(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0024489 A1 SERWER (43) Pub

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(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0024489 A1 SERWER (43) Pub US 2016.0024489A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0024489 A1 SERWER (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 28, 2016 (54) METHODS OF ISOLATING BACTERIAL Related U.S. Application Data STRANS (60) Provisional application No. 61/785,392, filed on Mar. (71) Applicant: THE BROAD OF REGENTS OF THE 14, 2013. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM, Austin, TX (US) Publication Classification (72) Inventor: Philip SERWER, San Antonio, TX (US) (51) Int. Cl. (73) Assignee: THE BROAD OF REGENTS OF THE CI2PCI2N 7/04I5/0 30:2006.O1 8: UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM, (52) U.S. Cl Austin, TX (US) CPC. CI2N 15/01 (2013.01): CI2P 7/04 (2013.01) (21) Appl. No.: 14/776,028 (57) ABSTRACT (22) PCT Filed: Mar. 14, 2014 Certain embodiments are directed to methods of developing (86). PCT No.: PCT/US1.4/27001 bacterial strains having a selected metabolism for producing S371 (c)(1), a target molecule(s) O bacterial strains or bacteriophage (2) Date: Sep. 14, 2015 strains comprising a modified gene encoding a selected agent. US 2016/0024489 A1 Jan. 28, 2016 METHODS OF SOLATING BACTERIAL evolution of one biological entity is associated with and STRANS depends on a change in a second biological entity. Each biological entity in a co-evolutionary relationship exerts 0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional selective pressures on the other, thereby affecting each oth Application Ser. No. 61/785,392 filed Mar. 14, 2013, which is er's evolution. In certain aspects co-evolution occurs when incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. certain viruses and their hosts are exposed to selective pres sure. Viruses typically replicate more rapidly than their hosts STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY and, therefore, evolve more rapidly. If virus-host gene FUNDED RESEARCH exchange occurs, then the virus can accelerate the evolution 0002 This invention was made with government support of the host. under GM24365 awarded by the National Institutes of 0009. Applicant notes that selection can be used to pro Health. The government has certain rights in the invention. duce essentially any molecule capable of being produced by a bacterium. In certain aspects the target molecule is metha BACKGROUND nol. In certain aspects the methods are initiated by selecting a 0003 1. Field of the Invention methanol-dependent strain. A methanol dependent strain is a 0004 Embodiments of this invention are directed gener bacterium that can use only methanol as a source of carbon. ally to biology and microbiology. Certain aspects are directed Methanol dependent strains have been isolated and are known to co-evolution and production of microbes with a selected to exist, e.g., Methanomonas methylovora (Kouno et al., J. metabolism. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 19:11-21, 1973). 0010 Certain aspects use at least two co-dependent bac 0005 2. Background terial strains. The term “co-dependent refers to bacterial 0006. The use of microbes in producing a number of use strains that rely on a metabolite or nutrient produced by the ful molecules on a commercial scale has been a long-sought other bacterial strain for growth and reproduction. The term after goal. Bioconversion of various molecules to particular “rely, as used in the context of co-dependency, means that in products can use a variety of bacteria that have evolved the the absence of such metabolite or nutrient the dependent capacity to metabolize a Substrate(s) to a target product. For bacterial Strains grows or replicates at a significantly lower example, methanotrophs can metabolize methane to metha level or not at all. In certain aspects at 3, 4, 5 or more bacteria nol. Some bacterial genes can be evolved to have useful can be used in the co-evolution compositions. In a further properties (conferring of resistance to herbicides, for aspect additional bacteriophage can be included in the co example) that can be transferred to other organisms (food evolution compositions. The additional bacteriophage can be plants, for example). There remains a need to develop bacteria specific for other bacterium in the mixture, such as the having improved characteristics for Scaling and commercial metabolite-dependent bacterium. In other aspects more than production of Such bacterial products. on one bacteriophage can be present for a single bacterium. In still a further aspect more than one bacterial strain can be SUMMARY Susceptible to a single bacteriophage. 0007 Certain embodiments are directed to methods of 0011 Certain embodiments are directed to co-evolving accelerating development of bacterial strains having a fermentation compositions comprising (a) a metabolite-de selected metabolism for producing a target molecule(s), or pendent bacterium whose propagation is dependent on a first bacterial strains or bacteriophage strains comprising a modi metabolite, (b) a metabolite-producing bacterium that pro fied gene encoding a selected agent. duces the first metabolite and requires an essential nutrient for 0008 Certain embodiments are directed to accelerating propagation, and (c) a co-evolving bacteriophage that propa the development of bacteria that produce a target molecule, gates in and co-evolves with the metabolite-producing bacte e.g., produce methanol in commercial amounts. Target mol rium. In certain aspects a metabolite can be methanol or ecule-producing bacteria are bacteria that produce a target another carbon source. In a further aspect the metabolite molecule in quantities that can be used in down stream pro producing bacteria is an auxotroph, e.g., an amino acid or cesses. Down stream process can include, but are not limited fatty acid auxotroph. In certain aspects the bacteriophage is a to isolation of the target molecule or use of a medium con member of the Myoviridae. In a further aspect the bacterioph taining the target molecule in a down stream process. Quan age is a long-genome bacteriophage. A long-genome bacte tities of target molecules produced in the context of the riophage has a genome of at least 150, 200, 250, 300 or more described methods are increased over the amount produced kilobases (Kb). In certain aspects the bacteriophage can be by a non-modified or non-selected bacterial strain. In certain engineered to encode 1,2,3,4, 5, or more proteins or enzymes aspects the target molecule is produced at a level that is 10, (endogenous or heterologous proteins or enzymes) that can 100, 1000, 10,000, or more times the starting bacterium. In be utilized or evolved to produce a metabolite. certain aspects the amount is a commercially significant 0012 Certain embodiments are directed to methods of amount in that the cost of producing the target molecule is less developing a bacterial strain that produces a target metabolite, that the value of the amount of target molecule produced. In comprising the steps of: (a) Exposing at least two co-depen certain aspects an inefficient target molecule-producing bac dent bacterial strains and a co-evolving bacteriophage to a terial Strain is exposed to co-evolution mixture under selec selection medium having an initial concentration of exog tive pressures. An inefficient target molecule-producing bac enous target metabolite, wherein a first bacterium is a target terial strain can be a strain of cells that produce low levels of metabolite-dependent bacterium and a second bacterium is a the target molecule or harbor a metabolic pathway that can be target metabolite-producing bacterium. The co-evolving bac altered to produce the target molecule when exposed to the teriophage is selective for the target metabolite-producing appropriate selective pressures or methodology. Co-evolu bacterium; (b) incubating the selection medium comprising tion or co-evolving refers to a process where the change or the co-dependent bacteria and co-evolving bacteriophage; (c) US 2016/0024489 A1 Jan. 28, 2016 reducing the concentration of exogenous target metabolite; 0020. Throughout this application, the term “about is and (d) isolating a second target metabolite-producing bacte used to indicate that a value includes the standard deviation of rium (evolved bacterium) that has evolved from the first target error for the device or method being employed to determine metabolite-producing bacterium, the evolved bacterium pro the value. duces the target metabolite at levels greater than the first 0021. The use of the term “or” in the claims is used to target metabolite-producing bacterium. The methods can fur mean “and/or unless explicitly indicated to refer to alterna ther comprise exposing the selection medium containing the tives only or the alternatives are mutually exclusive, although bacteria and bacteriophage to a mutagenic agent. The the disclosure supports a definition that refers to only alter mutagenic agent can be a chemical mutagen or electromag natives and “and/or. It is also contemplated that anything netic radiation. In certain aspects the target metabolite is listed using the term “or may also be specifically excluded. methanol. 0022. As used in this specification and claim(s), the words 0013. Other embodiments are directed to methods of pro “comprising (and any form of comprising, such as "com ducing methanol comprising (a) incubating or fermenting a prise' and "comprises”), “having (and any form of having, production medium containing an evolved methanol-produc such as “have and “has'), “including' (and any form of ing bacteria; and (b) isolating methanol from the production including, such as “includes and “include’) or “containing medium. (and any form of containing, such as “contains and “con 0014 Certain embodiments are directed to producing a tain’) are inclusive or open-ended and do not exclude addi variant of a target gene, which can encode an enzyme that tional, unrecited elements or method steps. modifies or metabolizes a selective agent, e.g., herbicide 0023. Other objects, features and advantages of the resistance gene and its encoded protein.
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