the most amazing Michael Palmn, who also stars in the meets an Ogre and his wife, a horri- scenes, we see an enormous giant film. fying giant and they even get to sail stepping out of the sea, wearing as a "Time Bandits" centers on the on the Titanic. hat, the very ship carrying our intelligent life and times of a very The underlying theme to this film heroes. and very neglected 11 year old boy* is the power struggle between good Also deserving special mention Kevin (played wonderfully named and evil, personified by the Supreme are the settings and costumes which by Craig Warnock). give the feel and flavor of the time a. Being (Ralph Richardson) and the Kevin is the only son of Evil Genius (David Warner). periods with great accuracy. materialistic father and mother. His The Evil Genius wants possession Even though it is being marketed parents spend their nights sitting in of the map so he can turn the world front of the TV in a video-induced as a children's film, it can be en- into a cold, mechanical and all- joyed and appreciated by a more daze, watching "Your Money or resides in the Kevin spends his nights electronic place. He sophisticated audience. ,Your Life." Fortress of Ultimate Darkness, and reading and learning about the "Time Bandits," rated PG, is one of ancient Greece. with his awesome and sinister heroes powers, lures Kevin and the gang in- of the most entertaining films of the One night Kevin is awakened by a final year. It has everything a good fan- crashing to his evil trap. The movie's of group of six dwarves IADVENTUROUS BANDITS -- Celebrating their first looting, the Time Bandits pose here with their stolen a wonderful tasy film should have, plenty his bedroom walls. The cataclysmic scene is ef- through Itime travel map that enables them to travel from century to century. Clockwise from top: Malcolm Dixon, showdown between the forces of imagination, spectacular special dwarves, it seems, have stolen a map Tiny Ross, Jack Purvis, David Rappaport,. Kenny Baker and Mike Edmonds. good and evil. fects and wonderful photography. from their ex-employer, the Su- among them the duality of human En ds' and. 'True, West'; nature. Man's civilized nature, sym- 'oose bolized by the material conforts of modern Los Angeles, is pitted dealing with changes in life against his wild, animal nature, represented by the old west. The _ uth- Sbpast Re y civilized half usually dominates, but BY DIANE QUARTAROLO emotionally, they grow apart, vic- (Patti Yasutake), a single woman the coyotes yipping in the distance Hornet Managing Editor tims of the same spirit of in- not entirely satisfied with her life, make' the point that the animal in us dependence that- brought them and Paul's brother Ben (an excellent does reassert its~lf occasionally, just Tuche), a busi- "Loose Ends," by Michael together. performance by Don as the coyotes come into the Weller, and "True West," by Sam Rudd and Mosiman are attractive nessman with: a success-school per- neighborhood to kill unsuspecting Shepard,. are both plays' by young as the young couple, handling the sonality. cocker spaniels. American playwrights. Both deal growth of the characters over the~ The set, designed by Mark Don- with paths taken and not taken, years with ease. Rudd displays the nelly, is simple enough to allow easy 'Ashton's Lee is a ticking time- with people changing with the times conflict of a person who publicly transitions between scenes, yet bomb - crude, domineering, yet and people who are left behind. And disdains success, yet is rooted to the leaves nothing out. The imaginative impotent and afraid. But the most both are excellent productions, cur- traditional life of a job, a home, and use of photo-projection visuals by memorable performance is given by rently playing at South Coast Reper- a couple of kids. Mosiman grows Jay Thompson, combined with' Bob Harris, whose Austin seems bland at tory in Costa Mesa. from a girl who can't spend one Winder's music, helps set the first, contentedly cleaning his But that's where the similarities night away from her husband into a' scenes. mother's house while his brother flicks ashes and spits beer on the end. woman who has to follow her own "Loose Ends," plays on the "Loose Ends" shows what hap- path, even if that means travelling floor. In the second act, however,. Mainstage through Dec. 3. he comes alive, showing a remark- pened. to some of the '60s kids dur- alone. While "L'oose Ends," " flows. "Me Generation," as told able range. He goes from drunken ing.the The play's other characters repre- through the years, "True West" within through the relationship of. Paul. sent alternative lifestyles: Doug and lunacy to murderous rage crackles like a brush' fire about to yet makes the transition (Paul Rudd), an idaistic ex-Peace Maraya (engagingly played" by .,e.apt in the Southern California minutes, complete and credible. Corps volunteer, a~ Susan,(Marniie Michael MacRae and Lois Foraker);:, 'foothills where the story takes place. Mosimai5, 'a fre .spirited photo- earth people content with living off Asi E ars sabad Lisette Thomas' kitchen set is grapher. They meet in Bali' and the land and making babies; Susan's :Asi E ars sabad detailed, working with the play. : eventually get married, but. when friend Janice (Anni Long), who blond Ivy-League screenwriter try- without overpowering it. Especially Susan's career success makes her in- lives through her men, from a flaky' ing to close a ,movie deal. His quiet good is the use of common ap- dependent both financially and guru to a bland city planner; Selina 'refuge at his mother's house' is in- pliances. A Mr. Coffee provides a gurgling accompaniment to the Lee, a filthy, menacing thief coming dialogue, and a half-dozen toasters, in from a life on the desert. When terrifically choreographed, make AUTO INSURANCE Lee further invades Austin's "orld toasting bread an almost mystical by selling a script idea of his ow. ,a experience. 0 21 Mae,"B" average, $185/6 mo. duel begins, leading to a fascinating "True West," on the Second " 21 Finiu;s"average, $11/6mo. double role reversal and a battle for Stage, ends this Sunday. Tickets for " Part-time even less!! dominance. disrupt the life of his brother Austin (E.D. Harris) in "True West," playing GUEST - Lee (John Ashton) returns from the desert to both plays can be reserved by calling *" Liability, U.M. ,Medical pay There are many themes running [UNINVITEDthrough Sunday at South Coast Repertory's Second Stage.I '0 Call for details a zip code rates the box office at 957-4033. Photo by Jay Thompson. " Also available: High risk, 502s, through "True West," the strongest -. cancellations, SR-22; SR-P 1or i RON BANDERAS ACNE 'INSURANCE PIMPLES 711 S.DAWN, ANAHEIM rZITS@0 (714) 776-3491 Avoid Ugly Scars! EMPLOYMENT AGENCY INC. Fast Results wit h Temporary Service and Permanent Placement: -XERA NO FEE TO APPLICANT- i -1 (mtuRMdAu KdlNb UIULTIf"1 Eslablished in 1957.Dial Employment Agency, Inc. hasplaced thousands of peoplein office positions. N O Pills, Dry Ice, Lamps, X-Rays BREA VILLAGE NORTH (714) 671-1 726 1030 E.IMPERIAL Insurance & Medi-Cal .BREA,CA 2621 (, 9. U -NS is Welcome I - jerryroac presnts r - I I JOSEPH CANG&.OWI, M.D. FRI.42A 2T Practice Limited to ACNE ONLY IBE'OURGUEST IDICkIES 1001 S. BROOKHURST *AT ORANGE COUNTY'S COUPON SUITE 100 I HILARIOUS ES 74 6509 FULLERTON *MOST c 74PLCNI, OT 871-290 INIGHT CLUB 1 ' Y inininmminmmini1 *OPEN. 7 NIGHTS NOVEMBER SPECIAL, I I GOOD TIMESeDINNERS Week of Nov. 17 DEVELOPING JACK MARION1 1 FREE IISASSPRT STAN ALLEN1 (su me) ! ! TOP COMIC STARS With 2 r~s PrkutsPmCOcSind U LIVE ON STAGE DAVID WOOD F 1 NEW YORK " LAS VEGAS 1 & HOLLYWOOD Week of Nov. 24 hL-tech JOHN FOX 1 OEO KELLY MAC DONALD ROBIN WILLIAMS I RONNY KENNY. 1 THE UNKNOWN COMIC 1 AND ( 110, 126, 135, Color Film ) IBRUCE (BABY MAN) BAUN Week of Dec. 1 PAUL PROVENZA CALL 751-7820/7867 RICK PODEL , Reprints Enlargements *FOR INFO & RESERVATIONS Day 30 minutes . Same 1 02122 S.E. BRISTOL NEWPORTrBEACH, CAL. 1 *(Corner of Birch) 1327 E. Chapman Ave. Fullerton IT TWO WITH THIS COUPON.---...--__~ 870-9411 w TUE: S.WED.THURS. OR SUNDAY or ~Mon. -Sat.. 8 -6 TWO FOR ONE F. C. I 'or 1st or 3rd SHOW SATURDAY Expires Dec. 6, 1981,1 1 FRIDAY Expires Nov. 22, 1981

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ALE AT 11:30 o~,. .. .. 8-Friday, Nov. 20, 1981 Hornet

championship, but played a game Sports Briefs on Tuesday to decide positioning '81-'82 basketball Southern California, the Hornets for the playoffs. The Hornets lost have played excellently recently. 1-0. Waedefeating The Southern California Cham- Cerritoso oBy College on The Hornets are currently tied in se- cond place with , pionship will begin Friday. The Tuesday, Nov. 17, the FC Water Hornets have not been notified of begins; See debuts Polo team assured themselves a both with 9-2 records. who they will compete against in the playoff birth. The Hornets BY DON EAZELL either a forward position have first round but due to the loss to or the next season. their eyes set on another goal also. Men's Soccer - Hornet Sports Editor other guard position. The other for- Orange Coast they will be con- In this, the young part of the With a win today against Orange With a win last Friday over Cer- sidered the second team in the South ward position will be played by season, See plans to rotate his Coast College, the Hornets could A new era in Fullerton College freshman Dan Wright. The other ritos College, the Hornets finished Coast Conference. The Hornets basketball will begin this Friday starters. "Because Golden West has have a share of the South Coast the regular season in a tie with posted an 8-2-2 record to share the two open spots are not decided. Bat- good size we'll probably play a taller Conference Championship. when the Hornets open their tling for these will be freshman for the top conference crown. This is the best 1981-82 basketball season against starting line-up," said See. "Golden Currently ranked seventh in spot. The two teams will share the season in Hornet soccer history. guard Maz Trakh, freshman. for- West's size will probably pose a few in the Hornet ward Mike McCarthy and sopho- gym at 7:30 p.m. problems for our guards, as we have more center John Pierce. two guys who will be smaller than The game will be the head their smallest man." ouKiefer accomplishes coaching debut of Roger See. See was the assistant coach for seven See's outlook for the season is not goal very optimistic. He looks for this to years under Ezra Van Horn. Van Beach City College with 141. The a very good race. Steve Adams Horn retired last spring after nine be a rebuilding year. "We're slow as BY MARC SHAWULA Hornet Staff Writer showing by Long Beach was finished the race in the high 20's years at the helm. a team, inexperienced' overall and not as big as we would have been somewhat of an upset as they were which will put him as Fullerton's The Hornets are coming off a with Dave (Ferm)," See said. "This Fullerton College's cross country fourth in their conference and were number-two runner. very 'successful season when they is the kind of team that will have to team will leave today for Northern chosen for the championships as an Kiefer expects Lee and Adams to posted an 18-13 overall (9-3 con- go out and bust their tails the whole California in what is to be the most at-large team. do better this weekend. The course ference) record and a South Coast game in order to have a chance to important race for the runners this John Lee ran extremely well, in Fresno is what Kiefer likes since it Conference Championship. In the win." season. Coach Jim Kiefer and his finishing third with a time of 21:29, is not a hilly course. playoffs, though, they were de- team will go to Fresno to compete in only eight seconds behind the top They will be out to get schools feated by , the See does feel, though, that the the State Championship's Saturday runner and one second behind the ,that they know. The Southern eventual State Champions, in the tough schedule this year will end up afternoon at 12:15. runner-up. Tom Ontiveros also ran California representatives expect to- first round. to favor the Hornets. "We've The Hornets barely made it, nod- very well according to Kiefer: After be' much tougher than the Northern always had a tough schedule in the ding out Pasadena in the Southern finishing fourth and fifth all year he California schools. The only excep- This year the team is very inex- eight years I've been here, but we California Finals. The South Coast was able to finish third among FC's tion may be West Valley and last perienced. All five starters from Roger See need it to be ready for the tough Conference fared very -well with runners. American River. year's SCC championship team Unfortunately for the Hornets, it teams we play in our own con- three teams finishing in the top five. .Randy Bliss, who was fourth man Kiefer will be happy if the team have graduated. This year there are was learned that returning letterman ference," he said. Orange Coast had an upset win over all year, finished as the sixth among finishes sixth or seventh in the state. four returners: John Pierce, Greg Dave Ferm was ruled ineligible two Grossmont for first place with 44 the Hornets but according to Kiefer FC expects to beat most of the Nor- Artman, Andre Smith and Greg weeks ago. His ineligibility was due that was a reflection of the competi- thern competition and most pro- After the opener on Friday points while Grossmont finished Salas. to a mix-up in one of the units he with a score of 54. The Hornets tion and not because he slowed bably from the South, Long Beach. squad Among the returners, Artman was carrying. It did not apply to the against a tough Golden West were fifth by getting 157 points. down. Some of the other runners If everything goes the way Kiefer and Smith have secured starting 24 unit minimum needed to be eligi- the Hornets will host Saddleback Finishing above the Hornets and ran better than they were expected views it,Fullerton will return very positions. Artman will play the ble. Ferm will red-shirt this season College on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in rounding off the top five were El to. Steve Lathrop, who has been happy with this cross country point guard while Smith will start at__. and hopes to return to Fullerton the Hornet gym. Camino with 76 points and Long plagued by back problems, also had season. "' ~ " f BOB'S -OI BIKE . BARN

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Face Golden West Saturday FC finds winfling form r.36-9 BY JOHN ACEVEDO think that we' 're playing as well as and that's a keyy for freshmen to get Hornet Staff Writer before the b3)ye (week off)," said that opportitunity and make head coach Hal Sherbeck. "We something happpen, which he did. that." The last time that Fullerton Col- haven't come' backantPsdn, to the same levelo It's nuismvery encou iraging to have lege and Golden West College met of play-like ay hurt Fullerton's on the football field. is one game example. playoff hopes, ,as two key starters, that Hornet football fans might like Sherbeck reealizes the importance defensive badlk Jim Palmer and game. "If we're going defensive end CChris Hinds will most -~to forget.' of Saturday's *That showdown occurred in the to share a cconference champion- likely miss thissgame, as is the case 1977 Avocado Bowl, as the Rustlers ship, we're goiing to have to be at the with freshman irunning back Dave me and play well. We Brown. Wide receiver Anthony tionalspie championshiph ont'bd with a o10-7 vic-a realizeo forg that wwe're going to have to Clincy and pi)unter Brian Noble, tory Golden. West College will plyhrfo tball' to reach the goal, slowed somewi hat-in the Grossmont y. again be in the spoilers role tomor- we set for ourrselves. game, should Ibe back at full t West. S- row night as they host FC at Lebard "I believe we'ree w l;ready w 'r tojutg play. - strength" o againsd nt1 Golden Stadium. We've practice [ike to have that hap- NhThe. Hornets will also find out ing to have to wait and see." he con- pen. But if yoou're a strong team, tomorrow if they can win the South' tinued. you have peoplee that can come in to Coast Conference title outright or if Hornet rustshers did not have an take up the slaack. Fortunately, we they will have to share the crown excellent gaine, and in general, the have people thetat are capable of do- with San Diego Mesa. The Olym- entire FC off[ense did not entirely ing that,"_said Sherbeck. . ~ -~---~pians host Mt. San Antonio, and pick itself off'the ground after the HORNET NO'TES . . . Should San }y.:":: need just a victory to clinch at least loss to Mesa. .Fullerton gained just Diego Mesa defeat tMt. San Antonio tomor- a tie for the title. Fullerton closes 89 yards 01n the ground, with row, the Hornets' bbowl chances, as far as the out conference play next Saturday tailback Larr:-y Jackson getting just Pony Bowl is conc cerned, will be eliminated. 12 carries. One bright But Mesa is not a sishoo-in even with a win, for ~- ~--~:~~------~N~N _ -night at home against Cerritos, 26 yards on - Fullerton next week, Cer- ..... :.:.:> .::..:. . ,. . , .--.. ANN.AfN s- which also has a shot at winning the offensive nrote was freshman if Cerritos beats F Troyodine whoritos would advanice, because the Falcons - -- ,conference. uaterback ToyBodinse ho24efeated the Olymppians ... But Fullerton is NN.b>: 4 : ,aN - -- FR:n -- 'NNAA ------69 Fullerton, 3-1 in conference, is completed 6 o11passes fr6 o out of the posest-season picture yet. The N ~~~ ~~ coming off a 36-9 victory over yards and oneLtouchdown. Overall, winner of the So)uthern California Con- b. - ryGrossmont last Saturday night, as the Hornets amassed 451 yards of. ference is schedulecAlto play in an as yet un- >.4:.quarterback Roger Wilson had his total offense. named bowl agains sta wild-card team from ' ° ' " '"F finest night as a Hornet, completing "I was pleapsed that Troy produc- one of the f~ive Sot uthern California JC con- ton wins the rest of their / 19 of 24 passes for 301 yards, mak- ed," said Sherrbeck. "He had an op- ferences. If Fullerti games, the Horneets will share the South ing up for another dismal night portunity to gain some:. s;:; experience, - mc, . ,: Coast WI [LSON UNLEASHES- Hornet quarterback is career, completing 19 of 24 for 301 yards in the Hornet from FC rushers. ;<<.: w:: title with Me abie to avoid the rush of Grossmont to complete one victory, 36-9. Photo byyJ Ja David "Itikwplydbtefoo- ; - .,ryF U of his 19 Passes. Wilson had the bet night of his igtels oMs, u tl o' ~pneon

The politicsof the post-season bowls 5 >>- BY JOHN ACEVEDO both will have beaten Washington, Monday, the same kind of proved that the best teams were lefts Hornet Staff Writer next comes USC in fourth place. craziness took place in the selection out of the playoffs because of a The Bruins will have a victory over of one of the Sugar Bowl represen- system designed to give the undeser- 'The playoffs. Every team-high ving teams a second chance. school, collegiate or professional- the Trojans, while WSU lost earlier. tatives. Alabama. can share the dreams of them, and only the best Get the picture? Southeastern Conference title with It seems atruie shame that make it: Or do they? Georgia with a- win Saturday, but teams Even Washington and USC have college footballhas taken a For example, four teams from the the bowl committee named the latter- turn for the wose. three from the Big 10 are chances to go to Pasadena, but the as its representative, even'should the Pac-10 and possibilites are such longshots they still in the running for the right to. Bulldogs lose next Saturday. Since the NCAA has constantly. Rose Bowl. would drive Las Vegas oddsmakers Confusing? It should be. It's play in the .1982 crazy. rejected the idea of playoffs in col- .The traditional UCLA-USC game these kind of situations that bring lege football. We have to listen to line, takes place this Saturday and biggest uproar might up'the old Abbott and Costello coaches and certain sportswriters to But the "Who's on first?'. Washington State and Washington come from one of the Big 10 teams who they think is number one-and also face each other. UCLA and after this weekend is through. The NFL should take note, for in who just happens to finish on top of WSU are tied for the lead in the Michigan and Ohio State, meet in five weeks, the Super Bowl playoffs the polls at the end of the season. Pac-10, with Washington and USC their big game while Iowa hosts begin, and as of last' Sunday, seven Maybe there should be a bowl one-half game back. The correct Michigan State. If both Michigan teams in the NFC were vying for a between winless Northwestern and combination of wins and losses and Iowa win, Michigan goes to the playoff spot with 5-6 records. . Colorado State. After all, since UP AND OVER - The FC women's volleyball team will close out the 1981 sends one team to --Pasadena; the *Rose Bowl with a 7-2 record. The It seems-'a true shame that college we'll never find out who really is the campaign tonight when they travel to San Diego Mesa for a 7 p.m. game. In others go- bowling :elsewhere. -:- real irony 'is that Iowa would be only football 6s taken -a turn -for. the 'best. team, at least this game would action this week-the° Hornets were defeated by Grossmont 15-6, 15-3. and Figure ..this ,.onie. out: if the 6-2 with a win Saturday because worse. TI year's baseball season determine the worst. """ L5-9: Photo by Greg Porter Cougars (WSU) and Bruins wini they were somehow scheduled for their games' Saturday, UCLA loses one less conference game than the out, even though both teams will other two. Ohio State automatically have the same 5-1-1 record. (The tie goes with a win, and .why the is against each other.) The only dif- Buckeyes would go is ludicrous. SALSPARTS..£SERV1CE ASK FQAMIKE McKENNA I1 ~ icutwt opf ference between the two teams is Another notable item is that Iowa "1 d cu it OP N that the -'Bruins have a non- beat Michigan, but was not sched- conference loss. uled against OSU. The only logical solution to this fiasco is ,that Washington State Ohio State would even have a For thae biggest and best. hasn't been to the Rose Bowl in legitimate gripe if Iowa goes,_ since some time, and UCLA went in 1976. the Buckeyes (and the rest of us) will 125LV. YRSTROE INARI~c'~fRrlIIJ donuts in Orange County 3 327 S.Diamond Bar That just undermines the meaning never know if the true conference 40(23U 4 Ri. nARl Nv/11280-2 E.YofoaUnda Bld. 138 E.Lincoln ;=Q * * If:"le. N 70Oa'O age(A 92665 Diamond Bar.CA 91Pcna.6( -of The champion is going to Pasadena. "conference champion." (7141.998.9870 (714)595-246 real champion should be UCLA, if How would an IU-OSU. game have AN AANAFL' , r/4)524-1444 both teams win Saturday. Since turned out?

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X...... 10...... 20 Pictures and text by Greg Korver n day-to-day life, have you experienced the need to get out? Yes, the weekend. The time when you need to get rid of all those frustrations of school and work. There is an answer. Not more than a two-hour ride from the FC campus is a spot called Joshua Tree National Monument. Joshua Tree'is a place for those who want to get away from it all. Located in the high desert on the way to Blythe, it is a rock-climber's paradise and hiker's dream. Days are warm and nights brisk. The air is clean, and there is nothing more romantic then a sunset in the desert. For the stargazer, nights are clear, and no pollution or haze obstructs the view of the heavens and constellations. The desert caters to all who spend time in its beauty. So on those free weekends when you want to get away from the ci- ty and its atmosphere, try a relaxing and inspirational outing to Joshua Tree. You'll not regret your experience. The Hornet, 1923 - 2006 - Link Page Previous Volume 61, Issue 10 Next Volume 61, Issue 12

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