Some Notes from Mud Islands by JAROSLAV KLAPSTE, Elwood, Victoria
September ] KLAPSTE, Some Notes from Mud Island 79 1975 White-browed Scrub-Wren, Sericornis frontalis M-ACT Speckled Warbler, Chthonicola sagittata M-ACT Scarlet Robin, Petroica multicolor C-SA&ACT Flame Robin, P. phoenicea L-SA Hooded Robin, P. cucullata L-SA Southern Yellow Robin, Eopsaltria australis C-ACT Grey Fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa C-SA&ACT Willie Wagtail, R. leucophrys R-SA&ACT Golden Whistler, Pachycephala pectoralis L-SA&ACT Rufous Whistler, P. rufiventris R-ACT Grey Shrike-Thrush, C olluricincla harmonica L-SA&ACT Brown Treecreeper, Climacteris picumnus L-SA White-throated Treecreeper, C. leucophaea L-ACT Grey-breasted Silvereye, Zosterops lateralis C-SA&ACT Yellow-faced Honeyeater, M eliphaga chrysops L-SA&ACT Red-browed Finch, Aegintha temporalis C-SA&ACT Goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis C-SA&ACT Magpie-Lark, Grallina cyanoleuca L-SA&ACT White-winged Chough, Corcorax melanor- hamphus C-SA&ACT Dusky Woodswallow, Artamus cyanopterus L-ACT Pied Currawong, Strepera graculina C-ACT Grey Currawong, S. versicolor L-ACT Black-backed Magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen C-ACT White-backed Magpie, G. hypoleuca C-SA Satin Bowerbird, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus R-ACT Australian Raven, Corvus coronoides C-SA&ACT Some Notes from Mud Islands By JAROSLAV KLAPSTE, Elwood, Victoria. Mud Islands, situated within the entrance of Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, about 60 km south of Melbourne, are well known for their rich bird-life, particularly sea-birds and waders. There are three closely grouped, low sandy-mud islets, covered with salt-scrub, and in the centre is a large shallow lagoon. The islands are the strong hold for Grey Plover, Pluvialis squatarola, and Great Knot, Chlidris tenuirostris, in south-eastern Australia, and they have been visited regularly by observers for many.
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