Referral criteria and sources: Services delivered by the Clinics offered by the team: We will see any child or young adult under Children’s Community

Clayton Health Centre Health Clayton

Wythenshawe Forum Wythenshawe Forum Wythenshawe Wythenshawe Forum Wythenshawe

Cheetham Hill PCC Hill Cheetham the age of 16 years (25 years if they have Nursing Team HC Heath Newton

Charlestown HC Charlestown Charlestown HC Charlestown Charlestown HC Charlestown


Northenden HC

Longsight HC Longsight complex/special needs) • Support General Practitioners with the PCC Referrals are accepted from: acutely unwell child by offering home Venue support, observation monitoring • Walk-in Centres, Accident & Emergency (oxygen, temperature etc) (A&E), Observation & Assessment (O&A) Units • Generic support – early discharge support following planned or • Lead professionals of Multi-Agency unplanned hospital admission, teams intravenous antibiotics at home, insulin Children's Community Nursing Community Children's • General Practitioners for newly diagnosed diabetics, Nursing Community Children's oxygen saturation monitoring • Colleagues, fellow professionals, Asthma Drop In Drop Asthma

• Drop in clinics in health centres: Constipation Phlebotomy Phlebotomy Phlebotomy Phlebotomy Phlebotomy voluntary, statutory and non-statutory Phlebotomy Asthma Asthma Eczema organisations constipation, eczema, phlebotomy, Session asthma • Parents/Guardians/Carers • Chronic disease specialists, e.g. epilepsy, • Hospital and Community Paediatricians asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis • Palliative Care Team When making a referral: • Home Ventilation and Continuing • Referrals can be made by telephone Care Team (24 hour answerphone), fax or post Mon, Tue,Fri Mon, Thu, Monday to Friday to Monday • Work closely with the disabled Wedother Every Wedother Every • Please refer to the map on page 6 of Wed,Thu Every Wednesday

children’s team which sits within Fri to Mon Thursday Thursday Monday this leaflet to ensure you refer to the Tuesday social services Friday Friday appropriate team Day • All team contact details can be found Where are we based? on the rear of this booklet Longsight Health Centre 526-528 Stockport Road • We endeavour to respond to any Longsight 8.40 am - 12.00 pm 12.00 - am 8.40 pm 12.30 - am 9.00 pm 12.30 - am 9.00

referrals within 2 hours (during pm 8.00 - am 8.30 pm 4.00 - am 1.30 pm 4.20 - am 8.40 pm 4.00 - am 1.30 pm 4.20 - am 2.00 pm 4.15 - am 2.00 pm 8.00 - am 8.00 9.00 am 12.00 pm 12.00 am 9.00 pm 12.00 am 8.40

Manchester M13 0RR pm 4.20 am 8.40 operational hours) Tel: 0161 248 8501 Fax: 0161 248 6267 Time Hours of Service: 8.30 am to 10.00 pm 7 days a week

2 PROOF3 4 What area do we cover? All postcodes within the city boundary

Division of Medicine and Community Services

Children’s Community Nursing Team A team of registered sick children’s nurses with extensive community training/experience

5 TIG 45/14 Produced February 2014 Review February 2016 PROOF(SF Taylor CM14175)